Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Absolute Data - Twenty Fifth energetic transmission

Absolute Data – Twenty fifth energetic transmission

In the beginning!

In the beginning God ( Higher God Man) and god ( lower god man) came together within equilibrium and created the heavens (higher etheric fully conscious – spiritual world – fifth density - material and physical - realms) as well as the earth ( lower – more dense – third density – material and physical – realms). The Higher God Man while in equilibrium represented the fully conscious God Man that is the Feminine passive and finds his (or her) place of ruling loves in life (known to many as the heavens) above equilibrium – while the lower god man while in equilibrium represented (and always represents) the fully conscious god man that is the masculine energies of the same God man and finds his or her place of ruling loves below equilibrium. While both reside within equilibrium however the God Man ( upper equilibrium) is passive and non active while the god man ( lower equilibrium) is constantly in change – movement - and active [with both together residing as the etheric God Man within sixth density higher full consciousness] – and neither reside within fourth density during their time in equilibrium.
Fourth density represents the rational human mind and the world of spirits. Fourth density (or the World of Spirits) is also the place all human souls return to after death still in their rational mind – and still destined to return to third density life in reincarnation or transmigration of the soul. All higher souls ( God Men) who reside below equilibrium therefore – who are in service to self and conditional love have the ability to enter fourth density and connect to the rational human mind – but not those souls who reside above equilibrium – who are in service to others and unconditional love. Again all souls who represent the hells of the sixth density God Man can connect to the third density human through their fourth density rational mind – but not those souls who represent the heavens of the sixth density God Man as he or she never ventures below equilibrium. And so all creation below equilibrium is of the body and form while all creation above equilibrium is of the higher mind and soul of the God Man – having no body and form to weigh them down in their existence. In this state of the God Mans creative ventures he or she can go and do all things in their existence that never require the possession of a body and form but only conscious energy.
If the human soul has completed their life’s plan and soul contract through the evolution of the soul - when they enter into fourth density and the World of Spirits upon their death in third density – they enter into the heavens within fourth density and move on to enter into sixth density full consciousness – either as a service to self god man who resides below equilibrium – or a service to others God Man who resides above equilibrium. All creation therefore has its beginning in sixth density consciousness – where the God Man and the god man reside in equilibrium and full consciousness of Absolute Truth and Data – and this is the place where all of creation has its beginning in the form of thought and full consciousness. Fifth density in the meantime is the material and physical realm where the spirit world is given its many myriads of bodies and forms below equilibrium.
When the Higher essence of the God Man creates from equilibrium and sixth density therefore – and it is given its bodies and forms within fifth density - he or she creates all higher things for the material and physical body and form that is fifth density – while the lower god man creates from equilibrium and sixth density all lower things which will have their manifestation upon the physical and material plane of fifth density. Therefore the Higher fifth density God man that is fully conscious and passive (representing the Feminine energies of the God Man) creates all things of his or her ruling love in life to be lived and experienced within fifth density and above –while the lower god man that is fully conscious and passive (representing the Masculine energies of the God Man) creates all things that are to be lived and experienced in the lower fifth density realms of existence.
Both the Higher and the lower God Man can change places – one with the other – any time they please in their existence so as to experience the opposite ruling love of their very nature. Because however, each God Man or god man has their own protective sphere or bubble surrounding them in their existence they are protected whether above or below the place or levels of consciousness known as equilibrium. Their protection at such a time lies in the fact that they can return to their own place of their ruling loves – whether above or below equilibrium whenever they are no longer comfortable or wish to remain in that opposite place or spiritual society that is not in fact their place of ruling loves in their existence.
What this means is that the Higher can experience the lower essence and ruling loves of his or her true self throughout their existence to eternity – while the lower can do the same – and choose to experience all opposite things to their essence and being – and ruling loves in their existence to eternity – and they can return to their home (their own heavens or ruling loves) whenever they please again. However no finite soul (or God Man) can ever change their ruling love to eternity (ever) as what exists within the finite realms of existence as a created soul exists within the Infinite realms of their existence as well as a ruling love within Infinite pure passive consciousness alone. Therefore what many of you see yourselves as – known as a living or conscious soul – is in fact not a living soul within Infinite Source but Infinite Source in His or Her fullness – Oneness- and whole essence and being.
The Finite and Passive human soul that is the God Man within a realm of boundaries – bound only by your own personal sphere or bubble - gives each of you the freedom in your existence to go – do – think – and create as you please in your existence – while knowing all the time that you are the material and physical manifestation of Infinite Creator Source or the One Pure Passive and active – Collective  - and Conscious Energies that provides us all with the illusions of our existence as well as the realities. So as we were saying earlier each of you is that one God Man individually as well as collectively in your existence – which means each of you can choose to create from a pure passive state of existence within your own personal sphere or bubble of finite energies or you can choose to create collectively – and in partnership with other God Men to eternity.
Long ago as well as within every now moment to eternity each of you chose to create the world and reality you presently live and experience – and you continue to create this reality every now moment of your existence – experiencing the evolution of your soul on in to eternity. It matters not if you are the lower god man or the Higher God Man in equilibrium or your existence – still you will continue to evolve to eternity – but will remain either in the heavens or the hells of all affections and ruling loves that make up the essence and being that is the God Man – and you can do so while representing the microcosm or the macrocosm – either the single cell organism – the human being – or the Grand Universe. 
No living soul whose ruling loves in life is below equilibrium - who eventually becomes fully conscious once again (and remembers that they are existence itself and not life itself or alone) – none of these souls -can move their home or place of ruling loves above the place of equilibrium ( known as the heavens of the God Man) - and no living soul who whose ruling loves are those above the place of equilibrium  - and eventually becomes fully conscious once again (and remembers they are existence itself and not just life alone) can move their home or place of ruling loves in life below those realms of equilibrium – known as the hells for the God Man. Within the body and form of the God Man therefore (as well as the third density physical human being) – all souls are encompassed (possessing the human or God Man who provides them body and form) above and below equilibrium – as a single ruling love in the life of the human or the existence of the God Man – and the third density human being as well as the Higher fully conscious God Man appear as One.
Again – for providing a clear understanding – whether you are third density man or a sixth density God Man you are possessed by many created souls that are each and all you – providing you with every thought or conscious decision you could make in life – and therefore there is forever a society living within each of you to eternity – that is responsible for all thoughts and things created to eternity. Each of you – whether a third density human – or a sixth density God Man is made up of the lower masculine levels of energies and consciousness that represents your hells- as well as the higher Feminine levels of energies and consciousness which represent your heavens - in your life or existence to eternity.  While each of you is still the third density human being you will be ruled in life by your masculine energies and levels of consciousness (as the world has been flooded and bound to the masculine energies for a very long time now) – but will switch over to the Masculine or Feminine energies in your existence ( depending on your true ruling love) as your ruling loves in life when you become the sixth density  (fifth density physical) fully awakened and conscious God Man above as well as below equilibrium. And so -  if you are of the ruling loves in life presently that represent service to self – conditional love – and the masculine you will awaken and enter into sixth density ( fifth density physical) full consciousness as the lower god man – who resides below equilibrium – while those of you in service to others – unconditional love – and the Feminine will awaken and enter sixth density ( fifth density physical) as the fully conscious higher God Man ( though not truly higher).
No human being in third density whose collective consciousness or collective ruling loves in life from within – that is ruled by service to self – conditional love –and the masculine will be any different when he or she awakens and moves on to sixth density full consciousness – as he or she will still be ruled in life (according to their ruling loves) by service to self – conditional love – and the masculine – as all things at this day ( Consummation of the Ages – end of the world – end times – or the awakening) are being returned to their prospective and original homes and places of their true ruling loves in life. In other words all who were once from the fifth density heavens ( just a term) that have chosen to come to this world and density so as to provide their part in this soul contract – and pretend to be something they are not actually - are now returning to their heavens – and all who were once from the  fifth density hells ( just a term) who came here to provide the lessons of their soul contract at this time – and have pretended to be something they actually were not as well – are now retuning to their prospective and original hells in fifth density.
What is taking place in the world today ( fifth density planet earth) is that no one will be able to pretend much longer – and all will be seen for who and what they truly represent in life. All human beings who have for the longest time pretended while they were out in public to be something they truly are not in life will now be seen for who and what they truly are – as they can no longer hide their true ruling loves in life – given that the fifth density man (God Man) will know all thoughts of all fifth density human souls or God Men. Every souls making upo the existence or energetic full consciousness of the God Man is the world of fifth dneisty and every soul within is the collective consciousness of that world or God Man – and this is why all thoughts are shared and cannot be hidden one form the other – and why the God Man knows all things of that world. Again the God Man is a world within itself – and all things are known to the God Man from within.
 This will not be noticeable for those third density humans who are not yet awakened or awakening at this day - but only those who are – or are now in the process - of their awakening. Only fifth density man will know he or she is fifth density man – and no third density human will know any different than that all things are still going as usual in life – and nothing in the world has really changed for them or the world.
Again the masculine energies have been ruling your planet – world – and false reality of third density for a very long time – and all the proof is there for those who are actually seeking Absolute Truth and Data in life today. Your world is upside down in every way because instead of being ruled by the masculine ( as third dneisty is presently) it was long ago designed to be guided by the feminine instead.
*Mankind was not originally meant to be the head of the household!
*Mankind was not originally meant to be a respecter of (certain) persons in life – but all.
*Mankind was not originally meant to have laws for society – rules for proper order to a society- or regulations for all things to be done or created.
*Mankind was not originally meant to be stronger or larger than woman but was meant to live his life in equilibrium and equality with the feminine. However man (the masculine) created woman in the image of what he wanted the feminine to represent in his world – causing her to submit in order to sustain and maintain her place in his world. At one time (and even now) the feminine resided and resides above equilibrium in fifth density – and does not travel or venture below equilibrium other than when he or she serves as a guide to higher things ( must change places with the lower service to self god man) – but even then the feminine does not go below fifth density – and will in turn trade places with the masculine (falling below equilibrium in fifth density) so as to guide third density man who connects to higher self.
*Mankind was not originally meant to govern but rather to guide (this includes the children) – and so the feminine was removed to the lowest of positions in your world for the convenience of the masculine energies that rule over it today.
*Mankind was not originally meant to hold power or authority over anyone in life but was meant to love unconditionally through the feminine rather than conditionally – and with terms agreed upon.
*Mankind was not originally meant to buy and sell – or to own anything in life – but was meant rather to share all things in life according to want and need. Neither people - the land – property – the water – or the air we breathe is to be owned by a single soul – but is to be shared equally by all with unconditional acceptance for the wants and needs of all in turn.
*Mankind was not originally meant to take out the trash – mow the grass – feed the kids – clothe the kids – correct the kids – or even work while the mother (the feminine) has her set place in all of these issues or chores in the family life. There was never a set order to any family or group of human beings who live a life together as a unit or family.  What is good for one family should never be placed as a set order or tradition for another in life. All things of life in your world were originally meant to be created and lived according to the ruling loves of every individual human soul or God Man.
*Mankind was never originally meant to enslave others in any way or according to any terms in life – we are all members of one nation - and that is the human nation.
*Mankind was never originally meant to pay money for anything in life as all things (whether goods or services) were meant to be made readily available from the God Man – at no charge – to all human beings of third density through corresponding providence for all conscious and unconscious souls.
*Mankind was never originally meant to have belief systems or religions of any kind – as these are beliefs and laws placed on the human soul that are not of Absolute Truth and Data – but of a corrupt and opposite nature to what is absolute. If no one is ever lost then no one need be saved – and you are only lost according to what you permit to bind your knowledge in life and limit what Absolute Truth and Data you choose to accept in life.  Everything and every belief has its purpose in the grand scheme of life – but there comes a time for every evolving human soul when they must choose to move out of the box of illusion through their own free will choosing – and into a new way of looking at what a true loving God would look like and have as His created reality of life and death. It is time my friends to search out and find that one ruling love that is very seldom ever mentioned in your world – and that is not necessarily unconditional love or conditional love – but in fact Absolute Truth and Data. So if you are not one who can accept unconditional love - based on your ruling loves in life - then at least seek out Absolute Truth and Data – and reflect on whether or not you are truly being given the whole story about your true life and existence as a spiritual human soul.
*Mankind was never originally meant to have to provide for another in life – whether he was paid or those things were provided free of charge. There was a time when all of mankind provided for him or her self in life as he (or she) possessed the abilities of instant creation – according to his or her own free will choosing in life. This ability was lost when knowledge of Absolute Truth and Data was lost in your world. Through one generation after another corrupt truth and data was added to the family and teachings of every human child on your world - until eventually all Absolute Truth and Data was eventually completely forgotten. 

