Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Message from New World Society

Message from the New World Society:

This is a message and presentation I Daniel Gross have been asked by my higher sixth density spiritual society “Daniel” to provide to certain humans at this day as the hour is growing very short now. I have been permitted to edit this message however before giving it to the public who will shortly come to read it. And so we offer you these words from the sixth density Spiritual Society Daniel:

1a) Goal / End Result: What I speak here I speak from higher self who is known as the awakened human. I am not that person, but I speak for that person or soul. And so we speak: We dear ones speak here for the good and intentions of the human known as Daniel Gross as he has created this present reality and will create the one to come as well. At the same time each of you will create your own and choose just who will share it in the days ahead. That being said we will now speak of the future world (The New World Society) which Daniel envisions for himself as well as for all who will come to share this world with him, within the timeline that he will create and co - create as well, alongside those who will in fact share his new world. Keep in mind that you are each welcome to call said world as you wish until such time as it has been fully populated.

Points to consider for the New World Society:

1) There will be no unnecessary death within all societies of said world, and death will eventually ( through technology as well as spirituality and science) be completely done away with.
2) There will be no monetary system throughout the world, as none will be needed given that all necessities to sustain life and happiness of life will be provided to all citizens free of charge.
3) No technologies will be permitted to cause a single human being to become rich beyond the average citizen nor will those technologies help to maintain a rich lifestyle as such. (We did not however say there will not still be those humans who still possess the illusion of being rich beyond the lifestyle of others)
4) Eugenics will not be practiced throughout all of the world or within any single society as the size of the population of the planet will never be considered as a problem for the planet or its citizens to worry about ever.
5) There will be no rich and no poor citizens throughout the world within the New World Society even if those who are not provided the necessities in life, (given some may not wish for such provisions and will not therefore be forced to ever accept them). Any who are considered poor in any one society will be so of their own choosing and by no other means. (this is the law of free will)
6) There will be no taxes upon all the land as taxes are not needed in a society or system that has no money. Bartering will be the only source of exchange beyond the free provisions of the citizens.
7) There will be no laws and no punishment in all the land upon all the face of the planet (New World Society) as they will no longer be permitted; required; or wanted by all the citizens of the world. The only law to ever be spoken of by the people will be common law, and this will be the universal law spoken of that will be within the hearts of the people. Those who do not have these common laws instilled within them will not choose the New World Society freely, and will therefore live their lives in another timeline and dimension of life known as third density. (Still same world)
8) Third density humans will share the same planet as those of higher densities ( those of the New World Society) but they will not see or understand those human beings who are of the higher densities known as fifth and higher. Those humans of higher densities will however see all third density beings of their world and completely understand and love them unconditionally, as this is the life they have chosen and acquired through the awakening and sought after equilibrium of life. (The lower cannot see the higher as the higher is the inner and spiritual human).
9) There shall be no Kings; Queens; Presidents; or governments to rule the people as the people will rule and guide themselves in life, and will choose Elders as well to guide them in their time of such needs. However there shall be no citizens or groups of citizens within the New World Society that will ever again come to rule those people or groups of people within the New World Society. (Lower third density humans will still be free to appoint their own rulers if they should so decide.)
10) No one will harm; kill; or cause loss to another citizen throughout the world as the New World Society ( in truth) is a completely separate world from that of third density humans. Every citizen of said world and society will govern himself and herself at all times as they are the awakened and ascended generation that will come to change all things to manifest the Golden Age of Enlightenment in the New World Society that is to soon come.
11) Some souls will have powers while others will have very little, but this will all change as time is removed from the consciousness of every citizen that comes to choose timeline number one and the New World Society. Still those who are the higher and awakened human beings will not and cannot reveal their powers and abilities to those humans who are of the lower third density societies as they would not understand them, nor even believe them if they were to share their new found abilities in life.
