Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Omnipresent human soul!

The Omnipresent human soul! It is said as of late as well as in days of old that he who soweth shall reap that which he or she puts out to the world around them. This is true in one sense while it only tells a small part of the story in another sense. In truth friends there is no he or she – no them or they – no us or them – and no term in a world and reality of Absolute Truth and Data which makes separation and duality a reality – but illusion alone is responsible for such a reality when all truth and data is provided the human mind – heart – and soul. Yes friends it is you out there – and only you – and all the souls in all of existence making up the collective human mind and heart are you alone living that illusion of separation and duality. Because of this one truth alone, all is understood to be a collective work of a single soul group or spiritual society living his – hers- or its existence to eternity as many different thoughts – opinions – affections – and decisions in life found to be lived in third density existence alone. Therefore what each of you come to see as those things you reap in life – those things you alone believe yourself [individually] to be responsible for – and you alone (thinking no other is responsible for these things) is the responsibility and collective decisions made by all of creation – and all of creation is you – as well as every other you out there in all of existence. Why is all of this so? Why is every human soul alive and in existence responsible for the decisions of every other soul in existence? Again we say this to be so because there is no true separation of God – the God Man – or that entity and collective consciousness better known as you – or each of you as One essence or entity in fact. Again that which you sow in life is being sown by every other human soul in all of existence – simply because they are all nothing more or less than other “you’s.” So you see friends when you make a choice in life – when you have a thought – when you are in a certain mood or state of mind and heart – you each gather and draw to yourself those thoughts and affections that are out there somewhere else in your great expanse called your world or planet – residing in the minds – hearts- and affections of every other human soul on your planet – and they quite often exist in the energetic consciousness of those other human souls lying dormant – and unused – until such time as they too each call on or draw to themselves – these thoughts and affections that make up the whole collective human ( or God Man) mind and consciousness that is truly One – and has been One from eternity – on in to eternity. So again – if one of you were to like pickles on your pizza – while many other human souls ( you’s) throughout your world could not even consider putting pickles on their pizza – still this potential and possibility resides within every other human mind and consciousness throughout your world – residing in their consciousness for the days when any one of them may choose to try pickles on their pizza – and may even possibly like it – at any given time in their life. Whatever the case may be- whatever the like or love for a person; place; or thing may be in any humans life – the potential and possibility is always there to eternity for all to use or not use – as a part of their likes or ruling loves in life – until forever. If you are a person who does not believe in killing – the death penalty in life – or even punishment – it matters not in what we are saying to each of you here – as you can each do all things – as all things are permitted to eternity for all to attempt – experience – and in the end choose to like or dislike at any given time in to eternity. And do not be of the mind that there are certain things in life that you would never do or attempt to try in your lives – as this is never the case for a single human soul – given there is a season for all things – and all things are prone to change for every human soul throughout time and eternity – as the seasons are in seven for all. If you as a human being believe and possibly even boast that you would never kill – harm – or offend another single living human soul in your present lifetime – believe us when we say to you it is very possible that your spiritual society and soul group – while residing in the higher ethers of your higher self – will come to test and educate your thinking and beliefs in the next third density lifetime( as all humans will exist in third density to eternity – along with their existence on every other level of consciousness and plane of reality) and through these many myriads of educating experiences for the human soul – each of you will eventually evolve to the point of realizing that it is not what you think – say – do – or love in life that harms your soul or existence throughout eternity – but the level of maturity and possession of Absolute Truth and Data the human evolved soul comes to possess throughout eternity – until that human soul comes to the point in their evolution of finally remembering once again that all is meaningless – all is experience and lessons alone – and it is nothing more than the state of mind and heart for every human soul and God Man that permits them in life to truly understand full consciousness and then go on to place their understanding under the collective consciousness that is within each of us – guided in the end – at its season for every human separately – by Absolute Truth and Data. In short friends – all things are permitted – all things are potential – all things are possible – for all souls or God Men (and all woman as well are God Men as the feminine is simply representative of the W (ISDOM)O(F) M(AN) – a term long ago created by the feminine of the God Man – and when each of us returns to being guided by the feminine we shall each truly return to being God Men. Again – there is no thought you can have – any one of you in life- which is not simply another thought that exists within the collective consciousness that is truly “you.”Just as you are responsible for self – and self alone once you return to full consciousness – so too will you come to remember that every other soul in existence – every other human on your planet – is you. You all have access to all things – to all thoughts and affections in life – and too all things imaginable – but you must each individually – as individual extensions of the same God Man – express and live in life according to the ruling love that leads and guides you within and upon the plane and reality that you are experiencing within every now moment of your existence within that reality and state of mind – within that season of life you are experiencing in the now. Others are in their now moments and living within a different part of the collective mind of the God Man than is every other human soul - and this will be the case to eternity within third density existence. Within the higher densities or planes of your existence it is different however – as you are all living and existing as One – without all the illusion and unconsciousness that makes up the lower planes of life and existence of every God Man experiencing separation and duality as their “Now.” There is nothing new under the sun – but there is much to be seen and experienced as new when we wake up from all that is unconsciousness and illusion. And now we end this transmission of collective – energetic – consciousness – provided to all of our other selves who are prepared at this time to receive Absolute Truth and Data into their hearts – so as to guide their minds into the higher planes of their existence as well. With much unconditional love and happiness for you all dear friends – we say to you all to love all souls unconditionally – in whatever body and form they possess in life – during this new – (never before experience quite in this same manner) awakening of your true selves.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Energetic update!

