transmigration of the soul
here is a message of the ages – a message which has been offered
many times over to those who have been prepared to receive it in it’s
entirety. The author does not wish to confuse the audience into
believing that the message if for the average human who lives their
daily lives in search of what is to become of them personally – nor
is it intended for those who wish only to know where they themselves
have come from. If one is centered on self and the preservation of
self rather than the collective body of all that is then this message
will do very little in easing their minds and hearts within their
present life’s journey.
is the soul that this present and Infinite collective will be
speaking on – and just when and where the soul resides as pertains
to time – space – and all things eternal. Let it be known from
the very outset of things that the soul resides no where – and yet
it is in all places with or without limit. The soul is not a thing
one can take with them where ever they go in life nor is it a thing
which can be left behind. The soul is in fact neither inside or
outside of any one type of body or form – no matter what makes up
said form.
soul does not move nor does it change in it’s essence or being in
any way. The soul is truly Infinite and eternal and is in no way
finite or temporary. It is the life's blood which has nothing to do
with life or death but can only be used with such a term when one is
drawing from lack of knowledge or understanding of the soul. Because
of this level of understanding one can draw such a level of knowledge
as to now know that the soul is no where to be found within the form
of any human being or being of any other essence or structure found
within the finite realm of somethings and nothings.
soul – or that idea given it’s term as such is the pure and most
infinite essence and idea which not only requires no form but neither
can it be bound or limited by any form whatsoever. It is Infinite
simply because it never possessed or represented any beginning of
anything nor did it represent the end of something – as it simply
is – not to be misinterpreted as what was or what is to come. Again
the soul does not come – does not go – and does not change it’s
state whatsoever from – for – and because of eternity. Do you not
know that eternity is you and therefore is never to come and never to
believe you personally change when it comes to your daily lives when
each of you are at a level of knowing or understanding in life that
all things actually change – when in truth nothing ever really
changes. If one is a dog then one is a dog – if one is a sparrow
then one chooses to be a sparrow and is therefore a sparrow – with
in fact all the necessities which make that sparrow different to the
eye of the subject beholding. It matters not what form you take in
your existence as every form is you and every form is at your
disposal to transmigrate into as long as said form or being is
willing to become such and has the understanding that such is indeed
potential and possible for self.
is needed here however is understand also that transmigration is
another term made up by forms who have accepted such term in their
lives because of lack of true understanding of the actual soul. Again
it is repeated that the soul resides neither inside or outside of any
form in finite existence. Therefore transmigration or reincarnation
of the soul is not possible in reality as in it does not go into but
simply becomes that which it chooses to become.
still believe that the soul is the ruling essence of the human
consciousness and that it is pure and unchanged when it comes to the
human or conscious being – and in many ways they would be correct –
but not completely correct. The soul is not the ruling essence of any
individual nor is the ruling essence of any collective of individuals
– bodies – or forms in all of finite existence. The soul does not
rule over or limit any being in choices or decisions made as to what
each potential individual body or form chooses to be in this finite
existence spoken of presently.
soul does not rule because there is no one or thing to ever rule over
given the fact that soul is All – soul is you – and soul would
never have to force that which will always be whatever soul wishes to
be based on the free will choices of each and every finite form that
is soul. Of course there is no inside of soul or outside of soul and
therefore soul does not reside in you – nor do you reside inside of
soul – but indeed you are soul.
you see soul ( not to be confused with “the soul”) is with you in
life and soul is with you in death – but when you die you will soon
see that there is no real life – no real death – but only
existence as soul – existence as eternity – and collective
existence as All that is for Infinity as Infinity. Before the author
dives deeper into soul understanding it is most important that words
are spoken on the state of soul upon the confirmation of this
illusionary thing we all have come to call death – as it is a
subject so many have pondered for the ages.
see upon death or sleep {as some have come to know it in many worlds}
- what appears to those who remain behind as a terrible loss in many
cases; {simply because they have only been given most negative
explanations as to the things which happen when a life has exited
your world} and appeared to have done so in much pain and suffering .
What you who remain see and experience is however not truly the
case upon migration from the human form or shell. One does not leave
the body only to move on to heaven or hell as has been suggested by
most all of your religious leaders of today or in what appeared to be
the case in days gone by. But let the author explain further ----
soul gives one the appearance of life and death when in fact there
has never been life or death but only existence – and existence
which has had no end or beginning for all who are concerned. To live
one must be capable of dying – and to die one must also be capable
of living. Living however is a thing soul can never do on a level in
which humans understand such a term or phrase. The soul can indeed
appear to live and appear to die – but only within the bounds and
limits of some body or form which exists expressly as soul essence.
