Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Will you stay or will you go - part 2

Will you stay or will you go – part 2

We come to you dear ones with a new message yet it is the same message as before, but in more detail for those who resonated with our last message.
Is everyone to wait patiently on their ascension or is it already here and many are simply hung up on dates and times and are not therefore reflecting on the obvious? How do we know if we have ascended? One way of knowing is when you speak the words we instead of I. You dear ones are no longer an I but are in fact we, simply because each of you by yourself represents a whole spiritual society and soul group, just as we have often stated in our past messages to you.
And so if you now realize you are a group of souls that all form together in unity and harmony of life to form the life; existence; and collective consciousness of a single human being then you are the awakened and ascended human and will now or eventually be aware that you are God or Source. This does not mean you do not still have much to remember before you have reached your level of consciousness that will allow you to hold a vibration high enough to maintain a sixth density life, therefore calling this density your new home.
Every human being is at a different level of their spiritual evolution at this day and some are far more evolved than others, though everyone will soon get there where they need to be. Now many of you who are at this stage in your evolution might ask at this time ‘well why is it that I do not have the ability to create instantly and at will yet?’
We would tell you dear ones that you cannot do these things yet because you do not yet know you can do these things, and will not know this until your vibration and frequency has reached a level to allow for this knowing. Just as the human Daniel did not know the things of Creation that he presently knows until he went and looked for them and he eventually found them. Keep in mind dear ones that your higher self ( he whom you will each soon become) will not give you in life that which you are not willing to live or act out in your life.
Now if you are seeking the things of third density still then that is what you will continue to receive in life based on what you believe to be a possible reality for yourself and others. So if you continue to seek a monetary system; new technologies that will make your life easier rather than making it easier for all equally; if you are seeking a new ruler or government rather than accepting responsibility for yourself in life and therefore intending from this day forward on governing yourself instead;
if you continue to wish to wage wars or punish others for their offenses toward you and those of your world; and if you wish to maintain a society that provides for there to always be the rich and the poor of your world, and many things similar in nature then you are still seeking a life and world that will not permit you to awaken or ascend. And so if you are of this nature dear ones we tell you that you will not wish to move on to sixth density and higher as none of the things mentioned above will be found in such a reality and world.
You will not have that which you do not believe can become a possible reality for you and yours.  If you do not believe these things are possible then you most certainly cannot know them to be possible and will not therefore be a part of such reality in the near future unless and until this does in fact became a possible reality for you in your mind and beliefs in life.
When this happens dear ones you will indeed know many things that will be new to you and you will always wish to share all things with others whenever they wish or ask for you to do so. Still you will be of the character in life that you will never again force your power; beliefs; traditions; opinions; or ways of life on another. You will now truly live a life of free will to all, when in fact you will also know that there is no such thing as actual free will in life simply because you will always have a higher self who is higher in consciousness that yourself always watching over you.
The life you will always be living is the life your higher self always chooses for you in advance, even though you will forever continue taking on a consciousness in life that is greater and more relaxed in its universal laws than the life or reality before each one you will be presently living or experiencing. Someone has to protect you from yourself for as long as you are bound in illusion, and you are bound in illusion just as long as you are bound within a human body and form no matter what the density or make up of your body and form.
And so what you see right in front of your eyes dear ones is what you will continue to see on in to eternity, with the exception that you will soon be able to change your appearance as often as you please, and yet the third density human you continue to possess will not know any different than that everything is always still the same.
So just as soon as you know something new it becomes your reality and life and you are free to create form that reality and life based on what things you alone come to “know,” If you are not an awakened human being right now then you have only evolved to third density so far, and your awakening is at hand. Therefore if anyone were to come to you right now and tell you the things that we are telling you presently you would see them as crazy or mad.
This is because the third density human has been given certain things to believe and therefore know throughout the generations of man and his evolution of the soul, and that is all they will believe and know, as their ( each human individually) beliefs are bound by flesh and based on the collective consciousness of third density.  Some humans walk around your world today and know many new things having to do with the spiritual world while others know very little or nothing presently. Still every human being walking around in your world exists on every density of consciousness and plane of existence known to man or God.
I (speaking as third density self now) Daniel Gross know many things about human beings that many humans do not know about themselves but I cannot share them as they would indeed see me as crazy. I use to try and explain to friends and family but no longer say these things to them anymore either. Still I know certain things in life that will definitely separate me from other third density humans, while there are certain things I still cling to in life that will still permit me to interact with third density human beings.  Because of this my mouth is limited to what things I can speak at this day, but as more humans awaken my messages will begin to make more sense to the masses as our worlds begin to come together, and all of us are eventually in sixth density looking out at third density once again after many ages of life and existence.
We now return to sixth density consciousness (sixth density Daniel) and speak again to all of you dear ones.
We tell you this dear ones for the first time during this present Golden Age, that we are a group of souls which third density humans would call angels, and yet we are not. We are each of you in your near future and nothing more, nothing less. We can speak to you simply because we are you (the inner man and higher consciousness of third density Daniel) and yet others who do not yet see themselves as your other selves can still read our words and choose whether or not they resonate with them. We can walk among your people of your third density world and we can interact with them in any way we choose, as they see us simply as third density man.
When the time is right each of you will be capable of doing the same thing, but it would not be advisable for you to speak these things to third density man directly if you do not wish to receive the same greeting as we often have in life.
We are however the ones dear ones that you would imagine can create instantly and at will, but we say to you here and now that we cannot prove this to you as our creations are not of your world. And yet they are of your world. The reason we speak in this manner is because the things we can create most of you would not believe to be possible, in which case they would not be capable of being manifested in your present reality.
As each of you continues to change realities you will however be able to see more and more of our creations as you come to learn how to know a thing instead of simply believing it to be possible. Of course believing is a stage on the way to knowing and that bridge must therefore be crossed each time as well. All things must be completed in its season. Just as there are things (creations) we will not yet show third density Daniel, so too is the case with all third density humans when it comes to what their higher selves will provide them in life. Remember that you will never be given those things you are not willing to experience and know to be real in your life and reality.
As we do not wish to be too long winded with this present subject we will return dear ones with a third part of this series when the time is correct.
We are the society Daniel and we love each of you unconditionally.

Will You stay or will you go?

