Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #39

Countdown to an evacuation #39

Each of you is a world – a society if you will – and your society is made up of all the devils- demons – Angels – Satan’s – Gods – spirits – and Creator Sources which make up at the same time all the collective conscious realm of all and everything.
Each of you have manifested or duplicated a form in your present world so as to represent the thoughts – words – and actions of your own personal society and world. This form is not the world – it is not the society – and it is neither life or consciousness as you would each come to understand these things on a higher level.
Your form is a slave in a sense because it must always succumb to every intention of the society and world that appears to dwell within its physical and mental limitations. There is not a moment or day that goes by that your own personal society and world is not constantly changing its intentions – ruling loves and affections – and in the end its appearance.
Because your personal society and world is constantly changing – it is therefore never the exact same society and world – but is different according to the present makeup of all working conscious inner selves who presently make up the collective consciousness of self and Self at any given time or season.
Every moment of every day different opinions – different circumstances – different experiences – and different intentions are offered to each of you individually – based on your inner working societies and those which make up your present collective self at any given time or season. In other words the being you think you are at any given time in your life is not the being you were five minutes ago – or yesterday even – nor will it be you tomorrow.
Today you may like or love plum pudding – while as soon as tomorrow gets here your tastes have changed when it comes to plum pudding – and you may come to despise it. We use this only as an example as you can each place in front of you any like or love you presently hold in life – and at some point, in your supposed future you will not like or love the same things at all. This is because you are a collective being – and infinite being – and a being who is truly each and all things – at one point in life or another.
Today you may enjoy the thought of war with your neighbor – as he or she may possess something you want in life – and you are therefore in agreement within yourself to go to war with this person to attain said thing. You may even like or love war simply because it changes your surroundings or brings some sort of excitement to you that you did not otherwise feel in your day. Tomorrow however this could all change – as your understanding in life as to what is best for you – your family – or the world collective of humans is not war or violence – and you may even come to regret that you ever had thoughts of war – all depending on the level of change in your hearts and minds at any given point in your lives.
Much is offered up to each of you in your everyday lives – by your higher selves – as your higher self truly has a collective understanding of all things in your present life – while your lower self has only a limited understanding based on the sort of life you wish or seek at any given time or season. So, your higher Self is basically the head of the collective world or society within your being – whether you wish to call it physical or spiritual – and this higher self always chooses what is offered to you on a momentary or daily basis – and you get to choose what roads or paths to take based on your present ruling loves and affections in your present understanding of life.
Because you as the lower physical human look at many things in life as good and evil – right and wrong – lawful or illegal – beneficial or non – beneficial -------- you separate not only ruling loves and affections in your life – but you separate all the working pieces within your being that make up your world and society so as not to be living your life as a collective world and society.
Rather than taking what is offered in every new moment of your everyday lives and using it for the true benefit of the whole – or world around you – as well as within you – instead you often consider all potential experiences or lessons in life as either good and beneficial to you – or not – and then come to base your next move or intention on this decision. All the time the lower human rarely thinks to him or herself that all things offered up represent a single or collective part of you that has life and existence as well – and it all comes from within you – as some different part of self.
What appears bad or negative therefore to your present circumstances is nothing more than a circumstance or offered experience that will allow you another opportunity to accept every different part of your inner and outer self – so as to eventually come to realize and remember that you are a world – a collective society – and just as it goes with the human body – whether it is the inner or outer working parts – still all things – all parts work toward the good and benefit of the human body – whether you have come to know and understand this or not – at this time in your life.
Just as you cannot cut out parts of the body and expect the body to be the same afterwards – nor will it heal or collect itself in the same manner – so too is this the case for your inner self and body – your world or collective society that is truly you in all universal aspects. That which one hates or that which one does not love or agree with in life is still self – even when it would appear otherwise to one’s self.
Everything happening in and on your world today is happening for your continued evolution of the human spirit – and each of you cannot rid yourselves of any person – place – or thing simply because it appears to bring negative thoughts and feelings into your everyday life. Some things are there for your betterment and some things are there for the betterment of your close friends and neighbors – as well as certain loved ones.
You therefore would do well to allow them to learn their lessons in life while you as well learn your own – when it is a season of learning for you – and not just friends – neighbors – or loved ones. We do not all seek rulers any longer to govern our lives and so those rulers are there for your other selves in such cases – and it is your responsibility to know the difference. Many of us do not attract ourselves or love war any longer and yet war still exists in your world either because you still have lessons to learn from war – or some other you does.

