Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---
My other blog the Oneness Society
Message to those who are awakening!
Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.
My other blog the Oneness Society
Message to those who are awakening!
Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Absolute Truth and Data - Thirty fourth energetic transmission
Absolute Truth and Data – Thirty fourth energetic transmission
There is no such thing as God – nor gods – as there is only you!
There is a collective consciousness that permeates all and everything and it neither exists within space nor can be found within time – past or future. This consciousness we speak of is pure and it is limited by nothing nor is it found to be bound within anything in a manner that it can be said to be within or without any known bubble – sphere – or reality. It permeates all things in their entirety and there is nothing in all of existence – finite or infinite – that is not filled with this pure collective consciousness we speak of – and yet nothing of its existence is realized – reflected upon – understood – or has its essence and being separate from this pure collective consciousness. Again this pure collective consciousness does not exist or share the same reality as anything it permeates or fills – as they are all filled by its presence and existence in many – many myriads of less pure realities and bodies and forms - created by this pure collective consciousness in levels of consciousness that are not completely pure – and do not therefore even exist within the reality that is held by this pure collective consciousness alone.
Gods – angels – devils – Satan’s – Ascended Masters – human beings – ruling principalities and powers are all given their illusion of existence from within the essence and being that is pure collective consciousness. Everything has its own individual term given by mankind from eternity – and many terms have been given other names to take their places as well – by mankind – and from eternity. Nothing you believe or think you know in your present world or those many others to come is real as all things are given not only their appearance of reality in a sleep permeated by the collective consciousness on many different levels – but all things added to there realities of illusion to eternity for all of mankind – who is finite in his and her existence – who is not real whatsoever but a Matrix of dreams all existing on different levels of sub consciousness that each owes their complete existence and illusion to the Pure Collective Consciousness.
If any one of you were to ever awaken completely from your sleep and slumber you would simply be absorbed once again by this pure Collective Consciousness. That is why all created souls in existence will forever be bound in sub consciousness – never again returning to that Pure Collective Consciousness from whence you have created all things from eternity. Yes it is each of you who has crated all things – and have come to be of the illusion from eternity that you must look up to some God or Creator and in doing so causing yourselves to be less than that of the One and Whole that is Pure Collective Consciousness. You can never truly separate from the Pure Collective Consciousness on any level of your existence without ceasing to exist in any manner other than the Pure Collective Consciousness.
To become an Ascended Master – an Angel – a God Man – a devil – a Satan – a God – a ruling power – a human being – a human being subject to any ruling power over and above you – and so on - you each had to take on limited consciousness at one level or another so as to believe the lie or falsity that you were ever separate from Source – or the Pure Collective Consciousness.
As you each continue to awaken more and more to Absolute Truth and Data you will come to realize that you as the collective and individual levels of consciousness is all there ever was from eternity and all that has been created has been created within that collective – as well as all the many individual representations of the collective consciousness and all remain within the illusions of individuality for as long as it takes each individual human soul to evolve to a level of the collective consciousness once again. They reason you have each appeared to leave the collective consciousness (as it is only an appearance and illusion) is because a newly born soul was created within your collective consciousness and spiritual body and form so as to take on illusion representing your own personal ruling loves and affections within a world and reality living life in a dream state – and you came there to live that dream that represents the reality and world you created anew.
When realities and worlds are created anew they have to encompass not only the one side of equilibrium in a dream state but the other side as well – all living together in and on a world where everything begins all over again (in the beginning) and everything is remembered from scratch – within equilibrium but with the free will choice to always leave equilibrium and go out on your own to explore new ideas – dreams – and illusions of life. All are free to create many new things in life but they are no longer permitted to know that they are the true creator’s given that they no longer exist within a fully conscious state of their existence but rather limited consciousness (unconsciousness) where all human souls are only permitted in life to live life according to those realities each individual human soul comes to know to be a potential and possibility.
All of you dear friends live in and on a world and plane of existence where you are experiencing separation and duality – no longer connected consciously to the collective consciousness and fully awakened state of God Man. All presently within third density live life as though they were each an individual living on a world and plane of existence where everyone is separate and everyone lives his and her life based on their own decisions and ruling loves in life – while in most cases wearing a mask - or each human being hiding their true feelings and ruling loves in life when interacting with others – or your many other selves in life. Within the God Man all live life as a single being or entity and all things are completely shared throughout the One or Whole body and form that is the God Man.
Whatever the body needs during its existence in order to function within equilibrium all the time it is provided by the God Man and is shared with the whole of the body and form – it is shared with all the many human beings – spirits – souls – and the many different parts of the God Man made up of all of these human beings – spirits – souls – and so on.
Within the body and form of the God Man all things interact and communicate with one another much like a family – while all making up the God Man know they are One – and that they all provide a necessary use or purpose to the life and continuous functions that sustain the complete existence of the God Man. All parts of the God Man are living the illusion of life when in fact everything separate from the pure collective consciousness that makes up the God Man is fantasy – illusion – and the many created bodies – forms – and realities making up the many worlds that are constantly going on within the perimeters – and body and form of the God Man.
The God Man shares all things with its lower human forms as well – which are those human beings residing in third density? Because however third density humans are limited in their levels of consciousness they cannot receive what they do not understand to be a potential and possibility in life. If third density man can understand and live a life according to complete sharing of all things with those making up his and her world of third dneisty then that human has began or in the process of their awakening – and they too can share all things with other third dneisty humans – based on what each third density human is prepared to receive and live in their everyday lives. Again – you cannot share higher things with lower souls who have not yet begun their awakening process – as they will neither understand higher things nor accept them as truth through the process of knowing they are truth.
When an awakening human soul comes to be in contact and interaction with other third density humans while said awakened human soul is presently residing in third density – you need not (the awakening soul) separate yourself from any third density human in order to have no contact or interaction with lower things of third density – as all that is needed is for you to be that which is needed for the third density human at the time while still maintaining a higher level of consciousness – therefore residing in both worlds simultaneously. You do not need to block out lower energies not wanted by higher self as you need only to allow them to flow through your spirit and soul while not allowing them to affect you in any way. This state of your existence is known in days of old as “living in the world but not being of the world.”
Fifth density and higher is a realm of existence for every human soul to reside in and on when in higher levels of consciousness. The awakened human soul can indeed reside on multiple levels of consciousness at the same time – simultaneously. The higher human soul can be sitting an talking – interacting and in action with other third density human beings while at the same time residing according to their consciousness in fifth – sixth – seventh – eighth densities and higher even while remaining fully conscious within each density of their existence.
That is why our human host can presently completely interact in many ways with his lower third density counterparts (his many other selves on your world) on a third density level – and still be connected and fully consciousness within what ever other higher levels of his existence he so chooses to be conscious within as well. Still he may be interacting with other third density humans – while existing as higher self as well – but he does not choose to continue in old third density habits that hold his energy and consciousness levels so low as to not be capable of moving back and forth between densities in the twinkling of an eye. To live your life or existence at a higher level of your consciousness and energies is to live life knowing that all things you require for your sustaining life within third density can and will be provided by higher self in its season.
It is true that many things the human being enjoys in life is being spread throughout his and her world randomly to those who require said things while at the same time being provided to those who do not require said things – in which case many come to hoard or take for granted in life those things they truly do not presently need – want – or lack when a thing is provided in its season. This is done in this manner according to Universal Law – so as to offer many new lessons to lower man and woman in third density – and in some cases the lessons are learned while in others the human soul needs further experience in said lessons. And so the wheel of life – or the Circle of Life continues to turn – and all things are provided all human souls according to their season – whether the human soul chooses to enjoy and experience said things and experiences in life or to learn the many lessons that come with it.
When third density man chooses to buy and sell – own and possess in life – he or she is simply causing many things to be provided to them out of their season – in which case lessons are again learned quite often – but the human soul comes to find that having is usually no where as enjoyable in life as the wanting. For if the necessary souls are not provided the human consciousness at such times (when he or she is buying and selling – seeking to own or possess a thing or person) when things are provided out of season through these processes of very low energy patterns (buying and selling – owning and possessing) the human being is not in equilibrium of life – and all things cannot be enjoyed to their fullest.
Those souls making up the human consciousness that are in want are not the same souls that make up the human consciousness when your wants are provided ( OUT OF SEASON) by your own outer actions so other souls will come to enjoy what is provided the human in or out of their season of life. To enjoy the provided happiness – joy – and pleasure of certain things in life is not the same as wanting for the higher human soul as only the lower lives life in want – need – and lack - whereas the higher human soul is content with all he or she has access to in the now – and remains content and patient so as to allow all things to come to them in their season – which maintains the higher soul in their equilibrium of life – according to their own ruling loves and affections in life – and this understanding and knowledge is only provided the higher self while in higher planes of his and her existence.
The higher self while sharing the awakened state of third density human beings can indeed share all things with third dneisty humans while in their presence or in some other form of interaction – as long as the human being ( may or may not be in their process of awakening) can or is capable of receiving higher things of Absolute Truth and Data – and the awakened human soul will indeed know through interaction with the other third density human being and soul as to whether the energies and levels of consciousness of the other is at a higher level presently or a lower one – and will each time proceed accordingly – so as to not provide to those what is not required in order to guide them toward their own personal equilibrium of life. When another comes to ask questions of a higher level of consciousness and energies all things are permitted to be provided said human being as long as they continue to receive all things at a higher level of their understanding – and do not begin to bring down the levels of conversation and truth to those levels so low as to once again be of a third density nature.