In other words what appears to be there is all in your mind – not
however within soul.
existence as soul is very similar to the human when he or she is
having a dream. Dreams however come on many levels and with each
level comes more and more illusion of what we see as reality. The
reason one cannot put their hand through a wooded table in their
illusory reality - or limitations brought on by soul - is because one
has taken on more stuff or somethings ( affections and ruling loves)
which require an illusory form and in turn one loses many levels of
their true reality – which is what you would call consciousness
without form.
f your mind could not think – your eyes could not see – your ears
could not hear – your hands and other limbs could not feel or touch
– and your mouth could not taste – and even if you could not draw
a breath; you would still exist as soul. In your world everything is
action and reaction to the extent that even your human mind could not
act or react if it were not acted upon by soul first – which is a
much greater level of your conscious self. Every form must possess a
mind or some level of consciousness for it to be a form in the first
place – as soul gives existence or illusory life to all bodies and
forms of the finite – because all things finite are all things
Infinite at lesser states of consciousness.
is masculine could never be masculine if it did not first draw it’s
masculinity and consciousness from it’s feminine first and
foremost. Keep in mind however that masculine and feminine are simply
terms created by beings who require such terms for their every day
existence and continuance of their many traditions in life. Even the
terms soul and spirit are made up terms to represent the Infinite and
finite whereas many do not today yet understand that there is simply
Source or Soul unlimited – and Source or Soul limited – and one
represents the purest levels of existence while the other represent
those less in purity.
far as humans are concerned the greatest levels of existence which
they can fathom or understand - based on what awakened souls are
sharing in your world today – is consciousness. Indeed
consciousness is the collective soul – and it is what gives purpose
to all things something – even for those somethings that continue
to dream their dreams of a continued life – and an end in death.
Yes – once again – soul is consciousness at every level –
barring none and disregarding no body or form throughout eternity.
is consciousness – soul exists – soul is both first and last –
only in that it is the last thing to leave every body and form when
it is the time or season for the transmigration to another form. Soul
must always move to another form upon exit from it’s previous form
because soul could not possibly come or go lest there were always a
form to provide the continued illusion of coming and going. In truth
soul is always there because “there” is a term that can only mean
everywhere when it comes to soul. With forms or bodies there is
indeed coming and going – living and dying – changing of life
states – conscious states – and many different levels of the
human condition.
body and form is connected according to correspondences within the
finite realm of life and death – and this means no form can exist
without completely knowing that the conscious mind of such body and
form is indeed self. Prior lives are not remembered because when soul
breathes life into a body or form it is to come with no prior
knowledge of life or death – or any details having to do with any
life other than self – and since self transmigrates into a human
infant all that is required – and all that is supplied – are
those thing (affections and ruling loves) which are required for the
average human infant to survive infant hood.
is how a small infant can suckle the mothers breast in order to gain
sustenance which is provided from soul in an unconscious manner for
the infant. As well – the infant must cry – and the mother will
often get to know her child's many different kinds of cries – so
that she comes to know her child's needs at any given time. With
each infant child it is understood and well known by many that each
infant is indeed different – and because of their differences –
or levels of evolution – each human infant will possess what some
would call gifts or abilities in life. Other than what was spoken of
as pertains to human infants each will enter into the world of
physicality with little or no memory of past lives. Each must begin
life with a clean slate if you will – wherein he or she will carry
with them into the present life ruling loves and affections which
were chosen after they exited their prior life in some other world or
give an example an infant may have been a racist in their past life
and was very harsh or hateful to others who were different than he or
she was at the time. Upon entering into their present life as a
newborn infant this child might therefore grow up and be on the other
end of this experience if they did not eventually come to have
compassion for those who are different in their previous life.
Therefore such child may also return to a world where he or she comes
to to be the one to be hated or harmed because he or she is different
– and then the child grown up may then come to have compassion for
these people simply by being on the receiving end of the lesson
rather than being the one who is prejudice.
a human being exists your world – or every world to have been in
days gone by through the illusion of death – he or she leaves their
present reality and enters into a place some have come to call “the
world of spirits.” Now some may wonder why do we go to the world of
spirits rather than moving to a more dense world of physicality –
because of our sins of misgivings in life? Why do we not move from
one form to the next upon death instead of transmigrating to a world
we have comes to understand as higher simply because there are far
less restrictions or limits to a spiritual being than there are for
physical beings?
put it plainly every extension of soul descends when it comes to
moving from a Celestial reality into the physical according to
seasons – while every extension of soul ascends when moving from
the physical plane – at it’s lowest levels – to the Celestial
plane according to seasons. In reality we all evolve to eternity
according to our soul while according to illusion and the rational
human mind we all evolve to eternity according to the physical body
and form. Every body and form in existence – which by the way is
conscious at some level – wishes to be a God in their lowest levels
of consciousness- while every body and form wishes to be One with all
at levels of consciousness which bring us closer and closer to soul
or Source.
this means for those who truly wish to understand soul – or their
whole existence in a nutshell – is that every human or conscious
body or form which represents soul at one level or another – moves
farther from Source and greater understanding or knowledge when they
become human – as apposed to representing something of your world
such as a rock – a piece of paper – a tree – or any other form
of your world that is not – what do they say?----- at the top of
the food chain. Again what this means is what you think in your world
to be the path to enlightenment or true knowledge is the path to hell
– or should we say your doom.
this represent one’s doom – or ones state of existence less
attractive to the human condition is because human beings – from
the moment they descend into lower levels of consciousness continue
to take on more and more bodies and forms so as to create their own
masculine world of somethings which give them happiness - pleasure –
and what they usually come to believe as contentment of life –
which will continue to be the case from now to eternity.
