We are much greater
than God – Part 7
How does
consciousness work – or what are its properties and natural state of existence
– and its natural state of non –existence? Well imagine how water permeates all
of existence in a finite realm of something’s. In a finite realm water is not
only found inside of every form of mass or matter – whether it is of a solid –
liquid – or gaseous form or nature. The same goes for the atom as it too is
found in whatever form it serves its use or purpose both inside and outside of
mass and matter. Atoms – or animalcules are all around you making up empty
space as well as all occupied space – as there is no true emptiness in all of
finite existence.
It is not this way
with consciousness as consciousness is not found inside or outside of mass and
matter – nor inside or outside of all things spiritual – as both actually make
up all of finite existence – but consciousness fills all things of finite
existence without limit or boundaries – and it is not a form of any kind that
one can place their finger on or find in space or place of any nature. As every
human form – body – shape – or sphere is surrounded by its own personal sphere
of life [providing protection and allowing in harm and loss when it is invited
into one’s sphere of life by each human spirit or subject] one’s sphere of life continues to grow and
expand as one takes on other ruling loves and affections in life – and this
sphere only gets smaller upon the death of the human spirit or being as you do
indeed take all things with you into the realms of spirit that are spiritual –
returning to the world of spirits at the time of physical death.
Indeed one does lose
the physical sphere upon death but the spiritual sphere is retained and held as
one’s body and form until such time as he or she again awakens or re-
incarnates back into the material and physical realms as a human child or new
born. Getting back to consciousness however we understand that many of you who
make up our human host have questions as to how consciousness can expand as the
human being expands according to their body – form – shape – or sphere. There
is no need for expansion of Consciousness as consciousness is Infinite in its
nature and only the finite bubbles or spheres of the human consciousness expand
– taking on more consciousness and less unconsciousness - given there is truly nothing that appears
to exist in the finite realms that is not in fact consciousness.
So if a body – form –
shape – or sphere of mass or matter ( as well as anti – mass and anti – matter)
is nothing but consciousness at one level or another in one form of purity or
another – and these forms appear to expand in the finite universe – one would
wonder why does consciousness not expand. It is a simple matter in that
consciousness does not ever expand but can indeed appear to expand according to
the appearances of all potential and possible forms of – from – through – and
for Infinite Conscious Self. In other words spheres of life are made up of
unconsciousness – ignorance – or illusions of life and existence by higher
forms of self that make up these spheres around you from that which is believed
and known to be ones reality – potentiality – and use in life.
Again – if a spirit
were to know even higher truths than those presently held by them according to
their use or purpose toward the human spirit - they would know that myriads of spheres are
not required for the higher spirit as it is One - and all things are One - that all spirits make up as One. To manifest
a finite separation of spirits so as to populate the spiritual as well as
material and physical planes of existence all necessary spirits – at myriads of
different levels of consciousness and unconsciousness combined – are required –
as is the spheres that either protect or allow in harm and loss – so as to
manifest every different type of ruling love and affection making up the
populated finite universe or many planes of existence for the lower human
spirits of Self.
So you see every
spirit – every human subject or host that has apparent existence as a finite
creature or being possesses both consciousness and unconsciousness – so as to
cause spiritual equilibrium of life at all times – while each human spirit or
host is given free will as well to bring himself or herself out of equilibrium
of life at any given moment (only as lower physical self however) and all
things of separation – duality – and opposites can be lived by all individually
as potential and possibility in a world made up truly of pure consciousness in
all of its illusory impurities.
Consciousness does not fill these many spheres of life however but is
these spheres of life in what appears as bodies – forms – shapes – and spheres
of conscious realities that are not actual but virtual.
Consciousness is
Infinite in it’s nature and therefore all something's or finite human spirits
and their offshoots are in control of the expansion of all spheres of life and
their finite consciousness expands – or appears to expand while Infinite
Consciousness forever allows room for expansion. As your universe expands in
other words – consciousness is forever corresponding to that expansion in a way
where you are moving more and more toward Infinite Consciousness. The human
spirit never reaches Infinity as it is not reserved for place or space but only
conscious potential and possible place and space.
