Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Universal principles take form

 Universal principles take form

As we do not speak of details pertaining to your physical realm when we offer guidance of a higher nature we will offer this instance of guidance from a spiritual prospective and leave it to those of you who have the necessary information on your plane in order to meet us half way if it be the case in your personal circumstances.
There is a plane of existence appearing as life to the human spirit that is truly of the spiritual nature and not of a material and physical nature – even though the spiritual is indeed the true beginning of all things material and physical. Within the spiritual realms there is essence and yet it is an essence that is much less dense in nature in that it is not formed of those things you have come to call atoms – and all of its even smaller parts which come to make up the atom. There is a nothingness that is the purest of natures or essence which to the human mind is truly seen as nothing – when in fact this nothingness is more real than that which many of you have come to call real based on the principles and essence which form your world around you.
This nothingness we speak of is the original Collective Consciousness that is purest in essence in that it is nothing but consciousness filling and permeating all things potential and possible within the grand universe of all something's. Moving out of- from – through – and for the nothingness and first in sequence (though all things are instantaneous or simultaneous in truth) is the Celestial form which is manifested of the Nothingness in the greatest of what we call forms which is neither spiral nor vortical in nature but rather etheric. This is not the ether of your realm which is simply a duplicate or copy of the original and purest ether which makes up the Celestial realms of all human spirits.
Of course even the Celestial realms make up vibration and frequencies which play their part in manifesting the spiritual and vertical principles – bodies – forms – shapes – and spheres of your present material and physical plane. Think of the Celestial as all though which is of – from – through – and for the Collective Consciousness that is in truth separate from thought. The Celestial essence is not that which is original or real according to levels of purity therefore – but is the beginning of that which is finite as opposed to that which is Infinite and is the Collective Consciousness of all that is – was – or ever will be. Again the Celestial is the beginning of all vibrations most pure in finite nature – with the spiritual falling second to the Celestial – and the material and physical third – and yet they are each manifested and given their essence and form simultaneously within every new now moment from and to eternity.
With these things being offered to you for your new levels of knowing at this season  in your existence how would you say that one can tap into the spiritual and even the Celestial at any given time if or when he or she comes to know the principles and processes involved in doing so? In other words what are these principles and processes and why do many not presently have access to such things in their life?
In order to tap into the structure or essence that is truly always representative of self or Self – it is always dependent on one’s levels of consciousness - vibrations – frequencies – timelines – or dimensions of existence. It is always dependent on ones presently held spiritual society and one’s true ruling loves and affections in one’s life at any given time – and we are each and all therefore a different person at any given time in our existence given that we are all spirits – all humans – and all bodies – forms – shapes – and spheres representative of our collective and overall existence as One. All technology of your present material and physical world is based on the collective knowing of your world and society as well as always being dependent on the individual or singular levels of knowing as well.
Whereas your outer world is a reflection of your collective beliefs and knowing from within your inner world is reflective of your outer world just the same – with the difference being that only you know what resides from within and all others upon reflection know what resides without – and share in your knowing and reflecting on all the different personalities - beliefs – and knowing that is the Collective self as well as the Collective Self ( in other words it is all reflective of the lower collective human spirit as well as the higher collective human spirit). The lower human can indeed keep secrets and all their many different thought forms (or manifestations that come from their individual thoughts) from other selves who are the lower human as well – but this is not the case when it comes to the higher or collective human Self (the inner human).
 Is it not understood or believed by all on your world that others can see and reflect on your words and actions in life if they are individually or collectively present or in your company – but that only you know the inner self and Self and can hide nothing from self or Self except when the human form or other self is an outer manifestation of another self (that being all other humans making up your outer world or plane of existence)? Therefore know it to be so that the inner self and Self is the collective human (God or angel – devil or Satan - according to some) and you know all things according to “your” true ruling loves and affections in life – but your other selves who do not know they are you other material and physical humans) do not and cannot ever truly know “you.”
Even “you” do not truly know Self when you are connected to the lower human within (or self-lower case) as you are presently connected with your outer world – and are momentarily bound by the flesh when taking on this lower state of mind and consciousness. In other words when one is not thinking of – reflecting on – or consciously tapped into their true ruling loves and affections in life they are presently representative of the lower human self and do not then know Self as the collective but only as the individual.
When the human being or spirit (whichever you wish to see yourself as presently) is tapped into the lower realms of their existence – lower human consciousness - or individual consciousness one is not of their true ruling loves and affections. When one is not of their true ruling loves and affections one can only manifest that which is lower – based on their present held beliefs and apparent knowing at said time – and one cannot therefore manifest that which is higher or of a more pure nature when it comes to manifested vibrations – thought forms – frequencies – timelines – and dimensions of one’s existence. When one is truly holding to their own true ruling loves and affections there is no more doubt there is no fear of what is to come or even what once was – as one is presently living in the now moment.
No matter who the human being is – and no matter what their true ruling loves or affections are in life one cannot manifest that which is not of their true ruling loves and affections from the higher or true Self but only those things that are indeed of one’s higher or true Self. All things manifest of – from – through – or for self are of the lower self always – and are therefore not those of the true Self – higher Self – or the collective whole. There is no want – need – lack – or unanswered dreams connected to the Inner – Higher – or True Self because all things manifested of – from – through – and for the Inner – higher – and true Self are of one’s true ruling loves and affections – and are for the collective whole that is all and everyone when speaking or reflecting on the Collective Self – and we can even go as far as to say for the Infinite Creator Source – that is Self as well.
As some of you may indeed not know where we are going with this we will now explain where we are attempting to lead you in our present guidance.
Your world – the material and physical plane you presently see and reflect on all around you is a made up illusory reality of all the things that are not of your true Self – your true ruling loves and affections – and each of you is presently in sacrifice mode – simply accepting the present world around you because you have chosen previously to do so for the good or benefit of the One or Whole of all that is truly you at all the many different lower levels of your existence. If many of you knew this while you were playing all the many different parts of lower or more dense existence of Self you would truly wish to leave this place and return to that place where indeed your true Self resides unhindered and unlimited in your processes of manifested realities.
Everything you manifest in this present reality of illusion (holograms) and apparent life outside of true equilibrium of life is not for the good or benefit of the lower human self (the many lower expressions of you and your many other outer selves) – but rather for the good and benefit of the One or Collective whole that is Self in fact. All are indeed free to live the lives they choose to live based on and bound to their present limitations in life because they are not yet prepared to return to the collective whole that is Self simply based on their many past lifelong choices made in previous incarnations within the material and physical planes of their existence.
All on your present world and within your many present worldly systems is forever free to choose between good and evil – love and hatred – conditional and unconditional and so on. All are free to choose all of the ruling loves and affections offered up to them in life – based on whether they are slave or free – the master or the one submissive to the master. There are those who will hate and disrespect – love and submit – to the master – those who fear their masters and doubt what the outcome will be for them and theirs – and every part will be played out on those lower planes of existence until a time or season where we have all each walked in the shoes of every other ever to walk your world of fantasy and illusion.
As we stated before – the lower planes of human existence are permitted and played out for the good and benefit of the One – the Whole – and the Collective Self (known as higher Self to some). As far as all other lower selves living and residing in separation and duality in the lower realms of our existence all things are permissible – all things are potential and possibility – and the only limitation in ones life upon said planes of existence is self. One can choose in life to live by tradition – live by habit – live by fear – doubt – and all the many forms of slavery upon your plane of illusory existence and there is no one above – no one separate from a single human being or spirit that is standing by to fix – change – or deter any one individual human or collective of same from free will existence to do as he or she pleases in life according to one’s outer and lower expression of self.
