1. There is an age old Principle which guides your world today – and if more humans knew of this principle and understood what it provides and allows for all humans - your world could be a better place for all to live in – together.
2. The principle we speak of is twofold. It says that everything in your world is set and that the order of every human’s steps is predetermined. The other half of this principle states that nothing is set – nothing is predetermined – and it is up to every human being individually to choose unknowingly – which part of this set principle he or she is to fall under.
3. Everything is set for each of you according to your Higher Selves in realms of existence where you know all and can be All.
4. Everything is not set in that you can do your own creating any time you please – and in fact do so – in both times of free will choice – and in times against your free will choices.
5. You see Higher worlds are created all the time by higher human spirits while lower worlds are created as well – by lower human spirits.
6. Every moment of every day of your life you are creating other realities in which you in fact live in – and this is done or accomplished by those lower spirits who make up your conscious mind and thoughts – as they can only create like worlds and realities based on their own ruling loves and affections.
7. Just as lower human spirits create lower realities so to do higher spirits or angels create realities that are correspondent to their own personal ruling loves and affections as well – and each individual higher angel or spirit has their part in the creation of said worlds based on the individual ruling loves and affections as well as the collective ruling loves and affections.
8. Now when two lower spirits create from their own ruling love and affection they too sometimes create collectively or along with other lower spirits – but this does not happen nearly as frequently as in the higher realms because unity of spirits is rarely established on your world. Indeed, there are often similarities but there are usually more did- similarities with two different human beings or spirits.
9. Getting back to the principle that the human beings steps are ordered throughout their life we would tell you that a higher creation takes preference over a lower creation in that what is higher is to be lived out to its completion or end while that which is created lower is not lived out to its end within a single or individual reality. Within the lower realms therefore just as human beings or spirits are divided or separated according to their consciousness so too are their creations – in a way that every created lower imagination is always placed in the timeline or dimension of your lower existence in which it best fits – or is most similar to according to ruling loves and affections.
10. Lower creations from lower humans – or spirits – are also shared with other humans or selves on your world within your timeline and dimension – always according to which humans ruling loves and affections are most similar to said created form or reality. Within the material and physical one cannot create for another self or human lest they do so by physical means. Even when it appears they create for another human or self because their creations from within are shared with other humans or selves- and other timelines and dimensions – what is really taking place is that ruling loves and affections attract similar ruling loves and affections.
11. Within the physical realm if the human spirit lives their life according to the set and predetermined ruling loves and affections their Circle of Life was designed to be lived then they are in correspondence with their higher Self – and therefore he or she will move forward in a more awakened state at such times or seasons. When the human or spirit makes choices in life that are not of their Higher Self – or in line with what has been predetermined for their life then they create other realities – and the more or longer they maintain such ruling loves or affections the farther off their allotted path or preselected course they veer.
12. The human being can return to their preselected course any time or season they please simply by returning to their true ruling loves and affections in their everyday life – in which case they are back on track – and their evolution or awakening continues where it left off.
13. When the lower human is in their creative state they are drawing from lower human principles and lower ruling loves and affections – and those lower ruling loves and affections do not allow them to connect to or draw from Higher principles – and they are in an unconscious state rather than an awakened state.
14. So you see when the human host is in their lower conscious state their steps are not being ordered because they are choosing unconsciously to be Gods – rather than Self at a Higher level of conscious knowing and understanding. They are putting themselves in the place of Gods simply for the fact that they are living the life of lower human principles where they choose things like right and wrong – guilty or innocent – light or darkness – good and evil – under the laws of humankind or above the laws of human kind – and they live by many other lower principles which cause them to attract violence – thoughts toward causing or hoping for harm or loss towards others – visions of war and acts of murder – and so many other ruling loves and affections – or lower human principles which cause the human to place themselves as Gods on your present world.
15. Let It be known for the record that every created reality or world must be worked out in every detail from start to end – from its beginning until the consummation of the Ages – and in every case that created world and reality is being fed from a single individual and original ruling love and affection – so that in Higher places every created world and reality is forever maintained from its original source.
