Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #37

Countdown to an evacuation #37 part -1

We are now prepared to share with those of you who have eyes to see and therefore understand the message we are about to offer.
Many on your world today speak of peace and abundance as if they were meant to be the norm in the life of human beings destined for a virtual heaven on earth – they are not.
Every human will forever be at war – and every human will forever have access to peace – but it will always come at a price.
Every human will forever have access to abundance as well – but will come to experience moments of poverty as well as seasons of abundance – not to be maintained in a world and reality where extremities are detrimental to the human condition.
Moderation friends is better to be sought and maintained rather than extremities – as extremities come with the one when they are desired with the other. In other words, one cannot have ibn life constant pleasures and moments of euphoria without the opposite affections and experiences having to be dealt with as well.
Now we realize many would find it very easy to imagine that love – peace - pleasure – abundance – and heaven are all the things one is destined for given that the opposites of these things bring nothing but negative thoughts -words- and experiences into the life of most every human being today as well as in days gone by.
It is easy to imagine that the evolved human being must represent love and goodness toward his or her neighbor given that just the opposites of these have done little to bring human beings together in true unity is days of old – as well as present day circumstances.
So, we offer to you our words of guidance toward that which provides a better set of life’s principles for those who are indeed in the process of their awakening to things not truly higher – but rather a lifestyle which can bring the human condition back to a place of equilibrium and the said maintenance of said equilibrium. 
It is a given that the human condition has always sought constant change – continued growth – and continued abundance -------- as well as a life with as little obstacles as possible. Humans do not know how to accept and manage a life where they are in constant want – need – and lack of the things in life they truly want – even though the human is never truly satisfied and is consistently changing his or her mind as to just what things in life provide them with contentment of life on a constant basis.
You can possess all the riches on your world (minus a small percentage to keep the citizens of society just comfortable enough so that they will not go against you) and still this will not bring you contentment of life when all is said and done – and new spirits enter into your minds and consciousness- all of a sudden causing you to actually be another person. Yes friends – no one human is ever the same person at any given hour – season – or day.
Because of this your wants – needs – and lack of things in life which bring you contentment at any given time will always continue to change – and new loves – new wants will enter into your thoughts – cause each of you to want a change in life – and usually that change comes with new wants for more abundance so as to purchase or bargain for such new things.
Because of this condition, we call the human condition no human will ever come to be truly satisfied – and will only pretend to be satisfied – at such a season as we are in today in order to pretend that he or she has truly evolved to that sort of human they believe should represent the future advanced human.
However, the advanced human – one who is truly advanced  - to a level where he or she can understand how creation best works – in a way that is truly beneficial to all equally – and completely – comes to understand that this is how it must be in order for the Body ( not the illusion of an individual and separate body and form in flesh) to truly exist to eternity in Oneness and true equilibrium of Self.
That which is created is the Illusion and therefore that which is not created in not illusion but is real – and because it is real – and it is of a most pure nature- it cannot be divided or separated according to it’s supposed parts.
The world you presently live in and on lives by this separation and division of parts - though the parts do not yet realize they are simply one representation of the collective whole. Because of this condition – the human condition – humans recognize the illusory self as all and everything that is truly important when they can only please one in life. Of course, when certain humans have provisions which allow them to please more than the one – then they look toward certain neighbors – in hopes only that they will find other forms of satisfaction in their sharing or giving – but in the end pleasing self – the lower human self – is always the number one priority in the human’s life.
Yes, there are acceptions – but these acceptions only come when the human has drawn their thoughts and intentions from higher sources of their collective consciousness – and usually out of affections of fear or doubt for someone’s safety or lack in life.  They often believe it to be love which is guiding their actions – but love is usually not a term well understood by lower consciousness humans – which is what they return to when they have left the higher levels of consciousness sometimes visited in life – forms of consciousness many of you would come to call the super human.
With that said we state again that what you will each come to seek when you are truly moving through an awakening state of human consciousness – a higher human condition if you will – you will no longer seek eternal peace or abundance. You will no longer be of the illusion that peace and abundance are something which should be sought in a world you may think to one day become your heaven on earth.
Heaven comes and heaven goes – and all the while your hells are mixed in there to fill all the gaps where each of you cannot constantly maintain a virtual heaven on earth. Indeed, the hells as you would call them are just as important as your heavens – for no one could come to endure eternal pleasure – eternal peace- eternal abundance – or eternal contentment of life.