is a given that every soul – upon their leaving equilibrium with
soul – comes to live their life in search of becoming a God over
what they believe to be lesser souls. At the same time every soul –
or extension of soul – which leaves a state of equilibrium with
soul has access to all and everything which soul possess in a state
of equilibrium – or in it’s wholeness. Human beings are indeed
the macrocosm while all bodies and forms which appear lesser than a
human being appear as microcosms to the human mind – and are in
fact microcosms based on human understanding of microcosms – and
macrocosms – but remember these are just made up terms for human
forms require greater abilities in life so as to accomplish greater
things or more things – based on what the lower level human mind
believes to be the meaning r purpose of all human existence --- this
however is not the case. There is great pleasure to be found
throughout the known and Infinite Universe – but most all of it
looks nothing like what has been fashioned by the human mind today
and in days gone by. Keep this in mind dear friends – when one is
living out their present existence in serving their own needs and
pleasures in life – their own happiness – their own affections
and ruling loves ---------- he or she is living life in “service to
self” – and because of this life they live in such a state of
mind he or she will require many many bodies and forms – lesser
forms if you will in life – so as to carry out ones own service to
the other hand one who has come to know these things by doing the leg
work – or seeking in life what things really make the world go
around (figure of speech only) – things which pertain to all living
beings and all beings possessing consciousness ( based on ones own
understanding in life) then one is prepared to truly know and
understand how and why one must eventually come to live their
existence in “service to others.” One cannot serve others however
while possessing their present body and form they have come to call
the human form as this is the form given to those who indeed require
such forms in order to live in service to self – separating them
continually from soul – and continuously binding them to a life of
masculine ruling loves and affections.
can provide service to others on a scale never imagined by the human
mind while humans are not even capable of such things in the world
they live in today. Nether can peace ( no more wars or violence) ever
be achieved by the lower human machine you each see your selves
draped in today. Soul can go any where and visit any time it pleases
– and in the process soul is existing only in service to others –
which again is why soul will never leave it’s place in equilibrium
– a place known only to Source as neither being Infinite nor finite
– but indeed both and neither all at the same time – a time which
will always be “now.”
are soul – and each of you has these abilities of soul just so long
as you come to know that you are never separate from soul – nor are
you ever separate from any other form – as all forms from eternity
have come from you – for you – through you – and because of you
– Soul! Even in your dreams you can serve others because this is a
place where you are greater connected to soul on a conscious level –
and need no body and form within your dreams except for those times
when you revert back to service to self.
can enjoy most beautiful flowers and trees and any sort of plant you
could have ever imagined ---- all without a body or form. You can
speak to others and witness both happiness and unhappiness – all
without a body and form. You can do most anything in your drams while
being in service to others – and you can also be in service to self
– always depending on whether you require a body or form. You words
and thoughts are in the heads or minds of human beings all the time
and you may not even be aware of it – and this is what gives human
beings thoughts and decisions to make in life every day – but when
you require your body and form in order to act towards another humans
life or actions and decisions you have now moved into service to
in your dreams you possess many thoughts – and those thoughts are
not just your thoughts as they are available to all of humanity to
share or use – just as soul is available to all of humanity to
share and use. All forms love and take great joy in witnessing life
being lived by human beings – and even with a rock on the beach –
when certain spirits possessing greater consciousness wish to witness
humans playing on the beach – watching the waves move in and out –
or even enjoying watching the sea life at play – the form they take
on could vry well be that one little rock on the beach.
possessing greater levels of consciousness will often believe
themselves to be a certain human being and do so in order to be
presently experiencing what said human is presently experiencing in
their everyday life – but because of their heightened levels of
consciousness they will not remain in any one form for an extended
period of time. Now when a human takes on certain spirits because of
what they wish to experience in service to self there are times when
it is not so easy for these spirits to leave their present human
lower consciousness – and this is often the case because the habits
and ruling love of said human are in fact also the habits and ruling
loves of said spirit.
may indeed come and go according to their providing the illusion of
life for all humans – but because of the lower levels of
consciousness most all humans possess in your world today and in days
gone by – spirits are often of the misconception that they are in
fact that human they are presently possessing. Spirits that can come
and go at will are usually always those spirits that have come to
know they in fact are not the human – and the things they love in
life are not very often associated with the human life and state of
mind – and these spirits can therefore pop in and pop out almost at
of a higher consciousness level again – may remain for some time
with any one particular human – if and when said human is also at a
higher conscious level based on their evolution – or the fact that
they are so much more different than the average human living within
your present world today – and again in days gone by. In other
words as long as a certain evolved or heightened spirit believes
itself to be the human that spirit will not leave the conscious mind
of said human – but because more awakened or knowledgeable spirits
who visit humanity know they are not the human but only provide
certain lower level ruling loves for some human they do not remain
has been experienced by the human host presently being used in order
to fashion this present message put out to be shared with all of
humanity. The present host knows he is not the spirits and the
spirits providing this message are not him – but have simply
visited our present host so as to bring about this message – and
then some of them may move on – most of them – and maybe even all
of them --- who knows.
book and every written word provided by our present human host has
been provided by one spiritual society or another – and upon
completion they have moved on to places where they are meant to move
on to – so as to provide consciousness to other hosts as well. Let
it be known however that one spirit or spiritual society never has to
move on in order to provide a use or purpose to another host – as
the spiritual world blankets all of reality in finite existence –
and is therefore in all places at all times or seasons - sometimes
in a conscious state and sometimes in an unconscious state – but
always there .
