Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The illusion and reality of death

The illusion and reality of death! There are various levels of death which are both illusion and reality – depending on one’s state of mind. What is meant here is that death is not an ending to one’s existence – but rather an extension and transition from one body – form – and human sphere to another. Given that nothing truly exists – anything that is seen or understood to exist in one’s conscious mind would therefore be all there is to one’s reality – as reality is always based on the human subject and what is imagined and then manifested in body – form – or sphere. As sleep comes at many different levels one does not always separate from body – form – and sphere – but often chooses to retain their present ones - as we will explain in further detail in our present message of higher guidance. There are human beings on our present world – as well as all representations of our world that have appeared to end in days gone by at the moment of ones illusion of death. Just as there are different representations of the human being – who in fact is a single or individual human being in many different forms in each lifetime lived on our present planet – and those planets that appeared to be other lifetimes for the individual human spirit – so too are there different worlds and different timelines and dimensions of the same human being or spirit. We are all one friends – and each individual human being or spirit who appears to be another individual human or spirit – separate from self – is actually self-appearing in another form because he or she has taken on other ruling loves and affections throughout their lifetimes – which in turn has caused the illusion or appearance of a different look in one’s body – form – sphere – and appearance. Still all are one or self – and are only extensions of self when one is residing in the illusory plane of third density. Why the illusion or appearance of being separate from self – rather than all being of one body – form – and sphere of life? There is the appearance of separation because the masculine has chosen to separate from its feminine principle so as to take on individuality and duality – where both sides of self’s nature – both good and bad – darkness and light – positive and negative – and so on can be experienced while the masculine is indeed out of self’s equilibrium of life. So that we may move on and return to our present subject let us simply say that death and sleep is experienced in life by self and all its many other representations of self so as to provide a world and reality where separation is indeed the belief and understanding of the third density human in his and her present state of evolution. As the human spirit awakens further – and steps out of third density in a conscious knowing of said reality and consciousness the separation and individuality begin to dissipate until such time as the human spirit comes to awaken to its true Oneness and being whole for the first time as the higher conscious human spirit and soul. And now we will begin our message on death and sleep for the human spirit. Every third density human lays his or her head down each day - and takes on limited consciousness known as their sleep state – or at least this is a normal or well-known habit of the third density human. At said time another level of consciousness is taken on as well – and this level of consciousness takes them to a place we (for the benefit of the present message) will call “the world of spirits.” As is the case with all third density humans this is the place in the spiritual world all spirits go when they are not residing in their natural state of third density material and physical body – form – and sphere. All consciousness is consciousness – but at a different level of one’s consciousness depending on the timeline and dimension as well as density of consciousness for each individual spirit whiles it is representing individuality. SLEEP IN THIRD DENSITY IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE ILLUSION OF DEATH EXPEREINCED BY ALL THIRD DENSITY HUMANS – AS WHAT IS KNOWN BY THE LESS EVOLVED HUMAN OF THIRD DENSITY AS DEATH IS NO MORE THAN ANOTHER STATE OR LEVEL OF SLEEP OR LIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS. The reason one level of sleep is experienced as sleep and the other as death or the cessation of one’s life in their present world and plane of reality is because there is a time or season for one to retain their present body – form – and sphere and simply regenerate the worn down human machine after a period of spent energy and there is a season for said body – form – and sphere to be discarded as regeneration no longer serves its purpose for one’s body – form – and sphere – given it no longer generates soon enough or often enough for those humans who become of old age in their present human machine. This of course is an acquired illusion over generations of human kind – and is an illusion that is soon discarded as one comes to awaken and to know ones true self as the New and Higher Human. None the less we are speaking presently of those third density humans not yet in a season of their awakened state of regeneration and return to the collective human and consciousness. There will however come a time or season in ones awakening when the human will no longer have to put off their human machine out of lack of regeneration – sickness – disease – or the simple illusion of natural death. There will soon come a season even - when each of you will no longer put off the human machine in death – as the illusion of death will no longer serve ones purpose in life – given that the human machine will no longer experience sickness –disease – or defects in said human machine which will require the illusion of death on your world any longer. No longer will that which has merely provided the appearance of transition or transmigration from one human form to that of another through said process of death – no longer is one removed in death while another is added in life on your world – as the human machine will only be put off for the simple reason that each individual human being or spirit wishes to move to another body – form – or sphere in life. Not even accidental or natural death will be a part of one’s reality any longer – as the awakened or new and Higher Human will know of said illusion and will then see this form of transition for what it truly represents in one’s life – and will come to sleep only when self chooses to do so in life for the New Human. As far as those third density humans not yet in an awakened state – who have not yet come to their season of life where they return to Source – or Self they will each continue to believe and understand death to either be the cessation of life – or the transition to something else – not really knowing what they are to actually expect at their time or season of death in third density. And so we will offer some guidance into these things for each of you to ponder for the present moment. At the time or season when one is to experience the conscious illusion of death – where no one of the third density plane (remaining) truly knows where one has gone at said time or season of one’s apparent – it is those who remain behind who continue in the illusion and many misunderstood beliefs of the subject – who in fact choose either to grieve or to celebrate – depending on how each individual human comes to believe in said transition of our human existence. The one who leaves your world or plane of conscious existence in the illusion of death - remains in a sleep state for a short time (or season) while preparations are made concerning their exit from their prior human body – form – and sphere. All third density humans who appear to leave your world and reality in death – which is every third density human – does so in order to take on a new form – or human machine. There are those who have reached their awakened state of consciousness who are no different really in that they too come to choose their next human machine or - body – form – and sphere at which time or season they will return to their new world and reality – and continue third density existence in their natural state of existence – while the awakened and higher human will come to maintain equilibrium during their stay within third density. As it is the case for every conscious spirit in existence to reside