Absolute Data – Twenty seventh energetic transmission
The God Men among you now!
It is plain for those in the process of their awakening at this day that you are all living in two different worlds at the present now moment in your existence ( in fact many different worlds when you get down to it) – with one being the material and physical and the other the spiritual. Within the material and physical you are each living your existence as the lower self – whether you are the sixth density human soul (spiritual society and soul group) or the spiritual - fully conscious or unconscious human soul. As the sixth density spiritual being you are fully conscious in your state of existence - while in the fourth density and lower planes of your existence you are in your unconscious and sleep state of your existence so to speak.
Each of you living on this present orb you call planet earth is therefore the higher self at this time in your existence and you are your lower self – all wrapped up in a single spiritual society and soul group known as the human being or God Man. When you are in touch or contact with your higher self you are indeed the God Man - and when in touch or contact with the lower self you are the third density (fourth density consciousness) human being. All through out your daily lives therefore each of you is constantly moving in and out of time space and into non time space where you only exist in the now. Everything each of you needs is available to each of you when it is needed and when it is fitting to your present state of mind and conscious – or unconscious state if that is your present state of mind.
If you have at present evolved to the level of your existence where you can only connect with higher self at various times during your day then you will spend more time in third density physicality (fourth density consciousness) than in fifth density physicality ( sixth density consciousness) based on the idea or fact that your existence is now based on your level of evolution at present – and just how quickly your own personal spiritual society and soul group has evolved from the moment of its being created from equilibrium within sixth density. In other words even though some souls are given their beginning in third density life and unconsciousness at the same apparent time – still they are different spiritual societies and soul groups and therefore come to evolve at many different rates or levels of maturity as a collective soul.
No two souls are ever completely alike whether as a single spiritual entity or as a collective or society in the realms of energetic consciousness. Therefore when the awakening comes to pass in your world it happens not instantaneously but in a gradual manner so that all souls or collective of souls come to move over to full consciousness once their own personal life’s plan or soul contract is completed according to their level of maturity or evolution as a soul or collective of souls.
All souls in your world – microcosm – or macrocosm are of the same spiritual society and soul group at one level or another- and all souls therefore are headed to the same destination with some recognizing their return to full consciousness sooner than others – while full consciousness is available to all souls within the society when they each alone – through their own free will choices in life – make those decisions which bring about that reality for them that exists only within the realms of full consciousness and sixth density – or higher. You will not attain full consciousness or sixth density if you continue to wish to make choices in life for others. You do not attain full consciousness and sixth density if you continue to provide for others those things that continue to keep them bound to third density physicality ( fourth density consciousness) as this is not considered living and making decisions in life that are for the good of the one or Whole – that is the God Man.
So as long as you are living in the present moment (still living however within time space) and your concerns in life are to feed the flesh of other humans ( provide for) or acting toward the ways and systems of third density you are in fact still the third density human. Depending however on the next choice you make in the very next now moment you can just as easily move into the conscious and fully awakened state of your existence in sixth density consciousness (fifth density spiritual and physical). For even fifth density is physical existence even though it is also the physical state or natural state of the existence of the sixth density God man and higher. To exist as the sixth density God Man (higher self) is to live in your own separate sphere or bubble in your existence and being completely responsible for that sphere or bubble and all that goes on within its limits or boundaries. You are no longer - and can no longer - be responsible for another and their life or existence nor is this permitted for the fully conscious human soul or God Man. It is not permitted simply because it does not fit with the Universal Laws of an awakened God or God Man that has the ability now to create and Co – Create instantly and at will.
Please keep in mind however that God and God Man are simply made up terms for the understanding of the lower human soul that is still bound within unconsciousness and illusion of life or their existence. You as the God man have the free will choice in your existence to call all things whatever you wish to call them upon your entering back into the fully conscious state of your existence and therefore all terms you have heard from day one are terms created and recreated by other God Men of the past (or within other now moments in days gone by). Therefore when each of you returns to full consciousness – equilibrium – and your reconnection to Absolute Truth and Data all things are at your disposal as a single God Man – spiritual society – or soul group ; to name – create – and recreate whenever you please in your existence.