12) All technologies and resources will be provided equally or fairly (according to need and wants in life) based on the persons needs and wants in life. Therefore there will be no need for any citizen to ever worry about tomorrow’s needs and wants ever again.
13) All education and medical service for the complete sustaining of life and necessity for every human will be completely free of charge for all. (within the lower realms of third density as there will be no sickness; disease; or death in the higher densities)
14) No one will be left behind; left uncared for if they wish to be cared for; harmed; caused loss in life of any kind; or made to be seen as greater or better than any other human being in all of the New World Society. Life’s end goal for all citizens will be to become better and more wise (more evolved than the last generation) than we were yesterday. Each of us will teach our children and their children that we are never to leave the world a worse place than it was before we entered into it. The end goal will be to advance the evolution of mankind, as every human soul that makes up mankind is in the end the same soul and we each benefit and help sustain the other throughout all of creation.
15) We will instill these values in all of our children and grandchildren to the end of our days here on this planet. We will bring back the family and we will never again dictate to society just what their family should look like to others ( as there is no one set manner in which a family is to look or act like in life) as we are now a society based on unconditional love to all and free will to all of mankind. Everyone is responsible for himself as well as herself.
1b) Contingencies: We of the Society of Daniel Gross wish to continue speaking in his place as he has requested dear ones. Now that we have stated those principles in life for the New World Society we wish to state how these principles of life and happiness will be brought about in steps.
1) Money will gradually be phased out of every society based on the evolution and awakened state of life for each society. And as you know the people of your world are even now moving all over your world into other societies that agree with their own affections as this was predestined and co- created to be the case long ago. Families will learn to live with less and appreciate those things they possess in life (they will be content with little or with much). Still we are not saying anyone will be poor as this will no longer be a term or reality within the New World Society. Families will not necessarily become closer but they will all come to know who is similar in all families and who is not, and in the end they will move around the globe according to these standards; likes; and dislikes. Again Money will be provided those awakened souls who know what to do with it at this point in mans evolution, so as to better mankind at this stage of their awakening while other souls will be given only their necessities in life in some cases. All must be done gradually (as has been the case for many years already) so that the people who are not yet awakened will not suffer greater than need be. And so the money will be given in mass quantities to the necessary people of the world but will be kept from those souls who would otherwise cause loss or harm to themselves if they were not gradually provided for based on their awakened state. And rest assured all will eventually awaken in your present world today dear ones. It is just a matter of time. Still as we are entering into the Golden Age we of the higher spiritual societies will not give lower third density man the tools to harm himself, but only those tools and abilities in life to evolve according to his or her state of evolution.
2) Technologies will be provided for the poor of your world and not the rich (based on what many of you see as a rich person) as the rich already possess many new technologies. Still all will benefit from the new technologies made immediately available to your world, but those who cannot afford the necessities in life will be the first to benefit from the advancements and evolved provisions of mankind.
3) Jobs will be provided to those who wish to work from the very beginning of this new transition known as the shift of the ages. There will be many new jobs available to build all the different parts and structures needed for all new technologies now being offered to every society of man. At first those people who do not wish to work, but still wish for their minimum needs in life to be provided will indeed be provided for as they do not yet understand what is about to take place in their life and consciousness known as ascension or the awakening. But all will eventually want to work at what they are so very good at, and will wish to remain busy in life helping all of their society to become greater; wiser; and more evolved in the days ahead. It all depends on the awakened state of every human and no one will be forced to do that which they do not wish to do in life. In such cases as there are not enough human beings to carry out all the work and labor needed to be carried out throughout the world ( New World Society) at any given time then it will be accomplished by those  AI'S ( better known by some as robots). But keep in mind dear ones that those robots of yesterday will now be capable of carrying out any job or activity any human being could ever carry out, and will therefore provide all needs of our new human society.
