Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New World Society - My World

New World Society as of August 22, 2012
In my new world and system there will be no punishment. There will be no jails or prisons. There will be no courthouses; judges; or lawyers and attorneys. There will be no children and there will be no animals as there is a time and place for these things based on our state of life and consciousness, and the sixth density consciousness does not include children or animals. In my new world there will be no wars or rumors of wars; no weapons of war; and no speak of war from a single soul’s mouth.
There will be no police departments as there will be no further need of police as the citizens will have no further need of protection from any outside invaders or sources. There will be no need of hospitals as there will no longer be the sick and diseased within our society. Those who are sick or diseased will be found in the lower societies or levels of consciousness where hospitals will indeed still be found on a limited basis. There will no further need of many different offices or organizations for the checking of food and drink as all food and drink will bear no evidence of poisons or harmful ingredients to the human body.
And so there will be no offices or organizations ever again having to do with the distribution or safety of food and drink of any kind. All food and drink will be provided by every human soul by that individual soul according to their own likes and dislikes, and through their own means of providence and creation. There will be no libraries and no schools as life itself will be the only school we ever again need, and as far as a library is concerned there is no mote top learn that every soul cannot receive simply by willing it sand wishing to understand a new thing.
There will be no further need of a monetary system or exchange of any money items or currency whatsoever as all things will be free to all people in life. They will be free because we will each come to create it on our own without the need of help of others except in instances when we wish to co – create with another person or soul. At present in your world today you need money because you seek things you cannot provide for yourself through means other than receiving certain things from another human or soul. And that human or soul will not provide you with those certain things in life without their receiving in exchange such as money.
That will all change in our new world as we will no longer be dependent on others for anything in life except when we seek creations that are manifested through those affections another soul represents that we do not. So if you wish to create more things in life then you will have to seek unity with many other souls, and this will have been accomplished completely when we each move to higher vibrations and consciousness within sixth density and are then better known as the fifth density man. You will then be capable of creating all things that your spiritual society and soul group have come to create from the very birth or creation of all the many souls within that group from the very beginning of that creation. Unconditional love; unity; and harmony of life are what will make the difference in sixth density consciousness – fifth density man.
In our new world there will be no negativity as those affections will be of the lower vibrations as well and will be held within the life and consciousness of our lower third density selves. And so our lower self will be known as fourth density consciousness – third density man. In our new world there will be no right or wrong as every human or soul will do and life as he or she pleases in life, and therefore know all things are acceptable as all things are now in unity and harmony. As we said before there will be no war and so there will be no further need of weapons of violence or war as nothing can ever again harm a human being of sixth density. Whereas there has always been higher souls living around and among lower human souls, still they cannot interact with those lower souls on their lower levels of existence and life, as the higher sixth density human is no longer connected with those things in life.
If you want to play with a child or an animal you must lower your vibrations long enough to do so, and then you still will possess the abilities to raise your vibrations to the levels they always were in your new natural state of life and existence. The reason you must lower your vibration in order to play with a child or an animal is because children and animals are both limited to your will within your third density world and that can no longer be the case once you enter into sixth density consciousness – fifth density man.  You may in life see them as an animal or a child from a far off distance as you can then see them as their lower selves, but close up they will always be seen as the adult human they always were and will continue to be from here on.
In our new world there will be no obesity or unhealthy humans as all humans will be in perfect health and weight. Clothes will no longer be needed as we will now be enclosed within our light bodies in which case sexual organs and things that once made a human blush will no longer be an issue as those are things of lower vibrations. Many things of the old order of third density will no longer be needed or wanted in life such as television; radio; internet; videos; music recording and listening devices, and so much more. You can now make your own music and hear it as well whenever you wish in life. There will be no further need of public; local; or worldly news as you will be connected with all humans or souls and will know all things about them in life, as well as their every thought if you wish to know it.
Technology will be a thing of the past as you come to remember that you created all the technology in the first place, and now you have once again risen above those technologies that once bound you in slavery. Or what is better known to man as the Matrix. For presently each of you is still living within the illusion of the Matrix which is technology at its best, and are soon to move out of it and return to a more pure and awakened consciousness once again. Presently you are bound to a computer chip that is so much more advanced than those of your present world that you cannot yet understand just what is going on in your life and existence that is soon to drastically change.
The Matrix is a reality that exists within a reality of pure consciousness or thought. It is a world where all things are possible but still limited by the powers; abilities; and knowledge of every human soul or subject doing the reflecting or creating based on their level of evolution within that Matrix that exists upon that little microscopic computer chip known as a point or simple within Infinite Source or consciousness. Where that computer chip once existed simply as consciousness and a simple or point within the consciousness of Infinite Source, now the created souls have created the same thing organically and within the confines of the material and physical lower realms, and man has bound his own self to the Matrix based on his own rules and principles.  
The Computer tower or mainframe has created its own computer tower or mainframe through the artificial means of technology, and has taken Infinite Source out of the equation – or so he thinks! And so he is permitted to continue to think along these lines of insanity right up to the day that he awakens once again, and reconnects with Infinite Source, in which case each soul will be given their life back the way it was and has always actually been outside of the Matrix. At that time man will no longer need technology but will come to realize it only fits in with the program of the Matrix, and is of no further use to him or her in their true existence as Infinite Source.
In our new world we will make the rules and we will all be one with Infinite Source while doing so, in which case All things will be done according to moderation and equilibrium of life. There will no longer be an y good or evil but those things that were once seen as good and evil; positive and negative; right and wrong, in our lives will now be seen as those many different ruling loves in the lives of all the different souls; thoughts; affections; and levels of consciousness found within the collective that is Infinite Source. We will all remember how to accept one another as our self, or another part of our self, that is mandatory and necessary in order to exist as One whole or collective conscious and Infinite Creator to eternity.

Monday, August 20, 2012

We are the Society Daniel!