It is up to each of you in life to choose to be self or to seek to be Self (according to one’s true ruling loves and affections in life)  as the lower third density – material and physical – human forever has access and the capabilities to live life in equilibrium ( moderation's of life) or to live life outside of equilibrium – and depending on which one comes to choose at any given time – this will decide which frequencies – which vibrations – which timelines and dimensions of one’s existence (self or Self) one comes to tap into in all forms of manifestation in life from and to eternity. When one is prepared – when it comes to be ones season of awakening based on his or her decisions and therefore ones dimensions and timelines tapped into throughout or during their lifetime – all things truly become potential and possible for the individual as well as the collective human – Self or self – on in to eternity.
There is no technology – no invention – and no manifested thought form ------- no body – no form – no shape – and no sphere of manifested existing potential – and possibility that cannot be possible – and yet we tell you all machines – all lower thought forms and manifested trinkets or toys you have gradually placed on your world and plane of existence – whether for the good and benefit – harm or detriment of all mankind will now become old and outdated – no longer needed or wanted – and no longer a limit to the mind of human kind – as all things old will become new – all things separate from the human Self or collective mind of all potential and possible manifestation or creation will become a thing of the past – to be left for those who are indeed to come.
There is a thing in and on your present world known as energy and all things made – all things potential and possible are either of a lower form of energy or they are of some higher form – and the levels of the lower know no bounds just as all things higher will never be bound – and all energetic thought forms – all bodies – forms – shapes – colors – musical tones – and vibrations of all and every energetic frequency and vibration have no end in sight – nor will they ever have. All things hard will become soft – all things crooked will become straight – all things dense will become less dense with no limits ever to be witnessed – and all things that are presently one thing will forever continue to become the other.
There is nothing one cannot eventually come to know as potential and possibility – just as there is nothing which cannot become something throughout all eternity. Just as all things become something so too do all something's become as nothing in the grand scheme of things. Everything one ever thought he or she came to need in the grand illusion of life was never needed other than for their one true purpose throughout eternity – that being to provide every potential and every possibility – every something and every nothing – every use and every purpose under as well as above the sun – and even the sun will one day move beyond its use and purpose and move on to become as the nothing that has made possible all and every something ever to be manifested is the finite energetic vibrations and frequencies of all things potential and possible (for the One and Self) from and to eternity.  
Now we ask you all who have now come to know that you are We and we are You – are you truly prepared to manifest instantly and at will? Do you truly wish to tap into the energetic frequencies of Self – and go on to continue to grow in your true knowing as Self within all potential and all possibility held in reserve for you all from and to eternity? All you need do is come to truly know Self and proceed in life from this day forward in becoming more and more as Self. You must now seek to cause the lower to become as the upper – the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner. The teacher must become the student and the student must become the teacher. Because however the present world and plane of existence you have manifested for self in this present life – the old must first be done away with and be replaced with the new.
Those you have manifested to shape your present world are those who will help or aid in manifesting the world to come. They are all here for a reason – just as they were all there in your many past lifetimes or incarnations in the material and physical – all serving a use or purpose toward your continued evolution of the human spirit.
We must tell you however that if you are hearing our words or seeing them with your eyes – and you come to understand them and finally resonate with their use or purpose in your present life – then you have accepted them for a reason. Everything thing that is to come for each of you as the new will come in order to replace the old – and it is up to each of you to understand what is to come simply by reflecting on Self and coming to know Self by coming to truly know your own personal ruling loves and affections in life. If you seek a world and reality where there are no more wars or rumors of war then you must first let go of the ruling loves and affections which attract wars and rumors of wars in your present life first. When you are attracted to visions of war – rumors of war – ideas having to do with war or violence – ruler ship and many forms of hatred - these are all offshoots of war and violence and must first be done away with in order to be replaced with all things having to do with peace – love – and those affections which agree with Self and the many ruling loves of Self that are to come in the form of all things new.  
This idea of a world without war and violence alone may sound easily acquired for many of you at this day simply because you believe in peace – and for the most part have come to love or care for your many neighbors in life – but it sounds easier than it is for the moment simply because you have not yet received all the pieces to the puzzle and the picture has not yet fully been painted for those newly awakening human beings and spirits who are presently seeking a fuller understanding of what is to come as “all things anew.” Keep in mind throughout friends that our true destination will be one of Self Responsibility – and much is to be determined in the meantime.  
It is one thing to hold the intentions in life that one is to love their neighbors conditionally – and finally to love them unconditionally – but it does not end there. Keep in mind that the neighbor is one to be understood to not be a part of self but rather separate from self – so what happens when one is to become Self – One – and Whole – when one is to become the inner and collective Self?  Do you not know that not only do those who represent the things you love and agree with in life are to become a part of the Collective Self that is then One and Whole but so do all of those other selves who presently represent in and on your world those ruling loves and affections that you do not love – do not agree with – and do not wish to have in your present life simply because they are not of your own ruling loves and affections while living life for self. To put it plain as you each come to represent Self – you take with you all things loved as well as all things not of your own true loves – or ruling loves and affections.  
You do not ever rid yourself of these things not of your own true ruling loves and affections in life but you simply come to accept them as making up all opposite parts of self in life – and all necessary parts required in order to eventually make or cause you to become One and Whole as Self (the higher human). One cannot simply put away the affections of hatred – anger – jealousy – vengeance – retribution – judgment – justice and so on and write them off as things neither wanted or needed any longer – given you are each truly beings representative of all things potential and possible – with all things holding their place within the Collective Human (Self) no longer living life or existing in separation and duality of self.
Given that these things are the case it should now be known and understood that all things old which will become old to Self will still remain a part of Self but they will continue to maintain and form the many realities and realms of existence that will continue to be played out again and again of – from – through – and for Self on in to eternity. Indeed the new Self will no longer live a life represented with wars and rumors of wars but all your many lower selves or counterparts will indeed continue to play out there realities in the back of your mind or within the shadows of the many illusory and individual levels of consciousness remaining as their part – use – and purpose toward the collective consciousness that is Self on in to eternity.
Again we say that it is good to rid Self of further reflection on wars and rumors of wars in the newness of life that is to come for each of you – but let us speak of the many offshoots as well as supporting ruling loves and affections that must be let go of as well – as you each move forward into an eternity of newness of Self – and one’s gradual removal of all things old – to in fact be replaced with all things new. In a world and reality where all things are to be new – and where each of you is to become Self responsible – there will be no further need for you to sustain – help- or aid another self in life ------------ nor will another ever again have to or be required to help – aid – or provide sustenance for you while living life as Self (the New and higher Human).
There will be no further need for any forms of money or exchange on your world as you will provide all things required for your continued existence in life. Indeed if any form of exchange were to be present one could not become Self – but would truly remain in a world and reality of self (the lower and individual human). In a world where buying – selling – barter – and trade are still in existence a space is still held in the life of the human for more continued want – need – lack – and unfulfilled dreams to be provided said reality again and again without stop. Because of their continued reliance on ones continued wants – needs- lack – and unfulfilled dreams violence – disagreements – hatreds – anger – judgment – justice- wars – and continued rumors of wars will still remain existent on your world simply because many will remain in want under submission and slavery while others will continue to seek to fulfill their wants in life through whatever means possible.
As long therefore as the old continues on your world and p[lane of reality one continues to hold on to the old – in which case the new cannot only replace the old but neither will it even be offered as potential or possibility to those who continue to hold such mindsets at this day – and for all days to come. In other words before one will ever come to be conscious of a new and higher way of life – or any of those new and higher principles which make a new form of life even potential or possible one must always first wish to let go of that or all things that are old.
So you see friends to rid one’s self of a world and reality where there is still a potential and possibility for wars and rumors of wars one must always first get to the root of the cause or situation and cut it off or remove the old from said point first – and then all of the undesirable offshoots will become a thing of one’s past realities. But what about ruler ship and slavery – governments and the governed – not to mention judgment – justice – all enforcement of one’s own principles – contracts that are binding one with others as well as those that keep others away from one’s self in life? Do you not also see that these things are also supporting ruling loves and affections – and thought patterns in one’s life that continue to feed that thing we call war – and violence – seen as normality’s on your world in so many of its different forms?