within a third density body – form – and sphere as long as they are in their natural state of existence – all humans – even those who are the New and Higher human possess and reside in a third density body – form – and sphere to eternity. Do we all return to third density as a small human newborn child? No we do not all return to third density as a small new born child. We shall return to third density because third density is our lowest form of existence – and this lowest form of existence is the house and home of all higher forms of existence to eternity simply because the outer will forever house the inner - with the lowest forms of our outer being the most outer and dense form of our existence – housing all higher forms of our existence to eternity simply because all other forms are of a less dense nature and therefore need solid ground to provide ones foundation of existence or life. As third density is the lowest of body – form – and sphere for the human subject third density provides the foundation for all higher forms of our existence and levels of consciousness. All do not return to third density as a small human newborn because of the fact that there are limits which are eventually put off by every evolving human spirit – and birth and death are no exceptions any longer for the awakened Human. And so the New and Higher Human will no longer be bound by the illusion of birth or death as continued limitations in life – considering we are never actually born or cease to exist in death once knowing is applied. So many of you are probably wondering how it is that one comes to reincarnate back on to the world stage of third density without the need of entering back as a new born human infant child? Our human host is wondering the same – as he has not to this day or season come to understand just how it all fits together. We will now therefore apply universal knowing to the present subject in order for each to come to understand these things according to their own levels of understanding – as we can only offer that which each is prepared to receive and each must then come to draw from our words that truth which best fits ones present understanding. In other words we cannot offer explanations to inquiries that are of a level of understanding that each human spirit is not prepared to receive – and so each of you will receive the same message but with a different level of understanding - -according to one’s own understanding in fact. For those who do not receive yet what we are saying here – it will become clearer as the message progresses – and so we will begin our explanation. Every human spirit ever to exist comes to understand their life in third density from two different ruling levels of universal understanding – and these two different levels are such: either the human is at lower levels of evolution and understanding where he or she truly believes all things must have a beginning and an end in order to exist – or he or she is of the evolutionary level of understanding that we are each responsible for all things to appear to have a beginning and an end – and that all things truly begin and end with each of us – and according to our own individual imaginations and beliefs in life. In other words according to universal truth and data where something has its beginning is simply an illusion created by each individual human being as is the case with all things having their end. It is a universal given or truth that all things already exist and have always existed even in days gone by – and what is assumed to have been created by each and every individual human being is nothing more than re- creation of what already exists from eternity. Nothing truly has its beginning and nothing truly has an end to its existence – and each human being and spirit therefore must provide the illusion of all beginnings and endings according to one’s life and beliefs created through each individual human beings level of evolution and understanding in life. All things are imagined – then believed – and then finally known – but only according to ones level of evolution as the human spirit. In short you could easily say that all things are borrowed from the grand storehouse of potential and possibility – and all things return to said storehouse once they are no longer required in order to sustain each individual human beings wants – wishes – or apparent needs in life. All things do indeed continue to exist in other timelines – dimensions – and densities for other Creator Sources – or humans – but they no longer exist for the human being that no longer requires said person = place – or thing to be recreated in their present reality and world. This is why often when something is no longer being re - created by self it still holds its existence according to all the many other selves who have accepted said creation as part of their own world and reality – ad therefore said person – place – or thing is recreated again and again by many other selves in one’s apparent world and reality. We say apparent because these recreated persons – places – or things are not actually there waiting on you or self until such time as you require them in your world and reality again – but rather they are again pulled or drawn from the collective conscious existence of self (the grand storehouse of potential and possibility) whenever they are again called on by self. All things of potential and possibility are available to all so as to recreate them in their present world and reality – but where many believe all things remain there holding the same space and time frames in and on their world – until such time as they call on them again in their present reality – this is a misconception or falsity that is mere illusion provided for those who continue to hold said illusion in their present life – based on their present levels of human evolution. Every human being or spirit is truly a creator source – and each comes to recreate their own realities throughout eternity according to their own levels of evolution and understanding – and based on their beliefs created as well through ones present imagination in life. Because all things already exist in its own dimension – timeline – or density – all things can never cease to exist as they simply return to their proper places in consciousness until needed or required by each individual human being or spirit once again. All is available to all so that all things can be re-created by all when ones season is at hand to draw from each level of potential and possibility – simply by each being capable of imagining – believing – and then knowing a thing is both potential and possible in their present world and reality. To put it another way in and on your present world and reality all things are offered according to their energetic bodies – forms – and personal spheres of existence. When certain energetic forms are no longer needed or required in order to help shape ones present reality – they all return to the grans storehouse of energy – or energetic consciousness. Therefore when the human being turns their head in life and focuses or reflects on another peripheral vies with their physical eyes – what provided their forms for view or reflection a moment ago no longer exists for said human – as all was simply re- created in the moment – for the present moment – and has now returned to its Source – which is Infinite Creator Source. Each of you therefore is an individual reflection of Finite Creator Source – or better yet – Finite Re – Creator Source. Again – all that exists truly for each of you is that which is seen = heard – smelled – tasted – or felt by your material and physical human senses within any given timeframe or now moment – and then it all changes accordingly as the now moments change within the twinkling of one’s eyes. Nothing exists for any one of you that is not a present part of your working human senses – so as to presently be reflected on by those senses so as to make up each individual now moment for every human in existence. Because one cannot simply create a dragon or unicorn in their world and reality simply by imagining – believing – and then knowing it is a potential and possibility many safeguards are in place which manage or maintain universal principles from and to eternity. Another way of putting it is that indeed one must first imagine – believe – and then know a thing is both potential and possibility in their reality – but at the same