We are the Society Daniel
We are the society Daniel and we speak to you who are citizens of our society as well as those of you outside our society who resonate with our words and would wish to become members of our society if even in a limited manner. You are welcome to come and share our community or society with us in any manner that pleases you, for as long as you wish, as long as you respect the free will of all others within our society.
We would not have you removed from our society ever as this is not how we do things in our world, but we would warn each of you that universal laws built into our society would not permit those who are outsiders to come into our society and disrupt the free will lifestyle of all its citizens as well as visitors. Therefore those universal laws would cause serious bodily discomfort to anyone who would not wish to continuously keep the peace within the walls and perimeters of our society. Once the person or souls were to leave our society in peace however all discomfort would immediately cease.
These simple rules which are few, are here put in place within our new world so as to provide peace and happiness to all citizens and visitors to our society, as that is what we wish in life for all, at all times. And so in hopes that those who read our words come to realize that our world is now being formed within the confines of your world, so as to cause it to be easily achieved and found by those of your world who are prepared to come join us at any time in your future lives, we will explain to each of you just how our world can be found.
We call our world The New World Society and we are not of the Cabal of your world as some would come to believe but we are the opposite of that organization, which is why the names or titles are so similar. We are those souls of your world who you have come to see as negative and corrupt to the core. With one difference however! All souls in life have their opposite and they all eventually come to meet that opposite and come to keep both opposite natures that make up their essence and being in check at the day of “The Consummation of the Ages.
In other words positive is good and negative is good, as the two can eventually learn to balance one another out in their lives. And this goes for every soul that has ever been created within every society that exists within Infinite Source (or Infinite Consciousness). So you see dear ones every human souls is good and every human souls is bad, but what you have not yet been taught is that good and bad ( as terms in your world) were created for your lower world and existence, and your lower world existence alone.
Once each of you has had the opportunity to awaken and remember just who you are, you will be reminded of those things by us and our allies, in which case you will immediately know we are telling you truth. Then life will begin anew for each of you in your own time frame, as each of you is truly different, and were each created as a human soul at different times. Therefore your evolution of your soul is completed at many different times within the illusion of time and space.
Getting back to the Cabal thing however we would like to tell each of you that the Cabal in your world is no more guilty of crimes toward humanity as any one soul in your world is presently as well as in your past. We have all at one time or anther been guilty of crimes toward humanity and have simply forgotten them so as to take on new lives in the transmigration of your human soul, in which case you were born and reborn again and again as a human child, learning one new set of lessons after the other within one new life after the other, always being bound within forgetfulness.
But the lessons were never for you as a human personally, given that the human is only the means in which to learn these lessons, but all the lessons learned from eternity to eternity by all humans were experienced so as to add (at the so called end of each human life) new wisdom to the spiritual society and soul group that is the real you.
We are now saying it is okay that the Cabal of your world has done the misdeeds that it has done dear ones; all we are saying to you is that you must each come to forgive them and see all that they have committed in your world as lessons to be learned, in order to realize that you too were once chosen to provide similar lessons to the spiritual society and soul group that is the real you. As their work is just about completed in your world and you could not have been told about such things until it had been just about completed, we can now tell each of you that it is time for you all to come together in unity within your world and reality, and see all things for what they truly are, which is all beneficial to the betterment of all mankind.
You had not known that there is a love none of you have ever been taught to live in life known as unconditional love. You have never known that free will has always been an illusion as you have had to be watched over by your higher selves in the spiritual planes of your existence, as it is your higher self that has always known what is best for you in life. And what was best for you was to create a reality, and put you in that reality to live and learn, never to interfere again until it was completed. This has been done and the reality is completed to your higher self’s satisfaction dear ones.
Therefore that organization you have all come to know as the Cabal is just the organizations of your world that will save you as well, which is why you should at this day not hold any ill will toward them but forgive them, and then sit back and watch just what the good guys can now do for you so as to make each of you so much more comfortable in the very near future, which is only days away according to your reality. No we cannot give you times of day nor an actual day in your world when all things will happen as there is so much about to happen in your world that you will now be too busy enjoying life that days and times will no longer matter in just a short while.
We realize there are still many things each of you does not understand about what things are to come, but we say to you dear ones there comes a time when all you can do is trust what you are being told, and then sit back and watch and see. So we tell you all to sit back and watch and see, as we promise you all that your lives are each about to change much more for the better. Changes are being made behind walls that have never been permitted to be penetrated by the public, and now the reason for this is plain. For as the public has not been permitted to enter the walls of true justice and freedom, neither will those who still seek to remove (and keep removed), justice and freedom further from your citizens of your world.
Your world is an upside down world that allows you to see many things in its opposite order, and therefore each of you from birth has been taught the opposite ways to go in life on purpose. But if this had not been permitted the lessons would not have been learned and each of you would be coming back to this present world of yours even once again. But this could not be permitted as your time of awakening and ascension is upon you now. As we said, some of you will awaken and ascend in the present now moments; tomorrow; the days and weeks following; and every moment of every day thereafter. But you will all ascend as this is your evolutional path.
How you will each awaken and ascend is exactly how you have been awakening and ascending from the moment you were each created as a human soul. The difference however is that instead of just parts of your reality being changed every moment of every day in a gradual and unrealized manner now your whole world will be changed to another completely different vibration and frequency at a much faster pace. In other words things are changing all around each of you very fast presently, but you do not fully recognize those changes because you are still caught up in the pleasures and failures if your present world. Still there are those around you dear ones who see those changes and these are the souls who are presently teaching and guiding each of you into your awakening and ascension at this day.
So what does each of you have to do in order to know that you will not keep your ascension from taking place? Nothing! Do what you wish and never question your decisions in life from this day forward, as there is absolutely nothing that will keep one of you from entering into and living your new life in one of the two timelines that are presently being formed in your world. You are who you are and no one can ever again pretend to be someone they are not in this wonderful new day in the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
We are the Society Daniel and we say to each of you come! We welcome you all into the New World Society that is about to manifest before your eyes dear ones in the days ahead.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Does anyone really leave this Planet In ascension?

Does anyone really leave this planet in ascension?