As you walk your present world today however many of you are still moving in and out of consciousness and unconsciousness all the time – many times – in a given day on your world - and in your present life. Many of you do not yet remain in a state of the higher self and full consciousness for a chosen length of time simply because you have not yet accepted it as your reality – and are still mostly connected to third density ways and principles in your life. Still your world and those who provide your spiritual counseling and guidance upon your world are leading many of you toward false truth and data – truth and data still based on a false set of principles in life and a Matrix full of lies or illusions. They are not falsities when you consider your existence within third density ( as all truth can be made to become your future reality) but they are falsities when you attempt to move to a higher density and set of principles that are no longer bound by your present laws and rules of existence for the higher human soul.
Again we tell each of you that is seeking spiritual guidance at this day – you cannot continue a life of ordering the steps of another – no matter what you think or believe in life to be the proper next steps of another – for in third density if you live by the sword you are certainly bound to once again - this day or the next - die by the sword. If you continue to rely on a monetary system to provide your goods and services in life then you will continue to be bound to that system – and the only way out of that system is to leave it completely. The life or existence each of you is about to move into is an existence where energies and providence of you existence and complete being is one of energies and energies alone. What form those energies come in within your every now moment of your existence is indeed up to each of you individually from the moment of your awakening.
It can be money or it can be nothing more or less than divine providence of energetic exchange from one single human soul to another. As it is all things are provided every conscious soul in what ever form that soul chooses in life based on his or her understanding of Absolute truth and data or the evolution of every individual human soul. Now given the fact that you can never tell another (who does not ask your opinion or seek your guidance) to leave a system they are dependent on in life – neither can any other have the right to do the same for you – according to the Universal Law of free will choice. If you break that law then you do not know of it – as in fact to know is to do.
Leaving third density existence in order to move over completely to fifth and sixth density existence is not a thing any one human soul – spiritual society and soul group – or awakening human being - is prepared to do in life until they know it is the right thing to do for sure ( for them alone) – and this is never achieved for any one single soul until their time has arrived in life and they are seeking another way of living and existence.
And now we will speak of higher things than you may have been prepared to receive within this present transmission – so please remain open and fully conscious of what is about to be spoken in this present now moment friends. Your world may be about to be opened up beyond what you have been prepared - as of late - to receive at this time – but we tell you it is truly the season for such things in your evolution as the human soul.
Every human soul –every spiritual society and soul group –as well as every fully conscious God Man – is not only in service to self, but in fact in service to others from eternity – and on in to eternity – better known as forever. Each of you is about to become a fully conscious God Man – and each of you will do so as a service to self human soul as well as a service to others human soul – and there is no one or the other – nor can there ever be one or the other within or represented by any one single human soul – spiritual society and soul group – or God Man to eternity – and forever. If you are one then you are most definitely the other- in which case each of you human souls out there in existence and energetic consciousness ( every soul in existence) is both – and in fact all things from and to eternity – or forever.
When each of you reaches the state in your existence known as full consciousness – a state of life and existence where you have each completed your seasons of unconsciousness as a Finite living soul – you will each live your new existence ( life for some not yet fully conscious) on both sides of equilibrium within a fully conscious state of existence. Given these truths and levels of Absolute Data provided each of you at this time we are most reassured that each of you reading this transmission - at this time - now remember and realize that each of you is about to become all things to all people – and you are therefore about to live out the duration of your existence in a fully conscious – higher state of existence – among lower human beings or souls not yet at your level of evolution for the human soul – or God Man.