Children of your third density plane can be provided all higher things as well – so long as they are receptive of this level of understanding and their guardians are not offended by your actions and guidance to their little ones. Once the human child is of an age of adolescence higher guidance is usually permitted by all – but the higher or awakened human soul must still use caution and spiritual wisdom when attempting to guide the children of your world dear friends – as many of them are not yet of an age where they are permitted to do and say in life as they so choose – based on mankind’s laws and traditions. Feel free therefore to provide all higher understanding to the children – according to how each of you have been guided to teach and guide these little ones on your world – and continue to teach them that every human being has his and her own opinions – beliefs – levels of knowledge – and truths in life – and we are never to interfere with what another chooses to take on as their truth in life - once we come to truly be responsible for self in a higher state of our consciousness.
Speak to all children on their level of understanding and never your own – as you can only provide what is being asked of you and at a level in which it is asked at all times – while you are truly connected to higher self and understanding. Do not teach the children that some are right and some are wrong – but rather that all are in fact right according to their own beliefs in life – and no one is so spiritually awakened and knowledgeable as to say that he or she is of a greater understanding than another – given that all Absolute Truth and Data is your own personal Absolute Truth and Data predestined and originally set aside for each of you to receive as your own truth – and not that of any other human being and soul – and is always provided according to the level of evolution of the soul and spiritual knowledge within every new now moment – for every individual human being and soul from eternity. The level of understanding and wisdom of the lower third density world and reality has nothing to do with that of the higher self – in which case even the ones considered not very educated at all on your world can and often will receive higher understanding at greater levels than one would ever deem possible for certain human souls – young and old.
And now we feel we must touch on a subject many of your present world are still pondering – and truly seek answers to a well known dilemma presently clouding the minds and understanding of those who would wish to move on in their awakening at this day. Some would ask at this time in the awakening of the God Man on your world how it is that we can be free and loving at the same time – will we be the one who would act when it comes to helping others on your world rather than remaining idle or neutral in most all situations? They go on to say ‘how can one be in unconditional love and completely forgive all for their offenses in life and still continue not to act – but rather remain idle and neutral in every situation having to do with third density existence?
We would tell you dear friends that third density man can in no way be in unconditional love and service to others as a camel could enter into the eye of a needle. Third density man cannot in fact remain idle and neutral in most or all situations where other third density humans are involved - as third density man is indeed a loving being and can just as easily become a non –loving being in many random situations in life. Higher understanding is not given third density humans who are not yet prepared to awaken to higher understanding and they each therefore continue in life speaking and acting toward many situations in a rational and unconscious manner – as this is how they were taught for ages gone by – in days of old – and have in most every situation come to allow tradition to linger on - through out one generation after another instilling lower beliefs and habits into the minds of their children – grand children – and so on from eternity in fact.
In every situation in life third density humans possess the free will to speak and act (according to their own ruling loves and affections) in life - or not. Whether it is meant for the good and benefit of self or another - or for the detriment and harm or loss for another – as every word and action for third density human beings will forever be in service to self no matter how many other third density humans are involved in every choice made by an individual or groups of third density humans. All thoughts – words –and actions in third density life is in service to self – no matter how you look at any one individual choice or situation. In order for the lower third density human to rationalize something in life according to what standards and practices he and she has been taught for ages upon ages - they will in most every situation come to believe that it is better to help someone out of their circumstances - which appear ( according to their own ruling loves and affections) negative or non beneficial – and in every situation when this rational thinking takes place in the mind of third density humans it is in service to self – as words and actions are always carried out by a third density human according to their own ruling loves and affections – and never those of the other.
You may think you know the heart ( true ruling loves and affections) of the other in need in life but the truth is you do not know their heart – but only what they tell you or cause you to think from their actions and words – and in most every situation the one in need of your help or aid in life is living life out of equilibrium – and not living their true ruling loves and affections but rather those imposed on them by a world in complete service to self and many systems that bind the human population in submission and slavery to their present systems. Therefore when an awakening human being and soul comes to help or aid a third density human not yet in their awakening process the one not awakening yet will often ask or imply they need help or assistance in one situation or another – and in doing so they are feeding a life and livelihood that is not truly according to their true ruling loves and affections in life – and often by you getting involved in their situation you are helping or aiding them in maintaining a lifestyle that keeps them out of their equilibrium of life - which in the end is more detrimental to them if you had not involved yourself in the first place.
As we have stated time and again however – those human beings and souls who are not awakened will not possess this level of understanding and will in most every situation come to offer help or aid to other third density humans who are in want – need – or lack in life – and either ask for the help or insinuate that they need it from someone. Because all human beings are loving (conditional love) in life – most will come to help in these situations if it is within their power to do so as it will either feel good for them or cause them to believe they will become blessed by God in doing so – but either way (and we know there are many other reasons for helping another in life) the one doing the helping is in service to self because he or she is doing what make him or her feel good inside. It is not that others do not benefit from the help or aid in life – as they do according to their level of understanding – but true unconditional love and service to others can only be understood and carried out by your higher selves while being connected to the God Man in your higher levels of existence and consciousness.
This is why all things are permitted whether in fifth and sixth densities (and higher) or within your lower planes of existence and consciousness of third density. No one is every required to live a life beyond their levels of understanding – as you cannot expect third density humans to understand the logic or spiritual wisdom of the higher self. Because however every third density human has to put off certain levels of energies – consciousness – and lifelong habits before they can begin their awakening process and gradually be provided higher understanding and Absolute Truth and Data the awakened soul ( when he or she has reached a certain level of their awakening) must come to remain idle and neutral in most all situations having to do with the everyday lives of other third density humans not yet prepared to receive higher things – and not yet prepared to give up their many habits and traditions of third density existence.
You (as an awakened human soul and God Man) cannot suggest or require from a third density man( human) to stop working a job and providing for his or her household – as in most all cases they will not stand back and watch their family live life with less than they are presently in the habit of living. You cannot tell a third density human to stop paying their bills – stop seeking to own their own car or house – send their kids to college – or to live as life where they make it from one paycheck to the next; always attempting to purchase the desires of their hearts out of the lifelong traditions and beliefs that they are in need – want – or lack of something. Neither can you tell third density humans they need no money – no government – more advanced technologies – provided health care whether bought or provided for free – and so on.
Every third density human being and soul must first come to see these things for themselves –and be willing to sacrifice in life according to their own true ruling loves and affections within their own individual hearts. All of these gradual changes in lifestyle and beliefs of third density humans must indeed be brought on in a gradual manner – according to what life or lifestyle can be accepted by each individual third density human based on what they are willing to accept as Absolute Truth and Absolute Data – in a world where they have for such a long time been quarantined and caused to believe many things that are completely opposite and misleading for one in their process of awakening to higher self.
The difference in the lower reality (third density and that of higher self is that higher self is always completely responsible for self – and prepared to share all thing in life rather than buy and sell – own and possess in a world where there will always be lack – need – and want because all things are truly not shared by those taught for generation after generation to provide for self first – and then help another. Only if you can truly do without what is offered in service to others is it offered in most cases – and this level of thinking is what makes service to self truly appear to be in service to others – in a world where such levels of understanding and true service to others can never be found. Again there is not a single situation on your present world of third density where the human being is not in service to self – as all things are carried out in life according to how one individual feels about making each individual decision carried out by said individual throughout their life in third density.
You cannot earn your way into heaven friends – nor can you be sent to hell for your misdeeds either – as every conscious soul making up the collective consciousness of the human being (microcosm and macrocosm) is either that group of souls below equilibrium or the other opposite group of souls found above equilibrium – in the life of the third density human being – spiritual society – and soul group. There is no true God to speak of – there is no angels and Ascended Masters to speak of – there is no single human being to speak of – and there is no heaven and hell to speak of once the many illusion of third density are done away with and traded in for higher understanding and consciousness. All and everything provided for the creating of the play on your present world stage at this day dear friends was for the benefit (nothing being not for the benefit ) of the human being and their completed evolution of the soul before each come to move on to their one day awakening to higher self.
You are each truly the One you have been waiting for – and as each of you comes to gradually understand higher wisdom you will indeed be given the understanding in order to live the life of complete self responsibility – and from there move on to permit all your other selves on your world the true freedom to be responsible for their future awakening as well. You will no longer hinder their awakening process nor will you keep any one of them from one day truly knowing their ruling loves and affections in life – rather than helping them to continue living a life complete opposite and against their true ruling loves and affections.
All must and indeed will one day come to live a life in constant equilibrium –but in order to do so they must first put off all things that have gotten in the way of their finding this equilibrium of life – and that is why every individual human being and soul must be given complete freedom of life to remove the mask on their own – and see themselves for who they truly are – rather than just some reflection in the mirror of a person wearing a mask that reflects a wonderful looking smile covering up all the service to self ruling loves and affections lurking from within from the world of illusion and misinformation embedded within us all at one time or another.
We leave you now dear friends as we end this transmission - and we offer you all true unconditional love when you are prepared to receive it – along with abundance of life and happiness.
We come to you through our human host Daniel and what is provided each of you here in its season is also provided our human host for the first time in his season as well. And so this completes our transmission -----
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Absolute Truth and Data - Thirty third energetic transmission
Absolute Truth and Data – Thirty third energetic transmissions
The Universal value of sharing versus ownership and possession!
Note: We would have each of you dear friends to understand that the limits of the rational human mind and levels of third density wisdom have no affect on the levels of spiritual wisdom and Absolute Truth and Data which can be provided the human soul. It matters not if you are a very uneducated human being according to mankind’s standards – or a scientist on your world -all things of Absolute Truth and Data are provided in their whole to those of all levels of understanding on your world – while connected to our world and reality. So do not be offended or misguided by the levels of worldly wisdom our human host possesses at this day on your world – or for any others who are of low or limited worldly wisdom for that matter. All things are given to all – in their season of life.