time details must be worked out in one’s mind first so as to allow one to come to imagine a thing to be potential and possibility. An example would be that one cannot imagine a dragon being created until one actually first knows that a dragon is a dragon –and how it is understood as being a dragon - according to the ruling loves and affections that are represented by the created body – form – and sphere of a dragon. Still seem a little fuzzy to some of you? We will attempt to be more plain with our words. There are human beings or spirits in existence who do not even know of the term dragon – and therefore cannot imagine said potential and possible recreation of such a creature in the first place as they know nothing of its ever having existed – nor have they ever heard of such a creature. Of course as each individual human being or spirit continues to evolve – if they come to imagine such creatures they are gradually entered into ones reality as a part of their imagination – and then according to ones wishes to manifest such a creature in their future world and reality – certain levels of knowing are applied to their imagination in a manner in which they are truly free to continue to build on their imagination – and if the proper levels of knowing are received by said human being or spirit – eventually said creature – potential – or possibility is made potential and possibility through ones imagining – believing – and finally knowing. It is like this friend’s throughout the known universe as every thought form which possesses body – form – or sphere comes to be a potential and possibility when it is permitted to be imagined at first – as beliefs and knowing come later as one comes to build on their details of things imagined. There is nothing that cannot be created by each individual human being or spirit once it is ones season to receive that which it can readily receive as potential and possibility simply because of one’s true imagination in life. Truly one who is bound by a teacher and the process of learning all things in life before it is provided as potential and possibility limits each human beings imagination – beliefs – and knowing in life – and so we would offer that it is our intention to guide each of you to begin to steer away from your attempts to achieve teaching and wisdom of a rational and worldly nature and instead begin seeking knowing in your present lives. And now we continue with our present subject. WHEN ONE APPEARS TO DIE OR CEASE TO EXIST AS THE MATERIAL AND PHYSICAL HUMAN BEING THEY ONCE REPRESENTED IN AND ON YOUR PRESENT WORLD AND RELAITY – THIS IS AN ILLUSION HELD NOT ONLY BY THE HUMAN SUBJECT WHO HAS CEASED TO EXIST FURTHER IN YOUR WORLD AND REALITY BUT BY ALL YOUR MANY OTHER SELVES AS WELL WHO HOLD THIS ILLUSION OF DEATH AS WELL IN LIFE. At the same time if the human subject has awakened to knowing of self – where one has returned to Source – or the collective consciousness of self – he or she may now know that death is an illusion while all other selves in and on his or her world can still hold the illusion that he or she has died – rather than possessing the knowing of the awakened self that one has simply gone to sleep – and will soon awaken to another higher plane of said subjects human existence. Therefore the awakened human spirit will be in contentment of heart through their knowing of said illusion – while those other selves still in the illusion of death will either hold remorse for the one they have lost to death – or they will be most happy – if in - fact they still believe in death but also believe that one has gone to heaven – or a better place. All therefore is according to one’s state of mind at the time of one’s apparent death in and on your world or plane of existence. An un - awakened and less evolved third density human will always hold the illusion of death simply because they know yet – nothing of the infinite existence of the human spirit – as these human spirits will only have ideas of greater truth but will possess no higher belief and knowing as to the validity of their beliefs that death is anything more than a cessation of life for the body – form – and sphere – and they know nothing of the fact that the spirit lives on to eternity – taking on many other bodies – forms – and spheres which provide house and home for every human spirit throughout their infinite process of evolution. As every human being - every spiritual society and soul group in other words (though the un – awakened human has no knowledge of their actual soul group until they move to their awakened state of consciousness) experiences childbirth and re- enters the same world and reality which is a world and reality made up of their true ruling loves and affections – and often very similar in nature to the one they left at the time of the illusion of death in their world – this is true only for the human spirits who make up illusions of body – form – and sphere of an un – awakened human being or spiritual society and soul group. In other words until one has reconnected and becomes the collective human consciousness many new things are not yet shared with said human being – things such as the fact that child birth and reincarnation (or transmigration of the spirit) back to the world and reality which best provides ones ruling loves and affections for the human not yet fully conscious and in a knowing of one’s true self is not yet known by the un - awakened human spirit – or human being. Keep in mind however that when one begins their awakening process – it is indeed a process – and many new levels of knowing are not provided said human being until the season is at hand – as all new things are provided in succession and order – according to the level in which one is prepared to receive new beliefs – followed by proof in new levels of knowing. Childbirth and reincarnation back into the third density human body – form – and sphere is a universal principle and reality reserved only for those human beings and spirits who do not yet know who they truly are as self – and cannot yet therefore come to choose their own new body – form – and sphere which will serve as house and home for their spiritual society and soul group whenever they return to third density consciousness and the natural state of ones existence as Finite Creator Self. In other words those human beings (spiritual societies) which do not yet know self because they have not yet returned to full consciousness or the collective consciousness are provided their body and form for third density rather than having free choice in the matter – given they do not yet know self and cannot therefore re- create a body and form that reflects ones true ruling loves and affections in life. The one who has come to know self therefore knows one’s own true ruling loves and affections because they now know their true selves – and can therefore choose to return to their third density plane of existence within any body – form – and sphere they so choose – given they can return to their place of equilibrium of life at will – no matter what other forms they choose to take on while residing in their natural state of existence in third density. Those who do not know self cannot therefore re- create the proper body – form – and sphere for themselves upon their re- entering the third density plane – in which case they begin their new life and existence in third density as a human newborn child – with very limited belief as well as very limited knowing – in such a way as to be more like an empty vessel that must come to be taught even the elementary things of life – and then go on to shape their own lives according to the many different choices they make throughout this new life within third density. For one to enter third density as an adult human being who does not truly know self-one would be extremely limited in life as they would not have been given the opportunity to remember different affections of their self through many lessons learned through childhood and adolescence - which truly make up ones true ruling loves and affections in life through the many experiences they are offered in order to have the opportunity to choose in each case. And so you have the non – awakened human being and spiritual society that does not yet know self and must therefore be provided a fresh and empty vessel in order to re- enter third density and learn new lessons that will allow them to come to know self-better in