And so you will not be looking for a world of abundance – you will not be looking for a world bound by – limited to – and based solely on peace throughout said world. Your body – your collective body that is separate from nothing – is a body made up of an Infinite supply of potential land possible ruling loves and affections – and therefore an unending supply of things which can be created of you – by you – through you – for you – and because of you.
If you were to do away with any part of you mentioned here, then you would become not only limited in your Source as the Creator of all potential and possibilities – but you would send your conscious self even deeper into the abyss of ignorance and illusion.  This can no longer be – as you are each evolving at this day and season into that body we speak of which can no longer sustain or maintain the many illusions of the separation of this Body.
If any one of you presently in an awakening state were to be provided material abundance on your world today you would come to know now that you can no longer possess said abundance – and must therefore share it – give it away – donate it to a beneficial cause for the true benefit of human kind – or you would simply deny said abundance. Either way you will know that you will be provided – by you – all that you require in life to sustain the life you have chosen to live when you incarnated into this present world of yours. You will now know your true ruling loves and your true purpose for being here – and you will therefore move forward accordingly.
You will not seek peace in your world as you will no longer interfere with the collective workings and ruling loves of your outer world. You will intend peace in your home or place of comfort – and even then you will only intend it and will it – but you will not move toward changing others in your home or out in public any longer.
Just because there are wars – rumors of wars – violence – deception – corruption – and all the other negative happenings upon your world – does not mean they will come to you – harm you – or causer loss to you and yours any longer.
If you live by the sword you will die by the sword – and if you live by their laws and limitations you will come to receive harm and loss because of your accepting these laws and limitations as your own. Peace is an illusion – abundance is an illusion – and until you find that proper median in life where you are neither affected by the one or the other – you will continue to know want – need – and lack in life.
There is a set purpose for seasons of peace – there is a set purpose for all the many seasons of war and displeasures – but the one cannot ever be done away with any more than the other. You cannot always have peace in your home or place of comfort as too much of either would drive the human mind mad over a period of seasons – and that is the reason for moderation of life.
All the things in your everyday lives which once appeared as negative can now be seen for what they truly represent in use or purpose in your collective life as the new human. If you get cut you do not usually die – but your body heals itself – and in the seasons and days to come in your evolving or awakening the body will come to heal itself more efficiently as you move forward in this process.
You will come to realize that words no longer mean a thing – as they often simply reflect the present state of mind of this person or that. They can no longer harm you unless you allow them to harm you. Because the laws and limitations continuously being put in place on your world for the citizens – written and enforced by those we like to call the strongman (or the one using force against other humans) – many of you will come to realize that you will have to pull back at first – and take yourself out of the public eye for a bit – allowing you the time or number of seasons to truly awaken to new knowing and understanding as to how to effectively deal with the present condition of human kind as they continue to share your present world with you – and will continue to share with you until they each leave it of their own predetermined choosing – if you can believe this.
You have known many humans who have appeared to be offended and even experienced harm and loss at many different levels on your world – by the ones using force we might add – forcing their will as well as their laws and limitations on the human population – but in many cases if you had witnessed these instances often you will have found that these humans choose to fight back or take them to the law makers and judges – seeking their own justice from a system based solely on force and deception. Again, we say that if they use the system or live by the system – they will eventually fall to the system.
If you no longer fight them however – or seek to uncover their innocence or guilt – and if you do not continue to involve yourself in their system of force – then you will not fall by said system – for they can never take from you that which you do not truly possess. If one calls him or herself the Master then he or she represents the strongman – and they will each eventually fall to the sword. If one is a slave – and truly submits to any outer forces in their lives, then the strongman will in most all cases back off and go about their business – leaving you be. If however the strongman (the one using force or coercion) intends or asserts their will on you while you are in a slavery state of mind and life (in submission to outer forces) and harm or loss does indeed come to you then it is because you have attracted these forces whether from your fears or doubts – or because possibly you are about to learn an important lesson in life.
The lessons one comes to learn in life are always correspondent to (equivalent to) one’s previous intentions toward another or others. Again, as the human moves forward in their awakening process or spiritual evolution he or she will come to handle life’s lessons and experiences in many new and different ways.