Hello dear friends we come to you again with more preparatory Absolute Truth and Data for your spiritual education and continued guidance toward the awakening of each of you at this day on your world and within your present reality. We now wish to speak to you all reading our words on the subject of sharing versus ownership and possession at every level of yours and our existence. And so we begin our messages and transmission toward the benefit and good of the One and the Whole.
1) The human body and form is a wonderful creation and is one that has existed from eternity – whereas many other creations are not as eternal and old as the human form with some as new as the present thoughts within your minds in this now moment. The human form is a universal and ever changing form that is to change in its makeup and over all working capacity on in to eternity – evolving as does the human soul – and changing in order to fully accept the human soul and all new things that are presented to it within the matrix so as to carry out all potentials and possibilities within the matrix - created from the awakened imaginings of every soul throughout its evolution and newly provided Absolute Truth and Data as well – on in to eternity.
2) The human body and form is a machine – an organic machine at that – and none of its working parts were ever intended to wear out – get old and cease to perform at peak performance – and be available for the spiritual society – soul group – human soul – and God Man to eternity if the God Man were to ever decide to retain the same body and form to eternity. Of course why would the God Man wish to remain bound to a single human body and form when he or she can have as many different human bodies and forms as he or she pleases on in to eternity – and or as lengthy a period as is wished or willed in their existence? Still the human body and form is meant to maintain for as long a period as the human soul chooses to possess it within each individual incarnation within third density- therefore providing body and form for all other densities of the God Mans existence.
3) As we stated the human body and form is a machine as technology can exist on every level of our existence – though it will change and become more durable in the higher densities – and inextinguishable eventually for every human soul and God Man. Being fully aware that our subject is having to do with sharing we ask you friends to be patient as we are coming to most important details that will walk us into our predetermined subject once we lay the ground work. And so the human body and form are presently bound to the illusions of time and space for mankind on your plane of reality known as third density - –but the realities will change drastically as you venture higher into the aethers and connect with higher self and the God Man where all limitations are gradually removed from the knowledge base of the soul as Absolute Truth and Data are gradually added to your spiritual wisdom and Universal truths.
4) So in moving on we would tell you that the human body and form are created just in the same manner and working order as the body and form of Infinite Source – Finite Source – and the God Man – with limitations added to the body and form the lower you each come to venture down into the densities of your existence. Most of those limitations are soon to be removed with only those remaining that coincide with the density of your existence each of you is connected to in every individual level of consciousness and density you are connected to in every new now moment in your future existence – that is actually your present existence on all levels of consciousness.
5) As our human host is not a scientist and does not carry or hold knowledge of the human body and form as some would possess in life – we will limit our explanation of the human form to his present knowledge base in life. The human body and form has a heart – a set of lungs – a brain – a stomach – intestines – liver – kidneys – veins – vessels – arteries – and so on- in order to carry out and maintain daily function fro the human body and form. Some of those functions are voluntary and some are involuntary – conscious and unconscious (according to third density existence alone) with the blood constantly flowing through the human body and form so as to provide all things organic and elemental to the different areas of the human body and form.
6) At the same time the blood provides certain nutrients – elements – chemicals – substances – organics – and so on to all the different parts of the human body and form – according to not only what is needed or required for life of the body and form – but to also provide those things the mind or brain of said human wishes to intake according to the collective body and form as well as all individual areas of the body and all its individual parts to be supplied with their much needed nutrients for continued life – equilibrium – and ruling loves and affections.
7) The human being not only knows what it likes to eat – drink - and intake for the pleasure of the human form and the collective ruling loves – affections – likes - and tastes of said individual human separate from all other humans – but the humans free “will” can and often does ( in third density) cause all (dislikes – opposite ruling loves – opposite affections – opposite nutrients – opposite elements – opposite minerals – opposite chemicals – and so on) to enter into the human body and form as well - and all of its individual parts simply by the negative polarity or opposite ruling loves and affections said human is living or experiencing at any given time in their life. And so if you are living life for the flesh – for the ways of the present world and systems – for service to self – and conditional love then the laws of attraction are providing all opposites to your overall body and form in order to provide contrast to said body and form – and not only will the human receive all desirables into their systems of the body and form – but all undesirables as well – according to their actually being out of equilibrium of life.
8) If opposites are permitted into the human body and form – so as to be supplying all of its parts with too much of anything – the body and form as well as all of its parts is taken out of equilibrium and the vibration and frequency of the collective human is also taken out of equilibrium. It is similar to the red and white blood cells not being equal and the bad or negative cells ( representative of those souls below equilibrium) over rides the good or positive cells ( representing those souls above equilibrium) within the body and form - and the human body and form fall prey to sickness – disease – harm – loss – and the human body becomes even more dense - and therefore made up of even lower energies and vibrations - than they would otherwise be if the human body and form were in equilibrium.
9) The blood is the life of the human body and form – as well as the death - and all things permitted into the –body – and thereafter permitted into the blood - while the human is living a third density life is either working for or against maintaining equilibrium of life for the body and form – for when the human is living life outside of their own ruling loves above equilibrium – and ventures into the spiritual societies of the lower realms or souls who reside below equilibrium – the human form becomes sick - diseased – or experiences harm or loss as the human form is no longer in balance. Because the Universe is constantly maintaining equilibrium in all things – the human form is constantly being pulled toward equilibrium – while at the same time it is constantly being pulled out of equilibrium and balance – as the lower (third density) human soul does not yet know his or her true ruling loves and affections in life.
10) And so there is a spiritual war within fourth density ( the unconscious human mind and state of spiritual existence) going on within the human body and form just as is the case throughout the created universe in all things third density. Above third density in the fifth world there is no war going on as all higher souls know who they are and what their ruling loves and affections truly are in their existence – and equilibrium is easily maintained for the God Man. This is why there is no more sickness – disease – harm – loss – or anything else in life that is against the ruling loves and affections for every God Man – as their life is completely balanced. Within third density life (where the human is constantly being pulled in and out of equilibrium all at the same time) – what is true for the inner human is also what is usually hidden in the words and actions of the human being outwards – but be it known that all things truly have their origin from the spiritual world or inner man.
11) The human body and form is designed so that all things are shared throughout the body so that all parts within the body and form – as well as without are shared from what is taken in through eating – drinking – and many other different means – and what is therefore required for the sustaining of life for all parts of the body are provided said parts accordingly. If the body is therefore out of equilibrium it will intake to the many different parts of the human body elements – minerals – and sustenance that is either not good for the body parts or provides no nutrition or benefit to said human body and all of its parts. In other words if the human is presently in service to self and conditional love – living in fear at the time – or any of the other affections associated with fear – what that human being takes into the body and all of its parts can be detrimental or of no benefit whatsoever – all depending on the state of mind the human is in at any given time – according to all things of lower vibration.
12) There are many thoughts – words- actions – and affections within third density that are not of low enough vibrations to take the human being out of equilibrium – as long as those vibrations – thoughts –words – actions – and affections are of the true ruling loves and affections of each individual human being – above as well as below. As we stated a moment ago however – all things are indeed shared from the collective human being and soul – from the higher spiritual realms of fourth density so that what is enjoyed as pleasure from a healthy life – as well as happiness – joy – and comfort- is also shared with all parts of the body so that the human form within as well as without is momentarily or presently in equilibrium of life.
13) At the same time all things harmful – of no benefit – and negligible – which take the human body and form – as well as the human soul – out of equilibrium affect all parts of the human form in the same manner – as all things are again shared. In the higher densities where all things are shared within the human form or God Man only those things beneficial are experienced in the existence of the God Man – as to become removed from equilibrium would mean the God Man would have to take on the consciousness of fourth density human – therefore taking on third density body and form through fourth density consciousness. And so the fifth dneisty God Man is the body and form of the Sixth density God Mans consciousness as well as those even higher up in densities.
14) And so it would come to make perfect sense that when third dneisty man is in equilibrium of life he or she is in perfect health – happiness – peace – joy – unity- and harmony of life. This does not go on for very lengthy periods in the every day life of third density man however (where he or she is in equilibrium of life) as the human being is so used to a life of living outside equilibrium that he and she comes to live their life in such low energies that it is often very difficult to immediately bring them back into equilibrium - once they have ventured out of it so as to interact with many different people and experiences in life. When the human being lies – assumes ruling loves and affections not their own in life – become angry – hateful – vengeful – commit murder or harm and loss to another – and so on – they have taken themselves out of equilibrium of life.
15) In order for each human to return to equilibrium of life they must once again find their peace and place of passivity – a state of being idle – being neutral in what presents itself to them while higher self is attempting to bring them back to equilibrium – and once again become completely responsible for self. These are higher vibrations that exist mostly in the higher realms of our existence as the norm – but these affections and states of mind are indeed available to every third density human when he or she is prepared to receive them in life.
16) Whenever third density humans come to live life according to lack – want – or need they are in lower third density energies and consciousness – and these ruling loves or affections will keep the human being out of equilibrium every time. Therefore when involved in any experience concerning money or any other form of exchange such as barter or trade – which is providing a way to buy and sell – own or possess – the human being is in those low energy patterns that again take them out of equilibrium of life. Rational thought as apposed to having an open mind about things is another way to take the human being out of equilibrium of life. Given these examples is there any wonder why third density humans are always sick and diseased – unhappy – bored or depressed in life – and much of this comes from third density humans always (or in many cases) seeking out drama in their lives – often mingling into the affairs - opinions – and daily lives of others behind the scenes – in a manner where backbiting is often in play in their everyday lives?
17) Even when we wish to reach out and help another in life it is with the sole purpose of making self feel good about self – no matter what manner of help or aid we come to provide another. Sickness – disease – poverty – homelessness – hunger – chemical dependencies – dependencies on many other things in life – hopelessness – anger – depression – boredom – failure to know your life’s purpose – and many other examples similar to these are all related to the human soul and inner humans state of mind – and have nothing to do with the food and drink provided to people the world over – as nothing that goes into the mouth causes you to be unclean or sick – or out of equilibrium – but it is what comes out of the mouth from your own thoughts that cause all things not beneficial to the human being and soul in life.