*Mankind was not originally meant to wage war or create weapons of war as this alone promotes murder - ruler ship – violence- and aggression towards others in your world.
*Mankind was not originally meant to place rules – regulations- or laws over other human beings or souls in life –as every human soul is his or her own God Man – and is therefore responsible for no one but self in life.  Therefore no one God Man is responsible for another’s ways or ruling loves in life as far as maintaining a certain order to a society. Your society and rulings loves are yours to live in life and you have no right or power which permits any one of you – or me in life to force our ruling loves and beliefs on another. Creation as well as Co – Creation is something that is to be agreed upon by all in a single society (no matter the size of that society) and not the majority rules. Every human being – every God Man - is a law and a Universe within themselves – and everything that does not agree completely for one should not be considered for the whole. Within third density this is permitted but in sixth density (fifth density physical) the God Man (through his or her sphere of Universal protection) cannot not ever allow one to remain a member of his or her sphere of existence that is not completely in agreement with their ruling loves in life.
Third density was originally created and will forever continue to be created in every now moment (with the illusion of time and space) because mankind needed a place to provide for the masculine and the feminine to live and interact together in life outside of equilibrium so as to eventually evolve to the point in their existence where they would come to understand just why equilibrium is needed for the God Man (human soul) in the first place.
In other words there exists two worlds or realities for the God Man at all times – one is where the masculine and feminine live in complete harmony of their existence and the other is the lower - where they live together in life – in bodies and forms as well – outside of equilibrium either in their heavens or in their hells – but never the two at the same time. While the God Man exists within equilibrium however the masculine and the feminine share a single spiritual society and soul group in complete agreement on all things –and they come to this agreement from sixth density full consciousness. Again - third density man is never to achieve equilibrium of life because the masculine is always the ruling powers – affections – and god man - of that world and reality. 
Outside of equilibrium within third density the god man is in forgetfulness according to his or her level of evolution of the human soul. They do not know that there is no such thing as right and wrong – light and dark – higher and lower – sin and salvation – good or bad – positive or negative – and so on. All third density man knows is what he or she is prepared to receive in their life from Absolute Truth and Data – and this does not come until they reconnect with the fifth density God Man they believe to be their higher self. And so it is true that we often speak of the higher and lower self – when in fact this too is all a part of the illusion. For within sixth density consciousness (fifth density physical) the feminine is not considered over and above the masculine – but they each simply have different ruling loves in life – and choose to come to complete agreement on all things within equilibrium of their existence.
All words spoken to the lower rational human mind will not make sense when they come from Absolute Truth and Data – and the third density god man must first connect to his or her spiritual mind ( still masculine or feminine) in order to remember at any level – Absolute Truth and Data. In order to live Absolute Truth and Data however the third density man must seek out equilibrium of life – and this can only be done while connecting to their sixth density counterpart – whether masculine or feminine – in which case they can experience in life what is known as the higher self at times. And eventually – once third density man connects more and more with equilibrium of life - he or she in turn will spend more and more time in fifth density.
At this time many of you might have questions as to how the sixth density spiritual ( fifth density physical) God Man – whether above or below equilibrium – in service to self or service to others – in conditional love or unconditional love – can exist together in their world and reality in complete agreement – unity – and Oneness of their existence. So we will explain:
The God Man - just as the material and physical third density human – lives their complete existence as a man in physical form – though the God Man alone is fully conscious of Absolute Truth and Data – and truly lives it as part of their existence. The God Man lives their existence as a being that is both in service to self and service to others all rolled up in a single human soul – or larger spiritual society and soul group. The God Man – just like third density human beings has free will in life to think – say – do – and live their existence in what ever manner they wish. However with the God Man he or she lives their complete existence without rules – laws – any set order to their society – and limits within their existence and reality.  The God Man does not see the other part of itself that is opposite in nature as wrong in life but simply as their equal and opposite twin so to speak. And their equal and opposite twin will forever exist as a part of themselves in fifth density physical existence.
Still this is only the case while the God Man is in complete equilibrium of their existence. Once either side of the God Man leaves equilibrium the other side leaves as well. So when that part of the God Man that is in service to self – conditional love – and the masculine leaves equilibrium so too does the other part which is in unconditional love – service to others – and the feminine. During this process the one that represents unconditional love – service to others – and the feminine moves higher into their heavens and separates from the spiritual - physical body and form while the part of the God Man that is in service to self – conditional love – and the masculine moves deeper into their hells – and separates as well from the spiritual - physical body and form.
The only time from this moment of becoming the fully conscious God Man that he or she ever re – enters third density life again - is when a new life is created in the spiritual through thought – and through equilibrium of the God Man - from both sides of their spiritual society and soul group. When this new life is created it never has its manifestation in the spiritual physical (or fifth density (but only in third density. This is because every new life or newly created soul must begin their evolution of the soul within third density life and existence. All physical beings or God Men within fifth density have come there from the evolution of the soul and have evolved from third density up to fifth density in the same manner as every other created soul from eternity.
Therefore because every soul or spiritual society and soul group entering into sixth density consciousness ( fifth density physical) from those third density physical ( fourth density spiritual) societies below is the evolved soul there is no need for children to be born there as the lessons of the children have been lived out within third density. There are no lessons to be learned in sixth density consciousness as these souls or God Men have returned to full consciousness after living a very long life of unconsciousness and forgetfulness so as to know what is involved in the life of a God Man that is out of equilibrium. The difference in fifth density is that the laws – rules – and limits of the masculine have been removed from their life and full consciousness has been returned - of Absolute Truth and Data.
Within fifth density existence with the God Man therefore once equilibrium is lost – or certain souls choose to leave the equilibrium of the God Man those souls cannot co – create with others – but can only create for their own purposes and are not permitted (through the Universal Laws of the protective sphere or bubble – in which case their creations are personal and not universal. Full and complete freedom for creation is only found when the God Man is in equilibrium of the One or whole – and not while leaving that equilibrium. This is the case even for third dneisty man in his or her life – as they cannot create for anyone but themselves in life simply because they have from eternity been out of equilibrium.  If a third density human was to again find equilibrium they would immediately become fifth density man (sixth density consciousness) as they cannot find equilibrium within third density. Still because third density man is very limited by his unconscious state of life he or she cannot create in life other than in a physical and lower energetic manner.
What we mean by the statement that third density man can only create in a lower physical and energetic manner is that they can re- create things in life according to their physical sciences and duplicate certain spiritual creations ( according to correspondences) but they can create nothing anew to eternity. For there is nothing new under the sun – and all things third density have been lived and re – lived – time and time again. Therefore everything having its manifestation within third density was first given its life or existence within fifth density first. And what was given life within fifth density first was all things based on Absolute Truth and Data – only to be corrupt - changed - or reversed by mankind’s sciences in the world of third density.
Within fifth density physical ( sixth density consciousness) the God Man has memory of all things past ( or what appear to be the past) and they use this wisdom and knowledge – along with Absolute Truth and Data – and in equilibrium – to co – create other worlds and realities in their existence to eternity. Therefore within the physical realms of fifth density the God Mans existence is based on the guidance of the feminine and not the masculine. In order for the God Man to live an existence where things are based on the masculine the God Man would have to separate form the one or whole that is in equilibrium and go off and create on his or her own. When this takes place the God Man will also go off in the other direction and create on his or her own and will therefore enter into their heavens and deeper into the feminine – where body and form is lost and more spiritual wisdom and knowledge is sought – rather than things physical. In the other direction in which the masculine would venture all things are indeed physical – and more out of line and equilibrium with the feminine.
Still no matter how far you venture into the heavens or into the hells of the fifth density God Man there are no rules – laws- or limits to what can be created and lived in life (or their existence).
And now the spirit is leading me to end this transmission as much here is to be pondered upon before we move on to other matters in our messages to come.

