Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Monday, April 20, 2015

We are much greater than God - part 8

Part - 8

How is one to become Self responsible in life as the awakened human ( not necessarily loving and not necessarily without hatred for others – but responsible for one’s own thoughts – words –and actions in life)  when one is also destined to give when he or she feels the necessity to give – whether in help or aid – or in advice or guidance offered or provided to another self– when in fact self-responsibility calls for one to be only responsible for self – while leaving others to be responsible for themselves as well  - even though others of your world may not be awakened to different or higher truths – and even though others are constantly in want or need in life when you (the awakened Self) are no longer in want or need in life but are in fact content in all things while of a higher or greater level of consciousness of – from – through – and for Self?

The truth of the matter is that one cannot be the higher conscious Self and provide help or aid – advice or guidance to another in a manner that is not of a nature not having to do with worldly matters. You can always be in the world where all levels of consciousness are shared but you cannot be of their world according to material and physical matters. Self is a term used to represent Oneness and the collective benefit or well being of the collective Human – while self is representative of all things lower or of a material and physical – worldly nature. For one to offer help or aid – guidance or worldly advice to the third density human therefore – one would also have to be in their present state of consciousness – third density.

Therefore the life even of an awakened human is a life of moderation and equilibrium – where one will always move in and out of higher consciousness – often returning to lower third density consciousness – given that we are all forever of many different worlds or planes of existence – though many do not usually know of their other planes of existence until they too move to an awakening state of consciousness. The one major difference of an awakened human and a non – awakened Human is that the awakened human is most always guided by Self – or the collective – while the non – awakened human is not. As an awakened human one is always free to move from one timeline and dimension to another – at a moment’s notice – and return to their natural state of consciousness - which is equilibrium at one higher level of consciousness or another – and remain there for as long as they wish – still free to leave this place of equilibrium as often and as frequently as they wish again and again in life.

Again – if or when the awakened human chooses to visit lower levels of consciousness – again interacting with the material and physical plane – he or she is limited and bound by the material and physical plane – and all the laws of mankind placed on said world or system of governance – as he or she is no longer under the protective sphere of higher levels of the collective consciousness. The lower levels are bound and limited by rule and order – and all the other principles of attraction and separation while the higher levels of consciousness are free to exist according to chaos and the absence of rule – order – the laws of mankind – and the principles of attraction and separation. When one is in equilibrium of life in fact one is no longer bound by any set principles found outside of the plane of Oneness – Wholeness –and Self. When one is living life as the Collective Whole Human one need not ever again experience separation and duality – harm and loss – and all the limitations and boundaries found in and on a world and plane of existence where all selves are seen and understood to be not of self any longer. 

When one is in equilibrium of life one is responsible for Self – when one is in equilibrium of life one is service others by service self – in which case there truly is no more differences when reflecting on service to others and service to self. In equilibrium of life there is no more other selves in want or need in life because all are one and one is all – and those appearing and believing themselves to be outside of Self continue to live life always according to their own apparent individual beliefs – knowing – and imaginations in life. Again all are free to offer help or aid - or answer the call to other selves in life when called upon by another self of third density individuality – however while being guided by the higher or awakened Conscious Self sometimes Self will choose not to answer the call – or not provide help or aid to those they see in life as having at their disposal a valuable lesson still to be learned – and will not therefore act in such situations. Awakened human sometimes think – speak – and act from the heart center – but other awakened humans do not – which is neither wrong nor improper for the individual human spirit who is not of the positive side or nature of higher Self but rather of the negative side or nature of Self.

In other words - and to put it in simpler terms every human spirit is both a Satan or devil and a loving angel all rolled up in a single – individual – or collective human and spiritual society of ruling loves and affections. If the higher or awakened human therefore is in a state of consciousness where he or she is drawing from their Satan nature rather than their angelic nature at the time another self seeks their help or aid – decisions might be made not to provide said help or aid – not because they see a valuable lesson to be learned – but because they find pleasure in the sufferings of others – and are safe in feeling this way simply because they choose to remain in equilibrium of life – and non – acting – so as to be protected by their higher sphere of life – no longer binding them to the sufferings of the material and physical plane.

At the other end of the spectrum it is the same in that when the awakened human is drawing from their positive Self or nature – in service to others in fact – they will often choose to lower or lesson their higher understanding presently being offered to them in guidance – will choose to lower to third density consciousness – and will in turn seek to provide said help or aid requested by another self. So you see for one to be a higher or awakened human this does not mean these awakened humans are always loving – and always giving and forgiving to others in life – but only that the awakened human or spirit chooses to be Self-responsible giving or not giving – or not to be Self-responsible – whether he or she again chooses to give or not give.  

