Countdown to an evacuation #40
Play nice humanity – it is just a game!
As I am all for projects that benefit humanity I must tell
you that there is a higher principle found with humanity at this day which is
not focused on because humanity is not yet ready for it to come into play on
your world – and I say your world because I am prepared for it (as are others
who have a similar state of mind and consciousness) – I intend it – and I
simply await its fruition today while knowing it will come in its season. This
principle I speak of is one that does not require money or riches – in the form
of paper – metal - or digital exchange.
Though I do agree with someone who possesses riches who is
intending to share those riches with the collective world population - to some
degree – I do not put my heart and soul into envisioning their overall benefit
to human kind. What I mean is sure - plenty of folks might get a sustainable
income for the duration of their lives – and yet they may not. What we are
looking at here is some man or woman who is offering peace and (or) abundance
to the world and still he or she will hold the keys to its maintenance
throughout the many days ahead – and then one day he or she will be gone. In
the meantime, someone will possess riches while people the world over will
still possess only limited access to the funds they require in order to just
get by in many instances.
Not all people will want to put forth an effort to further
new systems being offered up – in which case they will live life with basic
necessities or one in direct proportion to their labors in life. All the while
at the top of this money structure you will have this wealthy person still
holding his riches and control over the whole thing – and therefore having the
ability to sway or control the spreading of wealth and power in any direction
he so chooses – having the people of the world possessing only the abilities to
trust this person – and never having the ability to remove them from their
position as grand Master of some new plan to save humanity.
As long as there is a strong man therefore there will be
those in existence and in such a system where they are under all limitations of
this strong man. If you all read the contractual agreements, you will see that
conditions have already been put into place – and there is nothing stopping
those conditions from being changed later on down the line. You will all
therefore be under the limitations of this individual who possesses great
wealth on your world – and if they should at any time choose to pull the rug
out from under your feet – and exit from their original agreement (though it
too is not such a beneficial agreement for the world today) where will this
leave all who have exited the present system and will now be seen to be the
enemies of that which once was their only bread and butter?
Abundance is not found in the number of digits you have in
your checking account or paper dollars you carry around in your pockets or
under your mattresses. Abundance is always equal to and reflected by one’s own
quality of life and how he or she looks at things in life. As long as there is
a single human being who holds power and property greater than any other your
world is still defined by the rich and the poor – and there is no hope for
equality and Oneness in a world which allows such practices to carry on into
the future of such a world.
You have to go back and think about how we all got in the
place we are in today – and you will all see that a rich man put his money and
his principles to work in order to fashion a society that truly reflected his
intentions and over all limitations on societies the world over – in a way that
he was not considered rich at all until someone took the bait – and began
feeding off of his created system of exchange. These systems have been around
for a long time now – for generations upon generations – and they always had a
single human being (strong man) at the top of the scheme or system feeding off
of his creation for generations to come – and then another just like him or her
took the reins when said person was gone from this world.
Believe me when I tell you all that change will not come
from the top down no matter who controls the money or supposed riches because
the rich choose to build on - and further their riches in life. Change also
will not come from the bottom up because this has been decided through many
back door meetings time and time again – and so they prepare for such
possibilities and their war machines have it all covered.
What has not been considered however is the abilities of one
who no longer requires their sustenance in life from the old systems and can
therefore move forward in creating and maintaining intentions and the much
required patience - allowing for all things in season – in a way that what is
intended truly for the benefit of all humanity not only in intentions but in one’s
thoughts – words – and actions in life to reflect the same. When all is said
and done with these “Money Saviors” many of you will come to understand that
what has been stated about material riches is indeed what will continue to
limit your world just as it has been limiting it for generations upon
generations – and that few will achieve happiness – abundance – or contentment
of life in a system that is nothing more than another version of the one which
has a strangle hold on your world today even.
Many will continue to enjoy the monetary blessing comings
their way – and indeed they will come – and many will continue to enjoy the
many contracts to be signed by your so called friends and neighbors – and again
many will even continue to enjoy the laws and regulations placed on society
that appear to have your best interests at heart – but they will not. How can I
say these things and still strive for the overall benefit of all humanity?