My name is Daniel Gross and I leave you all in complete unconditional love and I wish you all good things in the days ahead.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Absolute Data - Twenty fourth energetic transmission

Absolute Data – Twenty fourth energetic transmission


The Masculine verses the Feminine!


Third density man has always come into the world as a human child and left it in death – or the illusion of death – and gone on to enter into the World of Spirits ( fourth density) at death – where he or she as a spirit or soul either reincarnates (transmigration of the soul) back into the third density world on any planet in the known created Universe he or she so chooses - or moves directly to fifth density – where he or she is then a fully awaken or conscious fifth density or higher spiritual angel or God Man. What planet in the created Universe the soul decides to move to in their incarnation is always based on what planet their spiritual society and soul group within the spiritual realms resides on.

When a soul incarnates on a third density planet he or she reincarnates either as male or female – depending on the lessons to be learned and the soul contract which has been agreed to prior to incarnating in and on that planet. When a soul reincarnates on to a planet the spiritual society and soul group they belong to in the spiritual realms is the same spiritual society and soul group they will be a part of on their third density planet as a human being. For as we have stated many times – the human being in their body and form simply provide the shell – house- or home for the spiritual society and soul group in and on the material and physical world as well as the spiritual world. And so not only is the human being a small spiritual society or soul group – but the planet itself is the larger spiritual society or soul group – with the smaller representing the microcosm while the larger represents the macrocosm.

When you incarnate on a planet as a collective of souls (spiritual society and soul group) you are replacing a collective of souls who have either moved on in their awakening and ascension – and therefore moved on to fifth density or higher – or they have simply reincarnated on another world or planet that best offers their next set or level of lessons to be learned in their third density life. Keep in mind that souls are not replaced so as to keep a certain population on a planet – but to maintain proper equilibrium within the spiritual society and soul group that is the microcosm ( the human being) as well as the one that is the macrocosm ( the planet and Universe. In other words a single human being can possess enough souls in life so ass to take the place of ten other human beings who have far less numbers of souls – in which case the number of human bodies and forms are not what is being taken into consideration here – but the inner spiritual societies and soul groups and their numbers.

This is why it is not so important as to how many humans awaken on a planet at the time of Universal Ascension but the number of souls within the collective of the spiritual society and soul group that is the microcosm as well as the macrocosm.

Every third dneisty human being is a collective of souls known as spirits or angels – and whether or not a soul is a spirit or angel simply depends on their level of evolution of the soul and their understanding of Absolute Truth and Data. Therefore every third dneisty human possesses some level of awakened souls and others who are not awakened and are not scheduled to awaken for a very long time in some instances. Those awakened souls within every third dneisty human are each an inner and spiritual man or God Man as it is. They are fifth density or higher spiritual angels (not physical angels) or human souls. Again these awakened souls who are the higher human being in spiritual body and form are found within the material and physical bodies and forms of every material and physical human being that resides within third density throughout the known created Universe. They are known as the inner man or inner earth – or Hollow Earth as some have come to hear of on your world. Inner representing spiritual God Men in body and form – Hollow representing the inner spiritual God Man out of body and form – as the pure conscious and passive Creator Source.

Every third dneisty human who has awakened in life will know of the inner and spiritual man who lives inside of him or her – but those third density humans who have not yet awakened because they have not reached equilibrium of life as of yet will know nothing of the inner and spiritual God Man from within. Again it is true that every third dneisty human has a certain number or level of awakened souls within their being – but the human will not awaken as a collective – they cannot return to the one or whole that is Creator Source until they have first completed their life’s plan and soul contract – in which case they will have evolved as a soul must evolve – before they can each go on and re – enter back into the collective – that is the God Man.

Therefore within and upon your world today you have human souls walking your world who are in complete ignorance and illusion when it comes to the awakened and inner God Man – and Absolute Truth and Data – and you have those who are completely aware – as they in fact are the God Men walking your planet in a fully conscious state of existence – not life. Remember that life cannot ever truly be created and neither can it ever be destroyed – but life is an illusion as is death – and all things that exist and have their being within the One Infinite as well as Finite Creator Source will forever have their being in Him – and will be Him to eternity. Consciousness is so much more than life because you cannot have life until you first experience what death is. Therefore as long as you reside in a world where life exists you will also reside in a world where that life will one day cease to exist and will therefore have to die time and time again. Move to a world and reality where there is no life – and there is no death – and all you have is complete pure passive consciousness of all things in existence as well as every potential and possibility of things which can one day exist.

So as it is - third density man walks your planet all the time - fifth density man walks your planet at the same time – within every now moment ever to exist. The one walks it inside of time and space while the other walks your planet outside of time and space – and within every now moment of third density mans existence and life. One walks your planet as the outer man or shell that provides all change and mechanical operations of the body and form – for the good of the One or whole – while at the same time third density man believes to be doing all things for himself or her self in life. The other walks your planet as the inner and spiritual man (or woman) and he or she lives out their entire existence within the body and form of a third density human being. Where third dneisty man can go no where in life without his or her body and form going along with them – the inner and spiritual man on the other hand can go to all places which interest them in their existence because they are no longer bound by time and space.

And so the inner and spiritual man (the God Man) has all freedom in their existence to leave their third density human form at any time and go off and explore the known created Universe. If however they are connected to third density mans rational thoughts they cannot do so as they must remain and provide corresponding thoughts to the third density human while he or she is awake and conscious in appearance only. How do they do this and still have the freedom and ability to move in and out of one world or another – to travel from one Universe or Galaxy – or another- and to go any place they please in the Created Universe – if they in fact have to be there to provide influx to the rational human mind while they human is conscious and living their life?

We will explain this to you in as simple a manner as is possible for us to speak to the human mind at this time – without connecting to the rational.

Every spiritual human soul when they have a single thought in their existence - when compared to the thoughts of a third density human being – would be compared to a thousand individual thoughts for third density man. And so a single thought from a God Man is comparable to a thousand individual thoughts of a single human being in third density. At the same time a single now moment for a God Man is comparable to a thousand now moments or seconds of the life of a single third density human being. It is like being in a thousand different places as one person while another can only reflect on being in a single place while the other was in a thousand places during the same time frame or period.