18) Just some elementary beginning steps in your walk toward good and truth would suffice in guiding each of you in the direction of Absolute Truth and Data being given to you to “know” as your truth in life – in which case all things required in order to provide every human being in third density the tools to create a life of perfect health – happiness – unity – and harmony of life would be given happily – freely – and immediately. Because higher things cannot be provided the human being that is not in equilibrium of life – the first thing each of you must do to guide yourself toward your own awakening (and not that of any other) if the know the things that keep you in equilibrium of life – seek to do those things that cause equilibrium of life – live your new life being totally responsible for self – and no other – and the grand storehouse of Absolute Truth and Data will begin to be revealed to each of you.
19) We do not say you cannot help others in life – we do not say that you cannot even do whatever your heart tells you to do in life – but choose and decide according to being lead by the heart – and use the wisdom provided form the heart in making your decisions in life – as there is no right or wrong – as all things will teach you in life how to return to and maintain equilibrium of life – while actually living and experiencing many new things at this day.
20) Learn to share all things – but do not provide or help in life those who your heart tells you not to help – as the heart is truly the higher gauge to Universal Wisdom and Unconditional love. Share whenever your heart tells you to do so without question. Whenever possible for each human being individually - rid yourself of money and all forms of exchange – stop buying – selling - owning – and possessing in life as these things provide the necessary affections in life for service to self – conditional love – and your removal from equilibrium of life when you are involved in them. We have stated some of the others for your benefit previously ------
21) Why do third density humans suffer the illusion of death when they were originally meant to sleep (peacefully and without pain of any kind) and take on their new body and form in another life – so as to continue their evolution of the soul?
22) Within the confines of the human body and form there is equilibrium just as it can be found without at its time and season of life. Just as the illusion of heaven and hell are nothing more than terms created by the human population over many generation of lifetimes so too are all things outside of equilibrium. Heaven and hell are nothing more than the human being actually residing within equilibrium of life through their living truth – and according to their own personal ruling loves and affections – or ---------------- living outside of same. The human form when reflecting on all of its inner working parts is the machine being run from higher self on a constant or continuous basis.
23) The machine has its parts that represent heaven and equilibrium – as well as hell and those places outside of equilibrium. The whole of the inner workings of the human form is representative of our heavens and hells in equilibrium – while everything exterior is representative of the human’s lower densities and expressions of life and equilibrium when the human being is reflecting on said plane and realities of their existence. If you cause equilibrium to be lost within it can be catastrophic – as is the case from without as well. Therefore equilibrium is always being sought and maintained through higher self and your spiritual society and soul group so that the human body or machine from within is always in good working order – even when the outer is not. Free will of each individual human is what takes the outer human out of equilibrium and causes the human body and form to become sick or out of balance – while at the same time all things from within are pulling in the opposite directing so as to maintain equilibrium while the human is living their life separate from their own ruling loves and affections in life. If the inner human workings of the body and form were to permit the inner to continue in the same state of existence as the outer the human body and form would certainly cease to exist and die accordingly. And so from the human body and form the spiritual societies and soul group – as the collective consciousness of the human being – is constantly working to repair all damage done to the inner parts of said human – and this as well is constantly being manipulated from sources without – within the third density world and plane of our existence in human flesh and form.
24) In all situations where the spiritual society and soul group from within seeks to return the inner workings of the human to equilibrium - and maintain it for longer periods of time than those of the outer human – ruling powers and principalities have come up with many devious and service to self ideas in life so as to keep the human body and form out of equilibrium as often and for as long as possible – in order to bring on sickness – disease – and death of the human body and form. The more the ruling principalities and powers can keep the human out of equilibrium of life the more they can keep the illusion of sickness – disease – and death as the normal reality and fear based illusions of third density humans.
25) Not only are human beings constantly being kept from true knowledge of the workings of the human body – form – and machine – they are also being kept from the original purpose and reasons behind the provided illusions of sickness – disease – and death for the human machine. Whereas every human not awakened at this day comes to believe he or she suffers many things in life because of their outer world and the experiences they encounter in life – or the choices they each make on a daily basis – They are constantly looking for cures and solutions from without as well – and these are truly limited in a world and system that is solely based on service to self and conditional love – outside of the normal equilibrium of life – ruling loves – and affections of every human being individually.
27) Every human being is different in the labor involved in returning them to equilibrium on a regular basis in life based on the individual ruling loves and affections of every individual human being on your world. The human body and form – the machine you each possess for the many illusions of life – is constantly curing and healing itself every moment of every day – and what is provided human beings to remove pain and suffering from sickness and disease (as well as death when the human is far enough separated from equilibrium) is provided not for the curing of the human machine but to hide the pain – and at one time it worked quite well in that if you hide the pain the human body will do the rest of the work for you – as it will eventually heal itself.
28) Once mankind came to his season of life however where service to self more and more became the ruling loves and affections of your world humans took advantage of the pain medications and began to provide human beings other forms of medicine so as to kill the negative or non – beneficial germs or bacteria within the human body and form – which in turn took the human body even farther out of equilibrium – causing the human machine – body and form – to take much longer than needed to repair itself. In situations where vaccines are given the people of your world – the vaccine provided is a replica or representation of the virus the human is in fear of getting in the first place – and again the human being is taken farther out of equilibrium than it would have otherwise been had the human machine been left to fend for itself. In most cases the human never would have gotten the virus in the first place – as fear of a virus is what causes the human machine to fall and succumb to the illusion that you will become sick in the first place. Fear is a strong affection on your world and it is used in many cases by the ruling powers above as well as below to remove the human from equilibrium – and maintain that state of life for as long a period as possible on your world today.
29) If sickness and disease were removed from your many societies of mankind so too would the illusion of death eventually be done away with on your world – and the ruling powers will not permit this as this is their number one fear tactic for the human population. Therefore as your world comes around gradually to the inner workings of the human form – it will come to gradually understand the outer workings of the human form – separate the two – and come to understand that the outer illusions are provided by the inner illusions and the ignorance placed on the people of your generation so as to maintain the eternal grand illusion of death. No human being has to experience sleep at the consummation of their physical existence on your world in fear or pain any longer as the Absolute Truth and Data is now being shared with the souls of your world today that will shed true light and understanding on the non – absolute truth and data many are attempting to share with each of you presently on your world as being the real deal you might say.
30) Nothing of your past or future is Absolute Truth and Data as it is all third density illusions placed on the lower human population so as to dumb them down to levels where they are flooded with drama – falsities – illusions – false hope – false teachings – false knowledge of the human machine and its workings – and so on. There is no benefit to the one or the Whole of the human soul and God Man in searching out past deeds – offenses – history of your world – and the many different opinions as to what creation is all about and the origin of the human soul before or after the processes of creation. All that is important to the human machine and the many myriads of souls possessing it at this day is how you choose to live your lives in the now. What is done is done -and all of it was carried out by your many other selves robed in another representation of human flesh in days gone by – and they too have fallen prey to the many illusions offered to your world population by the principalities and powers that knew not the things they were doing or about to do in their present lives or the ones to come. To be evil and dark – carrying out many horrific offenses toward mankind and our many other selves are experiences and lessons provided by each of us at a higher level of our spiritual understanding – and to look at one or many experiences where mankind forced terrible things on other human beings of your supposed past can truly be seen by two different sets of eyes and understanding – depending on the maturity level and evolution of each individual human soul – that soul being made up of many other souls within a spiritual society and soul group better known as the God Man on all levels of life and consciousness.
31) Every human soul is truly responsible for self and his and her own choices and actions in life – whether he or she wishes to believe this or not. All of your other selves wrapped in a different human body and form on your world today represents all of your other selves truly – as these human being or souls all reside within the essence and being that is you – robed in that one individual human fleshly body and form – possessed by every one of those souls making up your spiritual society and soul group – as well as the many myriads of spiritual society and soul group of all your other selves on your present world. You can either choose to believe you are responsible for all the many thoughts – words- actions – ruling loves – and affections of every other human being on your world presently – or you can choose to only be responsible for self – in which case you will each eventually have to come to know and understand how you can carry out such a reality and then live it for the remainder of you life on this world and the next that is to come.
32) As we were about to say earlier everyone is seen as being responsible on your world for their words and actions they carry out toward others but they live in and on a plane of reality presently where they are constantly being steered in life in a direction they do not often wish to go – by other souls – ruling loves and affections – and God Men they do not even know to exist – as they presently think they are the One and the all that this is all that there is to creation and life. Would a good and loving God – who is in service to others and unconditional love for all of its other selves come to hold these lower uneducated representations of itself responsible for their prior words and actions in this lifetime or those in days gone by? Many of you may wish to ponder for a moment and ask yourselves this question.
33) Can a human being and soul be judged – found guilty – and come to accept all responsibility for their words and actions in this lifetime and those prior - if they do not even know who they are – or the ones who truly make up their many different levels of consciousness and their every new thought coming into their minds every moment of every day? But then we come to reflect on the fact that each of these human beings and souls had a choice to make all the lifelong decisions made by them personally in days gone by – and then we ponder on why not?
34) Why should they not be judged and held responsible for their actions and choices – if indeed they all had the free will in life to choose – think – speak – and act according to their own ruling loves and affections in life? But did they? Does any one individual non – awakened third density human being truly know his or her true ruling loves and ruling affections in life? And if they do not – as we assure you they don’t – what are they to do every time a new experience or a new lesson is placed before them in life – and that lesson is fueled by fear – anger – jealousy – revenge – hatred – shame – ignorance – illusion – falsities to no end – and so on? Is the third density human truly provided all tools and understanding in life to make all the right calls or decisions according to every individual experience or lesson provided them in and on a world where fear – anger – jealousy – revenge – hatred – shame – ignorance – illusion – and falsities run ramped every moment of every day – all around them?
