Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Laws of Attraction

The Laws of Attraction It is very important that each human soul or being at this time in our awakening and transitioning to our next level of Absolute Truth and Data be reflective on the principles of the “Laws of Attraction.” The Laws of Attraction are Universal Laws that have been in place from eternity and are there to govern the creative abilities of every human soul according to his and her will to create within the realms of unconscious rational thinking as well as those densities of our existence that are based on Absolute Truth and Data. You see we create upon the plane of third density according to our will to attract other ruling loves or affections that fall in line with our present state of mind and thinking at any given now moment in and out of time. Of course when you are out of time and within the souls mind you simply attract other levels of consciousness – ruling loves- and affections that do not possess a body and form yet. At least they do not possess body and form on the planes of third density. In other words within and upon the planes of third density you attract bodies and forms – while within your mind and consciousness you attract spiritual bodies and forms known as ruling loves and affections. The mind attracts those bodies and forms of the mind - while the bodies and forms attract those bodies and forms that are of similar mind – consciousness – ruling loves –and affections. Within third density therefore we each create bodies and forms – surrounded by their own personal bubble or protective sphere of life – and all bodies and forms are attracted to one another according to how their bubbles or protective spheres share similarities in life. If you attract those bubbles – protective spheres - or bodies and forms that do not appear to agree with your own present affections or ruling loves in life then equilibrium is being sought by the soul and the contrast is being provided so as to bring said human being back into equilibrium of life – as this is where the living soul seeks to remain at all times – as that is the place of true happiness and contentment for every living soul. If you fall far from equilibrium then it will take far greater experiences in order to bring the human soul back into equilibrium – while if the venture form equilibrium is not so great minor (unwelcomed) experiences will then take place in your life. Again every human being or God Man exists in their natural state of life and existence within equilibrium – being possessed by an equal level of what many of you would can good and bad spirits or souls. Still there is no actual good and bad spirits and souls but only those above and below equilibrium if you will. Keep in mind that all terms used here when speaking of the spiritual world are terms used simply for the understanding of lower mind – as there is no true in or out – up or down – right or left – darkness or light in the spiritual realms. Darkness is an illusion as is light – given they too are creations of energy – and all energy is creation as well within the purest and least pure or Infinite levels of consciousness. Within the lower realms of third density however all things having to do with opposites have been created from eternity – by each of you originally – for the benefit and education of third density; fourth density; and fifth density man – and woman. Getting back to the subject of falling form – or leaving equilibrium of life – it is the natural state of every created soul (including their levels of true consciousness) to remain in equilibrium throughout their lives on whatever physical plane of existence (in body and form) they reside on. When you are in equilibrium of life therefore you are passive and inactive toward the life and creations of others who appear to be separate human bodies and forms on your world. When you therefore leave the state of equilibrium you are allowing or attracting other ruling loves and affections into your bubble or protective sphere of life – and you are then susceptible to whatever those other ruling loves and affections come to add to your bubble and protective sphere. If you leave equilibrium and venture into those spiritual societies and soul groups above equilibrium that are in fact different from your own personal ruling loves and affections – those ruling loves and affections below equilibrium will be provided in your life so as to provide contrast and cause your spiritual society and soul group (on every level of your existence) to return to equilibrium. At the same time if you venture below equilibrium of life and move into those societies below equilibrium (possessing different ruling loves and affections than your own) then those ruling loves and affections (above equilibrium) will then be provided so as to again return you to equilibrium of life. This is how the Laws of Attraction work for every soul existing in body and form – on every level of their existence upon venturing from the place of equilibrium. As long as the human soul remains in equilibrium of life – living life according to their true ruling loves and affections – no new lessons are required at that time – as the human soul is content in all things. Still there is a thing called fear and all the many different ruling loves and affections that exist within the spiritual societies and soul groups that represent fear ( such as anger – vengeance – violence – hatred – trickery – judgment – ruler ship over others – harming or causing loss to another – and so on. All of these ruling loves and affections will draw their equal and opposite ruling loves and affections to the conscious collective mind of the human soul – but the human being is never required to think – speak – or act toward any one side of equilibrium once balance has again been established by returning said human soul to equilibrium. In other words just because you will always be provided two different directions to move toward in life when thinking – speaking – or acting – this does not mean every human being does not still possess the free will to make their next move in one direction of the other. After every experience and state of mind is established in the human mind through returning to equilibrium that human being is again free to move above or below equilibrium and create their next thought – say the next word – or choose the next action they will make from that state of equilibrium. So if you begin to experience anger toward another you are removed momentarily from equilibrium. If you do not stop and reflect on your thoughts there is a good chance you will speak or act in anger toward that person – as you have not yet returned to your equilibrium of life. It is there (equilibrium) – it has been provided instantly – but third density man through his or her rational thinking mind often chooses to think