16. Another way of saying this is if one were a preacher and that preacher created his or her own reality – said reality would be the responsibility of that preacher from start to finish – and every choice or decision pertaining to said reality would be at the hands of that preacher. There could be no outside interference and no other opinions would be considered – as there is only one opinion – one choice – and one creation in its purest form.
17. In the Higher or other realms of consciousness – within the Celestial realms in fact – when each reality is created it is created of – from – through – by – and for a single ruling love and affection – a single Celestial Society – made up of all those conscious beings who share one similarity – and that similarity is a single ruling love and affection – which is always the original purpose of said created reality – and the only guiding factor of all things pertaining to said reality. An equilibrium is established between all conscious Selves – and the Masculine and Feminine go to work and create said reality in a place of equilibrium or perfect agreement on all things considered.
18. Everything we speak of here as appearing to be past experiences or actions are in fact happening now – and not in the past – nor in the future.
19. Every organic human machine known by most all as human beings – is a machine that appears to exist and have life – when in fact there is no such thing as life and death in the Higher planes or realms of consciousness. Organic humans are machines that appear to possess consciousness – when in fact the guiding or leading factor in one’s physical existence is that consciousness that is you – and the body and form has no part of you whatsoever.
20. The human form is created or duplicated of – from – through – for – by – and because of consciousness- the consciousness that is each of you individually as well as collectively.
21. Your individual levels of consciousness are always based on those individual and collective spirits that give your human machine the appearance of life or consciousness – when in truth the only part of you that is real is your consciousness of You. You do not and never have possessed consciousness because you are consciousness. Your body and form – as well as all of the material and physical world around you is your consciousness – and is therefore You.
22. You do not know that your human form or machine is not real – is not pure – and is not original. You do not know that consciousness (You) allows for the many illusions of all your senses in life. You think your world around you possesses many objects that are both hard and soft – set in place or moving at different levels or intervals – apparently based on the density of an object or form. You see colors and you see in black and white – light and darkness. You even feel emotions of many kinds simply because you can express your many collective ruling loves and affections apparently from within. Yet we tell you that your consciousness is no more within than your physical world is without.
23. If you lose your sense of sight you see nothing of your supposed outer world – and were it not for your other senses you would have no idea what was inner and what was outer. Lose the sense of touch and you have now lost the ability to comprehend the inner from the outer as smell – taste – and hearing all depend on the sense of touch. Without these human mechanical senses therefore your world is no longer inner and outer but rather it is everywhere – and still nowhere. All that you have left is consciousness – and yet it is still possible to allude to the supposed idea that you are still alive through your conscious mind.
24. Now with your conscious mind you can still dream – and not only can you dream but you can take on body and form – as well as witness many other forms in your dreams. Other than the haziness of your dreams from being in two different realities at once – your dreams appear to be pretty much real do they not?
25. Would you not also admit to the fact that at one time or another you have experienced a dream where you did not know if you were asleep or awake? And have you not also come out of dreams where you will did not know if you were awake or not? So we would ask you how do you know the difference in the everyday life you live now and the dreams you have when you sleep? Is it not for the simple fact that you come to live one certain reality while in appearance you only visit the other? And if it were not for your ability to remember would you know when you were asleep or when you were awake? Yes, some dreams are certainly more realistic than other – and usually this is dependent of how deep of a sleep state one is in. Yet that is no different than if you were in a daze in this reality – wherein things would not appear all that clear or real to you even then.
26. What we speak of here is nothing more than levels of consciousness – or that blinking in blinking out state we spoke of in previous messages. For it is a truth that the more frequent one’s consciousness blinks into their present reality – timeline – or dimension – the clearer and more realistic said reality becomes. Again it is always based on the frequency and vibration one holds at any given time that allows for reality to appear less real or more real to the human subject.
27. As the spiritual human being one comes to live life a bit differently – in that he or she does have access to a body and form – but body and form are not always required – always depending on the levels of consciousness for a said human spirit. The spiritual human is that representative self you each witness in your dreams – and you could even know that part of self today if you now realized that your body is not as real as you think it is. The spiritual human – who is at higher levels of consciousness simply because their societies are not weighed down by all the different spirits they attract in their life and spiritual society – can choose to take on body and form just as easily as they can choose not to – and yet this too always depends on the levels of consciousness of any individual spirit.