Will you stay or will you go?
Everyone today is asking the question will I stay in third density or will I go in the shift or ascension, and what will happen to those we leave behind. We of the sixth density plane, known to the human simply as Daniel, wish to offer our thoughts of this broad subject.
We know of ascension dear ones because we are the ascended human that each of you will soon become. Still we must put it plain at this moment in your evolution of the soul; you cannot both go in the shift or ascension and stay as well as your human soul can only maintain one level of consciousness at a now moment in time or outside of time. If you could do this then you would know the thoughts of your husband; your wife; your son and daughter; your brother; your sister; and your many friends in life all at the same time. To do so would be foolish and it would be undesired by the soul. At the same time we would tell you dear ones that an enlightened sixth density soul (or higher) would not wish to know the thoughts or wishes of another life or mind. They possess this ability but they will not go against the free will choosing and life experiences of another soul.
As this is the case always in the higher levels of consciousness and existence we do not wish to retain the third density level of consciousness while at the same time possessing our level of consciousness that we possess in sixth density consciousness and higher. As a matter of fact once we come to possess and live the sixth density level of consciousness and life we often do not ever wish to return to third density consciousness (though there are always exceptions to every rule or universal law). Still it is a truth that we almost never wish to return to third density for even a visit in life. Because of this when a soul begins to awaken he or she will gradually wish to move on in their shift or ascension in consciousness, as they are pretty much tired of their third density life.
As an example we would tell you from experience that the human Daniel is quite often visiting his higher levels of consciousness in sixth density and never wished to return to the third level of consciousness, even though he knows he must; at least for the time being. The reason he must return every time is because his work here in your third density realm of existence is not yet complete for him. At the same time if we told him what his purpose in your third density world was he would want to remain all the more than he presently does and we do not wish to harm his soul with the burden. For it is not the purpose of a third density human soul to know the things of the future. Those who say they do are incorrect, even though a few from time to time may actually get their prophesies and predictions in life correct.
Again dear ones no one knows their future unless their future is of sixth density existence or higher, in which case even if they were to explain these things to a third density human that third density human would not believe them as they could not prove their words. This is the problem third density Daniel is having at this day, and he often becomes aggravated because of this. We say to him now therefore that your answers to your many questions are coming forthwith (soon).
Still, as this message is not so much for third density Daniel this time around it is however for those who share in his present spiritual society and soul group and all who read our words and resonate with or message.
Everyone on your planet and world today dear ones will either leave in the shift in consciousness many have come to know as ascension while all others will either remain and continue life in third density existence on another planet identical to your own, or they will leave your present third density world in the illusion known as death. If you leave then you will take your human body and form with you as it is (though immensely repaired and transformed) and if you stay you will remain under the laws of your present third density world and system. However, before each of you goes you all are being given the opportunity to leave your present third density world and its people (those who remain) a much better place. You can all do this simply because you are presently living in the Golden Age of Enlightenment and are therefore presently being enlightened every moment of every day.
As we stated before some of you will stay and some of you will go. At the same time we wish to make another statement and we will back it up with its own explanation. Each of you will all stay in third density earth and each of you will all go in the shift in consciousness known as the ascension( Christians even call it the Rapture). Yes dear ones in a way it is a type of rapture or taking up of souls as all souls who have completed their evolution in lower third density existence they will ascend ( be carried up) into the ethers ( clouds) and will be with the Lord (their higher self) forever. Still dear ones as we do not get into religion any longer we have provided this analogy for those who are more religious than spiritual. And so we will move on.
Everyone will go in ascension and everyone will stay, as every soul ever to exist has a representative of itself on every level or plane of existence, known as consciousness. Therefore when a soul has completed their evolution of the soul and has learned all those lessons they were chosen by the spiritual society and soul group (their higher self where they are each known as God) to learn in their dissension down into the lower realms of their existence (flesh) they are to awaken and move on so as to return to their home in the ethers, and remember that they are God. But how do they (each evolved soul not the human being) come to remain as well as go? Every human being is possessed on average by 50% negative souls and 50% positive souls.
The positive souls (who are not actually the only souls possessing the human that is evolved) will go on in ascension if they are evolved and those who are not evolved will remain to make up the third density human who is to remain on third density earth (these are the youngest of the souls presently making up each human consciousness in third density. Therefore there will be negative souls as well who will have evolved and will therefore move on in ascension and share in the life and existence of the higher consciousness known as God or the higher self.
 And because you have positive and negative souls moving up in consciousness in the ascension process, the positive will make up your heavens as God and the negative souls will make up your hells as God. Still because each of you will remember you are God at this time you will also remember that there is actually no such thing as heaven or hell, but that these were made up terms for Separation and Duality in the third density human. Therefore the positive and the negative you will each possess at the ascension will both be neither right nor wrong but will both be you (God). So as you see God has always been both positive and negative- good and evil- right and wrong- upper and lower- inner and outer, and so on. There are no rules with God; no laws with God; no actual sin with God; no punishment with God; no anger with God; no destruction with God, and for that matter anything that seems to be right and proper in third density existence is not acceptable or true with God.
You do not need to pray with God. You do not need to fast to get something from God. You do not need to give to other humans in order to please God. You do not need to please God ( as it is your own will you are to satisfy since you are God). If you wish to kill then you do not know God and you therefore are not God presently. If you wish to be rich then you are not God and you do not know God. If you are not satisfied with all and everything you have (not possess) in life then you are not God and you do not know God. If you do not already love all of your neighbors (including those known to be your enemies) unconditionally then you are not God and you do not know God.
If you want war and not peace then you are not God and you do not know God. If you “WANT” for you then you are not God nor do you know God. Therefore for those who are not aware dear ones, if you are not God then you are god. If you are not the God of all things then you are the god of your world alone. This implies in most all cases dear ones that because Satan is the god of your world known as planet earth, Satan is the god of your world and you are presently Satan if you are the third density human. But we must tell you this dear one, that anything spoken of here that offends another human soul is words spoken from our Service to self societies within our spiritual society and soul group, and we permitted those words to be spoken for your complete understanding alone. But understand that we love you all unconditionally and whatever things we have referenced in your cases we have been in our past human lives as well, and many times over. And just as we each eventually wanted the truth no matter how harsh, so too are our words intended for those who seek truth no matter what. We do not name names or judge as every human soul is exactly who he or she has always been from eternity and on in to eternity, and we cannot change who any one of you are, including ourselves. And so to those who may have been offended by our words we apologize.