Why Chaos?

Because the things of the heart do not need to – nor can they - make sense or fit and align according to some set order – rationality – or logic – as the things of the heart are those things that truly reflect one’s true ruling loves and affections in life. Given that all other selves do not share in the knowing of your own true ruling loves and affections of Self ( the awakening human spirit) many different roads or paths must be experienced before ones season of manifestation comes to fruition as all pieces of the puzzle must indeed be put into place in a world and reality where that which is proper to one must make sense and conform to some selected order to all others who are of an elementary understanding of the higher and awakened Self of manifestation through chaos.

To put it plainly you are now moving into a world and plane of reality where all limitations and boundaries are being removed – and nothing need be bound and limited to any selective order ever again – but indeed this new form of understanding and knowing must be provided and made accessible to the awakening ones gradually and according to that which one can still come to believe – understand – and imagine in a life and plane of existence separate now from one of all things having to make any type of sense or feed the continued rational human mind and consciousness. Therefore if one continues to believe certain things in their present or selective now moments all lower beliefs will continue to manifest according to lower principles – while all higher and new beliefs will continue to gradually manifest that which appears higher – though it is not higher but only different – and appearing to be things that are new to the awakening human spirit.

Now we have stated many times to you in other messages of guidance that one is to become self – responsible as the awakening human spirit – and yet we have also told you one is to come to a place of sharing all things in life with all others – and some might question this form of guidance in that they would come to believe one cannot share with all others while still maintaining self – responsibility – as this would make one responsible for others as well. Is this the case therefore – or is there more to this present subject? There is indeed more to it - as we will presently share our prospective on things of an even higher (different) knowing and understanding – to all those awakening spirits of our present society – or Self.  

As one becomes more and more – gradually responsible for self in his and her awakening more becomes accessible to the awakened human being and spirit. Because more comes into one’s life it will therefore be up to the awakening human spirit to decide when there is ample sustenance to sustain one’s life and therefore decide when to share all access and things not needed – required – or wished for in one’s present now moment.

Indeed one is now responsible to provide for one’s self but is also responsible for knowing when one has access of certain things in life – and is now most capable and willing to share all that one has in one’s possession or presence. Therefore if one is asked to provide help or aid – and even one’s over abundance with others – it is up to one’s other selves to decide whether or not they too are seeking or receiving those things required in order to sustain their life of happiness and pleasure – or whether they in fact are seeking over abundance in life when accepting things truly not needed at the present time. And so whereas the awakened human spirit will often know when and how to become self-responsible they are also aware that the lower third density human often does not – and the awakened human will come to accept this and forgive others for their elementary levels of understanding. Those who do not forgive – but are in fact awakening human beings or spirits act in this manner because they are in service to self – and care not if other selves are self-responsible or not.

We now wish to speak on the subject of gossip – rumors – and far reaching matters of information covering the air waves and varied levels of society on your world at this day. There is much information presently spread throughout your world that is false and misleading as well as much provided information that is indeed your truth and is information that will guide each of you in your present and apparent future timelines you are each about to enter into. We are well aware that many of you believe things to be said of future happenings upon your world appear misleading or simply speak of a future world you do not wish to share or experience. However one must realize what we have been saying all along about all things being truth and all things truly representing a potential and possible world and reality for providing access to any and all forms of reality for the collective conscious human being and spirit. 

At your present day many of you will hear of wars and rumors of wars- poverty – famine – sickness and disease – and wide spread homelessness for the apparent levels of the lower masses or societies of your world. You will also hear of all the opposite potential and possible outcomes for all of society which will prevail upon your planes of existence because of the continued ruler ship and slave traders who populate your world as well. Every potential is not only possible but it is actual in a world of virtual reality and holograms of collective conscious existence for the human machines who rule your world as well as those who fall under all forms of ruler ship.

The human being and spirit is a creature of habit and tradition – and therefore those who do not find it within themselves at this day and all the days to come to separate from habits and traditions will continue in the same path – timeline – and dimension. You cannot move to a world without war and poverty – sickness and disease – and all the apparent negative ways that are connected to such societies until it is found within yourselves to manifest such worlds and realities that no longer require such things in order to provide the continuance of such societies. In other words one must first work out the details as to how such new societies will come to pass and continue to be maintained as a reality or system for the world around you – and then one must come to know that those realities that are not self-sustainable are sure to eventually die off – and therefore be replaced with ones that are truly self-sustainable.