life – and then you have an awakened human being and spiritual society that has come to know self through reconnection with their collective consciousness – in which case said human or spiritual society is now given free rein to choose the human body – form – and sphere which will serve as house and home for their own spiritual society once they return to their natural state of life and existence in third density. Because every third density human being not yet in a knowing of self cannot choose their new body – form -and sphere of life upon re- entering third density through transmigration of the human spirit – their body – form – and sphere still appears similar to that of ones parents in many different cases ( though this is not a necessity) because the child has in fact been created by the spiritual society and soul group represented by the parents – sometimes of that of the mother – at other times that of the father – and in many cases the child is formed from the spiritual society and soul group which is a collective of the mothers and fathers two different spiritual societies and soul groups – but this is only the case when both parents live their life in equilibrium or close agreement according to many things in life. This is also why when two mates who live their life as a family unit come to agree on many things – and are found to be similar in many ways – they will often be seen in life to very much resemble one another. This is because they have not only chosen to act as one in the material and physical world of third density – but they are in equilibrium quite often and act and live as one or a unit in the spiritual realms as well. And so it is a truth that those who do not know self ( or ones true ruling loves and affections) -do not yet have the ability in life to re- create their own body – form – and sphere of life for the third density plane or natural state of their new existence ( when they reincarnate after the illusion of death) – while those who come to know self through the process of human evolution do in fact come to a point in their existence where they do have the ability and freedom to choose their own body – form – and sphere whenever they return to third density – and not just after they appear to die on your world. For those who come to have this ability they no longer choose to re- enter third density as a small human newborn child simply because there are many limitations placed on the human infant and new born – that are not in fact placed on one who has reached - or holds the appearance of - adulthood. How is it that the New and Higher Human can cone to take on any form he or she chooses in life – rather than having to return to third density as a small human infant child? This we shall explain as we delve deeper into Absolute Universal truths of the Higher Human verses the less evolved and lower human spirit. It is believed by many that your world and reality had its beginning some time long ago in your past – though this is a misconception or truth – depending on one’s level of understanding on the matter. Every spiritual society and soul group is the conglomeration or collective of many – many myriads of spirits – both masculine and feminine. Throughout eternity these spirits have needed a place within the illusion of time and space – or the material and physical realms to act as root or foundation for their existence – to serve as house and home if you will – so that all spirits have a place in order to rest or sleep when the season comes for one to sleep. Because one has a place he or she can rest and call home – this place always appears to remain there so that the spirit may return to this same place in the material and physical – or natural state of their existence from and to eternity. The spirit cannot appear to live and die without the human machine to reflect on in every case – every situation - and experience lived by the many illusions of life and death. The human machine has no appearance of life without the illusion of the human spirit giving life to said human machine – and neither can the spirit appear to live and die if they have no human machine to call home – and to believe to be one’s body – form – and sphere of life. All of this is provided therefore simply to provide the illusions of life and death – and all things in between – when in a higher form of the spirits reality it is known that life is not real – death is not real – and all the things in between are not real – but simply the re- creations of every human spirit – and every human spirit is pure consciousness that is capable of residing in any form it so chooses when its season has come to know these things once again. All is lost in belief and knowing when the human spirit begins its appearance of evolution of the spirit – in a world and reality where all things must be remembered all over again according to the illusion of the evolution of the spirit. In truth and according to the knowing of the feminine principle all spirits have access to all belief and all-knowing of what is believed – but it is different with the masculine principle in that all things have their limits in life. In other words there are masculine spirits who possess very little belief and knowing all the way down to levels of actual unconsciousness – though no spirit can actually be unconscious – as this is only appearance for certain levels of the masculine state of existence. Now because there are all levels of evolution to the masculine human spirit or principle every masculine spirit has his or her ruling loves and affections in life – always according to their level of belief and knowing – and every level of evolved spirit is accessible for every human machine where the illusion of life is lived for these human machines in a rational and illusory plane of our existence in separation and duality. Whatever spirits one comes to attract or draw to themselves in life – those spirits come to actually believe – and eventually know that they are the human in which they possess with their consciousness – giving the appearance of life to the spirit – as well as the human machine. It is a universal truth and level of knowing possessed only by the New and Higher Human – that the masculine did not ever come to choose to leave its feminine principle so as to go off and explore on its own its many different potentials and possibilities to create separate from its feminine. Change would in fact never be possible without separation of the masculine and feminine principles as all things remain the same with the feminine principle – in a never changing – passive and inactive conscious environment separate from the many limits of time – space – and separation and duality. It is the natural state of the masculine to change in its many different states of consciousness – while it is also a natural state of existence for the feminine not to act – to remain passive and non – changing – as she remains the same from and to eternity. Without the masculine therefore there could be no bodies – forms – or spheres of apparent existence (or life) appearing to be separate from the feminine principle – when in fact the masculine is never actually separate from its feminine principle except in re- creation through the masculine principle guided by its feminine along the way. It appears to the spirits created from the feminine and through the masculine – (a sort of partnership if you will) in an empty vessel or human machine that all things appear at first to be limited or unknown – when in fact all things are known and forgetfulness has simply been applied through the masculine principle for the many illusions that cause evolution and illusion to appear be reality. The masculine re- creates all bodies – forms – and spheres of life – from and to eternity - from its feminine guidance – and it is seen and understood by all re- created spirits to be their actual reality and existence according to the apparent evolution of every individual spirit as it evolves from one level of sleep and not knowing to other higher levels of sleep and not knowing in a way where more belief – more wisdom – and finally more knowing are applied to the collective consciousness of every spirit through its own spiritual society and soul group it comes to belong to as it continuously evolves from and to eternity. In other words when a new beginning is given its existence in a manner where new spirits are sent out to the human