Now we will move on with our explanation of those who stay and those who go.
 As far as every human being in your present world dear ones every human will eventually appear to die as is the eternal illusion of third density life and existence. Still if you were all of a sudden to take on a consciousness that was awakened and knew death was an illusion then what is known by a soul to be unreal is in fact unreal, simply because it is known without a doubt. And indeed it will be known by each of you who awaken (and everyone will awaken by the time the cycle is complete) that death is an illusion of third density humans.
Therefore if you (as an older evolved soul) are awakened you are no longer third density human, and you can no longer die. The third density human that remains on third density earth (these are those who are gradually moving to another timeline) will however continue to experience death at his or her own scheduled time. You consciousness (present human thoughts) will have moved to sixth density consciousness or higher and will therefore no longer be shared with the third density human. You will simply wake up one minute; hour; or day, however you wish to imagine it, and you will be that sixth density human (or higher), depending on your wants; needs; and beliefs in life. You will still be able to see and interact with your third density human self but they will not know you have gone anywhere simply because you will be the inner man of the third density human you were yesterday; an hour ago; or even a moment ago. For when it happens it will already have happened before you are conscious of it or realize the shift or change in consciousness.
Again the third density human will still be running too and fro; watching the clock every moment of every day; buying and selling; waging war and living life as they always have in third density, and you will be there with them whenever you wish, watching their every thought; move; or action. The third density human which you possess as a sixth density human will know everything you know when you wish to share with them, but all other third density humans will not. Just as third density Daniel knows all things sixth density Daniel shares with him, but if and when third density Daniel shares his higher spiritual wisdom and knowledge with other third density humans they will not believe and will often think he is crazy.
However there are those who will believe his words, but these are those other awakened human souls who surround us every moment of every day. And the numbers are growing more and more all the time. Therefore dear ones for those of you who believe and accept therefore these words, you too are an awakened soul and you too know what it is like to offer your truths to third density man. Still as we have stated there are exceptions to every rule, and there are third density souls waking up all the time in your present world, and we are here today for that reason, as they will gradually come to accept certain words we offer, while throwing some of them back in our faces, and we are fine with that dear ones.
So in reiterating, each of you possesses a third density human and that third density human is hiding the inner and spiritual man known as the sixth density man ( or higher), as your higher self always depends on your level of evolution in consciousness at the time. Every human who has the higher self awakened within itself is the higher human or evolved soul known as God. But you are only known as God to you and those like you who have awakened. So if you share, be aware that many will scoff at your words. Again, the inner man is the one who is conscious at all times if you wish it, but others who are not awakened within as the higher self will not see you nor know you, to be other than the third density human being they each still see with their eyes. Remember it is all about your level of consciousness dear ones.
If you are a third density human who is not awakened then you have not a clue as to what a sixth density or higher human even is, and you would never believe that one even existed or that one was even a  possibility to exist. You could not see one; hear one; touch one; smell one; speak to one; or even interact with one. At the same time a sixth density ( or higher) human being can see; hear; touch; talk to; and even interact with a third density human, and the third density human will only see a third density human every time. When a sixth density human appears to die to a third density human the sixth density human has simply chosen to change shells; shapes; forms; or bodies according to his or her own will. There is no pain on their part; no remorse on their part; no resistance on their part; and no loss whatsoever on their part, but only on the part of the third density humans who remain and loved them.
Of course not every third density human in appearance has the sixth density man (or higher) awakened and they often therefore do not know these things and suffer certain pain and suffering at the time of their death in third density. Still no human suffers at the extent to what many humans believe, as the soul has parted from the human body shortly before they come to suffer what you would each consider unbearable pain. Therefore it is those human beings left behind who experience great pain and loss, and possesses the illusion that the one who has passed had in fact suffered immensely. There would be no lesson in this for the deceased, but only for those left behind. And so it is an illusion to the ones left behind and not actual for the one who passes in death.
With that being the case dear ones it is a truth that an awakened soul appears to die in third density right before the eyes of other third density humans, but the awakened soul does not die, nor does it suffer pain or loss, but simply changes their lower human body and form.
This is ascension dear ones and this is the awakening of the soul, better known as the “Consummation of the Ages.” All of you will awaken as the only ones who will be conscious of the awakening and ascension will be the ones who experience it, and all others will not even believe it to exist or be a possibility. Many will not even know of it in your present third density world, which is why it appears to those of you who are on the road to their awakening that many humans in your world are not yet awakened. This is because they are not, and will not as they have each chosen a different path; a path known to many as timeline number two or the negative timeline.
But let it be known dear ones that there is actually no negative timeline as there is the positive and the negative in all and every timeline ever to exist. The timeline that will support the awakening and ascension you are each welcome to call timeline one if you wish as it matters not at this point, given it is only a term. As we have already stated everyone will make their own choice and no single choice will be a wrong choice, for just as those in the realms of existence known as the heavens see those realms as their heavens, so too do those in the lower realms of existence see those places as their heavens as well. The only way a human ever sees themselves in their hells is when they are in those realms of existence that do not reflect what their heavens would appear to them to be in life. Every soul has his or her own heavens in life and every soul has his or her own heavens in life, and no one place or state of mind is necessarily good and no one place or state of mind is necessarily evil, but it is either that place you would call home or it is not. God chooses those places in the ethers He calls wisdom while Satan chooses those places you would call ignorance; fantasy; sleep; or illusion. And these places are the heavens for the entity many of you would at this day call Satan.
There will soon come a time dear ones when you will not believe what things have taken place n such a short period of time in your life, and you will have already ascended. At the same time there will be those of you who cannot believe how wonderful life is for you all of a sudden, and you will have returned right back to third density earth. The only difference at this present time in your Golden Age of life and reality is that one is heaven to you while it is hell to the other guy; and the other is hell to you while it is heaven to the other guy. Enjoy your life that is to come, as it is the life you will come to live for a very long time. Everything that you each want in life is shortly about to be provided to you, no matter where you go or what timeline you choose, so enjoy dear ones, and we will see you on the other side.
We are the society Daniel and we love you all unconditionally.