When you speak of others and their deceit and corruption – as well as their offenses toward you and others in life you are judging what you believe to be their truth when in fact seldom does one human know the circumstances and life intentions of another. You do not know why they incarnated into your present world to begin with – and so it would be wise for one who is awakening or evolving to come to realize that every human or other self has a set use and purpose toward the advancement or evolution of your human spirit – which is why they are here. If they therefore offer to you or present to you in life those things you see as negative – and you sound back or act according to those same affections – then you will simply be continuing a process that will never end until you put an end to it.
Some very horrible things take place on your world today – in this season of your life and existence – and many of you would ask why these things happen – even blaming your supposed unknown and unseen God as being responsible – and therefore accepting them as His will – and still come to call your God a loving being - ------ you will receive knowledge of these things however, as you are prepared to receive it.
On your world (not ours) you have witnessed – see or heard of many children who have lost their lives to some horrific experiences – and you ask why? We tell you why – though it is you who must be prepared to receive. You cannot experience or intend great pleasures such as much peace and abundance – without experiencing – hearing of – or witnessing such horrific things.  For those who would come to involve themselves in such offenses or terrible situations causing harm and loss to children they will receive an equal amount of these experience – based in each case on those things causing horrific pain or loss according to the fears and doubts of the human subject. Those who witness these things – see them – or hear of them not so much – as lessons to be learned in life are according to the offenses toward human kind or your other selves making up your present collective world.
Countdown to an evacuation  #37 part -2

Yes, many believe it is too much to bear when a child has lost it’s life in one way or another – and so we see and understand how each of you may or may not feel – and so we offer you these things to ponder. What you see as death with the children is a new life – and the pain and suffering you each believe these children come to feel or experience is truly not their own. They sleep – very quickly we might add – and then – just like every other case where sleep is involved – they awaken – as spirit – and the atrocities of their past or prior life is gone.  Those friends – loved ones – and every other human who is to take a lesson from these kind of circumstances in life however – are the ones who feel the majority or bulk of the pain and suffering.
What is done is done – and for those who cannot find something beneficial (not good for those remaining) in the loss of a child – this will not come until it is the season of their awakening to these things. Every human carrying affections of love in your life – those loves that are of you because they were created from your loves in life (inner loves) will bring sadness and suffering if you come to witness their life’s end – and many lessons come with their passing even though one will go through a season of mourning and sense of great loss each time.
All the knowledge of death and where people go upon their passing will not console appropriately – those who have lost a loved one – and few are ever prepared for such an experience – but truly for every door that is closed in one’s life another is opened. You cannot bring back a child in most cases but you can absorb the love they offered to your world – and you can carry those loves throughout life and share them with those you come to have an impact on in life.
To be as plain and truthful as we can be at this present moment we would tell you that if you wish to one day live in a world where the children do not have to suffer such atrocities then create that world – and do not seek to have all the greatest pleasures in life on a constant basis – for with one extremity comes it’s equal or opposite extremity.
Your world will never be an actual heaven on earth because the One you once thought of as your God (we do not believe these childhood tales any longer) is not an All loving God – nor is He an All Evil God – for is it not said that God is all things?
So we say again, many things in your life now being formed will come to be less pleasing than others – but based on the world you are presently intending for your new life you will find moderation in that life – and many atrocities will be no more – as they will no longer be required for your advancement of the human condition.   
You are a collective consciousness being – and therefore all consciousness is You – even though you have the potential to zone in on any frequency of consciousness you choose based on your will and intentions at any given now moment. You zap into one frequency and out of another all the time – and the one you choose according to your present will and intentions is the one you pay your conscious mind to.
All consciousness is a vibratory sequence and each individual sequence in one’s life is always based on the ruling loves and affections guiding that sequence of events or vibrations. The lower in frequency one comes to vibrate the less conscious potential and possibility available to that conscious mind while the higher the vibration the more that is added to ones levels of consciousness  - in a manner where one human can possess many myriads of thought patterns when compared to another human who may only be able to hold a few thought patterns at any given time or season.
As vibration is not presently our chosen topic however for this message – we will attempt to return to our original message having to do with one’s search for peace and abundance in their life.