As every human spirit
is indeed the potential and possibility of All and everything the human spirit
is forever bound and limited by his or her own beliefs – knowing – and
imagination in life. There is so very much more out there for each of you to
manifest as potential and possibility but first other potentials and
possibilities must be put off that are a hindrance to manifested realities or
potential and possibility that do not resonate with things of old – or those
ruling loves and affections that only served one’s use or purpose in days gone
by. One cannot come to like or enjoy one thing while all the time wishing to
enjoy another thing – when that one thing is taking up space and place that
would otherwise allow for the manifestation of all new things. As it goes for
objects or offshoots of bodies – forms – shapes – and spheres of your world and
plane of existence – so too is this the case for thoughts – words – ruling
loves and affections.
One cannot be love or
reflect love while one is in hatred – fear – or doubt just as one cannot be
wealthy and poor at the same time according to their material abundance in life
– though one can be wealthy in abundance and poor in their available ruling
loves and affections that are their own in life.
As it goes therefore
in order for one to move in life to higher levels of awareness – understanding
– and knowing of all things truly potential and possible for them they must
first let go of old or childish beliefs – knowing – and things imagined. All of
your basic or grounded ruling loves and affections in life – those ruling loves
and affections that never change and never leave you by being replaced with
other ruling loves and affections – these are the ones that are always
responsible for ones manifestation of new thoughts – words – actions – beliefs
– knowing’s – things imagined – and so on. Every human spirit or being has
these ruling loves and affections as every human spirit or being is a single
ruling love and affection – and this one ruling love and affection represented
individually by each of you in life is responsible for all other lower and less
pure ruling loves and affections.
Ruling loves and
affections are indeed responsible for what is manifested – believed – known –
or imagined by anyone of finite existence as it is the guiding factor of all
things potential and possible. Within your realms or planes of reality known as
third density there is always from eternity to eternity a season of sleep for
the human generation and a season of wakefulness – a time of great wisdom and a
time of little wisdom – a time for the wise man and a time for the fool. The
reason it has forever been this way is because the one must forever be reminded
that he or she is the fool just the same as he and she is the wise man. As every human spirit is actually forever in
an awakening process it will at times or seasons appear to be a sleeping
process or a time of ignorance – slavery – and loss of conscious knowing for
the human spirit.
One is never placed
into these ages of existence – whether wisdom or ignorance – as all things are truly at the hands of the human
spirit or subject – who is in unawares of his and her true abilities in life to
- manifest each and every potential and possible reality he and she can
possibly believe – know – or imagine to actually be a potential and
possibility. Just as there will always come around in the circle of life a time
or season known as the Age of Wisdom there will come a time for every human
spirit when he and she will truly know it is not actually wisdom one comes to
receive but rather a knowing that all is already available to all – according
to one’s place in the grand cycle of finite existence – where Self is forever
and constantly moving from one plane of reality to another on – and on – and on
– and on to Infinite or eternity.
And so there is
actually no place or state of mind known as ignorance any more than there is a
place or state of mind known as wisdom. These two terms are lower human terms
for a world and plane of reality based on limits and boundaries never to be
crossed before their season in one’s life and existence. As we each move into a
timeline or dimension of life where ignorance has bound said generation to very
limited levels of belief – knowing – and imagination the world and plane of
reality is slowed to a creeping or slow moving process in the assumed evolution
of the human mind. We remind you however that evolution does not at all play a
part in the true advancement of human or spiritual state of mind and existence.
As it is true that a whole world or society of human beings can appear to be so
very limited in their beliefs – understanding – knowing – and imaginations – it
can be given to a single human being on your world to advance in these things
simply because they have come to know self-responsibility – and are now
awakened to the truth that every human being ever to exist has it within their
own grasp to exceed all set bounds or limits apparently placed on them by the
world and societies around them who are presently limited and bound by what
appears to be complete ignorance of all things higher.
Those of lower
understanding however who make up your present world and plane of reality are
there because it is each of you who have drawn or attracted them to your sphere
of life – in which case they can only be removed or placed at a distance of
comfort in your life by this same process – known as separation rather than
attraction. For the principle of attraction and separation are at every human
beings and spirits disposal in life so as to both provide equilibrium of life –
or allow one to remove themselves from said equilibrium of life – and go off
and explore the grand finite universe as their representations of their many
other selves – or their many other available ruling loves and affections.