Monday, November 26, 2012

There is a love that is service to self - part 3

Hello again dear ones it is us again of the sixth density society Daniel and we come to you once again to speak once again of our previous message to you on topics such as Service to self; Service to others; compassion while in third density; and the Cabal of your world. It is a truth that these topics are very important for your awakening at this day and hour. As we have seen many of third density wish to understand our words we also understand that it is very difficult to go from the understanding that your world presently holds on these subjects to the understanding it takes to connect with your higher selves and in turn take on a sixth density understanding of these same subjects. We will therefore continue to attempt to provide you with that understanding.
We will begin at this time in speaking on the subject of your Cabal or present world rulers. Now we realize the situation seems hopeless for many of you as you are those who would be considered poor in your world and it appears the present world rulers are doing very little to make your situation more even with those known in your world as the average middle income families, and even the rich of your world for that matter. We know these things simply because this is how it is in every third density world at the time of the Consummation of the Ages. Because we know when your iron age began in your reality and plane of existence we therefore know when it will end, though we do not know exact days or hours within your illusion of time.
Now often we pick up the vibrations of many of you and can feel that you are wondering whether or not it is our sixth density Sts or sixth density Sto levels of consciousness speaking at any given point in our messages to you and we would tell you that often it is our sixth density Sts consciousness as those are the souls within our society who are concerned with those things of your world, while the sixth density Sto souls within our society care nothing for the happenings in your world simply because we know it is all illusion and lessons for our society, which in fact is your society as well, and we could change nothing even if we wanted because of universal laws, and so we do not burden ourselves with the knowing of your sufferings when we cannot change them or take them away. At this time we work in tangent with our sixth density Sts Souls to bring you these messages of your world and they in turn offer their pars whenever it is needed. If they were to offer untruths, as they would often wish to do, we would know this and would simply let their deception known to the reader. Therefore they in most cases do not attempt to add their falsities to our words.
Therefore dear ones third density Daniel (fourth density mind and consciousness) knows in most instances when he is being deceived as he has been in connection with his sixth density higher consciousness ( Sts and Sto) for quite some time now and knows the one ( Sts souls) from the other (Sto souls). He knows what we have taught him over many hours of study in your world and therefore realizes he has a positive and he has a negative side that both feed him information in his lower mind and consciousness, with one feeding him information pertaining to his present world and life, while the other speaks only of higher things having nothing to do with his present world and life, but the one to come in the higher planes of existence.
He also knows for the most part when the ones group of souls is speaking and when it is the other group. Therefore the human Daniel in lower third density consciousness pretty much knows that even though those Sts Souls speak of things of the present material and physical world he presently resides in, they can often give him false or deceptive messages if he is not on his toes so to speak. As we cannot tell Daniel what things he is being deceived about ( when pertaining to his present life and world, we can provide him corresponding understanding which will often guide him back to higher understanding of your world, in which case falsities he has received will no longer make sense to him, and he will see those deceptions for what they are. We tell you these things dear ones as we wish you to understand that it is not always those sixth density benevolent Sto souls speaking in our messages, but that we are always guarding to make sure the human Daniel is given good information just as often as we possible can, while still remaining in universal free will to the human.
We also would state to each of you who later come to read our words that you too have the same benevolent and malevolent souls in your higher realms of existence looking over you this day and every day, who do the same for you based on your level of understanding of spiritual matters and the evolution of your soul. And so we will again speak of your Cabal in your world.
As we stated previously the Cabal (world rulers) like the things of your world because they previously were the ones who molded your world based on their ruling loves in life. The fact that they are losing their hold on many of you this day , with so many more of you to come (awakened souls), simply means they have to move aside because like attracts like and they do not like the souls who are about to inherit your present world and life. They (Sts malevolent souls) cannot destroy those (Sto benevolent souls) or cause their present reality to cease to exist simply because the awakened souls have the free will to do as they please in life and they now know this. You cannot make a slave out of a soul that knows it is no longer a slave, and that it never really was to begin with. In other words those souls possessing human beings in your world today are not of the majority of Sts Souls any longer, but Sto.
Again what this means is that the ruling loves of the majority of human beings in your world today dear ones is of the benevolent and Sto nature in life, and cannot therefore live under the illusion that it can be enslaved or ruled any longer, and if they have not already realized this, they are beginning to know this. Those who still are of this nature in your world today dear ones (believe they can be enslaved and ruled) are simply those younger souls who have not completely awakened yet, but are about to very shortly. However there are enough awakened souls in your present world to have began the transition from the Silver age to the Golden Age, and those who are not yet of the Golden Age will be protected and constantly guided as long as they choose the positive timeline ( even if they do not yet understand how it will come about).
Keep in mind all of you that even the human Daniel has just this hour come to know the things we speak here, as he too has had many questions as to how it will all come about and be worked out so that everyone will awaken and ascend. The only really good hint we gave him a while back was that we assured him that everyone who made up his world presently would make up his world when he awakened into the Golden Age of Enlightenment, and all would call sixth density their new home. In other words there will be a Daniel in sixth density while at the same time there will always be a Daniel in third density. Each of you will have a counterpart in sixth density while at the same time you will always have your corresponding person or consciousness (counterpart) in third density as well. Third density will never end for a single human but the souls that provide the life; death; and illusion of both will change.
The world rulers in your world are no different dear ones, as they too have counterparts in all densities and they are all coming here in your present world to guide you each home to your higher planes of existence. But in order for you to understand how this will all unfold the first and most important detail you must each understand is that a human is not a single entity but a society of benevolent and malevolent souls who exist in all densities and levels of consciousness all at the same time, which is the present now moment, and now is present always. If you continue to hold on to the beliefs and traditions of third density and therefore continue to judge and to blame those who have long ruled  the citizens of your world then you may be a young soul who will soon leave here for a new world, though it may still be in third density.
To put it plain everyone will awaken and ascend and everyone will move on and return to third density. It is you ruling consciousness that will move on and your newer (babies) souls that will all come and take your place and continue third density for you, so that each of you may move on and wake up one morning all of a sudden in sixth density or higher. Some will appear to awaken sooner than others, but when each of you gets to sixth density and above you will see every human soul you see today already there as their sixth density corresponding soul.  It will always depend on your level of understanding of the present ways and traditions of your present world and life in allowing you to understand whish souls possessing you are third density and which are sixth density and higher.
 In other words if what is practiced by those citizens of your world who are of the lower vibration of third density (wanting money; power; ruler ship over others; technologies that allow you to live better than others; wars and weapons of war; and enjoy a society that aids the rich while subjugating the poor), then (those souls who love those things) these are the souls that possess you that have not yet awakened. Again if a soul does not awaken it does not mean the human has not awakened it simply means those souls not awakened will make up the hells or lower societies of every human upon ascension. We have often been told dear ones that we over explain things, and we are happy to do so as this is the day and time when things should be over explained for those who are hungry for the truth.
And so we reiterate, each of you will awaken and ascend ( and are in the process of doing so) as will the Cabal( world rulers) of your world, but it must all happen gradually as all things are to come to pass in their own season. Still we would also add dear ones that the season has come for your awakening and many of you are already there and just don’t know it. Each of you has a piece to the puzzle, but there are certain pieces missing for each of you that simply make it all seem so very fuzzy presently. That could change in the next hour; the next day; or the next week. As you have often been told, things are being taken care of and set up behind the scenes and when it all breaks loose and wonderful things begin to take shape it will all happen very fast, as all the hard work ( so to speak) is already done.
What things you see in your world presently are those things your media and news providers are beings told presently to tell you. This too is not a bad thing as it would appear to many at this day. Remember that those souls who are awakened or are presently awakening are not out there seeking to arrest, imprison, or punish those who in the past made your lives miserable, but the awakened remain passive and await what they know is coming. And what is coming is a system that has no fear and is no longer being enslaved in the least. The awakened know they do not need to seek their freedom or attempt to save their lives as their lives were never actually lost.
You have simply been asleep and those who were separate from that sleep tricked you into thinking you were a slave and that you had to abide by their rules and laws in life if you were going to make it in your present world. No longer is that the case, as the awakened know this now. So they sit; separate themselves from your present world system as much as they possibly can; accept and appreciate the life they presently have, and they wait. Those who are going to repair your present world are not repairing it for new third density human beings (as third density human beings simply think they just need a new government); but for those sixth density and higher souls who are coming. So whatever each soul is looking for at this day; that is the world you are going to each create and find for yourself in the very near future. Still if you are awakened you will know this as you will no longer be seeking to gain or possess anything over and above any other living soul you come into contact with in life from this day forward. You will also not wish to prop up or recreate a system that would ever again allow or offer these things.
We tell you truly to sit back and watch the party that is very shortly to begin. And it is closer than you think.
We are the sixth density society Daniel and we love you all completely and unconditionally.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

