Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Absolute Data - Fourth energetic transmission

Absolute Data - Fourth energetic transmission!

The universal law of spheres and ruling loves!

In beginning this transmission I simply offer one example of a system that can at this day replace the old system and work for the people of the world once they awaken and come to trust that this system is in deed for the good of the people of the world- or the One. Again it is called the One Peoples public Trust and it offers the system of CVAC’s as its working tool at this day in order to provide for the wants and needs of the people of the world- while in some instances it will be limited as to what it can provide by the energies and evolution of the human soul.
CVAC centers throughout the world in what I believe to be 192 locations.

Every human being throughout the world represents a sub CVAC.

All goods and services can be traded off for digital credits - dollars or silver coin. My truth because of where I am at in all of this is to have credits so that the people can switch over to a non monetary system eventually. Of course there is no actual need at present even for credits as all things will be given freely with no attachments - other than that the goods and services provided to each human not be used to cause harm or loss to another human being. And of course this will be the mindset of every human on the world once he or she has awakened to the higher energies and levels of consciousness spreading throughout the world today. One level of the CVAC will be used as a tool to provide the needs of the world- for all human beings – whether third or fifth density – while the CVAC’s can also provide more and greater things to those living life in service to others. Not all humans are required to be in service to others at this point as not all humans know yet what this even represents in the world. Still there are no requirements when it comes to providing the needs to the people of the world as everyone is different and many will not understand at first that the new system is truly in their favor or even possible for that matter. So everyone throughout the world will be provided their needs whether they are of the old or the new system – as long as they are willing to accept goods and services from the new system in place. .

Nothing is to be bought or soul but only bartered or provided anew because no one will own anything in the new system. This does not include humans not yet awakened or those living life still in third dneisty – as they must move over to the new system completely of their own free will choosing in life. This is another reason why humans of the old system will in most cases only be provided their needs or necessities of life at first- until they each come to understand the new way of being and doing- and living life in service to others. It will be easier to barter since we can trade credits with someone across the world that has what we want or need – and they no longer have to be a close friend or neighbor. As far as creating things anew because no one has what we want or need there will be people who have most everything we need who will move over to the new system. And these are only ideas of how it will be in the beginning stages of the manifestation of this new system as things are progressing by the hour at this day- and by next week there may have been an even greater and more beneficial plan for carrying out the new system in the world today. And so the people will create all thins anew as we go along- and nothing of the new system will ever again be set in stone- as all things will from this moment on be up for consideration and change in order to always continue to work toward the good of the One or whole.
Things will be created through new technologies that will be created out of thin air and only those who have the ability to know these things to be true will be able to receive them in life in this manner. Still because most all humans will now be associated with other humans who do know these things to be possible eventually all people on our world will have access to the new technologies. We are speaking antigravity devices- replicatiors that can replicate anything up to the size of a house or car. Showers that clean you by energy and no water is needed- and they make you feel completely refreshed and relaxed as if you have slept for a day.
There will be transporter devices that can send you off to another planet- and other craft that can take you to a neighboring universe. There will be automobiles that hover above the ground and need no road ways- and soon after that automobiles that take you from point A to point B in a flash- and you will not even have experienced the reality of having traveled. There will be many new free energy devices to power your homes and your vehicles so you will never pay for gas or electric ever again. For that matter you will pay for nothing ever again. Many new technologies will remove the need for things like light bulbs- radios- televisions- computers ( as we know them) microwave ovens- cook stoves- refrigerators- and many other appliances throughout your homes.