Because good intentions only sound like good intentions when
someone else is saying them to an individual or collective group – whereas said
good intentions mean nothing when the individual or group offering those
intended blessings do not know what is good for each individual human being to
begin with and are simply assuming they do based on lower human understanding
of abundance and peace. Still some wealthy human being who comes into the
picture and proceeds to save the world based on what he or she thinks will save
the world will one day no longer be in the picture – and once again the human
individual or collective of human beings as a society now find themselves
dependent on another individual or group. If your financial Savior dies
tomorrow – or is taken out of the picture – where will your hopes and dreams
find their sustenance in days to come?
The world you all live in and on is a stage (as many have
heard time and time again) and on that stage is many actors and actresses who
represent good and evil – which are lower human standards of those things which
bring supposed happiness and contentment of life to all – though always
depending on whether your happiness and contentment are found in what appears
to be good or what appears to be evil. In the end however it is all just an
appearance – as there is no actual good or evil given that all things have
their place and season in life – for the benefit of all of humanity from and to
eternity – providing one lesson after another until each one day comes to
remember that it is all for nothing.
Yes, it is all for nothing because this world you live in
has been nothing more than a stage for learning life’s lessons and has very
little to do with your true existence while it is all being played out. You
learn that if you bite then you will get bitten. If you kill another conscious
being then what you have killed removes that part of you that said conscious
creature represented within your own being – and lesson after lesson will be
repeated until such time as you allow these conscious forms to not only exist
as a part of your inner being but as your outer being and world as well.
You never permanently get rid of anything in life but only
remove it from your sphere of life on a temporary basis – until such time as it
returns – and the lesson is repeated in some other form – and continues to be
repeated until you accept every part - every form on your present world – which
is nothing more than another reflection of those spiritual or conscious forms
that make up your total Self – to eternity.
A rock is a part of your being – sheet rock is a part of
your being – water – acid – poison – good tasting food and bad tasting food
alike – all are a part of your being – whether you accept them in life or you
reject them. When you accept them you often do so in an unconscious manner –
not often accepting them for the right reasons or with the true and correct
intentions. To accept a person – place – or thing simply because you know it is
a part of you and never intended harm or loss toward you in its natural state
then you are reflecting your true Self – and all will go well for you in the
days ahead. The reason for this is because each of you possesses every spirit inside
yourself that loves everything about this world you have created – and it is
you – the unconscious human machine – that have twisted it all inside out at
this day.
You possess spirits who love the sand at the beach and you
possess spirits who love the concrete buildings that make up all those cities
you have worked in or visited in life. You
possess spirits who love pain felt by your many human senses and you also
possess spirits who love the many pleasures that come with life. Everything put
in your food and drink is seen on your world as either healthy or unhealthy –
proper for your body or poisonous to your body – and yet there is nothing ever
to be consumed that is truly harmful to the human body if it is in perfect
unity with the world around it – as it was at one time in your existence.
You believe the falsities given you in your life by those
you have come to trust – whether it be family- friends – neighbors – doctors –
or those giving you the law on your world at this day. You fear things so readily
and strongly in life that those fears cause you each much pain – sickness –
disease – and even death in some cases. As it is no different with our human
host he too is not quite there yet in knowing and trusting all higher
principles in life – still we are able to use him as a guiding mechanism toward
the destination we are prepared and hope to take you all to at this day.
We tell you that material riches are not the way to true
contentment of life – and some of you get it while some do not – and that is
simply the way it will be because usury on your world today is at some of its
highest levels – and such systems cannot be removed from the minds of human
beings until such time or season as each human individual is prepared on an
individual basis to accept all representations of self in life as One’s Self –
and in the process of accepting all things – allowing all spheres or forms
holding consciousness to live their life and existence – and to continue
reflecting what they presently reflect in their everyday lives – so that you
each come to know the exact condition of your present lives today – allowing
all room to reflect on their own in a way that will allow all to evolve to
greater levels of consciousness while having no further coercion on your part.