There is a love that is service to self - part 2

There is a Love that is Service to self – part 2
As I have been getting a lot of feedback from my previous post I wish to make a part two of the present subject so as to further explain some things having to do with the world rulers or Cabal (whichever you wish to call them); the differences once again in better detail between Sts and conditional love and Sto and unconditional love; and I wish to show those who are just beginning to awaken possibly in the world why helping others is not always the best way to go in life. I would state once again as I have many times explained in my messages on this subject that Sto sixth density higher beings or souls love all beings unconditionally as apposed to conditionally, and cannot therefore love others in life based on what they think others would have them do in order to show that love they have toward them. Therefore if a higher being (who is in Sts and unconditional love toward their neighbor) attempts to help another in life, or harm another in any manner whatsoever, for whatever reasons, they immediately revert back to their lower third density selves as these are third density actions.
Just because a being does not wish to get involved in the life and death decisions of another human being does not mean they do not have compassion and love for another human being. And now as I have stated a few of my points based on my third density self and opinions, I want to turn the conversation over to the sixth density society Daniel and let them explain things further.
Hello dear ones it is we from the sixth density level of consciousness known to you as Daniel and we would wish to speak to you all once again this hour on the subject presently being discussed. As we are in fact Sto benevolent beings practicing unconditional love to all, we wish to explain to you why we think; do; and say the things we do as apposed to thinking; doing; and saying the things we would if we were connected to our third density selves. We realize many of you do not have a very good understanding as to why we would choose to be as we are when we are interacting with other souls who are of your third density world and system. This we shall attempt to clear up very shortly. But as we explain we ask that you each keep in mind that we do not ever actually come into contact with third density humans but only share thoughts with our corresponding societies within the collective human consciousness that represents the illusion you all have of life on your planet.
We do not touch because we do not have nor possess the abilities to use your hands in third density.
We do not speak because we do not possess the lips nor sound in order to speak among your fellow humans in third density.
We do not rule; judge; punish; harm; help or aid; hinder; heal; teach; or serve any other thought or action in your world and system as we do not possess the third density human body and form.
We dear ones possess the fifth density human body and form that is possessed by the sixth density mind and higher.  The fifth density body and form dear ones is what is understood by many of you in fourth density mind – third density form, as the inner and spiritual man. And so the sixth density human being or soul is what comes to correspond and work through the fifth density form, and again on down through and of the third density human form. This means that a fifth density human being is the guide to the third density human being when in fact the fifth density human being is connected to its sixth density mind and higher. Anything below sixth density and the fifth density human does not guide the human any longer, but the human becomes once again guided by fourth density mind.
So dear ones if you as a spiritual society and soul group ( as every human is a spiritual society and soul group) seek the higher things of consciousness then you are automatically connected to fifth density inner man, and in turn are receiving your thoughts from the sixth density human mind and higher ( seventh; eighth; ninth; tenth, and so on). With that being said we will now explain the helping thing of your world which so many third density humans just do not understand, nor could they without seeking higher guidance from their inner man. Remember all the times you heard someone tell you to go within? Well we are asking you to do this now dear ones as we continue to explain.
Long ago within our spiritual society and soul group each of you sat among us and laid out the plan for every lifetime you were to live within third density human consciousness and the material and physical realms. Therefore each of you chose the lessons you would teach other souls in agreement with those other souls and other souls chose lessons they would teach you in life based on the agreements you came to with them at that time as well. Some of those souls at the time were sixth density (and higher) Sts Beings and some of those souls were sixth density (and higher) Sto beings. Therefore some souls agreed to provide you with situations and experiences in life that were positive while other souls agreed to provide you with situations and experiences in life that were to be negative.  Once those experiences or situations were set in place however, they could no longer be changed in your present world or any other life each of you have lived.
What this means dear ones is that other timelines had to and have to be created in order to allow so that there would always be a single timeline where all things would forever go as planned, and no lessons were ever to be erased or removed from the life of the human being in third density. But those you would each call angels could not hear of this as they have great compassion for their fellow humans or souls. Angels do have the ability to change a situation or lesson in the life of a human being. How? They can make changes  when a Sto higher soul chooses to descend into the lower realms of sixth density consciousness ( known to some as the hells of sixth density) where they are capable of changing things within third density consciousness ( and therefore third density physicality) through the fourth density mind of the third density human being.
Sto souls (known to many as benevolent Sto angels) cannot do this as they cannot ever know the happenings of things within the material and physical realms of third density. If those Sto souls did know they would only suffer immensely by knowing how their lower counterparts are suffering in their lives and could do nothing about it because of their agreements long ago. Sts higher beings can however simply because they choose to descend and enter into their hells. But they don’t do this for third density man so much as they do it for their own greed and service in life. Still, because of the laws of attraction a sixth density Sts being or soul can connect and act through a third density being or soul by connecting with fourth density mind.
When they make a change however (sixth density Sts Angels or souls), a new timeline is created every time. Human beings living the third density life however cannot make changes as they are the ones controlling the experiment to begin with. They are the original decision makers of the lessons to be learned in the created world and system ever to be lived by a single soul. Third density man must remain third density man, and it is third density man (fourth density mind) that will continuously guide the human through timeline number one, without straying off course, to its end. Therefore every third density human will represent the level of evolution for a single spiritual society and soul group until that set timeline has fully been lived out to its end which will always end in the awakening and ascension of the human ( or spiritual society and soul group).
Note: In order to tell you of things in your world we too had will have to descend momentarily into our hells (Sts Mode) as our Sto being of expression knows nothing of the Cabal except what our Sts State of existence tells us. And yet we are all in fact One. So in moving on-------
The Cabal (or world rulers) is all made up of our Service to self souls as they are all in it so as to create many new timelines, given the fact that they previously knew they had the abilities to do so. They are gradually losing that ability as the shift in consciousness is approaching rapidly.
 This will allow them to further enslave mankind way in to the future, and will preserve third density existence for them and for you. It is a win for them and it is a win for each of you in the meantime, as you will always need third density material and physical man as your outer self, no matter what you are otherwise told. For without third density no human being; angel; or spiritual society and soul group would ever possess or experience the illusion of life and death to eternity. They would all cease to exist in any realm of existence other than pure consciousness. Remember that life and death is both an illusion that exists only within the realms of consciousness and is not therefore real (or should we say original?).
The Cabal ( or world rulers) do such horrible; evil; selfish; and unthinkable things to the people of your world because the closer your world gets to the awakening and ascension the worse things will appear to the people of your world who have not yet awakened or begun to awaken. Those who awaken or begin to awaken however will gradually see the Cabal (or world rulers) as a good thing. They gave you what you wanted so as to provide all the final lessons to a world of human souls who are about to return to the collective consciousness of God. The inner man can indeed connect with the higher service to other souls of your spiritual society and soul group but the outer man cannot. Fifth density man can connect to sixth density Sto self, but fourth density man (third density mind) cannot.
What this means is that now that your world is awakening you are becoming the inner higher man and your outer lower man is becoming more and more ignorant of things as the days and hours move ahead.  Again each of you (us as well at one time) is beginning to connect to your heavens whereas before most of you all connected more often to your hells (service to self mind of fourth and sixth density, mostly fourth density).
And so the Cabal (world rulers) will not go away and stop doing the things they have long been doing to the people of your world, but they will go to another world and continue doing those things. You present world is becoming sixth density mind (fifth density body and form) because it is prepared for ascension, and the Cabal( or world rulers) do not wish to live in a world of paradise; free will to all; and unconditional love. At the same time they will tell the people whatever they can in order to recruit as many human souls over to their side as possible, but they cannot recruit those souls who are destined for greatness, and those souls are each of you dear ones. This they do not know as they have forgotten over time (recent time) and can only now attempt to save their lives in the best way they know how. This is why “they” are now having to seek guidance form those awakened human souls who are now in contact with (because of the law of attraction) sixth density Sts higher souls.
So what is wrong with that scenario you might wonder?
They are being lied to and are being tricked by the same souls they once were in cahoots with. How are they being tricked? By the fact that there once was a flood of evil in your world and now that flood has subsided, and your world is now being guided mostly by Sto awakened souls because your world is more fifth density now than it is third density. Those humans who occupy the offices and seats of your Cabal (world rulers), whether past or present, are presently more guided by Sto higher souls than they are by Sts higher souls.  This is now the case because as we said your world is waking up dear ones.
What this means is that the very humans who once enslaved and lied to you (there are some acceptions still) are the very humans who will pull you out of slavery and begin the manifestation of a world with the appearance of sixth density man.
It is not the human faces that have betrayed you dear ones but those behind the scenes in the higher realms of existence. Those souls are going away and finding a new home within a new body and form on another world. And so the faces will be changing dear ones and you will know this by the eyes, as the eyes are truly the window to the soul. Do not continue to attempt to change your world as it is constantly being changed behind the scenes and the spirit world is being shaken up immensely. If you continue to want the things of the old system then you have to ask yourself why? How will these things bring about your new world which we speak of in our messages dear ones? Who do you live for at this day? Yourself or your other selves? Just as your Moses appeared to be the enemy he eventually became the savior of his people. We tell you dear ones to watch and as the old saying goes around your world in Christianity “If you attempt to save your life  you will lose it, but if you give your life for my sake (  which was originally written as “If you give your life for unconditional love”) you shall surely inherit eternal life. We tell you dear ones it cannot be explained much simpler than that.
 Do you ever wonder how it can be stated that you are surrounded by angels, and have you ever attempted to explain it to yourself as to how this is possible? There are angels who can see and act when they so choose in life and there are angels who cannot see and cannot act but only guide through their corresponding angels who are in Service to self. These are the ones in your holy bible who descended into hell, and were kept there for a time by God until their punishment had been complete. Angels are not punished by a God of unconditional love and light but by His opposite. It is Satan who kept them there as he is the god of your world dear ones. The Sts Angels come to your world to change it, and then they love what they see when they get there and do not wish to leave. These are the souls who once ruled your world and these are the souls who are now prepared to leave as things are beginning to get a little to nice for them so to speak.
Now in getting back to the subject of why we (higher Service to others beings) will not taste – will not touch – will not interact – will not speak to our third density human selves, we cannot because of our nature or state of life and existence. If we descend to help or aid you then we become as you.  If we become just like you then we will become our sixth density Service to self manifestation of our spiritual society and soul group, in which case we can only offer you third density things and nothing toward your awakening and ascension. In other words we will have forgotten who we are. If we forget who we are it can be dangerous at time as we could once again become entrapped within third density consciousness and again get stuck in one of the timelines we ourselves had created by descending. So you see there is much to consider dear ones just to change a single instance in your world and system.
So we choose to remain where we are as we can do you all more benefit by guiding you into your awakening and ascension. We will give you an example:

Supposed we were to descend into your world within the human inner mind, where we would come into contact and connection with your fourth density human mind known as third density thought? What would happen if the human form were to out of no where be killed by an oncoming vehicle while the human was driving? Remember that we have no idea what the human is doing as we descend down into their essence and being. If that human and their ruling love in life were guided by a newly born or created soul we could be stuck beginning our evolution all over again as we have no way of knowing what human we were to manifest into at the time. Now we represent a spiritual society and soul group within sixth density dear ones, and we by no means have the right to risk all those souls having to learn all those lessons over again because of forgetfulness from descending into a third density world or system. Now does this give you each some idea as to what is involved in helping or interfering in the life actions or death of a human being? We have much compassion for all dear ones but we are mostly responsible for our own spiritual society and soul group as they represent our present life and world. Not to mention we do not wish to interfere in the life and death choices of other human beings in the least for apparent reasons now.

We hope we have answered many of your questions on this subject dear ones and we look forward to our next meeting of the minds. We are the society Daniel and we love you all unconditionally.  

Thursday, November 22, 2012

There is a love that is service to self!