this friends if you remember nothing else – no matter what the body
and form may be on your world there are no rules as to which spirits
(higher or lower) come to make up the conscious mind of said bodies
and forms – as every spirit comes to visit every level of human
life- no matter what body or form one holds – but it is the
sustaining of that form that is most important when it comes to which
spirits or even angels are to be drawn on in ones existence that
always matters – and each of you possess the free will and
abilities to maintain your existence in said form – or to end it –
any time you please.
human form is the most advanced and proper form to ever exist when it
comes to feeding the flesh and it’s desires – and when it comes
to living one’s existence in constant service to self – while on
the other hand there are many more forms available to the soul –
which the soul desires much more often – and still soul has given
and continues to give every moment of every day the tools and
abilities to all who represent soul so as to choose the conditions of
one’s existence from and to eternity.
on your world which appear to be lower forms do in fact possess
higher levels of consciousness as they often draw their levels of
consciousness from the angels – and have no way of actually
existing in service to self. All forms are made up of spirits and
angels and depending on the form some possess less angels and more
spirits – or less spirits and more angels – simply because
affections and ruling loves are represented by different spirits and
angels – and their levels of consciousness based on their levels of
separation from equilibrium with soul.
the author wishes to point out that the human form is the most
corrupt of forms as well as the most loving of forms because the
human form has the greater abilities to think – speak – and act
according to their added senses and parts of the body which give them
their added mechanical abilities.
tree possesses the ability to love as well as the ability to accept
love – but a tree only knows service to self for it cannot serve
others in it’s present form. No spirit or angel can know the joys
or experiences of serving others as long as they are connected to a
form of any kind – for service to others comes from providing
conscious thoughts to those forms who are conscious. Indeed a spirit
- and even certain lower level angels believe themselves to be the
human or form of the physical plane when in fact the forms are them –
collectively as well as individually. In other words individual
spirits and angels provide consciousness to spiritual and angelic
societies – but there is also the collectives of spirits and angels
who make up all the individual societies of either spirits or angels.
and angels cannot come together as societies unless they are in
service to self- in which case they come to make up forms as a
society – and actually believe themselves to be said form as we
have stated many times previously.
not be deceived in the fallacy that the soul is either a spirit or an
angel as these are both masculine and finite entities or beings.
These are conscious extensions of soul that have chosen to leave
equilibrium with soul so as to move on and take form in the physical
and finite plane. Spirits are representative of all lower level
masculine forms of consciousness as spirit is indeed a form just as
an angel is a form. The three levels of masculine are as follows ---
physical plane is made up of spirits and angels and is representative
of angular forms and spheres. The spiritual world is made up of all
spiral forms – and the angelic world is made up of Celestial or
vortex forms. The soul on the other hand is without form and has no
part of time or space – or anything having to do with finite
existence. The soul is neither Infinite or finite alone but is bath
at the same time. Look at soul as something humans would understand
as the medium between all things Infinite and all things finite.
human beings transmigrate into the spiritual realms and take on
spiral form they actually possess a form that is more thought or
consciousness than it is presently in the physical plane. Within the
physical plane everything is consciousness at a level where angles
and spheres have been added to their subconsciousness in a manner
that humans actually believe these forms to be real – and not just
something dreamed up by the conscious mind and given it’s reality
or illusion of reality from all other forms ( or atoms) that make up
the many myriads of appearances that make up their world.
atom is nothing more than a sphere that has been thought up in the
conscious mind of soul and it too is even made up of spheres of
greater levels of consciousness and taken from levels of
consciousness that are of such forms as the spiral and vortex – or
spiritual – angelic – and Celestial. With each new form comes a
descent in consciousness as this descent is what gives the lower or
more dense awareness or illusion that things are what they are. For
instance the human could not know of colors if it were not for the
human eye and the sight it is given to see colors and to even divide
them into many different shades of the color spectrum.
hands could not touch and feel the hardness and pressure placed on
the hand or foot if it were not for the sense of touch. If one were
to cut the link or nerve feeding the hands and feet the human would
have no sense of feeling in either – and he or she would not know
that any surface on their world was hard or solid. They may know if
they possessed the sense of feeling as a child or previously –
before they lost this sense of touch – but not if it were
being the case nothing of your world would ever appear hard or solid
if it were not for the nerves within the physical human form that
give the greater human form the actual knowledge and feeling of all
things solid or hard. Where do these nerves come from one may ponder
– and we would tell you they come from the same Source that all
things material and physical come from – and that is atoms – or
what we have come to know as finites. For the sake of argument
however we will just tell you that all things of your world are made
of atoms – and these atoms make up every form that makes up the
illusion of reality in and on your world.
do not have to be hard or soft however as the texture and density of
all forms on your world are given from consciousness at many
different levels. The conscious human mind knows pain but an atom
does not know pain in the same manner as the human does – and in
fact all sense of touch in your world of physicality is nothing more
than many different levels of pain – wherein every human feel pain
and pleasure from certain senses of touch or feelings depending on
what one human or th other considers pain or pleasure. It is true
however that most all human forms share many similarities in their
senses of touch that represent pain and those senses of touch that
represent pleasure – but in the end it is all pleasure or it is all
pain – and it is the human form or ruling loves collectively that
decide for each human or animal for that matter what they are
are spirits feeding your conscious human thoughts that provide your
pain or pleasure – depending on which spirits any given human draws
on for their conscious state of mind throughout their entire physical
life. As we stated previously however none of it is hard and none of
it is soft – because it is all conjured up in a physical illusory
world. We realize many of you can not wrap your minds around the idea
that a thing is neither hard or soft so we will attempt to explain
beings live in a water based atmosphere and reality where even their
life's breath comes from water vapors and other added elements. The
spiritual world is based on the airel or air atmosphere while the
Celestial world is based on the etherized atmosphere. Each of these
atmospheres are different in proportion to the level of existence for
soul and each is limits the body and form more and more as soul
ventures down in form and consciousness. The levels of consciousness
are not actual however as they are limited by the form in which each
spiritual or angelical society has chosen as it’s own.
we are speaking of the material and physical so we will consider the
formation of the material and physical from it’s beginning stages.