You are now at a level of your existence – if you are living these words provided each of you at this time – where you are free in your existence to choose whatever you wish to choose from one now moment to the next in your existence – those things that come from your HEART – whether coming from a state of mind that is in service to self – or in service to others. Either way you either reap that which you sow in your existence from a service to self state of mind or a service to others state of mind – and each of you – in whatever state of mind you find yourself in from this moment forward – now know that what you put out in your existence will most assuredly come back to you in the same measure or levels of energies. It will all come back to each of you in this manner because each of you is still a third density human being or soul – no matter what level of evolution that soul is in at this present now moment - or those to come.
Not only does third density man continue to evolve to eternity but so too does every other density or representation of your soul from now to eternity.
Each of you will always be a third dneisty human when in fact you are in that third dneisty state of mind that is there when each of you lowers your expression of life or existence ( state of mind and consciousness) to the levels of your absolute lowest representation of self from now to eternity. We realize that up to this point of your evolution of the soul and spiritual guidance that many of you have been given the understanding that you will one day leave third density for good – and go on to move over to sixth density consciousness (fifth density material and physical form) leaving third density behind for good – forever – and on in to eternity – but this is not the case – and never has been from and to eternity.
Third density is here for each of you not only to change but for each of you to live and exist within to eternity when your human soul chooses in its existence as a fully conscious God Man – to lower your state of mind in life to the lowest levels of your existence – which is fourth density mind – and the rational and unconscious state of the human mind and soul that is in service to self. Therefore as long as any one of you is in a state of mind that is in service to self you can also connect to third density man – or the lower human material and physical representation of yourself ( as the God Man) in the third density physical body and form. This can indeed be achieved by the sixth density fully conscious God Man that is in service to self – but not by the fully conscious God Man that is in service to others.
That is why when the one (one side of the spiritual society and soul group) is in sixth density full consciousness - the other is in either sixth density consciousness or third density unconsciousness. For depending on how high the service to self side of the God Man ventures into his – hers – or its heavens this will decide on how low into the hells of the God Man the God Man or Finite fully conscious soul chooses to descend into his – hers- or its – hells as well. The higher the one side of the God Man it chooses to venture in its existence ( the service to others God Man) then according to equilibrium and correspondences the below equilibrium God Man will come to venture into his – hers – or its hells as well. Still – this my friends is based according to the mind of the God Man and not the human form – as the human form is not the life or existence of the God Man but simply a shell or home for its essence and being to eternity.
So you see each of you is a God Man – and each of you is a spiritual society and soul group that has one side of your energetic consciousness in service to self while the other side of your existence and energetic consciousness is in service to others – and you will forever be playing both sides of the fence from now to eternity. You will not leave third dneisty ever – and you will go on to guide your spiritual society and soul group – at every level of its existence – into its fully conscious state of its existence from now to eternity. At one time you were each right in the thick of things and living third dneisty as your one and only life – but soon many of you will awaken to full consciousness and will once again become guides for the lower unconscious souls of your spiritual society and soul group – those souls newly born and created and those souls living and playing out their continued parts in the evolution of the soul that is nothing more or less than the God Man - and higher self.
Now we ask each of you to ponder this thought:
Is money wrong? Is government wrong? Is war wrong? Is ruler ship – laws – and a set order to your societies wrong? Is technology wrong? Is power of one human being over another wrong? Is having a child – animals – or slaves in life wrong? Are religion or belief systems wrong? Is gambling or providence from chance in life wrong? Is punishment – justice – or judgment wrong? Is murder – death – adultery – theft – deceit – giving to others – praying – or fasting wrong? Is anger – vengeance – jealousy – spite – coveting – conditional love – or usury wrong? Is torture – harm – or loss toward another wrong?
All of the things spoken of above are not only wrong but they are right as well in the grand scheme of things – which is a world and reality bound in service to self and providing the needs of the flesh as well as service to others and providing the needs of the human soul. If you are the lower human soul and you have not yet completed the evolution of the soul then you will need the above stated examples lived out in your life at one point or the other in order to evolve as an unconscious and still evolving - living soul - so as to move on to becoming once again the fully conscious God Man. Once each of you once again becomes the fully conscious God Man however – you will still have the free will choice in your existence to return to any or all of these things stated above – if in fact any one ( or all of these things) make up the ruling loves of your life and existence – always depending on whether you are presently possessed in life (or your existence) by a service to self - or on the other hand – a service to others – fully conscious – higher self spiritual society and soul group– who is in fact the God Man.