There is a love that is service to self!
We of the higher sixth density realms of existence wish to offer you all dear ones an explanation on the subject of what is required in order for a human to be in service to self which is also being in conditional love and what is involved in living in service to others and therefore being in unconditional love. We do this at this day and hour for your world (third density) dear ones, as we now prepare ourselves for you to come and make your new homes among our numbers very soon. The reason for our coming forth this day and hour with this message is because we are aware that third density souls do not understand what love it is you are to be seeking in order to make the shift that is shortly coming and how a new understanding of love will offer each of you a whole new understanding on becoming in service to others as apposed to living in a world that is solely in service to self.
Now we realize that many of you today feel that you have served the brother; sister; and neighbor before yourselves many times in your present life but we tell you dear ones it is not so. You have served self in that you have always thought or acted in a manner in which is in agreement with your own beliefs and wishes in life while assuming you know what is best for your friends and neighbors. You have always expected something in return for your many good deeds, even though that something may have been nothing more than satisfaction and pleasure for doing for another those things you believe is for their own good or needs in life. To be in need is not permission for any human soul to offer assistance to another. There are benevolent awakened souls in your world who would never ask your assistance whenever they appear in need as they would not learn the lessons in life they were previously scheduled to learn.
Because of a choice they each made long ago in the ethers, to prepare certain lessons for themselves at the time of their incarnation into your present world, they know they must endure to the end with only the things they have provided for themselves. They also know that when there comes a time that they feel they are in over their head and cannot endure certain experiences in life that they have the free will to ask for assistance, and they will not be judged for such actions. Still an enlightened soul knows that it is far better to learn the lessons whenever this is possible for any awakened or non awakened human being. Therefore an awakened human will never act to aid or assist another human being unless they are first asked to do so, and even then they will hesitate often times so as to ponder on whether or not that human can endure the lesson they are about to learn, in which case the awakened soul will decide whether or not to be of service. This is not cruel as some would think as it only makes us stronger and allows for a human to later understand just how much we can endure when we put our minds to it.
If an awakened soul believes an experience is too harsh or painful for another human and the other human should ask their assistance in making it through such an experience (or the awakened soul believes the other human would wish for their assistance because the lesson is too harsh for their present state of life) often the awakened soul will indeed assist, rather than watch another human suffer beyond what they can endure. Still only an awakened soul has this ability as they have been enlightened to these matters, and will always seek to act according to the good of all humanity in all situations. This dear ones is what is called unconditional love and service to others. Now if you were to act in the opposite manner; one in which you always came to the aid and service of another human whenever asked to do so, and when not asked to do so, then you would be considered (through universal laws) to be in conditional love and in service to self. So in most all cases an awakened human being will not help or come to the aid of another human being in life.
Before we move on let us explain a few things to you dear ones. We are not saying at this time that it is the practice of an awakened human to sit and watch another human being die when their flesh is in flames; at deaths doorstep with no hope of recovering; or to appear to be in such pain that a human cannot endure it. Still we are human and we are bound by the laws of third density when we are in contact with or are called to the assistance of a third density human being. We cannot choose between the life or death of another third density human as this is only given to be decided by you dear ones, as was your decision long ago in the ethers when you were among your peers in the higher densities. And because this (life or death at any certain time in your third density human existence) was decided by each of you long ago, it will also be decided by you in the flesh when the time comes. Now of course others will act in some situations to stop the death of another human being, but it is actually you (long ago) who chose for their involving themselves in the matter (as all humans are nothing more than your other selves).
We dear ones of the higher realms have had our hands tied therefore because of a decision each of you made long ago when you were presented with lessons of this magnitude, as you wished to push yourself to the limits in some situations while pushing not so much in others, for the sake of others. Many of you would often ask why God would allow such misery in our world to take place, but the truth of the matter is each of you is that God that allows some things while showing much compassion in other situations. God ( you) is not a cruel; inconsistent; and  unjust God, but the lessons God ( you) laid out for you long ago were laid out for the good of your whole spiritual society and soul group, and not just a single human being as is believed.
Death is an illusion and each of you will experience the illusion of death that you need to experience. When someone shortens that lesson it is permitted by you because you knew in the higher realms long ago that this was how it had to be on that day in your physical third density human existence and life. You knew (your higher self in sixth density) when the time came that your dying (fleshly human) would not hurt in the least as it is an illusion. Still it is the other selves that represent other humans in your world ( those who witness your death) that will learn the lesson in these circumstances, as they are the ones left in the illusion of life while they also witness your illusion and theirs of your death. If you are an awakened human you will allow the death of the human as you know they are better off, but if you are not awakened you will in many cases attempt to save the life of the human and will of course be in service to self (conditional love) because you will know no better than to act as you have been taught, and will believe death is a bad thing in your world. But it is you who presently believe this and it is you therefore that is acting according to the illusion that you know what is best for another living soul. These are hard truths dear ones but they are truths being offered from those realms of unconditional love and service to others.
What bad things appear to be happening to other humans are usually not as painful to those humans as is the inner pain another human has to endure while witnessing the suffering of a friend; neighbor; or loved one in life. Every human being in third density has a different level they can withstand in pain, and that level is always determined in life by the level of the lesson to be learned. In order to aid in this situation in your world and sphere of existence each human being is surrounded at all times in life with a bubble or sphere that can either be a protection to them or it can allow in harm; sickness; and disease.
This is why those loving mothers in your world who do not fear for their lives when taking care of their sick children who have gotten bad viruses or plagues do not end up getting such sickness and diseases. There is no fear in unconditional love but only in conditional love. So in other words if a mother believes it is her duty to care for the sick child, rather than doing so with no fear and no expectations, she loses that protection of her sphere surrounding her human form. She has put conditions on her love and so she is in conditional love and therefore in service to self. A mother in unconditional love and in service to others is a mother who has no fear for her life when caring for a deathly sick child.
In your world dear ones it is those dark leaders of your world who have over the period of many generations of teaching the people traditions separate from spiritual truths, that you have been taught to help whenever another human is in need, but your Churches do not always practice what they preach. The small Churches of your world will because they are still in innocence and know not the things of an awakened soul. The Churches and rulers of your world do not practice what they preach because they still know the old spiritual teachings of unconditional love and being in service to others. They know that they are not to help unless asked, and that even in those situations they are supposed to allow for lessons in your world to all human beings. The Churches of your world therefore are being guided by higher sixth density service to self souls of a non material and physical nature. They are service to self in third density but service to others in sixth density. They do what pleases them and provides for their happiness in third density but they do what an awakened soul is to do when they come in contact with third density humans. Therefore if you become an awakened human being their ( the present world rulers) truths will all gradually become known to you as you too will began having contact with higher sixth density human beings. Still dear ones we must warn you all to remain cautious as those souls who we speak of who continue to rule your world are “Service to Self” higher beings, whereas you will also come in contact with service to other beings or souls when you awaken and will therefore have the choice from the awakening on to be of Sts or Sto affections in life. But more on that in a moment as we wish to continue on the Law givers of your world.