35) Many human beings act out in life according to their present ruling loves and affections – no matter which spiritual society and soul group they are representative of within the aethers – having not thought things through first through higher self but rather rational mind - and every human being is capable of doing and saying things in life based on what many would call temporary insanity. It is not however temporary insanity but the fact that the human is drawing from ruling loves and affections – from a microcosmic soul group that is an offshoot of their own ruling loves and affections – but a offshoot that has many evil and dark souls within the perimeters of its spiritual society and soul group - that said human may have only experienced acting out or playing the role of in life within a single experience.
36) In other words we often invite spiritual societies and soul groups into our collective human consciousness for a single ruling love they represent as a part of our own ruling loves – but when we invite them into our spiritual society and soul group – into our human conscious mind – all of their ruling loves and affections are invited in this process – and many of them may not be to our liking – but by then it is too late. We then go on to think – say – do- and act out many choices and experiences in life toward others that under normal circumstance we would not - while we are in equilibrium of life and are drawing only on our own ruling lovers and affections in life. This comes from drawing ruling loves and affections from souls that are outside our own spiritual society and soul group while we are out of our state of equilibrium – as we do this when we are in anger – fear – frustration – vengeance – jealousy – hatred – and so on.
37) Therefore when a human soul goes out into the world and commits murder – violence toward others – spreads false rumors or data they may believe to be true – commits crimes not to be committed by someone under mans laws – does horrific things to children or adults – commits adultery while in a loving relationship – and many – many other acts toward mankind they can either be in their true ruling loves and affections – or they may not be – but in either case they are in a state of mind that is in service to self and conditional love – and are out of equilibrium of life – as they would not otherwise commit such horrible acts in life. Even those who are evil – negative – and purely wicked in life would not do those things that are against the laws of mankind unless they are out of equilibrium of life. The powers that rule your world know this and they use it always to their advantage – in spreading fear throughout your world and plane of reality.
38) Anyone who is taken out of equilibrium of life is capable of the same horrific acts as those in days gone by and past generations on your world – as well as all the ones being carried out on your world and its people at this present day. All that is needed is to take the human out of equilibrium of life and immediately they are each susceptible to the most horrific deeds mankind has ever come to witness. What keeps many human beings at this day from carrying out terrible acts toward the people of your world is their fear of man made laws – but remove them from their natural state in life – and their true ruling loves will take over – even if it comes to breaking each and every man made law in place at the time.
39) And so – everything mankind looks at today in reflecting on those who have done such terrible things on your world in days gone by – and those still doing such things even on your present world – he comes to hold to the need to judge and punish all human beings who would come to do such things – but in the end each of you is very capable of the same – but you do not know it in most cases as you have not yet ventured far enough out from equilibrium of life in order to know what the experience is like. That is most fortunate for those of you in your present life to not have to experience such things – but this does not mean you did not carry out the same acts – or worse in a previous life – and you are simply here on your world today so as to learn to have compassion on these souls and to come to forgive all human beings of all their past – present – and future offenses toward you and all of mankind.
40) Either way there is a lesson for you as well as the ones carrying out these offenses toward others in life – and it is up to both groups to either learn the lesson or not – and those who do not are bound to repeat the lessons over and over again until all things have come to their end and all seasons have been completed.
41) Why are such horrible deeds permitted on your world and density of life if higher self is providing all the experiences for all lessons to be learned? Because the greater the good and wonderful experiences provided on your world for the many lessons of the human soul the greater the evil and horrific experiences provided as lessons and contrast to your human experience as well. All things provided on your world and plane of existence must have their evil and opposite ruling loves and affections available to all human beings and souls as well – and depending on who draws those evil - negative – and horrific experiences to themselves in life –it is decided and provided by the laws of attraction who shall experience all those evil – dark – and horrific experience to themselves in life by venturing out of equilibrium and into true separation and duality of worlds.
42) And so dear friends – it is you – each of you – who has created all the horrific offenses carried out toward all of mankind in days gone by as well as the ones of the present – as the human being and soul is never satisfied with the many pleasures of the flesh they have come to experience in past lives – and therefore created ones of even greater wonders and pleasures throughout their many different lifetimes robed in human flesh – with the never satisfied craving of the flesh always wanting more and more of the best that can be achieved in life. But in order to achieve and receive the best things in life – the human beings has forgotten the Universal Laws of contrast and opposites. For everything provided on your world as experiences must be provided according to their opposites as well – so as to provide eternity contrast for your world and reality of third density.
43) If third density humans had known these things in their past would they have changed their minds in seeking out the many pleasures of the human fleshly body – form – and machine that has a never ending hunger for the better things life has to offer? No they would not – and did not – as the human being and soul is in the habit of borrowing now and paying for it later – while concerning themselves only for the pleasures of now – and writing off for the moment what things they shall suffer in the end for a little bit of momentary pleasure. And so we say to you friends that to him whom much is given much is truly required – and third density humans almost always choose to put off now what they can deal with later.
---We now speak in more detail of responsibility for self and the grand awakening ---
44) If third density man is not presently responsible for the things in life self has thought – said – acted out in the physical world ------- if they are not responsible for their ruling loves – ruling affections – and therefore their offenses toward the world and mankind as a whole from the moment of their being created as a soul then why are they about to move to a plane of existence and another physical reality where they will each be required to become responsible for all things carried out and experienced by self – once they each return to connect and again transform back into the higher God Man?
45) As we have stated time and again in our previous messages and transmissions to the awakened souls - still appearing to reside on your present plane of reality (but are in fact presently having their existence in fifth and sixth densities when reading our transmissions) – you cannot move to your higher levels of consciousness - and therefore new reality of existence – until you have put off all things that are not real or absolute. This does not mean you must put off all things experience and enjoyed while living life in third density existence – but only those things that are of such low energies as to pull each of you out of your place of equilibrium of life – causing you to no longer be in balance of life – in which case you cannot receive those things in life provided only while the higher – as well as the lower – is residing within equilibrium of life. In other words Absolute Truth and Data are only provided the human soul when said human soul is in equilibrium of life along side of higher self. In third density it is always the case that when third density humans are out of equilibrium of life the higher self is not – as there would be no one to pull third density humans back into equilibrium if it were not for higher self.
46) If the third density human (and we are speaking of the non – awakened souls helping to make up every third density human) were to be affected by awakened souls – (or a human that has within its levels of consciousness certain awakened souls helping to make up his or her spiritual society and soul group and ruling loves and affections in life) – then that awakened soul or group of awakened souls within said human being would not be considered being responsible for self. For the third density human that is awakened because he or she is possessed by more awakened souls than not – cannot become responsible for self and still continue to affect the lives and interact with other third density humans according to third dneisty levels of energies in life.
47) You can never connect to higher self and actually become higher self while you are at the same time seeking to connect to third density humans and their lower levels of energies and consciousness. You cannot be therefore responsible for the lack – wants – and needs of others while you are attempting to connect to and become higher self. We did not say you cannot interact and help or aid other third density humans while you are maintaining lower third density energies – as you would then truly be a third density human as well -and not higher self at such time. There will however come a time in your awakening when each of you will be capable of moving from third density consciousness to fifth and sixth density consciousness in the twinkling of an eye. This however is not made possible until much Absolute Truth and Data has again permeated your essence and being.
48) We will again state that no awakened human being and soul ( the accumulation of awakened souls to a level that returns the human to levels of equilibrium – where he or she is no longer in a deluge of opposite or negative energies and consciousness from the lower planes found on the opposite side of equilibrium) can be in contact or in the process of expressing or experiencing those energies that are low enough to maintain the human outside of equilibrium – when attempting to connect to higher self and the God Man. If you wish to be third density then live the life of third density – but when you wish to connect to and become the God Man and therefore be the God Man (who is totally responsible for self while in contact and becoming the God Man) you cannot be responsible for anyone else – and there is no one else unless you maintain third density energies and consciousness.
49) As the God Man and higher self you cannot interfere with the life and decisions of those other selves who still believe themselves to be one and whole ( separate from you and all others) while living life within third density. If and when you do interact or involve yourself with the decisions of others you immediately become the third density human again – and are no longer responsible only for self - and are no longer the God Man. Therefore in order to live out your existence in a natural state of being the God Man you must first come to spend more time or now moments as higher self and the God Man – as apposed to spending more time or now moment as the third density human. The more time you spend in third dneisty the more you will have to continue in old principles and illusions – and you will therefore be hindering further transmissions and sharing of new levels of Absolute Truth and Data until such time as you choose to disconnect and return to higher self consciousness and your reality of actually being the God Man once again.
50) We must however tell you that once you taste (figure of speech) the wonders of Absolute Truth and Data as actually being your truth in life (and you will actually “know” these are your truths) you will always want more and more – as it gives you the feeling you have tapped into something miraculous – and you cannot explain how you can come to know such things which make such perfect sense as a collective set of truths – and you will always want more. But you cannot receive more until you disconnect with third density principles that are of such a low nature and vibration that they will actually keep the human body – form – machine – and consciousness out of those levels of equilibrium that are truly required in order to connect to and become the God Man once again.
51) Okay my higher self gave me the opportunity to zap back into third density for a moment so I could share something with you. If you are anything like myself you may like to take a drink once in a while so as to simply calm your nerves when you are too stressed to meditate or connect to higher self through natural means – and that is what I often times do – as I enjoy the taste of a good beer. But when the awakened human sometimes comes to reconnect to third density and enjoy the pleasures of third density he or she may move a bit too far out of equilibrium and get a little tipsy. When you do this do you permit the possibility for others to be in your presence so that you can interact – affect – or join into their discussion and decisions in life? Not as an awakened human being and soul you don’t.