Because there are so many free energy devices out there today this will be one of the first technologies offered to humanity. Because there will be replicators now available those things you need in life that cannot be bartered or traded for can easily be created anew for everyone- and no one will be needed to build or provide them any longer. This will remove the need for many jobs that would otherwise have been needed. So those things we see as being vey much improved at this day for mankind will eventually not even be needed at all any longer as technology will soon change to something that appears as magic to the average human being. Again it is all about manipulating energy or changing its state of manifestation.
As soon as the CVAC’s are up and running the people will all ( the world over) come to gradually move over to this new system and begin their bartering and trade- and folks can begin to offer their newest technologies to the people of the world in exchange for things they need or want- and whatever we cannot get through barter and trade we will create - as there is a technology available today to provide for every need known to mankind without ever having to harm the planet or to cause a single human being to have to work in life if they do not do so simply for pleasure.  We can at this point literally move from cave man lifestyles to the Jetsons in a matter of months given the speed in which mankind is awakening at this day and the level in which absolute data is being fed into the hearts and minds of mankind throughout the world. So be ready as it could all happen in the twinkling of an eye.
World peace will be established because those who are all awakening at this day will not want war; violence or punishment any longer.
The way I se it the CVAC’s are multidimensional and a person can only be provided a CVAC if their energy levels are equal to that of the CVAC’s. I also am of the understanding that every human being is a CVAC and then there are sub CVAC’s which is used when one human being or small group of human beings are having dealings amongst themselves. CVAC’s are simply a tool being used to provide a transition from being a third density human being to becoming a fifth density human being- and allowing for this transition to be a gradual process in our lives. In the meantime however- because we are creating and co –creating new ideas ever day- the term CVAC  and sub- CVAC –are up for discussion and are not a part of absolute data as of this moment.
Because no one will own anything anymore nothing will be bought or sold within the CVAC system as all things will be provided through the CVAC’s according to the illusion of barter and trade- but within a system where barter and trade no longer are connected to ownership but only to provide all wants and needs of the people of the world within said system. If a shoe salesman in Alaska- who may own a shoe shop – goes to provide a pair of shoes to someone in Baltimore Maryland this can easily be accomplished through the new system because there are no more borders throughout this system and throughout  the world. In other words the person owning the shoe shop will not be selling and the person in Baltimore Maryland will not be buying- as all things will be provided free of charge throughout the world. And as the old system has been foreclosed upon there will be many new people moving over to this new system day by day- week by week- month by month- and very soon there will be two systems in the world – and the old system will not know of the things being done within the new system – and would not believe them if you were to tell them at this day.
Neither will those of the new system know of the things going on in the old system – as they will not wish to know any longer.  If those of the new system wanted to know of the goings on within the old system however- they could lower their energy levels and see. Still in most all cases this will no longer be the case as we will no longer wish to witness the suffering- harm- and loss the people of the old system are living in life- simply because they chose the old system over the new one. But keep in mind that those who reside within the old system in the future will always and forever have the free will choice to move over to the new system once they have evolved to a certain energy level and therefore can now see the new system as their future reality and life. And that is all that is required in order for each third density human to move over to fifth density planet earth and its new energies and higher levels of consciousness.
So again the CVAC’s are not a tool to allow human beings to continue to buy and sell in our world any longer- but rather a tool used to get them out of the old system of buying and selling while transitioning them over to the new system. No one will ever again be capable of becoming rich over others throughout the entire world in the new system. There will be no more rich and poor as all human beings will now be seen for what they truly are- which is the wealth of the world- and all are One. All borders will be gone throughout the world and we will have delivery systems now that can transfer goods and services throughout the world in a few hours or even minutes in many instances. All services will now however be free as will each and every resource on the planet. We are moving to a completely free world, system, and society- whether large or small throughout our world- and this friend is now inevitable. No matter what changes or choices we make form this moment forward it is temporary as we will form now on always do and create for the good of the one or whole- and this will require change all the time because we will be remembering more and more all the time- never again to cease as we are on our way back to center- Source- Prime- and equilibrium of life.
There is a group of humans in the world today who have now awakened- connected through the collective consciousness- and they will not stop from this moment forward in creating a new world and system that provides each and every want and need of every human on the planet. As far as which humans accept this new absolute data in their life and begin to join this new system it is all only a matter of now moments and not time any longer. I tell you it could all break loose tomorrow and we will have found our equilibrium that is presently in the making. There is now only one little matter that is holding up the works at present and that is the look of the CVAC – and I tell you that when this absolute data is on the table everything else will begin to move very quickly and it will be a done deal. I will tell you this – it may come as soon as tomorrow or the next day or it might already be here waiting to be spoken - as the energies needed to achieve that absolute data is surrounding us even as I speak these words.
Why the digital system if everything in the world will be provided free of charge? Because all things must be done or carried out openly and honestly- so that there are no more secrets in all trade throughout the world within the new system. The digital system will keep track of who gets what and what their intentions are in every transaction in life throughout the world so that there is no more service to self lifestyles in our world within the new system of things. Those therefore who have- and use it according to the good of the one or whole (and all things will be seen for the fruit it produces throughout the world) will be given more based on their energy levels in life they are putting out- and those energy levels will be seen for what they are simply by the deeds of every human being – and the fact that all things will now become transparent throughout the world – in our new system of things- but not the old. For those whose energies are not up to the higher levels required yet when connected with the CVAC’s people will still be on the old system of money or they have the choice of moving to the new system where money is no longer required where all are provided their needs in life free of charge.
Again none of this is set in stone as the absolute data can change things from one day to the next. Those who need money will have access to money while those who are ready to move over to the new system where no money or assets are required will live in this manner as well. Then those who do not need money but would feel more comfortable still in having assets provided from the digital system will have this as well. And so the needs of all will be provided for in the new system of Oneness.
All who come on board with the new system therefore will receive all their wants and needs in life through this system without charge – and all that will be required of them (not by any one human but by the energetic system) is to live their lives as often as they wish- for the good of the one or whole. Again this will not be an energetic or any other type of requirement for those who are not yet prepared to move over to the new system. At the moment they are not living their life according to the new system their energies will return them temporarily to third dneisty- the old system- thought they will still be provided their needs from the new system until they return. They will again fall prey or victim to said system – not that they will receive harm or loss while momentarily in the old system but they will still be bound by its rules and regulations). There are two lives to live each and every now moment of your lives friends- one in unconditional love for all (living for the One or whole) or living in fear- doubt- negativity – law, rules and regulations, and therefore the breaking of those laws. Therefore these two lifestyles will each decide which system each of us is in at any given moment in our lives each and every day of our life from this moment on.
No one is about to escape the old system for good as the old system must always be there ( third density) in order to provide equilibrium  so as to counteract  and balance one another.
No one will not be forgiven their past deeds- no one is to be judged except for the judgment they place on themselves because they have not yet been completely healed of their experiences they lived in a world where illusions ran their life. If you do not get it yet friends I remind you all once again that rules- regulations- set order to society- punishment- laws- judges- offenses- negativity- doubt- fear- religions- belief systems of all kinds- money- technology- jealousy- and so many other things that are there to provide the world of illusion can all be gone just as soon as “you” want them gone, and you seek a better way in life. Because there is a better way and all you each need do is remember what it is. Right now many of you are seeking to live in the new system because you are reading these words- but there is a group of human beings out there today who have not yet awakened and remembered that they are absolutely Creator Gods- and would still see it all as hog wash if one of you were to even mention these things I say to them. That is quite okay however as their time is coming.
Presently there are two worlds on the stage of planet earth – two systems and two realities- and all that is separating them is energy- and a little old bubble called the energetic sphere. According to how each of you lives their life at any one moment in that life today your sphere (bubble around “you”) is all that separates you from one of those realities or the other. One moment you can be sitting in a jury of your peers pronouncing judgment on the Pope or Queen as to their being innocent or guilty- and the other moment you are forgiving them and welcoming them into your new world and system as an equal heir to all that there is in life. Of course when it hits home and the one who offended has actually offended or caused harm or loss to you or your own- well then that is a different situation and it is very hard for some to unconditionally forgive such a person as the Pope or Queen- or anyone who has done similar things in your world. The reason it is all set up like this friends is for balance and equilibrium. In other words the Pope and Queen for instance have attracted to themselves those who are just like them- even though those who judged and convicted them do not realize this and would never come to admit it even if they knew they were just like them (which they do not because they do not yet have access to absolute data).
