Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #56

A child of God is nothing more than a slave of old!

A child of God is nothing more than a slave of old!

Countdown to an evacuation #56

The Higher Self can either Be a God on a Higher scale of consciousness or it can stand passive and inactive and allow each of us to play a God on a lower scale of consciousness. The Higher Self is indeed both masculine and feminine in nature and because of this the Higher Self can choose to rule it's Kingdom from within ( in agreement with it's feminine counterpart) or it can choose to leave a place of equilibrium with it's feminine counterpart and return to being that lower self that resides in the material and physical realms of flesh.

The Higher Self does not become a God on it's own but rather the lower selves who make up the collective society of Higher Self provide Higher Self the abilities and principles in order to play the God. In other words if you pray to your Higher Self - the one you do not see - hear - or truly know - then you give power to Higher Self over your lower self - and Higher Self becomes the God you seek in life.Higher Self cannot provide you those things in life you do not seek or attract - or those things you do not draw on in life becasue of your limited knowing and understanding of Higher Principles.

When you seek another outer source in life to provide certain things for you in life you put someone or some thing on a pedestal making them your God - and the more you go to them for sustenance or to fix things in life for yourself the more they become your God. It has always been this way and it will never change no matter how high up you go on the spiritual evolutionary scale of life. There truly is no God above any of us in this world or any other world or sphere of existence - and the only thing you will ever find to be over and above yourself is your own Higher Self - and said Higher Self is there to provide you things in life that you seek based on your ruling loves and affections that originate within your being.

The fact that Higher Self provides you things in life however does not actually mean that Higher Self is truly over and above your lower self given the fact that you cannot receive anything form Higher Self until you actually become Higher Self. So in other words your Higher Self is there waiting on you to become Higher Self so that ti can share with you all things it possesses as far as knowing and understanding go - and in order to receive all higher knowing and understanding you need only become it.

Because this is truly the case Higher Self cannot provide to the lower self anything in life in all actuality but instead the lower self must return to the nothingness that is it's true origin while simultaneously becoming the Higher Self and living life in those moments as Higher Self - therefore reflecting higher human principles than one was reflecting or living previously. The lower can never actually become the higher becasue the human lives their life on every level of consciousness ever known to humanity and for one to reside in one density or level of life and consciousness one has to leave another - as the two - no two levels of consciousness can ever be lived simultaneously.

Every level of consciousness is a frequency in and on our world - wherein it is a higher frequency and vibration in the spiritual world or for the inner human.Therefore the frequency you each hold in life in the physical realms is the deciding factor as to what things will come your way in life - based on that frequency and vibrational levels of energetic patterns.As long as you hold a certain vibration therefore you cannot receive things from other vibrations or frequencies - and given that it would appear one vibration and frequency is either higher or lower than another - no two vibrations or frequencies can ever be lived simultaneously - and this therefore provides in life than no human can become Higher Self while he or she is living life as the lower self on one level of vibrations or another.

So within your world and plane of lower human existence when the human goes to some outer source to seek repair of their life in one manner or another what they really seek is to make another their God becasue they cannot figure out or understand how to fix their many problems in life - and they do this becasue they do not understand that they cannot have things of other frequencies or vibrations that they are not presently prepared to become.They do not yet understand that you cannot experience things of a certain vibration and frequency until they first become that vibration and frequency in their every day life - though it need be only for short periods of time in and on our present world.

You cannot be a Creator in other words unless you first come to know that you are the Creator.You cannot love someone lest you first become love - and do not forget that love is not judgmental or punishing - it is not offended - it is not jealous - it does not keep record of wrongs - and it does not worship anything higher tan itself - becasue it cares not for position.

One cannot live life in evil nor can one experience evil thoughts - words - deeds or evil actions of another unless one is living the vibration of evil him or her self. No matter how much one comes to believe he or she is not in evil affections or vibrations in life he or she is indeed holding evil affections and vibrations if anyone comes to witness a reality of evil happenings. So why do we look up into the sky and pray to some supposed God to release us from our evil experiences in life? Why do we depend on some outer invisible Source to take form our reality and presences those things that do not give us pleasure - or do not provide pleasure to the one's we like and love in life?