population of third density ( which is the lowest of densities by the way) many of those spirits possessing the human machine begin their evolution in a realm of separation and duality in third density while only two masculine spirits – and two feminine souls are a part of the makeup of the human conscious machine – or human being – and all other spirits and souls are in complete ignorance of belief and knowing as this will be the beginning of the evolutionary circle of life for the new human – though they are better understood by many to be the old human. As the human machine or being comes to evolve through experiences and lessons of each individual and new life - experienced by the human being (or spiritual society and soul group) all through the process of evolution the human spirit or being is making choices in life. Therefore certain spirits ( not souls) are steering away from one’s own personal ruling loves and affections taking him or her off into other timelines and dimensions of self – while others remain because they have chosen in life to be true to self and one’s own personal ruling loves and affections – causing all spirits or souls who are in perfect agreement or equilibrium of life to remain in the same timeline – the same spiritual society and soul group until the day or season of their apparent death in their present human life. It is a given that souls do not move off into other timelines and dimensions because souls( the feminine principle) never changes – never acts – and never attracts or separates from those spirits who have in fact attracted said souls into their life – as well as present timeline and dimension of life. Every spiritual society and soul group when sending out new spirits in the process of re- creation of realities must begin its illusion of beginning (within time and place) as a blank slate or empty vessel guided by the illusions of the human machine being possessed by said spiritual society and soul group. As many more spirits are added to the life of the human through choices made – more and more spirits are taken on – and an equal number of souls must be taken on as well in order to maintain Infinite equilibrium for the human vessel or machine – better known as the spiritual society and soul group. The souls will remain in the same timeline guiding the human machine but never forcing higher things on the human machine – as in the end it is always the decisions of the human being or machine to choose or decide all things in life based on the human beings present ruling loves and affections and based on the collective of those ruling loves and affections. As we were saying the human being continues throughout eternity to evolve and live out new lifetimes as the human being or machine – taking on new and higher bodies – forms – and spheres of life throughout the journey of the spiritual society and soul group. In other words as the human appears to die on its world it is given new illusion and life as another human form – based on the levels of evolution of the spiritual society and soul group at each new transition through death and life again. As the present human being represents a spiritual society and soul group so too do all those spirits who have moved in the apparent past – to new timelines and dimensions because they were not in agreement with the original spiritual society and soul group from its beginning of its apparent finite material and physical existence. And so all other spirits move off and are a part of the life of other human beings who are in agreement with their own ruling loves and affections – and new spiritual societies and soul groups are therefore re- created (not created for the first time of course). So let’s say a single spirit moves off to a certain timeline and dimension of their original spiritual society and soul group – causing said spirit to be a replica or new representation of self – or the original spiritual society and soul group. Yes it is a replica of self – the original – but it has now taken on its own individual life or existence – and now has the free will to choose in life through its human machine to make new choices and decisions in life based on its own ruling loves and affections once again. For every choice said spirit comes to agree with its new human host – it continues on in the circle of life with said human host – and the moment it no longer agrees with the choices of its human host – it moves on again to another timeline and dimension – and takes on another human body – form – and sphere of life – in each case never knowing it has changed human hosts from one human to another – and to eternity. Once said spirit moves to its next human host again if it is in agreement or equilibrium of life with the decisions of its new human host – it remains in its present spiritual society and soul group until disagreement once again come to take place. At such time of disagreement once again said spirit moves on to another timeline and dimension – all the time residing in and possessing a human host that is still self – but will continue to be seen as separate selves (and no other selves) as lower third density humans or spirits know not that they are all representatives of the same human being from eternity. This one individual spirit we speak of – who is changing timelines and dimensions every time it no longer agrees with the decisions of its human host – is an example of every spirit ever re- crated from eternity – as this is how the process of evolution works. Think of it in this manner – each individual spirit begins its existence in illusion – ignorance – separation – and duality as a collective of spirits who all are in perfect agreement on all things and they begin their existence based on the body – form – and sphere which represents in the higher realms of our existence whatever the society wishes to create – as all forms begin their existence in complete ignorance of all things – except for what is needed to sustain each form in its natural state until its individual and limited consciousness begins to change or choose according to its life functions. In other words even when a rock is re- created on your world it possesses a certain level of consciousness – a certain number of spirits - and a certain number of souls – but never less than two of each – as this represents opposites of the masculine and opposites of the feminine. Even when the creation ( re- creation actually) of a rock is reflected on the spiritual society and soul group of said rock is representative of its levels of evolution as well – and this continues to grow from the moment said rock is given its existence in a certain timeline or dimension of the existence of said spiritual society and soul group. As this rock continues to evolve it takes on other forms when the one who re- created no longer needs or wishes for its presence in their life – in which case this is understood as disagreement and not agreement or equilibrium any longer- in which case all spirits move on to other timelines and dimensions – while the souls remain. With said human or spiritual society who re- created the rock in the beginning. And so we once again come to reflect on the human machine or being that represents the original spiritual society and soul group from its original beginning or re- creation. This human being or machine plays out all of its seasons of life – and evolution until it once again one day or season comes to remember and know self – and then said human being or spiritual society and soul group is absorbed by its own self once again so that the human becomes the New Human where all things are now shared and no longer is the re- created human being limited according to its many decisions and changes in life – as it now has become one with its self – and is once again Finite Creator Source. You see the re- created human being started an apparent life where it began in complete ignorance – and began and continue to evolve until the number of spirits and souls it began its apparent existence with is the number it ended up with when its seasons of life and its Circle of Life had been completed – and it once again returned to self – again coming to know self. In truth no spirit or soul has ever left the collective higher self – as it has only appeared this way to those lower spirits and souls who have always and forever been placed in and on a plane of existence that once represented heaven to each re- created