Another way of putting it is that a single God Man can live a thousand now moments or a lifetime  (if they had lifetimes – which they do not really) in the amount of time it takes a single human being to think a single thought in his or her lifetime. Now given these examples – do you not now see how a God Man – or inner spiritual man - can go off and enjoy many new and happy experiences in their existence in the time it takes the third density human they call their house or home ( spiritual society and soul group) to conjure up a single thought in life?

This is why even as third dneisty man is dreaming at night his inner and spiritual man (God Man) does not have to return to the third density human body and form for a very long time. At the same time however there are inner souls or spiritual beings that must always remain with the human body and form in the life of third density man – and these souls are the ones who provide involuntary bodily functions while the human is fast asleep. Still – as time does not permit us to speak on this matter we will move on and continue on with our present subject. We will tell you before moving on that there are two spirits and two angels minimum - with every third density human body and form at all times in their life – and these are simply spirits who are not so evolved – and angels who are.

In getting back to our original subject somewhat – we would say that when each of you leaves third density for good (still able to return whenever you please in your new existence) your third density counterpart is aware of you leaving – and also aware that you can return at any time you please in their life or your existence and consciousness. When your third density counterpart is aware of your leaving and also aware of Absolute Truth and Data – they are aware of these things because they too will very soon be coming to join you in fifth dneisty ( or higher) as the fully conscious God Man. Those third dneisty human beings who are not aware of their inner and higher self – and are not aware of Absolute Truth and Data are not aware simply because they are either young souls who have come to your world and planet so as to maintain the equilibrium of your world and planet – or they are souls who will not complete their evolution of the soul – or their soul contracts – within this generation.

 So what you have on your world today is many human beings who are awakened and simply do not speak their words of spiritual wisdom to other third density humans who are not awakened (and they can discern who is and is not awakened) and they know time is short – and that fifth density planet earth is already here and is being populated even now as we speak. Then you have those third density human beings who are not awakened or will not awaken in this generation - who are still walking the world as if nothing has changed (and rightly so as this is the case for them) and they are living their lives according to everything third density – according to the old system – and the old system will therefore carry on for generation after generation – still evolving as it has been for a very long time. - according to third density specifications and beliefs.

The old system as many have called it at this day will continue on and the rulers and posers that be in your third dneisty world will continue to mislead the people – take advantage of the people – enslave the people – and live out their lives on in to the next generation and beyond – enslaving the people of your third density world.

Now because even third density planet earth is evolving along with the human souls who populate it at this day your world will soon become a paradise as it is in the higher realms of your existence – and this will go on for a time – and then all things will be as they once were – once again – as there is nothing new under the sun. All things in your third density world are bound to repeat themselves - as they have done in many days gone by. But we wish to have you reflect on the now instead of what is to come and what once was friends. For as long as human souls continue moving in and out of third density – and on to their awakening and ascension – younger and less evolved souls must forever come and take their place – so as to begin as well as finish out their life’s lessons and souls contracts from now to eternity.

All of humanity including the material and physical - as well as the spiritual realms of his soul at every level of life and density must experience the higher and the lower to eternity – in as well as out of time and space – as this is what is available to each human soul as a free will choice in life to eternity. If you choose to take on the lower levels of your being and energies in life all levels of physicality provide the body and form for those lower levels to be played out for your amusement and pleasure in life – as this is the purpose of lower level existence in the first place – and from eternity. Those things in life which appear to be negative – evil – and of a service to self nature in life appear this way because each of you create these affections in life from your own free will choosing and not those free will choices of others. For it is each of you who holds the power and abilities to create and manifest your own realities in and out of time and space – according to service to self or service to others and there will forever remain a realm and density of existence for each individually and separately.


And now we will change our subject a bit so as to speak of other things in this now moment of our message – as the spirit tells us the human has rested and our message should  continues further at this time. So let us reflect on some Absolute truth and Data in the now before we move on.


Service to self is active and equal to conditional love – conditional love is equal to lower self –lower self exists below the realms of equilibrium (or the World of Spirits) - lower self is equal to all things created from an unconscious state of mind and existence at one level or another – lower self is always at some level of unforgiveness toward self as well as others in life - and all of this in turn is equal to the masculine energies of Finite Creator Source or the lower God Man.

Service to others is passive and equal to unconditional love – Unconditional love is equal to Higher Self – higher self exists above the levels of equilibrium (or the World of Spirits) – Higher Self is always in complete forgiveness and is completely acceptable of all others and their own free will choices in life - Higher Self is equal to a fully conscious state of existence – Higher Self is therefore representative of the Feminine energies of Finite Creator Source or God Man.


In the beginning the world in which you each dwell today was created – as was a beginning – given the fact that every creation is given its beginning within the now – from eternity to eternity. Every creation is given its beginning in the now and within the spiritual realms of your (each of you) existence – and is followed by its manifestation in the realms of third density. There is no actual first and second density creations of life in any one single form to ever speak of as all living manifestations within body and form are third density in nature -  from their beginning and go on to one day evolve to become the higher fifth density body and form that no longer believes they are experiencing life – but rather existence at one level or another – with life and death both being a part of the evolution within this Grand Circle of Life – which ends in the awakening back into Absolute Truth and Data. Once this cycle is completed for every created living soul each soul has the free will choice forever to return to any part of that Circle of Life whenever they choose in their existence to do so - on in to eternity.

So again in the beginning there was the Masculine and the Feminine energies of the God Man living their existence ( not life) within complete equilibrium – within the place known as the World of Spirits – fourth density – or the spirit world. Everything that was and is created within those realms of existence is and will forever be created within equilibrium and a partnership of the Masculine and Feminine creative energies of the God Man. This is and was the beginning of all things created in the Grand Universe of Finite Creation – and in turn become Infinite in nature immediately upon its being created – as it now becomes part of the One or Whole that is Infinite Creator Source. What things did not exist before within the confines of Absolute Truth and Data (or Infinite Source) will now have their existence within Infinite Creator Source as lower self – and all things connected which we have mentioned above.

Therefore you have the Masculine and the Feminine energies of the God Man ( and each of you is a God Man individually as well as collectively – depending on whether you are the higher or the lower self in the now) creating all things within every now moment –and never within time and space originally – and every one of these creations are given body and form according to their correspondence within third density physicality so as to begin their “Circle of Life” and evolution – in which case all creation to eternity are always being played out toward their end. And this end we speak of is never to be found to eternity because the third dneisty play or “Circle of Life” is forever being fed with newly created souls – so as to add newer timelines and dimensions to each “Circle of Life” to eternity. Therefore if a world and reality is destroyed by mankind during their evolutionary cycle - or Circle of Life (circle representing a never ending scenario) many other timelines and dimensions have been created in the process –and these will cause the continuance of the original creation – as the death and consummation of a human life as well as a world or universe is nothing more than an illusion and fallacy of unconscious man.

Again the Masculine and the Feminine are forever creating anew – within every now moment of their existence achieving equilibrium within the World of Spirits (the collective consciousness of the God Man) as well as forever – within every now moment leaving equilibrium of their existence and creating out of equilibrium – the One as the Higher self and the other as the lower self – either connecting and creating from spirit – or the human organic machine. The Higher self when out of equilibrium creates spiritual things in a fully conscious state of existence above equilibrium – knowing fully well that whatever they create in the heavens of their existence will be created as its opposite in the hells – as well as upon the material and physical planes of existence known as third density.

So the higher  ‘Higher self’ ventures into the realms of their heavens upon leaving equilibrium – creating from these realms of existence – and in turn these things will be created as well in third density as their opposites and corresponding bodies and forms - whether thought – words - actions -  affections – or new bodies and forms. For in truth every body and form is created anew within every now moment of existence –and nothing truly remains in your world – but is provided by the illusion of time and space. What is created from the higher heavens is manifested on the third density plane of existence and life as the worst of possibilities for the human and their hells. The reason for this is because the higher heavens correspond to the lowest hell within the God Man – the middle heavens to the middle hells – and the lower heavens to the higher hells. In order to provide and maintain equilibrium within the God Man therefore – the higher hells would come together with the lower heavens in equilibrium of life (or existence) and find a partnership – contrast – equilibrium – and middle ground for creation in their existence.

In your bibles where the story is told of Satan being an angel and eventually being kicked out of heaven – this story is incorrect and has been reworded to deceive third density mankind while he is connected to his rational and unconscious mind in life.  The truth of the matter is that the lower (Masculine - god – Satan – service to self – below equilibrium – and the unconscious god Man) self or God Man chose to go down into the lower energies as this is his place of his own ruling loves – where is face he is found to be residing in his heavens – and Higher Self ( the Feminine – God – service to others – above equilibrium - and the fully conscious God Man) could not enter into those lower realms but could only meet with the lower god Man and self within equilibrium ( or within heart and the higher fully conscious state of their existence). For it is a truth that when the lower self is in equilibrium with the higher self in life or their existence that even lower self is fully conscious.