If you choose to gain the things stated above in life or your existence then you will of course be in service to self and you will be representative of the higher self who is in service to self while your lower third dneisty human body and form will be guided in life by your fourth dneisty service to self - higher self – as well. If however you wish to separate yourself from the things stated above while living life as your lower self then you cannot ever venture below the levels of your energetic consciousness known as fifth density. But this is a choice each and every one of you will always have in your existence from now to eternity – as you will forever be all things in life – to all people in life – only in third density – while you will be all things to and for yourself alone in your existence for as long as you remain in your existence in service to others – as this is how Universal Law and Absolute Truth and Data come to work and provide ( Divine Providence) to the fully conscious human soul form now to eternity.
Every state of mind – every level of consciousness – every density of your existence and life is available to each of you from this moment forward - to eternity – and forever.
There will come a time when third density no longer provides a world or reality where money – government – poverty – slavery – war – ruler ship of any kind – material or physical forms of technology – religion – belief systems – anger – vengeance – harm – loss – theft – usury – deceit – or bending of the knee for any reason whatsoever – and will any longer be seen – needed- wished for – or required in a third density world and reality – as all things will have evolved even in the lowest of densities. We – as well as you will be the ones responsible for that – as each and every one of us will continue to evolve to eternity and forever. For is it not common sense to think that third density man will one day come to do away with war while still being dependent on money and ruler ship? Is it not common sense to believe that third density man will one day come to realize that all men – as well as woman - are equal – while still being of a state of mind in thinking they still need war – governments- and punishment?
And is it not common sense to be of the mindset that third density man will one day choose to remove certain of these childish beliefs and systems from their world while still possessing certain ones still – for a time? And so third density man will forever and to eternity possess the free will choice within each of his or her lifetimes - in the evolution of the soul - to move over to one dimension or timeline – or another – in their continued evolution of the soul – until each of them one day evolves to the levels of consciousness that permits them to eventually move to sixth density consciousness (fifth density material and physical existence) – and this from now to eternity? If third density were ever to stop evolving from now to eternity would not this put at a stand still the evolution of every other density above third as well – given the fact that all souls before their decent into the lower levels of their existence in third density already possess Absolute Truth and Data – and are only descending as a soul to eternity so as to grow and absorb all knowledge and wisdom that comes during their Infinite Existence from those things or experiences in life that are non absolute truth and non absolute data ( provided to eternity) in fact?
Again all things above – within – and already in existence for every God Man to eternity is Absolute Truth and Data while all things provided every God Man and his or her spiritual society and soul group to eternity which is not absolute truth and is not absolute data is provided as well so as to provide all things within a world and reality that is given over to chance and an unconscious state of the God Mans existence – within a world and reality that good and evil – right and wrong – higher and lower- richer and poorer- weaker and stronger – and all other opposites and different ruling loves in life and existence are brought together as a single reality where the God Man has no choice in life but to live among its opposites and unattractive ruling loves in life – simply because he or she knows no different than that this type of world and reality is all that there is in existence – while living their existence in an unconscious state of life.
You cannot have the one without the other for a single God Man from now to eternity – as what is created by the God Man within every now moment must forever be created according to complete and opposite equilibrium – so as to provide complete contrast for the God Man forever – and to eternity. The God Man will forever be all things just as each of us has been taught from childhood that God is all things – and when all is said and done – it is in fact each of us who is that One God that has forever been spoken of from one generation to the next – and from eternity - on in to eternity. To be all things is to be not only the positive but the negative as well (both sides of equilibrium and not ever just one) – and this within and upon every level and plane of the existence of the God Man to eternity - and forever.