Because no human can constantly hold loving affections in their heart – given that we cannot love all things in life – the human must always live a life of a grand smorgasbord of ruling loves and affections – never maintaining the same ruling loves and affections for any given period of time – unless he or she chooses to remain out of equilibrium of life which often places them in danger of being attacked by the strongman. You see when one is out of their phase of equilibrium of life they are either in their high vibrations or their low vibrations – and when in such a state of mind anyone can fall prey to the strong man in a way that he or she will be tempted by opposites. So if one is in his or her highs they must be met with lower vibration matching those he or she is presently in – though on the other side of the spectrum. When he or she is in their lows it is the same – as corresponding highs will be introduced into their everyday life – and he or she will be tested as the victim of habit and extremes. Getting caught in extremes – as we have mentioned – can lead to negative situations even in times when one believes he or she is so very blessed financially or according to material possessions.
Because the life of the human living his or her life in equilibrium (a state predetermined for one who is living in moderation and in agreement with all parts of his or her higher body or collective consciousness) is one of contentment in all things – he or she will often ender go lessons so as to help in maintaining said equilibrium. These lessons are not there to bring about good or bad situations in one’s life – but rather they are there to demonstrate that there is no true good or bad – but only representative experiences of your many other selves being played out in a myriad of different bodies and forms in life – still representing those same ruling loves and affections – but often being shared through different packages in the material and physical world.
As there are truly many different packages (bodies and forms) which provide certain good and profitable things in ones life – so too is the opposite the case as there are many packages which provide those things not seen as good or profitable. Because of this universal principles running strong in your world one can possess great riches and have the belief that he or she can purchase many things in life – including happiness and peace – but that is not the case. Many negative situations can be presented in life to those who do not yet possess a full understanding of the principles of abundance and poverty.
As happiness is offered in so very many different forms so too is suffering and displeasures of one’s life. Just as one does not necessarily find contentment of life in his or her riches neither does one come to find said contentment in life according to his or her poverty or lack of material and physical abundance. The one in poverty is often seeking riches in one form or another – or at least welcoming them – just as the one in riches is seeking abundance in other forms – as he or she is not in possession of true abundance – but the illusions thereof.
When one has therefore found peace in his or her life – said peace can never be maintained for an indefinite period as every human must endure change in order to grow in wisdom and in knowledge. To have loved all of one’s life is to not know or have compassion for one who has been someone’s enemy all of their life.
One who has never had an enemy in life cannot truly appreciate his or her friends. One who has never had a friend in life cannot truly appreciate what it is like to have an enemy. One can never know forgiveness when one is always bound in universal and eternal forgiveness. Why does one forgive and why does one not forgive? Why is one offended and what is it like to have never been offended? What is peace when all things are in their true order in a manner that nothing is out of order – and all things are in perfect agreement all the time? Why is heaven considered heaven and why is hell considered as hell? Is one in heaven all the time if he or she has all and everything they require for their happiness and entertainment all the time?
There once was a man who was a thief – and this thief was cornered in an alley at night after he had slipped up on a jewelry store robbery. This man was cornered in an alley and he was shot and killed by the police. When this man awoke from his supposed sleep he was greeted by a man of an elderly looking age and the man spoke to him and told him that he had something wonderful for him – and would he please follow him to this hotel.
They went to this hotel and the elderly man told him that he was deceased and that he was there to give the man whatever things made him happy – all the dreams and desires he had were about to be fulfilled ------ or so he thought. So the elderly gentleman told him to tell him what he wished for and he would make it happen. The man said I want lots and lots of money – I want a million bucks I do. So the elderly gentleman said look into the trunk in front of you – and sure enough there was a million dollars. Next he said I want to be surrounded by beautiful woman who adore me – and again his wishes were granted.
So the evening went on and the man said he wanted to go to the casino sown stairs and gamble – and he wanted to win every time. So the elderly gentleman made it all happen and this went on for hours until finally the man said I want to quit – it is not much fun knowing you are going to win every time – it kind of takes all the fun and mystery out of it. So he went back up to his room – and there waiting were all those beautiful woman ready to get their hands on him. They argued and fought all the evening and he didn’t get to spend a single minute with one of them – until finally he said I’m tired – I want to go to bed.
So he went to bed and when he got up the next morning the elderly gentleman asked him if he want to go hit the gambling tables – and he said no – it wasn’t much fun any more. Then he said do you want to play some poker – and the man said no – what for – I already know I will win. Then he called up all of his old buddies and invited them over – and when they got there they all hassled him for money and favors – and not one just wanted to sit and remanence about old times.