from the rational mind when out of equilibrium – and not from the collective mind that has already achieved equilibrium once again. You have heard us say that all human souls exist in life within equilibrium of life – and this is true in his or her natural state of life and existence. However once you leave your natural state of life – existence – ruling loves –and affections you are no longer in your natural state of life – but are now in an unconscious state totally separate from the collective consciousness – and are living the life and consciousness of illusion and fantasy. It is an Absolute Truth that those below equilibrium are tugging and pulling the human soul ( third – fourth – and fifth density man) deeper into the lower realms – farther and farther below equilibrium while those above equilibrium are at the same time pulling man back to his natural state – all the time the human being is experiencing the pull of death and the pull of life simultaneously in their lives. This is not only the case in the spiritual realms but the material and physical of third density as well. Still once a human soul has begun taking on and remembering Absolute Truth and Data he or she no longer needs to allow this pull to continue – as the fully awakened human soul becomes fully aware of these many Laws of Attraction. In other words if you are presently aware or knowledgeable of how the Laws of Attraction work in your life you can adjust your lives accordingly. As we stated earlier when the human being or soul removes themselves from equilibrium – through the long traditional practices of involving their ruling loves – affections – and life decisions with those of another in life – then all and everything the other human has to offer to your bubble or protective sphere in life is not accessible to you and will continuously be available for you to add to your own consciousness – bubble and protective sphere in life – as you do not attract only part of another spiritual society and soul group to your person – but you attract all of it. If you stop to help someone on the highway who is walking by giving them a ride – you have just invited their spiritual society and soul group to your bubble or protective sphere – and all that they represent or have to offer your spiritual society and soul group will now be used by the Laws of Attraction in order to not only keep you in equilibrium – but to remove you from equilibrium as well – and take you down as deep as it possible can into the lower depths of unconsciousness and illusion – better known as death of the spirit or soul. This continuous tug from both sides of equilibrium is what causes all the turmoil and strife in the life of every human being. No third density human in their un – awakened state is aware of these things and they are therefore constantly leaving equilibrium of life and venturing into other spiritual societies and soul groups throughout their everyday lives – through the process of involving themselves in the life and well being of other – as well as the downfall of others at the opposite end of the scale. Many will say that they have no choice in life but to help others and to be there when another is in need. At the same time those who speak those words are not aware that every other human being is them as well in another body and form – and every human being or soul has the same ability and options in life to choose to become self reliant and totally responsible for self. Every human soul who does not yet know that it is the involvement of our own ruling loves and affections with those of another in life which actually removes each of us from equilibrium and therefore causes each and every new lesson in life – whether that lesson be a positive or a negative one at the time. When you help another remove themselves from a lesson the lesson has not been satisfied and it will come back to said person again and again until that human being is given the full opportunity to work it out for themselves according to their own ruling loves and affections in life. Again we say to you that in all of life’s many old and new lessons mankind has - and is about to learn that there are no right or wrong choices – as you will all be returned to equilibrium after each lesson is experienced – and each of you has made your decision of how to go about reacting to each and every experience in your lives. The lessons will either be learned and you will make your many decisions according to your own ruling loves and affections and move on to another – or another will intervene and provide you assistance in reacting or working out the lessons – and in turn each individual soul having the assistance of another human being ( who represents other ruling loves and affections) will now experience said lesson over again according to his or her new collection of ruling loves and affections – as they have now been added to through the assistance of another. So you see friends when you choose to help or aid another in life – no matter what the circumstances may be – you have simply temporarily postponed the lesson they were to be given or provided in life – and the fact that you came to their assistance in that one instance does not remove the fact that they will not have to do it all over again – and will eventually have to work it out completely on their own – therefore now being responsible for self. The un – awakened human being is not aware of these Universal Laws of Attraction but still they will each have to remember them eventually by living out all the experiences life has to offer them – so as to one day – in their season alone - remember all things of Absolute Truth and Data – and the many Laws of Attraction. We will many times over be hindered in life (by our many other selves aiding us) as to the degree our evolution of the soul moves forward. We will not tell you that it is wrong to help another who requires and asks for your assistance in life – but we simply tell you that as you awaken to full consciousness more and more – you will come to realize that it is beneficial to the one and Whole of the God Man for each of you to remain idle or neutral when it comes to involving your own ruling loves – affections – thoughts –words- or actions to that of another human beings whenever it is possible for you to do so. If you wish to help then help and feel no remorse or fault in your actions – but if your heart tells you it is better to remain neutral in any one situation then do so as well – for in doing so you are allowing room for every other reflection of yourself in life to completely be responsible for self – and their awakening will come sooner rather than later according to their season. Every time we get involved in another’s decisions or experiences in life we change their season of awakening as we have now added to their spiritual society and soul group – and have therefore added