What I mean here by speaking that those who judged the Pope and Queen is simply this  - what things or offenses the Pope and Queen have carried out in the world they have carried out in a world where they are judged by the same laws which they themselves have created. They have created those laws not knowing that one day human beings would come along that would eventually use their own creations against them simply because they could no longer keep the illusion in the world and could no longer keep the citizens of the world lulled to sleep- and they started waking up and jumping ship so to speak. So because all of these awakened souls began to jump ship - those who committed such heinous crimes against humanity lost very important comrades that were there in place which permitted and allowed their illusion to work against the people for so long. Therefore those who once permitted the offenders of the world to go free have awakened and they are no longer prepared to allow these crimes to continue in the world- as they are now prepared to move over to the One and whole that exists today ( now) on fifth density planet earth. And of course the group the One Peoples Public Trust is just one group that makes up this new world ; system; and reality.
So you see friends all of the human souls that possess each and every human being on the planet today are either still asleep and still living in illusion of separation and duality - or they are not still asleep- and are now awakened and remember who they really are. This is by no means to imply that some humans on the planet will awaken and some will not! Everyone is going to awaken and then all hell is going to break loose on fifth density planet earth as the ones still in fear run for the hills. Though they need not do so! But let’s not get ahead of our selves because I have something to tell you all here that I must get across to every reader that may or may not yet remember this one very important point.
Every human being on the planet is full or possessed of many myriads of spirits or souls from the ethers (or higher energies and densities of existence) and all of them live somewhere in those ethers or realms of consciousness. Think of it as a world of souls laying their on their bed or in a recliner and they are all asleep dreaming the most perfect dream they can each dream individually for themselves- and they are each in their own heaven- or utopia. Now while these souls are dreaming every thing and every experience has substance in that dream to the point that if it is to be hard it is hard- if it is to be soft it is soft- and if it is to be a certain color- sound- smell- taste- or feeling in their dream then it is so – all the time within every now moment of their dream. 
Again I am speaking of every living soul in all of creation, existence, and consciousness (as conscious energy is what Infinite Source truly is). And so all of these souls are asleep or unconscious at one level or another. Some are only slightly in unconsciousness and illusion while others are drowned in it based on their evolution of their soul. But all are indeed in one level of sleep, fantasy, and unconsciousness or another. This is because you are all finite Source or Creator- as this is who and what each of you truly is. The only reason all of you are finite and not infinite is because you do not know it and cannot know it as long as you are in the body and form – which will always represent the separation from Infinite Source.  Again each of you is living the dream at one level or another and will never truly know the full extent of how or when you created the dream- as only Infinite Source knows this truth. But of course once each of you reconnects to the One or whole you will then realize that it does not really matter that you do not have the full understanding of Infinite Source at this juncture of the game or play. So we move on ----
As I said each of you is a human being but that human being is not the actual source of the awakening that will take place in the world today but the human body and form you each see in the mirror is just the house and home for all the human beings (souls) that exist within the ethers and within that human body and form whether within the mind or the heart. And that group or collection of souls within each of these human beings that populate our planet today is known as a spiritual society or soul group. So there is in fact a different spiritual society and soul group within the bubble( or sphere) of every human being that represents that human beings own personal ruling loves in life. Separate those ruling loves and the humans begins to live their life for self because of the illusion of separation- but put them all back together as the One or whole and you have the macrocosm- or a larger spiritual society and soul group working together as one – just as it did when it was the microcosm living its life as a single human being or smaller version of the spiritual society and soul group.
In other words when you lived life in third density you still lives your life as One or the whole- but you separated yourself quite often from the rest of the world because you did not know that every other human on the planet was and is you as well- and the separation is only the illusion you long ago bought into by service self (the flesh) in life instead of the one or whole.
So as the world continuously awakens one human at a time at this day think of it as a thousand humans at a time awakening instead in every moment but that these souls are not seen in the material and physical world- but the inner ether world – known as the spiritual world. So when a bad human being (based on third dneisty mans judgment) is in a position of power and authority in your world today- and that human begins to awaken- other people do not recognize that awakening because it is happening on the inside of the human (the inner and spiritual man) and it is happening one soul at a time to the extent that a single thought represents a soul- and a single thought of unconditional love within that human heart is a single soul waking up for good. And when enough of those souls within that human have awakened (as the human is now seeking equilibrium in their life and do not yet know it) the human has now become fully conscious of whom he or she is and they will move over to fifth dneisty energies known as their higher self- and will now be residing on fifth dneisty planet earth. Because of this they can presently be holding a position in the Vatican for example- or a position as the common law judge in their trial- and that human being can completely turn their life around and begin working for the new system – which is fifth dneisty common or universal law- and unconditional love. And this is what is happening today friends and it cannot be stopped as our One huge spiritual society and soul group is waking up to who and what it truly is in and on fifth density  planet earth- and we are no longer under the illusion of the old system and living life in service to self.
Again I repeat that no matter what position certain human beings hold today in governments or positions of power over the people of the world- those human beings as they awaken ( and all will awaken) will begin working for the new system of fifth dneisty earth – and they no longer live or act according to any rules- as there are actually no rules and never have been- and these human beings will therefore now use the rules and laws of the old system in order to free the people of the planet who all represent a part or piece of the puzzle known as the One or whole.
But again I explain to you all that there must always be a balance or equilibrium in the world as there can never be the one without the other in finite energies and consciousness. We cannot simply have a fifth dneisty planet without there always being a third density planet that houses and covers over the fifth dneisty planet as the material and physical always provides the house and home for the spiritual. And the same goes for the human friends as the microcosm as well as the macrocosm exists within the material and physical world the same as it exists in the spiritual. Yin and Yang I believe they call it. That was a funny.
Therefore as the new system and societies of the world are being formed at this day (and things are speeding up in this process drastically) the old systems and societies will life right along side it as the balance and equilibrium- and all things will be played out to their end or completion. When all is said and done every soul above or within the equilibrium will have returned to its home- and all souls who resided at one time below the equilibrium will have returned to their place in our society as well- and the world will be back in complete balance and equilibrium- and everyone will have returned to their proper homes in the scheme of things. At that point every human on the planet – third density as well as fifth density earth will have complete free will to venture in life from one side of the equilibrium to the other- depending on their own personal ruling loves in life. It has always been this way but because of the veil of sleep; illusion; and unconsciousness third density man has ventured too far out of equilibrium and the world has been flooded by the illusion of fear- negativity- doubt- darkness- and evil.
These things have always been the illusion my friends and therefore the awakened souls (within ever human) will no longer live according to the illusion- while the souls who are not awakened through free will choice- will go on and continue to live the illusion of third dneisty (so as to maintain in the days or now moments ahead in our new world sand system) so as to always maintain equilibrium and balance- and moderation of life. The human beings who are not yet awakened in the world will soon awaken - and balance will be achieved- but every human being on the planet will live the life of fifth density, on fifth density planet earth - while every human being on the planet will also continue to have access to their third density counterpart from within so that the balance will forever be maintained in the world through the back and forth changes in the life of every human being on the planet.  In other words no human will continuously every day of their life- live the life of fifth density man – but every human being on the planet will eventually revert back to third dneisty for a period of time (or now moments) and will therefore be living the life of third dneisty man while their counterpart that was just now living in their density will take their place in fifth dneisty- on fifth dneisty planet earth. And so every human being is two beings in one- as every human being is and has always actually been androgynous ( both male and female) from eternity – and has forgotten this for a time.
Nobody is going to be the awakened human being all day long without moments of representing their lower self- as this has never been possible in life – but the difference now is that eventually every human on the planet will be connected to higher self through the fully awakened collective consciousness- and they will therefore no longer suffer the evil- negativity- darkness- fear- and doubt of their past lives in third dneisty. And so not only has mankind moved to fifth dneisty planet earth- but he and she has also ascended to new levels of energy and consciousness as their third dneisty selves as well – and the person that was once animal in nature is not human in nature- while the animal nature we once possessed in third dneisty now exists in other dimensions for other souls so that our old third dneisty will serve as a school and life for the evolution of new souls coming into the mix even as we speak.
Every soul ascends and evolves while at the same time every soul will forever experience in their life the spiritual realms as well as the material and physical realms of life and existence while at the same time their lower and higher selves (third and fifth density (or higher self) will move up in densities and levels of energy to eternity. Everything each of you has ever created in life whether in consciousness or unconsciousness will forever continue to make up your world and reality as nothing can be separated from you to eternity- once it has been created. And in fact if I were to go one further- everything we each create in life- whether consciously or unconscious is already a part of you and makes up your world already because all and everything is you- and me- and every human being ever to exist. But these things will all become more clear to each of you as you become more and more fully conscious in the days ahead.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Absolute Data -Second energetic transmission