Leaving the air atmosphere where the life's breath for the spirit is
found as well as it’s many other levels of aeriel elements the
water based atmosphere is formed as the air of the spiritual becomes
more and more dense – so dense that through heating and cooling of
the atmosphere water vapor become an air oxygen mixture – which is
still as heavy as air and lighter than water globules. The more
certain elements are added the more water vapor become water.
it be known that our host is not a scientist in your world and all
the terms may not match up to those your scientists use – but the
point here is to give an elementary idea of how your world begins or
is created and recreated with every new passing moment.
vapor globules in their most pure state ( still found within an air
(spiritual) atmosphere contain within – and yet not within –
everything that exists within the finite realms of existence. What
you see as the human scientist with your high powered microscopes is
all that is made known the the human vision through their many tools
of magnification. Within these tiny little globules that are water
vapor and air atmosphere mixed we find the active ( change) and the
passive (or neutral) which humans call the proton and neutron.
Outside of these little globules you find what humans term as the
electron ( we call intention).
within these little globules ( or what human see as within) protons
are representative of a collection of spiritual and Celestial forms
with the number always depending on the outer – or intention.
Neutrons are represented by Celestial only as they are passive –
neutral – and angelic in nature. And so all that is required
within each atom is placed there always based on the intention or
where each atom is going to be used or have it’s purpose. The
electron or intention from from without these little globules always
decides what will be the intention of the atom – and the intention
changes so often and quickly ( like the human mind) that the
intention of a single atom can be changed in the blink of an eye –
or when the human mind decides to create and recreate their world
around them.
is truly the case with atoms – one can find more than one proton
and more than one neutron within these little globules. We will state
here now that more than one neutron is never required for the passive
– but your scientists may disagree and we do not wish to argue the
point as it matters not at this juncture. We will also state that
only one electron is required as most all humans possess only a
single guiding force in life – or a single conscious mind in life.
the most pure of these little are combined or collected in your world
so as to make up your present water based atmosphere - -while others
are collected together in order to make up all other bodies and forms
– each still possessing their own protective sphere around them –
but a sphere of spiritual and Celestial nature – which humans will
never come to see or notice. These atmospheres or spheres are there
to provide atmosphere for one’s spirits or spiritual societies as
well as one’s angels – or Celestial societies – which are
always there with you even when you do not know they are there.
far as all other forms within your world they are of many different
natures – and this is the reason for all the many different atoms –
or spheres – or water – vapor globules. Your world is made up of
angles – and of these angles every single angle in existence can be
found in your world as they all together add up to 360 degrees – or
a perfect sphere. Every angle that can be imagined by the human mind
can be formed by the electron or intention of the society from which
it is being imagined or formed. Again that intention is given from
the electron of the atom – and it’s ability to be in two or more
places at the same time or instant.
in mind readers that all we are speaking of here is instantly and
constantly going on and being created and recreated within a single
conscious mind – and that mind is soul.
a water air globule is small enough it can be made to form any angle
in a finite geometric world that it intends to form – and it can be
compressed and compressed even more to the point of having the
hardness or consistency of all the hardest forms to have ever existed
in your world – and because your world is bound by a single
electron itself – compressed– and compressed again and again by
other little globules – your world is as compact as one could ever
imagine. Place this in your minds as atmospheric pressure. Therefore
what you see outside at night is what you see outside of your worldly
is no sun or moon or stars outside of this atmosphere of your world
as these light bodies are there as distinction between night and day
and to act as illusions for humans who do not truly understand from
where their light is provided. In getting back to our prior subject
matter however we would add that even these light forms are of a
nature that is not angular and is not made up of water air spheres.
They do not possess physical characters whatsoever but only appear to
do so by one’s illusory vision.
air spheres are compresses as we states earlier but they are
compressed according to illusory levels of consciousness – in a
manner where the human mind sees what it believes – feels what it
believes it feels – hears – tastes – and touches only that
which it believes to be reality. Take the conscious mind away from
any one human sense and all that has been sensed by said sense is no
more. Every little water air globule is so compressed in your world
that all levels of soft and all levels of hard or solidity are given
one were capable of seeing down to a level well beyond the abilities
of the human microscope what one would find is great chasms or areas
of nothingness between these little water air globules we speak of
presently. It is to be this way for the same reason it is found what
you call outside your world today and in days gone by. Every water
air globule must have it boundaries or limits in order to appear to
have solidity in your world and reality and these boundaries are set
by intention as well – intention that has made up or given illusory
existence to a finite world some of you call a planet.
thing of your world can move beyond that which is called or termed
nothing and no atom of your world can move beyond this nothingness
either – as this is where intention comes from or originates.