All that you each
presently manifest in and on your world and plane of reality is the exact
result of your ruling loves and affections guiding the human host or machine at
any given time. One always has the ability to manifest from their true ruling
loves and affections in life or to manifest from those ruling loves and
affections guiding them that have been presently and temporarily attracted to
their sphere of life. So you see each of you has the ability in life to take
control of your life – and those things you come to manifest as your present
realities simply by knowing Self – and thinking – speaking – acting – and
manifesting according to those ruling loves and affections coming out from Self
– or the higher you.
No one moves from a
place of lower understanding – or in ignorance of self without going through a
process of awakening to who self truly is simply by gradually manifesting the
little things in life – and moving up to things harder to believe – understand
– or imagine to truly be potential and possible for Self – and Self alone. As
we move through our daily lives it is a truth that we each take on offshoots of
fear – doubt – anger – jealousy – sadness – and wants from these fears and
doubts – and many other affections that truly cause one to harbor the initial
ruling loves and affections feeding fear and doubt in so very many states of
one’s mind throughout one’s daily life. When one is bound or limited by these
lower ruling loves and affections manifestation is always from a place or state
of mind outside of equilibrium of life – and cannot therefore be of one’s true
ruling loves – affections – wants – wishes – and pleasures in life.
There are humans or
other selves covering your world and plane of existence who suffer greatly in
life from poverty – homelessness – sickness and disease – hardships of society
– traditions and the ego – and many other limits or hindrances to one’s true
happiness and contentment of life. These people – the human spirits who are
truly your other selves on other timelines and dimensions of “your” existence
appear to be suffering because of the rulers of the world and the simple lack
of connection to those who can in fact provide help or aid to them – when in
truth it is these people each on an individual basis who cause all hardships in
life to themselves out of ignorance or the lack of knowing who and what they
truly are. It seems very tragic that these human beings on your world should
have to experience such hardships and loss in life at their own hands – while
not having some higher Source that can easily remove them from their dire
circumstances – rather than allow such suffering (at any level) on any world or
plane of existence.
Do you not know
however that if the situation were different – and there was a higher Conscious
mind or Source that did intervene with the parts in the play – or the many
illusions of manifestation by the lower human spirit – that the human would not
be living his and her life with a lower understanding of having free will. One
is not free in the finite universe to force or coerce those of other or
different ruling loves and affections to take on their own ruling loves and
affections – nor to assume that one’s ruling loves and affections are your own
– unless all inconsistencies and limits to one’s understanding is of the same
plane of separation – duality – and opposites.
In other words the
higher cannot affect – coerce – or interact with the lower simply because it is
the higher – and of another density of consciousness – understanding – belief –
knowing – and things imagined. The higher planes of consciousness or the higher
human spirit cannot interfere or guide one’s life of third density unless each
individual human being or host draws guidance from higher self through those
things believed to be a potential and possibility in life. Therefore those of
your world and plane of existence that suffer hardship – loss- live in poverty
and homelessness – and all the other things that limit the happiness in one’s
life do so simply because they are either not willing to accept higher levels
of understanding or it is not their season or life to accept such things.
As higher guidance
cannot be forced on any lower level human spirit it is the responsibility of
every lower human spirit to decide what he or she chooses to believe and
therefore attract or separate from themselves in life – from either their true
ruling loves and affections or from those of fear and doubt – which in fact
keep them out of equilibrium of life and most susceptible to undesirable
things. Because the human being or spirit may be suffering through poverty –
homelessness –sickness and disease – or other things that limit them and do not
provide happiness of life these human subjects often continue in life to harbor
far and doubt which cause those things they fear or doubt to continue coming
their way – or continue to shape their lives in a manner so very undesirable.
It is and has forever
been out of the hands of higher selves – and especially one’s own personal
higher self – to intervene in worldly affairs of third density. All things and
everything must indeed be remembered by each individual human spirit according
to the guiding ruling loves and affections fueling said individual human
spirits always – as every human spirit from now to eternity is responsible for
self – and each must eventually return to the understanding that we are indeed
to be responsible for self.