If you wish in other words to live in a world without money or some other form of currency or exchange you must within yourself – as a part of your own personal and self-responsible knowing come to manifest a world and reality within yourself – within your own mind – that will not and cannot be replaced by those who take everything they want in life through force rather than through legal or proper means – according to mankind’s laws and rules of society. The same goes for a world without war or violence – sickness and disease – or separation by means of creating the rich and the poor – and a place to live where mankind does not hide beneficial creations of others from the public or population.

Every human being and spirit in and on your world today is awakening to the Age of Knowing – returning to the collective of the human consciousness – and to a time in your present generation where nothing is hidden any longer to the one who does not continue to hide that which he or she harbours which is beneficial to all other selves on your present world. If you continue to be in service to self and not share all things with all other selves who presently populate your world and reality – the same will continue to shape your own present and future reality – until the day – time – or season in which each of you awaken to full and complete collective knowing of Self – and that day is sure to come for each of you in his and her own individual time or season.

Your world and reality is presently dividing or splitting into many other timelines and dimensions – and it could indeed be said that they will all come together into two main or collective timelines and dimensions – all according to the two main ruling loves and affections ordering the footsteps of mankind in and on your present world today. Each of you will now move forward in either service to self or in service to other selves. You will therefore either work in life and all new manifestations toward the benefit and happiness of the human flesh and self or you will move to living a life in service to the society of Self – or other selves – which is indeed a collective society and Self at a higher level of your human existence.

Each of you – if you continue to look around you – or if you continue to seek – accept – or live in fear and doubt of the words of all your many other selves who do not as of yet share the higher knowing of those of you presently awakening to this higher knowing – you will find that you will simply be held back in your continued collective knowing – until such time or season as you become responsible for Self – and no longer accept the negative vibrations that continue to be shared in and on your present world – which continue in the realms of fear and doubt constantly and consistently feeding a world bound by war – violence – poverty and sickness – running to and fro in their many processes of exchange in order to continuously provide for one’s self rather than for the benefit of all Selves or other selves in your life at this day.
Each of you do indeed have the ability to manifest instantly and at will – but you have this ability only at times or seasons when you come to manifest for all selves rather than the individual self who has lived life in a world of lower third density existence for so very long – when looking at the picture through the eyes of the lower human understanding. At this day many of you have not simply because you do not yet know ore remember how to have. Is it not an easy or simple thing for the collective conscious human (one could easily call you Gods) to manifest all things for all selves or other selves in life – including your own personal selves as individuals? Do you not yet understand that the only reasons behind the inability to manifest these things at the present day is simply because many of you do not as of yet know the true or proper principles which guide all things in life according to its time or season?

One cannot continue to live as a child when one has received adult levels of knowing – neither can one continue to live as an adult when he or she chooses to revert back to childish thinking in life. And indeed it is given to all human beings or spirits to be as a child when we wish to be as a child – or to be as an adult when one wishes to be as an adult. Once the human being or spirit therefore taps back into the collective consciousness of Self all things begin to be given or returned to Self as an adult – but one is never bound to these higher or other principles held by an adult spirit. It is true you were all once told not to eat too much candy as it would rotten your teeth – but as an adult spirit you each know better because you now know you are no longer bound to lower understanding – and therefore we can return to childlike experiences or behavior – while we will now hold higher or different understanding as to the principles of our lower world and reality.

Many of you have not been told as of yet that the human body heals itself in every way – as long as the human consciousness knows it can do these things – and allows for the body to do just that – in its own time or season of life. Many do not yet know of these things however – and your time is coming when each of you will come to share in these adult levels of understanding – but in truth they are not higher levels of understanding but simply different levels of reality based on different principles of another timeline and dimension of your human existence. Our human host would say that he likes to pretend to be sick or ill every so often simply so he can receive certain comforts from his loving counterpart – and at times like this he is living as a child in his present thinking – and yet no harm or loss is intended by our human host. Do we not all (for those who wish to reflect) wish to return to childlike behaviors every so often even while having possession of higher or adult like understanding of higher Self?

Such is the case for all awakening or awakened human beings and spirits who take on the collective consciousness of the adult Self but sometimes wish to return to the childlike self. The difference at this day or season of your human existence however is that you or we each must come to be responsible for self – and no longer seek to cause loss or harm to another self at our own doing. It is even acceptable for one to remain in either evil thoughts – words – or intentions in life as long as we continue to keep in mind that we shall all reap that which we sow – because like attracts like just as dissimilarities repel all things dissimilar – wherein the human mind is always the guiding factor in what is attracted and what is repelled – based on one’s true and present ruling loves and affections – and not those one might pretend to harbor at any given time or season of life.