to the number of lessons to be learned before returning to full consciousness. Now it is one thing to come to another aids in life when your heart tells you they are truly in need of your help – but then there are many other instances where no help is needed and you are simply involving your ruling loves- affections – and opinions to someone else’s so as to attempt to change your present world and its overall ruling loves and affections. If you truly are a soul in the process of awakening – no matter at what level your awakening may be – we say to you each and every choice you make in life at this point of your evolution of the soul will truly be the deciding factor as to how slowly or quickly your awakening to certain Absolute Truth and Data will come upon you. An example would be that if you continue to join with other human beings ( of other ruling loves and affections in life) who still believe that it is money you need in life in order to continue to sustain life and make it more comfortable then that is your ruling love as present – and you will only continue building on that ruling love as those below equilibrium will constantly be in the process of creating and recreating this point of view in your rational human mind – therefore not thinking – speaking – or acting from the heart or the collective consciousness that is in equilibrium. Have we not said that each is truly responsible for his or her own life and decisions in that life? Have we not stated that as long as each human being remains in equilibrium of life – remaining neutral to the life and decisions of others – he or she will be content with all things in life whether they have little or much – and true happiness will always be at your door step. However if you see your life as being in want or lack of anything at any time then you have chosen not to allow the Laws of Attraction and equilibrium to provide for you in life – but rather you are seeking worldly energetic bodies and forms to provide for you. Energetic bodies and forms that come in the form of money – credit – usury – bartering – trade – technology -theft – ruling over others – governments – banks – prisons – jails – courthouses – and the list goes on and on. Many human being who are not yet to the level of their awakening to full consciousness still believe certain lower things of rational man – of the unconscious world of illusion – and they must therefore continue in these lesson (as soul contracts have not in fact been completed for many in your world) until such a time or season as they have remembered why they are still in lack and want in life even today on your world. You do not have because you want and you therefore ask someone or some God you believe to be outside of yourself (and this we speak to those who do not yet know who they are) for the things in life you believe you lack according to need in life. You do not lack and you do not need anything you have not already been given in this season of your existence – as to possess or own more would simply keep you bound in third density and lower thinking in life. Why do you need to possess or own anything when all things are truly at your fingertips as long as you permit higher self to lead and guide you into higher thinking from the heart and not the rational human mind or brain? When higher self creates 8 within equilibrium) higher self creates for others in the fact that all others are self – and if every human soul were to be content with all they have in life then each awakened soul would therefore know that what you wish for from the heart you will truly receive in your season and not according to the season – want – or lack – your third density human counterpart believes he or she much possess or own in life. All is given to be shared by the One and the Whole – as the One and the Whole is truly all. When you seek those things in life for yourself – separate from the One and the Whole – you are living in service to self and conditional love – and you therefore separate yourself from all that is truly available to you in life in trade for all that you think you want or need based on the human fleshly cravings through body and form. Creation comes from above in the ethers – in the heart – and within your spiritual society and soul group. Nothing is created from flesh and blood as flesh and blood even come form the creations within the ethers – and are provided as fantasy and illusion to every human soul – to see it as they wish in life. Therefore as long as the human soul believes according to the world around them that is the world they will continue to build on – as all things are provided above according to the evolution of every individual human soul. When you receive things that cause you to be happy and content in life you have received those things not because you have asked for them but because your season has come around to experience and enjoy the ruling loves and affections they offer you in life – according to your own ruling loves and affections. Yes each of you is a creator Source ( or God if you wish) and each of you indeed create many things from above within the aethers – but you do not create for self unless you are a soul – soul group – or spiritual society that is in service to self. When that is the case you are presently connected to the consciousness of higher self out of equilibrium – and in fact below the place of equilibrium (if you wish to use the term below). And so when the higher self is out of equilibrium in the ethers so too is the lower self within third dneisty out of equilibrium accordingly – and presently exists in the same spiritual societies and soul groups as is higher self. When the higher self is creating form equilibrium in the aethers so too are things being manifested for that human being – spiritual society – and soul group within third density physical manifestation. And when higher self is creating form above equilibrium (if you wish to use the term above) it is also the same within third density as creation is carried out according to correspondences on the third dneisty physical plane. All is there for every individual human soul to reflect on and therefore create from to eternity – and whatever spiritual society and soul group each human soul chooses to create from they are always free to do so. As you each continue to evolve in your thinking – eventually according to heart and the collective mind in equilibrium - or outside of heart within the collective mind above or below equilibrium – each of you will certainly come to be completely responsible for self – and the journey begins here in this now moment. In unconditional love we offer each of you this message – do with it as you will- and know that we love you unconditionally no matter what your future world may bring you. And again in unconditional love ---Daniel

Saturday, September 21, 2013

We love you unconditionally!