The law givers give you their laws to abide by but they themselves do not abide by them as they know they are unlawful in a spiritual sense in third density alone and not in sixth density.
If each of you has representatives (many) who reside in the higher realms that many of you call God, why would you think all things have not already been prepared for you in this life, and that you are all indeed loved most unconditionally? Why? Because you have been taught over many generations of human life to believe these things and therefore live your lives in fear of what things you will have in order to survive from day to day and deep in to tomorrow. You have not because you fear you will have not whenever you need or want in life from the moment you were each born into your world. You believe the law givers are bad and negative when in fact they can be seen in a positive manner once you see them for what they truly represent in the spiritual realms.
If there were no sins- If there were no offense by one human toward another in life then there would be no need for the law, but the sin and the offense will always exist within third density life and existence. Because of this and the need for sin and offense the law was long ago created through mankind. First you had the laws Moses brought down from the mountain and then the laws that man provided within every generation upon your planet; some taken from those laws of Moses and some added from one generation of mankind to another. The laws of Moses were not added by God but they were created by mankind to punish those who offended and sinned against other men from eternity, and will continue in this manner on into eternity. Third density life and existence will never cease to exist as it is the foundation of mankind and his existence.
So we say to you dear ones get rid of the sin and the offense and the law will fade away on its own without the need for mankind to remove it forcefully upon the awakening. To awaken is to fully understand that everything in your life has been a lie. If we were ever to suggest to you dear ones a work to read that was written down in your words it would be the book of Romans within your holy bible. Read those words with the understanding we have presently given you and you will begin to understand if indeed you have been led to our words of your own free will.
As we have stated before those in your world who presently rule your world would surely appear to you to be bad and evil people but we tell you that in this new Golden Age of Enlightenment wisdom will come to those who were once now wise and ignorance will come to those who once were wise, as all things will begin to be seen in their opposite light and truth will be spoken loudly from your rooftops. Those who rule your world dear ones will continue to rule your world as they have always done, and no one human being will ever have to take the place of another human being who once appeared to be corrupt and against the good of the people. Those who hold offices of power in your governments will continue to do so but they will begin to do so with a whole new light about them. Third density is not what will change about your world dear ones but it is you who will change and will move out of third density while at the same time living along side it and seeing it from what appears to be the outside, when in fact you will become the inner man.
Man in the world you presently live in will gradually be of less and less concern to you all dear ones, as you take on a whole new understanding of life and existence. They will continue to fight their battles – they will continue to lift up their arms in aggression – they will continue to see fault in one another – they will continue to incarcerate their fellow humans; judge them; convict them; and punish them. Some will continue to suffer long term detentions while others will be put to death. There will be the sick and the lame; poor and the rich; homeless and hungry; uneducated as far as man is concerned; and worst of all they will continue for a time to be lied to day after day; year after year; and life after life. Third density will continue on most assuredly but you dear ones will move on to a whole new life and world while your evil and opposite twin will remain to continue his or her education in the material and physical plane of existence.
No one is leaving this world in ascension and no one is leaving this world of yours in order for each of you to ascend. Truths will not be told in order to set the people of your world free. They will be told to prove to you all that what was will never again be of concern to any of you as it is no longer important what has happened in the past. Again those who you know as your world leaders have only done for you what you long ago asked them to do for you and toward you in this life. They were already awakened long ago and are here to help guide each of you into your awakening as well. They cannot offer you unconditional love and teach you of being in service to others until each of you are prepared to accept those teachings, in which case the awakening is happening every moment of every day in your world, and every soul will awaken in his or her own time. There will be some of you who hear these words now and will accept them and there will be those of you who will skip past them this time around, only to come around once again – and again if need be, until all have awakened to the higher vibrations and wisdom of sixth density.
Before you saw your world rulers as dark and evil because they did not provide you the things you each wanted out of this present life. The truth however is that they gave you each what you asked for and you simply forgot these things long ago because you descended down into this present existence of yours so as to live out those lessons and experiences you chose to teach others as well as learn the lessons that those others sacrificed themselves for so as to teach you as well the lessons of third density life. Therefore some offer themselves to descend and represent the dark and evil, as well as good and positive lessons of your life while you do the same in order to provide such things to other souls in life. But these things we tell you were all worked out long ago, and have long been forgotten, until this day that is.
As long as you continue living your life dear ones in conditional love and service to self you will not see the rulers of your world for whom they truly are. Yes they are in service to self; yes they are living their lives in conditional love; and yes they appear to be dark and evil to the people of third density life, but they were asked to provide it all to you and for you while at the same time they are permitted to enjoy the life they are living in Sts and in conditional love to their fellow humans. When you remember what they provide, and realize you no longer need their services their opposite twin souls, who are in unconditional love and in Sto will begin replacing those human beings in possession, and will turn your world upside down, inside out, and you will begin sixth density life.
But first you must know dear ones that this is what is happening and stop blaming the world leaders and rulers for doing what each of you asked long ago. Stop looking for another monetary system; stop looking for new technologies that you can afford, while others in your world are penniless and have no possible way of sharing in the pleasures of such technologies, as long as mankind seeks to profit in life off of a lower class of poor citizens in your world. As long as you seek someone to rule in your societies and provide the rich with a way to continue to take advantage of those less fortunate in society you will remain third density. As long as you have wars and possess weapons of war there will be wars. As long as there is the law the will be offenses and punishment of mankind. As long as there is punishment there will be death; wars; and lawbreakers.
The rulers of your world know this dear ones, and their commitment has been to remain until the very last soul has learned the lessons they committed themselves to learning long ago. When all lessons are learned all human souls will know that the bad guys have always been the good guys, but it is we who have had to learn the lessons in life between conditional love and Sts Verses unconditional love and Sto. The enemy is not outside of you in the world around you but the enemy is within each of you. The things each of you want the world rulers to provide you in the days ahead are the very things you no longer need in order to move on to a higher vibrational existence within sixth density. The choice is your! You can drag it out for yourself and the world rulers will hang around for a while longer, or you can get with the new program and move on in ascension. Sill it is your choice and no one else will make it for you. How do you spring yourself dear ones from this trap? Simple! Seek unconditional love and living in Service to others and you will move on in ascension simply by expecting that you will move on in ascension. We have explained to each of you how to love unconditionally and just how it is that you can be in Service to others in life. Now all you need to is act it out in your life. We wish you all well in doing so and we look forward to seeing you all very soon in the higher densities of the sixth.
We are the society Daniel and we love you all unconditionally.