28. Spirits think they are the human being in that they think your form is their form – and when their consciousness levels are low enough they don’t even have a clue that they are not human – and that they cannot exist or survive within a body or form. It is those spirits in the higher societies of the spiritual realms therefore which come to know they do not truly require a body and form to move about in the spiritual realms. That spirit world we speak of is your world friends – as all the knowledge as well as ignorance or illusion is available to every human spirit equally as it is to every human machine or body and form.
29. The spirit world is that realm you give a place in your mind but you do not know where that place is. The spirit realm is the lower realms of higher thought – higher realms of higher thought – and The Celestial realms are pretty similar. The Celestial realms are those planes of consciousness where all fixed realities and universes come from through conscious intention – and within these realms Higher thinking is made possible because more spirits and angels come together in a collective – and share all of their similar ruling loves and affections as One. It would be like someone reading a book – and according to each individual page not much is known about that book – but put all those different pages together and the book is in perfect format – and all the information is there (shared freely) to recreate or duplicate that book in its entirety.
30. Again the spiritual and Celestial realms are there with each and all of you – and us. They linger in your supposed Book of Life – and every page is available to each of you if you just knew how to come together with the right pages to the right book – put them in order – and then recreate that same book - no matter what the book might be about.
31. Can physical mechanical human accomplish this task however – or is this possibility a long way off in the distance? If one human being knew the One ruling love and affection guiding this world and reality of ours – and shared that ruling love and affection it would be just like someone coming up with the first page of that book we need to duplicate – so as to collectively return to the true path predestined for us all – and we would then have the ability to begin putting the pages for the book together – so as to in fact collect all the pages to perform such a task.
32. As long as human being of our world – our generation – continue to go off track – and create realities of a much lower level of consciousness – we will not come close to finding that One Ruling Love and Affection that represents our first page in this grand Book of Life we speak of here this day.
33. To find that one ruling love the best place to start is to ask ourselves what is the one thing that the rulers of this present world do not want our people to know. What is the one thing the people of your world cannot possible have or live on your world at this day – because it is hindered by the strong man?
34. We must remind each of you that with this one ruling love and affection that caused the beginning of this created reality you live in today – it’s opposite resides here as well – and just as equally provided – as this is how freedom of choice is expressed in every new created reality.
35. And so we can tell you now that in the life of every human being and machine that populates your world today every human draws from this ruling love and affection or he or she draws from its exact opposite – as it can be no other way given that this is the root principle that has given every human being who has incarnated onto this present world – life- or the illusion that is life.
36. Every human therefore holds a page to this book we speak of on your world today – and every human holds a page to the book which is its perfect opposite as well – one book is being put together at this day – and is almost completed in its duplication – the other is not.
37. Again – you all have come from the same root system on your world and no one is different in that they each and all have their use and purpose toward the growth of that root system – just as you each hold a use and purpose to destroy said root system – and in the process you will once again come to destroy the “Tree of Life.”
38. What we are trying to tell each of you here – in some detail so as to provide you understanding as to why this ruling love and affection came to be our root system per say – is to show you how two opposites can come together in One World – One Reality – and still – in the end both come together for the benefit of the One.
39. Within the many world you have each lived in and on to this day these two opposites have caused a separation of all of humanity – but in the days and seasons at hand they will come together as One. Do you know who they are?
40. Is it not heard throughout your world – through the many writings and holy books - and have they not guided the people of your world not in knowledge of this thing but rather into a lifestyle that always reflects this mindset? That thing called good and evil?
41. Do they not steer you to accept the teachings where one is not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What is this knowledge of good and evil? Surely you all know what good and evil represent by themselves but what of the knowledge thereof?
42. You were created from good and evil – and from that root system separation began in its natural process – and your world and reality had it’s beginning – as well as it’s many ends – and in fact that reality will exist from and to eternity – as it is one of the many building blocks for the human condition and the evolution of the human spirit.
