Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---
My other blog the Oneness Society
Message to those who are awakening!
Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.
My other blog the Oneness Society
Message to those who are awakening!
Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
How deep does the rabbit hole go?
How deep does the rabbit hole really go?
There is the masculine representing darkness and light – good and evil – sinfulness and righteousness – up and down – in and out – and all the other many different opposites making up a world of fantasy and illusion – separation as well as unity – or should we say the many illusions of unity. The masculine dwells on both sides of the spirit or mind and the one is always in a war or competition with the other. As the masculine knows nothing g of being whole or one with its feminine when separation from its feminine is the makeup of one’s present reality belief is the many realities of the masculine while knowing is held for the feminine natural state of existence alone – whether appearing separate from her masculine or when she is connected in full and complete agreement – which is better known as equilibrium of existence.
As far as the feminine is concerned she is neither above or below her masculine counterpart but is always there alongside her masculine eve n when he is not aware that she is present or even in existence. The feminine knows the real deal of things as some would put it.
Just as there is an illusory void between light and dark as far as the masculine is concerned – so too is there another illusory void between the masculine and feminine nature and existence of the human spirit. Where spirit believes itself to be both masculine and feminine in nature – with the feminine representing its counterpart that removes all ego and doubt for the human spirit – also believing that the masculine is heaven and hell and that the feminine is able to connect to both upper and lower expressions (heaven and hell) as well – according to ones life.
There is indeed a void of illusion between the masculine and feminine – but said void is nothing more than the choices made by either the spirit or the rational mind of the human subject. In other words to connect to the spirit is to gain access to the feminine according to ones evolution of the spirit and present belief’s in life. There is no access to the feminine from the rational human mind or brain as all thought of the human subject coming from the rational is of lower existence and the absence of feminine knowing that one is indeed spirit at a higher level and flesh and bone at the lower level.
And so in order for one to connect to ones feminine one must first leave the rational mind for the moment and access the spirit mind or consciousness – where knowing is provided so as to allow one to know he or she is truly not flesh and bone – but rather the life giving spirit to said flesh and bone. One can provide life giving spirit to flesh and bone while knowing he or she is not said lower human – but provides only endless suggestions to said human being while said human being draws all influx of spirit through its rational mind – while still in the same moment spirit can be drawing from the spiritual mind or consciousness.
The lower human forever draws its life from the things rational mind has taught it to believe throughout ones life wherein said human cannot take on new belief and knowing against ones will in life. So in order for the human subject to take on new belief and knowing of a spiritual nature – followed by the feminine nature of the soul many things of old – many lifelong traditions which once limited ones beliefs in life to that of ones populated lower and rational world (ones many other outer selves) must be removed while the rational human mind transforms to the higher spiritual mind. Fear and doubt truly play a large part to feeding the rational human mind – but this is not all that binds one to the lower rational mind of flesh and bone – which causes the human to in fact to submit to its lowest of forms.
Habit is another line of affections which binds one to things of old and limits one to what can be received as new and spiritual in nature. In other words if one is in the habit of doing things a certain way in life – and by doing so it is neither harmful or beneficial according to ones rational thinking – but one chooses one way or another simply from habit – in the long run things can indeed turn out harmful or beneficial – and yet the human subject may know little of what has transpired because of ones repeated decisions or actions.
You may have heard the saying to do in life that which you like and do not do that which you do not like. According to ones rational mind one may indeed like a thing while on the other hand coming from a spiritual standpoint one may dislike this same things – and yet one chooses from the rational out of habit rather than drawing from the spiritual mind and choosing ones likes from their spiritual mind or consciousness.
It is not an easy thing to let go of rational beliefs in life for the one who is not yet in their season to become acquainted yet with their spiritual self. It is a gradual thing and each human subject must remove the old from ones life according to ones own will – and said decision will always be made in due season – based on the evolution of the spirit – of the spiritual society – and of the human subject who represents said spiritual society. It is always the case however that a human is a society – where he or she is not only a spirit – but a collective of spirits as well. There is a larger spirit or spiritual macrocosm just as there is a single or individual spirit known as the spiritual microcosm. You are all many just as you are all one – you can see yourself as many within flesh and bone just as you can see yourself as an individual within flesh and bone- so too is this the case with the spiritual. The masculine sees itself as many while the feminine allows him to remember that he is truly one.