As many of you may have heard me say many times before ‘ higher Service to others beings do not know of the goings on of the lower third density realm of our existence’ ( which is their lower existence), I would like to explain this in a little more detail at this time. Within the higher realms of our existence (such as the sixth; seventh; eighth; ninth densities, and so on), there are those souls who are no longer considered good or evil but rather either in service to self or in service to others. Those in “service to self” are still connected to the goings on of the third density and lower human ( lower representation of themselves) while those in “service to others” cannot know the goings on of lower life and existence (which is their lower selves as well) because their focus in life is no longer pleasing themselves or their fleshly desires. Nor do they wish to continue pleasing themselves by being worshiped by lower humans; submitted to by lower humans; asked for help by humans; and even feared by lower humans as if they were  some Superior Gods over and above causing them to believe that they should in fact pray to; worship; ask for help; or fear.
Yes dear friends each of you possesses a higher self, and that higher self will be either in service to self still, or in service to others at this day. So because like attracts like, if your higher self is still in service to self, it will connect with that lower third density part of yourself that is in service to self as well, and even those souls throughout your present world that are in service to self in many cases. This is how all of the groups who are sending channeled messages to the people of the world are coming to promise much help in the near future in the form of more financial and material abundance; newer manmade governments; newer and more beneficial technologies that have been hidden from the people of the world, and just an overall better world according to their words or messages. I am not here to speak on their messages however, as those days are complete for me and my soul group, as I now have bigger fish to fry (so to speak). I am here this day to tell you all just how it is that the heavens and hells, as well as densities and vibrations of existence, truly work for the human being.
So as I was saying, each of you is at one point or another in your day in service to self or in service to others, and you will never remain in the one or the other all the time in your every day life. If this were the case than you would be a slave to every human being every hour of your day, never coming to do the things that truly please you, yourself in life. And it is not the purpose in life and creation that a human being or soul be a slave in life, but that they come to learn (for good) that no one need be a slave any longer if they do things the way ‘they’ had designed it all in the beginning, and they will, because they must as it has been predestines that they each do so. So if any one of you were to ascend and return to the higher realms of your existence, and were ever to come to forget these things, you would cause a part of you to descend once again, so as to once again teach the whole of your spiritual society and soul group about sacrifice and service to others.
So you see every one comes to ascend no matter what the state of their life; existence; or consciousness. Everyone will forever possess those lower affections they have come to call their hells in life, and every one will forever possess those higher affections they have each come to call their heavens in life. So you see no matter on what level of life or density of life any one of you are living at within any period of your existence, all souls will forever possess their states in life known as their heavens and their hells. These are terms that are actually illusions, or simply states of life and consciousness, but truly they are not real places you can ever go. So when your consciousness raises so that you come to ascend ( raise your vibration back up) in life you will still be good at times and you will be evil or disobedient at other times. This does not mean you will have to be punished, or even that it would be required in the fifth and higher densities, but you will always need a certain level of rehabilitation when you get a bit to puffed up in your life and abilities, and the universal laws of attraction are all that are needed for this eternal rehabilitation.
Again, as I have stated more than once in my messages, none of you will be required to leave this planet in order to awaken or ascend, nor will you have to leave this planet in order to return to third density earth. What is needed however before any one of you begin your awakening and ascension is that you seek out spiritual wisdom. And when you seek this spiritual wisdom the answers will come from within your heart and consciousness, and not from without, from some apparent exterior human or source. And you will each know your awakening has begun when you realize that the things you know or are reflecting upon did not come from your human lower mind, as these things will not have been a part of your past understanding or vocabulary, and you will not therefore at first even know of their true origin. But eventually you will each come to know and understand that you possess a higher being or self, and this higher self is known as God, which means each of you is indeed God when you are connected to your higher self, and not your lower human third density self.
So in other words when you are your higher self ( or God self) you do not know what things are taking place in the lower third density lanes of existence on planet earth or any other world and universe. You are no longer concerned with lower things having to do with the body and form of a human, but only of higher things having to do with the advancement of the human soul. And these things you will teach the lower self when your lower self seeks these things from you. And when the lower self becomes even more mature and educated in spiritual things, he or she will then come to realize the answers are coming form themselves, and that they are in fat the one that is God. They will then realize that their spiritual knowledge no longer needs to come from a source outside of themselves, as all things are truly within the higher self – or God – or you.
Those of you out there today who do not yet believe this statement or my words on this subject soon will. But until you do you will keep seeking answers from source outside yourself, and will not therefore know whether or not those sources are valid and believable, whether they are your truth or the universal truth, or not. All truth can indeed be tested but it is always you who must do the testing in the end, and check it with your own spirit and soul. Still if you wish to raise your vibrations and enter into the fifth density state of your existence, which is your natural higher state of existence, while still living life within a body and form, then you must seek out higher things in life, and not those things which please your flesh all of the time. Some of the time, or part of the time is okay, as all things must be done in moderation, but truly you each must come to get rid of any thing that becomes habit in life.
As far as being in your higher service to others mode of existence, you would then have to completely separate yourself from all lower things, which are those things having to do with the human fleshly body and form. Focus your thoughts on those thoughts of spiritual wisdom which do not require a body and form , and then you will be well on course to being in service to others. Try and help or benefit mankind without actually attempting to provide them with more of those things that please their fleshly, worldly desires, and tend more toward spiritual matters and the subject of Creation.
Seek to help others in guiding them toward their awakening and ascension into the higher realms of their existence, when the body and form, and its service to self desires are no longer the main focus of a human beings life. When you are able to be a guide then you will certainly be well on your way to ascension yourself, and coming to live life within you physical and material fifth density human body and form, which again I state to you that it is , or will be your natural state of life and existence within the higher realms. When the time of your change is at hand you will have completed your purpose in this present world and life, and you will go on to begin living life in paradise, as you will no longer be tied to the lower things of this present world, but will now wish to live the simple life owning nothing; coveting nothing of your neighbor’s; neither rich or poor in terms of money or finances any longer; having no more habits in life, but living every moment for the now excitement it brings to you; causing no one harm or loss in life and allowing for the free will choices of all souls within your society; having no health problems ever while living life in your most perfect state of youth you could ever imagine; never again knowing death but being capable of putting off your body ,shape, and form any time you please for a new one, and so much more.
You will no longer see police stations in fifth density (actual physical existence); no more court houses; no more judges, police, or lawyers; no more doctors as sickness and disease will all but be wiped out; no more arguing as all souls will now live in harmony and complete unity or life; no war; no famine or pestilence or any kind; no bills, money, taxes, usury, or even death. What more things could I say about fifth density life? You will be a higher fifth density being within a body and form that is not recognized or seen by third density human eyes, that dwell on this ( or any other) third density planet earth, right along side( or should I say within) all third density human beings. But just because you are their inner man and your soul is located within the third density human, does not mean you cannot still go anywhere in the created “Circle of life,” (which is greater in size even than the universe) and forever do as you please in life, while those third density human you possess with your higher soul cannot.
What are your limitations in life? If you are a service to others higher being then your limits will be unconditional love to all and that you must always allow for the free will choosing of all human souls in all of existence, no matter what level of existence they each live on, or whenever you come to visit in your travels. If however you are a service to self higher being then you are not in unconditional love to all but still, you must allow for the complete free will decisions of all souls throughout life and existence. Sts Beings take energy from lower human souls or people, and even enjoy their worshiping them as Gods, while Sto beings do not. Sts Beings of fifth density and higher make up the hells of all higher beings, while those in Sto make up the heavens. They are both on the same level of life or density, but  their vibrations are still different, causing one set of beings to be the heavens, and the other set of beings the hells.
The same goes for this level of existence known as third density, as those in service to self make up the hells, and those in service to others make up the heavens and are not connected to the actual third density body and form, nor are they concerned with such things. Look at fifth density life as you living your hells when you are connected with the body and form, and will in fact come to interact with and enjoy certain things of the lower third density world and life, but you will be in service to self at those times.
Nothing lived or experienced within the human body and form is of service to others, but is always in service to self. So when each of you ascends you will share the same space while going from one density to another, between third and fifth. The third will not know this but the fifth density self (inner and higher man) will. All things taking place in the lower third density world will be seen by those who are fifth density from the eyes of third density human beings, but those in third density will know nothing of this. So you in fifth density body and form can truly enjoy the things of this present third density world (as well as future things) as you will be your lower fifth density self, and will therefore at the time be in service to self as well. Will you wish to remain there in the lower body and form for long? Some will and some will not, depending on your level of maturity and vibration in life. And every soul will continue to mature in life, and will each eventually come to enjoy the things of lower life in the body and form less and less.
Why would all souls eventually come to enjoy the lower things of the fifth density (third density as well but understood through a more clear set of eyes) body and form less and less as time (seasons of life) goes on? Because once a soul comes to see the world within even higher realms of existence (sixth density and higher) things of the lower densities will not compare in beauty and wonder of life. Still because of free will all souls are forever permitted to enter whatever density and level of life he or she wishes once they have again become fully conscious for good.
And so ends the message for today.
With much unconditional love and light -------------Daniel -------------Leo----------------