The Satan you all know therefore (if you have ever read mans version of the holy bible – or other religious books that speak in similar terms - but using other names and references) is the god of your third density world – and is therefore the lower self in life. Whenever therefore the God Man or human soul comes to drop below equilibrium in life he or she is either connected to the lower human in mind or in body and form. Take away all the past names and terms each of you have been provided in your religious books and messages of days gone by and replace those names and terms with your own name – and you shall see just who it is that is being represented by all the stories and analogies provided by the rulers and powers of the past. Everything lives and experienced in the past by those men and women known to be righteous or wicked are all and each of you either collective or individually.

As the spirit is now guiding us to leave you and end it here – we would imagine what has needed to be said at this time has now satisfied the spirit.  We will end it here – and look forward to providing you guidance as well as other options in life toward your human evolution of the soul. We now return to the lower self so as to provide this message to you all at this time – and we leave it to Daniel to do so.

I am Daniel and I leave this message for each of you to ponder - and I leave you all in complete unconditional love and acceptance of your own free will choice to receive what has been shared here at this time. May this spirit resonate!









Monday, April 15, 2013

Absolute Data - Twenty third energetic transmission

Absolute Data – Twenty third energetic transmission


Once service to self always service to self!



It may have as of late come to the attention of certain human souls on our world that their awakening is upon them but that they think in a different manner than other human souls who truly appear to be awakening at this day as well – and this is in fact the impression many of these souls get from their own discernment in life – and not something that has to be told them or shown them in the least. What we are seeing in the world today is two different groups of human souls who are indeed awakening or about to awaken – and these two different groups see things in two very different manners. The reason for this is because one group has to provide one side of equilibrium for the awakened human soul group and spiritual society while the other group provides the opposite.

It is absolute truth and part of universal data that equilibrium is to be established by the human soul – human being – microcosm - or to put it in its most proper term  - the many spiritual societies and soul groups in the world today. Then there is the Absolute Truth and Data that the world itself – or the macrocosm - will eventually achieve equilibrium during our awakening but it is not required in the beginning stages of the grand awakening as each human soul or spiritual society and soul group must each awaken and achieve equilibrium in and at their own allotted time in their own personal evolution of the soul. Therefore you have the personal ascension or awakening - and then you have the Universal ascension or awakening in the world – followed by the ascension and awakening of the complete and whole universe itself.

In this process every human being on your world – every spiritual society and soul group providing life and consciousness to these human beings ( as the human shell is nothing more than a house and home for every spiritual society and soul group residing in the ethers) is made up of half service to self spirits or souls and half service to others spirits or souls. Still this is not something that has to be achieved in order to find equilibrium at this day as it is a universal law or system that provides a certain order within the human society. You do not have to work in order to achieve it – you do not have to be loving or kind all the time – you do not have to give to your hearts desire – and you do not have to earn it through many prayers – times of fasting – or bending the knee to a higher being or soul many have come to call God.

As we have stated time and again – once a human being knows he or she is a fifth density or higher fully conscious soul – soul group – spiritual society- physical angel - or God Man the equilibrium has already been achieved and everything is a done deal.

You will believe you are awakening during this process but you will often find yourself doubting and lacking in true spiritual wisdom – and will therefore often think others might be on the right track while you are faltering in your awakening or ascension.  Do not let this get you down as it is a thing which happens for all awakening human souls. There comes a time in the awakening process of every human being when he or she will have to remember how to discern and weigh all things in their life – so as to separate the service to self from the service to others truth and data – as the one is Absolute Truth and Data while the other is false; corrupt; and the unconscious illusion. This does not mean the one side will not still awaken or ascend in their consciousness – therefore moving over eventually to full consciousness – but in order for both sides (that being service to self souls and service to others souls) to awaken and ascend in their consciousness – then becoming the collective consciousness – they will have to first find equilibrium within the human – later to be followed by equilibrium of the world – and then later to be followed by the whole Universe.

You do not have to push away or ignore those souls who are different from you in this process however - as this is what you do not want to do. Whether you are a service to self human soul group and spiritual society or a service to others soul group and spiritual society (the inner makeup of the human being) you are bound for the ascension or awakening simply because both sides are required for the completion and collective consciousness of the angel or God Man when it is all said and done. This has not yet been shared with your world for the most part simply because it was not yet time – and the people of your world were not yet prepared to accept these teachings. Still we say to you here and now that this is how it is to be. No human being can go it alone – and no human being is separate from any other human being in the awakening process – because once each of you as what appears to be a single human being comes to know of his or her awakening – them ore it becomes a reality for each of you – the closer your world as a whole has come to the moment of awakening and their ascension to fifth density earth.

In other words what is above is found below as well – and what is the inner is the outer as well. Again what is the microcosm is the macrocosm too. You will first begin to understand and remember as a single human spiritual society and soul group and the world as a collective will still appear to be in the dark to all of it – but they are not in the dark as the microcosm or the macrocosm. It is only that you do not know their thoughts and they do not know yours – and so the appearance of separation will continue to keep you all in the appearance of separation when in fact you are all presently coming together in equilibrium – as a single human being( smaller spiritual society and soul group) as well as the world and Universe( larger bodies of spiritual societies and soul groups).

Again the recognition of your awakening as a single human being will be the first part of the process – followed by the grander world and Universe becoming aware and conscious of the awakening taking place in and on your world. It matters not if you are a bible salesman – a preacher in any one church – a Harlot – a plumber – a scientist – a murderer – a thief – pedophile -  a nun – or an atheist, as all will make the awakening and ascension – and all will have their place within the life and collective consciousness that is the angel or God Man. Whatever you or another represents in the world today makes no matter in the awakening process as the God Man is made up of all things – and He is equal and therefore possesses equilibrium through – of – in – and for all things.

What is happening in your world at this day is that the equilibrium we have been speaking on for so long a time is being achieved in your physical human body – minds- and Hearts, as well as your world and Universe. It will first come to pass and become a reality for all individuals before it is seen as a reality for the all - the world – the Universe - or the macrocosm. But again it does not have to become a fifth one percent advantage of service to others or good and loving human souls. No third dneisty human being will achieve unconditional love in their life and no third dneisty human being will ever see or understand service to others – that is until they have actually already become the fifth density God Man – and have therefore become service to others or service to self. And even fifth density service to self souls knows the difference between the two from the start.

So again you have two groups in the world today – those being service to self human spiritual societies and soul groups who are also in conditional love – and you have those human souls who are now awakened (within every human being) and they are in service to others as well as unconditional love for all human souls or all of their other selves in life.  The one group will walk your world and speak of love all the time – they will speak of judgment – justice –punishment – new governments – new technologies – a new money system – still buying and selling – offering new and different belief systems as well as religion in your world – and so on. The other group will have none of this – as it is all old system and is of the beast so many of you have heard of throughout your lives. The one group will believe they are awakened or are awakening in the world- but they will still be attached to third density things and belief systems.

The one group will latch on to Absolute Truth and Data from the moment they begin hearing it while the other group will remain in false and misleading – corrupt truth and data. The one group will wish to know all the secrets the world has been keeping form them for so long a time while the other group will wish to know none of these things as they will not dwell on the past – nor will they have any interest in worldly matters – as the awakening – the ascension – and guiding all human souls to this process will be all that is on the minds and in the Hearts of the latter group.

One group will use human compassion and the façade of love as their weapons against those who have awakened and are now living their lives in and on fifth density planet earth. The one group will speak of getting rid of evil and negativity in your world while the other group will be most acceptable of all human souls – forgiving of all offenses made against mankind – and will never speak on separation of any group of human souls ever again. Therefore the one group will speak of unity – harmony- and equilibrium – while the other will speak of separation – individual freedom – and every man for himself. The one group will speak of wars and the protection for every man to maintain the ability to possess weapons of war – while the other group will speak of world peace – ridding the world of weapons of all kinds – and the removal of punishment on your world.

The one group will speak of all positive things while the other will be seen for the negativity they wish to maintain in and on your world – and while one group will be in complete transparency on all matters – the other will pretend to be transparent but in the end will be seen for the fruits which they sow. One will pretend to be angels of light while the other will be seen as a fool – and naive to how things should truly be in a world of better things. One group will be accepted by many and seen as the wide gate – while the other group will be seen and heard by few – and will be known as the straight and narrow gate. So we say to you all friends do not push those away who are different from yourselves but comfort and embrace them as your brothers and sisters – for they are all your other selves – and they will all remain a part of your life and world to eternity. We do not say they will be a part of your life for a long time – or for as long a time as it takes for you to weed them from your societies in life – but we say forever.

Nothing is ever created that is uncreated or pushed to the side once it is all used up or no longer needed for pleasure or happiness in life – as all things will eventually be wanted by you once again – and all things will forever have their place in your Heart somewhere at some time. If you are a human soul who is in service to others and unconditional love still there will come another time – many – many times over – when each of you will wish to once again experience the opposite of your essence and being that is you – and you will always (from this point on) have that place to go – that person to interact with once again – and those affections to once again experience during the never ending changes to come in your lives.