However what you may understand as nothingness is actually soul and
soul’s intention that is found everywhere and no where all at the
same moment in and out of time. If you still cannot fathom what we
are explaining here on forms and how they come about being hard and
soft within your world let us explain a bit further.
are soul – from above and also from below – at every level of
souls existence and non – existence. All that is imagined or
created on your world is carried out by each of you individually –
but it is all carried out collectively as well. This is why when a
humans leg goes to sleep and it is numb and without feeling that
human cannot feel hard or soft objects – and yet they cannot move
their leg through such an object as long as there is another
conscious subject that possesses the understanding or knowledge that
humans cannot move their body or it’s parts through a solid object.
This is because the collective human maintains a certain level of
control of all things in and on your world to a level that what is
not in season to be known by any one or individual human will not
come to be known or understand until said humans season arrives or
comes to pass.
friends human being manifest all things pertaining to your world
today and yesterday – and in many many days gone by. They do not do
so as some would imagine – such as at a lower physical or mental
level or the water air world. Angels and spirits are indeed of a
higher or less dense atmosphere than physical angular humans but they
receive their information from humans and not the opposite. No human
being can come into contact with the spiritual or Celestial realms as
one would possibly imagine – but those realms can indeed come into
contact or interact with physical humans.
at it this way – Angels provide higher knowing – or universal
lessons you might say to physical angular humans. Spirits provide
knowing to these humans as well – but at a lower level of
understanding – and this knowing or understanding provided by
spirits is often what gets human beings in trouble in life- because
the greater levels of understanding come from Celestial Angels and
what they have to offer is offered to all humans but is only received
by those in their season or awakened to a level of understanding that
allows them to access angelic understanding or consciousness.
the human does access angelic consciousness they actually become an
angel or an angelic society – while at the same time most humans on
your world are of the spiritual nature and receive their input or
influx from spiritual societies of many different kinds – in fact.
So you see – what comes out of your mind is not your mind alone –
but is the mind of sometimes many many different spirits – which
make up that spiritual society that is you at any given moment in
your present life – and these societies change so often that what
appears to be you today is another you ( or spiritual society)
tomorrow. No human being is the same person one moment that he or she
has or will come to be in the next moment – or the one after.
beings have a certain level of knowing on your world – and these
levels of knowing are so very similar from one human to the next on
your world simply because your world as well is one big spiritual
society – but not an angelic society as some have often imagined
while being in a state of euphoria you might say. All that you think
and imagine throughout your daily lives is what creates the illusory
or apparent reality seen in front of you all. So why can you not
create in an instant all things you wish to create you may ask?
you know as a small human society of conscious understanding or
knowing is doubled – tripled – and quad tripled many times over
by spiritual societies – and many times the same as far as
Celestial angelic societies over the spiritual. All intention and
information provided to the minds of human beings and their physical
brains begins and has it’s first intentions from the Celestial
realm and the angels – which is carried through an influx down or
to the spiritual societies – and travels through influx throughout
the spiritual societies on down to the lowest of levels of your
spiritual realms.
influx of intention from the spiritual realms then moves down into (
down only bing a figure of speech) the lower or rational mind of the
human subject or physical plane. When influx is received by the human
in a manner that is always imagined as instant the human then has a
thought – followed by another thought – and so on and so on. The
human believes these thoughts and intentions always to be their own
and the spirit or spiritual society always believes themselves to be
the human – when in truth all is one in this grand process of
universal influx – less the illusions of form.
you see when the human comes to have an intention in life it is of a
grand and greater nature when it leaves the Celestial realms or
angelic realms of the human condition or society. When this influx
therefore reaches the rational mind of the human subject it is always
subject to be carried out according to how said human understands
said influx or intention – even though they believe the intention
to be originally their own. What is intended in other words according
to Celestial affections then becomes spiritual intentions or
affections – followed by rational intentions or affections – all
based on the individual understanding of what is potential and
possible within ones world.
the human cannot create instantly that which he or she does not
believe or actually “know” to be a potential reality for them.
This could be caused by ones own imagination as well as ones fears –
doubts- ruling loves – and even prejudices in life to be more exact
on the subject.
know all and everything your spiritual societies now know and ever
did know from the moment it was discovered as a truth or potential
from and to eternity. The reason spirits and angels must get their
information from humans – and the reason human beings come into
being before angels do is because angels do not exist for the human
being until the human comes to know they exist. Spirits do exist
however from the very beginning of human life because human beings
are spirit and spirits are human beings – who only believe
themselves to possess a body and form.
other words when knowledge does not exist within the finite realms
neither do angels who are the grand protectors of all knowledge
throughout the ages. Indeed angels have always existed within the
realms of the finite – but only to those who eventually actually
become angels. Remember that angels cannot descend into the lower
rational minds of human beings until the rational human mind is
capable of accepting Celestial knowledge or influx. For this reason
the beginning of all life is with the human infant – which is
provided only th influx or intention that it is capable of receiving
from the moment of birth in your world.
goes down or to the rational human mind is information that is
required – while what goes up or to the spiritual and Celestial
societies of the finite realm is new information which is created or
provided by human interaction and experience. All of that is saved to
eternity by the Celestial realms or angels while it is lost by
spirits as they are not privy to knowledge which is beyond the
rational minds of human beings. This is also why human beings do not
have privy to information from past lives – given that they come to
take on many new spiritual societies in their new life through the
transmigration of the spirit – not the soul so to speak.