I think therefore I do not know! - part two

I think - therefore I do not know –Part 2

In my last post on this subject I was speaking about how the hells are not created at first and immediately, but through the human being and the life they live in third density life on planet earth, and all other planets and worlds. Every creation is thought of in the heavens or higher self of every human soul. Once that creation has been given life in the heavens it is then provided as thought to the lower third density world within the human mind. Now within fifth density and higher they have their own heavens and they have their own hells, you in third density therefore have your own heavens and your own hells as well. So you see in order for your hells to be created in third density your heavens have to exist first, and then your hells are all created according to correspondences, and not immediately from Source, but through the mediator called the human, or the finite God.
Now once you create your heavens they will exist forever on in to eternity, as will those hells that correspond to them as well. When you have created third density heavens and hells they are with you forever as your heavens and hells of that level of your life and existence. So when you each come to ascend to fifth density or higher as a soul, you will possess your own heavens ands hells for each of those different densities of life and existence as well ,but will still have all your other levels of heavens and hells there waiting on you so as to allow or permit you to visit whatever heaven or hell you wish in life once you each become the fully conscious soul you each once were; always have been; still are and have just forgotten this; and now will come to remember this in fact.
You exist on all levels of life and have never left a single one of them, but whenever you do leave one of them it is an illusion you yourself have created. This way you, and every other human that represents you ( all humans from eternity actually are you) can leave your spiritual society and soul group, go off and visit any one of the many myriads of realities you have created from eternity, and still you are there in that reality that you just appeared to have left. How is this possible? Because when you leave you really do not leave, but it is an illusion that you left, and the whole spiritual society and soul group gets to experience the reality that you go off and visit, as you are all connected as One.
Who indeed is your spiritual society and soul group in the spiritual realms? All those souls who wish to call being in one another’s presence home, so  that at the end of the day ( speaking representatively) you are in fact among those you can call your family, this is your spiritual society and soul group, as you all share similar affections in the illusion of life. So again you are all one in truth, and whatever the one experiences in life, the other do as well, if they share a single spiritual society and soul group.
Getting back to the subject of your heavens and hells, I would state once again that when you create you heavens while in third density you will in turn create those hells that correspond to those heavens you created. If you therefore create heavens from the natural state of your higher self then the hells that will be created based on those heavens will be the higher hells of your fourth density man, as fourth density is where the mind of third density man exists. Again, if you created your heavens from the Spiritual heavens then your hells will, according to correspondences be the middle hells, as the spiritual heavens are the middle heavens. And the same goes for your Celestial heavens as the lowest of hells corresponds with the highest Celestial heavens as well.
So if you create from your most wonderful and loving heavens, those hells created within your third density world and life will be the worst of hells, again all according to correspondences. This is the reason you are often reminded in life to seek moderation of life, as those who seek the most loving of spiritual societies will also experience the worst of hells in the material; physical; and natural world where man exists within his body and form. Now moving on I wish to speak about consciousness and thought, as this was actually the subject I originally had in mind to speak on when I first thought of the title for this blog.
There is the One Supreme being that I have come to call the All in All which, many of you would probably wish to call God. It does not matter what we call Him however, as long as we understand that He (or It) is the Supreme Essence and Being that is over and above All things in existence and within illusion of life. For there is indeed an existence that is separate from life, and it is realty which makes life in fact an illusion, as is death. The All in All is pure Consciousness, and at this time I am prepared to tell everyone that consciousness is not thought alone, though thought is indeed a part of consciousness.
You see the All in All is every potential and possible thought; affection; word; action; or change having to do with any one of these in life and separate from life. The All in All is life, though He (or it) does not need life in order to exist according to His (or its) essence and being. He (or it) is life in a lower state of existence while not being life in a higher one, or within His (or its) natural state of existence. So the All in All is reality in His natural state of existence, and He is illusion in His finite and lower state of existence. For all lower existence for the All in All exists within the finite realms, created by the All in All within every now moment within His essence and being. The All in All is All “knowing,” and therefore is not connected with thinking or believing, as these would require limitations of the All in All, causing Him not to be complete. But He is Complete( and He is not really a He; She; or It, as there is no real term to explain the essence and being that is the All in All). So as I said, the All in All is complete “knowing,” in His essence and being and natural state of existence. Still He is not life; not death; not thought; not change, but pure passive (non- active) “knowing.”
Now because the All in All is pure “Knowing,” He does not ever require thought or thinking within His existence, as He already knows all things that are potentials and possibilities within His existence. And all things are in fact within His existence, Infinite and finite. Now because the human being or soul cannot know something without the approval and guidance of the All in All, he was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. In other words Adam ( man) chose to leave his all knowing state of life and existence and think on his own, which in turn separated him from God ( the All in All in His finite existence). You see consciousness is knowing, plain and simple, and when you begin to think from your own mind you separate yourself from actually knowing a thing. When you know something in life you do not need to think about it before you come to act, as you simply act out of instinct or “knowing” immediately.
Say for instance you start to think about your breathing cycles, and then all of a sudden you are aware that you are breathing and you attempt to take over the cycles of your breathing, and what happens? You begin to feel uncomfortable because your breathing is now out of sink. That is because your body knows your breathing cycles, whereas your human mind does not. You think and therefore you no longer know, and chaos will begin. This is how it is throughout the third density world and system, as we have for so long been taught to think from our brain or mind, and never to act out of instinct or knowing. We all in fact know all things, but we have forgotten that we know all things because we have been separated from the knowing and are now connected with the illusion, which is thought.
If you were to follow your heart whenever you are to make a decision then your life would be so much happier and peaceful, as you would be capable of creating instantly and at will in life. Because we have come to think about our actions in life we have been bound in ignorance and sleep so as to protect us until we each one day once again reconnect with Source, or our God self. Again consciousness is knowing not thinking or believing, and this is our limitation in life at this day. When we come to stop thinking about everything and simply act according to our knowing then we will each return to being the creator Gods we once were. To do this we must get rid of fear, and in order to get rid of fear you must come to love all human beings and souls unconditionally in life, and allow for the free will of all, as these things or the lack of them is what keeps us all bound in fear.
There is nothing wrong with fear if you know how to reflect on it, use it to your advantage, and let it go. We do not do that, as we allow fear to creep into our minds and cause much hurt in our lives as we do not yet know how to let it go. In ending this message I would say to you all that you are all at this day about to awaken to these facts, and when you do, each of you ( in his or her own time) will then return to being a fully conscious ”knowing,” creator God.
With much unconditional love and light -----------Daniel ------------------Leo-------------

I think therefore I do not know! - part one

I think -therefore I do not know!