spirit and soul – and it is simply the spirits that were attracted by each individual third density human being that have caused things to become all out of universal order. Many – Many – myriads of timelines and dimensions have been re- created from eternity by all the many different human beings or spirits who have chosen in life different paths from those of their own original spiritual societies and soul groups. For every spirit – spiritual society and soul group – and human being their timelines and dimensions eventually end up where an equal number of spirits have come to agree with and equal number of souls – to the extent that equilibrium in once again achieved – and maintained by the human being – spirit – and spiritual society and soul group – causing said spiritual society and soul group to form the One or New and Higher Human once again. Because one has returned to the collective consciousness of the original spiritual society and soul group one comes to know self once again -and can therefore create any body – form – and sphere of his or her choice in life simply by moving to said body – form – and sphere through the process of sleep. We mention again however that sleep comes in many different forms – and is not just a state of mind one achieves when the body shuts down at night when one is at rest. Sleep is experienced by every human being every moment of their lives – as all come to vibrate in and out of consciousness – as well as moving from a masculine state to the feminine state throughout their daily lives. For the New and Higher Human when they come to change from one body – form – and sphere of life through sleep – and in the twinkling of an eye – they do not do so at a third density level of their existence and consciousness – but rather at the fifth density level. Within third density all things have their appearance of being set or of a rational nature – where miracles and wondrous happenings seldom are seen – given that the third density human has little understanding of higher things. All who reside in third density in an un – awakened state of consciousness are limited in life to the realities they have come to choose to accept as real – according to their similar levels of evolution of the human spirit. Those humans who have achieved an awakened state therefore – or those representing the New and Higher Human represent the fifth density human whenever they walk your present world separate from other selves who are not fifth density. All third density humans are indeed separate from fifth density humans because the fifth density human reflects no separation – and all are truly one with the fifth density human. Moving from one human body – form – and sphere is not an ability held by third density humans and therefore the higher human cannot be of a third density level of consciousness or form when he or she takes on other bodies – forms – and human spheres. The New and Higher Human can however take on the body and form of a third density human newborn child or that of an adolescent child as the Higher Human can move as low in consciousness as he or she so chooses – and still return to higher levels of consciousness found with the New and Higher Human. Still the New and Higher Human is not born into third density as a new born human child – but his or her human machine is often of such levels of consciousness – as well as body – form – and sphere. The New and Higher Human is no longer limited by third density while he or she can still re- enter third density at any given time – within time and space – and take on any preferred body – form – sphere – or human machine. The awakened or awakening human being can know of these truths of a higher nature and still not yet be at a level of their evolution and understanding to actually live such realities in their lives at present. All things must first be according to higher levels of universal principles therefore before what is spoken of her can actually become reality for the human being and spirit that will truly become the New and Higher Human in his or her season of life. In other words there will come to be many new things known by the awakening human – but until all is known according to universal standards of the fifth density and higher human the abilities we speak of achieved by the higher human are not complete – and are not therefore ones reality as of yet. Fear and doubt are very difficult to remove from ones ruling loves and affections in life considering one has lived for so long a period in a life and existence so very much ruled by fear and doubt. Therefore until one can remove fear and doubt at will – and move to higher levels of consciousness at will – one is still bound by fear and doubt and cannot yet maintain ruling loves and affections of contentment and knowing of the fully awakened human. Just as the human can change to different forms and personalities in their dream state so too can this be accomplished by the New and Higher Human in their awakened state – as the dream state is the gateway to fourth density as well as fifth density and higher. The New and Higher Human does not therefore have to sleep any more than he or she wishes or wills in life – given that the third density dream state (fourth density) is also the fifth density awakened state of one’s existence and consciousness given that fourth density is the realm of consciousness where the lower is in connection and shares consciousness with its higher self. Fourth density is not the physical state of the third density human or the fifth density and higher human – but is rather the world where all spirits are in transition from one level of consciousness to another. This is the realm of consciousness where the spirit chooses its spiritual society and soul group which it will call home at the time or season he or she takes on a new human body – form – and sphere. We will state at this time for those of you who believe things are not happening for all equally in this present generation – that even our human host has not reached his season in which he is living the reality he now knows to be his own – his true ruling loves and affections in other words that separates his higher self from all others – and yet allows him to know that there are no others – but self alone. He now knows that at a higher level of consciousness he will eventually come to a point in his existence where he will come to live life as One while being conscious of all other selves who come to make up the One. More and more knowing is provided self within each and every new now moment – but unlimited creative abilities are not given until a season in which all things come together in perfect equilibrium of life. Knowing is indeed provided in a consistent and gradual manner – but the New and Higher Human does not receive all creative abilities until he or she truly has become the New and Higher Human. It happens in an instant and in the twinkling of an eye – in perfect synchronization. More and more knowing is added – word upon word - line upon line – precept upon precept and yet things may often feel at a standstill – but make no mistake friends the New Human is forming from within each of you at this day. There will be times when things appear so very clear to one’s mind – and of such a very high level of understanding – and still – it is not yet time. When the time comes for each of you we say to you all – it comes as a thief in the night – stealing away all things old which bound you each in days gone by. Do not therefore seek to know those things not yet in their season as all knowing is provided in a manner that each new thing is upon you before you even have the opportunity to think it into existence – and so it is done before you even realize it was coming. There will indeed be more to come on this matter – as things are truly shaping up for your present generation – and we remind you asll not to be caught sleeping when the thief is at your door – but rather awaken – and see the wonders of the New and Higher Human in you. “WE”

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The New Human