Absolute Data – Second energetic transmission

Everyone has access!

I (we) come to you this day to hit home or finish with our offering of absolute data on a subject that is so very important for the transition at this day from third density to fifth density- that subject having to do once again with  the subject of punishment. Because I often keep up on certain world subjects I have been given a perfect subject base to provide for the foundation of my message today – and that base idea is the death penalty often used throughout our world by those still bound to their third dneisty life; traditions; and systems.
In order to offer my complete data on this subject I will have to again go back a bit within the illusion of time. And so I will begin where all other things began which is Infinite Source. However as I explained Infinite Source pretty well in my last post on punishment I will not delve too deeply in that subject.
As I have stated before everything has its beginning from Infinite Source- and Infinite Source is pure conscious energy- better known as thought in third dneisty- but it is thought that has always been and was never created and never had a beginning like all other things within the realms of finite creation. And indeed it is a truth that all creation is finite and owes its complete existence to Infinite Source or Infinite Conscious Energy. Now because infinite Source is in fact infinite this means Infinite Source has been around for how long? Infinite Source has been around since forever- and from eternity.
 Therefore eternity has no beginning or end but meets up where the place of beginning and end could be found at any one single point within the essence and being that is Infinite Source. So no matter where you are or what point of reference any one of you represents within the essence and being that is Infinite Source you too are infinite in truth because there is no actual beginning or end for you from that point on. Each of you is the beginning of all things and you are the end of all things- and the only limit that is ever attached to any one of you is Infinite Source as every created thought or form ever to exist has its being when all is said and done as the Infinite Source.
So where each of you comes to reflect on the illusion that appears to be life to all of you- outside of that illusion we are all One being or soul- and that being or soul is finite Source- that has on single limit- and that limit is Infinite Source. With that said- because Infinite Source is infinite- and all other things are only limited by Infinite Source – all other things are in fact infinite in truth as well. Therefore; none of you- not a single on of us- is not infinite in truth- having no beginning and having no end. And therefore all beginnings and all ends are the illusion or levels of unconscious existence we alone created for our own benefit and pleasure in Infinite Consciousness- as Infinite Source. Take away all illusion and you are Infinite Source.
Now given the fact that each of you is Infinite Source- and given the fact that each of you is me and I am each of you- and we all (as One Creator and Infinite Source) at one time or another- separate from time at first- create every new “Circle of Life,” which I like to call every new creation as every creation is a world and a universe in and of itself. In other words you cannot create a single dot and not finish out its complete existence to its end- which by the way will never find its end because it does not exist. That’s right friends nothing has an end as all things are Infinite because all things and every part you might want to cause to be separated from the essence and begin that is Infinite Source is Infinite as well.
So a single dot being created would consist of all things from Infinite Source and would therefore continue to grow through body and form because of evolution of the soul. For when a single dot or point is thought of it is created and then it has been given consciousness (though very limited consciousness- and even unconscious at first in its creation) as all things in the created universe must have some level of consciousness simply because they are possessed by spirits or souls that give them their being. Everything is originally created by Infinite Source and therefore everything created by Infinite Source must possess Infinite Source in His complete essence and being always. Remember there is no actual separation and no division- as all things (all of Infinite Sources being) are in the smallest of forms throughout the created universe.
At the same time all of Infinite Source exists within the essence and being of every created body and form (whether it is thought- words- actions- or affections of any kind- within any form- no matter what its density may be) to the point that it matters not if the creation is the microcosm or it is a macrocosm- everything that exists within a microcosm has to exist as well  within the macrocosm. Infinite Source cannot be divided and so if you do choose to separate or divide Infinite Source into different parts ( given you are Infinite Source) then you may do so- but all of infinite Source will still forever exist within each and every part of that creation or illusion of separation. Therefore every created being has access to all that is Infinite Source simply by knowing that access is available to each part of knowledge or data that human is seeking in life.
So if you want absolute data about any one single subject that exists within Infinite Source (and all subjects exist within Infinite Source) you need only to know that you have that access to all data- and then seek your higher self through collective conscious thought on the matter (whatever subject you seek data on) and it will be given- just as long as you “know’ it will be given. So that is why we are here today- as I am one of the ones who knows I can receive all information having to do with any one subject in life simply by allowing higher self to speak or type through me. And of course speaking – typing – visions - or even dreaming are all tools used to speak to and through higher self.
Okay so where did I leave off- yes Infinite Source ----
In third dneisty life and existence lets say here on planet earth- every human soul must have access to all that is Infinite Source (or finite Creator Source who is the complete expression of Infinite Source in His finite corresponding self) simply because no one single human being is any greater or any less than Infinite Source but is equal to Infinite Source in no matter what expression or form it exists within in life. So whether you are a cat or dog- or a human being- you have all access to all data and wants and needs for your life from Infinite Source.) The fact that you do not know this yet because you may still be the third dneisty human representation of your self simply means you have to evolve to the point of awakening and remember who you are so that you once again know you can draw all data and abilities of creation form Infinite Source as well.
So in other words if you evolve to a human being that exists within seventh density and you therefore now know and remember who you are- you can return to third density any time you please and be a dog if you wish- and still you will be a dog that is fully conscious and you now know you are the Infinite Source and One Creator God. If you live on fifth density planet earth therefore and there are third dneisty human beings sharing that planet with you  (which I assure you is always the case) each of those third dneisty human beings have full access to everything you ( the fifth or sixth density human) have access to from Infinite Source. If they do not “KNOW” a thing is true or possible however in their world then it is not true or possible. For you are not given the ability to create something you do not know is a possibility for you to create in life because you are limited by your levels of energy and consciousness in life.
So when fully awakened Gods are walking around your world and you cannot see them this does not mean they cannot see you exactly as you are - and you are seeing them in their third density representation of their fifth or sixth density selves. For the higher can see and interact with the lower but the lower cannot see the higher even though they can indeed interact with them thinking however that they are third dneisty humans. Now because all things are accessible to all human beings and some things of fifth density planet earth just do not fit into the lives of third dneisty human beings- those things will not be a reality for third density human beings until each third dneisty human being on his or her own come to awaken to the fact that a thing is possible and can indeed be a reality in their world. If they are to an awakened state where they can believe this- then all things are indeed possible even for third dneisty humans.
So what happens when third dneisty humans come to live life among higher fifth and sixth density human beings simply because they have awakened and all the rest who have not yet awakened are very soon to do so?
 What happens when the minds of all third dneisty humans are opening up to being guided by the heart now in life and they are being given much guidance from their higher fifth and sixth density selves (who are actually them in the future or in higher densities)?
What happens when those fifth and sixth density human beings begin to create things that only exist on a fifth density planet- but because all the humans on this planet earth today are waking up in very large numbers – they can see these creations because they are now connected in consciousness with their higher representations of themselves (fifth and sixth density humans) in life?
Well now all third dneisty humans “KNOW” that all things are possible and that they can in fact now create instantly and at will through their higher selves. . So what do they do- they begin creating- and their creations begin to manifest on the world stage more and more every hour – every day- and every week until many new wonderful things become manifested on this planet earth that is now fifth density according to its levels of energy and consciousness.
But what about those third dneisty humans that live on the planet that are not awakened- who do not know there is a higher fifth or sixth density human being on their planet? Well is this not what was the case before on this planet before the grand awakening began- and all humans were asleep and in complete unconscious illusion? Yes this was the case then as there were always fifth and sixth density higher beings (our other selves) walking the planet interacting with third dneisty humans and even teaching them- but because their level of evolution was so low back then they could not believe or accept most of their teachings and fifth and sixth dneisty humans were shunned and outcasts in the world.
Do we not know the story of the ” Rich Man and Lazarus, ” or the stories of past prophets and disciples of Jesus – Buddha- and so on who came to the world to teach?  Were they not shunned for the duration of their teachings by third dneisty man? This was the case much more then simply because mankind was no where near as close to his awakening as he is at this day. But there are simply stories my friends that are all representative of men (or woman) who came to our world many times in the past to teach the people exactly who they truly are. And now at this day they are awakening in large numbers and they now understand everything being told them- in which case they are all about to become the new and awakened human.