We love you unconditionally! So what is all the hoopla about these days? What is the world really in store for – and individually what is each of us in store for? At the present moment it is we and not I (referring to our host Daniel) providing these words - which may change at any moment – and at the drop of a hat. For in the twinkling of an eye the spiritual society and soul group represented by our human host is consistently changing societies and state of mind for the good of the One and the Whole. At one now moment we speak from higher planes of existence - and are present only with the God Man – and at other now moments it is I Daniel who speaks to you through worldly ( but not rational) understanding. And so we will begin our message as it is we who were asked to speak first according to higher things. Everyone is here on your world today (in the many present now moments) because you all made prior agreements within yourself – your own spiritual society and soul group making up the God Man – agreements that you would incarnate in the lower densities of our existence and your existence - so as to take on new experiences where Absolute Truth and Data is mixed in with fantasy – illusion – and unconscious rational human thinking - and caused to create many new things for the spiritual society and soul group ( the God Man) in order to provide new foundations for future creations of the God Man – and in turn for yourselves upon your awakening to full consciousness. Yes friends you are us and we are you – and with every new addition to the collective consciousness – provided by newly created souls living out their seasons of life in fantasy – illusion – and unconscious rational thought (unconscious thought) the God Man is capable of creating new worlds and realities with all new things added to the mixture of spiritual wisdom and worldly wisdom. Everyone – every soul - that is truly a created human being in body and form – is the unconscious soul of the God Man – and is there in your present world and lower reality to provide so many new things that are non – absolute. In providing new non- absolute truth and Data to the mixture new souls can be created as well because new affections and ruling loves have been created in the interim. These souls representing new affections and ruling loves did not exist at one time – inside or outside of time and space – as they were not yet a part of the imagination of any soul – soul group – or spiritual society above or below the place of equilibrium. It is true dear friends that everything that exists has always existed from and to eternity – and there is nothing new under the sun (meaning what is played out in third density already exists as a reality within the essence and being that is Infinite Creator Source). All things created anew and played out in the lower densities of the third – fourth – and fifth densities have already been played out long ago – and many times over – by souls who came long before newly created souls (as well as those from other ages and aeons) were ever even thought of within the God Man. Those things many human souls believe therefore to be new creations - or those creations that had never existed before present day life on your planet and plane of existence – were the creations of many older souls older than the imagination can venture in fact. There is no human understanding when it comes to the imagination - just how many seasons of life lower man has truly lived in the lower densities of third – fourth – and fifth. So you see friends every thought every thing imaginable in the mind of every human soul has been thought of many myriads of times over – and the human soul is simply adding new things for creation that has not yet been envisioned by the awakened God Men – who are in fact past creations of many myriads of God Men in long days of old. These God Men who are presently experiencing an existence lower third dneisty man sees as many new things is in fact an existence where the God Man is continuously awakening to new Absolute Truth and Data – and is coming to no with every passing now moment – that He or She is nothing more or less than the accumulated expressions and extensions of all God Men in long days of old. We are all expressions and extensions of many myriads of previous God Men – who are living their existence in the higher and highest of ethers or densities - of our existence as well – and only they know the things of Absolute Truth and Data that each of you will come to know one day as well – as you continue to awaken and evolve back toward Finite Creator Source. Again all things have already been played out for those who no longer wish or need to play – but they will forever continue to be played out by all new souls– with many new things added to the mixture – until each and every newly created soul comes to awaken once again to full consciousness – at which time (outside of time and space) more and more Absolute Truth and Data will be made available to each of them – and will continue to be added to on in to eternity. Where this will bring every new soul who comes to awaken is never spoken of until each individual soul is prepared to accept all new Absolute Truth and Data in their life and consciousness as reality – coming form the knowing provided more and more as our seasons pass – and new seasons take their place. Human souls come and go – being incarnated time and time again – until their seasons are finished in the lower planes and schoolhouse provided by the created and Finite Universe – and every soul up to the time of their awakening to full consciousness is forever joined in life (with many – many other souls – soul groups – and spiritual societies) with a never ending supply of other souls who make up many myriads of different ruling loves and affections – all possessing the same human being and providing the many new thoughts of everyday life within third – fourth – and fifth densities of their existence. No human being on your plane of existence in third density is ever alone in life – and no third density human could even experience the illusion of life and death – without all the many other souls that make up that life of illusion for every individual human being on your world. No single soul – spiritual society – and soul group could ever incarnate as a third density human being if it were not accompanied by many - many other souls – as the human being is a conglomeration of a never ending supply of different souls - and each is representative of a single or individual ruling love or group of affections that provide the illusion of life (as a collective) for every third density human being. A single thought is not just a single thought on your plane of life known as third density – but a single thought is provided by many different souls who all share that same ruling love and affection that provided that single thought. The more thoughts a human has at any given time the more spirits or souls required to make up those thoughts – and therefore provide every different state of mind for third density man throughout their every day life within third density – to eternity. You are all there in and on your present plane of existence so as to share thoughts and learn many new lessons from those many new thoughts – so that when it is time for your awakening to full consciousness all souls possessing the human body – form – and conscious mind at said time will evolve to the next level and will take their places either above or below equilibrium in the higher spiritual realms of sixth density and above. All human souls is either one that is in