Again the world you each see in front of you today that appears to be all of the same old same old – the world that appears to still be corrupt – unfair – unjust – cruel – sneaky – opposite to your true nature – and a complete illusion – is a world that will forever remain as your world – for you to always come visit time and time again – or even if it is a thousand years from now – it is all yours to use at your Hearts convenience in life from this day forward.

You can return to it any time you please and make your mark on it – because it is all you – and there is no part of it that is not you. You will be able to stand back and do nothing any time you please – and just let third dneisty move and evolve on its own – or you can re – enter into it and take on unconsciousness once again – in which case you will have so many more tools and abilities from which to work – and you will then walk both worlds at the same now moments in life – but you will then be moving in and out of time – back and forth between third density and fifth density – and no un - awakened third density human being will ever know the difference.

As we stated before those in your world today who are all third density unconscious human souls in service to self – because they can be nothing but service to self – and those higher souls who are indeed awakened – in fifth density – and still in service to self – will not move to fifth density for good – having it as their new home – until they too separate from all things third density. They do not know this as of yet because they have taken on unconsciousness for a time – not yet being able to disconnect from a reality they so much love being a part of. And so it will be hardest on this group to make their full awakening and ascension to fifth density planet earth for good. Nonetheless because they are still supplying the awakened Sto (service to others) higher souls with contrast and equilibrium – they too will have their part in the collective consciousness of the God Man.

In other words it is the service to self human souls – about to move over to fifth density planet earth that are today spending so much more time moving back and forth to third dneisty life than those who are in service to others – and have already chosen their new homes – in fifth density. And the only time a fifth density human soul will choose to even return to third density is to help in guiding other third density souls ( who believe they are awakened but are not quite yet there) to their awakening as well. Higher fifth density souls have no interest in third density other than in guiding others souls in spiritual wisdom – and not worldly wisdom.

Now with that being said friends we wish to remind you all once again that at this day no one human being can make any more right or wrong choices in life – as the stage is set – all souls are remembering their true essence and nature in life – and all are doing their part in the grand awakening process in and on your world.  We are simply here to remind and explain to all the difference between the one group or the other – and help guide each of you in the direction you feel you should choose at this day – but have had many doubts along the way as to what your true choices really were. Much confusion has been placed in the minds and Hearts of the people of your world – and the whole purpose of this all along was to keep the people of your world individually as well as collectively fr4om seeking out and achieving equilibrium for every spiritual society and soul group – whether it is the microcosm or the macrocosm of your world and Universe.

And so the spirit is now leading me to finish here.

I am Daniel and I come to you all in complete unconditional love – and I offer myself to you all as a guide when and if any one of you should ever need my services - now or in the days ahead. And so I leave you each in peaceful thoughts and complete happiness of life – knowing that there are indeed more wonderful days ahead for each of you. We are One!







Absolute Data - Twenty second energetic transmission

Absolute Data – Twenty second energetic transmission


The will of the human soul has always been free!


The question has been posed to our society as of late as to whether or not third dneisty mankind (the lower human expression) has free will or not. In answering this question we would first have to step back a bit and explain some things to the reader.

To begin with every third dneisty human being or soul is a collective of spirits or souls known as a soul group or spiritual society. No third dneisty human is in fact single or separate from Creator Source – nor have they ever been from eternity. Because there is no true separation there is no actual bounding or walls keeping third density man in unconsciousness or forgetfulness all his or her life. The walls are there simply because unconscious third density man put them there long ago (if in fact there were an actual thing or term known as long ago – which in truth there is not) and is in the process of every now moment of creating that illusion over and over again throughout his or her lifetime in third density.

The limits in life you each place on yourselves are put there by each of you out of fear – doubt- unconscious illusion – and negativity.  You have never been limited but have in fact been given the free reign and will to think – do – and say whatever you each please in life from the moment of your being created as a living soul. You created you as a living soul because each of you is the grand sum and completed essence and representation of pure passive energetic consciousness. You are not life and you are not death – but something so much greater and unlimited in your complete essence and being that is Creator Source. Therefore in your state of life and being known as the God Man (your awakened state of existence) each of you is the One and only pure passive collective consciousness.

From a third density stand point each of you is your lower essence and being found living or existing within body and form – and this body and form always permits each of you to do and be in life as you so choose from the moment you lower your energies and vibration to the lowest levels of third density all the way up to the moments you come to remember or awaken to these many myriads of manifestations (bodies and forms) of Absolute Truth and Data. You are never limited by Creator Source because each of you is Creator Source and you have simply chose to take on body and form in the lower densities for a time – in which case sleep – forgetfulness –and illusion must be connected to this new reality you have each chosen to experience. Without the illusion there would be no new learning for the collective spiritual society and soul group you are each a part of nor for the One Collective consciousness that is Creator Source.

Creator Source knows all and is all according to Absolute Truth and Data – and is therefore complete when it comes to Absolute Truth and Data – but Creator Source will never be complete or satisfied when it comes to non absolute truth and data – better known as unconscious creation (chaos) and will forever continue in this expression of Itself through the never ending creation process of separation and duality – better known as third density birth -  the living of life - and its many different death experiences. Each of you is that Creator Source and will therefore come to remember all things eventually – in your own allotted time – and will then come to reconnect to Creator Source and the collective consciousness that you each once were- not only in truth – but in physical and conscious reality as well.

So if there is a will with Creator Source then there is a will with each of you – and that will shall forever be free to think – do – and say as it pleases in life – based on the evolution and maturity of each individual soul – and always based on a certain level of illusion and unconsciousness. If there were not always and forever a certain level of unconsciousness and illusion with every created human soul – even once they each take on full consciousness once again as their own personal reality in life and existence – then there would only be complete pure and passive consciousness – and all would be intertwined within this collective of energetic - yet passive consciousness. So we say at this time that all in life is according to free will choice – and all that limits every individual human soul is the soul itself and their own personal level of unconsciousness and illusion of life.

The reason no third density human truly knows they possess free will choice in life is simply because they are not meant to know of Absolute Truth and Data until they each come to reawaken to their fully conscious state of existence. All things are separated in unconscious life as well as conscious life by every spiritual society and soul group (every human being or God Man) being surrounded at all times within their own personal sphere or bubble – and this sphere or bubble keeps each of them in life bound to their own personal realities of ruling loves and affections according to their level of consciousness or unconsciousness of Absolute Truth and Data. It is like giving third density man a billion dollars and telling him to go save the world. Each individual human being would of course attempt to go about this chore in a completely different manner we are sure of this – and some would therefore cause minimum loss or harm to others in the process – while others even would cause very much harm and loss to others as they would each still be living their lives from service to self energies and vibrations ruling their conscience – and third density mans consciousness is known as “unconsciousness.”

Third density man is unconscious of Absolute Truth and Data – while only being conscious of falsities of life and death- as well as all things set or absolute in the grand created universe that is Creator Source as a whole or One.

You are all living a lie my friends – and you have been living this lie ever since the veil has been placed over your minds or hearts – and each of you has come to take on sleep and illusion of all things absolute – making each of you the teacher in life as well as the pupil. You are each doing your part to create a world – reality- and universe of non absolute realities and data – so as to provide all contrast and equilibrium to Creator Source – or for yourselves. You walk your world and reality as though you were each the body and form – that shell that provides the home for the collective consciousness - that spiritual society and soul group that is neither two - nor one - but is both. You truly believe yourself to be that body and form when in fact you are only the mind and energies that provide the life force for that human body and form.

There is another body and form as well that lives and resides within each of you and that body and form is the inner and spiritual man known as fifth density or higher. He (or she) looks out toward the world that appears to be out and not in – and eventually each will soon come to remember that they are in fact within and that the without is simply the fantasy and illusion you have all chosen to take on in life for the good of the one or whole – that is Creator Source – and is each of you individually as well as collectively. Yes my friends you all have free will choice in life as well as in death – and you will forever possess this free will choice – whether you reside within the world and reality that is unconsciousness and false – or the one that is consciousness and truth.

The fact that you who reside in unconsciousness and third density reality do not know that your creations can always be spread out and sent to many other timelines or dimension in life when you come to create or manifest in your world of unconsciousness and illusion is all a part of your own personal sphere in life. This is and has always been done for the good of the one or whole – and those who reside in third density were never meant to know these things until it was time for each of them individually as well as collectively to move on to the higher densities and levels of energies found only in fifth density and above. The fact that it is each of you as your higher selves who is moving these creations and thoughts forms to other timelines and dimensions when they do not fit the soul contract of your lower selves is all for the good of the one or whole in the end – and each of you knew this at the time of your dissension down into the lower energies of third density.

Again you all possess free will choice in life – but while you are each still bound to your third density soul contracts you will not be given full knowledge of these things – knowledge that your creations are not always manifested in your present life or reality, but in fact sent to their proper and corresponding timelines – dimensions- and realities- so as to never allow a single creation not to be used or provided toward the good of the One or whole when all is said and done. Still with every new creation by third density man – it too must be kept separate and regulated in life so as to serve the greatest good of the one or whole. Third density man does not know that which is for the greater good of or for the one or whole – but only the higher self (fifth density man – the inner man – or the God Man).