Do you now see why one must first become responsible for Self in so many different ways and in so many different forms – before the old is done away with in order to be replaced with that which is new? Until this is accomplished by each of you every human being or spirit will continue to manifest in life from the lower – feeding continuously the lower – and that which ones envisions as the new will only be a vision held as impossible – or non – potential for self in the days to come. Yes you may envision many new things in life at this day – but in order to envision such things as true potential and possibility for you or Self – all things old will have to be let go of and truly become a thing in your past life of unending illusion.
Do not hold on to the falsified belief provided by your lower world and reality as well – that love – whether in the form of conditional or unconditional – is the answer to all of your wants and dreams in life – for this is not by any means the case. All are permitted – in fact all are predestined from a most pure origin of our existence to live life unhindered and unlimited – whether one is of a life of love for all or some – or a hatred for all or some – as every potential and possibility is truly available and accessible for all human beings and spirits – when the season is right or at hand – simply by moving or returning back to a place of complete Self Responsibility. Because so very much is available – accessible = potential – and possible for the human spirit who maintains said levels of energetic frequency or vibration all will choose to maintain and hold said levels of the collective conscious human Self from and to eternity – given that this is the place of consciousness where all things potential and possible are truly to be potential and possible for all from and to eternity.
If One loves roses and lives the illusion in life that they are surrounded by cactus's – and one comes to know that roses do not grow in the desert – would not said person choose never to return to the desert again – except possibly for a brief or short time simply to experience their memories and other loves and affections they have come to miss over long periods of time? This is how it shall be and remain to be from and to eternity – as each of you will be free to return to old things- old realities of your many past lives or illusions of existence whenever you choose to again experience and enjoy those things of old. Of course the rules of the game are always different depending on the stage you enter upon in order to experience said things of old – as the principles of every plane of reality are different – always depending on the presently help levels of lower human consciousness taken on when re- entering all the many different past realities’ of one’s collective and complete human existence from and to eternity.
Do you not know and understand that third density and fifth density are different planes of one’s life and consciousness –and the levels of understanding and human evolution are truly different in nature – and for this reason the principles (not laws) must be different as well – given that a child cannot be expected to take on adult responsibilities any more than an adult can be required to become as a child if they do not wish to do so. Therefore while one is living life in and on a plane of reality where unicorns and fairies are not to be understood as potential or possibility these said potentials and possibilities are not shared nor even believed in by those who are not personally prepared to hold such beliefs or knowing in their present lives – until such time as each comes to freely take on said beliefs and levels of knowing in their spiritual or human evolution that continues on for all from and to eternity.
Your world is truly experiencing a separation at this day or season – and each of you will either take the path available to you that leads down the road to things prepared for a child – or you will take the less accepted and understood path in another direction – down the road to adulthood – and in each case the choice will be your own. Throughout this process of evolution or awakening – where many things old will be replaced and traded for things that are new there are levels of evolution – levels of awakening – in a way where many different and new realities are presently being manifested by you and all of your many other selves in life – and all of these selves put together in a collective form or sphere are what is to be the makeup of the new human or Self – that will become the new “YOU.”
Every human on your present world therefore is here because they represent all the many new and different levels of consciousness and understanding – belief and knowing that will become the collective makeup of the New Human or Self. Those representative therefore of things of ruling loves and affections representative of the one side of Self (whether seen as positive or negative) will represent the ruling loves and affections of that side – that polarity of Self – and those representative of the opposite side will maintain the Collective Self of one’s polar opposite so to speak. There will be no right or proper side of Self – as both side are representative of Self – and will simply represent a completely opposite set of ruling loves and affections – from the root of said ruling loves and affections. All ruling loves and affections of the one side of Self will therefore be fed or provided their collective ruling loves and affections from their Source of ones most original and pure set of ruling loves and affections – and the same will be the case for the opposite side of Self representative of one’s polar opposite Self.
So you see it matters not which road any one of you choose to take or travel at this day in manifesting all things new and different for your world to come – as each of you will indeed come to represent one side of the New Human or Self – or the other side – no matter what choices or changes you come to make in all the days and seasons to come. Those choices each of you come to make will be made simply because of the true ruling loves and affections presently guiding your life and sprit at this day – while some of you are aware of this and some of you are not.
As the New Human or Self all of you will now have access to equilibrium of lfie – and therefore possess the ability to manifest instantly and at will – but only when or if you choose to connect to the higher or collective Self – and at all other times or seasons when you are connected to lower self-based on life’s decisions or choices – your life will go accordingly – and any limitations in life will simply be of your own doing. When you are connected to the Collective Self you will all know of your doings and the responsibilities (though many will not understand ) that go along with said decisions in life – but when you are not connected you will know nothing more than what is known at said levels of consciousness in which you have connected to in every case.
Again we return to letting go of the old and replacing it with the new – for those who are presently aware – and wish to understand in more detail – as this may possibly be the road you have chosen to take in life at this day or season. You have one group (original ruling love) who will choose to move to a plane of existence where they can truly become completely responsible for Self – and then you have those who will wish to continue feeding or surviving in life off of other selves – in service to self – and some of these will continue not knowing or understanding the outcome of said life – while some will indeed know and understand and will still choose to go down that road of service to self.
As it is there are those on your world today who are in service to self and this is indeed their true ruling loves and affections in life – while there are many who are in service to self in unawares – and will one day come to make up parts of Self or the Collective Society that is rather in service to others. This makes no difference in the end as all will truly find their place quite easily when they each take their place in the Collective Human Society of the New Human and Higher Self. But for those who wish to become Self Responsible – not necessarily making up one side of the New Human or the other (as both sides are right or proper – a necessary side of Self) we will continue to speak of these things.
In this new world and reality where the higher human  - who is Self-Responsible – comes to reside all and everything that is required for ones sustenance in life – for one’s happiness and contentment – for all ends to be met without the help or dependence of a single other self is provided by Self or the New Human. The New Human is now the higher human – the inner human – and the complete Collective Human. Technology is no longer required – monetary means or any type of exchange is no longer required.
The physical sun is replaced with one’s own light and darkness as is wished for at any given time. Governments are a thing of the past as are judges and judgment. There is no further need for laws or those who have in the past come to enforce the laws. There are no more rules and regulations of society as the New Human is his or her own collective society. There is no further need for education – no more teachers and no more students. Nothing is ever again required to be learned as all knowing is simply remembered when it is ones season to know all things which become newly added ruling loves and affections – new knowledge to one’s collective society.
Again the New Human is the Inner Human and therefore all things hidden to all other selves living without are all things not necessarily higher but rather new things which cannot be revealed to those who possess things of old (or things the New Human no longer holds to in his or her beliefs in life).
The New Human is not well off as far as his or her needs in life being met and neither is he or she poor but their third density host which still houses the New Human or Inner Human can be either rich or poor – depending on whether the host is content with all he or she possesses in life if it be little or much – where many of your world are presently found to be wanting. Yes the human host will now receive constantly available guidance from the New or Inner Human Self – but it is still always up to the host and lower self to make his and her own choices in life. Of course as the human host comes to trust in its inner and awakened human Self new guidance is more readily and more often received and lived by the human host in a manner where the lower can become as the upper – still living in a world however of much temptation.
With the New Human we would add that no forms of technology are required because all things are provided through organic or natural means. No transportation is needed as all change of space or place is instant – and realities are changed according to one’s will. Nothing the material and physical body requires in and on your world is required with the New or Inner Human just as nothing requires the body either. There is no death and therefore life is not a form of reality any longer as life and death are both lower illusions. There is no more murder – no killing of any kind of the body – and no sickness or disease.
There are no more fears – no more doubts – no sadness – worries – pain – distress of any kind – no schedules to be met and no time to limit one’s daily life as to what one wishes to think – do – or say at any given time or season.