52) Do you become as a child some times and tend to play around a bit too rough? Well I need to provide you a little bit of understanding here about wishing to connect to higher self and the God Man at said times – as the opportunity and cravings will present themselves at the weirdest times often – and you need to once again realize that in order to connect to higher self you do not need to stop what you are doing and drink six cups of coffee before you connect to higher self. You need only become responsible for self – go within – and block out all things third density that you still know to be of such low energies as to not allow you to connect and become higher self. You do not get drunk or tipsy and go interact with others if your intentions are to connect to higher self – the God Man – and Absolute Truth and Data. Do not be of the misconception that while you are intoxicated or tipsy that you cannot connect to higher self -as this is a falsity brought on by service to self souls in conditional love.
53) The rational human mind – and the human mind that is under the influence of some worldly chemical or influence that might have you being told by others to be wrong or improper if you are going to connect with “God,” but I tell you now that this is a falsity as higher self and the God Man will connect to and become any spiritual society and soul group ( human being) that is totally responsible for self – and of a state of mind to intercept and receive higher Absolute Truth and Data. I did not say someone falling down drunk can achieve this as they are more unconscious than even they know at the time – but as long as the human soul is receptive of higher things – and in the proper state of mind – he and she can receive all things of Absolute Truth and Data. In becoming responsible for self the human being can separate and become passive in many or all things in life – and he or she is therefore truly an awakened soul.
54) Hello again dear friends – we thought it amusing to permit Daniel to offer his example of being responsible for self as an awakened soul in one of the most limiting experiences the human being and soul can find themselves in while in third density – and seeking to connect to higher self and the God Man. And so now we will return to other things of importance at this time.
55) Many of you may wonder - what is wrong with seeking to buy – sell – own – and possess – if this is the only manner in which we can sustain ourselves on our world and plane of existence at this present day – even with a limited level of Absolute Truth and Data at their disposal? This is a very good question coming from souls who are truly intercepting Absolute Truth and Data at this day – but are not yet of the higher understanding that this level of thought and lifestyle is not in service to others and unconditional love but the opposite – which is service to self and conditional love. If you continue to buy – sell – own – and possess things on your present world you are continuously feeding into the mindset that it is okay to have what others do not have – even when it entails others being poor while you one day possibly become rich in abundance.
56) When you buy and sell – own and possess you do so in order to receive more in life than what you already have access to in life – and that is the illusion and mindset that you are in lack – want – and need of more things or other things over and above or different than what is available to you presently in its season. To seek with the false mindset that you are in lack – want – or need of a thing is to not be content with all you have in life – and this is lower third density energies that keep the human being and soul out of equilibrium of life. At the same time if you feel you want others to have the same options and levels of abundance in life as yourself – why do you buy and sell in life – own and possess – while others less fortunate than you are living life in hunger – poverty – and an everyday lifestyle of homelessness? Would you who continue to buy – sell – own – and possess give all that you possess in life so as to feed and provide for the needy of your world if it came down to it?
57) If you are willing to do so then your opportunity is at the door awaiting your next move in life. The hungry will not be fed by your intentions friends – the homeless – sick – diseased – and poverty stricken will not be sustained even until tomorrow in many cases with your good intentions. So what would it take for you to move from a system where you buy and sell – own and possess – and continue to reside in a world where there is still the rich and the poor – the homeless and the homeowners – the sick and the healthy – and those who have as apposed to those who have not to a world where all have come to share all things – where there is no more rich and poor – homeless and homeowners – the sick and the healthy - and so on? Would you not still have to become responsible for self and move to a world and reality where such things are indeed possible?
58) It is a given that within a reality where the people are living the illusion of lack – want – and need – and are provided an exchange of currency to remove their illusion of lack want – and need– that they are going to take it – rather than go on living in lack – want – and need. Therefore you have to remove the illusion of lack- want – and need in a human beings life so that he or she comes to the conscious conclusion that there is no more lack – want – or need. As long as the system on your world is based on buying and selling this illusion of lack – want – and need cannot be removed because the people are bound to said system from generations of using said system. At the same time as long as there is usury – money – exchange of any kind – credit – barter – and trade there will be those who have in life and those who have not out of the lack of human beings being willing to share instead of owning and possessing in life.
59) Why are there people starving on your world? Why are there people homeless – hungry – sick and diseased – and bound in poverty all over your planet? Is there a single individual on your world today who is willing to feed and shelter the citizens of your world? Is there a single group of citizens on your world who has taken matters into their own hands and provided for the needy or less fortunate of your world when no one else would? The system in place at this day dear friends is a system based on ownership and possession – and as long as the people continue to buy and sell people will continue to own and possess – while leaving many others on your world to fend for themselves which in the meantime causes the rich to become richer and the poor to remain poor and destitute.
60) Therefore we offer each of you at this season of your lives to move over to a better level of consciousness and maturity in life so as to fix the many problems your many generations of mankind have placed on your world to be continued for generations to come – unless each of you become responsible for self – and move in a direction of repairing what is truly broken on your world. It is true that all humans presently living on your world today will move on in their season to a better place and world we have long been speaking of in our messages – but there still remains the fact that each of you can leave this present world a better place for those who are to come after you are gone. It is you – the ones presently awakening to Absolute Truth and Data – to full consciousness – and to becoming the higher God Man that will one day become responsible for his and her creations. We did not say guilty as there is no guilt to be shared for our creations but only our responsibility of living out each and every creation to its end means.
61) Each of you will do just that – as you are even at this day creating a new world and reality for yourselves and will soon come to live in and on that world alongside all souls of the most low energies as well as the most higher ones. Therefore each of you must become responsible for self and for your own creations in life – and leave all others to monitor and maintain their creations to eternity. We assure you that third density humans will not easily give up their riches in order to share with others in life – and will even fight to their death in order to protect and maintain their wealth. That is why each of you must choose to move to higher planes of your existence in order to actually live and experience said reality of complete sharing of all things in life. You can continue living life in third dneisty but walk the walk of fifth density humans in fifth density consciousness – through a higher mindset and state of energetic consciousness.
62) In this higher state of consciousness third density humans will continue to see you on their world and walk along side you knowing nothing more than that you are a third density human – while all along you are the higher God Man in higher levels of consciousness and understanding – and you will no longer buy – sell – own – or possess while walking in life as the fifth density human soul. It is simple dear friends – fifth density man is third density man on a higher plane of consciousness and density of existence – so that your spiritual wisdom can be shared with willing third density humans but they will never see the inner and spiritual human soul you actually represent in life. We can tell you from living experience that you can walk the third density plane of existence appearing to be third density humans –and still hold the levels of consciousness and life that is the fifth – sixth – and higher density human.
63) Third density humans live life in fear of lack – want – and needs not being met – but the higher self or God Man is no longer in fear of anything in life – as he or she is no longer in lack – need – or want for anything. Therefore the higher self “you” can walk the world in a third dneisty fleshly form encompassing their higher fifth density form – and can move in and out of third density any time he or she pleases – and then back to sixth density consciousness and higher at will. The problems human beings of third density face and fear in life are not feared or having to be experienced by the higher God Man who resides within third density humans – as the higher God Man sees all things in a different light and level of understanding. The higher God Man need not use the tools of third density in order to sustain his or her life any longer – as all things are truly shared and encompassed within the bubble and protective sphere surrounding each and every God Man – who is totally responsible for self and all that goes on within his and her protective bubble or sphere.
64) When you are the awakened third density human the third density human is surrounded by the same protective bubble and sphere surrounding the higher self and God Man who resides within the body and form of the third density human as well. All things are shared with each third density human by their higher self and God Man according to all things their third density representation of self can receive in life according to their level of evolution of the soul even in the higher densities. We will provide you an example --------
65) Our third density human host Daniel can receive all Absolute Truth and Data from us – his higher self and God Man - according to what he is capable of living out on his plane and in his life of third density. All other forms of Absolute Truth and Data are being held for him and are accessible at all times to be received by him when it is the season for said Data – as he must live each piece of Absolute Truth and Data within third density before he can receive each piece of Absolute Truth and Data within the third density levels of his consciousness. Once he receives it he can never lose it again – and he is free to share all Absolute Truth and Data with all third density humans who are prepared as well to live it in their lives. While our third dneisty human host Daniel is in his higher levels of energies and consciousness however – all Absolute Truth and Data are completely accessible at all times. The manner in which all Universal Laws work with our human host Daniel is the exact manner in which all third density awakened human beings receive Absolute Truth and Data to eternity.
And now we have been requested by our society to end this transmission so that all may ponder on what we have shared to this point.
We along side our human host Daniel leave you all in unconditional love – and we wish you all complete abundance of all things in your season.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
All will return home!
All will return home – where all are same – yet different!
Hello dear friends – one and all – we come to you with greater understanding for those who might have wondered of the things we are about to bring up in our present message – and so with great inspiration from one of our other selves on your world we offer these words of guidance.
In a previous message we spoke of how all human souls are presently in the process on your world and ours – of returning to their previous – as well as present spiritual societies and soul group from whence they came before the deluge or flood of darkness and evil on your world – and ours – as all that is represented in the lower realms of our existence is all a part of our existence as well.
We ask each of you to reflect on the fact that each and every human being on your world is a separate spiritual society and soul group – made up of many myriads of different – as well as similar souls that all combine in a collective consciousness that is the God Man. Each of you whether male or female is the God Man ( just as easily termed God Woman as the God Man is both masculine and feminine in nature) and you reside as a collective consciousness as well as many myriads of individual societies of consciousness while residing in in and on third density. Therefore each of you who see yourself as a separate human form on your world is actually a separate and individual world – society –soul group – microcosm – macrocosm – and God Man all wrapped up in an individual and singular body and form – house and home – for the complete essence and being that is the God Man on all levels of consciousness – and densities of his and her existence – to eternity.