As the days and weeks dragged on the man was coming to see that he could have all the things he wanted – all the time – but he began thinking to himself what fun is it having everything you want – always knowing you will win and not love – taking all the purpose out of it in gambling. He looked at the elderly gentleman and told him – hey I thought you said I was in heaven – what gives – I am not having thoughts of happiness but I am instead having thoughts of boredom and I’m sick of all the attention – cannot even get a moments peace.
So the elderly gentleman said to him – I never told you that you were in heaven – I only told you that you had deceased – and the place I have brought you is representative of the place you will go. So the man stood there for a moment and he thought to himself – so this is what hell is all about – and all along I thought I had earned my way into heaven. 
So the moral of the story is for those who think they have an idea of what their heaven will look like – or what hell will consist of – think again – as happiness and ones greatest desires in life are not so happy and pleasurable once they have worn out their welcome – and so too much of a good thing can very quickly become a bad thing

Friday, December 2, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #38

Is it really a rational or logical thing to believe that there is some Creator God out there or up there that is only One God in charge of all and everything – and then to believe this God made some humans to represent evil from now to eternity – and others to represent good from now to eternity as well? Does it make sense that an all - powerful being would simply have favorites (assuming He was a good and loving God) and would therefore create some humans in His own image and others in His opposite image – or would it make more sense that He would create all in His image – especially when the physical self is here to represent God in His physical nature – a nature which allows Him to do all things mechanically that He could not otherwise accomplish as spirit or consciousness?
Does It make sense that an all - powerful God would create worlds where the one group of folks he most detests would be given free rein to offend – harm – and even kill those folks He most certainly loves – given that they are created in His own image? Why would good and loving beings all be made to suffer such horrific experiences and lives if they are good and loving – from now to eternity? Why would the evil folks be given an opportunity to live along - side those good folks in the first place if this God knows them to be nothing but evil? Why would this God simply not create them in the first place – given that they will all supposedly be destroyed and done away with somewhere down the line – somewhere in eternity?
Yes, many religious folks say they will not question God – because He knows all things and we know very little when it comes to Gods overall plan. So if evil folks have a certain purpose in Gods plan – and that purpose requires that they have all the same freedoms as the supposed good and loving folks – then why would a good and loving God create them so that He could destroy them whenever He chose to do so? Better yet how can anything that is of God ever come to be destroyed – if anything of God is Infinite? Is this destruction we speak of here any true measure of what is represented in a good and loving human – and for that matter a good and loving God?
Who of this present human generation can honestly say that love is represented in this manner – and that whoever comes to one day find the true meaning of love could ever accept that destruction of anything is truly representative of love? If everything that your God creates is good – given that all things must have a purpose in the evolution of the human spirit – then why ever – from now to eternity – would your God destroy anything He created if it will forever have a set use and purpose toward the good and benefit of all human kind?
There are so many different arguments on our world today both for and against Gods actual love and wisdom – and yet when it comes right down to it – in every case it is still the opinion of said human being making each statement of opinion. Then there are those on our world who would take the individual writings of certain books and live their life’s purpose in believing all that such books were to provide to the world – and yet so very often proof has been uncovered that no human being can ever truly be trusted – including the ones who not only write – but those who provide the details to all the many books written down through the ages and generations of humanity.
How can an almighty God ever have slaves and be a loving God – lest said God always gives His slaves the option and opportunity to disconnect themselves from their subservience to Him any time they pleased – or any time they came to a greater understanding of just what goes along with being someone’s slave? Many of you would take your Gods side on this and say that if God chose to have slaves – or create humans who would have slaves – then God knows what He is doing – but who ever told you that God knows what He is doing – and showed actual physical (what your sciences are truly based on) proof that your God knows anything when it comes to right and wrong?
Because of your fears of death and what may or may not come after death many humans choose to find their God during this lifetime – because they do not know if there will ever be another lifetime. Every time someone chooses their God in this life and world they come to choose based on their fears and doubts – and never on actual evidence or because of what they either love or do not love in this life. In other words they do not choose their God in some cases because of their love for money – but rather for their fears of not having enough of the abundance which could possibly be provided them if they had more of this type of abundance.