The New – the Inner – the Awakened Human – with heightened senses – who no longer thinks – has faith – prays for – wishes for – hopes for – or expects anything in their new life is simply a being of the Collective Consciousness – and is always knowing – without the least bit of doubt in any matter – and is complete – whole – and is One. There are no children and there are no animals because there is no other one but “You.” The New Human is either passive or active and can be one or the other at any given point in one’s new existence but never both in the same now moment outside of time. The New Human is the spiritual body and no longer uses the material and physical while living one’s new life or existence as the fifth density human or higher.
When the New Awakened and Inner Human is in a passive mode he or she takes on the spiritual body in order to activate motor skills of any kind – but requires no body and form when he or she is in a passive and inactive mode of existence. Again all different bodies and forms are available to this New Human in organic or natural form or essence – but no interaction with third density humans is possible while the New Human is in the spiritual body and in active mode. And so in order for the New Human to interact once again with third density humans he or she too must return to third density mode of existence.
All forms of matter possess consciousness and can therefore interact with the New Human in its spiritual state of existence – but to interact with other selves or humans one must re- enter separation and duality of third density – where macro cosmic humans indeed have their existence and life. The Celestial is passive collective consciousness – the spiritual is active collective consciousness – and the material and physical are active separated consciousness – or unconsciousness. The conscious or knowing one’s cannot interact with those who are not conscious and do not know – given the material and physical human can only believe he or she knows a thing.
So it is the New Human is the Collective Conscious being that is Self but cannot be self without returning to lower third density unconsciousness – where all knowing has truly been veiled. The New Human can live life right alongside other third density other selves and can truly be in their world but cannot be of their world. As soon as vocal speech is uttered by the New Human he or she becomes instantly their third density counterpart or self. If the New Human thinks from within to itself then it still remains the New Human as he or she is speaking to and through organic or natural means to Self.
The New Human cannot interact nor influence third density other selves but only self in that influence and guidance is often shared with self – or one’s own personal human host.
Just as all things similar and in agreement within the human form are together – and kept separate from all things dissimilar and not in agreement – so too is the case for the New or Inner Human. Just as sickness and disease – pain and suffering - can enter into those places not similar and in disagreement within the body of the lower human form so too is this the case with the inner human when equilibrium is not established – but only for a short time as all things in disagreement within the body of the New Human are immediately placed back into equilibrium and all disagreeing spirits will flee to their own place of origin.
 This is true for the lower third density human as well – given that good blood cells and bad blood cells exist within the human form – and in times of stress or sickness both sets of blood cells seek and retain equilibrium within the human form. When this is not the case and the lower human falls sick or diseased it is because the third density human does not know he or she can heal their own body – and doubt sets in – which causes that which is feared to take control of the body – and equilibrium is not so easily achieved. And so with the lower third density human fear and doubt play a major part in ones return to good health – and these things do not have their hold on the New Human any longer.   
From what we have spoken some may come to believe that the inner organs and body parts of the third density human are in fact the inner or spiritual human – but they are not. At this level of human anatomy or existence even the microscopic level is material and physical in nature. Even the human or material and physical level of the human known as the atom is of the realm of the material and physical – though it cannot register or be seen with or through mankind’s technological instruments or machinery. The human atom is still made up of three spheres – and it is three spheres which provide the material and physical realm with its many geometric forms (first – second – and third finites – 3- dimensions). As the atom is broken up however – and we come to use what some of you would call matter reversal you would come to find that the three parts which make up the atom are sometimes there and sometimes not.
This is because there is another term of your present reality known as anti – matter ( the duplicated nothingness)– and this anti – matter can take the place of matter any time the human subject causes this to happen through conscious creation or manifestation. As far as the forms of matter however making up the atom when they are followed to their source one can find a single sphere or globule we have come to call the point or simple while moving back toward the atom you have the first finite and the second finite – and without the third finite we have the spiritual reams that are manifested from these two finites (the first and second finites). The point or simple would appear to any human instrument that might come to visualize it as a single point or simple – when in truth it is two – made up of – from – through – and for the masculine and the feminine – and OF – the Infinite Nothingness or the pure Collective Conscious Source of all something's.
So you see the spiritual realms truly manifest the material and physical which means the spiritual realms came as well as forever and constantly come from Infinite Source first in sequence – though it would appear to the human understanding as instantaneously. Again that which is Celestial ( the point or simple) is indeed the beginning of frequency or vibration simply because the masculine (the one side of the point or simple)Celestial (the point or simple) provides change – the appearance of movement – and the appearance of form) while the feminine provides all knowing from the Infinite Nothing (Infinite Collective Consciousness) – and together as One they manifest all things spiritual( spiral)  – followed by all things material and physical (vertical).
What this all means for those who are prepared to know these things is that the New Human is in the process of moving back toward Source (the point or simple) and all things can then be manifested anew – through one’s true masculine and feminine natures or principles – where the New Human can become masculine in nature at any given time or feminine in nature at any given time as well – but both are required through equilibrium in order to manifest new realities – bodies – forms – shapes – and spheres of existence. The New Human can either choose to be the spectator or he or she can choose to enter into the newly created plays he or she has manifested anew through his or her new levels of knowing taken on through his or her newly awakened state of existence.
The New Human can be passive any time he or she pleases (no vibration and therefore no separation of frequencies) or active and ever changing (possessing vibration and separation of frequencies according to ones masculine beliefs) and the New Human upon manifesting things anew can return to equilibrium or Self at any given point. The lower the masculine falls in densities however the harder it becomes for the masculine nature or principle to return to equilibrium and the New Human (Creator Source). Once the masculine falls low enough to begin believing he or she is the human they have manifested the masculine spirit (human spirit) must take on evolution and begin living the life of the evolving human until such time or season as he or she evolved back to a place where he or she can reconnect through remembering – and once again become the New Human (Creator Source).
Yes friends – all spirits who reside within your collective consciousness of you – the human host – believe themselves to actually be the human – because of the lower levels of unconsciousness and duplicated Nothingness they have taken on in what you would call your past. For those spirits who know they are not the human through processes of recent awakening these spirits represent the New and Inner Human – though there are spirits who are the inner human (of a lower state of consciousness which are not the New Human but still represent the old unconscious human host.   
As we return to speaking of the New Inner Human we wish to remind you all that the New Human will still continue to be the third density human as well – on in to eternity – as do all spirits ever to have been created from Source  or the point or simple. As long as the New Human remains above where the collective consciousness resides within equilibrium of life he or she will continue to know life and death are an illusion or state of unconscious knowing – but once he or she falls again to these levels of unconscious knowing – again he or she will take on the beliefs of said illusory truths. As he or she continues to fall blow to the more dense planes of unconsciousness it gets more and more difficult to return to a place of equilibrium within the collective consciousness of the New Human.
As the third density human host feels happiness – pleasure – and contentment of life so too does the New Human of whom the lower human host serves as what you might term it’s outer shell. What the lower feels according to affections so too does the higher or inner feel these same affections – through correspondences – in a way where the lower human might feel certain affections of happiness and pleasure from holding a small pet – the inner or New Human will feel these same pleasures – but from other sources – given that many things of the material and physical realm do not exist within the spiritual realms.  And so – whatever the body – form – shape – sound – or sphere comes to be represented or manifested in third density – the same affections will always be felt by the New and inner Human – but through different bodies – forms – shapes – sounds – and spheres or through corresponding ruling loves and affections.
Is it possible for the newly manifested third density planes (that are to come for the New Human - through his or her third density human host) can become identical to those things and ways of life which exist for the New Human at higher densities of one’s existence? This is not possible as all things anew will truly share the same overall affections – feelings of happiness and pleasure – but only according to corresponding holographic manifestations – or illusions. Lower illusions are not identical to higher illusions just as lower realities are not manifested in the same forms as higher realities are. An example might be – a parent can feel the same affections when they see the pleasure in their child’s eyes upon giving their child a gift as they too felt when they were a child and received a gift from their own parents. In other words the same affections can be felt when one is giving as one had felt in the past when they were on the receiving end.