Again just as it was in the days of Jesus and the prophets so too will it be that way on the planet today. And just as all the awakened souls went to be with Jesus (representative of their higher self) back then (only representative of the Quickening - or ascension- or awakening) so too will all who awaken go to meet their higher selves on fifth dneisty planet earth once again. But because the harvest is so great now- the planet will have moved up in density and is now a fifth density planet- where as there were not enough awakened souls before today in order for this to happen. So again friends there will still be a third density planet earth – populated with all different kinds of people in many different looking societies- but they will not have access or even know of fifth dneisty planet earth that we even at this day are now living on and building up in it’s many different societies as well.
We can help them- we can interact with them- but we cannot go against their free will choosing in life and we cannot do anything or create anything that they do not already “KNOW” to be a possibility.  In other words they cannot be given what things they are not willing to accept as a potential or possibility in their life. For if you tried giving them a unicorn for their birthday they would not be able to see it or accept it because they do not believe in unicorns. Now is say a single third dneisty human came to “know” unicorns existed- and they wanted to see one- you could show them one – but only if they were able to raise their energy and consciousness levels high enough to enter into fifth density. You cannot lower you energy and consciousness level down to theirs and show them a thing of fifth density within third density.
So what happens in our world today when a certain human being does not want to be a part of the One Peoples Public Trust (which is simply a single group of awakened souls in the world today offering one new system and society of higher things)? What happens when a single human does not want to be a part of any awakened group but simply wants to live their life alone- or with their immediate friends and family and that’s it. In other words let’s say a little society of ten or fifty? Can they do this- can they live off of or separate from any grid or system and still live their lives in peace- happiness- and abundance in the world once the new higher energy systems (fifth density) begin to fall into place? Well of course!
As long as you are an awakened human being you can draw from the collective consciousness and collective system in the world today because you are a part of the One or whole that is Infinite Source. Therefore every human in this new system has access to all things equally in life- no matter what the reason- as all things will be guided and provided in life based on the energy levels of every human being. So if your energy levels are high enough to hold fifth dneisty energies and consciousness you have access to the world trust or world assets. Those of third density who are not awakened cannot have access to the world funds or assets only because they will not believe in the new system or even that it is a potential or possibility in all of creation. And we cannot ever go against the free will of another- but must allow for all to choose in life what they believe to be their truth at all times.
It is a truth that the funds or assets are multidimensional- and it is true that third dneisty humans can still benefit form the new world assets or funds given that they are always available to everyone in all of creation- but third dneisty humans will receive their access through correspondences and not direct energy from fifth density earth. I will explain this as best as I can but first let me speak of third dneisty humans a bit.
Third density human beings who are not awakened yet- or who will not ever awaken in this generation because they are young souls and haven’t evolved to a level of energy that will allow them to awaken this time around will continue living their lives dependent on the old system in the world.  These are those human souls that resonate with the present energies of third dneisty earth at this day. They could not awaken even if they wanted to because their energy levels are so low at this day. They have not completed their four seasons of life in duality and must do so until they will be prepared to move on and awaken one day as the world is doing even at this day. They chose to be living life in an unconscious state at this day because if they were conscious at this stage they would not want to remain in third dneisty. But they made an agreement just as we all did at one time and the agreement must be fulfilled to its end. Those human souls who come to awaken are always those souls who have completed their life’s contract and have evolved to those levels of energy and consciousness that allows them to awaken.
So you see friends there are certain third dneisty humans on the planet today- those you do not know because they live behind the faces of you and I the world over - but are not of your spiritual society and soul group. To put it in its simplest terms they are the outer human and you are the inner human now if you are the awakened human being. These souls have come to love third density so much that they will not choose to leave it- even though the choice is even there for them to make at this day if they wanted to move on to fifth density. But because they choose not to believe - no one can ever force them to choose or believe. These souls will remain in the old system of money- technology - government (kings and queens- presidents – senates- congresses – dictators - and so on) – punishment- laws and many rules- death; sickness and disease – religions of every kind that work for them- and many other things that only come with third density energies and consciousness.
There will therefore be two worlds living together simultaneously and the one will represent the outer human while the other will always represent the inner and spiritual human being. So you can go on and join up with the new society and system of fifth density at this day or you can remain in the old system and continue to pay your bills on time, and to wake up tomorrow in your own bed and start the same old routine all over again- day after day – in complete slavery.
What we are seeing in the world today is a split- and that split is third density reality splitting from the fifth dneisty reality because they are the ones who want the split while fifth density man is in the habit of accepting everyone in life if they choose those energy levels and can hold them for a time. All are welcome to come on board with this new system of ours but they have to choose it as we cannot decide for you where you choose to go at this day. If you as the third dneisty human choose to accept our generosity at this day and wish to allow us to provide you all your wants and needs in life from this moment on- we will do this. We cannot do this through fifth density means simply because your consciousness levels cannot hold fifth dneisty energy levels and cannot therefore experience or see fifth density things.
We cannot make you not want to own a house or car- we cannot make you not ever want a government again- we cannot make you not want war and death and violence and guns- we cannot make you want all to be rich in society rather than have a society made up of the rich and the poor, with the poor always at the lower end of the spectrum and living the lifestyle of a dog. It hurts my heart to say these things as I have gone through them in my life and I know how you treat your own children friends. It all has to stop! So if you want our help and you are a third density human all you need to do is ask – and I do not mean beg or pray or fast. We are your other selves and we want nothing more than for you all to prosper in life and be completely happy- but we cannot make you want or choose these things in life.
So for all those third dneisty humans who choose the old system we will still  be here for you and all you need do is seek out our assistance in life. But as I see it they will not know these things because they will not be reading my words until each of them might one day seek truth and go out looking for it and just happen to fall upon these words or those out there similar to them. Because again- if third dneisty man does not believe our words or believe in us (the higher self) why would they ask us for anything? Now they can go off and seek their Gods but what they will find is that those who say they are Gods over and above another human are actually other fifth dneisty or higher service to self beings. And these beings are hot there to help third dneisty humans but are there to draw their energies in life from them.
So what is the solution for third dneisty man at this day that is not going to awaken this time around? Well for the time being thy will be very much blessed because they will share a world and consciousness with a higher being who loves them and will share all good things in life with them while we are in the Golden Age of Enlightenment- but when the ages click and move on every third dneisty human will decide his or her fate according to the agreements they made in their spiritual realms or ethers –and we have no part of that as we cannot ever interfere. But I can tell you that things are going to be wonderful in the days ahead because all of us are connected according to the collective consciousness and things are going to be really great for third density man for quite some time now. 
You see all of life is a decision and when a higher being or soul makes a soul contract for the good of the One or whole- that contract must be fulfilled to its completion date. Our completion date has arrived and we are here today to guide all souls who are going to awaken this time around to their awakening. You will know who you are by the choices you each make at this day. But as I do not feel I have covered the third dneisty situation comfortably I will attempt to do so once again.
How does third density mankind at this day benefit from our awakening and moving onto fifth density earth? What do they get while we go on and begin to live our lives in utopia? Well they get to live their lives in utopia as well because of corresponding realities. And one day we will move on to a higher plane of existence that is even more wonderful while they move to a reality based on the Ages and evolution- where they continue to learn the lessons of separation and duality. We will still be with them according to the collective consciousness- but – still we cannot interfere with their lives or their decisions as they are living a life of what they think is free will- while they will continue living that life of apparent free will for as long as the play plays out. And the play of life is there to provide all souls – whether they are from the lower or higher societies of Infinite Source- to play their parts in life where good lives among evil- light lives among dark- negative lives along side of positive- right gets to understand wrong and wrong gets to understand right.
The lessons are done for us and we have come home to the place we call “the new.”
There is nothing a single human being cannot have at this day if they only choose to have it of their own free will.  We cannot give to those or provide for the ones who do not believe we exist. If they think what we say is nonsense how can we prove them wrong when they do not wish to even hear our words? We cannot! So from this moment on we will be in the process of creating the new system that will benefit all who choose to join- but you must choose freely and willingly.
On the other side is what you want and what you have been looking for from the moment of your existence. But you have to believe it can be a reality! You have to know who you are and what you represent to this present world and system. You are the answers! You are the Savior1 And you are the new beginning!