This is not some condition we offer you that will be
reflected or represented by humans ( machines or physical vessels) who appear
to awaken or evolve to greater levels of consciousness at this day - but a
condition that can be held by every human being
(machine or physical vessel) on
your world – as again it is another part of your overall being and Self that
will be accessible for all when the time or season is right for each of you –
and yet no human will possess higher levels of consciousness and abilities to a
point where they will lose lower abilities and levels of consciousness – for
every human will come to represent whatever levels of consciousness they choose
to reflect in life at any given time or moment in their everyday lives.
In other words, one could still be or become a world leader
or ruler – a dictator or peasant – rich or poor – powerful or powerless – as
all abilities will be accessible for all at any given season of one’s daily
life. One can return to their old ways living through old systems and
traditions – or he and she can choose to reflect all things higher – using
principles in one’s life that place him or her in a state of mind and existence
that provides abilities and levels of consciousness many today do not even
consider a potential or possibility.
Again you have not because you intend not and you live not –
according to the higher principles that bring about a human society of total
self-responsibility and total unity of mind and consciousness – where no one is
greater and no one is smaller than any other (part of the whole) within their
human societies that are to come. As long as humanity continues therefore to
use other human beings and live off of the backs of other humans for their own
gain or power and riches in life – said human will remain in a system of usury
and will never achieve that contentment of life which comes when you truly know
you are placing the true benefit of all humanity in your hearts and intentions
– for a world no longer bound in separation – no longer living life for the
lower self - - but rather for the One Higher Self – that being all of creation.
There is no temporary solution to the problems which come
with a world of usury – no way out through transition periods – and nothing
beneficial for all humanity as long as the abundance and peace on your world is
not placed in your own hands – but is rather placed in the hands of one or many
who are not your responsibility – and do not fall under your life’s principles
at this day – as was the case many times in days gone by. When all is said and
done all power- all abilities – and all
potential to create – duplicate – or manifest a world of true collective peace
and abundance can only come through your own hands – your own abilities – and
your own collective intentions in life.
Many say this is temporary and we tell you it is permanent –
for only that which you control in life can be temporary – as you cannot ever
control the future ruling loves and affections – nor life intentions of another
human being – and to seek to do so would be nothing more than de- evolution for
your human spirit. He who controls the wealth does not control your future nor
the future of any other – and what he intends to bring about for the good or
benefit of all humanity is only his intentions – and no one is immortal within
the material and physical realm.
And so if the things you do in life – the choices you make
in the days ahead – are truly for the benefit of all human kind – as well as
your children and grandchildren – you have to think to yourself – “what is the
best changes I can make at this day to ensure that my fellow humans and
offspring will truly be guided toward a world formed in unity and a collective
life of contentment for all - for generations to come?” Will it come in the
form of material abundance or possessions? Will it come through any form of ruler
ship or government? Will laws and contracts bring true contentment to a
generation prepared to choose for themselves and guide others to live in
self-responsibility as well? Will it even come to a selective group of humans
who continue to play act on a world stage full of play actors? No it will not!
As long as you have rulers – as long as any law limits the
free will choices of human society – someone will not be equal – someone will
remain a slave to those who enforce said laws for future generations. As long
as humans are comfortable with their material wealth or partial wealth they
believe they have contentment of life and an apparent life of happiness and
pleasures which will be or can be passed on to their children and grandchildren.
It is not until you take away this comfort zone - by removing dependence on
material wealth or abundance – and supposed peace that the people will begin to
see all that is truly important in bringing peace and contentment of life to
the human condition and for all generations to come.
As long as a single human is seeking treasures or
possessions beyond that of another in life – he or she is bound by the old system
or lower human principles which guide all into continued death and destruction
living in a world and reality of lost souls. There is nothing wrong with much
abundance – no matter what the level of one’s abundance may be – but does the
one who possesses the abundance freely share all of his or her abundance with
his or her other selves in the world – and is it shared equally and fairly with
all – having no regards to giving more to some than what is shared with all
Okay so some human being possesses riches and he or she
decides to bless the people of the world by giving them all a gift from their
wealth that is equal for all according to the terms of said gift. Does he or
she still decide to hold or possess the remainder of the wealth in his or her
account or possession so that he or she still possesses the greater wealth
compared to all who have been gifted with the funds? Do you not see that this
person still holds greater wealth – and therefore greater powers and abilities
to snatch it all back one day or cease in the timely deposits going out to the
people of your world? This cannot be and it will never work – because this
system of things is still based on or represents principles still holding to a
world or society where one is either rich or poor.