The new human cannot hold a small animal and love it any longer while remaining the New Human – but he or she can truly witness the pleasure another self feels when he or she is holding a small animal as a third density human. There are many reasons why the New Human would not wish to return to third density just to hold a small animal and feel this pleasure for a single temporary moment – like for instance if one is to manifest a small animal one is then required to take care of and raise said animal – and so this responsibility would be placed on one’s human host given that this is as far into third density as most New and Inner Humans would choose to venture ever again.
And again – the more responsibility one places on their human host the more other accompanying spirits are hindered in their awakening process as well. In other words the whole society of the human host does not all awaken at the same time or season – but each in his or her own time or season – and the awakened human would not wish to hinder any more those spirits who make up ones collective spiritual society. Again the New Human or Inner Human can provide inner guidance to their third density human host – but to provide guidance in an outer or physical nature would simply cause one to provide lower third density guidance – which is a hindrance to their human host and their collective awakening of their collective spiritual societies.
We as the society we presently represent for our human host as well as Self can offer inner natural and organic guidance for our host – so as to point him in the right direction based on our collective and overall ruling loves and affections – knowing that his ruling loves and affections are our own – but we cannot coerce him into any certain decisions he makes from this point forth. We know many more things – or new things than our human host knows – based on the number of spirits and spiritual societies in our makeup – but we cannot force them on our host – nor can we ever make suggestions off the subject – if it is not the free will seeking of our human host for any given subject matter.
 In other words the fully conscious Self – or the collective consciousness of Self cannot provide guidance in any form for its third density host that it’s third density host does not first seek according to his or her human evolution. All must evolve in lower form back to the collective consciousness – just as all have freely chosen to take on unconsciousness at the levels that he or she has chosen to enter into at any given time or season. No third density human can want to become that which is greater knowing or of a more pure nature than he or she presently holds in life – but must rather intend to become the one of said levels of knowing by the life he or she is presently living – and to ever attempt to swat said human host in any way other than in this manner is to go against all universal principles of Eternal Destination.
Getting back to the subject matter we brought up just recently – we wish to speak on the question posed by our host as to whether or not New forms of reality manifested in third density – that are to come - can coincide or be identical to those realities newly manifested by the new Human within the higher or different leveled densities than our present one here in third density? As we are to understand this question we suppose the human host is asking if there is soon to become a heaven on earth so to speak.
Now we understand that we have spoken in prior messages of guidance that heaven and hell are not actual places but rather states of the human mind. We will therefore remind you that within the realms of all something's every potential and every possibility is truly potential and possible – including heaven and hell as actual places. At the same time within a realm where there is no actual body – form – shape – colors – spheres – and so on – not only are heaven and hell a state of consciousness (not mind) but this is the same with all potential and possibility. In other words for those who are bound or limited to a plane of reality that is of one form or another – all forms – all realities are potential and possible – no matter how unbelievable one might think the potential or possibility might be.
However – if one is residing within a realm of collective consciousness – one is still limited – but all things again exist as potential and possibility as well as actuality – and do again indeed exist as realities – within the spiritual realms – but of a spiritual nature – or of an organic and natural form. For the active they hold form – and for the passive they are held in state of mind alone. Then you have the collective consciousness of all things potential and possible – which truly still exist as realities – but without form - and void of vibration and frequency – and therefore are a state of collective conscious knowing (all knowing) alone – and this is known as the Celestial in a state of equilibrium..  This represents the differences between the material and physical – the spiritual – and then the Celestial planes of our existence.
For those who reside within third density therefore – we say to you that what is required for a heaven on earth is for one to simply receive complete contentment of life – and that non – contentment of life is truly representative of one’s hells – and every human being of third density visits their heavens as well as their hells off and on – throughout their daily lives – not knowing that such is the case. If you live life in want – need – lack - and hopes for more than you presently see in your life then you reside in your hells ( at one level or another) at every moment you have these feelings. If you are complete – content – satisfied – and comfortable with all that you presently have access to in your present life – then you are in heaven. It matters not the level of material objects one retains in one’s life just as long as one is not in constant seeking of more.
All thought we do not enjoy using the terms we about to put forth to you – they are required for the level of knowing we are about to share – and so we do so accordingly. Every human being or spirit who resides out of equilibrium of life is either an angel man (or women) or a devil man (or woman – off and on throughout their daily lives – and no one remains one or the other as all human beings or spirits are both – and switch back and forth from one to the other at any given time in their daily lives. This all of course changes when one comes to know that he or she is neither alone and by itself – but both in a body and form as One being.
When one leaves the conscious levels of the material and physical – as well as the spiritual – one comes to know he or she is truly all things – with no actual separation of ruling loves and affections as all are shared as a collective Self with the Celestial being. Therefore heaven and hell at this time are done away with as they too are things of old. Pride and prejudice are removed as well so that there is no more concern as to whether one wins or loses – is living life within or out of equilibrium – or whether one has little or much in life. In the lower planes of human beings and spirits living life out of equilibrium heaven and hell play a part of the illusion – but once the illusion gradually dissipates so too do all forms of separation and duality (all illusion or unconscious manifestation) dissipate as well.
It is important to remember that every New Human or what some have come to call the higher human is a third density human being from and to eternity according to their exterior form. They never become something that is finally and forever separate from the third density human host because the lower – denser – material and physical human host or shell is forever required to house all spirits and souls at every density levels as well as those of a higher density level. So what does this mean for the New Human who has awakened to new levels of knowing – and beliefs so extraordinary that most all third density humans would see what the New Human knows as complete insanity? It means that if you are not form then you are consciousness void of form – residing within some form in order to manifest all things potential and possible – which each human subject personally comes to believe and know in life- followed by their many manifestations of those things which make up their ruling loves and affections whether outside of equilibrium of life (the unconscious human) or within equilibrium of life (the conscious human).
Just as the third density human is conscious at one level or another to all things lived in their life within third density – so too is their other levels of consciousness less dense in form or essence (as one reflects all the way back to Source – or the point or simple) conscious of their third density human hosts’ life and conscious existence at all levels – even though the lower does not know what the higher is thinking and the higher does know what the lower is thinking. The Higher does not know details however – but simply the ruling loves and affections felt and expressed at any given time. As our human host sits at his chair and conveys our transmissions to all other parts of Self (not self) – the collective shares in the conscious details and affections being offered at this time – and yet the higher densities of our conscious host do not know his happenings in his world –but only his thoughts – given that he shares our thoughts or conscious transmissions as well. 
The human host is aware of all things higher he is tapped into but because he is tapped into things of Self he is presently the Higher Human or Self – and not third density self – given no other selves are involved in our shared transmissions but Self through the human host.  
Do not get us wrong – our third density human host does not know our thoughts nor we his but we simply know his affections and the spirits who represent those affections – while he as the third density human knows nothing of us – not even our affections – as the third density human reflects only on lower or old  things. When our host reverts back to third density on and off all the time throughout his daily life – he is aware of third density things when he is third density self – and higher or New things when he is the higher or New human Self.  So there is much distinction which has to be made between the higher and lower human when attempting to understand their differences.  
The New Human – Collective Consciousness Human – knowing many new things that his or her lower density self does not lives his or her New Existence separate from their human host of third density – while still sharing the same lower form when forms are required. When form is required for the Higher Human - Awakened Human – or Inner Human their Spiritual form is used – which can be used separate from any knowledge of such use by the lower material and physical human host. The same goes for the Celestial Human who has essence or form as well of a Celestial nature – and when this forms is being used by the even Higher or more Awakened – and most Inner Human the Celestial form is used – without any knowledge of such being the case by the spiritual human or the material and physical third density human.