I have put out many messages over the internet on many different subjects, but not all of my messages have come from the same level of existence or density of life. This is because my higher self exists on every vibrational level of life or density of existence known to man or God.  It is a truth that every human has the ability to draw their wisdom and thoughts from an infinite number of densities as well, as we are multi density souls. Yes it is true that we are all multi - dimensional souls as well, but I am speaking of densities of life here, and there is truly a difference. As I have said time and again, dimensions as well as timelines are on the horizontal plane of existence while densities are on the vertical or opposite timelines and dimensions in direction so to speak. In truth however  none of them are in one direction or another, but are only illusions that need a place separate from all other created illusions, and so the one is seen as horizontal while the other vertical.
And so what we are speaking of here presently is densities of life and existence and what I wish to lead up to is the subjects of consciousness and thought. So at this point let it be understood that we human beings, just like all other souls on every other level or density of life, exist from every level or density of life, in one form or another.  Of course as we get higher and higher in densities the forms get thinner and thinner, Up to the All in All and on in to eternity or Infinity of consciousness ; essence; and form.  Yes I know many people have often said that once you get to a certain level of vibration and existence (density of life) that you no longer possess a form, but the truth is that forms simply get less and less dense as the souls ascends higher and higher into densities. And still when I say higher and higher this is simply a made up illusion and term as well that makes living and understanding life in Separation and Duality so much easier to understand and resonate with for all human souls.
So now I will indeed state for the record, (and those of you who wish to resonate are truly welcome to do so): Every soul on every level of life and existence in the finite created world and universe ( Circle of life) possesses a form when they need it, and can put it off or separate from it when ever they please in life. When each soul or human is in possession of that body and form they are each in their state of life and existence known as the natural state. When they are above that state and out of the body and form, they are either in their spiritual state of their heavens or their Celestial state. What is the difference between the three different states of life and existence?
All three of these states of life are actually states of consciousness and are not actually solid in form whatsoever, as the body and form is the created illusion of the soul, and serves as a house or home for the soul from eternity to eternity, as this is what has always been known as the house built by God (or you). For remember in the end I have said we are all God, whether separately from illusion or as the whole according to reality. So what these states of life are is the different level s of consciousness of man. But not only does he possess the three levels of life in the heavens, but three levels of life in the hells as well, with the hells being nothing more than the lower man, just like the Old Testament of the Christian bible speaks of the ignorant and unlearned man, while the New Testament speaks of the higher educated man which is about to awaken and ascend.
Remember however, everyone; that the heavens and the hells are made up words or terms, and still they serve their purpose for the uneducated and lower man, which is what they were intended form from the very beginning.
And so there are actually no natural; spiritual; and Celestial heavens, or the three levels of hells that correspond to these three levels of heaven, but they all exist simply for the benefit of the lower and uneducated human being. Still what they represent are levels of consciousness and wisdom for the regenerated man as well as the unregenerate man.  And all of these levels of life exist within each density of life that man comes to ascend to in his return upward back to Source. And even then in the end there is no ascension and there is no up or down, as these are finite illusion terms as well. So as it is every human being will come to live life back and forth between [ignorance and illusion] and [wisdom and reality] throughout their day and eventually  within every now moment from eternity to eternity.  At the same time that same man (God) will travel in the illusion of up and down throughout their day and eventually within every now moment, from eternity to eternity experiencing the illusions of the different three levels of the heavens and the three levels of the hells, depending on their level of maturity and awakened state in life.
But then there is more!
 After all that you still have all the horizontal densities or timelines that each of you will come to represent in your life from eternity to eternity, and believe me when I tell you that the third density world will never go away or disappear from your lives, as they will continue to exist for all from eternity and to eternity.  You will always have your third density world which will forever provide your lowest of hells to eternity (as you must remember there are three different levels to your heals and three different levels to their opposite heavens), and as you rise in densities of life those material and physical levels of life will forever exist as well, as nothing that you ever create can ever cease to exist on in to eternity. The only reason there is nothing new under the sun is because all things are first created within the spiritual world above the sun, and given the illusion of life under the sun on the earth.
Once something is created it will never have to be created again as all things have been created by you actually, and they need only be created once, and afterwards will never die; cease to exist; or disappear, but are held by you; within you; and for you. They are held within timeline after timeline within the finite God (that is you). All those timelines that exist within you are known to Christians as the “Book of Life.” And many other religions have their term I am sure for this collection of creations known as lives, recorded for every human ever to exist from eternity and to eternity, and all those lives again are indeed yours alone. There is one human and that human is you, and that human is God. Within you who indeed are the one that represents God,  ( though even the term God was made up for the benefit of lower  uneducated human beings) there is a world or universe set up just like our earth or a globe, with directions known as North; South; East; and West, and each and every soul that makes up your being is placed within this illusion of a globe based on their similarities and agreements of affections, as every soul making up God represents one ruling love in life or another, and is p[laces within the essence and being of God, accordingly. At the same time not only is God seen as a perfect sphere, but as the perfect human being as well, and is therefore understood to look like a man according to His form in this lower world of ours. Why? Well could you imagine explaining to your children or uneducated people of the religious world today that God is an orb or planet? And so the form of God is put in terms that fit the understanding of each human or soul in life, all according to their level of spiritual understanding.
So God (you) has a mind that can rise in wisdom and knowledge or lower, all according to the human He is representing at any given time in all of creation from eternity, and on in to eternity. Not only that but He has timelines and densities spread out in all directions within the (illusion) human body and form, and these represent the Macrocosm that is God, as well as the microcosm. These timelines can travel up; down; in; out; left; or right; and there is a group of souls and spiritual societies in every direction and in every spot or point that exists within the essence and being or the body and form, that is God. Then you have the heavens and the hells (or the illusion of the heavens and the hells) and they exist within the human mind as his or her affections and ruling loves in life. And so not only are you God, but you are always either an angel man or a devil man, depending on the states of life you are drawing from within your existence or being. All of these different states of life (three levels of heavens and three levels of hells) are those affections you draws from which you created from eternity as not only the human being ( in many different forms) but as God as well ( making up all those heavens for you through correspondences). 
But I must remind you all that your heavens were always created before your hells in life, and then you created your hells through correspondences of what was already created ( your heavens), and therefore thought you had free will, when all along you were already who and what you are and were. You never change, but only live out the many illusions in life that make it appear that you change. Every soul that is you represents a different set of affections and therefore a different ruling love in life, and that is just one single representation of the myriads upon myriads upon myriads ( and then some) of souls that in the end make up God as the whole.  Whoever you are as a soul is who you have always been and will forever remain, no matter what the illusions you come to live in life, so as to actually be able to experience the illusion of life on in to eternity. For without illusion (separation from yourself) there is no life and there is no death.  When death is done away with still the illusion of life will remain, but it is still an illusion. The reason death is done away with is because you come to remember that it is all an illusion, and you simply wish to continue in the illusion of life, while you come to learn that the illusion of death is actually sleep, and nothing more.
Now because I do not wish to make this message too long for the reader I will end at this time, and will put out part two of this message, as I cannot end here and come to tell you all the things I was prepared to tell you in such a short time and space. So until next time I send you all unconditional love and light -----------------Daniel ---------------Leo--------------------------

Who is the fifth density human?

Who is the fifth density human – and when will he come?