People do not choose their god based on their love for power but rather on the fact that they are afraid they will not have enough power – and someday become a slave like many others unless their God gives them the power in life they require. Some know their God will provide neither of these things so as to make one’s life more simple or full – while others do not – and they take it all the way to the bank when it comes to their believing in a God that will fix their problems in life and give them more of what they lack – so that they will not become the slave that their neighbor supposedly is. Again, it is not so much that humans love money or usury or that they love power – but rather it is their fears and doubts as to their s and their children’s survival in this would without these two main things.
What every human being truly loves in life is often never seen or witnessed simply because we are all actors and actresses on the world stage – and we often pretend to be something other than what we truly are or represent in the grand scheme of life and existence as actual creator beings. Today we pretend to be the thief and tomorrow we want to be a judge – but in the end of it all both are judges and both are thieves. Today we might want to be a preacher or a nurse – or a great scientist who invents a cure for cancer so as to save the world from all of it’s inconsistencies – and still tomorrow we would rather take the easy road and become a stay at home mom – the average citizen – or a homeless person living on the streets who no longer has any of life’s responsibilities and has no one to answer to any longer.
Every human being has the potential to be each and all things – one moment this the other moment something else. It is all in what you each believe to be true and possible in life – as everything is based on intention and the will to bring about one’s intentions by coming to know all there is to know about anything in life one can possibly imagine. Our human host was once just an average citizen ( and will be again and again) and then one day he took on the interests and intentions to know more about this God thing as well as this human thing – theology and science if you will --- and he set his sights on reading and watching – and listening – and speaking – and going within quite often so as to find all the many answers he sought in order to achieve his goal in life – as his life’s goals had changed drastically all of a sudden. In deed in the end and even today he has found more than he bargained for – and continues to seek knowledge toward his true intentions and true potentials. Still, he is no different than any one of you ----
You are each the God of all Gods – and there is none lesser or greater than yourself. You have each traveled to other timelines and dimensions – you have built pyramids – space ships – worlds – galaxies – and expanses of realities never imagined by the generations on our world today.
So why are you each limited today – and why do so very many of you seek some God that you will never come to see or witness as this great and powerful being that has the power of life and death right as His fingertips? Because you do not know who you are yet – but you will!
You can never be a God so long as you continue to live and act like a lower conscious being who separates all the many different parts of Self to live out an existence of limitation and slavery – and yes you each chose to live such existence for a very good reason – but that reason has passed away now. A God has the complete free will choice to pick and choose – but at the same time every God ( your created illusion that you are a God) loses that choice to pick and choose when good must represent good and evil must represent evil in one’s many new found creations of separation and duality.
In other words, it is an illusion that one is good and the other evil – or that one is a God and the other an angel or devil. You as human beings – physical human being – are not anything set in stone but rather you are all things living the illusion of life as a single entity. Therefore, the devils in each of you – based on the ruling loves and affections each devil represents – must represent what devils represent in you and in your life – based on their eternal ruling loves and affections each devil is and represents. The same goes for what you would call angels – Satan’s – or Gods.
What we tell each of you here in these words however are not the words of mankind but only his penmanship alone. They do not become your own words until such time or season as each of you chooses to either make these your heartfelt truths or not to – as the choice is always yours individually or collectively in life. No fear – doubt – coercing – or force will come with our words – as they represent only what is offered up at this time for your consideration during the present season of your lives and existence.
You – each of you who see yourself as individual human beings – cannot ever be bound by any other God – made subservient to any other God – or attached permanently to any other God – lest it be your choice at any given time or season of life. No God can bind or limit you at any time – nor can he or she ever cause harm – loss- or punishment to any one of you unless you decide to give him or her the powers and abilities to do any of these things to you throughout all of eternity.
The world you all live in today is a perfect example of the level of evolution your human spirit is in at this day and season – as it is showing each of you what is so very important in your lives today – and what was once important to you in days gone by – and more and more every day now – you are each coming to see with clear eyes what is and what is not in the true reality that awaits you all.
Imagine all the things which are seemingly good and proper to you each at this day – and then ponder of things good and proper to you seasons ago. Were you not once a child and now you are grown – or are you not still a child and are still growing – and have your thoughts – opinions- likes and dislikes not changed over the seasons of your life? Did you not once believe that war and violence were necessary in order to maintain the human population in a manner in which would be acceptable to any rational or logical human being today? Did you not once believe in punishing a child or even a grown up for doing those things in life not acceptable to your standards of life or those of human society?