human host wishes to ask a question – please proceed:
say that humans came before angels – and that angels did not exist
before the human came to know they exist – so my question is are
you saying that there were no Celestial angels before the human being
came into existence?
thank you for your question friend and we will proceed in answering
it for you and all who may have had this same question:
the moment the Celestial realms are created in the finite plane of
existence there were no angels because everything which was required
and is still required for the lower physical human to begin evolution
were spirits and their many societies from which all influx was
provided to the rational human mind. And yes the human mind was
rational even from it’s beginning stages.
provided from angels is also provided from spirits today even – but
everything provided from spirits long ago has evolved in the
Celestial realms to a level that lessons have been learned and new
realities – and new potentials and possibilities have given rise
within the Celestial reams – and these new potentials and
possibilities must be guarded – in which case they came to be
guarded almost immediately within the Celestial realms – so quickly
that such a lapse in time as human know it could never be calculated.
eternity moved on – and as it moves on – myriads of angelic
societies are being added to the Celestial realms – all according
to human evolution. You may wonder why all of this new knowledge was
not present ages and ages beyond ages ago when Source or Soul is
indeed Infinite? It was! And it still is! Because every reality ever
created is repeated again and again – without end to eternity –
new knowledge is being added within realms that existed ages and ages
ago if one could imagine – and way beyond that – again if one
could imagine.
for every new realm that is created or duplicated from the Angelic
Celestial Societies angels do not exist for them until they come to
know that angels exist. This again is because all things finite had
to come in succession and according to our human understanding it was
in fact not all instant. New realities must be created in order for
new information to become a reality as those of old will often not
yet accept new things. It is similar to wanting a new government when
in fact a new government cannot be achieved or created unless one
starts from scratch.
as we stated above – you the human are the creator of your own
reality and world but old things cannot be changed by you as you only
possess the ability to start anew. What has been put into the play so
to speak cannot be removed from the play just so long as a single
person( another reflection of you) no longer wills certain things to
remain as reality. Things will also gradually fade from your world –
and you will begin to see things with different eyes as do others –
but they will all remain until all things are played out to their
are the creator – you put all things in your world by accepting
them as your reality – or by attracting them to your self in one
way or another. We can give examples by telling you that it is you
who gave new life to war – new life to violence – anger –
resentment – jealousy – hatred – harm – theft – and all the
many other affections and ruling loves you took on in life from
others around you – and called them your own for a time. You cannot
go out and offer something to your world for either individuals or
collective groups and simply uncreate them to no longer exist when
you no longer require them in your life – because every other human
in your life is your life that you created along the way of life.
hard things however – you know – those things you just cannot
wrap your mind around as being potential realities? These things are
not so easily created by you in life because in order to create a
thing you must possess knowledge of just how it is possible for such
a things to be real. You do not know how unicorns are formed or where
they might come from – and so you cannot create a unicorn. You do
not know where fairies come from or how they might be fashioned –
and therefore you cannot create or manifest a fairy.
order to create instantly and at will one must know that their
creation is a possibility and that one is connected to higher knowing
within the Celestial realms – otherwise one does not know that one
possesses all abilities when it is one’s season to draw on those
abilities. You can create things that are for the good of human kind
and you can create things that are detrimental to humankind – but
in the end all that you create will come to effect you as well in
life – positive or negative – always depending on your prior
intentions of creation.
reap what you sow” is the old saying – and given all that has
been created in and n your world as of late – is it not easily
understood what each of you are sowing today in your lives? If the
world around you which you draw interaction with in one manner or
another is for good and for peace – and for loving affections for
others then this is what you will attract in life. If it is the
opposite then you will attract those things which are opposite in
nature. Still one must keep in mind that all human being live their
lives in service to self – as your feeling of a matter are always
the first feelings you reflect on in your minds. If a thing makes you
feel good or positive then you choose to act. If your feeling do not
seem right as in it would not be the right thing for you to do –
then you again act accordingly in the end of the matter.
it is one’s intentions in life that apply when we reflect on the
universal principle of “you reap what you sow.” You still may
harm others or cause them loss when attempting to help someone in
life – but often times the other has the free will to reject your
offered help or aid – and in the end their life becomes their
decision. And so as it would go all humans possess the ability to
manifest their own world anew – not to change the world around them
which they have already taken part in creating for their many other
selves for one reason or another. Creation begins at home however –
as the world around you ( your home) is usually always a reflection
of what the world outside your front door will look like.
things one has attracted to their household is in direct proportion
to what one has attracted to their household. We will explain -----
you vote for a leader and government then you provide your consent to
being ruled by human kinds laws. If you go to war – or allow and
train your children to go to war then you give your consent within
your home to attract violence and talk of war. If you accept and back
up the death penalty for one who is seen as a criminal then you give
consent for the death penalty – and it also gives way to giving
permission for your governments or leaders to put anyone to death
that they choose to put to death – including your own.
public nudity – theft – slander – backbiting – prejudice of
any kind – murder – or causing harm to others have ever been
accepted into your mind as being okay or acceptable - even if it
depends on the circumstances – you have at some point in time given
your consent – and all of these things can enter into your
household by your giving consent in the supposed outside world you
live in. Look at the conditions within your own homes – and reflect
on why the world outside might look and appear in the manner in which
you witness it today.
of the things you do not accept today are those things you must
reflect on and no longer give your consent in any manner – if in
fact you wish for your world to change around you for the better.