unconditional love and service to others or they are in conditional love and in service to self – and the moment of awakening comes for every human being in third density the whole spiritual society and soul group making up the consciousness of each individual human being will go on to his or her place from whence they came – as no one ever really left their place within the God Man as it only appeared so for the duration of the manifested creation of your present world and life. And so we leave you at this time dear friends as we shall provide the allotted time or seasons for our human host to now speak in conjunction with our message. In unconditional love we wish you all well. Hello friends one and all – I wish to share my part of the present message in hopes that I can fill in certain details that some may not have easily found understanding. It is true you are all here serving mankind even in situations where you are not yet aware you are doing so. It matters not if a human beings ruling love is in service to self and conditional love – or in service to others and in unconditional love. Within every lesson provided third density man (and I mean every lesson) there is part of that lesson that offers service to others and unconditional love and part of the lesson that offers service to self and conditional love. Within the foundation of every lesson on our world every human being (with each and every human actually representing a whole spiritual society and soul group in the aethers) has the choice to think – speak – act – or draw affections to themselves within said lesson – so as to either be representing or reflecting conditional love and service to self -or unconditional love and service to others. The choice is always there for each individual human being to make each time – and when that decision or choice is finally made it has been made by the spiritual society and soul group represented by said human being. Because of this one major detail third density man is not aware of until his or her awakening no human being is ever guilty or found to be at fault by their actions or choices made while living their life in third density. For a society is never at blame for those actions or decisions of the one when that society is still in fantasy – sleep – illusion – and unconscious thought through the rational mind of a human being. Now while the society as a whole cannot be found at fault for the decisions of the one – neither can the one be found to be at fault for the decisions of a complete society that is also still bound by fantasy – sleep – illusions – and unconscious creation. Therefore the only fault or guilt ever to be recognized – provided – or placed on third density man in these lower planes of our existence is that of third density man while thinking through the rational and lower mind – as well as all the un -awakened souls who are still in the process of guiding or possessing that rational mind of third density man within his or her spiritual society and soul group. In short – the only ones who still see third density man as right or wrong – good or bad – a sinner or a saint – and either of the light or of the dark is unconscious third density man who has not yet awakened to full consciousness and Absolute Truth and Data. Because third density man in his or her sleep state of unconsciousness is not yet aware that he or she is truly many and not one - third density man believes he or she makes all decisions or choices in life as one being – and is therefore guilty (compared to the majority in his or her society) of all things in life not acceptable to other rulers and law makers of their society - upon the third density plane of our existence. For it is true that the God Man will always eventually come to be responsible for self – and when he or she causes harm or loss to another soul he or she is not being responsible for self – as all others make up self in the higher densities where the rational human mind no longer has a part in the play or game of life. You cannot be responsible for self when all Absolute Truth and Data has not been provided you in life – and for that reason third density man cannot therefore ever be found guilty or at fault for those things they think – do – and say in a world and reality where nothing is truly real or Absolute. Therefore what choices or decisions third density man is to make at this day in time he or she will either continue to make those decisions through unconscious rational thinking (non – reality) or through conscious thought from the collective mind of the awakened human soul – spiritual society – and soul group. If you continue to believe the things provided you from human beings or souls who are still in unconscious thought through the rational mind of third density existence and separation from the collective whole then you remain bound to lower life and existence – and your season is not yet. This is a given for those who know it and not a given for those who do not know. In order to come to your season of knowing at this day each of you must first put off not – knowing and this is accomplished first by separating yourself in life from the terms and affections of believing and “to have faith in” something. These terms of belief and faith are terms of not knowing and therefore the human soul will never come to know a thing that he or she simply hopes for in life. Either you know a thing or you do not – and these are the only two choices you truly have in life as everything else is simply fantasy – illusion – and unconscious thought. If you truly want a new world and reality at this day this can never be possible for a single human being – spiritual society – or soul group that is not first prepared to let go of old things so as to bring in the new. You cannot let go of old things by hoping – believing – or having faith that a thing will change – as you must first know that things were never truly as they appear in life – and you have been living the life of illusion and have made all past choices in life through the rational mind of lower man. An example would be someone who was asked for their last five dollars so that the asking person could but a meal – but you are hesitant because you too need that five dollars and you are not sure your needs will still be met if you give up the five dollars your friend has asked for. You do not know in this instance that your needs will be met as all most third dneisty humans have in this instance is faith – hope – and believing – and they have not yet been taught the true worth or value of knowing. We tell you all dear friends at this hour – know it and it shall be yours! In unconditional love to you all ---Daniel

Saturday, September 7, 2013

New message from the Collective