At the same time – good and evil cannot ever partake of or share the same space within time and space – as well as within the rational and lower human mind of lower third density man. Neither can one side of equilibrium (service to self) possess or interact with the human mind of third density man at the same time (within time and space) - while the other side of equilibrium (service to others) possesses or interacts with the rational mind of third density man – and since the sixth density service to self God Man is always possessing the rational mind of third density man – the fifth density service to others God Man never chooses to enter into the thoughts or rational mind of the lower third density human being. Keep in mind at this point that third dneisty man is always in service to self no matter what – and that he or she in life has no choice in this from the moment of their existence and being created as an unconscious living soul – in which case third density man will every time have to connect to higher self in order to connect to the consciousness and energetic transmissions of the higher service to others God Man (or higher self).
Again no third density human being will ever remain in a state of life or consciousness (or unconsciousness) where he or she can maintain that level of consciousness (or unconsciousness) for an extended period of time. If this were ever the case then third density man would have no moods – and no change of the state of their mind – thoughts- and conscious level of thinking in life – as each and every thought – affection – and change in mood in life is a single (different) spirit within the spiritual world or higher planes of their existence – which provides all choices in life – all the many different thoughts and decisions in life – to eternity. Because of this if every finite soul in existence did not evolve to eternity - neither could a single third density human – as every third density human would choose in life to be possessed and guided by the same souls each and every day of their life and existence. As it is however- every time third density man grows – learns a new lesson – or matures in life as a soul – he or she comes to choose new souls within his or her spiritual society and soul group ( higher self) to help him or her make all further – future decisions – words- and actions in life from now to eternity.
As above so below!
So if the lower is to evolve to eternity so too must the upper or higher human soul – in which case the lower must continue to evolve to eternity because the higher cannot learn any new things from self – given the fact that all things are already shared and have been shared within and of higher self (the God Man) as all things within or of the God Man are One. While the human soul is in fact the God Man there is no actual higher or lower – but all things are shared as a single and completed consciousness to eternity. The fact that there is the above equilibrium and the below equilibrium for the God Man is simply a term provided for the lower human souls – as all things for the God Man are seen and understood to be One and Whole. There is no actual division or separation within or of the God Man – in which case when the upper decides to experience the lower they simply trade places automatically. When the one (supposed) side of equilibrium wishes to experience the other side it is an equal decision by both sides and therefore simultaneous. This is how all things work infinite existence with the God Man as he or she is an androgynous essence- entity- or being. Androgynous however not only means both sexes but both of all things in existence.
The God Man cannot ever therefore be conscious of both the service to self nature of itself while at the same time being conscious of the service to others side of its essence – nature- or being. Therefore the God Man is always conscious of the one side while unconscious of the other side – and this always provides complete equilibrium of ever God Man. To put it in terms the reader may come to easier understand if the higher service to others essence – being – and nature of the God Man wishes to venture to the side or state of existence that is in service to self it simply trades places with the other side simultaneously and in complete instantaneous agreement. At that now moment outside of time and space - the higher nature of the God Man therefore becomes unconscious of higher things and conscious of lower things while the lower nature of the God Man becomes conscious of higher things but unconscious of lower things – and in turn the higher self becomes the lower self while the lower self becomes the higher self – and this goes on from one new now moment to the next form now to eternity – according to the free will choices of the God Man within every new now moment.
Third density man does the same thing in life – but always in an unconscious state of mind – simply because third density man is always in an unconscious state of mind according to Absolute Truth and Data. Third density man does not know this is how things really work in their life and existence while the God Man ( whether in service to self or in service to others) knows all things given through Absolute Truth and Data to eternity.