And so now that we have laid down a little ground work we will now proceed to out subject of punishment.

Absolute Data- Third energetic transmission!

Absolute Data – Third energetic Transmission

Owning as apposed to sharing!

I ( we) will begin this transmission by first explaining that density and dimension are two different terms in our many different worlds and realities simply because they carry a different meaning once a soul has awakened to how things truly work in the created universe. Density has reference to vertical things while dimension has to do with the horizontal. At the same time timelines and dimensions are not completely the same thing but they are connected in separation and duality in that a timeline is the road that leads to each and every created dimension of time and space. Therefore where a soul thinks the timeline is a place in time and space it is- but it is a place within every new now moment and is the road that takers every human soul to whatever now moment they have created in life whether its fits their present density and dimension of time and space or not.
So you have horizontal densities that represent the higher or lower levels of energy and consciousness for every human soul - and then you have densities and timelines that take you to all the many different (but similar realities) that exist within the same density and energetic levels in life. In other words no matter what timeline you take to get to whatever dimension of time and space you wish to experience at any given now moment you still have access to the same levels of energy in life based on evolution of the soul and the density of life you presently reside in. So you have access to an unlimited supply of dimensions in life but all those dimensions are very similar in nature as they were offshoots of your original life’s plan ( Circle of Life) - and that life’s plan was and is your scheduled play each of you was originally set to play out as the illusion of life and death.
So you see friends each and all of us started our own personal life’s plan long ago (or what appears long ago according to the illusion of time and space) and we each started at a different point according to that illusion and we will each end at the same awakening point according to that illusion as well. So even though we are all moving onto fifth density planet earth at the same exact time (now moment) because of the illusion of time and space you all experience up to the very moment of your awakening – it will appear to each human that is not yet awakened that they have not awakened yet ( though they will not even know there is an awakening) and will not want to awaken until after they have already begun their awakening and want more of it - because of all the things they now come to “know” to be truth according to the higher self they now reconnect to through the collective consciousness. So those who have not yet awakened will think those who have awakened to be the crazy ones and that all that they say and do in life which does not fit the norm any longer is complete hog wash.
So what we have here today my friends is a world where there are human beings living on it that reside in many different density levels according to their levels of energy they attract to themselves in life. And every one of those humans have their own separate timelines that lead them each to all the many different dimensions of time and space that make up their every day lives according to what they each want in their life each and every day within the illusion of time and space or outside of time and space where the illusion still exists but now they know it exists and they use it in life fro the benefit of the One or whole.
Therefore I am a human being that has different timelines and different dimensions of reality than every other human on the planet based on my illusion of the human life I am living- but I share the same timelines and dimensions with many humans on the planet according to the laws of attraction. So again I possess more timelines and dimensions than many humans do and I possess less timelines and dimensions than many others. No one has the same amount of timelines and dimensions because we are all different in our creations in life based on the fact that every human soul in the entire created universe is different in one way or another. And it is all these differences when joined back together at the awakening – or returning to full consciousness- that brings us all back to the collective consciousness and reality that we are One- or we are finite Source- or that we are Infinite Source. All is one and everything is one - and anything that is not of the one is still living in illusion or a part thereof.
Again each of you is born as a newly created soul from Infinite Creator Source and through influx down through the lower levels of energy to and through finite Creator Source- where separation and duality are added as the limits to your “Circle of Life.” So now that this illusion of separation and duality are provided every newly created soul begins their existence in sleep; forgetfulness; and illusion. They are each created within incorruption ( has not been corrupted in the least) as a human child in whatever world or reality Creator Source has chosen for them to incarnate in and then they ( the newly created soul) begin their life on a timeline and they exist according to that life in the dimension of time and space that corresponds to their ruling love they have been pulled from at the moment of their creation – being how they have been removed from Infinite Source and finite Source as whatever ruling love ( accumulated affections) they represent while they are One with Infinite and finite Source. And so the illusion begins anew for the newly created soul and that soul begins to create at the moment of birth all new timelines that lead to all the new dimensions of life and reality that will be created by that human child.
Now it is not a truth that every human child is born into a world where they are provided parents to teach them in life the way that is proper. There are densities of life that exist where creation began from a single atom or molecule- but as I am not a chemist or scientist I will not delve into these realities. I will simply say that Creator Source has the choice to create a new soul to begin its existence in whatever density of life or form Creator Source wishes to create within. And because Creator Source is Infinite He creates constantly within every density of life- every timeline of life – and every dimension- from eternity to eternity. And so because there is nothing new under the sun- and because there is no need at this time to go into the many different forms and bodies Creator Source provides with life and consciousness (or unconsciousness) we will begin our explanation with the human child that now has parents. Still there was a time when the human child was born anew on the planet and it had no parents whatsoever- given the fact that everyone thinks they are connected based on the bloodline- we are in fact connected in a much more pure sense based on the Source of the energy – which is Creator Source.
So again we did not have our beginning as a human child form parents of a material or physical nature but in fact our parent was and is of a conscious energetic nature. Therefore creation of the human actually began with the egg- much like a frog or tadpole. And from there on the human evolved to the point where it one day began to be transmigrated (recreated through reincarnation) through the birth of the human womb. So we will now move on and begin the story from a prospective where the human child now has parents.

