Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

All is new!

All is New!

Mankind must forever continue to exist upon third density planets and within third density galaxies as good and evil combined to eternity. This will never change but all souls who evolve will move from this system eventually and go on to a better way more and more as they evolve. I must say that those sources who speak that third density will one day end are incorrect and at the same time correct. In fact third density will end for those souls who connect with higher self and eventually separate from third density existence, but they can always go back to visit to eternity. Third density only ends in that it sometimes is not a part of your immediate conscious state of existence and mind. That is the only way.
Now I must state that I also do not agree that evil will one day be done away with as in fact it will never cease to exist any more than good will cease to exist. Neither good nor evil are right and correct states of life or existence but both are required for the human to eternity as well. So if you are alive on third density earth today you are a being which is evil as well as good, and you can move form one to the other any time you choose to in life. Still you can never put off the one for the other permanently as you must always return to the opposite nature of what you presently are in order to experience change to eternity. This does not mean you have to be evil to eternity as your hells evolve just as much as do your heavens. Or should I say your dark and negative side evolves just as much as the light and positive side does.
And so, given these facts I wish to make some statements or accounts toward a certain subject that required that I first stated these things from the very beginning.
Your world is about to change, and change it must do in order for you to continue to evolve. Why? Because everyone evolves and does so through the process of reincarnation (or transmigration) of the soul. Still not everyone just all of a sudden one day awakens (or is born into a world) and their world is the next level in their evolution. Some awaken as the world is changing or evolving because of when they chose to awaken in their evolution. Have you not heard this saying? “Listen, I tell you a secret, we will not all sleep but we will all be changed. In a moment and in the twinkling of an eye, etc... And so you will not all sleep but you will all be changed in a moment and in a flash so to speak. Your world around you will change in a flash while others will have noticed no difference, and will not even believe you when you tell them so. These are the souls who are not yet ready in your world to ascend or evolve to your level, and so they must wait a little while longer.
Where do they wait?
Right here with you in third density earth that is also fifth density (and higher) earth. Everything on this planet that is third density and lower is also of the many higher densities and those lower density souls cannot see the higher ones, but the higher ones can see the lower ones. So why am I telling you all of this my friends? Why do you need to know these things just now? Because you are about to go through the change – and you are not about to go through the change. Two of you will be standing in the field (your higher and lower self) and then all of a sudden one will go and one will remain. This happens all the time in your life, but this time your consciousness will take on the higher while the lower will all of a sudden not know who it is momentarily. Then immediately following you will be your higher self with all knowledge and your lower self will have left you. Everyone must experience this on your present planet as your planet is ascending. The whole planet and not just some people or souls will ascend. Those souls who will remain the lower self will once again take on forgetfulness for three days and three nights. But dear ones three days and three nights could be a moment or it could be a week. This will depend on the individual soul its self in each individual situation.
And so you see friends you will go no where and neither will your lower self go to another place. Both will share the same shell or human form they have always shared with one difference. The higher self can leave the body and form any time it pleases and return again any time it pleases. Where can it go? It goes no where but simply changes its state of existence to become whoever and whatever it pleases now. So your higher self will then come to know that place is an illusion but it can still use that illusion in its life any time your higher self pleases. If you as your higher self want to pretend you are going to a far off planet you can do so and even pretend you are in a space ship. There are no more limits in your life. So you see this is who you are today and you just do not yet know these things because you have probably not connected with your higher self just yet, but soon each of you will have done so consciously as well as physically.
Still this is not the point I am here to make, though I am about to get to it.
Just because you are about to leave this planet as far as your consciousness is concerned, this does not mean you will want to leave it in the condition it is presently in. You in your awakened state will not want to leave your children and your grand children to these conditions presently holding the citizens of your planet in slavery. Presently you have those souls who represent your higher self who are living in service to self rather than in service to others. They have fashioned your present planet so as to provide their own needs while still preserving it for their future purposes. But they have made some careless mistakes and they are now paying for those mistakes. And so those souls who make up your higher self and are in fact in service to others are here now to change all of this and to leave your world as a better place to live for future generations to come. How will they do this? Well it is actually you dear ones who are doing this and will continue this process until it is complete, and upon the completion of the refurbishing of your present third density planet they will leave your new lower selves to it to continue on in their new Golden Age .