It is no different than saying you are equal to all other
humans but you are less than your God – as those who allow themselves to submit
to this apparent new system of things still continues to submit to a strong man
which he or she is putting in place as their God – based on lower human
principles. As long as you hold some God or conscious being over your own head
or self in life you cannot move forward and become the One True God that you
truly are in other realms of your existence – as you must remember and come to
terms with these lessons of self-responsibility before you move on to such
higher realities and principles of life and existence.
As long as a single human being on your world possesses
riches over and above the individual riches of every other human being on your
world there is still a strongman ruling their kingdom – if in fact a single
human being is in submission to said strongman. If no one gives this strongman
his or her power and abilities to rule over or limit any other human individual,
then the strongman is his or her own God – and his or her powers and abilities
lie only in his or her illusions and beliefs in life.
There can be no more rich and no more humans in poverty - in the world that is to come for each of us –
but each of us must find said world and reality in his or her own seasons of life.
Such a world of usury cannot ever sustain itself but for a limited and finite
season – and it eventually dies off and comes to it’s end. Why? Because the
strongman is never satisfied with his or her riches or wealth – and will seek
to destroy all of its slaves or servants until such levels of population have
been reached – to a point where the strongman no longer feels threated - and
his or her riches and power has reached its climax or limits.
Your world is full of human beings whose ruling loves and
affections are guided by both the masculine nature (strongman) or the feminine
nature (Self). The masculine will forever seek to have it all – until such time
as he or she can take or steal no more. The feminine natured human being will
come to a place in his and her life where he or she realizes or remembers that
they were never ruled by ruling loves and affections other than the feminine
and that he or she was only possessed for a season so as to come to remember
this and move on to their gradual but progressive and successive return home.
The temporary transition therefore that certain numbers of
humans today believe will come from a usury system to a non – usury system will
not come from the system or collective societies of humans who feed off of
similar systems today as that system will forever rule your present world and
is there to stay for the children and their continued lessons in life. Those
who are to truly transition or move to higher planes of reality and higher
principles of the human condition will do so on an individual basis and not on
a collective basis – as no one can ever know the totality of another human
heart or their true ruling loves and affections in life. You may agree with
another human on a certain topic today – but tomorrow will be different – at one
level or another – and one day they will even become as a stranger to you – and
their life’s principles will no longer be the same.
And so if you go to contract with another human – never again
place a date – time – or season on said contract – always keeping it open for
future or later discussion – as even your heart will come to change in days to
come just as it has in many days gone by. We are an evolving species
representing a consistent growing consciousness to eternity – and that
consciousness is being offered many different choices from one day or now
moment to the next – and because of those many choices and the many myriads of collective
and individual spirits possessing the rational human mind at any given point in
one’s life – one can never say he or she is this or that – for tomorrow it will
all be different – and your friends and neighbors will often challenge your
beliefs and changes in state of life and mind on a daily basis.
Continue to grow in consciousness friends – proceed forward
in accepting all lessons life throws your way – and never again make a promise
to be anything tomorrow as tomorrow is another day. Let your yes be yes and
your no be no – and leave it at that. If you achieve abundance and (or) peace
today take it – if it is asked of you give it – never taking what is not
offered and never giving what is not asked for. When those acceptations come
along where you wish to give when one has not asked – do not be hard on
yourselves for this is just your true feminine nature acting out her lower 3-d
human condition and unconscious principles which she often shares with her collective
Self and self in life. As we all know that we reap that which we sow in life –
it is our intentions that do the sowing and reaping – and not always the
outcome or appearance of a situation.
Be true to yourself – be wise and fair to yourself – be forgiving
of self as well as of all other selves – for the world you live in is your creation
– and you are the one responsible for coming up with all the new scenes that
will represent your life’s play – so enjoy it – have fun with it – and use an
open heart when you give it substance in your new everyday lives of higher
human – as well as lower human principles.