In other words one can easily to pretend to be a loving and caring person when interacting with another self or human being- but might be harbouring fear or doubt in one’s mind because they have fear of or doubt that the one they pretend to be loving and caring toward is actually one they fear or doubt what will become of or through the others words or actions. Yes fiend – it is your own thoughts – fears – and doubts in life that cause harm or loss to self – rather than those fears or doubts of another. You attract them to you rather than them attracting themselves to you because of your fears and doubts of what will come upon you from another person in life. At the same time the other person could be attracting you to themselves simply because of what they fear or doubt that might come in the form of harm or loss from you and toward themselves.

No single or individual human being or spirit can create or manifest for another human being or spirit ( as we have often stated) but all humans or spirits are either attracted or repelled by all affections or ruling loves harbored by each individual human being or spirit individually as well as collectively. Even when another human being ( other self) comes to cause harm or loss to you personally or individually they do so because you have manifested this reality for yourself – and they are simply providing the use or purpose for said reality – and in an unconscious manner can often believe it was of their own choosing or manifesting all along. Therefore every time another human appears to make a mistake in life – or do that or say that which they did not know why they carried out such words or actions - did so because unconsciously and through the collective Self – such things were carried out according to universal manifestation of your own doing.

What is of one’s true ruling loves and affections in life is all the things not ordered of this present world and reality of separation – while all things not of one’s true ruling loves and affections have been ordered according to what has been previously manifested of – from – through – and for your present reality. It is all lessons in order to point each of us back to equilibrium of life as it is a universal principle that all human spirits forever be drawn toward a universal equilibrium while at the same time living the many illusions of life and its many lessons. You manifested the life or reality previously and it is all the many other selves representing you or other human beings who all play their part in the reality you are presently living according to everyone’s own person uses or purposes toward said reality.

Many of you or your other selves do not like or love the world you presently live in and on today – but you are there for a reason. You are personally there because all the other selves who populate your present reality represent things you do not like or feel comfortable about according to your many past lives. And so all of your past shortcoming have been re- manifested so as to permit each of you to have closure in your shortcoming of your past lives. It is true that there are many things of your present world and reality which provide you happiness and pleasure – and this is because every life you live in human flesh must be presented to you according to equilibrium and the ability to possess or achieve moderation of life – throughout your life – or at times and seasons when one lesson has been learned and you have healed yourself of such shortcoming – in which case opposite ruling loves or affections must come to take the place of those ruling loves and affections of old which have now been put off by you and all your many other selves in life.

At the present day is should be plain for each of you to see those things of your world which you each do not like and do not love – which you each would like to be removed from your present life – reality – and world. This was not the case in your past or prior life upon your world of third density – and so these things continued to be a part of your world and reality so as to continue to offer up the many lessons and experiences which you alone manifested so as to eventually – in its time or season – put off all things no longer resonating with self – or Self. Many things will indeed be put off in your present lifetime while many things (those of your true ruling loves and affections) will not – and these are the ruling loves and affections which will shape your next lifetime and plane of human existence. 

Therefore if you come to know that death is no longer a reality for you in this lifetime – it will no longer be a reality or truth in the life or incarnation to come. Because however you presently live on a world and plane of existence where your many other selves still see death as a reality this belief will remain as a part of your present world – reality- timeline and dimension until the time of your exit from this world and reality. Because however you may no longer believe in or know death to any longer be a truth many new things will come your way in your present lifetime so as to explain this new truth and reality to you in a manner in which you will now know death to no longer be a truth or reality at the same time. Others will continue to appear to die off in your world because this is still their belief and knowing of their present levels of human and spiritual evolution (or the illusion of evolution) but you will now know different – and will continue to live your life accordingly.

It is a truth that one cannot die once one comes to know death is a falsity – or lower expression of ones exit from human existence. You now know you cannot die – but according to your present levels of understanding you may not yet know just what it is that happens to your present fleshly human body – form – and sphere of material and physical human existence. We will also tell you that if one does not know a truth from start to finish – or to its completion – one doe not yet know a truth in full. Until the human as a collective knows death is a lower illusion therefore (still a reality to some) one does not put off the belief in a reality still bound by death. We will therefore take a moment to explain this to all who are prepared to receive this new found knowing of Self.