43. Good and evil have destroyed human kind many times over as we have stated – but human kind has saved itself many times over as well – as the opposite of every creation is not only potential and possibility – but it is a part of every reality ever to exist from and to eternity.
44. So you see human kind will come out of this Circle of Life – and they will save themselves collectively – because one generation of human will eat of the Tree while the next one will not. However, it is the generation that in fact eats of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that will save themselves while the other will move on and continue to experience the many illusions of life until their season come up once again.
45. There are four ages friends – represented pretty much by those in your holy books – though the terms do not truly matter at this point – and yet for the sake of those who wish to know them we will share them. There is the Iron age – the Copper or Brass age – the Silver age – and the Golden Age. Corresponding to these ages are Seasons as well – those being Winter – Spring – Summer – and Fall. Again in the Circle of human life on your world there is also Childhood – Adolescence – Adulthood – and Old Age. In your day there is morning – noon – evening – and night.
46. We tell you these things because every generation experiences seasons – every generation experiences ages as well – not only in years or hundreds and thousands of years – but in every now moment of your lives.
47. When you each wake up in the morning your beginning is at hand – and the Circle of life takes over and the virtual clock begins to tick. That clock is representative in every way of your lower human self – and has nothing to do with your Higher Self who resides out of time and out of space or place.
48. Your morning is your winter – your childhood – your Iron Age. It goes like this in comparison and correspondence a) Winter is childhood – the Iron Age – and morning * b) spring is adolescence – Copper or Brass Age – and noon *c) summer is adulthood – the Silver Age – and evening *d) Fall is old age – the Golden Age – and night.
49. The lower human does not know the things set up from above in the higher planes of our existence as this is only known of our Celestial Selves. The lower human does not therefore know the Age they are in until they reach the greater stages of their Golden Age where these things begin to be shared based on the Celestials and when one’s season comes to receive these things.
50. Human beings and some spirits will forever continue to experience Ages and Seasons in their lives. Spirits who are with any given human at the season of their awakening and during the times higher things are shared through influx down from the Celestial realms will receive Higher Things as well – but will often take them with a grain of salt – based on their collective knowledge of their Higher Self.
51. Again every human – no matter the levels of consciousness guiding them in life – will experience certain levels of experiences of their lower human selves – and will therefore continue to experience Ages and Seasons – though they will be aware of their illusory purpose for human kind and will not be the least affected by them.
52. Higher Sources of your consciousness are never affected by lower sources of your consciousness unless one wishes to be or become affected through interaction with lower planes of one’s existence.
53. The human being is not always guided in life from their Higher Selves – except in times when one is capable of becoming Higher Self through a knowing of just who one truly is throughout all of human existence. Therefore, an un - awakened human being knows not of Higher Self while an awakened human being does – and therefore can at any given time or season become Higher Self.
54. Higher human beings (you may call them Gods or Creator Sources – whatever term you please) live throughout your world today – just as they have lived throughout your world from start to its completion – and lower human (or less conscious humans) do not even know of their presence on your world – and cannot share the same space or sphere as these Higher Humans – not because Higher Humans do not invite them to interact with them or be in their presence but rather because the lower humans do not wish it based on the lifestyles lived by these Higher Humans. Higher Humans enjoy living life just like the next human – but they are much more restrained from lower human principles and practices in life – and would not therefore be acceptable company for a human being of a lower level of consciousness.
55. Yes, humans of lower consciousness have often been in the presence of Higher Human Beings – but the interaction usually does not last long – and the separation is caused not from the Higher Human but from the lower in fact. As it is in the material and physical realms so too is this the case in the spiritual realms where spirits often seek to visit the societies of angels whom you would term as Higher Consciousness beings. Often when spirits visit the societies of angels they become sickened in the abdomen or stomach after only a short interaction or visit and willingly – and sometimes aggressively seek to remove themselves from said societies only to return to their own spiritual societies.
56. In and on your world Higher Humans (we will now begin to use a new term for these conscious beings – as we will call them Beings of a Fuller Consciousness) – Fuller Consciousness Beings – have what you might call more pieces to the whole puzzle. They are good and evil in terms you might us – they are wise and some are less wise – some like pain and some like pleasure or less pain in life.