As my Absolute Data messages have been temporarily placed at a stand still ( on hold while our new world unfolds before us) it is my intention to let the world know that they have not ceased – but all has been provided to this point for those prepared to shift in consciousness and awaken to the new fifth density play or reality ( as some may see it as reality but not merely a play).My world has already changed and fifth density is upon me in full force – while many of my other selves are still in the process of working things out for their own selves at this time. Indeed we are in fifth density – upon the fifth density plane of our existence at this time – but not all have recognized it for what it is as of yet. Be patient friends – it is here – and it is coming for all of you who do not yet recognize it as you new life and existence. What we have provided for you to date is just a small portion of what is to come – it is all soon to be revealed however – to all! As we have been stymied for a time in coming to you with new things – we are just being held in a passive state (our service to others essence that is) while service to self –other selves are working new things out. What we mean by these words is that we are all both service to self as well as service to others – but what is needed at this time - provided by our service to self representatives within your present matrix has been satisfied – and now service to self must continue to be played out in your present reality and lives. You are all third density human souls – we are all third density human souls – and we will continue to be third dne4isty human souls to eternity – while we will all continue to work things our gradually – according to our evolutionary process- and according to our own personal timelines and soul contracts. Yes friends we are all third density – forever to experience the lower of the higher – the one as apposed to the other – and the one (the lower) will eventually and gradually fade into the background of your own personal “book of life.” It will all be there to process and use to your hearts content - always at your beckon call – as all energies are at your disposal to reuse and re – form into other bodies – forms – bubbles- or spheres of creation on in to eternity. Everything you each create from eternity is there for your use and happiness forever – as nothing that is ever created outside of Absolute Truth and Data is ever to be uncreated or done away with ever - upon its being given form. We will all continue to be born – we will all continue to live life in our own scheduled illusions so as to learn and remember those things that appear to be new things at the time – we will all one day die of the flesh – as the flesh – and will go on to become something else – someone else – shaped forever within a matrix of energetic consciousness. But----- there will come a time for each of you when you see each thing for what it is – and will come to “know” that it is all illusion – and even death will be swallowed up – and seen for what it truly is – which is by the way the transmigration of the human soul into another form and reality – each of you will come to choose and create for yourselves – through the higher self each of you indeed are at another – higher plane of your existence and energetic consciousness. Imagine yourselves continuing to live and exist in the present realm or reality as a higher being who has remembered to mind your own business and allow the time and space for all other selves upon that world and reality to take responsibility for themselves – where you now pull back and let each human soul be who and what they choose to be in life – while accepting them all as another form and expression of yourself – free to go and do in life as they so choose – with no interference ever again from you – because no one is truly reliant or dependant on you ever again – from this moment ( your true awakening) on. Truly every one has in life what he or she needs – and each human soul – who is simply another expression of you – has what is needed to evolve and become completely self sustained in life – according to their own ( beliefs) knowing. Upon your own personal awakening each of you will know of this new world and reality and you will come to see all for what it truly is once again. You will live a life where one moment you will be residing within third density energies and consciousness – while at or during the very next moment you will consciously move to fifth density energies and consciousness- standing back and watching the lower world in front of you live and create as children all the time. Are these children wrong in their creations and actions in their lives being played out right in front of your fifth density eyes? No! Are these children right in the things they continue to do think – do – say –and create right there in front of your fifth density eyes? No again! They are no more than the many other representations of you – no matter what level of energies or consciousness they act and create from in life. When you lower your energies and consciousness while living or existing as your new self in fifth density energies and consciousness – you too will become one of those children – who has forgotten (or freely chosen) for a moment