Can you see yourself right now? Can you see your hands; you feet; your arms; your legs? Of course you cannot see your head or your neck; or your back, as these would require a mirror just as the spiritual man cannot see the center of the spiritual society because he or she is reflecting from that center of their spiritual society, and you can only reflect on the center if you have something to reflect on it with, such as another pair of eyes (another representation of you), or a mirror.
So as it stands no one can see their head, but only those parts of the body that are separated enough distance form the eyes in order to draw a straight line between the two objects (your eyes and the object you are looking at or reflecting upon). So why do I speak of these seemingly unimportant things at this time? Because in fact they will be of importance as we move on in the message. And so as I stated in my title; what or who actually, is the fifth density human? Well when you walk around your present world in third density you see the world around you and you see many other humans, that number always dependent on where you find yourself in the public or private arena. Everyone you see is in truth you, but you do not know these things if you are presently a third density human being who has not yet awakened.
In other words every human being you see is a representative of you from the past, spread out over the “Circle of life,” ( your present illusion of planet earth) that is covered with all of the human souls who each represent every now moment ever created  within the  illusion of time and space. They are not even there if you are not reflecting on them as they are each living life in their own separate illusions of life as well, within some other point in time space, that is their created “Circle of life” as well. If you were to go investigate the subject of Quantum Physics you would come to find that it is now a proven fact that nothing in this world (your created illusion of this world, seen as a hologram in front of your face) exists until a subject (human beings eyes) reflects on an object (person; place; or thing) which causes it to immediately appear. Hence you are now being made to understand how a fifth density human can create instantly and at will. You did not know this before because you thought everything already exists in your world and you simply come to experience its existence by moving to the location in which it too is located. That is not in fact the case.
Every third density human sees the world outside its body according to illusion alone, as all and everything is actually within you (your consciousness). It is your creation of the illusion of your human body and form that has eyes to reflect on all of these things. The body and form is an illusion created through a hologram from within your minds, the objects you see with your eyes are the illusions created as a hologram as well, within your minds, and appear to be outside of your own personal body and form created by your mind. Everything you see in front of you is there because you created it with your mind instantly (if not sooner, if that were possible) the moment you reflected upon it. So in truth you create everything in life instantly and at will, according to the affections and state of mind you are in within any single now moment in life (or the illusion of life, as life itself is an illusion as well).
Now you as a third density human being think all those people you see around you in life are many – many different human beings (and in truth I guess you could say that as well) but they are in truth you, and every affection within your being is used to make up all the many different human beings as holograms from within your mind or consciousness, and you simply see them ( being your third density self) as other humans out of ignorance and the illusion you have created from that ignorance time and time again. Again every affection within you represents the face of a different human being in your (illusion of) world, and all of the ruling loves that go with that one single affection are wrapped up in the personality of that human, for your benefit as well as theirs. And when that third density human being other than yourself reflects upon you, their affections within them that match the face of you for their benefit makes up the whole human being that is you from all the ruling loves that are connected with their affection as well that represents you.
If I could simplify this analogy for you all I would simply say that your thoughts and affections are what are responsible for creating every other human being you see or reflect upon at this day, as they are a makeup of your affections in life in fact. Just as you are the makeup of certain of their affections in life as well, at the time each human comes to wish to share your company or interact with you in life.  You are their illusion of you for their benefit, and they are each your illusion for your benefit in life as well, when you wish in life to experience the affections that go along with every different human being in your life at this day. So even another way of putting it is that what you think of as third density is actually fifth density without wisdom and knowledge of just who and what in life you are actually capable of creating instantly and at will. Not to mention the fact that you cannot do these things at will because you do not yet truly “know” you can create at will, but you can.
So when you each come to remember; awaken; and realize that you are indeed fifth density human beings already, you will be able to read the minds of all the souls who make up your being, in which case you will be able to speak with (no matter what language they speak) and interact with all souls as though they were all actually you yourself, as in fact they really are. How? Because your world is those who live inside you. Your whole world that exists today on planet earth, and all the worlds that came before this one, are all souls who make up you and your spiritual society and soul group (God). So whatever language you speak, and however many languages you know how to speak, these are the languages that all the souls who make up your world speak as well. They exist within your mind and consciousness, and visa versa.
So my dear friends when you go to fifth density all you do is awaken; remember; and change in consciousness ( the change or shift). Do any of you remember the bible verses to this effect (if you are Christian?) It goes something like this: “Listen, I tell you a secret, we will not all sleep but we will all be changed, in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye---------“1Corinthians 15:51
You do not leave this planet according to your body and form, but according to your consciousness. You come to think differently, and according to your new found wisdom. Just think of the things I have just told you all, do you not already think differently? You now know ( I f you choose to resonate) that the objects and bodies and forms of your present world are all created by you instantly and at will. Now your creation skills might need some more honing or experience now that you know the things you know in life, but you now know that you are the creator. You know that nothing is present anywhere until the human subject ( you) comes to reflect on it according to the holograms or illusions you create instantly and immediately for your eyes to see, and all your other senses to experience in life.
This you can do not in third density though you are limited to a degree, and in fifth density completely unlimited in you creations. So when you change you mind; consciousness; or thoughts, you change your world as well. When you see yourself as the world and not just as some puny human being, you come to realize that all and everything truly resides within you and your consciousness, and you can draw out of your thoughts and consciousness anything you wish in life, once you each awaken and remember that you can in fact do these things, and then come to know it all once again. So when you are your fifth density self, you see all other third density humans outside yourself and being, but they do not see you as your fifth density self, as only you can. And when you reflect on your fifth density self it is just like you reflecting on your third density body and form, but you now know that your body and form is nothing more than a hologram for your own benefit.
You can now see the lower but the lower cannot see you. You can tell the lower humans that you are even a fifth density human now, and still they will not believe you because you cannot ever prove it to them. You will now be capable of creating all things in your present fifth density world, but your abilities will come gradually, as you will gradually awaken and come to know all the things in life you can create. Again, the more you come to know the things you can create the more your abilities will become. You will truly take on many new abilities such as the power to heal; the power to transmigrate from the human body and form, and move to other worlds and realities in an instant; the ability to channel messages directly from the higher realms, and know they are form Service to other beings, and not those in Service to self.
There are as I have said, many new things you will all be capable of doing in the fifth density plane of existence, but it is certainly better for each of you to remember these things on your own, as many of you today would not believe those things you do not yet experience in your lives. Your time is coming, and is certain very close at hand. You are already fifth density beings as I have said, but many of you just don’t know it yet, which is why you do not yet possess the abilities in life you seek. Still the world around you will become much more wonderful, pleasant; happy; and fulfilling in the days ahead, and I remain you all to keep in mind that not only are your heavens already available to you all in this present world, but your hells as well. It is all in what you attract through the universal laws of attracting in the days ahead. The time is now for you all to create, and know that you are in fact doing the creating now.
All you have to do now is widen your imagination and experiment with your creative abilities, starting small of course. I leave you all with a riddle that is still awaiting the answer form a great many of you. Answer this riddle and you will understand my message today.

When a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?
With much unconditional love and light ----------Daniel --------Leo-------------------

You will never cease being a fleshly human.

The three days of darkness have lifted - part 7

You will never cease being a fleshly human being!