Again you cannot remove what is out there beyond the gates of your
home – but you can begin anew within your own homes by using all
the new knowledge made available to you this day and in days gone by
– and indeed each of you has the abilities to begin anew.
cannot have a crooked judge or person in a corrupt government hung or
given the electric chair as this is you giving consent to these two
forms of execution once again – and in so doing you give consent
for all humans to be punished in these manners – and this power is
now given to your rulers you have voted into their offices. Do not
believe that your children are too innocent to be killed by your
ruling governments either – as many times the innocent of your
world have been put to death for crimes they have never committed. If
you gave them the power it is you alone that will be bitten by that
power in some way – and because you did so as a collective group of
humans the individual cannot take away what the collective has
created. And so you once again must begin anew while no longer
drawing life on old things which no longer seem right in your eyes
can one create anew in a world that has become so corrupt and our of
order one might ask?
begin with the big one – and that is “achieving world peace.”
cannot achieve world peace in a reality or plane where war has been
the mindset of the majority of humans who year after year give their
consent for wars and rumors of wars. Let us not even consider that
the world around you has been bent on war for thousands of years with
only talk of peace – when in truth war has been the governing
factor of those who continuously profit from one war after another.
friends you cannot change that world as it will remain in this
mindset continuously for one generation after the other.
own house must genuinely be based on peace as well as wanting peace
with all others outside of ones house. Peace is not easily achieved
however when habits and traditions are carried on from one generation
to the next – and someone must end the violence and hatred which
breeds war to begin with. Who that some is is you friend and you
cannot stand back and wait on others to reflect this mindset or set
of principles first in your life or household. A world of peace
cannot be achieved when one is holding to the traditions and habits
of old things and we must therefore set old things aside and come up
with a new mindset – a mindset that has been tried and trusted for
ages upon ages.
cannot own the land – the water – all the worlds resources – or
necessities of life while mankind a profit off of others through the
processes of buying and selling – barter and usury. As long as one
human being possesses something that another wishes to possess your
world will be bound to fight war after war – while much animosity
and greed will spread throughout most every human household. Neither
can one place in office rulers to rule over the majority when every
human being is to be responsible for his or her self in life – as
it was intended from the very beginning we might add. Neither can the
man rule the household or parent bind their children to age old
family traditions – no longer allowing children to think for
themselves and act for themselves in life – as this too is and was
how it was purposed and predestined to be from day one.
should be a thing of the past as it profits no one for the human
being to be punished or put to death for crimes against human kinds
laws that were never meant to be there in the first place. All
disputed should be handled between one injured party and the
offender. No one should be given the powers and abilities to punish
another according to what he – she – or a collective group comes
to believe to be proper and fair principles of life – or through
interaction of life.
one should have to work in order to keep from starving or having the
necessities of life required so that they no longer suffer lack of
life compared to the next human being. All humans come into their
world being provided all the answers to every question they may ever
have in life and they simply need to seek out that source from within
– and not outside in your world. We all have a use and purpose
toward the greater good of humanity and the collective body that is
soul – so each of us must eventually come to the realization that
it is better to work for the greater good of humanity and it was
always meant for one to do that task in life which gives them their
most pleasure and contentment of life – and in doing said task they
will provide one service or another to all of human kind – and not
just self and self’s own.
will come a time when perfect health will be enjoyed by all of
society as medical care and medicines will no longer be bought and
sold – but will be free of charge for all humans on the planet –
but not now. In order to achieve this state however it is you who
must begin the process in what ever manner is available to you in
life. No longer will one human profit from the sickness – disease –
loss or harm placed on another human for the purpose of profit and
gain for self. Service to self but become a thing of the past and all
parts of the whole must once again begin to work for the greater good
of the whole. We must once again understand and know that we are
whole – w are one – and we must from this point forward live our
lives as such.
human was ever meant to be a slave – no child was ever meant to be
a slave to his or her parents – as we are put there to guide and to
love our children as ourselves – but when self is so corrupt and
brainwashed by those who came before them then the children
eventually come to be corrupt at even greater levels until you find
yourself living in a world much like “Sodom and Gomorrah” that
you read of in your holy works.
must become responsible for their own use and purpose in life – and
they must come to the realization that we are all one and should now
work for the good of the one – and no longer for the individual
parts of the one. This is how soul looks at existence and is how we
were meant to carry out our use and purposes from the very beginning
when we left soul and equilibrium and went off to seek our own as the
masculine spirit. Yes soul is feminine but soul is masculine as well
– and the masculine kept moving farther and farther away from soul
and equilibrium until one day the masculine saw itself alone – and
he came to like it – sound familiar?
if you truly seek a word where there is plenty for all and peace and
contentment of life is there for all to experience this is the road
one must take – and indeed it is the road least traveled – but it
is the only road that will separate each of you from the world you
now must experience and endure for the rest of your lives. It is not
so easy to achieve the world and reality we speak of but it is indeed
not get the idea that all of this will come to you in this present
lifetime as it is not so simple for many to separate themselves from
the system they have built over hundreds and even thousands of years
– and so the process is gradual just like how it came into being
your reality today.
of you will sleep – but not all of you – and there will indeed
come a change – how does it go? “In the twinkling of and eye?”
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