So you see friends while third density man is beginning his or her awakening in life - they often think (as is the case in your world today) that they are awakened and are now the inner – higher- or fifth density man – but this is most always not the case. For as long as you each continue to create and manifest in life those things found only in third density – you will remain third density humans. When we say this however you must each realize that all is regulated according to levels of energies and consciousness toward Absolute Truth and Data –and that each of you does in fact possess a certain level of both – and each of you will eventually awaken fully to your inner – higher – and spiritual selves – therefore becoming the God Man and Creator Source once again. We simply remind you all at this time that the world and powers that be - around you - is attempting to fool and mislead you all in this process on up to its end or completion – hoping to stall your awakening as well as the collective awakening of your world for a time.

Do not fall for all the false hopes and empty promises made by these beings as they are simply all finishing out their soul contracts as well – and each of us will finish out our own personal soul contract to its very end in fact – on up to the last lesson to be learned in third density life. All human souls are here to provide the much needed equilibrium and contrast to the world around us when the time for the great shift in consciousness is to be at hand on our world – and the time is so very close – and no one will be giving dates that will amount to anything today as a date can never be placed on the soul evolution and lifelong soul contracts to be played out in the Consummation of this Age of Enlightenment. All are evolving every moment and all are awakening more and more completely as the hours click away in your world – and when the moment of equilibrium comes all will know it as it will already be upon them and all shall truly be completed in the shift in consciousness as well as unconsciousness.

So what must come to pass in our world before this shift can occur?

To begin with it is not a fifty one percent verses forty nine percent thing at all. The awakened souls do not have to reach a one percent level in consciousness on your world as nothing has to out weigh or assume the majority rule of energies on the planet. Again we say it is all about equilibrium and contrast – and this can be completed without any knowledge to third density man on the planet- as only fifth dneisty man will know when the hour has come – and it will come from within and not at all from without. Those still living life from without and according to third density energies and lifestyles will not possess knowledge of when the grand experience or awakening is close and actually at the door step.

Again people will still be running to and fro – buying and selling – owning and possessing – killing and punishing – judging and coming under judgment – ruling and overpowering the weak – becoming richer and poorer –and so on – and then the hour will come upon you all in a brief moment and in the twinkling of an eye. But we tell you all now friends – do not go back and check on your friends and loved ones – and do not have any regrets for what is to be left behind – as old things will now have passed away – and all things are indeed anew. Have no more worries or concerns for the dead – for those who remain in death are still there because they have each chosen what they have chosen – and the friends and loved ones you once knew will all be on the other side. Are you moving to life in place of death – and therefore mourn for those left behind? Do not do this friend as beyond the illusion of death life will no longer be found as this is the equilibrium and contrast once needed for third density to continue on. No my friends where you are going it is not life you will each find there but in fact full consciousness and something so much greater than the illusions of life and death.

Remember that in order for something to live it must also die as well – and as long as you reside within a world and reality where all things must be counteracted and balanced by their own equilibrium and contrast – or opposite in life you must always experience the one as well as the other from the beginning to its end. You however will go to a place where all things are known and all things are absolute and set in Universal order – and Universal order is a type of order where each of you will forever – from the moment of your completed awakening - possess the ability to create and manifest from chaos as well as order – but never bound to one or the other ever again. You can create life and you can create death – and all the thoughts – words- actions – and affections in between – and you will do so from outside of all those created realities – looking down on them as though third dneisty were your foot stool or foundation outside of the old reality of life and death – good and evil – positive and negative- rich and poor – and so on.

This does not mean you will now possess the ability to use third density man as your foot stool in your new existence however – as you will then know that he is not only your complete foundation – but the house and home of your spiritual society and soul group - that is in fact your new world and reality. Third density man is your self – your outer person – without which you would be nothing in your existence – as he is the machine that carries out your complete will in life – during all the times you will wish to again experience life – and he does so while taking on all the burden of it all – in complete unconscious life and energies – for that good of the one or whole that is you – the higher self – as well as you the lower self.

The body cannot ever exist without the spirit or soul nor can the spirit or soul ever exist and remain fully conscious without the eternal and never ending existence of the human body and form.  So whether you look at God as some higher being separate from yourself in life or you look at God as you within all densities and levels of life – know that God (Creator Source) is nothing without Absolute Truth and Data and He is nothing without non – Absolute Truth and Data – and the latter - which is all and everything third density man provides the life and foundation for to eternity – is the foundation that holds it all up to eternity. The higher can never continue to exist without the lower and the equilibrium that is Creator Source can never be maintained to eternity without the higher as well as the lower- without all things of third density – unconsciousness – and absolute falsities and illusions providing complete contrast to all things of fifth density and above – better known as Absolute Truth and Data.

Third density man still has a free will choice in all of it – but he will forever be bound by his own ignorance and unconscious thoughts in life – based on his level of evolution of the soul – while remaining in third density – to eternity. Once each human soul leaves third density in his or her awakening they have served their use and purpose to the good of the one and whole that is Creator Source and their higher self - they will each soon become if they live on your present world today. If you are presently living life as a child (third density and the lower self) your higher self will not treat you as a child as it has no say so in your life’s plan or soul contract – but the Laws of the Created Universe will manage all things and send all lower creations to their proper place (timeline or dimension) in the life of every third density human – to eternity.

So those of you who believe you are awakened to the point of possessing true Absolute Truth and Data at this day and hour will not truly know Absolute Truth and Data until you are each personally prepared to receive and live in your life - those things of Absolute Truth and Data -which by no means any longer allows or permits any one of you to remain connected to third density life and unconscious creation and manifestation from now to eternity. If you want money to pay a bill – material possessions to fulfill your wants or needs in life – favors or charity in life to fulfill your wants or needs – these things are not created by you while you are seeking these third density things- but they are provided according to your needs in life based your predetermined lessons of life as well as to fulfill your soul contracts – for each individual human being (or spiritual society and soul group) separately – and nothing is created by third density man simply because he believes he needs it in life or wants it in order to provide his every day happiness and sustainability.  

Again – many things third density man creates go to another lace –and he or she therefore believes in life that they do not possess the power of instantaneous creation – and of his or her own free will choosing in life. Yes you each create freely and according to your will in life – but you create for all your other selves more often than not – and you never even know it is taking place when you do so.

So when you need a thousand dollars to pay a bill – it is not you providing that thousand dollars when you come to receive it at the perfect time – or at the very last minute – but it is the collective consciousness of the grand created universe as a whole. Does not the body provide all things needed at its proper time in life? Yes it does! But if it does not fit into your predetermined life’s lessons and soul contract it is always sent away to another timeline and dimension – to one of your many other selves that live in the created universe – and it is always done in this manner so as even to maintain true equilibrium and contrast for the grand created universe that is the macrocosm – and the good of the one or whole is always provided for in all of creation. At the same time if you wish for or are in need of something in life – and it does fit with your life’s lessons and soul contract- these things too are provided by the universal laws of creation – or Absolute Truth and Data. Third density man knows nothing about these things – but nonetheless they are true.

Because the good of the One or whole is always being provided for in all of the universe – sometimes it appears God is cruel and does not provide for his children – while at other times it appears God takes better care of the murderer or thief in life than he does those who appear to be good and loving. This is not the case as many who pretend in life to be good and loving are not – while at the same time many who appear to be murderers and thieves are not as bad as they are made out to be by the present system – or they have been lead to do the things they do in life through sickness or lack and poverty. What ever the case a lesson is provided for every human soul and every type of soul – and then its opposite is provided in life as well from now to eternity- in which case every human being ever to exist – every spiritual society and soul group ever to exist - will walk in the shoes of every other human being – every spiritual society and soul group - ever to exist from now to eternity. You will all know the lessons of the other guy and he in turn will know yours as well.

You will all experience being rich – poor- heavy or skinny – attractive or unattractive- lazy and energetic in life – black; white; Hispanic; Indian; Chinese; and every other type of human form ever to come into existence – from now to eternity. But this my friends will have to be another story- as I do not wish to speak much on this subject at this time.

Keep in mind at this day and hour friends that what is good and loving for one man or woman is not good and loving to another – and all human beings (spiritual societies and soul groups) upon their awakening will return to their own personal spiritual society and soul group in fifth dneisty – and they will each continue their creations along side those who are similar to themselves- and will no longer be judged nor pushed away in life simply because they are different – as it is not done in this manner for the God Man. Each of you is here today on your present third density world to learn these many lessons before you move on and evolve to the next level of your evolution of the human soul – or God Man.

If you are ready to leave third density and move on to fifth density ( or higher) life - then your soul group will know this at its proper time and will act accordingly in providing you all the human souls in life needed in order to flick that switch so to speak – and begin your awakening in the world today. You will each be provided all the spiritual guidance needed at its proper time – depending on each individual human and their completion of their soul contract in the world today. If you still seek to feed third density systems or those still attached to them in your life then you too are still third density human – as you must not only separate yourself from old things and systems but you must also cease to continue helping others to feed these systems either by aiding them in life in achieving or receiving things from the old system – as well as helping them to maintain a life in service to self.