Where the Celestial is truly essence or form – it is a form of such a nature that it is not seen by the spiritual or material and physical – given that the Celestial is the inner spiritual form – and the inner spiritual form is the inner material and physical form. One form is within the other – with that form within the other – on down to ones lowest of available third densities. All densities of consciousness are available to the material and physical – all are available to the spiritual – and all are available to the Celestial. However you have to leave one density in order to enter into another – and this goes for every human and every level of consciousness tapped into by any human host.

How does a Celestial Human live with and alongside of a Spiritual Human – as well as a material and physical human – without ignorance and unconscious beliefs bleeding up into the higher densities of one’s existence one might ask? Because the host has asked this question we are now required out of necessity to go into much detail – of which we are well prepared to do. 
Because your present world and reality is made up of so many different levels of human evolution all are not presently living life in third density while they appear in sight to all other third density humans of your world and reality. Just because other third density humans see another third density human form – and right away they assume all are of the same relationship when it comes to living beings – this is by far not the case. Have you not heard that angels can be within your midst without you being the least bit aware that they are there? Well of course this is the case to some extent – even though we no longer see humans or spirits as angels or devils – or even Satan’s. However it is indeed the case that beings of more privileged information or knowing are amongst you all throughout your daily lives – and many are never even aware of this truth.  
When even our human host is tapped into higher densities of his collective consciousness he is no longer third density self – but rather fifth density and higher Self – simply because other selves are no longer presently a part of his conscious reflective existence – as he is tapped into information rather than life itself and its many illusory circumstances. This is truly the case as well for many of the lower realm of third density who move in and out of higher densities throughout their daily lives – and still are recognized as third density humans by other third density humans or other selves all the time. So one might wonder what it is like for a higher density human to be living in your world and still no longer living of your world.
Imagine a human being who now knows he or she is not a God – but something much greater than a God – and greater simply because he or she places no power over another living or conscious creature – nor does he or she expect anything from another self in life – given that he or she is Self now – and is completely One and Whole – realizing that all human beings are Self – and there is no separation – no ruler ship of one over another – no binding – no limiting other selves to one’s Self any longer. Yes we are greater than Gods according to lower understanding – but equal to and One with all who are Gods – Angels – Devils – Satan’s – and so on – but with New Understanding or Knowing as to what is truly more beneficial to the One and the Whole that is Source.
We no longer separate other selves from Self but rather include all other selves in the terminology of Self – as well as the defined reality of such. These things alone are enough to change your present world for the better and move it to a place of most wonderful things toward a new life for all. But it does not by any means end here – as we have much more to add to what we have spoken thus far.  The lower human or self may indeed represent the lower planes of reality for Self but even third density is a plane of existence that evolves from season to season – society to society – and endless future worlds to come that are in constant removal of all things old.
The New Human is in constant guidance of it’s third density human host – but it does not guide other selves directly as all other selves serve as host as well to other higher societies that are of a different ruling love and group of overall guiding affections which allow all third density human too also one day come to their season of self-responsibility while still living life in the lower planes of our human existence. The New Human when re – entering third density does not revert back to the things of one’s previous worlds and realities  as he or she has now come to manifest new timelines and dimensions of his or her existence for the lower planes as well as the higher planes of existence.
Surely when one has given up beliefs such as the want or need for wars and all forms of violence or rumors thereof – and even the old beliefs of such things as death and various forms of killing - the New Human would not ever wish to return to such things even while he or she is of their lower third density form of separation of self from all other selves. Many things we have previously mentioned which are no longer a part of the life of the New Human are still things that make up the completed society of the New Human – but are of such a low nature in one’s collective ruling loves and affections that said New Human would no longer choose to venture so low in their unconscious existence as to allow their lower human self to move outside of equilibrium of life unless it of their own choosing.
Timelines and dimensions still remain that represent and provide a continued plane of reality for all things that become old or outdated for the New awakened Human but they are there for the lower self to choose from in future generations whereas the New or Higher Human (Self) would no longer require such ruling loves and affections – even if they do represent correspondences within the higher planes of our existence. The New Human can guide lower self but he or she cannot coerce or force in any way the lower self in choosing in life anything other than that of lower selves free will choosing.
When the New Human chooses to venture out into the world he or she is visiting other timelines and dimensions of old – as he or she holds all new things – all new timelines and dimensions within as Self – and as long as there is no interaction with the outer world the New Human is still Self (the awakened inner Human) but this is no longer the case if he or she comes to interact with other selves in the outer world and plane of existence. Again we repeat that the New or Higher Human – the Inner Awakened Self is forever residing in a thing density human form according to spirit and according to consciousness – but the third density human appearing separate from one’s own actual human host will never become aware that other beings – higher beings – or collective conscious beings roam their world within the same basic forms they all occupy as well.
The New Human can choose to experience the Celestial realms of their existence – the spiritual realms of their existence – or the material and physical realms of their existence any time or season they choose to do so. Whenever the New Human chooses to sleep and take on a new human form he or she is free to do so as well – but because one is of new truths or knowing in life old forms cannot be takes no as one’s new form as this would cause old ruling loves and affections – old beliefs –old things imagined – and old forms of illusion to again bound and limit one’s life as every form is a correspondence or true reflection of all connecting ruling loves and affections in one’s life. Now that the New Human has taken on so many new ruling loves and affections – new beliefs -and new truths he or she will now choose his or her new form from all things new.
Old things remain in old timelines and dimensions while new things manifest new timelines and dimensions – and these are those timelines and dimensions lived out by the New Human. Because the New Human does not require possessing or owning anything in life the New Human will not require material and physical things in life – but rather those things of a spiritual or Celestial nature. Then whatever ruling loves and affections correspond according to a material and physical nature to those ruling loves and affections held by Self or the Inner Higher Human Self all things material and physical will be provided as potentials and possibilities for their human host of third density.
Because all things are anew for the New Higher Human Self – so too will all things be anew for their third density human host – but not for third density other selves who are in fact to one day become responsible for self and Self as well. Because WE as Self (the collective consciousness of our human host of third density) can now manifest instantly and at will WE provide all new potential and possibility for our human host of third density in a manner that he can receive all things WE provide through correspondences (in season however) from the higher densities of our existence.
There is no such thing as instantaneous creation at will for any third density human – as all things must be provided self from Self – manifested instantly and at will – but must always be provided to the third density self through correspondences and within said season of said manifested reality or thought form. Therefore the third density host must come to wait on all things patiently – being always satisfied with all he or she has access to in life – while knowing that all things according to ones dreams or wishes will indeed be provided – simply because the human host is in equilibrium of life – and content in all things. The third density human host can indeed have wants – needs – and wishes in life – but one must not dwell on these things – but rather wait on them and be content that they will all indeed come to pass in their allotted season.
As far as the New Human is concerned he or she is new not only according to their higher planes or densities of existence but all lower planes and densities as well. Therefore as one becomes awakened to new and higher things one must eventually come to know as the third density self – that those things in life wished for do not have to be provided by third density material and physical means – but by means of many different sources – and so rationality does not play a part in all new things manifested – nor does things of a third density nature or principle.
The third density human does not know but only believes he or she knows while “Higher Self” knows and provides all things according to his or her true ruling loves and affections and therefore – because the lower human host has the same ruling loves and affections – (not knowing this however) as the olf human becomes the New Awakened Human collectively – all the lower human needs to do is come to trust Higher Self – or their collective Self – who is not limited to knowing and is completely prepared to share all things with their third density human host who is prepared to trust and receive.
Because the Higher Human (Self) does not kill – does not war with – and does not seek any type of violence toward another (self) the lower human host will come to have these same wants and beliefs in life accordingly – but only for the awakened human who has awakened according to season and not according to the works he or she has done in their life or past lives. One does not earn awakening – one does not deserve awakening according to various lives lived in third density as all have lived most evil lives just as equally as they have lived as good and loving citizens – and so one simply awakens because it is his or her allotted season of life to awaken.