Every third density
human – of lower understanding is also free to help or aid other selves – or
other human beings in life according to one’s own free will – but in this
process of helping or aiding another, one should not be of the misunderstanding
that he or she will be blessed in return – or gain salvation or any other
reward for their deeds or actions – as one is still found to be in service self
– not to mention that your rewards come from your own doing and variable
manifestations in life. There is nothing wrong (indeed there is no actual right
or wrong for the higher conscious human) with one serving self in life –
especially when it is of the understanding that some other self is benefiting from your actions in each individual case. Still there is also the human being
or spirit who draws from their higher understanding when providing help or aid to another – and in many situations the third density human understanding is not
prepared to understand the ways or understanding of one who is being guided by
their higher Self.
Keep in mind again
that every lower third density human who seeks guidance from higher Self (once
one is capable of doing so) can receive guidance from their Service to others -
higher Self as well as their service to self-higher self. With that being the
case – and given that the third density human is always in service to
self-according to correspondences – when one attempts to help or aid other
selves in life it will often not be for the benefit of the other self but
rather for the higher Self or you. Whatever the case may be it is a given truth
that those who suffer on your world do so of their own doing in life – and
often do not know the things they do or understand many decisions that have
been made by themselves in life that are truly harmful to themselves – and fear
and doubt will always have their place in the many manifestations of the lower
human according to lower understanding of self.
It is a hard thing
for one to come to the understanding that children or those of an innocent
nature are in fact responsible for their harm – loss – and many shortcomings in
life – but indeed it is so. A child is often disobedient or unlearned and
uneducated as to proper order or behavior to be held in life by even those of a
very young age – and therefore the human child and those of a childlike nature
will often make many wrong decisions and carry out many improper actions simply
because they either know no better or choose to be disobedient as their state
of mind changes from a good and loving spirit to one of fear and doubt – and
it’s many offshoots.
Just as it is the
case for every human adult to witness and experience many of life’s lessons so
too is this the case for those of an innocent nature. It is one’s lessons in
life to experience harm and loss to their children and those family and friends
of a childlike nature just as it is allotted to those of the latter group to
experience the harm and loss associated with their many lessons of life as
well. Therefore both groups (the adults and the children or innocent) have
their part to play in life’s many grand lessons of remembering what is
acceptable to one’s true ruling loves and affections in life – but not always
acceptable as the ways of human society.
If a child or
innocent mind did not learn the many lessons of life neither would he or she
come to remember all things associated with one’s true ruling loves and
affections in life. As one is truly seeking to become whom he or she truly is
according to their true ruling loves and affections in life he and she will
also come to lessen the need for further lessons to be repeated time and time
again – while at the same time as long as one continues to live life according
to the ways of the world and the flesh – life’s lessons will indeed continue to
be repeated over and over again. The human flesh is made to endure whatever it
is caused to endure in life by human manifestation of life’s lessons – though
the human often does not see it this way – but in the end all sickness and
disease – all physical and emotional harm brought on the human machine comes to
an end and all is eventually forgotten.
The limits to which
each individual human being comes to suffer and inflict pain on themselves is
always in correspondence or direct proportion to that which one personally
draws or attracts to themselves by the ruling loves and affections one comes to
attract to one’s self in life – at any given time. Often what one comes to see
or understand as right – proper – or acceptable words or actions in life –
based on what is right and acceptable to one’s inner and outer societies is not
acceptable to one’s true ruling loves and affections – and therefore one is
removed from equilibrium of life – and is most susceptible to harm and loss.
The children and innocent minds of your world do not know you have each
unknowingly placed your selves in the position to truly be responsible for the
harm and loss your children and innocent minds come to endure in life – simply
because you have been their guides – and often this lower guidance has been
forced on the children and innocent minds of your world. Therefore the God so
many of you come to believe to be held responsible for the terrible harm and
loss so many of the innocent of your world have endured is most certainly each
of you – as well as each of us when we were of childlike minds as well.
It is indeed a truth
that each of you are beings of unlimited manifestation - but you have limited
your own selves by the things or realities you have each manifested in days
gone by – as these manifestations have changed or molded your realities to come
in a way completely corresponding to all spiritual ruling loves and affections
not only drawn toward you but by those reflected and lived by you in life – and
have never as of yet let go of these things of old. Yes friends it is you who are
the “God” that causes harm and loss to the little ones or innocent ones – and they
each come to carry on family habits and traditions for as long as they are
without higher guidance by those who awaken to things that have caused your
world to suffer rather than benefit by your past thoughts – words – deeds – and
continued actions for your own happiness and pleasure – while your children and
grandchildren to come know no better because they were never guided toward a
lifestyle more beneficiary to the whole of mankind and our other selves that
are to come.