The human child (newly created soul) now starts to live out its life with its human parents and the parents raise their child as they see fit. Therefore every affection (ruling love) the parents represent in the Childs life are all offered to the child to accept as his or her ruling loves (affections of life) as well – and the child grows and learns all the new levels of corruption (truth) that the parents believe to be proper teachings for the child in life based on their traditions and beliefs.  But what the parents do not understand is that the ruling love of every human soul is the truth that corresponds to the life and creations of each human soul individually - and not the life and truths another has to teach or offer any one human being.
There is no one set truth within the Infinite Creator Source as Infinite Creator Source is made up of an Infinite number of truths – and therefore there is no set truth in all of creation and every human is its own form of truth through the process of creating new truths every new now moment of their life- form eternity to eternity. The fact that certain humans live their life in unconsciousness and illusion simply means they will each one day awaken and reconnect to Infinite Source (collective consciousness) and will once again know that they are their own truth in life.
So the human child grows to believe things in their life based solely on what their parents and all other adults in their life have taught them – and they have been misled to believe that the grown ups know best in life. Now there was a time when this was only the way of the parent and close friends to the family- in that even close friends were permitted to teach your children and punish them as well. There were no schools run by the governments of the world at first- and later these became a part of your world and others were given permission to teach your children as well in life – and some were even permitted to punish them harshly at times. No longer did the parent wish to teach the children when they could live an easier life by sending their children off to others who could watch them during the day and they had much free time for themselves. This is a perfect example of service to self.
So now you have the parents corrupting the minds of the children- you have the neighbors corrupting the minds of the children- and you have now created government’s throughput the world to create many new organizations that could do the same to your children. And your world is now in a position where it can even come and take your children whenever they please. You have created for yourselves friends all the tools needed to completely destroy the future of your children- who in turn are the future creators of your worlds. Where did it all begin? It began with ownership!

Yes friends as much as you would not wish to admit it the idea that any one of you needs to own a single thing in life has destroyed the world you once lived in and now because the wages of sin is death- your old world and system is quickly dying and a new one is being pout in its place. But once the new system is in place the old system will still be going strong because new souls will forever continuously be brought into that world and system to figure out how to fix it from within one day. And they will in one set of timelines and dimensions fix it eventually again and again - while in another set of timelines and dimensions they will destroy it again and again. This is the way it must be and fortunately we are now living on a timeline that has taken us to a dimension in our life where we have found a way to fix it- and that is fifth dneisty life and existence- as you have to jump up a level in consciousness and energy in order to know and remember how everything actually works.
Everything has been so twisted and corrupted on our world that it has come to the point where all timelines and dimensions have been played out for our ruling love that we all represent as a whole- and we are now going to move on to our awakening. And so I will speak for a while on ownership.


When you were born as a human child your parents taught you in many cases to share your toys because they did not want to buy all new duplicate toys so that each child has his or her own. In other cases it was simply because they wanted to teach you it is right and proper to share in life no matter what the situation. But did they always live the type of lifestyle they taught their children or did they simply know this was the right things to do because of all the generations of family that taught them the same principles in life as well – and they simply taught these principles out of habit? Well of course the answer is both- as there are people in our world who are always the acception to the ruler- and they actually do things for the right reasons in life.  But what of all those people out there today who do simply teach their children one thing while living another in life?
Do we teach our children we should never live life beyond the means of what we can afford?
Do we teach our children that no matter what our friends and neighbors have in life we do not need all the same things- nor do we always have to have better things simply because we can afford it?
Do we teach our children that we must own a house and car- and even if we have to go into debt to get these things still we have to have them?
Do we teach our children that every child has to go to college as long as their mother and father can afford to send them?
Do we teach our children that if a man does not work then he does not deserve to eat? And yet if everyone was not concerned of what their neighbor had in life they might not mind sharing their food and water with a human being who is lazy or simply does not want to work in a system where they teach the people you are either rich or you are poor- and no one should help the poor become rich- let alone become an equal to themselves in life if they do not want to work for what they get. Is it wrong for a man not to want to work in a world that feeds the system that he has been completely against all his life and he has awakened in life to a new system where there is no more rich or poor but everyone is an equal heir to all things available on the planet?
Do we teach our children that we must own land- we must own animals- livestock- businesses- corporations- cars- houses- boats- motorcycles- or people? What do you teach your children when it comes to these things?
Now because any man or woman who does not work does not have money- they cannot buy anything in life other than what they can afford from the few pennies they may collect from a friend. And so the reality that all must work is a part of the same reality that we all cannot have and own if we do not work. And then in order to guarantee in a society that there is always the rich and the poor the corrupt leaders find a way to control the money and how it is supplied to the different people of the world based on their place in that world.
Another point I wish to make is mankind is never satisfied (in third dneisty) and never gets enough things in life. This type of lifestyle is an offshoot of the type of lifestyle where people have lived poor and do not have much in life to begin with. So when they do receive the sources to buy all the things they always wanted- they spend it all so very quickly and they are then right back where they started in life. And all of these examples I have mentioned to you friends are the causes of a world where everyone wants to own everything in life simply because they do not know when they will get those things they like or love ever again- and so they want to hold on to them through ownership.
Should a man have to work in life in order to make sure his family is fed- the children have all the clothes they need- and they have a roof over their head? But if they do not own these things in the old system (still the present system for many) someone can come and take them away any time they please right? And so in this manner the poor are always kept poor and the lazy are always kept poor. Then you have those who lose their jobs that are over qualifies or they are under qualified. So they cannot find a job in a bad economy- now do they not deserve to eat as well? Only in a third density world and system my friends will a man go hungry. Take away ownership and what do you have left in a world where all things can now be made new?
Well let’s see what we can come up with if we were to start from scratch.
What if you were living in this system I have been speaking of all along and you were one of those who considered yourself poor because of the things you do or do not have in life at this day? In other words if you have lost all that you once had- or you never had much to begin with in life would you be willing to try a new system if that system started you off in life with all the necessities in life to take care of you and your family until - either something better came along or you eventually chose to completely move over to that new system?
What if you were rich in the present system you are living in but you know that system is falling apart by the news you are hearing on the world scene at this day- and you are in fear that you will either lose everything you now have -  you will soon go to jail for your past deeds – you or your family will be harmed because you had a part in the corruption of the old system – or any other reason you might think of where you are sure the old system is done?
Or what if you are simply rich and you received all of your riches in an honest manner as far as you know but you know the money you possess will eventually (or maybe soon) be worthless?
Could not all of these scenarios possibly call for many people throughout the world today to want a new system that is completely different and separate from the old one?