The New Human All in Life have the choice of going within or going without – and in both cases one is simply appearing to go each and every time – as we truly go nowhere at any point in or out of time. When one goes within one is in connection with their higher collective self or with their lower collective self – but in each case there are no other selves within the collective consciousness of every human mind and consciousness. When we go without it is different – in that we create and manifest other selves – and we choose to either experience the masculine nature as their higher or as the lower self – depending on whether self alone or other selves are being interacted with or reflected upon with self. When other selves are involved one is out of his or her place of equilibrium as the self is not completed or satisfied with self alone but chooses to manifest other selves in order to manifest ones wished for and present reality. Many other selves can be manifested in order to create ones present reality – or few can be called upon – depending on the levels of vibration for said reality. There can be much positive or much negative offered by other selves in each circumstance – and depending on the levels of each one is either in equilibrium or out of equilibrium- closer to equilibrium or farther away according to ruling loves and affections. One can choose to remain self and accept and attract only those other selves who make up ones said ruling loves and affections in life which keeps one closest to equilibrium of life – while still one is not in equilibrium of life as long as other selves are involved. One is most comfortable and constant while in equilibrium – and only moves out of equilibrium in order to interact with those other selves which provide other ruling loves and affections which are not of one’s true ruling loves and affections – but those which have continuously made up the many illusions of one’s home life or most comfortable place in a world and society where other selves come to be manifested. FOR THE HUMAN WHO IS IN AN AWAKENED OR AWAKENING STATE OF EXISTECNE EACH WILL EVENTUALLY COME TO THEP OINT IN THEIR LIVES WHEN THE OUTER NO LONGER PLEASES SELF IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION – AND THEREFORE THE AWAKENED OR AWAKENING HUMAN WILL CHOOSE TO GO WITHIN MORE OFTEN AT FIRST SO AS TO ALLOW FOR THE CREATION AND MANEFESTATION OF ALL THINGS NEW – WHICH WILL COME TO MAKE UP THEIR NEW OUTER AND THIRD DENSITY LIVES. As long as the awakened or awakening human (not that they are either awakening or ascending in actuality) clings to and continues to reflect on the old third density and outer bodies – forms – and spheres which make up all old manifested realities for one in his or her past third density world and system one remains in those systems and realities because one has yet to let go so as to allow room for the manifestation of all things anew. TRULY SOME THINGS WILL TAKE LONGER PERIODS OF TIME OR REFLECTION IN ORDER TO REMOVE THEM FROM THE AWAKENED OR AWAKENING ONES LIFE – BUT ALL THINGS OLD WILL EVENTUALLY BE REMOVED FROM ONES LOWER THIRD DNESITY RESALITY SO AS TO BE REPLACED BY ALL THINGS NEW. It is a given that even the New or Higher Human must possess a lower as well as a higher state of consciousness in life – but it is by no means required that one remain in old or lower things which have been done away with through ones process of evolution of the soul. It is also a truth that the third density human will not in most all cases choose to live as a hermit in life – even as the awakened human – as there is nothing wrong or improper for the awakened and higher – or new human – to cease from enjoying all pleasures one can imagine in life – but only that what comes to please the New Human will always be according to ones levels of evolution of the human spirit. SO IF ONE CONTINUES TO REFLECT ON OLD THINGS – THOSE THINGS WHICH USE TO MAKE UP ONES OUTER AND THIRD DENSITY RELASITIES – ONE HAS NOT YET LET GO OF THESE OLD THINGS – AND THEY WILL THEREFORE CONTINUE TO BE MANEFESTED AND REFLECTED UPON UNTIL THE OUTER IS NO LONGER MANEFESTED IN SAID ENERGETIC FORMS – IN WHICH CASE ALL NEW FORMS WILL COME TO BE MANEFESTED IN THEIR SEASON OF THE New HUMANS LIFE – AND A NEW OUTER WORLD WILL COME TO BE MANEFESTED FOR THE NEW HUMAN WHILE HE OR SHE IS IN HIS OR HER NATURAL STATE OF LIFE – OR THEIR MATERIAL AND PHYSICAL EXISTECNE. Each human being – beginning even as a small child come to gradually know their true ruling loves and affections in life – even if they continuously choose to hide them throughout their lives so as to appear something other than what they are – so as to please or receive acceptance form other selves in life who may come to be a benefit to them in one way or another. As the child grows older and begins to reach adulthood it comes to be more difficult to remember and know their true ruling loves and affections because one has pretended for so long to be other than ones true self. When the human comes to an awakened state of their existence all things begin to return – and one begins to remember ones true ruling loves and affections in their present life – and therefore in an awakened state comes to begin living their life in a manner in which their true ruling loves and affections are more and ore revealed and lived in one’s life from the beginning of their awakening period on. Because one begins to attempt to live according to their true ruling loves and affections once they begin their awakening and remembering self – the world gradually begins to repel them and remove them from their societies of friends and acquaintances – and often even from their families – as they are no longer fitting subjects to be a part of the rational human beings societies throughout ones present third density world and reality. It does not often get any easier for one who is awakening and remembering – the one who is now seeking to live life as their true selves – and therefore one comes to be removed from groups of friends – acquaintances – and even family more and more as the awakening and remembering process progresses more and more in one’s life. As changes are more and more accepted by the new Human one comes to move over to their true self and nature more and more – as new knowing is provided to the awakening human which permits them to easier let go of the old and to manifest and retain the new. Opportunities as well as manifestations are then provided by ones higher self while in a place of equilibrium – and are manifested in their proper season in one’s new reality of third density so as to gradually remember and manifest all things new. It begins with little things so as not to be such a shock to the one who is remembering and creating a new – and as one awakens and remembers at even higher levels the manifestations become more advanced or wonderful. The awakened or awakening Human – the New Human if you will – is not provided – out of season – those things one cannot yet imagine – believe – and then finally know to be potential and possible realities in one’s new reality of third density. As the human spirit awakens and remembers more and more however – the imagination is stretched to levels unimaginable for most – as one is moving into self and is now coming to know ones true self. Again if old things are not first let go of – so that fears and doubts that once were harboured in one’s collective imagination – creations separate from fear and doubt cannot take their place. Though fear and doubt will no longer be the foundations of one’s new creations in their density – still they are not necessarily of conditional love – given that love is not the opposite of fear and doubt – but rather contentment and knowing are. And so whether ones new third density reality is manifested from the masculine or feminine principle – all still comes to be manifested in its masculine body – form –and sphere while in third density realities of the material and physical. Therefore creations in one’s new third density reality can be of many different levels of conditional love – but not unconditional love – as this dissipates when it reaches the levels of third density and therefore becomes conditional – even though it can often be very high bodies – forms – and spheres of masculine conditional love. As long as the New Human reflects on old bodies – forms – and spheres the old human is still a part of the new human’s existence – representing the outer instead of the outer of the new human yet being manifested and created. In other words the New Human is still receiving old things offered from their collective self – and what is old or which is a part of one’s past other selves they remain ones present other selves as well. In order to lose past other selves of a