Keep this in mind dear ones: Nothing you do or say from this moment on will keep each of you from living the life you envision for yourself in the future as we are here to create that world for you, and no one further has the ability to stop its being manifested and created for each of you at this point in or outside of time. Still, many of you will not remain here on third density earth and we tell you this because you are the ones who are with us presently making all the new and wonderful changes in this present third density planet earth, as well as all third density planets in your solar system; galaxy; and universe. So we say come join us in this creation and lets lay out our plan at this time for all ears to hear of it.
These are the universal guidelines for all societies within this present third density “Circle of Life,” which includes all places within time and space of said creation. It will come to include every soul; every human; every city; every state; every country; every planet; every solar system; every galaxy; and every universe, whether know or not known to man. The reason for the guidelines to expand to every known world and civilization is because each of you is every microcosm as well as every macrocosm to ever be found in this present universe, or “Circle of life.” You are everyone and everyone is you, and so all that pertains to you should pertain to every extension of you as well, in all of existence within your reality of third density.
So as we have previously stated these are the universal guidelines (not to be confused for laws) for all living souls who will remain and continue their existence within third density existence or life. These guidelines are not laws in that they are not required of anyone, but only suggested states  of life and ways  of living - having understood that positive and loving souls ( known as good)  will continue to live and interact from this day forward with negative and dark souls ( known as evil) for another four seasons of their existence.  Because the negative souls (known as dark and evil souls) would wish to immediately kill or destroy the life of all humans within your present world ( wherever you live your life) it is the dark and evil ( negative) souls who must continue to be guided as they would never wish to abide by the guidelines of a positive and loving society of people.
Who are the dark and evil souls in your world presently? They are each and every human being, in that each and every human being is the machine or subjects that house both  good and evil; dark and light; positive and negative for the duration of these next four seasons of life within this present “Circle of life.” Granted things will appear much more like paradise during these times you find your existence in the Golden Age of enlightenment, but it will get darker as the ages come to change, just as the seasons within your lives. Every human has a choice whether his or her negative side can live along side his or her positive side in life, and continue to follow the suggested guidelines placed on society for the good of all mankind. Some will do so with very little effort while others will come to wish to push the limits time and again. We cannot change this dear one as all souls must be permitted to evolve at his or her own pace in life.
You can also take our advice here and now and choose to act in life according to the spiritual society and soul group who dwells within the halls or walls of your mind and in doing so make correct and proper decisions in life much more often. If however you choose to think ( therefore separation you own decisions from those of your spiritual society and soul group then you will falter more often than not, and will often come to go against the set guidelines of society. One day your children of your offspring will come to make up rules for your society that will come with many different levels of punishment for those who break those rules, and so we say the longer you remain connected to the collective consciousness (that is your inner spiritual society and soul group) the loner you can hold off this happening to mankind once again.
But the lessons will come as they are required of all souls who come to know no better in life, and must therefore learn the hard way so to speak. It is up to each of you how soon you come to live out your four seasons of life (longer for some) while it is an ending (very short period for some). Those who will soon awaken and ascend are the souls who are entering this Golden Age at many different levels of their evolution. Those who do not awaken and ascend are newly born souls and those souls who are not quite ready for their ascension and must wait just a bit longer. Still we tell you it will take place in your present lifetime or following your death in this present life. For some will choose to wait and take on their new body – not wishing to remain within their present one.
And so without further hindrance we shall move on to our suggested guidelines for mankind that is to inherit the present earth and combined realities known as third density. Keep in mind that these guidelines are merely suggestions for your world and system and are not forced on anyone. The present world you live in however shows the appearance that laws; rules; and guidelines are in fact forced on the people. They are not! You have been conned dear ones.