A message from the Collective Okay – think of the world as a great circle or sphere – as both pertain to this example. At the center of this circle or sphere you have one or the other. Either “you” are a service to self human soul in conditional love or “you” are a service to others human soul in unconditional love. Either you are the angel man or the devil man to put it in much simpler terms. Let me remind each of you however that throughout your lifetimes you are one or the other – never remaining the one for an extended amount of time as the other plays an equal part in your lives as well. And so each human being is both in unconditional love and service to others and is at the same time – in different timeframes – timelines- and dimensions the opposite of what it – he – or she was previously. Every moment of your existence s a separate timeline and dimension of your life and existence as each of you is truly a different person in each and every now moment of your existence. The person I was ten minutes ago could be the same person I am now but it will all change in every now moment - moving to one human soul and ruling love to another with each passing moment – and returning to the same ruling loves at random intervals throughout your lifetimes. At the same time what souls represented certain ruling loves of your spiritual society and soul group a thousand years ago can return to visit your present collection of ruling loves at this present day (again being a part of your thoughts – words- actions – or affections at present day) – even if you do not call on or draw to yourself those ruling loves a thousand years gone – or on a regular basis. For every ruling love in the collective spiritual society and soul group of every human being or soul is there to stay to eternity – visiting the spiritual society and soul group – human being –or God Man at any given or random moment in the life of every human being forever. All is a part of “you” – but many may not visit you for ages to come before they show up in your conscious thinking and life once again thousands and millions of years from now ------- or even ages for that matter. And so we return to the subject at hand and once again ask each of you to look at your life and person as a circle and sphere – with “you” at the center of this circle and sphere at every now moment to eternity . If you are presently the “you” in the center of this circle or sphere that is in service to self and conditional love then you are the person – spiritual society and soul group – and God Man that we will term the devil man – though this is just a term representing the lower version of yourself. If you are the “you” in the center of this circle and sphere that is in service to others and unconditional love then you are what we would term the Angel Man – though this term is used simply to represent the higher self. Whatever the case may be at all times you are either the devil man or the Angel Man and all of your billions of other selves on your world – within the circle and sphere are all connected to you or near to you geographically as well as consciously according to their present ruling loves in life. In other words if you are the Angel Man those human souls or other selves on your world and within your circle and sphere that are devil men make up the outer perimeters of that circle – sphere- world and orb so that those least similar to you own present ruling loves in life are farthest away geographically as well as according to your collective consciousness. At the same time those who are most similar to your own ruling loves in life are closer in proximity and are more connected to you through the collective consciousness. If you are presently the devil man the same scenario hold true as well. Through the laws of attraction friends the people of your own household are the closest to you in similar ruling loves in life – those in your neighborhood not quite as close – those in your city a little less closer even – those in your state farther away in ruling loves – and those of your country – and even worlds even farther. Though it may not appear this way to some – seeing as how many people get along better with people who are not even a part of their biological family – but rest assured it is completely this way. This is how your life has been designed friends – this is how your ruling loves attract in life – and this is how every world or planet is designed through Finite Creator Source or Eternal Essence. Those human being who have the most in common to human beings on your present planet are those on your present planet. Those who share similar ruling loves in life are those on your planet – and the ruling loves become even more similar as you move in towards the center of this circle or sphere and end up in the individual household of each and every human being on the planet. If however you look at the exterior and outer appearance of each and every human being you will not notice these similar ruling loves very often – while once you assume the ability to discern spirits in life – through your awakening process – you will then see how all ruling loves are regulated and kept in order on your world. By mentioning these things we hope to provide understanding friends – to each of you awakening at this now moment and season of your existence – of what things are taking place presently in your world and upon the orb you call your home. Many have come at this day to speak of absolute Data and they choose to bring it to you in the form of opening up worldly matters and things hidden from mankind for many days gone by – but they speak of things hidden by third density man on a third density plane of existence. When they speak of absolute they are actually speaking of things forever changing and not absolute at all. But then some might say well in order for the host to speak these words he would have to be in contact with his higher service to self counterpart – and they would be correct in this statement. It is also a known truth that the service to self higher self cannot be trusted in his or her words as he or she is more concerned about worldly matters – those matters the higher service to others counterpart can have no contact with or knowledge thereof. Still there is a state of the higher existence known as equilibrium where the host at this particular time – and at similar times – can connect with and be provided equal wisdom – from the higher as well as the lower (within the upper realms of fifth density and above) in which the lower cannot deceive as it would then disconnect immediately from its service to others counterpart – as well as equilibrium. And so we continue this message with the understanding that what is provided here is true absolute Truth and Data as it is being provided from equilibrium through the higher self. This is done when things spoken of must have a dash of world matters woven into the message where service to others higher souls cannot penetrate. And so we continue with our message while reminding each of you to be prepared in case the host should briefly leave the state of equilibrium and still remain attached to their service to self counterpart. You will each know as the spirit leads you according to your season of life. As we have stated – many souls have come to speak of Absolute Data on your world – but they speak rather of ever changing data – as not every human on your world presently has experience the same past as all others presently residing on your planet and orb. Many have come from similar timelines and dimensions while many others have not – and therefore what things have taken place on your present planet and orb in days gone by have only taken place for some of the souls presently possessing the human bodies and forms that call your planet home at this day. Many of you have come from other worlds and have incarnated on your present world so as to act as guides at this season and hour – but were not here in days gone by to be capable of claiming that atrocities and great horrors were carried out toward the people of your world – and that they were therefore carried out against them. It is true that we are all truly One and the same being or soul – but can you hold accountable all the human souls or beings of all other worlds for the horrific acts and offenses carried out toward their population from ages past – or from eternity even? When you look at the flesh it is only flesh – but it is possessed by many myriads