lower level of their evolution and collective consciousness they need to no longer be reflected upon in one’s everyday life. The outer and older is manifested according to one’s present will and imagination in every new now moment – and in order to lose these old bodies – forms – spheres –and realities one needs to no longer reflect upon them. As long as they continue to be manifested through the inner they will continue to be manifested through the outer – as the one does not exist without the other. It is fine to continue to reflect on and interact with one’s present other selves – as well as all other outer and manifested bodies – forms – and spheres – but this represents the old at this day of our awakening and remembering process of coming to know ones true self – and therefore all old things must indeed put off first before the new is provided through ones higher self. There are many at this day that are not yet prepared to receive the new as they do not yet understand what is going on in their life – and why they are all of a sudden remembering so many new things about their true selves. As the hours and days move forward however each will come to know many knew things – as each is prepared to receive all new things – according to their true ruling loves and affections which represent the One and Whole of the collective New Human at this day. It will be easier for some while most difficult for others to let go of the old – given that our present world and third density reality is made up of many spiritual societies( humans) who represent many different levels ( some so very low at this day) of our human evolution. Many are still comfortable with the old – and are still in fact dependent on what is offered by the old – as they live most modest lives and are still so very dependent on those things offered by the present principalities and powers of the olf third density plane of reality. Again until each is prepared to let go of the old not only will new things not be given and manifested in their lives – but neither will they come to know yet of said potentials and possibilities. When it is let go of by the awakening and remembering human being – keep in mind that all fears and doubts must be put out of one’s mind as well - as these fears and doubts continue to provide said creations and manifestations of all that is old. And so for the New Human – the awakening human – and he and she who is presently remembering who he or she truly is in life – one must come to know what things will make up their new realities of third density and then let them go – no longer reflecting or pondering their being manifested as ones new realities – but one must know all things will indeed come to be manifested in their season – but no longer wishing for – wanting for- reflecting on lack or needs in life – but rather hold on to the simply knowing that all will come in due season. If one continues to think of or ponder on what he or she truly wants in life – then the reality and idea of want – need – and lack will continue to be manifested – rather than all that truly makes up ones true ruling loves and affections being manifested simply because they all already exist in the higher realms – and will therefore be manifested in the lower realms when all fear and doubt have been removed according to all individual as well as collective new things in life. If all things new already exist (as is even the case with all things old) and if all things old come to be manifested and re – manifested because of our fears and doubts that they indeed can or do make up ones reality – does it not stand to reason that opposite affections - when one come to possess knowing and contentment that all things already exist (that will make up ones new third density realities) will not all things new be manifested as well – making up ones new third density – given that one no longer harbours their old fears and doubts of a lower level third density reality – once lived by those humans of much lower levels of human evolution? Yes contentment is the opposite of fear – as no fears are present when one is completely content with a thing – and is not knowing the opposite of doubt – in which case all that one knows will come to be manifested in one’s life at said time of one coming to know a things as being potential and possible – and then to truly be of one’s true ruling love’s and affections in life? As long as one continues to ponder on and reflect on things of old – those things which have in one’s past come to make up their many realities of third density - even when they are not created from fear or doubt – they still come to be created and re – created either from knowing or contentment that said realities are still ones only options in life – and are therefore continuously re- created so as to put self in the same old situations or realities – either alongside other selves –or even when self is alone in life. Therefore all things being newly created and manifested by each at this day – even if not from fear and doubt – but from contentment and knowing as well – if they are no longer at some point required or wanted as ones realities – they do not go away so to speak – but simply move to another of one’s timelines and dimensions – held in universal creation for a time as such when one may once again come to seek said things – or wish to recreate them in their present life. This process is being duplicated over and over again in every new now moment of every individual and collective group of human beings at this day – and it has been this way in days gone by as well – from and to eternity in fact. The difference is that the New Human knows these things whereas the old or less evolved human does not. Opposite realities are created when fear and doubt are present in one’s mind – where actual things are created and manifested when contentment and knowing are involved in the collective thoughts of all energetic forms = bodies – and spheres of existence. As long as you know therefore – and are content that all things you love in lfie do in fact already exist for you – and as long as you remain content and in knowing of this fact or truth – let it go and go about your lives – continuing in the life you wish to live at this present moment – knowing that all things will indeed be manifested – and you no longer need to wait n them – as waiting is another form of doubt – and will only create the opposites of things which make up your true ruling loves in life. An example would be that if you know much abundance already exists for you – and will indeed be manifested in its season – go on living your life – no longer pondering or reflecting on the abundance – and it will come when the timeline in which it exists for you comes to be a part of your present reality. Again – the only reason it has not yet manifested is because you still seek it instead of being content in life – and take all things as they come – knowing that all will indeed come according to their season in your own “Circle of Life.” Do you not know that all things are presently right in front of your faces – and the only reason you see them not is because of present (not past) fears and doubts – whether fear and doubt were present a day – month – or year ago matters not– as your reality is presently being manifested by the fears and doubts each of you harbours in this present moments or in the now. Come to live in the now – remove all fear and doubt in the now – harbours contentment and knowing in the now for all things you truly love in life – and stand back and watch the universal laws or principles of separation and attraction do their work in your present life. We remind you all dear friends – it is one thing to think you are not harbouring fear and doubt – and that you believe you are content and in knowing – but it is all together another thing to truly be in contentment of life and a knowing that all already exists for you – according to your true ruling loves and affections in life. One is to come to be content not because the universal principles of separation and attraction are set in place to keep us all in want – need – and lack of life – but rather to allow each to remember that when one is not in want – and is content with all available to them in life in the now or present moment – that the new can now be provided as one has come to let go of the old. And so we end this transmission – and leave you all to ponder our words. “WE”