If you want your
children and innocent human spirits to benefit in a future world of self-responsibility
– it is each of you who must personally take on the task of becoming self-responsible
– while having no concern or need to worry or wonder about the self-responsibility
of all other selves in life. You as the One true Creator Source cannot change
the lifestyles or behaviors and beliefs of all your many other selves making up
your world and reality today – as you can only change Self – and in turn the
world and reality around you will change accordingly – but gradually – given that
nothing comes to change in an instant in a world and reality truly formed and
manifested according to the true principles of benefit to all of mankind –
which is a life manifested in and of chaos. As each of you manifest your true
ruling loves and affections from within your outer world is manifested as well through
all the many humans or other selves making up your world – timeline – and dimension.
At the same time all
your many other selves all individually manifest their realities from within as
well – and in turn manifest their outer world – realities – timelines – and dimensions
– in a manner in which they go off into other timelines and dimensions
according to their manifested realities – while still remaining there and
carrying out your manifested reality in a manner in which you made them reflect
the ruling loves and affections of your world through Self or self. Your other
selves do not simply reside on your timeline and dimension at all times – but on
many myriads of other timelines and dimensions as well – given that they each
reflect ruling loves and affections for every other human being on your world
who has come into contact with them each individually – has come to know or
hear of them individually – or are representative to any of the human senses
that would cause any one of them to be bound to another’s timeline and
dimension because they serve some use or purpose to another human being or spirit.
Again we say that no
one creates or manifests in life any reality or thing for another human spirit
or creative and manifesting Source. What you do is manifest a duplicate spirit
or spirits from your inner self so as to make up your many realities that form
to manifest your outer world as well through your many other selves. All of
your other selves do this same thing in all things manifested by them each
individually while even manifesting a duplicate you so as to provide the necessary
use or purpose you serve for them upon their world and in their reality of life
as well. When you attempt to coerce to sway thoughts – words – or actions of
another self in an outer and physical manner therefore - and they individually succumb
to your coercion or swaying of their thoughts – words – or actions they do so sometimes
to appear to be submissive to you or to gain your approval – while at other
times some things you attempt to change in other selves may be of their ruling loves
and affections and they change truly according to their own decisions of the
When another takes
your guidance according to their own ruling loves and affections they do so because
they share a timeline and dimension with you – while when they do not they come
to move off in another direction or timeline and dimension – and only those
that agree with your own timeline and dimension remain in your present timeline
and dimension. Timelines and dimensions (other selves in physical form) can
also not be in agreement but others will still share your timeline and
dimension because of the uses or purposes they provide your timeline and
dimension that are not of your ruling loves and affections but of your false or
opposite ruling loves and affections you reflect when your life is out of
equilibrium and moderation of life.
Again everything on
your world is manifested by you – including every other self (other human
beings) as you simply manifest duplicate other selves in life so as to carry
out manifested uses and purposes according to your ruling loves and affections –
and all opposite or non – ruling loves and affections. Other selves manifest
their world and reality in this same manner – constantly creating duplicate
other selves according to their wants – needs- and wishes in life. Nothing that
happens in and on your world therefore comes to pass that is not of your own
individual doing and manifestations as your world is truly manifested out of
and through principles of chaos where everything you manifest is either manifested
in or around you – or in or around one of your many other selves who populate
your collective physical world through those you have in the past simply seen
as other separate human beings.
You are that “God”
that you may have or may not have blamed for all the horrible and unacceptable things
that have manifested and taken place on your world opposite your true ruling loves
and affections – or not acceptable as things you see as right and proper on
your world – and there is therefore no one outside of you or above in the
imaginary heavens who can be blamed of hold responsibility – other than you and
you alone. What you have not manifested in this present lifetime you manifested
in prior lifetimes and returned to incarnate in and on this plane of existence once
again according to the ruling loves and affections you chase when you appeared
to die in your past lifetime – entered into the world of spirits – and again
chose the many parts that world make up your present life and reality you are
living today. You pre – chose your present day lessons just as you chose your
present day pleasures and pains – and you did so according to those ruling loves
and affections you attracted to yourself and took on in the world of spirits
prior to this present incarnation you call life. “WE”