Terrible things continue to happen in your world today that many of you would look at as disheartening and unacceptable for your world and generation – and yet these things must be for a time or season while your world is presently being put back into it’s corresponding order in your life – based on what your true ruling loves and affections truly are at this given point in time.
There is nothing transpiring on your world that truly is not there for you – and all things will continue in the manner in which they are offered until you and you alone come to intend and manifest your future world to truly reflect what you truly intend – and no longer what you  - (some of you as well as many of you) continue to reflect in your illusions and deceptions while pretending to be someone other than whom you truly are in life – for the benefit of certain happiness and pleasures in your daily lives today.
Yes, we all do many things in life simply for a temporary happiness or moment of pleasure – when in fact there will come a day when each of us personally decide to stop pretending and to  be our true selves in life – no longer seeking simple temporary pleasures any longer.  As there are indeed many circumstances in your present life which do not give you pleasure – and so many of you therefore choose to fight or war against known and unknown undesirables – you often create good and bad – right and wrong – lawful and illegal throughout your world – and in such cases you who believe your own deeds to be good and honorable seek to rid yourself all the time of those things – people – or circumstances which appear to you as undesirable.
Again, all things work together for the good to those who come to know this truth in life. What often appears as bad or negative simply appears that way because of how one is looking at their present situation. What appears presently to be a negative situation will often turn out to be a positive situation as long as one is prepared to wait out all things to their end use and purpose toward your life’s circumstances.
Many things on your world today do not appear as attractive or beneficial to each of you – and yet all things are put in place for a good reason – and outcomes often become negative only because we and our other selves who help to populate our present world come to jump the gun and make an end to many things or circumstances before they are played out on the world stage. Do not concern yourselves with those things that others see in life as bad or negative – and just know that it is just the opposite for them -  as long as they are personally prepared to wait it all out. As for each of you the same scenario applies.
If some of you presently seek a world without money or usury – war and violence – rulers and dictators – and all the many things that make your present world a reality that just does not suit you – then simply wait – intend what you love – and allow all things – all pieces of the puzzle to fall into place according to their original and predestined intentions or design.
Do not concern yourself any longer with their illusions – their intentions – and all the negative loves and affections they are harbouring toward others on your world who have offended them in days gone by. If another offends someone else it is because that person is offending their own self through other selves who have been sent here to this present world and generation so as to play the part they were intended to play – whether that part was meant to be one’s positive or negative experiences or offenses in life – for all that takes place here has truly been pre- ordered for all.
If one of you continues to fight or war against those persons – places – or things you do not love in life then more war and violence is always what you will get back – whether from the original source or from some other. So do not harbor hatred and thoughts of revenge or justice against another in life any longer – for if you do the same will come right back to you in one other form or another.
All and everything which appears to other to be negative – not working out for the good of your collective world population is simply an illusion many humans today – as well as in days gone by – have conjured up of their own imaginations – fears – and doubts – and those imaginations have come from those before who placed these negative and non – beneficial ideas in their heads or minds.
Do not find yourselves hating what others hate – distrusting what others distrust – or going to war or the judge like many others have done and will continue to do – because this my friends – is a trap – and an age old trap at that.  
Stay with your present intentions of a world that is truly most beneficial to the collective population of your world – and is good and fair for all equally – and such a world will come your way – just as long as you stand back – make no accusations or judgments whatsoever – and wait on such a world to be manifested not only by your own personal human mind and form – but by all of your selves who make up your present world – as the chess pieces begin to fall into place accordingly.
Try it – and stick with it – and we assure you that not one of you will be let down in the end of all of this.
Keep well friends – until next time ----