57. Some like riches and some like to possess as little as possible in life – only wishing to sustain their own lives and that of their loved ones.
58. Some like war and some like peace – some like one kind of human and some like other kinds of humans. If you name it there is probably a Fuller Conscious Being on your world that likes or loves, it.
59. So what is different about Fuller Consciousness Beings than the average human being who walks you world you might ask?
60. First of all, life and death are not seen with the same eyes for this group as they are seen in the eyes of a lower conscious human being. They do not die in a manner you would understand – and they do not live in a manner you would yet understand as well.
61. Fuller Consciousness Beings are indeed still human beings – just with a fuller basket full of life’s details so to speak. There is much of life and death lower conscious humans do not yet even know of – and when they do come to know of those things they to will be or start becoming Fuller Consciousness Beings.
62. Fuller Conscious Beings live what they know rather than simply talk about it – for only among themselves can words be spoken of their levels of knowledge at this day. Our human host knows of these things only because he has read the writings and tapped into or attracted those Spiritual and Celestial Societies that offer Full Conscious Knowledge and guidance.
63. Even though some Fuller Consciousness Beings can live moderate or decent lives - some can be very evil or gruesome when they want to be – and yet they get away with their practices and principles of life because they do not attempt to be the God of other human beings. If they did, they know that they would once again fall under the universal principles of Gods – those being lower human principals in fact.
64. The fact that many humans who believe themselves to be awakening at this day are actually standing in a stagnant position in life presently – as they steal the words from books and pages of others – or they befriend those whose words seem wise to the human public – for a true awakening human usually comes to know in the beginning stages of their awakening that everyone gets back in life exactly what they put out. Yes, many continue to blame those they think have offended or betrayed them on the world stage. These are not principles of an awakened or awakening human being.
65. As we were saying however – before we went off on another subject – Fuller Consciousness Beings Live their lives in self responsibility – not ruling the lives of others and not even providing guidance in the life of others in most cases – unless that is a part of their principles guiding their life. In other words, a life of constant practices of guiding others makes you the God of some whether you like it or not – if they choose to place you in a state of God Hood. Fuller Consciousness Beings cannot accept these situations because it places them constantly in lower consciousness as is the case for all who allow themselves to become someone’s God. Still as a Fuller Consciousness Being knows there are many situations you can find yourself in within lower human life that does not put you in harm’s way – and so guidance is sometimes offered and sometimes not – depending on the Fuller Consciousness Being.
66. Fuller Consciousness Beings cannot rule your world – but only lower consciousness human can do this.
67. Whatever a Fuller Consciousness Being creates as a Fuller Conscious Being – using Higher Principals that is – those creations were predestined – predetermined – and were set to take place in their season – for lower consciousness human beings – as guidance on their world. Yes, Fuller Conscious Beings can Create Higher things on your present world – but they will be seen by lower consciousness human beings as corresponding lower things or principles.
68. Again Fuller Consciousness Beings can write books – do blogs on your internet – have their own web page – and even do seminars or have knowledge sessions with all different types of humans both lower and higher in consciousness – and still each human will only hear and see what corresponds to their levels of knowledge of Higher Principles.
69. If a Fuller Consciousness were to kill another human being – whether they were fuller Consciousness Beings or lower consciousness human beings – they would become that persons God – would accept or take on the responsibility of that human’s complete spiritual society and soul group – not knowing what devils – demons -spirits – or angles came with the package – and this could be detrimental to the Fuller Consciousness Being – and so they do not kill.
70. All in all, Fuller Consciousness Beings stay to themselves or among those who are very similar in life’s principles - never allowing the lower human public knowledge of their person.
71. A Fuller Consciousness Being can offer up guidance to a lower consciousness human being which will bring them riches or power in many ways – but cannot directly cause harm or loss to any human. This is why the rulers of your world will not directly give to you or take from you in life – but will only set rules and standards where you are tricked into giving of your own free will out of fear and doubt of regulations you think are in place – regulations made to be written with so many pages that you often do not bother to read them – and then assume you are their slave or under their submission.
72. Because of these principles and standards on your world it is the lower consciousness human beings who must play judge – jury – and police on your world as they do not know their destiny or the things they will reap in the end.