Do you not know that if you are in the presences of another human who is in evil or negative situations that you too are sharing those same evil and negative vibrations and frequencies - and you therefore will experience those same situations - whether you are the receiver or the witness to such situations in life. You are your God ( or Higher Self) in life and you are no one else's God or Higher Self unless they allow you to become their God or Higher Self through the decisions they make in life. You cannot force your God ship on another in life - you cannot coerce other to allow you to be their God - unless they submit to your thoughts - words- or actions and give in so as to allow you the opportunity each time to become their god or Higher Self.

As much as many humans do not wish to believe it - no one can force evil on another human - or any other negative vibrations and frequencies - unless first the other human enter into one's own vibrations and frequencies - and then all that is witnessed by the one can be witnessed by the other - and both parties can then choose to interact within said vibration and frequency accordingly. In order to never be caught up in one's lower level vibrations and frequencies all one truly need to do is choose not to accept or attract the same lower vibrations and frequencies another is residing in - and if they are not accepted by self the other can do no harm and cause no loss to you - just as long as you do not allow yourself to enter into the same or similar vibrations and frequencies of life.

Because we are the lower self more often that the Higher Self in life we trend to hold on to lower levels of understanding and knowing - even thought higher principles have been shared with us when we became Higher Self at one time or another in our every day life. Because of this situation we often find ourselves living in fear and doubt of those things we hold understanding to as no longer being those things we need to continue to fear and doubt.We continue in our everyday lives to fear the law - to fear punishments from the law - we fear other people who may hold grudges against us - we fear things form our past as well as things to come in our future.

We tell you this becasue as long as you place your conscious mind in vibrations of fear and doubt all those things that previously provided the fear and doubt will continue to move into your sphere of life - and you will continue to witness harm and loss which comes from these sources - simply because you once again matched their frequencies and vibrations. There does not have to be some magical God in the sky to fix these things for you in life therefore as each of you possess the tools and the knowing in life to sort all of these things out on your own - and to put all things back into their proper place based on your true ruling loves and affections you originally brought into this present world of yours

Can you now see how and why each of you come to live a life and move into certain vibrations and frequencies - which choose the timeline or dimension of life you will presently hold - and when choosing a certain timeline or dimension - frequency or vibration - you either maintain old vibrations frequencies - timelines and dimensions - or you choose to move on to new ones.So let's say you choose freely to maintain old frequencies and vibrations and you therefore bring into your sphere of life those rulers and principalities and powers which presently reside in and on your world - within your vibrations and frequencies that satisfy you becasue they are still common to you?

If you previously lived in and on a reality where fear and anger - doubt and one offense after another has always been a part of your life - and you choose to remain angry at certain humans or groups of humans becasue of their previous offenses toward you or the collective world around you then you are simply re- duplicating the sane vibration and frequency that held your world in calamity and confusion before.You cannot remove offenses or negative actions carried out toward yourself and others in life by returning back toward said sources anger and hatred or nay kind - as you merely maintain the same vibration and frequency that they have maintained as well for such a long duration on your world.

The lower human does not and will not understand these things becasue he or she knows of no higher levels of understanding or principles which will allow themselves to move to higher vibrations and frequencies in order to move out of such a world and reality.The lower human knows only to fight against any force in their world that is causing harm or loss to themselves as well as others. This friends is why it has been the appearance for such a long collective of seasons for the human being to worship and pray to some God they do not know - see - or hear from - simply becasue they have known no other way to work out their own problems in life - and so we offer a way to those prepared to receive what is being said here this day and season.

In a world where the human is never protected from the strongman - never separated from a reality of fear and doubt - as well as constant punishment - the human has never found his or her way out of this world or Matrix of separation and slavery because he or she was not prepared for the time when all things would be revealed - and true relief could then be found in a world where human kind has had little hope for such a long duration in a place better known as hell.

You do not have to be a scientist to know of such things as vibration and frequency - you do not have to be a spiritual guru - and you do not even have to be an educated human being in order to receive these higher levels of understanding that all possess today even - for you need only stretch your rational minds beyond the limitations of all that is logical and transparent on your world - and know that all and everything is backwards which you have been taught - and what you are soon to receive need not be taught as it is yours for the taking - when you are prepared - and at a time or season when you truly know that something is really wrong with your world - and it can never be repaired as long as we continue to use tools - systems - and principles that have never worked for even thousands upon thousands of years on your world - and have only now been prepared for each of you in your season.

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