The old human (not awakened) believes he or she wants and therefore needs a new toy of some sorts – a new house – new possession - or must gain new ownership over something simply because he or she wants it in life – while the awakened (third density human) may seek the same ruling loves and affections in life – and seek to gain them by the same materialistic means  while out of equilibrium – but as soon as he or she returns to equilibrium of life – and comes to trust in the inner – Higher Self for guidance – he or she comes to know that the same ruling loves and affections can be received or achieved by many other different means – simply by allowing all things to come in their season while waiting on them and remaining content in life in the meantime.
It is not possible for an Awakened Human who now has access to new things – new knowing – and new abilities of manifestation to manifest that which is not of a higher frequency – as they can only manifest from ruling loves and affections that are beneficial to the One or Whole – as well as things that are of a vibration and frequency that is closer to Source (the point or simple) in which case things or realities are not manifested that are not according to Self-Responsibility. What we mean by things manifested according to Self-Responsibility is that the New or Higher Human cannot manifest things according to a reality that involves interaction with other selves as this causes One to become the third density human.
If the human is not One and Whole as Self – he or she is self – and therefore the human is not the New Human but rather the lower representation of Self - which is the third density human. Outer humans (self) are not Self according to being One or Whole – but are representations of other selves possessing their own individual forms – appearing separate from Self – separate from the collective Whole of Self.
Again Self Responsibility requires that the human lives a new life completely Self Responsible and Self Contained. This is accomplished because the body and form are no longer required for all things manifested (by the passive or feminine Self) as there is no further need of any human body or form. For the active and masculine Self however– who is still Self Responsible - ones natural or apparent organic body and form are required – but not those of other selves – but only Self alone. For the Masculine Self therefore the physical is still available – but in a manner of Self Responsibility – living of – from – through – and for Self alone – while knowing all other selves of third density are simply self in an unconscious state of life.
As the New Human resides in a collective conscious state – at the same time he or she is residing in an ether state of existence as well as collective consciousness is the feminine passive and the ether state is the spiral or spiritual form of the same Human  - or fully conscious being. The fully conscious human can therefore choose at any given now moment to be the Celestial – the spiritual – or the material and physical human Self or self. It is the same as before with the old human as the material and physical self is the machine or mechanism which provides a plane of reality when Self wishes to be physical in form – as well as when self-wishes to be physical in form as well. When the human wishes however to possess no form – but to remain passive and inactive – reflecting only on all things known – body and form are not required – but only the collective consciousness of Self.
So now the New Human has access in life to all forms of life as well as all non – forms of life – all from a place which only appears to be within the human mind or collective consciousness of Self. Because however - the New Human cannot remain the higher fully conscious Human living life in equilibrium if he or she returns to third density simply by willing other selves to be present - he or she can only will that Self be present – in one form or another – depending on the ruling love and affection sought after by Self.
It is indeed a universal truth that the Celestial can only manifest things Celestial – the spiritual can only manifest things spiritual – and the material and physical human can only manifest material and physical things. Moving up or to another level of knowing we offer you these words ------
When the human being and spirit awakens the lower human – inner spiritual – and most inner Celestial all awaken simultaneously. The spiritual and material physical human both however reside in and on a plane of unconscious knowing where he and she – he or she in fact – need not upon their entering into an awakening state have to further choose to want – wish for – dream for – pray for – hope for – long for – or be in lack of anything in life any longer.
You see the higher or Most Inner Human is the guiding factor in all manifestation in the life of the human at all the many different levels of existence. Wherein the material and physical as well as the spiritual human live their lives according to season – with all things coming to one’s person according to its season in life – it is not this way with the Celestial. Even the spiritual at many of its higher levels of collective consciousness is no longer bound to times or season of life however – and this is the case when the spiritual is in equilibrium with its Celestial counterpart. For the material and physical human however – who always draws their ruling loves and affections from the lower fourth density spiritual realms or planes of existence life is always bound or limited according to seasons.
With this being the case within each new now moment – outside of time and space -  there is new manifestation of forms and realities which are created from all the many different forms given existence from equilibrium of their spiritual and Celestial – the masculine and the feminine therefore in equilibrium of life. Whatever the lower third density human seeks in life therefore – through want – need – wishing – praying – dreaming – visions – thoughts of fear and doubt – hope – faith – and so on – all things are provided in or out of season – depending on all other forms of third density as well. In other words all lower forms of unconscious human thought is provided for in the end according to all things lower in energetic consciousness and frequency.
For the awakened human – who eventually comes to share in the collective consciousness of Self – even self eventually comes to know and believe that nothing can be provided self unless it is first manifested as corresponding ruling loves and affections from the spiritual Celestial in equilibrium first – at any given time (outside of time) - and is then provided the lower third density human in its season. Therefore the awakened human at some point – and still living life as the third density human – will come to know through guidance of the collective consciousness – that nothing need any longer to be wished for – hoped for – prayed for – wanted – needed – in lack thereof – and that one will never have to be in want or lack ever again as long as he or she comes to a place of knowing (through the collective guidance) and forms a trust in this collective consciousness(higher Self) that all things of one’s true ruling loves and affections will eventually come to pass when it is the corresponding season for all things to be manifested within third density for the lower human host.
You see the wants – needs – and all things appearing to be lacking in one’s life of third density always changes from moment to moment – hour to hour – day to day – and year to year – but the true ruling loves and affections of the human who is host to a higher set of ruling loves and affections – or should we say to a set of ruling loves and affections of a more pure nature – that all things in one’s life are provides from center or zero point (the point or simple) once the human has reached the awakened state of life because lower things are no longer hoped for as long as one is in connection with the collective consciousness of Higher Self. 
And so the Higher Human which appears in form to lower humans to be a lower human (just like all the others) is actually the Higher Human appearing in lower form only to those who do not resonate with or recognize Higher Things. The Awakened “Higher Human” is in its natural state the Higher Human who appears in form to the lower to be lower – Inner to be Inner – and Most Inner to be Most Inner. In other words the material and physical sees only the material and physical – the spiritual sees the spiritual and the Celestial sees the Celestial body and form.
The material and physical is actually the lower spiritual as the lower spiritual believes he or she is truly the lower human – but the frequencies or vibrations of the lower spiritual that is living life out of equilibrium resides in a density that is so low or dense that all forms must reside on another plane separate from the actual spiritual plane. It is more like the spiritual provides all levels of conscious thought for the human form while the human form provides body – form – shapes – spheres – and so on that reside only on the material and physical plane of the spiritual. When all is said and done the material and physical serves as the natural plane of life for the spiritual human.
Again we therefore remind you that an awakened human being on a third density level is only third density when he or she is not in an awakened state of life – or in his or her natural state of existence. The Higher cannot provide you higher knowing nor Higher forms of manifested realities – bodies – forms – shapes – or spheres of life that are reserved only for the Higher. As long as the human is therefore still harboring beliefs in life - and holding on to ruling loves and affections- that are of a lower nature and representing things of a spiritual nature that still fall into the category of the material and physical one is not in an awakened state and is not therefore receiving guidance or connected to the collective consciousness of Self – or the Higher Human.
We will offer some examples:

These are things the Awakened (Self Responsible) Human will no longer seek in life – even though they still appear third density in form to all who are third density still ----
1)      No longer believes in wars
2)      No longer believes in violence of any kind
3)      No longer believes in any forms of ownership or possession
4)      No longer believes in any forms of exchange which would place one in ownership or possession
5)      No longer believes in contracts whether written or verbal between two parties or more.
6)      No longer believes in teaching or learning as all things are truly available to be remembered through proper guidance.
7)      No longer believes in technologies of any kind as all can be provided in life through natural or organic means.
8)      No longer believes in death through Self Responsibility and therefore cannot kill or murder as there is no ruler ship or power held over another in life whatsoever.