Guidelines for the new man

1)      All people are to live within society as free people, having the choice in life to think; do; say; and act as he or she pleases in life.
2)      There should be no laws forced on the people; no punishments carried out on or toward the people; no wars or duties of war forced upon the people against their consent, ever.
3)      Everything in society that is required to sustain a normal life (minimum needs) should be provided to all people with no acceptions. These minimum needs should be provided by those within these societies of equilibrium and should be considered again and again from time to time depending on the need.
4)      Free medical care at all levels should be provided the people with no additional costs being added on for any reason.
5)      Free education of each persons choosing in life should be provided the people of all societies throughout those societies that wish to live according to equilibrium of life for all beings.
6)      Every society that wishes to extend long life and abundance should adhere to these guidelines and should in turn seek equilibrium of life for all human beings.
7)      No office; business; or corporation should be permitted that is of any hindrance to these guidelines in society.
8)      There should be no laws in society as laws are there in a world only to bring about law breakers and those who would need to be punished for breaking such laws.
*We stress this one guideline above all others dear ones as these three things (laws; lawbreakers; and sin) were added to many worlds for the purpose of ruling over mankind and to subject him to slavery of all kinds and at many different levels in life.

9)      There should be no police; no judges; no lawyers or attorneys; no courthouses; no lawsuits of any kind; no jails, or any other place of business that profits off of the mistakes or shortcomings of man.
10)   There shall be no standing governments; kings; queens; or rulers of any kind within all of those societies practicing the system of equilibrium of life.
11)   All games; television; videos of any kind; or other types of recreation or things of enjoyment for the people should not include fear based material; violent content; nor sexual content not normally considered as acceptable material for the enjoyment of all within the family circle. There is a time and place for such things in the life of a man and a woman.
12)   No citizen within said society should come to cause loss or harm to another citizen of that society. If any one citizen should do so it should be considered by the society and handled based on their decision as a whole. By no means should there ever be punishment for any loss or harm brought to another citizen or citizens by another citizen or citizens. Loss can be replaced for free (no charge to anyone) if it is a necessity for the minimum sustained lifestyle of a citizen. If there is material loss that is not required for the minimum lifestyle of a citizen then the matter should be worked out by the citizen or citizens involved, as there shall be no punishment for any reason within said societies of equilibrium.
13)   Murder; killing of any kind; and harm to another citizen carries no punishment as we have many times stated within these societies of equilibrium, which means  the citizens are responsible for dealing with any of these offenses carried out toward any one citizen or group of citizens. Remember how it once was when man was put to death for many things in life, and he sometimes was later found to have been innocent. And so these things should be handled by the citizens and not rulers of a society. It should ne normal custom in life for every man or woman to be responsible for themselves in life, and only when there is loss or harm to another should the citizens of that society come together to decide how to deal with the matter. The citizens are as close as anyone will get to loving their neighbors in society, and someone who rules would not fit this category.
14)   Force shall not be used within society against any one citizen or group of citizens who does not cause loss or harm to another citizen or group of citizens. If force is used the matter shall be dealt with by the citizens once again.
15)   Every society should (not must) elect Elders for their society so as to provide guidance (not rule) over each society. In every case of loss or harm to a citizen or group of citizens no Elder or group of Elders should ever be permitted or required to carry out any judgment or sentence against said offender, as all judgment should be carried out by the people. We would suggest voting on a solution to each matter of offense.
16)   There should be a place of refuge within every society or city for those who become offenders of said guidelines if they so choose to move to such places of refuge, if they believe their lives to be in danger.
17)   No citizen should be permitted into each place of refuge against the free will choosing of all citizens within as well as outside of all places of refuge.
18)   There should be hospitals or places for care of those mentally insane or who carry any sickness similar to mental illness. Repeat offender of murder; rape; theft etc… should be permitted to go to these places of care as well, but not ever forced to do so. They will also always have the option of the place of refuge. Still no laws should ever be put in place to ever cause the death of another human being for any reason whatsoever.
19)   War should be voted on by the people (majority) and should only ever be considered in a case of self defense.
20)   Societies should always remain as small as possible, but never having walls; gates; or boundaries, keeping others out or keeping others in. This also negates the probable threat of another nation declaring war on you. The larger a society or city or country, the more chance of them one day becoming aggressive toward others with less citizens.
21)   Let no man draw water from your drinking well as he is then given the ability to poison it. But rather draw his water for him. This is because of human weakness; sickness; or mistake.
22)    Weapons of war should always remain minor and never go beyond that which a man can carry in his hands. The land of mother earth is not your enemy and should not be harmed or destroyed.
23)   War should be prevented at all cost! Killing of all kind and of every creature should be prevented at all cost. Your food, as well as meat, shall be provided you by the system you created, and so killing of animals will no longer be required for meat.
24)   Riches should not be permitted to accumulate for any one citizen of society as they would begin a generation eventually that would wish to again see the world full of those who are rich and those who are poor. We wish to guide you against ever again causing another human to seek becoming rich in life, compared to the average citizen. We are to seek equilibrium and moderation of life for all human beings within every society. Therefore when each human leaves your world they should leave their riches (however large or small) to the people.
25)   Every technology throughout the planet should be accessible to every human being on the planet, with no acceptions.
26)   Every family in society should be permitted to live as that family sees fit, and there should be no set guidelines for what a family should look like or live like.
27)   Eugenics should be a thing of the past and every family should be permitted to have as many children as they please, while society should teach the children growing up about responsibility to society in these matters. The world has enough food to feed as many humans as it can hold. If it does not then you (we) will make it larger.
28)   No one owns the planet and no one owns the land but we each share the land and live on the piece of it that we choose to call home for our families. You have heard of squatters rights but we say there are no rights that one human does not have that another does. If a man wants your land that bad then either give it to him or fight him for it, as both scenarios are permitted, given the fact that you each have the same rights to all things of this world or planet. Do you want to fight for what you want or give it to another?  It is that simple. Still we do not teach or condone aggression of any kind, but simply say every man (or woman) has the right to do as he or she pleases in life.
29)   Because good men must learn to live along side evil men and visa versa, we guide you all to learn how to live your life in equilibrium, while at the same time sharing with your neighbors, and not taking what you do not need in life. You will each learn that this is the best way. And so we say to respect your neighbor and mankind as your blood brothers and sisters, as well as yourselves.
30)   Come to love all beings unconditionally and provide for the free will choosing and living of all human beings within your society and you shall live a happy life. Teach your children well and teach them these guidelines for their life of equilibrium and you will not be sorry you did.

We are the Society Daniel and we invite you to our society which we have just laid out for you, and each of you have the free will to choose to share this society with us not or you can create a new one of your own. But we say that these guidelines have been carefully thought out and we wish to share such a world with all of our brothers and sisters who wish to join us.
So we say come!

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