No spirit; soul; angel; demon – devil- or Satan; of finite or infinite consciousness will ever cease to exist to eternity without being connected to a fleshly human being, nor will it cease to have the consciousness of that human being as well. At the same time no fleshly human being will ever cease to be connected to these spirits; souls; angels; demons – devils- or Satan’s; of finite or infinite consciousness to eternity, as they could never exist without the presence of these entities. Why? Because all of these entities provide the consciousness and affections and in turn provide the illusion of life for every human being ever to experience the illusion of life from eternity, and on in to eternity.
Who is good and loving and who is bad or evil when all is said and done, or when you get right down to it? Those entities that provide all of these affections of consciousness to all humans, and not actually the humans themselves, are the ones who are good and evil.  They are the ones who either live their entire lives or existence in the heavens (according to their illusions that heaven is real), or in the hells (according to the illusion that the hells are real as well). You as a human will come to exist on every level of life and density of existence from the moment you begin to possess consciousness as a human being. Still it is these entities I have spoken of who provide all the illusions of life (good and evil – positive and negative) throughout the lives of every human being ever to come to exist through the illusions created by these beings or entities.
Yes, it is these entities that create the worlds. It is these entities who create the “Circles of life.” And it is these entities who create the illusions of life throughout all of creation and existence. You as a human being simply live out the illusion as if it were yours from the very beginning, and therefore come to believe it is you who must take all responsibility for the good as well as the bad, throughout every life you come to live as a human being, and this is the lessons you each come to learn through the illusions of life. So exactly who are all of these souls and entities who are creating all these different affections and scenarios that provide all the illusions for these lives you each come to live ( within illusion) from eternity and on in to eternity? They are all you, just as everything is you in the end.
So if you go off and ascend, and therefore come to move to your fifth density life and plane of existence, who stays behind and continues the illusions of life for you in third density? You as well, as I have stated all souls are you! You can be the human being living life in third density while possessing the consciousness of your third density self, and you can do the same on every other density or level of existence, but first you must come to remember that you can do all of this. How did you come to forget? By allowing yourself to descend lower and lower down into the densities of the illusion of life, and taking on more and more lower density thoughts; words; affections; ands forms. Each of you have come to exist as a first dimensional being; a second dimensional being; and a third dimensional being, with the third being the highest state of your existence as a human being as far as your body and form are concerned.
As far as your consciousness or mind are concerned these are densities, and densities can go as low as anyone wishes (as long as lower things continue to provide you pleasure in life) or as high as they are capable of taking themselves through their own evolution or maturity in life. Once you each reach third density as the human in its highest state of physical existence, then you begin your travel up in densities, based on the advancement or evolution of your minds or consciousness. As it is, all forms of life or existence tend toward becoming a third dimensional human. You can become a third dimensional human and still be in any density of life and existence as you please in life, as long as you have lived out your seasons of life, and have through your own free will choosing, chosen the things in life that apply to the level of life or density that you wish to exist within.
You can choose to be an angel or a devil all according to your own free will choices in life, and still be a human being. You can remain ignorant or you can become just as wise as you wish to be spiritually, all simply by your free will choices in life. But keep in mind that no soul can ever choose to be something other than what it truly is in life in the end (even though you may at times think different), even though it will live its life in ignorance and illusion (at times) that it can be something other than what it truly is while living life in the lower densities of consciousness.  You can be anything you wish to be in life, but in the end you will only wish to be those things you truly are, while thinking you chose to be what you are in life in the end. You cannot really choose to be someone you truly are not, as each of you exists within the All in All (the Infinite Source) as exactly who and what you are, and you can never change who and what you are, other than through the illusions you create for yourself from eternity and to eternity.
While you are your lower self you will know nothing other than that you are what you appear in life, while as your higher self you will come to realize that you have created many – many illusions that provide many different appearances of life for you within each and every “Circle of life” you have ever lived, and will ever come to live. So now because you are about to reconnect with your higher selves you will now remember all things about you and all of existence (reality and illusion) and will therefore now become a fully conscious human being. You will not put off the flesh as it will remain with you to eternity, in one form or shape, or another. You will forever continue to walk around with a body and form when you wish to reflect on it (Quantum physics) and you will never again be tied down to you human form  if you do not within that now moment wish to do so. But still it (your body and form) will be there (according to illusion) for those who wish it to be there, as they too possess the ability to create your physical appearance (body and form) through their memory of you.
Again, you will never put off your human physical body and form, other than changing its appearance and size to eternity. Your body and form will always be of the essence it is now, and will forever come to exist through your own personal choices and illusions that are created through those choices. You are the Infinite God and therefore you are most definitely the finite God in the least. You possess so much more than you will imagine at this day in time, but you will only retain those things in life that you wish to retain (through your own personal ruling loves in life) what “you” personally created through each and every illusion you have created for yourself from eternity ( and to eternity) as a human soul.
So when you become that fifth density human you have heard so much about as of late, you are probably wondering how it will all come together when all is said and done. We have third density humans walking around on this present planet earth (on third density earth) and still what many may not yet know is that we have fifth density and higher humans walking around on this planet earth as well, (only in different densities), within the same human bodies and forms, and not a single third density human can see a one of them. In other words I am walking around this planet as a third density human being, a fifth density human being; a sixth density human being; seventh; eighth; and on, and on, and on, all living within the same physical human body and form ( better known as consciousness).
For the body and form are not real as only the consciousness is real on every level of life (on this same planet, or on different ones for those of the higher consciousness’). So even the many different illusions of bodies and forms are still all an illusion, and only the many – many consciousnesses are actually real.   So if I am a fifth density human being I can walk around this whole planet earth and not be seen by a single third density human being on third density planet earth. For not only are the humans separated by the densities but the planets as well, and still it all fits together as a single planet in the end. Why? Because the spirit world overlaps itself time and time again, with no end or limit to the densities or worlds that can share the same space in all of creation. Remember that God does not exist within space, but He does fill all space.
So when I become my fifth density self in my human body and form, will I be able to see third density human beings? Yes! Will they be able to see me as my fifth density self, and them as their third density selves? No! The lower cannot see the higher vibrational being, but the higher vibrational being can in fact see the lower one. Can the higher vibrational (density) being interact or interfere with the life of a third density (vibrational) being? No! And the many reasons why have already been stated within my many different posts for those who are interested. So you see friends, when you leave here for your fifth density life, you will still see your friends; family; and acquaintances of this present third density world, even in the case of those who remain here in third density. They will not know you have ascended and entered into the new fifth density life that you would now represent and live in as they will still see your present third density body and form within their third density reality. One big difference however is that you will not possess the ability (while you are your fifth density self) to help them or interfere in the interactions and lessons having to do still, with their present third density lives. They must continue living out their lessons, and you cannot stop those lessons, all because of universal laws built into your being and density of life. And guess what friends! The third density human you still possess must finish living out their lessons of life as well, and you cannot interfere, unless asked by your third density human, and even then you can only provide spiritual wisdom and not lower wisdom have to do with the third density realm of existence.
So what are the benefits of your human that you possess being connected with your higher self? The fact that the human you possess knows you (or its higher self) and knows it can trust you to guide it in the right direction, even though in the end the lower human must decide for itself. So again, how would you know if a person has ascended or awakened to their ascension if you are not the third density human connected with that soul? Unless you are awakened to your higher self as well, you will not. And now, so that you can absorb all that I have given you this day, I will end for the time being.
With so much unconditional love and light, I bid you all good day. ---------Daniel --------Leo-------

Welcome to the Awakening!

Welcome to the awakening!