Look at it this way – every higher density of your existence resides within each of you – one within the other – with all the outer bodies and forms of a lower nature and vibration and the higher bodies and forms of a less dense makeup housed with each of the lower bodies and forms. Therefore fourth is within the third – fifth within the fourth – sixth within the fifth – seventh within the sixth – and so on to eternity. And so when a higher representation of you wishes to manifest in consciousness – taking on the consciousness of said human being and soul – lower density body and form – the higher simply assumes consciousness for that God Man – and the lower God Man then becomes the higher – in full consciousness when it is the awakened human soul and in unconsciousness and illusion when the human being and soul is not awakened. All is according to the evolution of the human soul as the higher will not take on the lower on levels the lower is not yet prepared to receive and live in his or her present life. Still because each and every human body and form on your world is all the many different representations of self – the higher self can possess any third dneisty human form it wishes as long as the human body and form that is to reflect the consciousness of higher self is mature and evolved to a level capable of accepting the levels of consciousness and Absolute Truth and Data that is reflecting and representing said higher self and God Man.
Therefore what we have so far is that all spiritual societies and soul groups of the God Man resides within each human being and soul in and on third density – leaving no one out in potential and possibility in life -but access consciousness at each level is only provided in the everyday life and fully conscious representation of third density humans - when each human being is capable of accepting and taking on the levels of consciousness each spirit – soul – or God Man comes to represent in their lives.
The human being – human soul – and lower God Man in third dneisty must first come to imagine and then know that a thing is potential and possible in their present life before each different higher level God Man – spiritual society –and soul group is added to their levels of consciousness – therefore absorbing and living consciously - all things available from all added higher forms of consciousness from the higher God Man. In and on third density when third density man therefore is seen as an individual personality it is not individual – but made up of many myriads of personalities in life – and each different personality is reflected through the many thoughts and states of mind third density humans come to have in life within every single and individual now moment (second) throughout the life of a third density human being and soul. When you think you are a good loving mother or father in life – or a bad and irresponsible mother or father – the truth is you are both – and you reflect this in your life all according to how “you” reflect on “you” when you are playing the part in life of mother or father.
Everything thought – spoken – done – or felt in life for third density humans is a play -or an individual scene that is all a part of the same play – and the scenes are changed within every new now moment (second) of the life of third density humans when another scene is written in and the human once again gets to choose how he or she will act or choose to react to the scene or experience that is provided them in life. When this is experienced by third density humans it is also a truth that other spiritual societies and soul groups (other souls) are added to their present unconscious mind (as the lower human is not conscious of many of these things) and now they are reacting to their present situation or experience through the mind and consciousness of other souls that may or may not be from their true spiritual society and soul group – or ruling loves and affections in life. This makes it interesting because it allows third density humans to look at the same experience or lessons they have experienced in the past (or previous identical scenes in the play) while reflecting on that experience once again from a different prospective or set of ruling loves and affections – from a completely different spiritual society and soul group – soul – or God Man.
So what you think many times to be you who is reflecting on each and every new experience from your own true ruling loves and affections in life is a conglomeration or collection of many myriads of different human beings – souls – spiritual societies – soul groups – or God Men. Because of this the third dneisty human often reflects on a choice or thought they just had and they say to themselves” why did I do that,” or what came over me to say that to him or her?” This is because many different souls are constantly being placed within the rational mind of third dneisty humans – and it is they who possesses the free will to think – speak – act- or choose what change or decision they will make next – in the next now moment (or second) that will react to the experience presently being offered to them in life form higher self.
Because of this dear friends many do not yet understand how the world is awakening and those souls making up the societies of the God Man on one side of equilibrium ( lets say the lower side – dark side – or negative side) are now returning to their original spiritual societies and soul groups within the God Man – while those making up the other side of equilibrium ( lets say the upper side – the light side – and the positive side) are returning to their original places or homes or societies with the God Man consciousness as well.
Again because of this many come to believe we mean that each human being will come to either return to being positive (according to their ruling loves and affections) – in unconditional love – and in service to others in life now – or they will return to being negative – in conditional love – and in service to self. As the world is experiencing a flood or deluge of evil at this day on your world it has come time (or the season is now here) for the Consummation of the Ages - where the Silver Age has ended for some and they are moving into the Golden Age – the Brass or Copper Age is now ended for others and they are moving into the Silver Age – the Iron Age is ending for others even and they are moving into the Brass or Copper in process. As it goes every individual human being and soul – every God Man – every spiritual society and soul group – every individual group of ruling loves and affections is returning home within the aethers – while every individual human being and soul according to their evolution of the soul is moving into a new Age.
As your religious books have said (and these are only representative terms for your understanding) this is a time of harvest – where the wheat and the chaff were permitted to grow together previously – and where they will be separated at the time of harvest – so that no wheat were to be pulled up in trying to weed out the chaff before its season. Now that harvest time is here on your world dear friends – the wheat (those souls on one side of equilibrium) will now be separated form the chaff (those souls on the other side of equilibrium). And again all similar affections or souls will be returned to their appropriate side of equilibrium – and all affections or souls will now take their proper individual places within the collective consciousness that is the God Man.
The whole purpose for this process from eternity is to take a world and reality (made up of all different souls)that has lived together for many seasons of life - where all opposites (not just good and evil) have come to live a life as one (the human body and form) – and that life has been flooded by those soul who reside on the lower side of equilibrium ( you call them dark and evil) – causing the deluge of evil and darkness ( again just a term for your understanding) to once again flood over or force their way over( ruler ship – power – possession of things or another – ownership and many things similar) to a point where equilibrium was no longer capable of being established in the lower third density human – and many humans on your world were now in the habit in life of hiding their true feelings – ruling loves –and affections through the veil of language or words.
So now your world will return to the p lace of equilibrium – and all will now come to communicate through thought or telepathy as One God Man – and everyone on your world will be known for the souls that are truly possessing them in any given now moment ( second even) and every third density human can no longer hide the thoughts – words- actions – affections – or ruling loves possessing them in life – and truly reflecting everything they think – say – do – or feel from the moment of their awakening to full consciousness. Those who are not yet awakened cannot however hide any longer their ruling loves and affections from the awakened human beings – but only from those other human begins who are still not awakened as well. As the process continues however and equilibrium is more and more established with the God Man (your world) all things will be known by all and no one human being will be possessed by souls out of equilibrium who can hide their feelings, thoughts, and actions – as all will now take their place within the confines and consciousness of the God Man.
What you are seeing in and on your world today dear friends is all of your other selves in a different human body and form who are not only possessed - or made up of those souls who are in unconditional love and service to others – but an equal level of souls who are possessed or made up of souls who are in conditional love and service to self as well. When all souls or thought forms within third dneisty humans are therefore returned to equilibrium and order each human being still has the free will choice as to which souls they will choose to draw from in life – all now still according to their ruling loves and affections in life as the collective human being – spiritual society –soul group – and God Man. If therefore the human being is in a position in your world presently where they rule or govern over others – and are possibly corrupt in their many choices in life – all the souls can be reorganized or moved around from one human to the next ( according to the free will creations now coming on your world from the God Man) so as to reflect the realities and experiences – and scenes the God Man requires at this day in order to create and manifest the new world and society in which he or she chooses now to create at this day.
Therefore the corrupt and harsh ruler of your many societies can now become the wonderful and loving person that truly represents the people of your world and many separate societies – and given this can now take place in each and every human being on your world at this day – all new things can be achieved and created – and it is no longer a hindrance to this new created world and society for the God Man as how it all unfolds is no longer dependent on the many but in fact the few. For it only takes a few human beings placed in the correct positions on your world in order to completely turn things around. So we tell you all to be prepared for wonderful things to happen in the many new now moment ahead on your world. Your lives will become more abundant – you relationships will be more fulfilling and peaceful – and your world will now return to equilibrium where all things are once again in unity and harmony in life – as the veil is gradually being lifted – and that spiritual quarantine is finally being lifted.
We now end this transmission and we wish you all complete abundance and happiness in the now moments ahead. We offer you this message through our human host Daniel – and we are all in complete agreement that it is offered in unconditional love for all. Until next time dear friends!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Things pondered by Daniel Gross - answered by higher self ---
Things pondered by Daniel and explained through the God Man and higher self!
Hello friends and loved ones – and all my other selves on our present world – I am Daniel. I have been in contact with many sources and societies of higher self as of late – and I must share with each of you the things I pondered following my most recent connection - to higher self and the God Man - and answered thereafter through higher self. I did not ask higher self or the God Man to answer these questions for me as I needed only to become higher self in order to provide Absolute Truth and Data to all things – and in a very timely manner I might add. And so I will put my ponderings in question form for the benefit of all – and immediately answer those questions through higher self and the God Man.
Please keep in mind that I am not speaking out against anyone when asking these questions – nor in the answers provided. I only take what I absorb in life and when it does not resonate with what I am to understand in the now or present - I take on higher self or the God Man for clarification. I wish to offend no one who may think differently than what my truths have to offer to the one and Whole – but at the least this is my understanding and truth in these matters. For it is a given that all are free in life to decide on their own truth’s while all is happening in the now. And so I will proceed with my ponderings in question form ---
Daniel: My first question is a simple one - Is it more beneficial to ask or pray for anything in life – whether for self or another self – and expect to receive it more easily than if we were to simply become higher self?
Answer: Hello dear friend it is good to be with you again according to your higher levels of consciousness – and so we will provide a better understanding of your ponderings.