Third density man is always switching places in their mind and life (through rational mind) with all opposites being experienced in life at one time or another – but never the upper and the lower at the same time. He or she is always either happy at one level or another or sad at one level or another – mad or content – afraid at one level or another or having no fear – in pain at one level or another or in no pain – alive or in death momentarily – lost or not lost – rich or poor or anything in between –and so on. And when third density man is in any of these states of mind and existence in life their opposite ( higher self) is in the same state of mind based on correspondences – as the spiritual world is made up of different bodies – forms – or spheres in life. And if any given third density human is an awakened human soul he or she is of the understanding of the things being said here at this time – if not awakened they have no idea what truth can be taken from these words whatsoever.
Therefore for every awakened third density human walking your world today friends each one is free to use all higher tools in life for their benefit and happiness of life or existence when ever he or she chooses to return to third density life from one day to the next ( based on third density terms). What we are saying here friends is that if you are an awakened human soul then you possess many new abilities in life and all you need to do to make them work for you and provide toward your will and happiness in life is to know that you possess such powers or abilities. Depending of the awakened state of any one of you out there today – that level of your full consciousness will indeed decide which abilities each of you can use to your own benefit and happiness of life from this moment forward.
If you in a fully conscious state of existence choose to lower your mind and consciousness to the levels of third density unconsciousness so as to enjoy certain things within third density life what sixth density self truly knows to be truth is what is also seen as truth by your third density self – otherwise your abilities and creative powers within third density would do no good for you (or the One or Whole) and there would be no reason to ever again return to third density – while knowing there is a higher place or realm of existence for you. But you do return to third dneisty- and it is in fact now beneficial for you to do so – in order to experience life and existence with those who are a part of you – but in separate bodies and forms according to appearance. Still you can only return to third density life while you are in the state of mind in the higher energies or realms of existence that are in service to self. If you re – enter third density unconsciousness while still holding on to the level of understanding that you need money in life instead of understanding that it is a partnership [with all levels of energy that you instead partner with] so as to create those energies in a form that is acceptable to your liking - then you will re- enter third density dependent on money and the contrast of the lack of it will be provided you at times – and abundance at other times – as equilibrium must be maintained within third density as well. Money is not bad or wrong - but the mindset that you need it in life instead of just wanting energies in that particular form so as to provide you what you wish for in life – with the understanding that you are not truly in need of anything – is only found with the human soul not yet awakened.
An awakened evolved human soul is one that has reconnected with higher self – whether it is the higher self (God Man) in service to self or the higher self (God man) in service to others – an awakened human soul therefore who returns to third density- if even for a moment in their daily life – has evolved within third density to the levels where he or she knows things from both sides of equilibrium – from the higher densities – simply because he or she has now reconnected with higher self and maintains spiritual wisdom from above – even once he or she chooses to once again descend and lower their energies and consciousness levels back to third density. The higher service to self once again is connected to the rational mind of third density man (fourth density consciousness) while the higher service to others consciousness is not.
Therefore the awakened human soul will always remember ( maintain) Absolute Truth and Data when returning to third density – where those third density human souls not awakened will know nothing of Absolute Truth and Data. Again we remind you - every human soul who leaves sixth density existence in order to return to third density existence must do so as their service to self -self – because their service to others self will never choose to re -enter third density existence. Still their sixth density service to self – self – or soul is still completely knowledgeable of Absolute Truth and Data because that part of your soul is always in equilibrium of life or its existence. The higher self is always – from now to eternity - in complete knowledge of Absolute Truth and Data – and is forever the same (according to Absolute Truth and Data) – while third density man (fourth density consciousness) is not.
Death within third density (fourth density consciousness) is the illusion third density man will forever be bound to believe in (and therefore know as truth) within their life – while sixth dneisty (higher self) knows death is an illusion – and that every soul need only sleep (while feeling no pain) once he or she is prepared to take on another body and form in their existence – to eternity. And so the higher self (God Man or awakened human soul) can choose to take on a new body and form any time they choose in their existence – and they need only to change their state of mind – with their sleep time being as short as a twinkling or blink of an eye. Every physical angel – every God Man – and every awakened human soul will never again experience death or the illusion of death from now to eternity – ever again.