of human souls who all make up the collective consciousness and ruling love of a single human being – and those souls move form one place on your world to another at a moments notice – being replaced by other similar but different souls all the time. At the same time there is constantly other souls being incarnated in flesh on your world at every now moment of ours and your existence – and they know nothing of past experiences on your world until they are explained and engrafted into the minds of human children from birth. Are these souls to also hold accountable the terrible crimes and offenses carried out on the people of your world in days gone by – or are they to be forgiven as all the rest that make up the soul population of the One – the Whole – and Creator Source? We must think of these matters friends when we choose not to forgive another soul in life – as absolute truth and data are not levels of information found on the temporal plane of flesh and blood – but are rather found in the ethers where all souls truly exist. So how do you change your present world and its many different systems of regulating life for the collective human being on your world? Do you do it from without where souls are moving in and out of the human mind as fast as the human being can conjure up a thought? Do you cause all human beings to be judged and punished for the deeds of the many different myriads of human souls who have possessed their rational human minds from many days gone by – simply for what choices these souls made in days gone by through their human host at any given time? If you teach of practice unconditional love and service to others in life at this day then the answer must be no. If you do not ever truly wish to go to law to be judged or to have to prove your innocence in a matter then why would you wish to reflect this type of behavior among others on your world by taking others to law to judge them – find them guilty – and then to finally punish them for what they knew not at the time? So again – how do you change your outer world without actually being a part of the outer world that does not truly have anything to do with your inner world and sphere of life? You cannot change others on your world until they wish to change form within – and nothing you do or say will ever make it different. For in the end the decision is always theirs to make – and there is nothing you can say to them that they have not already heard from within through higher self. Therefore in attracting these souls (covered in human flesh) who you see as guilty on your world you are allowing them into your sphere or bubble of life and are therefore making them once again a part of your ruling love. You are not making your outer world a better place in doing so but are rather impeding your own progress in changing it form within – which is the only place each of you can be of some benefit to your present world and system . Still this is a matter each of you will have to come to understand for yourselves simply by attracting the messengers and guides to you in life that best feed your ruling love in life. We offer each of you friends this message as you must all be provided contrast in all things – and it is up to each of you to decipher which side of contrast this message provides for you at this day. And so the spirit leads us to end our message – and so we shall. We are the collective human mind that is awakening at this hour and now moment outside of time – and we leave you all in unconditional love. We come to you through our host Daniel – who also sends out complete unconditional love to you all – and so ends the message.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Collective

The Collective! Are you a slave – will you continue being a slave – or will you choose now to pull back to the passive higher self within so as to begin creating that new system – one that no longer permits a human being to lead by example – in following that world and reality where majority rules and all the lost sheep are left hung out to dry? Will you choose to join a group of human souls on your world that do not permit all human beings to join said group according to his or her own free will choosing? Will you sign into law or make agreements for your society (town – city – state or country) with others on your world that is no longer beneficial to the whole of that overall society? Will you say it is only temporary – just until all the people awaken and come to the realization that none of the old is required any longer? How will the soul awaken that is still feeding the old and service to self systems and laws binding human kind to separation – judgment – and unforgiveness? It is you – those of your world and corrupting the rational human mind who ill never awaken but will only move to a timeline and dimension that better suits their required service to self systems and ruling loves – as these souls never leave you but are driven out in the awakening process by the human being flooded by heart consciousness and Service to others higher souls. Again lower souls continue seeking and living out their lives in the old – according to service to self ruling loves in life – while continuously binding those who will submit to them to their rules – regulations – laws – and judgments – according to their own ruling loves in life. If you have not let go of the old – but wish to simply paint a prettier picture in the interim – waiting on those who might come at another day to make it better – then you have not yet come to the realization that it is you who must make it better – as it is you who hold the keys to both realities – and you who will continue to remain in a world in service to self – as well as move on to one in Service to others. And so if you are still abiding by their rules and systems that place people under laws and contracts that they personally did not sign or agree to then you are still in service to self and you are attempting to create a world and reality for others ( your other selves) and keeping them bound in slavery and servitude. If there are a thousand – or even a million souls on your planet who are awakened – and these souls are bound to individual human beings who are equally possessed by un – awakened souls as well (who are making the choices for them in life) – creating new temporary systems still controlled by money – leaders (instead of guides) and policy or law makers of the new system - then you must each find that equilibrium within yourselves so that the ruling service to self souls possessing each of you are no longer making the decisions in your life – and making those decisions for other human beings. Where do these service to other souls reside within the human consciousness that will make those decisions for self and self alone – being passive and non interruptive toward the decisions of other human beings? These souls are found within the heart – in which case you must change your world to the new world guided (not ruled) by the heart. When a new system rolls out in your world – and the decision makers of this new system put it in place for the people – by the people-------------- when a new government and money system is placed over certain groups of human beings – still it will be run by human beings – and the human soul is flawed and always capable of becoming corrupt once again because the corrupt and service to self souls are still masquerading within the collective rational minds of human beings as angels – or the good guys. This is not a bad thing for those in agreement with said systems – even if it is another representation of old