4) Food will never become a problem in our New World Society as there is and always will be plenty of food on our planet for the people. Artificial intelligence as we stated will provide these needs in most cases as well as many others for all and every society in our world. And do not worry if you are a meat lover as synthetic meats will be made to appear so much like actual meats that no one will be able to tell the difference ever again. As far as delivering these foods to all people of the world this too will be no problem as you already possess the abilities to do just that at this present day in your world dear ones, and very quickly we might add.
5) Crime and punishment will never be a problem again as those who are given all their wants and needs in life are rarely ever violent again, nor do they need to steal for those things ever again. As far as those who commit such crimes in your world as rape; murder; adultery; felony theft and such; mass murders and so on, these are crimes of lower uneducated humans as well as those who may even be sick, having some type of mental illness. These sicknesses will not exist any longer with those who are awakened and as you know we have stated that all will eventually awaken. So what you will do temporarily as a society until every soul has awakened will be to hospitalize and rehabilitate all souls who carry these disorders in life at the present day. But by no means will there ever be another punishment in the entire world known as the New World Society, nor will there ever again be a single law forced upon the people of said world.
6) All corrupt governments and rulers upon your planet at this day dear ones will be long gone one day but are presently being taken out of power by their own doing. You do not have to arrest them ( though if they are arrested they will soon all be set free) and you do not have to kill them or remove them from power ( even though some will be removed in this manner as your world is still in the process of being separated as far as those awakened and those not yet awakened). But mind you those who wish to carry out violence in your world presently are the same souls who will very soon be awakened and will make a complete turnaround and come to work for the good of the world you presently live in. So we say to be patient as all things are presently being taken care of by you dear ones behind the scenes. And we tell you all 'It is close.'
7) All education and medical care is presently being considered behind the scenes as well, and none of this will be divulged until the time is just right. But we tell you all education and medical care for all people of your world will soon be free for all. Sooner than you think we might add. One of the first steps of course is to decide just what things would be considered as subjects for the complete education of the average human being within their lifetime, and this is already being laid out and planned for the masses and will become manifested as a reality for you all very soon. We could give you all dates but an awakened and enlightened human being does not do such things as we know things are subject to change all the time, based on your choices in life, as it is your life and world we are presently speaking of in the first place, and not that of every human being upon the planet.
8) It is of course known to us that most human beings today who are not yet awakened believe it is so very important to be given a complete account of past events in your world , and yet we tell you this is one of the least important things on our to do list of Daniels New World Society. Do not be so concerned of the things of the past, not too overly concerned even of the things of tomorrow, as all things are already ordered for each of you, by other versions of you. Do not be so concerned therefore of the things that will be divulged to your world by the world leaders or the human souls who will temporarily take their places in the transition, as all who come to awaken will come to forgive all offenses made toward mankind in the very near future, in which case what happened yesterday will no longer matter. As far as the technologies kept from you all they will indeed be provided you all, considered they are beneficial to all of mankind.
9) War and all weapons of war are presently being removed from your world and this will be completely accomplished once each of you has fully awakened as to your new higher selves. Therefore many of you will still live within timeline number two and earth number two until that awakening, and will therefore still see evidence of those things. But be of good cheer dear ones for one day ( within this present generation of man) there will be no more evidence of war or weapons of war to have ever been seen or known of throughout your world. You are all very close to seeing this manifested today dear ones, so be ready for the celebration.
10) No more studies will ever again be done on human beings other than their cells alone ( for the benefit of mankind), and nothing more, as no human will ever again come to any harm or loss from the hand of another human. All awakened souls will come to realize or remember that everything needed to be known in life is already known, and you have simply been asleep for a time.
11) The planet will be cleaned inside and out naturally and will no longer need to rely on the actions of human beings to do the cleaning for it. This cleaning has already begun and will be complete by the time of the great shift. That time is closer than many of you know. And so we leave you all dear ones with these things to ponder. And we say to be of good cheer, as all who share in life in this generation will see these things come to pass.

We will be with you all again very soon with another highly important message.

We are the society Daniel and we love you all unconditionally.