There is nothing third dneisty man cannot receive in life that he cannot get without your help – and often when you continue to seek helping others in providing for their wants and needs in life – you are feeding third density – and therefore you are still bound by its rules – laws- regulations – systems – and order of society. It is not the things each of you want or need in life that is the problem but that system that is being fed by your continued wanting and needing the things that only they can provide you at this day. They ( the powers that still be) are the ones that maintain complete control of the things third density man needs and wants today – and they know it – in which case you must dry up that well or providence that is so very corrupt in your world and begin drawing form a new well anything you want in life or need.

 It is not simple for anyone at first because they have become so very dependent on the old system of things- but indeed a new system is not only in the works – abut it is available to all of you as soon as you are prepared completely and assuredly to let go of the old. It is the not being sure and the fear based thoughts of third density man that keeps him still bound to the old system – and it will take the will of every individual human soul at this day to decide for himself or herself when they are prepared to let it all go – and follow your hearts for guidance in life (as a small child would do) instead of your rational human minds instead.

It is all there waiting for each of you – but in fact you must each first make that free will choice in life to leave the old and seek the new through heart and not mind – no matter how long of a wait it may become – and this too will require you each to stop watching the clock and live in the now from this moment on.

Do not follow those still bound to the old system friends any longer – but separate yourself as much as you possibly can from this day forward – and know that it is perfectly okay to give and provide aid to those who ask these things of you in life – as long as it is your heart telling you to give aid and not the rational human mind leading you.

Do you continue to help or aid others who continue to come to you to seek your help in life? No! It is the way and the need in life for the higher fifth density human (or those in the process of moving over to fifth density) to always have the intentions of drying up that third density well of helping others to maintain their dependency on third density systems; laws; principles; and providence in life. That is your intention if you are indeed an awakened human soul who is bound for fifth density life and consciousness in the days and hours ahead. It is in every case different however – as some will move over to the new system easier and quicker than others- while some will find it very hard at first in letting go of the old system and life they have for so long lived. If you have all the money and material possessions in life you want at present – and they are being provided you by the old system – then it is a certainty that these human souls will find it harder to leave the system than will those humans’ souls who have little or nothing in life. And so this is how it shall be – as all possess free will choice in life – and cannot be coerced or tricked into their awakening and change in their life at this day.

The more each of you come to read - connect to – and resonate with absolute Truth and Data in the days ahead the easier it will become for each of you – but as we say – it is your choice to make.

Everything I or we have been speaking on through all my transmissions of Absolute Data have lead to one major understanding for the third density human soul about to awaken – and that is unconditional love. Unconditional love is a love that often hurts when it is expressed toward another in life because you are in most cases having to say or do toward another in a manner you do not wish to present yourself to them – but you know it is for the good of the One or whole – and so you think – do – say – and act accordingly once the proper Absolute Data is provided each of you in life - in order to truly understand unconditional love.

At this day every human soul that is about to awaken  (and keep in mind that not all souls possessing every human body and form in your world is about to awaken - as many are young souls just beginning their third density experience of life in separation and duality – or they are very early in the process) is either in service to self or in service to others – and still all older souls who have completed their life’s plan and soul contracts will go on to awaken to full consciousness in fifth density or higher. The young souls are the ones who will take our places as we each move over to fifth density and higher – so that they will then be providing our house and homes for the higher as well as lower human souls who all come into your world and ours.

Those older souls who are in service to self and are about to awaken lead a life in conditional love toward their neighbor in life at this day - while those older souls in service to others are the human souls who have already awakened and have moved over to fifth density and higher- because service to others and unconditional love do not ever exist within third density life.

Now we realize there are those of you who will say you have seen unconditional love experienced in your present third density world – but in fact you have not ever seen unconditional love within third density as it and service to others cannot be found there. What you have seen is possibly a mother rescuing her child from a burning car- from drowning in a river – from falling out of a window and so forth in life. What you have seen is selfless acts of kindness toward others in your world that appear to be unconditional love – when in fact they are not. These acts of kindness were done for self because at the time they had no idea that the other person was actually another representation of themselves – and any type of expectation from the one doing the saving was done for self – even though it appears it is done for the one about to fall into harms way.

Again no third density human truly knows what is best for another third density human because they do not know of Absolute Truth and Data – and they do not know that they could have just stopped their child who is about to drown – or lose its life in this third density world of yours from what appears to be their death – when in fact they could have passed on and moved directly to fifth density life (or higher). But even with this knowledge in the mind of a third density ( unconscious) human – still they will save the child for their own personal good and wishes so they do not have to see the child die or lose their company in life out of their conditional love for them. They place conditions on their love for their child or the child of another third density human out of their unconscious decisions in life – based of corrupt Truth and Data.

You do not know it – you who are third dneisty human souls – but there is always a fifth dneisty or higher human soul in the ethers who is rooting for you to save a life every time in your world because while you are saving their life they are actually losing it to a continued life in a world where death and unconsciousness are the true realities of your existence. Every human soul who remains in third dneisty is another soul feeding the service to self higher souls and their conditional love for human life. What are those conditions? They will provide you all with the illusions of life just as long as your remain here in third density to continue feeding their fleshly desires of service to self energies in life. That is why in the old testament of the bible you will read one of the Commandments ( written by the god Satan – or a higher service to self human soul) when he provided mankind with ten of them – and the one we speak of here is “Thou shalt not kill.”

As long as you are a third density human you will be told to not kill while in truth all human beings will be lead in life to do just that – kill! They tell you not to kill in fear of you killing one of their best fear feeders in life – possibly a human being that spreads fear like there is no tomorrow – and they do not wish this at all. So it is they who decide for third dneisty man who will be killed in your world – as they can pick and choose all human beings who do not feed their system or way of life known as service to self and conditional love for all. It is the ones in your world who do not feed their system that are a danger to them – as they spread nothing but positivity and acceptance in life of all humans just the way they are. And the dark and service to self forces in the ethers do not like those human souls who teach acceptance of all in life and unity for all of mankind.

So you see friends the Ten Commandments were put there for third density man to obey according to his childlike understanding – known as unconsciousness and the lack of understanding of Absolute Truth and Data in your world. It is true the leaders and rulers of your world tell you not to kill in order to keep you all under their control – but then they go and tell you in life it is okay to kill – just as long as it is for war or to punish wrongdoers in your world – and then they get to say who the wrong doers are most every time. It is true that killing is wrong in third density as well as all other densities – but it is only presented as a problem within third density- as all souls are forever protected in the higher densities from all forms or harm or loss in life.

In third density you should not kill either – but this does not mean you cannot allow for the free will choice of every human to end his or her life ( or to act in life in whatever manner they wish) when they choose to do so. Still this is higher understanding and we do not place this responsibility on any third density human as it is not our place to do so – nor would we ever tell you to allow the ending of a life for any reason whatsoever – unless it is the free will choice of another to do so.  Neither should you feel badly for not saving a life you could have otherwise saved from tragedy – when the truth is you have just done them a favor – and it is you alone who will remain behind and mourn for them. As long as you reside within third density therefore any decision you come to make in life will be the right one for you.

Whether a man lives or dies he lives or dies to the higher self – and this is where he or she shall return upon the illusion of death. It matters not whether you are a human or an animal – or any other living creature on your planet – all return to the same source from whence they came – and they all move on from there to take on new bodies and forms in their next like – whether that life be their continuance and reincarnation (Transmigration of the soul) back into third density – or they proceed to move on to reconnection with higher self – and again become the fully conscious human soul they have always truly been.

As we said earlier friends in most all cases unconditional love for others is a hard thing and is usually a choice you do not wish to make – and that is why those choices are always left up to the higher self living in full consciousness. No one has to live or experience unconditional love or service to others while living in third density- but you must give up the old system ( not necessarily your possessions or wealth in life) and many things in your world today are in fact provided by that old system – in which case many find they do indeed have to initially give it all up so as to separate from the old system – but they will each come to know eventually that it shall all one day be returned – with so much more added in the meantime. So we tell you it is best not to continue feeding the beast but to separate yourself from it in what ever manner seems best to each of you personally – and in the mean time – do not help others (but only if if you can resonate with this) to continue feeding it either- as you are simply making it harder for them in many cases – by the prolongation of their awakening as well into fifth density (and higher) full consciousness – Absolute Truth – and Absolute Data.

At this time the spirit is leading me to end at this point of our message –and I will therefore end this transmission at this time. I wish you all much spiritual wisdom in the coming days – and I offer all that I have toward the awakening of every human soul in the world today – and I am there for you all.

My name is Daniel and I bid you all a good day filled with much unconditional love for all – as well as for your own personal selves my friends. I hope to see you all very soon in fifth density or higher.