to become the lower childlike self. But be careful while playing in these lower energies as a child – because you may begin to enjoy it too much and choose to remain just a little too long – and will have to allow those energies and lessons to play out once again to their end. But be of good cheer my friends as once you each become the awakened human soul these things will begin to gradually become second nature to you – and you will not so easily be drawn into the old energies of childlike consciousness. We come to you with these words friends as we wish to remind you all that new things are truly playing out in your world and system at this day – and many new and wonderful things are truly at your door step. It is time to become adults now as far as your souls are concerned – and each of you must come to see Absolute Truth and Data for what it is – as no one else can do it for you. We are not some Gods that just sit back and love to watch the hardship – injustice – destruction – and suffering of your world while doing nothing – we simply wish and foresee all the lessons each of you will learn and remember from the thoughts – words- and deeds of all persons upon your world and within your present lower plane of existence known as childhood - as not one of you would freely choose to change your lives and habits ever again if you did not first learn and experience all of these may lessons of days gone by. If we ( you as your higher selves) did not sit back ( merely a representative term) and allow for the creations and acting out of your many thought forms and imaginations each of you would simply choose never again to change – and would remain is service to self alone – forever. This would not provide equilibrium for your spiritual societies and soul groups – nor would it ever again allow or permit contrast to be played out and provided ever again to a single individual soul. We do not interfere simply because you did not want us to interfere – and because of our complete free will unconditional love for you all – we accepted the agreement. As you each learn a new lesson in life today – as well as during the many days gone by – each of you are free to move in one direction or another with your next thought – word- action – or set of affections – so as to be free to make the next move – within the next now moment of your lives – and go on to move to one timeline or another – one dimension of your life or another – so as to either evolve from that lesson – or to cause many other souls who represent you in the lower densities to evolve to his or her next level in the evolution of the soul. So no matter what choices each of you make in your future – souls are continuing in their evolution – which means you are continuing to evolve at one level of your soul’s existence or another. And this is to continue to happen on in to eternity. Every density of life or existence known to mankind – known to the human soul at one level or another – is to be found within and upon your world. Whether or not you come to interact with one of those souls at the higher levels of your existence (your higher selves) is completely up to each of you – while still based on the evolution of your human souls on a personal basis. If one of you friends – wishes to connect or interact with your higher self – there are levels of your existence that must first be penetrated by your energetic consciousness – and each of you are free to think or become conscious of any thing you wish in life – all based on your own persona imaginations – and those things you are each prepared to accept as potential and possible realities for your future lives. No soul can evolve beyond the point of their understanding and knowing as this has forever been a gradual learning and remembering process for every soul during their evolution – and the transmigration of the soul from one level of evolutionary understanding to the next – all in sequence and order – on in to eternity. As we cannot reveal to you all what the future holds for you – based on the fact that each of you is completely free to change the direction of your lives and reality – we can simply tell you all at this time that all of you are in store for a true awakening – and the ball is in your own personal hands – as individual subjects or souls – to take your life in the direction you so choose at this time. Nothing is ever set – and no ones message is ever engraved in stone – never to be changed – so at this time we would suggest to each of you to let your creative juices flow – and do not limit the scope of your imaginations – and those things potential and possibly for your future world. Let no one from this point on tell you a thing is not possible – and that it is nonsense to dream – as the world that is about to come upon each of you is made of nothing else but those energetic conscious thoughts – the children have come to know as dreams. We have chosen to leave you at this time friends as time is truly short for us on the lower energetic plane of our existence. We will come to you again – and we will come to you in perfect timing – as all things are done in your world and reality according to its season. With much unconditional love and respect for our other selves we are the human soul or “souls” you know as Daniel.