Countdown to an evacuation #38 – part 2
Did you not once believe that taking one’s life for the offenses toward human kind that were equal to your decision to kill – much like it has been told in your holy books of old?
Did you not at one time believe it was proper for some humans to be rich or wealthy while others lived in poverty and slavery so very much below your own levels of poverty and slavery you knew nothing about at the time? Do you now realize that you are one body and that ---
Yes you are a single body and form – the macrocosm if you will – and you have been lead down a road of deception in you many generations of human life – so as to more and more come to believe that you are all separate and individual – in a way that you have been fashioned to believe you must always take care of number one in life first – and this number one is separate from all other number one’s – and you are unique in living the life you have chosen from the teachings and traditions they have provided you all.

Even today on your world you rush to take care of number one and your own – while you leave other to completely fend for themselves ----- some you have learned compassion for while you have judged – found guilty – and punished many others – for crimes and injustices you have each carried out so very many times in your past – whether in this present world or those lives you have lived before the existence even – of this world.
You each place expectations on this person or that person in life – very seldom accepting the responsibility for your own life – making others responsible for your own personal happiness and pleasure – while blaming them when your own personal happiness and pleasures have not been met. You choose you leaders or slave masters to lead or guide you and your friends and neighbors – all along not considering the fact that they did not buy into your illusions or contracts – nor did they place their names on the dotted lines so as to agree to share masters with you.
When your masters have been chosen either agreeably or not in agreement you force your neighbors to abide by your laws or you expect them to abide by them simply because of your beliefs in the power and authority that supposedly comes with those laws. When your law makers and slave masters become corrupt because of them receiving much power and wealth (opportunities many humans would take advantage of in your present generation) you find them guilty as well – and wish to bring them to the judge and be punished and often wish to take their lives.
Again, the human condition is showing their present nature in a season of their spiritual evolution which determines their destinies in the near future – except for those who are prepared and predestined to change according to the seasons of their life they are in. To even consider that you should forgive your neighbor seventy - seven times falls well short of the collective knowledge that is coming your way at this day friends – and it is totally up to each of you who will take on the self - responsibility in life which allow him or her the access and ability to accept this knowledge as it is brought into your life at this day and season.
There is nothing to forgive friends because no one has ever harmed – caused loss- or offended you in all of your existence but you. When harm and loss comes your way in life it comes your way because you attracted it in some way – and it is there to complete a circle – to finish out a lesson in life – and all of these lessons will continue to come to you each in life until the circle is complete and an end has been brought to the lessons at hand. Many of you will not accept these words for it is not yet your season – but those who truly see with unseen eyes will come to see and hear our world – and full understanding will follow.
Your corrupt leaders are there today for your benefit – and judging or punishing them will only lengthen the necessity for the lesson. Your enemies are there for your good as well – the ones in your everyday lives. They teach you that you still have enemies just as your God you have chosen had enemies – and it is you who much figure out why you have enemies – and what their true purpose in your life really is. Do you love your enemies by destroying them – ending their life – or binding them to the everlasting eternal fires of hell? Do you need to rid yourself of your enemies at all or do you simply have to become one with them – and come to know their true [purpose in your eternal existence as One Creator Source?
You fight in life with all things you do not understand – and you do not understand those things because you do not intend to know them for the use or true purpose they truly serve in your present life. There are many things in life you do not have simply because you do not know that you have them and how to make them a physical reality in your life. You want peace and abundance in your life but you are not concerned as to whether your other selves (who make up your one and true body) have equal peace and abundance. You do not want wars and corrupt organizations outside your home and village ( as you feel they will impact your home life negatively in some way) and yet you have not dealt with war – violence – and destructive principles in your own homes yet in life.
We all must eventually come to achieve and maintain moderation and an equilibrium in our everyday lives. We must come to accept what appears as bad or negative as good and positive whenever we are faced with these experiences or we are doomed to continue a process of constant negative vibrations being brought into our everyday lives until we come to accept all of it as a necessary part of our existence and the health and fullness of our human conditions and forms.
Everywhere we look we will find things which are not agreeable with us on a daily basis – but this is only because we are a conglomeration of infinite uses and purposes all for the good and benefit of the human whole or macrocosmic body and form that we as collective human beings make up when no longer divided in any way.