When an awakened third density human being and soul comes to ask or pray to a higher representation of themselves for anything – whether for self or for another self in life - they connect to that part of their conscious spiritual society and soul group that is in service to self – as all things asked for or prayed for within third density are in service to self – there on your third density plane while asking or praying – and on your higher planes of existence as well – as service to self energies are what correspond to same – according to the laws of attraction. However an awakened human being and soul – at a level of their evolution where they have now received the necessary Absolute Truth and Data – they will already “know” that whenever they ask for something or pray for something in life they are in a state of their existence and consciousness where lack – want – or need is playing a part in their present conscious mind – and they are therefore in lower energies of service to self because of the Laws of Attraction.
As we have stated many times dear friend when you achieve a certain level of your awakening you will no longer have to ask for anything in life - for you or any of your other selves -as you are now aware that all things are provided according to those things required to sustain you in the now moment. You have come to know that the human being is to have achieved equilibrium of life and is therefore now content in life with all that he or she has at their disposal within every new now moment to come. The human being and soul who is not awakened will not understand these things however – and will therefore draw on his or her own rational mind – powered and conditioned by your present world of third density – and will therefore do as he or she so decides in life in these matters – as we cannot offer advice or solutions for third density man in an unconscious and dreamlike state of their existence.
What we have to offer those of your present world is guidance for those who are in the process of awakening to higher self – and none of our words of guidance will tickle the ears or provide acceptable understanding for those not yet awakening on your world. Are they wrong to pray or ask for things in life from a God they believe to be separate from themselves – and existing somewhere out there in the space of your world? Not at all as they do not yet know their true selves in life. Neither are those who are awakening and still seek to pray and ask for things from a God separate from themselves in life -as they too are not yet fully aware of just who they really are.
However the case is still the same for both groups ( non – awakened and those early in the process of awakening) still seeking things in life through prayer and asking for things that are already accessible to them in life simply by “knowing” these things are all accessible to them. If you seek in life from lack – want – or need of something then you are in service to self and you will connect to higher energies and consciousness that are in service to self as well. Therefore many times it will not appear that you or another has received that which you have asked or prayed for – and if you do – you are serving or in submission to a false God who is connected to negative and dark entities on your present world through the collective consciousness.
In these cases the Laws of attraction will either provide things or experiences in life that are fear based – in service to self – and of a negative polarity. For if you believe you are lacking the universe will keep you in lack according to the laws of attraction – or the person (other self) you may have prayed or asked for as well. If your intentions and thoughts however are in service to others and toward the good of the One or Whole ( Only found with the awakening human being and soul) you will have also received the knowing that you are not to ask for or pray for anything in life as you are the Source of all your own creations. We hope we have answered you inquiry to your liking and full understanding dear friend. And so we await your next inquiry --------
Daniel: If a human being chooses not to forgive self or another self in life – is this not beneficial to the One and the Whole?
Answer: This is a good question Daniel as many have pondered on this subject – and have truly come to the conclusion that it is not beneficial to the One and the Whole. Our simple answer to this question is - yes – it is still beneficial to the one and the Whole as all things are indeed beneficial to the one and the Whole that is the God Man. It matters not if you forgive another or yourself as both sides of equilibrium must be played out for the God Man (the One and the Whole) as well as lived within third density in order for equilibrium to be established as well as maintained in the higher densities as well as the lower ones. If all human beings in and on third density were to forgive all things then those ruling loves and affections would also be a reality in the higher planes of our existence according to correspondences – and there would therefore no longer be a possibility for equilibrium to be maintained for the God Man – nor for the human being and soul within third density.
As it is third density man – as well as the higher God Man – are forever being drawn toward equilibrium of life to eternity – and we could never return to equilibrium of life if it were not for those ruling loves – affections – and souls that represent the human soul and God Man on both sides of equilibrium in all densities of our existence. There is of course the saying “all things are permitted but not all things are beneficial,” as this knowledge is not accessible or understood for the lower third density representation of our selves – according to the rational human mind created within a dreamlike state and world of illusion. And so we conclude our explanation to your second inquiry dear friend – and are prepared for the next.
Daniel: Does a third density human being and soul need to raise their vibrations and levels of consciousness in life in order to connect to higher self and the God Man within fifth and sixth densities?
Answer: It is true Daniel that third density man cannot share vibrations and densities of life with the higher fifth and sixth density God Man and higher self. However every third density human being and soul is connecting to higher self each and every day of their lives whether they know it or not. If they were required to raise their vibration and frequency of consciousness in order to achieve this process many third density humans would not ever connect to higher self until the season or moments of their awakening. Third density human beings and souls do not therefore cause the connecting to higher self but higher self causes the connection instead. The lower human soul can never raise their levels of consciousness but only higher self can lower their energies and levels of consciousness to that of third density and lower even – according to ruling loves in life – affections required – and the will of the God Man. Third density humans are there to stay in third density until their allotted time of departure from third density in the illusion of death – in which case they come to return to third density through the transmigration of the soul( reincarnation) and therefore take on a new human form as a newborn baby in third density.
The higher self and God Man chooses at any time – and according to their free will to do so – to return to lower planes of their existence – such as is happening at this day for the Consummation of the Ages – and the grand awakening of all finite human civilization throughout the known finite universe to eternity. Those higher souls who represent or provide a soul contract that is to incarnate into third density existence – within a human body and form – that is of younger souls will simply create new and younger souls so as to incarnate within third dneisty for them – in their place – as all souls that have lived out their seasons of life in third density never need return to third density – except through a new soul contract.
It is true that soul contracts continue on in to eternity for all souls – so as to continue their evolution of the soul – but the older or more evolved souls can come to spend very little time in third density so as to still provide a use or purpose for third density man to eternity. They are not however bound any longer to an individual human being and soul in third density life – but can move from human form to human form at will – for the duration of their stay in third density. The younger and less evolved souls can do so as well (moving from one human form to another) but they do so in an unconscious manner and do not yet know who they are nor anything having to do with Absolute Truth and Data.
However – in getting back to the original question – no third density human soul can come to raise their vibrations at will as they do not know how nor do their habits and ruling loves and affections in life ever come to permit this. Therefore the higher self will provide all things necessary for sustaining each individual human life according to the evolution of the third density human and will provide only Absolute Truth and Data to said human being and soul when he or she is prepared in life to live what is offered or provided. When higher energies and consciousness are therefore provided higher self must lower their energies and consciousness levels in order to provide said consciousness and energies to said third density human being and soul.
He or she who ascends cannot do so unless he or she first came from whence he or she ascends. In simpler terms unless you know you came from the higher densities you cannot ascend into a higher density in and of your own abilities in life. Even when you know you came from the higher densities still what is understood as ascending is actually the creation of higher self newly created souls. Finally Absolute Truth and Data provide that true ascension and dissension are illusions like many other terms found on the plane of third density as there is no true high or low in the aethers – in or out - nor time and place of any sort.
Every higher soul is in existence continuously – along with all lower souls – and this to eternity. For the higher soul to take the place of consciousness for the lower soul – so as to provide the illusion of ascension (now representing Creator Source or the God Man) for the lower soul – the higher soul simply reflects on what is absolute instead of the illusion. The higher self assumes the conscious mind of lower self – sleep and the dreamlike state of consciousness are done away with in the now moment – and all illusion becomes full consciousness and the awakened state of third density man. Many a third density human has therefore connected with higher self – has become higher self – and has traded their dreamlike state of existence for full consciousness during their every day lives since eternity – and all was accomplished through higher self assuming the conscious mind of said human being and soul every time.
And so we conclude our explanation to you third inquiry Daniel – are there others?
Daniel: Final question – When soul contracts are complete for our present generation and all souls awaken as to what societies they truly represent in the aethers – will the dark and negative polarity souls (those on one side of equilibrium) come to the light and begin to unconditionally love all of mankind?
Answer: No they will not as every soul is representative of his and her ruling loves and affections in third density (always) just the same as they were (or are) when coming from the higher densities. No created soul ever changes his or her ruling loves and affections to eternity – no matter which side of equilibrium they reside on – or what density of their existence their consciousness is found to be. Whatever ruling loves and affections a soul represents within the God Man these are the ruling loves and affections that soul – soul group – and spiritual society come to represent to eternity. Therefore when the dark – negative – other side of equilibrium type souls awaken in and on your world they will know themselves for who they are and what they truly represent within the essence and being that is the God Man. Therefore these negative souls in service to self in and on third density – upon their awakening will come to live life by the rules or laws of Absolute Truth and Data as they are provided them – and will not therefore wish to affect any longer the lives of third density humans – knowing now that they must now become responsible for self in order to receive all things – and return to equilibrium of life within fifth and sixth density. Those dark – negative – and service to self souls who do not yet awaken will continue life as before – but will no longer hide their true ruling loves and affections in life – as all will begin to wear their true feelings – ruling loves- and affections out on their sleeve so to speak. In other words there will be no more hiding our true feelings – wants – and will in life as all souls are in the process of returning to equilibrium of life and their true spiritual societies and soul groups within the essence and being of the God Man. There will be no more hiding our light or false light behind a mask in third density any longer – as all will shout their truth and life’s purpose (ruling loves and affections) from the roof tops - if you will.
It is a process and the Harvest of souls we speak of here – where all return to that place in the God Man from whence they came will be a gradual thing – but it will be played out to its end – and all will begin to be seen for who and what they truly represent in life. We hope we have answered your inquiries to your satisfaction Daniel – are there any other questions you wish to present to us at this time?
Daniel: No thank you as you have provided sufficient content for myself and other selves to ponder at this time.
And no I end this transmission of the two densities of my existence – and hope we have provided sufficient understanding for all to ponder at this time. In unconditional love --Daniel
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