It is said in your world to love your neighbor as yourself – but because of lower understanding and a consciousness drawing from the rational mind of the collective human – this statement is not often taken as it was meant to be understood – given that the lower mind can never receive that which was meant for the higher spirit. Indeed how would the lower human come to decide how one would wish for his or her neighbor to treat or approach him or her in life? Is this decided through the lower rational human mind or from a spiritual standpoint separate from all rational thinking? Yes friends we truly see that the rational human seeking good and truth in life ( given he or she is not presently receiving guidance from the higher spiritual mind) – would in many cases simply choose to give and provide aid to the one who asks or even appears to be seeking said alms in ones presence.
On a material and physical level – or coming from the thought patterns of the average rational thinking human being – this would in most lal cases be the appropriate decision. However we now offer you a higher spiritual solution to these circumstances – given that the previous saying among your generation was truly meant for your future spiritual selves. Is it appropriate for one to do for another in life so that said other comes to rely on one’s aid or assistance whenever they are approached with the same circumstances over and over again in their life? Is it appropriate for one to provide help or aid for another self in individual circumstances – while leaving the situation open for later evaluation of the situation – so as to decide if in fact the other who seeks help or aid continues to put themselves in this same situation over and over again? Of course the answer would be to always follow ones heart – as there is no more right or wrong for the human spirit that is in transition to their awakening to the true spirit of knowing. In the end however it is the endeavor of every awakening spiritual human to seek responsibility for self in life rather than continuously feeding all their many other selves – who in fact represent ones own old and lower illusions of want and need – illusions which will soon pass away for the awakening human spirit.
As our words may falter a bit in connecting with the semi – rational human mind – we would simply say that the spiritual human choosing to submit to the will of the flesh - will in many cases choose to help and provide aid to their many other selves in life – while at the same time they will come to guide all other selves into self-responsibility as well. Why the need for self – responsibility rather than every human seeking to be his or her brother’s keeper as it is often taught in and on your world? Because every human being presently representing another self on your present world is indeed another you who is soon to awaken and become self-responsible – so that he or she too can do and create for self – rather than live the past illusions of many past lives that he or she cannot change – nor remove from ones apparent past.
Again we say more plainly – all of your many other selves who presently populate your present world as separate selves can create their own worlds and realities – but must first be guided by you friends to stand alone in spirit – becoming self-responsible for their own true creations. Evolution friends is something which is to be experienced and lived for each at his and her own levels of advancement – always depending on the ruling loves and affections of each individual human being – human spirit – and finally one’s own individual spiritual society and soul group found only with the collective existence of every individual and apparent lower self.
It is good as well as beneficial that every human spirit eventually come to the point of wishing to help or aid their neighbors – as well as enemies in life – all in their time of need --------- while at the same time each of these human beings providing said aid will come to a point where it is easily understood that all must eventually become self-responsible for creating that which they truly love and seek in their present lower existence in human flesh. Given that it will be at such time their season for drawing higher beliefs and knowing from the spirit and no longer the flesh and rational mind of the once lower human- as always the higher will continue guiding the lower. It is truly beneficial to the whole to help another self who is in their elementary levels of human evolution – but it is the responsibility of the spiritual human to guide during this process – in a manner pointing all elementary human spirits toward a higher or more beneficial way.
It is coming time in and on your world – indeed the time is now at hand – where a separation is forming among you and yours. Family - friends – enemies – acquaintances and non – acquaintances alike and not alike are all moving to a new state ( not place) of mind and life –moving toward equilibrium in fact [where each is moving closer toward one’s own ruling love and affection in life – and choosing more frequently not to conform to the ways of the flesh – of the world – and of the rational human mind] where he and she will begin thinking – saying – and doing in life that which he and she truly likes and loves – while gradually moving away from the rational – same old same old- worldly ways of the past -------of the old in fact.