Well what if a group of people in our world today got together and came to realize - hey we never signed any contract when we were born onto this planet to serve or work for anyone- but it is our parents who unknowingly in most cases sold us into bondage through the creation of our social security numbers and our birth certificates? What if we are all actually free from the moment we are born it to this world and on this planet ( they said this among themselves) and we are all actually heirs to it all- and we never owed anything to anyone in life because we were and are their equals? Would they not have to give it all back to the people equally ( as a whole) and then the people would have their world back- their abundance and assets back- given the people are the true value of the world and not money? Now it is true that we are all equal and we hold the value to the world simply because everything is energy and we are the conscious bodies and forms on the planet that is aware of this and aware that all the energy available is available to all of us equally to create whatever we want in this world in whatever form we wish to create it. Now just because everyone does not yet understand this concept does this mean everyone cannot still benefit from this one single truth?
Does the parent not provide access to all things they possess to their children, while the child is still growing and learning- as long as the child is in need of it- and they understand what purpose each thing serves in their life? Of course a child has no need for a car if they are not yet of age to drive a car- in which case the parent will not make a car available to the child yet- but when it is time the parent will do so- is this not the case?
And so it is with the caretakers of the new system that is coming on line in the world today. Those who are the caretakers of said system are the caretakers at this time simply because the children (those humans not yet awakened) do not know of the new system yet - do not understand the new system yet – and do not even believe the new system is possible in life yet. Does this mean the caretakers of the new system will not still make all things available to the humans who are not yet awakened ( the children) given they are hears to it all as well- and are not limited to their access to all things by the caretakers but rather by their levels of consciousness and energy in life. For if they do not believe it yet they will not accept it yet- but they will accept something of a lesser level of energy and consciousness simply because it will provide for them and theirs in life until they are more fully conscious of those things truly available to them.
So if the caretakers come to them (those not yet awakened) and say to them we will provide you the necessities of life for you and your family- and you do not have to provide anything in return but to accept these things. Now of course they have access to things they want in life as well but they have to believe they can have those things and that those things are available to them in this world and system. If they do not believe then these things cannot be created as a reality to those not yet awakened. In other words if a human being who is not yet awakened does not know of newer technologies that will make their trash disappear then they will not ask for such a device in most cases- and we cannot force these devices on anyone. So if we were asked then we can offer.
Anything that is third dneisty energies from a third dneisty human will continue to remain in third density- and therefore anything of fifth dneisty that a third dneisty human wants- they have to hold the energy levels that allow them to have such things in life- and this would require that human to visit fifth density in order to use or interact with fifth density things. And fifth density things are simply fifth density energies- and every third dneisty human has access and every potential and possible chance- throughout their day- to hold fifth dneisty energies. All is simply based on their levels of evolution at this day.
So if the caretakers come to you and tell you we now live in a world where all things are free and every human has equal access to all things you would not believe them at first if you are a third dneisty human not yet awakened. But if they started out slow and just offered you the things you needed in life- which is things you know can be provided and possible in your world- then you would receive them and begin to trust those who provided them to you- and that trust can be made stronger and stronger as the hours and days move ahead.  Therefore in this process every third dneisty human can gradually make the transition to fifth dneisty life simply be the caretakers building a trusting relationship with the people of the world.
The fact that these humans would still be in fear of the laws of the land they presently live in (the old system) does not mean they cannot be given things in life- and no one has to pay taxes even on the necessities of life. If you do not work a job still it does not matter as all things are available to all people if and when they are prepared to receive them in life. If you drive a car and you are still required to have a license and insurance then keep them in your life- but whenever a human( on their own terms) is prepared to move over to the new system it will be there to receive them. In the new system you will own nothing because everything in life that gets taken for whatever reason from you- everything that gets damaged or destroyed- and everything that gets used up- will be replaced. When you live in a house that house will be there for you to use whenever you want is in life- but the moment you walk away from it or go out of town on a trip- that house will be gone or will come to be used by someone else. If it is not used by someone else it will simply disappear and its energy will be used toward the creation of something else in our world. And so you see when something is needed in life today it is there for the human- but when that human is no longer reflecting on it that thing is gone- and is energy particles being used to create something else in the world or universe. That is how it is in third density and that is how it is in every density- but third density humans do not yet know this.
Everything is at this day- and every day or now moment from eternity been created instantly and at will for all living human souls. Some know it and some do not. There is no need to own anything as anything and everything can be created for you as you want or need it in life in the new system being manifested in the world today. And it is all now being manifested through the process of knowing- as it has always been this way and third dneisty humans just did not know it.
So as the caretakers come to offer the people of the world to know these things the needs of the people of the world will be taken care of simply because the people of the world know these things can exist- they just will not know who made them come into existence quite yet. And if we were to tell them these things now they would not even believe us- so we wait to tell them once they each awaken and enter the levels of energy required by every human soul in order to “know” the things being spoken of here today. How will we provide these things needed by third dneisty humans not yet awakened at this day? We will simply give them to them once they get to know we can do this- and then all they need do is ask. For if a nation or city asks for something we can provide it to them because the collective has believed it was possible and asked. And once the collective asks then the people will all begin to believe and they will ask too and they will all be given their needs in life free of charge. And when they come to know more and more that we stand by what we say- even their wants in life will be provided- and they will all gradually move over to fifth dneisty planet earth- and will never have to go anywhere- as it is already here waiting on them.
Once the people begin to understand that ownership is no more- and they realize all that they possess can be replaced and will be replaced- the people will not wish to own anything ever again. As far as personal possessions in a house or car the can either be taken with you upon leaving a house or car- or they can always be recreated at every moment in your life according to your will- and no one has to see another’s belongings in the process. So whatever furnishings you would want for your house can always be different when another occupies it- or it disappears into conscious energy. There are no set rules and every new rule can be bent and it can be broken even.
Because no one will need for anything the people will gradually no longer want war- violence- punishment – jails- prisons – lawyers- courthouse- and all the things connected to the old system of things. But these things will all be explained in their own time and place friends.
I offer you all my unconditional love and respect friends- and I look forward to sharing my life with you all.