Presently the human form we possess – who is providing these words we transmit to you the reader – is our third density counterpart (we know this from Absolute Truth and Data) – while we who are in service to others within sixth density cannot interact or know of the things going on in this human’s life presently. In order to know of the things of this humans life we presently possess we must therefore return to our service to self – self – or consciousness. For again we tell you that if we in the higher realms of existence (higher energies) wish to know of lower things – we must be in service to self just as our third density counterpart is at or within every single now moment from now to eternity.
Getting back to the subject of death we would tell you friends that when third density man appears to die in your world he or she (their spiritual society and soul group) actually ascends and leaves their present body and form because they can no longer function from within that body and form because they “know “the body and form has ceased to function according to their will. When the spiritual society and soul group leaves their human body at death it does so from the human eyes as this is the exit place of the human soul – and third density mans last and final connection to third density consciousness or reality. The eyes are the last bodily function therefore to operate and be maintained by the spiritual society and soul group at the time of death for third density man.
At the time of death for third density man (or the spiritual society and soul group) he and she will re- awaken within fourth density consciousness (the world of spirits) after three days of darkness or sleep – and will re- awaken in their own spiritual society and soul group – not yet knowing they have passed on from third density life. This is because he or she is still of the rational human mind and has not yet been met by their spiritual guides (higher selves) who will guide them to their proper spiritual society and soul group according to their own free will choosing. For every human soul will end up choosing the same spiritual society and soul group within the world of spirits that he or she resided in within third density – but this sometimes takes visiting other spiritual societies and soul groups in the meantime – until they are completely pleased with their final choice. Some will move to the levels of consciousness or energies above equilibrium while others will choose below equilibrium. In simpler terms some will choose the heavens while others choose the hells.
If a spiritual society and soul group ( human soul) has not yet completed their evolution of the human soul he or she will return to another third density human body as a new born human child – while those who have completed their evolution of the soul will go on to move to sixth density existence as the higher self. Every human being within the material and physical realm of third density who lives and dies has a soul companion – and this soul companion can be near or far in life according to their presence or closeness to one another. Soul companions do not possess a single human form throughout their lives for any extended period of time – as all spiritual societies and soul group move from one human body and form to another throughout their apparent life in third density – given that every soul comes to move to that human form that seeks their ruling love and affections in life within every now moment to eternity – with third density man knowing nothing of this truth.
Given these truths it is an absolute given that every human being (spiritual society and soul group) that enters the world of spirits (fourth density) upon the illusion of death in third density - will live in waiting ( a period of a single third density generation or less – but a very short time in the spiritual realms) within the world of spirits (fourth density) - until his or her soul companion has completed their life’s plan and soul contract in third density (leaving third density in death) therefore coming to join them in the world of spirits ( fourth density) – at which time they will move on to enter their proper spiritual society and soul group either back in third density life and existence – or they come to move on – awaken – and ascend ( evolve) to sixth density consciousness as the God Man.
Every third density human soul has their soul companion having their life and home on the opposite side of the planet or orb on which they live in life according to Absolute Truth and Data – but this does not mean members of their spiritual society and soul group do not venture across this planet or orb – and are often times sharing the same human body and form as their soul companion – as they often trade places in life to an extent – while certain souls remain in the same human body and form who are opposites – but of the same spiritual society and soul group. This cannot be the case in the higher planes of existence in sixth density – where all souls are the same according to their ruling loves in life. And so all souls in sixth density are kept separate through their being surrounded by their own personal sphere or bubble of protection. This sphere or bubble of protection for third density man has been damaged and taken completely out of its proper order in third density because of forgetfulness and unconsciousness – or illusion.
And now the spirit has asked us to end this present transmission as it is time to ponder the things we have stated to this point.
My name is Daniel and I leave you all in unconditional love and wish you all true happiness in the many now moments ahead in your lives.