Everything you each want in and out of life can be your  - but not by asking – not by praying or begging some invisible God – and not by forcing your will on others who share this present world with you – but by you will being empowered and intended – and by all of the selves that make up the inner as well as outer you – making it happen – causing it to eventually manifest – and by the cessation of any further fears and doubts that it will be done in the end. All creation must come through agreement or equilibrium of life – and that life consists of every human on your world who shares a similar vibration and frequency as yourself – whether man or woman – child – friend – neighbor – or of any different race one could ever think of – all will play their part in your creations.
When there is no human on your world to serve certain uses or purposes toward any individual creation one of you may intend on creating – that human will be created as well – as it is so very simple to do in the realms of consciousness. You possess a body – both individual as well as the collective (world) body – and your body has wants – needs – and desires in both cases ------ and just as the individual consciousness provides for the individual human form so too does the collective consciousness provide for the collective form. What is not presently available for the creations of your willed intentions – intentions less fear and doubt however – will always be made available of – from – through – and for the body. Many of the humans who share your world know nothing about such creative processes because they are not prepared or in their season to know these things – and only those of you who are – and can come to believe what we are saying here will indeed put it all to the test. However, we tell you all at this time – testing our words will not get it done – as you must know you are the Creator in order to in fact be the Creator – no doubt – no fear – only knowing.
Do not think you will not endure many trials and tests in the process however – as this is how knowing is strengthened in each of us – and so we suggest you each begin small and build up to the big things. You have been living in a world of much deceit for a very long time – and it has taken many generations to fashion the human mind and condition in the manner in which it is at this day – and so just as illusion has been brought on gradually over many seasons – so too will the proper levels of your knowledge as Creator Source take many seasons.
The world you live in today will not go away – and you will not take into custody – judge – and punish all the collective corrupt sources on your world today because those of you who are of an awakened nature presently will take a different road or path now. Violence will no longer be a tool so as to provide the things you need and wish for in the days ahead. Wars will have no more place in your new reality presently forming. Peace will now become the seed of your life because enemies will fall away in a manner you had not before even imagined.
There will still be rulers – still the pains of punishment and injustice – but they will not come to be by your hands any longer – nor will they be directed at you – for you are a new creature this day and season. All things will move forward just as they have done in many days gone by on your world – and  the people will notice very little which has changed – because these people will be those not yet prepared for their awakening – and they will not yet wish and hope for higher things – but one day this will all change.
In the meantime, manmade laws will bind and limit the masses – Kings and Queens and similar ruling forces will remain in power just as before – and the people will love them for the handouts they choose to offer. Contracts will be signed and contracts will be broken repeatedly – and all along you will choose to no longer feed a diminishing society – a society that has gone downhill more and more as of late – but of their own choosing. Again, all things will remain the same – and those who worship their Gods will continue talk of an end to it all – but there will be no end.
Separations through the continued illusion of right and wrong – good and evil – justified and guilty – and all the many other ways humans come to divide their societies and homes will be no different. The only thing or things that will change in days to come will be each of you individually – and those of you collectively who have attracted like selves in life. Those still asleep will continue to sleep while those who have taken on knowledge which corresponds to a world settling in on true unity and oneness of the body will know all that is needed to know in order to move forward and change their world according to higher human principles and standards.
Do not fear any longer those things feared in days gone by – and do not hinder or diminish your new-found creations by settling in and returning to your old standards of fear and doubt. When you intend a new creation do not be concerned with those things happening on your world which appear to feed a negative agenda or coming reality – as it is all indeed for the good and benefit of all things about to be new.
If their King or Queen is at no good – and you receive word of it – do not concern yourself any longer – and let things be – just as they will be. What appears to you often to be change truly is not change but you are simply moving yourself into a different timeli9ne – a different dimension of you will – of your eternal living spirit. Because nothing really changes but your spiritual society in which you attract to self in your everyday life – when you create a new – do not try and change world happenings or situations – as the collective higher Self running the show for you has it all covered. Therefore, whenever you now attempt to change a matter on your world physically or vocally (you who are creating anew) you simply hinder the processes of your new creation.
Do not judge any longer – do not complain – do not take to law – do not seek one’s punishment – and do not continue to fear and doubt your new abilities – (though they are not really new).

Until we meet again may your thoughts be knowledge.