What we sit here and write this day we write for those who come after us, as we no longer depend on wisdom for our future happiness and fulfillment.
Why do we live and die as a species? Why do we seek love and hate equally within our lifetimes of existence within one human form after the other? What makes a conscious soul want to experience all the horrors that go along with living out the bliss within a human form? Could it be simply because we do not know we chose these things ourselves from the very beginning? Could it also be because without the one you cannot have the other? Who, of all of you human souls out there, do not know that whatever you create within your own consciousness you become responsible for throughout the duration of its existence? You become the head (or ruling love and consciousness) of your creations, and all things that become because of that creation are your children or fruits. You are responsible for them until they have reached adolescence in the Grand universal scheme of it all, in which case they come to begin creating on their own, and are prepared to take on their own responsibilities in consciousness.
We were at one time a created soul that was created our higher self, and therefore had to begin our existence as a newly created soul from the bottom of the evolutional scale. As we evolved we took on more and more souls from the affections in life we chose as our own. It is this way with all newly created souls, as this is a universal law. The One that created this Universal law is the one who created this Universe, and there are many universes. Each of you is a part of this Creation and Created universe simply because you are here reading these words, and share a consciousness with us. You have each completed your adolescence state of existence and are now each becoming awakened and being prepared to move on to your next level of existence in the next higher density, known as fifth or sixth. For fifth density is the natural state and physical level of your new sixth density consciousness, or state of mind and life.
So as we were saying we are responsible for you and all of your fruit or offspring from now to eternity. Because of this each of you is submitted only to us, as we seek and provide only good and those things that are beneficial o your evolution from now to eternity. You will now be capable of many things in life, as you are each becoming fully conscious creator Gods, but still each of you are submitted to your higher selves ( us) as this is now how you would wish it from this day forth, and have chose this in order to move on to your next level in your evolution. Those of you who do not wish this will remain bound to the lower realms of our hells until the day you are prepared to submit to your higher self ( us) as you have not chosen ascension but wish to remain in the lower third density realms of your existence ( or our existence).
Many of you out there today may be wondering what is the purpose of it all if nothing really matters and all men end up at the same destination in the end. We are here to tell you these things before you move to your higher existence in sixth density (fifth density material and physical) plane of life and existence. Now many of you may still believe you are humans who will go on to live in a land flowing with milk and honey, and that God (Creator) will walk the land day in and day out watching over you. That is not exactly how it goes however. The God each of you seeks is you! The one you think of as human is about to go bye - bye, and you will each soon see that this human shell is just that – a shell or home, to return to at the end of your day from now to eternity. No living conscious soul could ever exist from now to eternity if it did not have a human body and form to return to by day’s end, as the body needs the soul to provide the illusion of life, and the soul needs the body to experience the illusion of life.  If the soul had no material and physical body it could not experience the illusion that is life and death, as they are indeed an illusion. Consciousness is not life, nor is it death, but it is existence in its purest form.
So at your highest state of your existence you are neither life nor death, but you are simply passive consciousness. In your lowest of existence you also represent active physical consciousness, better known as life and death, or God and Satan. So even these terms (God and Satan) are illusions, and are not actually a part of reality, but rather the illusion of life as a human. You cannot be Source or Creator while at the same time thinking you are human, but the two must always be separated through your coming to exist( according to your illusions) within the “World of Spirits, or what many of you would call fourth density.
All of you are about to move to sixth density existence and higher, as all of you are even now living your illusion of life in densities higher than sixth, and will therefore move to a density and consciousness level that represents the next higher level of your existence and evolution, and not all souls that you think exist on your planet are third density, but some are sixth – some seventh – some eighth- and so on. You who are still third density ( though few third density beings will be reading our words and understanding what they say or mean) cannot se higher density beings as they are the inner and spiritual man that exists within the lower third density fleshly human. They can all see you when they lower their density and vibration momentarily, but then as soon as they return to their density and vibrational frequency they can no longer see the third density lower fleshly human being. This goes for even their fleshly third density body and form, as they each exist within one as well, and could not ever exist without it to eternity.
So when each human soul comes to ascend (happening even as we speak) they do so in their consciousness, in which case no one human soul can know or experience the ascension process of another human soul to eternity. You dear ones could be sitting there talking to a soul from the eighth or ninth densities and the third density human would not even know this because you would be speaking to this soul as a eighth or ninth density being as well. The fact that they know they are eighth or ninth density and you do not is simply because they live there and call that higher density their home and you are just visiting, and actually call third density your home. So when you return home to third density they disappear and you are then seeing and speaking to their third density representation of themselves and that third density representative of themselves could be ass evil as Satan himself as the higher is not anywhere as near as loving and wise as the lower.
Therefore you can like; love; and get along with the lower self of a human being and soul very much so, and not like their higher self simply because you do not believe in their higher self (as you would call their higher self crazy or a lunatic) and you could also like; love; and get along with their higher self very much so, and still completely hate their lower self, as there are no givens in life and consciousness. As it is in your world when we lower our vibration and interact or speak to many souls in your world (third density) they do not like our representation of our higher selves that lowers its vibration and becomes the lower third density self. The human soul called Daniel is well received from higher souls who exist in your world as lower souls, but he does not get along well at all with your lower representations in your world. And again this is the case with many souls in existence, while it is not at all a rule, and some souls can get along and love unconditionally, the higher and lower representations of a spiritual society and soul group (known as a human being).
So you see dear ones many of you are waiting on your awakening and ascension when in fact you are each already awakening and ascending, and we will have reached our equilibrium very – very soon. But still many of you are tired of hearing the word soon simply because you are your lower third density human self when reflecting on this word and idea. Some of you who seek higher existence in the sixth; seventh; eighth; ninth density; and so on, do not yet fully realize what you are asking for. Many believe they are awakened at this day and they do so simply because of all the false information being put out in your world about exactly what it is that causes a human to be recognized as an awakened soul. You are not an awakened soul if you seek the punishment of another human soul in your world. You are not an awakened being if you seek arrest; judgment; imprisonment; and - or the death of another human soul. You are not an awakened human soul if you seek war to solve your problems in life, or anything appearing to be similar to war, rather than seeking total peace in your world.
We know these things because we created you in our image, and we wish for each of you to one day eventually understand and come to want to be like us. But we must allow you to evolve and change according to your own free will in life before each of you can again come to rejoin us in our spiritual society and soul group within pure passive consciousness. And when you are not pure passive consciousness, but are of your lower self, you will always be given the complete freedom to learn and evolve at your own pace. Therefore each of you will come you represent the God on unconditional love and light, as well as the lower god (Satan) who represents darkness and evil (at many different levels) in your lives.
And so all of you or each of you have ascended already and will continue to ascend every moment of your existence on in to eternity. You have the personal ascensions and you have the universal ascensions, and while one is happening all the time( personal ascension) the other happens every 26, 000 years, which represents a season in our world or ”Circle of Life.” Within this 26, 000 years there will be four other seasons represented in many ways, as even our “Circle of life” has a total of four seasons. Then there are four circles of Life given that all seasons come in fours within our world and reality. But of this subject we will speak more of it when you have returned to us completely.
Therefore dear ones there are many of you who possess much spiritual wisdom at this day; those of you who possess a little spiritual wisdom at this day; and those who possess hardly any at all. And then there are those who fall in between even all of these levels, as no two human souls are ever completely alike, or share the same levels of wisdom in life.  Each and all of you are each at a different place within the evolution of our world dear ones, and each of you is si very important as providing that part of the whole that each of you represents. And so no one human soul is any more important than another, as we do not look at the outside of the cup or bowl to see its importance or beauty, but the inside.
Your world is changing every moment of every day, and there is not a day that goes by that you are living in the same world that you lived in yesterday. Nor are you the same person you were yesterday, or even five minutes ago for that matter. 
For as we said before, the human body and form is a shell or home for the souls that possess it, and not just a single soul. There are hundreds; thousands; and even millions of souls possessing a single human consciousness (the actual body and form) and they come in and out of each human consciousness every moment of every day of a single human’s life. So the souls that make up your moods and consciousness, and state of life at this moment will not be the ones who do so in five minutes or even five days from now, as you are many things to many people, and many people to many things. Therefore in order to ascend dear ones it is the consciousness made up from all the many different souls( spiritual society and soul group) forming each human that ascends, as the human is nothing more than the shell and home formed from illusion.
To ascend means simply that more wisdom is pumped into the consciousness or into the spiritual society and soul group, therefore creating a larger spiritual society and soul group, and this spiritual society and soul group therefore continues to grow to eternity. And every human soul is possessed by a spiritual society and soul group that is either larger or smaller depending on the wisdom; knowledge; and seasons of evolution which that human possesses. And this is decided as well on what level of consciousness or density a soul comes to call its home at the end of the day. None of you are leaving your world dear ones and none of you have ever even come there, as you enjoy all your many created illusions throughout your day and at the end of that day you created, you return home to whatever human best fits your spiritual society and soul group, and you think you were that human all along. Well that is if you are presently representing your lower self, ass your higher self will always know the difference.
Every human being has the same consciousness, as there truly is only one consciousness. The fact that you have your consciousness within one human or a thousand humans all at the same time makes no difference as they are still all you. You are simply experiencing many – many different existences; lives; and consciousnesses all at the same time, as you are Source. When you jump from one human consciousness to the next you immediately take on that consciousness and life of that human. Your higher self understands all of this all the time, but your lower self does not because you forget all the time those things you did and lived as another human being even thirty seconds ago. And you are a different human being from one second to the next. If you are your higher self( God) up there in the illusion called the sky then you can look down upon your many many creations any time you wish and pop into one reality or another, and even become a player within that reality, and then return to being God up above looking down again at it all.
To those of you who know what we are speaking of here dear ones we say welcome to your awakening.

We are the society Daniel and we love you all unconditionally.