Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #90

Countdown to an evacuation #90
You can believe whatever it is that you want to believe today - yesterday - and tomorrow for that matter and it won't make any difference when it comes to your truth in life. People make up stories from our past and as soon as a story is made up it begins to grow in detail - illusion - and much tradition provided to the world by the people of our world - and many come to accept these age old stories as their own truth.
Because it is easier to accept past illusions - traditions - and truths as one's own truths in life many do not bother manifesting their own personal truths or belief systems based on their own hearts desires and all out gut feelings about world affairs. So many of us today choose to live our lives from past events and stories shared by the masses of our planet that we have not a clue as to what our truth really is - as our truth has been lost or traded for the many illusions that bind our present world in slavery and falsehoods - based on what our own individual truth's actually are or could be.
At the same time there are so many misleading truths or belief systems out there today that many of us choose to take on one belief system or truth for the present moments in our lives according to what truths or beliefs fit our present circumstances. We are spiritual in nature one minute - and worldly in nature the next. Some of us speak of peace and abundance for all at one time and then we change our attitude the next day and go right back to the old system in which we seek a leader to rule over us and we either bad mouth the makers of war or we join with those who appear to be less of a threat when it comes to war - and still we are attached to the old system binding us to the strongman of this world - who is the God presently guiding and ruling this world according to His past - present - and future ruling principles.
Many of us therefore change our lives and principles according to what best feeds our fleshly desires - and in the end we are no more awakened than those of the old systems and principles - and it only appears that way from time to time. I offer you these words therefore - if you seek world peace then become that peace form within as well as without - and do not stand on the principles and duplicated realities of others to hold you up while you are making the transition - while at the same time in moments of weakness indeed seek the help or aid of others - while in the meantime you maintain your principles - returning to those principles when the darkest hours have depleted.
It is one thing to maintain principles but it is another to not realize that we are all living a reality where we go through valleys in life one moment and climb high mountains the next - in a manner in which life is filled with it's up's and down's. When you are down therefore draw on others as little as is possible while trusting your own instincts and hearts guidance to accept from other's that which sustains your life for the moment - and then return to equilibrium of life and contentment within your own sphere of human principles - and seek to live a balanced life - while no longer letting go of your own self responsibility for maintaining and guiding your own life when that guidance is presently available to you through human conditioning.
We do not have to live like kings or queens - rich people if you will all the time - and we must come to a place of understanding of those times when it is okay to have much while at other times having much is not acceptable if in fact we have to stand by and watch our friends and neighbors do without. Contentment of life is a place to be when all things are as they should be - and moderation of life is a goal we should all seek so that we are each content whether we have much or little at any given time.
As it is a given that we all wish to sustain our own life when it is available to us to do so - we must come to a place where we no longer take from others in order to sustain our life - and we do not take when we do not need or require a thing. We do not force peace on the people as the peace is ones own responsibility in life - and the only peace you can guarantee is your own. As far as the peace of the world or planet this will always and forever be the corresponding collective average or condition of the human population of our world - based on each individual human being and their personal human condition in life.
No one human can change the world over to a peaceful planet or society - nor can all the people of the world as a collective change the world into a peaceful collective society - until such a world or planet actually represents a plane or collective of peace. You do not know your loved ones condition when it comes to their true hearts condition and inner beliefs and affections anymore than you know those of any other human on your planet - and therefore what you do not know you cannot change ------- and therefore one can only assume others on your world are truly for peace.
On the other hand if you seek to become peace and love from within as well as without -the outer world you witness today will begin to manifest or evolve to those levels of peace and love based on corresponding affections that reside only within your being - both inner and outer. If you look out on your world you see and interact with today what you will find is that the same world you reflect on is the world that is manifested within you and is therefore manifested without according to all of the same collective principles still held to be important at some level in your life.
Those principles therefore that we let go of and no longer feed according to the life we life gradually die off - but they never go away completely because they are held inside of each of us - waiting for the time - day - or season in which they will be called upon again to be or become a part of your ruling loves - affections - or principles in life. You cannot kill evil and affections that no longer please you in life because what has always been a part of your true being or makeup will forever remain a part of your being or makeup - and all you can do from and to eternity is to reorganize ruling loves and affections from within to manifest or duplicate the world and reality you come to evolve to on in to eternity in a never ending cycle.
You have each and tried so many different beliefs and truth's in life from the moment of your incarnation onto this plane or world attempting to know the true meaning of life - and all the time it was within you as a truth - a truth that only works for you - and no other human being - because we are each and all different just a little bit in some areas and a lot in others - but indeed we are each unique. Therefore those who rule your present world have to keep us all confused into believing that what works for one will work for all - and they imprint this belief system throughout our world society.
Because of such a belief system many do not believe they can try something new - or duplicate a new and different reality for themselves in flei to fix their problem or to heal their many sicknesses - and so the world remains in confusion so long as you personally hold to these truth's or beliefs. Let go of old truths - let go of their truths - and begin your own manifesting or duplicating of the reality you not only seek - but truly want to believe is actually potential and possibility for you - if not for everyone.
Just because the old ways or systems work to repair what is presently broken or out of sorts in your present life does not mean you have to always revert back to the old - because as long as we remain stuck in that way of life our life will not change the way we want it to change but will continue toward eternity based on those principles alone that bring death to the human soul or condition. Yes in order to change your whole system there will be consequences and apparent losses at times - and you will even feel that you are fighting a losing battle now and then - but if you hang tough and stick to your new found and higher principles - you will each and all eventually receive that which you seek in life - but that responsibility is always found with you - or self - and it lies in the hands of no one else when it comes to your life and your contentment that is the goal everyone seeks even when they do not realize it yet.
In ending this transmission we would offer you that the condition of your life and circumstances can be blamed on no one but yourselves and the sooner we all come to this understanding the sooner we will as individuals come to make this present world into the living paradise we all seek for humanity - as well as Self.

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