9)      No longer believes in law – set order – rules of society – judgment – justice – enforcement of laws or enforcement or order.
10)  No longer sees children as children - animals as animals – plants and trees as plants and trees – and so on as all forms are now seen as Self and are living beings that all form to make up Self.
11)  No longer imposes expectations of any kind on any other being who believes it is separate from Self – and this includes all third density humans.
12)  No longer has wants – needs – or lack in life as all things are manifested by Self on a higher plane – and are manifested in correspondences to all other planes of existence for Self – including third density.  
13)  No longer believes in reading or writing as knowing through remembrance is the way to new knowledge (not learning worldly ways and traditions) by all according to their season through guidance provided for third density from higher corresponding frequencies of the collective consciousness.
14)   No longer reflects on past memories nor future things to come as all things are present and in the now.
15)  Is not bound by habits – traditions – belief systems – religion – or anything of a worldly or fleshly matter or desire.
16)  Is bound nor tied to any other human or self as both the masculine and feminine ar each already represented and provided through Self.
17)  Does not harm another or others – does not cause loss to another or others – does not seek to interact with or persuade another to be anything other than Self – and only guides others when said guidance is from the request of another or others. Therefore the New or Higher Human does not enter third density except for the benefit of the One or Whole.
18)  Always holds the intention to maintain equilibrium of life so as to constantly work toward One’s own true ruling loves and affections – and not those of other selves.
19)  Does not become angry – bitter – jealous – vengeful – spiteful – aroused – good – evil – loving – hating – and shows no other affections that are not of a neutral nature in life.
20)  When Higher Self or the New Human leaves equilibrium he or she still maintains Self Responsibility whether passive or active – as in leaving Self Responsibility One also leaves higher densities and returns to third density – and One certainly knows the consequences of such actions.
21)  Night and day are no longer required or experienced by the New Human as physical attributes and principles are things of old. Consciousness does not need eyes or any of the other physical senses in a reality where One lives in the collective consciousness of all knowing.
These are some of the basic principles we offer that are to come for each of you or are to come in one’s perfect season - and now we provide certain examples of the differences separating the third density human from the awakened human who is connected to the collective consciousness of the New Human in their season of new beliefs - followed by graduating or gradual levels of collective knowing.

1)      The third density human believes in and sometimes loves the thought of wars - if not actual wars - and rumors of wars. If they do not believe in or love wars and rumors of wars they are not presently of a third density mind or unconsciousness – but are tapped into other timelines and dimensions of the collective Self – be it third density or higher.
2)      The third density human believes in or loves fear – violence jealousy – vengeance – hatred in many forms – the desires of the flesh as well as the desires of their world – competition – winning and not losing – and many other affections which are understood to be of a negative nature on a plane and in a world representing third density unconsciousness.
3)      Third density humans (the unconscious) believe in and always loves ruler ship – power – possession – ownership – exchanges of many different forms which make ownership and possession possible in any shape or form.
4)      The third density human believes in and often loves attempting to remove powers and rulers by changing or controlling the situation so that a new ruler – new power – or new guidelines – laws – and regulations are put in place to replace simply other rulers – powers – laws – guidelines – and regulations so as to survive for another season – and then it is just more of the same to eternity. ‘There is nothing new under the sun” – and we tell you there is nothing new above the sun as well.
5)      The third density human believes in and sometimes loves good or evil – right or wrong – bad or best – upper or lower – inner or outer – swift or slow – again winning over losing – a fragrant smell rather than one of dislike – sounds pleasing to one’s own ears rather than those which do not – tastes that are pleasing rather than those displeasing – contact to one’s flesh which are pleasing to self and the flesh rather than those that are pleasing to another’s flesh – wisdom and levels of learning that are acceptable for the majority rather than permitting all to represent in life their own levels of wisdom – without greater or lesser being right or wrong – correct or incorrect. The third density human is not prepared to accept that which is not of their own ruling loves and affections while rejecting them at the same time as wrong or unacceptable for one’s self and those self-calls their own.
6)      The third density human being believes in and sometimes loves violence – killing – murder – death – life – the sickness and disease of another self – harm and loss coming to others rather than self – and so on.
7)      The third density human believes in and sometimes loves Punishment of another – judgment and justice toward another with vengeance and justice based on the benefit of self or other selves.
8)      The third density human believes in and sometimes loves being the teacher – being the student – being the wiser over all others – and being the best teacher or best student over all others as well.
9)      The third density human believes in and sometimes loves their own sexual pleasure over the other partner during sexual intercourse. Wherein one has the option to please the other one always truly seeks one’s own pleasures during sexual intercourse. Even when one pretends or attempts to cause themselves to believe they are seeking to please the other – it is their own pleasure – whether mental or physical which they truly intend as their
final goal. Sexual intercourse is third density as a whole.
10)   The third density human believes in and sometimes loves things of habit – tradition – and the ruling loves and affections that are beneficial to self in life – while always having in mind that self is not connected to any other self – and the human is therefore individual from all others within third density.
11)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves taking advantage of another for one’s own benefit or gain in life – never looking at another as truly being one’s Self.
12)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves night over day – day over night – cold over warmth – rain over sunshine – one season over another – one age over another – one’s size over another – one’s appearance over another- ones strength over another’s – and one’s overall physical senses and attributes over those of another in life.
13)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves another to be sad or distressed  -lonely or depressed – in need – in want – and in lack of in life  - over that of self.
14)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves having more in life than is the case with another or all others in fact – when self is to be provided for.
15)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves to be able to be – do – and have in life over that of another or others at all times or seasons of his or her life.
16)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves contracts – papers of ownership or possession – either written or verbal – the masculine over the feminine – the weaker over the stronger – the rich and the poor – the haves and have not’s – always winning rather than losing – and loves a battle at any given time in order to maintain ownership and possession - and final benefit from all said contracts.
17)  The third density human believes and sometimes loves to have expectations of self over those of another or other’s – always intending to have control over every decision or choice in life when it comes to self during any type of interaction with other selves.
18)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves when he or she is in want – in need – in lack of - and in constant search for more – better  - or most advanced technologies when it comes to material things or technologies one can afford over those things others cannot afford in life. The senses are never pleased or satisfied when there is available something he or she can provide for self through one’s abundance or means of exchange. To provide those things for others or another in life is for appearance sake so as to keep up one’s appearances in life – but the flesh and the mind of the flesh never truly intends to provide for another more or equal to what is available to self in life first and foremost.
19)   The third density human believes in and sometimes loves that all truths held by self are over and above – right over all others – and proper when reflecting on what will be the outcome or destiny of all mankind. The self is always right while all others are either wrong or are partially wrong when truths are compared to those of self.
20)  The third density human believes in and sometimes loves dwelling in one’s past as well as concerning one’s thoughts on many future things. The third density human never lives in the present nor does he or she ever stop to reflect or enjoy what is right before their eyes and other senses.
21)  At any given time the third density human (spirit)  possesses the human machine according to every different ruling love and affection represented within the collective consciousness of the human machine – and therefore the human machine is at any given moment – time – or season drawing conscious life from any given density willed by the supposed human machine. One can leave third density therefore in an instant – move to higher densities of consciousness and supposed daily life – and return to third density in the twinkling of an eye. The human host truly host’s the collective consciousness of self – and self is free to move in and out of every available density of consciousness to eternity – always according to the higher ruling love of the human host presently in possession of the human mind or machine.
As we have offered these examples for your continued guidance toward your present awakening we remind you that there are still many things not covered here in the examples – and we caution you all to search out your own hearts – your own Higher Self who holds your same and true ruling loves and affections  for safe keeping – and we remind you that there is so much more to come  -and we offer presently only the elementary ideas of what it will be like to continue from this point forward in your awakening through the collective consciousness of all that is truly available to you all in this present now moment and in all now moments to come.