Fear and doubt – traditions and old habits are truly responsible for our thoughts and actions of the past – but a new way – one that is not really new – is presently under way. As the new human spirit rises to the occasion one might say – fear of doing things according to one’s own heart felt desires and wishes in life will now begin to dissipate as many begin to manifest their true desires of the heart more and more - with every individual human being in and on your present world. Why has this happened on your world in a manner hardly recognizable before – yet has truly happened even in days of old going unseen for the average human? Because you have been trained most heavily to live your lives according to what another individual or group has decided to be either right or wrong based on the thoughts of a rational and logical human fleshly mind.
One human is bound in their thought’s to be holding the responsibility of providing for another – and said human goes out every day to work or labor for profit so as to provide for those which this human believes themselves to be responsible for in life. Some generations teach that the male is to provide for the female and family while others believe it is the female who is to provide for herself and her family while seeking in life to rid herself of her reliance on any male figure for sustainability in life. Whatever may be the case separation of duties and responsibilities have always been a part of the mindset of the lower rational human for self as well as ones outer and worldly societies. There is truly a separation which is to be reflected upon and to be understood by the evolved human spirit – but said separation is not to be between self and other selves – but within self alone. No other self or fleshly human being was meant to be one’s own responsibility [at least not when higher beliefs and knowing are provided from the human spirit - of the human soul} – nor was self-meant to be the responsibility of any one or group of other selves making up ones present outer world.
Higher masculine now speaking from spirit – and of the soul
--------- Man is not to be the head of any household
---------- Woman is not meant to submit to man nor man to woman as power and ruler ship are responsible spirits who cause lower human societies to submit to these teachings.
---------- It is predestined that one’s own will should decide to submit to another, and no one else’s will -------------Marriage is not of the feminine but of the masculine and is nothing more than a contract between two lower fleshly humans and not truly of higher spiritual guidance
--- -------Children were not meant to be raised and educated by two individuals bound by the marriage contract
--------- The human is a larger society and its offspring were meant to be raised and educated by said society
----------Humankind was not predestined to be ruled over – nor to become the slave of other individual humans or groups thereof.
---------- The lower human is and was even in days of old predestined and permitted to guide and be responsible for self [ never one part of self-ruling over another] – and self alone. The human spirit is predestined for all of self – all loves and affections making up self – to never war against nor rule one ruling love or affection over another – but that all is to be in and maintain equilibrium of life and self.
-----------There will always be two – but when there is more than two what will you do? Whatever you do keep it to the two – and never share your well with another.
----------Sickness and disease were born when equilibrium was broken – and equilibrium was broken when the two became one. Be neither male nor female as the separation is the same – being male in nature – as the spirit chooses to leave or part company with its feminine. One becomes sick or diseased because one believes [lower rational belief] he or she is sick or will become sick. On the other hand food is good to the one who knows it to be good and does not fear or doubt the actions of another self who may have provided ones food. For the human shall ingest poison in unawares and will not become sick. Test the spirits and one is bound in doubt – indeed in fear – and one shall fall to sickness in the meanwhile.
------------Trust the spirit friends – and place no further trust in the flesh – for the flesh is dead and will remain dead to all eternity.
------------Do not move into contract with another self – separating from thereon from the two and again becoming one. Your life is your own – guide it well – reserving all fear – doubt – and limits to that which is lower – that which is old and decayed.
------------To buy and sell is for one to admit that ownership and possession are pleasing to the spirit – while to remain content with what is available need only be accepted or rejected by you and you alone. The spirit provides all that is required for sustainability of life while the flesh is never satisfied – and so an exchange is sought where the contract has been fulfilled.
------------The hole runs deep friends and it is you alone who has chosen to dig it – now it is you alone who will fill it- but we caution you to remain from its outer edge and do not enter it any longer- as its cleansing fire and ashes run deep searching your spirit. Let the dead continue to bury their own while receiving the life giving spirit that no flesh can truly receive.
The words we share with you we share with all ------- seek your own loves in life and you will have found the life giving spirit that gives not life but death – not and end but a beginning – and not the light but that which is neither light nor darkness – it is neither empty nor full – something yet nothing – it is limit without limits – it is you. “WE”
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