73. And so the Fuller Consciousness Being can cause it to appear that there are laws set in place for human kind - while human kind assumes these laws are just and true – and therefore choose freely to submit to them – and live their lives as if to be the slaves of some Slave Master. Yes, ignorance and force are at play in all of this so as to help the rule of law to be believed and followed by unsuspecting human populations – but those lower consciousness human beings believe as well that they are doing what is right and proper – all along being misled by the same groups of human beings living their lives in complete ignorance of good and evil.
74. The judge may know he or she is crooked or less than completely honest – and yet they live their lives as well by lower human principles – living life for the flesh and self.
75. Those who hold the true power on your world hold that power in your minds – based on your lower human beliefs – while they have caused no one harm or loss because all things have been given for ages freely – and by each individual human beings choosing to do so themselves.
76. If a man does not set himself up as your God – and you come to him and give him all your riches – freely and without coercion on his part – you are making the decision to do this – you are playing the part of your God – and it is, you who are causing yourself harm or loss simply because of your lack of Higher Human Principles. At a lower level if humans are going to go to contract with other humans they should at least read all of the contract. If you are going to submit to a contract you never signed, then it is your fault and responsibility that you have suffered harm or loss – and not that of any other.
77. Why would Fuller Consciousness Beings offer guidance to a group of lower consciousness human beings which would allow for the world citizens to be in such suffering at this day as well as in many days gone by?
78. As we have said in our messages many times some Fuller Consciousness Beings are basically good and harmless – while others can be horrific and can cause much harm and loss to those who are ignorant in life of what is truly real and what is just an illusion or imagination of one’s beliefs based on error. Again some Fuller Consciousness Beings love riches – love power – love wars and violence – and love to see the harm or death of another or many other human beings.
79. If one is a God – and said God chooses to live in a world where there is ramped misery – pain – and suffering, then he or she has the right and abilities to do so – and they can indeed live there – living as a God – so long as they do not truly or actually inflict pain – suffering – harm – loss – or death on other human beings. They are very careful in making sure they continue living their lives by these principles – while at the same time it is human beings of lower levels of consciousness who must evolve out of those present levels of lower human consciousness they presently continue to feed on in life.
80. If humans did not wish for the type of life they presently live on your world, then they would not be here – and so they are all here for a reason. Each of you must individually come out of your lives of fear and doubt – violence and rumors of wars as well as actually wanting to fight in wars – no more wanting the death of another whether it be in justice or vengeance. You all live in a world that perfectly reflects what you hear on a daily basis through media and books – internet and television – and those faces you see are the faces that reflect some of the same faces you see every day in your own homes. If you want to change your world then have a change of heart – but do not blame those on your world who come to benefit from your ignorance or lack of self-responsibility in life – for everything they have you each play your part in giving it all to them freely.
81. So with this being the case many of you may ask – so where are the benevolent Fuller Consciousness Beings on our world – and why have they not come to our rescue? Well it goes like this --- If a Fuller Consciousness Being who has good or positive principles in life were to seek to rescue your world – on a world where Fuller Consciousness are few in number – as opposed to the Celestial or Higher realms – he or she would not have a chance – not to mention they cannot and will not war with others or attempt to use any lower principals in order to take others out of places of power or rule – and so those who have offended you in life dear people must learn their own lessons just as you each must do at this day. We can sometimes come to the aid of one or a few – but that would only scratch the surface on your world – and your world needs nothing less or short of a grand awakening of the human population – and it is in the works as we speak.
82. No one can come to your world and save you individually friends as it is only within your own power or abilities to save yourself. If we remove life lessons for any one of you, we cause a hindrance to your evolution or awakening – as lessons will have to be repeated again and again until there is no one there to help you but you.
83. Again we tell you that your world is in its present condition because of the conditions of your collective hearts as well as your individual conditions of your hearts. Get your hearts in the right condition and knowing will come – the knowing which will allow each of you to be empowered to fix everything that is broken in your individual and collective lives.
84. In ending this message, we offer you these words --- Be gentle as a lamb and as sly as a snake.