Friday, November 16, 2012

From Timeline to Eternity!

From timeline to Eternity!

Okay it would appear that interest has been placed on timelines as of late, in which case I will offer my take on the subject.  Because however I do not wish to speak on this subject from the flawed mind of third density Daniel I will hand this topic over to the benevolent (service to other) higher dimensional souls who make up the universal society Daniel. They have gone by many other names lately as it always depends on the levels of society in which the topic draws its wisdom, and in this case I see that sixth density Daniel will suffice. There are souls who make up the sixth density society Daniel that are in service to self and still are of the higher densities of the society Daniel but they will not suffice in providing this message as they would alter the message based on their selfish wants instead.  Their love is for the things of the third density material and physical plane.
Souls who are in service to others within sixth density however have no need to alter their messages on this subject as they do not need the benefits of the material and physical nor do they concern themselves with such things. In fact their main concern is only towards the things of mans ascension and the evolution of his soul when it comes to communicating with third density man. And so I will submit my thoughts at this time to those souls who would better serve to provide this present message, and ask them therefore to take control of the present consciousness that is Daniel.
Although they will appear to be speaking to many with their message it is actually offered to myself (third density Daniel) as they only concern themselves with themselves on all levels of consciousness or densities of existence, given they are in service to others. If you are aware of what service to others means then you are aware that STO souls cannot tell other souls what to do; say; think; believe; or love in life. And so the content of this message is indeed for Daniel while all souls who resonate with this truth were meant to hear these worlds at this time as well.  We only offer you another truth in life to consider when you create your own new lives and worlds in this new Golden Age that has come upon us all.
And so we begin:
Hello dear ones it is good to be with you all at this day; hour; or time, whichever you prefer to term it. We understand and agree that it is proper at this time to speak on the subject of timelines in your world and present reality known as third density. As you are well aware of at this time because of our many past messages to you we will re –state for the new comers at this gathering that all newly created souls (humans in your case) begin their existence in the lowest of dimensions and densities so as to begin the illusion of life all at the same level of the illusion. And so we will term this state of your existence or consciousness as timeline number One. We term this existence as timeline number one only for your convenience as all words and terms were created originally by one human soul or another, and can always be changed by one or the other at any given time. And so we choose to use this term timeline as this has sparked our message for this day and hour.
As we have presently stated each and all of you have begun your illusion of life from the beginning in a place some of you have called the “Garden of Eden.” You began here in the Garden of Eden simply because each and all of you were completely innocent and of unconditional love and light at the time (within the illusion of time). And so this in turn represents timeline number one for each and all of you. The only difference between where you came from and where you now were was the difference between Infinite consciousness and finite consciousness. Finite consciousness is of course being represented by the term veil of forgetfulness.
 Each of you bound yourself (from the higher realms of existence separate from physicality) in forgetfulness, while at the same time remaining in unconditional love for all that is and was and will be. Yes dear ones it is you who chose to bind yourself in this realm and plane of existence that is known as hell; the Matrix; or sleep, depending on what term each of you wishes to use to explain it. You each possess many higher levels of your existence and consciousness and so in order to experience the illusion of life you had to create many – many different levels of lower existence, known as all the different levels or densities that took on a body and form, in order to even consider experiencing the illusion of life. There is no illusion of life or death without the illusion of a body and form of some kind.  To experience that life and death from within that form. That body and form could be something as simple as a grain of sand on the beach to a heavenly being known as man.
 The point is that the spirit could never experience the illusion that is life and death (but could only exist as consciousness) without the body and form, and the body and form could never experience the illusion of life and death without the spirit within possessing it. And so you see dear ones all thought or consciousness within the human body and form is a form of possession, with no exceptions. You cannot be human unless first being possessed by the spirit that gives you that illusion of life and death. Still as we see we are moving off subject we will attempt to move back toward it just as quickly as we can, or as the spirit allows.
So each of you began your finite existence, created by your real existence that is infinite, and of unconditional love and light, and this is when each of you became conscious of life for the first time. Remember that there was no life before that first opening of your eyes as a little human child or baby. You had no knowledge of good and evil but only unconditional love and complete happiness. So you grew in stature; however you took on new ideas and thoughts that permitted you to think and act differently than what your nature told you to (that nature or natural state of consciousness being the Infinite loving God or Creator that you really are)) be correct thoughts; words; and actions. To repeat ourselves -again you were the Infinite Creator God that bound itself within finite consciousness, and you therefore only knew of innocence and not good and evil; at least not yet. And to date you have done this over and over again for many – many myriads of ages or eons within time, in fact. It is not something new to you as there is nothing new under the sun.  So each of you as the Infinite God began your timeline within finite consciousness known as life and death.
You moved on through this illusion of life and death and you eventually moved through the ages or seasons of this illusion of life and death and evolved as a finite soul (known in the spiritual realms as an angel, but still only a made up term) in the process. So eventually you were kicked out of the Garden of Eden as the veil of forgetfulness began to get the better of you after a certain number of human lives allowed you to fall. Yes dear ones as the higher service to self angels or Gods (fifth density and above) added their ideas to your many new worlds you took on darkness and evil through the many seasons and ages of life and death. Keep in mind that every human being is in fact you, even though you see in front of your eyes many souls with all apparently different consciousnesses or personalities.
What you see outside of you is exactly what exists within you as the microcosm as well as the macrocosm .So the human being who is living an illusion all along, lives out many – many lifetimes and goes through the seasons and ages of life and death known as the Iron Age; the brass or copper age; the silver age; and finally the Golden Age. Within your present life and world you are all living in your Golden Age at its beginning stages. You dear ones will live out these ages to eternity as it will never cease to exist or repeat itself. This must forever happen as you each need a body and form to experience the illusion of life and death to eternity.
As you cannot possess or experience the illusion (as your higher self) outside of the illusion, without possessing a human body and form of one kind or another, and without the existence of lower level second and third density human beings or animal forms (the material and physical world) new souls have to forever be created within the material and physical planes of existence in order to continue that illusion. Of course as you evolve as a soul and return to your awakened higher self ( fifth density and above) the illusion will no longer be your reality but a tool for you to use to forever return and re- experience any one of those realities you wish on in  to eternity. And every soul will know when he or she has awakened to this new reality, which is that you are the One Infinite God and Creator.
And so dear ones new souls will forever have to be created by you and your higher spiritual society and soul group to eternity and third density will continue to exist to eternity as well for your needs and your needs alone. That reason being is that you are everyone and everyone is you. So what we have here is a thing better known as the Circle of Life. It all goes around in a circle and returns to where it once began long ago and repeats the four ages and seasons of life for your lower self that represents your material and physical body and form. . But it is the lower third and second density souls who experience this circle of life as every evolved and awakened soul comes to eventually separate itself from this circle known as the veil or boundary that cannot be penetrated so long as you have not lived out your four seasons of life and death within the illusion. Once you awaken as to whom you truly are you are released by your having done your part for the whole by descending and living out the illusion of life and death as a material and physical human being. That is the part every created soul must first do for the Infinite God and Creator before they are free to go off and create time and time again to eternity. Who frees them in order for them to do this? You free yourself as you Awaken from your sleep you yourself long ago placed yourself in.
Now we move on to those timelines: Every beginning and created existence of a new soul is the beginning of a new timeline. You can call that timeline number one if you so choose as it matters not. You could even call it timeline number three million as you have lived out at least that many timeline number ones in your existence. But in order to keep it simple lets remain with timeline number one. Every new soul lives out and completes timeline number one through his and her many – many new lives and deaths within the illusion of time. As long as you are in the illusion living and experiencing it you will also experience the reality of life and death together in every single new lifetime. Timeline number one will always be your guide and it will always be the original creation ( experiment) that is continuously being lived and experienced by that one created soul for the duration of the timeline that is numbered one ( or the set timeline). Therefore no human being can ever leave timeline number one unless they create an alternate timeline being ignorant that they are doing so, in which case they have just begun a new experiment for their higher self to play with.
Still every newly create timeline created by the higher self ( the one you are living) is being lived and experienced by your other selves,  that are newly created souls created by higher self for its good alone(as doing all for your own good is service to others by not interfering with the choices of others). In other words dear ones your timeline is set simply because your higher self wants it to be played our to its end, so as to see if that newly created reality is beneficial or hurtful to the whole( the finite god and Creator). Of course the Infinite God and Creator already knows the answer and needs not know the outcome. Therefore your higher self will always allow for the creation (by you the lower self) of new timelines as all timelines are always new opportunities for new experiences and lessons for the whole.
As we states you will not ever be permitted to leave timeline number one, and will be there on the day and hour of your awakening and ascension, but all other souls who have been involved in the creation of all your many other timelines will have the choice as well to be combines or absorbed by your timeline number one on the day of the great shift in consciousness known as the Consummation of the Ages, in which case all souls will have the opportunity to awaken and ascend right along side you in the end. Everyone will have that choice to either chose third density life once again, or they may choose ascension and move on to unconditional love and light, found only within the higher realms of existence that are fifth density and above. You may call the timelines what you wish but they will still all end up right where the experiment ends, which is at the end of timeline number one. All the other timelines that were created and choose third density all over again are all the human souls who have not yet awakened and have not yet lived out their four seasons or ages of life and death within the Circle of Life.
Each of these created timelines out there that have been created by all the many different human souls will have a life of their own just as every human has a life of their own, and in fact that is just what a timeline is; a human being. So when each human being ( timeline) has lived out its life and existence, experiencing all the experiences and lessons scheduled for it to go through, it to will finish out its (representative) timeline number one, and go on to its awakening and ascension to the higher densities of life and existence that is God. So no matter where you begin your existence as a newly created soul within another souls timeline number one (or life) that represents the beginning of your timeline number one( or life) in which case each of you will go one to finish that timeline and life out( through its four seasons or ages or life) and will eventually go on to awaken and ascend to become once again your higher self known as God.
We hope we have been of service to each of you dear ones at this time, and we leave you all now in peace and joy as we return to our place where you all shall soon come to join us.
We are the society Daniel and we leave you all in complete unconditional love and light at this time.