systems as those who would agree to it are those who are still possessing ruling loves in life for the old. If you as an individual human being choose to enter into such agreements with those who paint a new picture of the same old systems however – you are once again bound in slavery and submission to their rules – regulations – and laws “governing the people of your world or society. To vote or sign a piece of paper entering into agreement with said groups will therefore bind each of you doing so into a new system of service to self. No one has the right when being born on your world to own or possess land – water – elements – people – or the laws of said land or societies. No one is born with the right to choose for another human being how their life will be lived or regulated from the moment of birth on into their old age and exit from such a world. Therefore when one human being ( or a group) goes to contract or makes an agreement with other human beings or groups of human beings - to make changes in that world or society – and have knowledge (or the intention) that these changes will or may affect anyone but those individuals in agreement - those human beings are still feeding third density principles and service to self – and will therefore not draw other humans or human souls to them in service to others (those who will make the system better or more beneficial to all of mankind) but rather those in service to self – who will continue creating a world and system that is only beneficial to self alone. Though many will see these things as service to others it is not as long as human beings are required to submit or be bound by said agreements. Until each individual human being changes their beliefs and ruling loves form within – their world without will not change no matter how many other human beings come along and attempt to change their world for them. That human being will simply be drawn to a timeline where his or her ruling loves in life are fed or created continuously – by those human souls who share the same ruling loves in life. Therefore your world will never change to a service to others world – reality – and system until each of you changes personally from within – responsible completely for self. If you join with others therefore to create a new system and society that is based on third density principles (those principles many of you are now aware of) that system – world – and society you have created around you from without must be changed completely by you and those you attract to yourself in life through those ruling loves and principles. So while you are standing around waiting for someone to come along and make it all better by adding new things and new opinions you are continuously attracting those souls who will feed said system and not change it. Why can you not attract many other service to others souls in unconditional love beneficial to the One and Whole? Because the ruling love of the society and system is service to self – and those service to self souls - are continuously ruling and regulating all decisions of said system and society. Very similar to how the ruling love of every human being is that ruling love which will lead or guide that human being in all decisions in life – for as long as the lower remains flooded over into the higher – within the human rational mind. In other words when the ruling love is greater in service to self – and equilibrium is not established for each human being individually – the higher mind becomes and remains the rational mind and therefore the human is not guided by heart but by mind (thought). To remove the rational from a human mind therefore the mind must first become passive and inactive as much as possible – and then the heart can begin to guide. Where will each of you go from this moment forward therefore - knowing (or reflecting on what is said here at this time)? Each of you will go in one direction or another – as no one has any choice as to which direction they will go in life (in service to self or in service to others) and every human being from this day forward will move to that timeline or dimension that best feeds or attracts similar affections and ruling loves. If you continue moving in the direction of other representations of the old system – no matter how slight – this is what you will draw or attract to “you” from this moment on. There are no middle grounds in this as long as a human being seeks third density ruling loves and systems in life until every individual soul comes to achieve equilibrium – and equilibrium is found within the heart and not the human rational mind. Third density will not become the new evolved representation of third density ( where the awakened human being is reconnected with higher self at will) until each individual human being ( in his or her season) comes to find equilibrium of life – where there is no longer a ruling love – but rather unconditional love for all. And now we end this transmission in unconditional love for each of you. We bring you this message through our human host Daniel and he too projects unconditional love to all who reads these words.

The Collective

The Collective! Are you a slave – will you continue being a slave – or will you choose now to pull back to the passive higher self within so as to begin creating that new system – one that no longer permits a human being to lead by example – in following that world and reality where majority rules and all the lost sheep are left hung out to dry? Will you choose to join a group of human souls on your world that do not permit all human beings to join said group according to his or her own free will choosing? Will you sign into law or make agreements for your society (town – city – state or country) with others on your world that is no longer beneficial to the whole of that overall society? Will you say it is only temporary – just until all the people awaken and come to the realization that none of the old is required any longer? How will the soul awaken that is still feeding the old and service to self systems and laws binding human kind to separation – judgment – and unforgiveness? It is you – those of your world and corrupting the rational human mind who ill never awaken but will only move to a timeline and dimension that better suits their required service to self systems and ruling loves – as these souls never leave you but are driven out in the awakening process by the human being flooded by heart consciousness and Service to others higher souls. Again lower souls continue seeking and living out their lives in the old – according to service to self ruling loves in life – while continuously binding those who will submit to them to their rules – regulations – laws – and judgments – according to their own ruling loves in life. If you have not let go of the old – but wish to simply paint a prettier picture in the interim – waiting on those who might come at another day to make it better – then you have not yet come to the realization that it is you who must make it better – as it is you who hold the keys to both realities – and you who will continue to remain in a world in service to self – as well as move on to one in Service to others. And so if you are still abiding by their rules and systems that place people under laws and contracts that they personally did not sign or agree to then you are still in service to self and you are attempting to create a world and reality for others ( your other selves) and keeping them bound in slavery and servitude. If there are a thousand – or even a million souls on your planet who are awakened – and these souls are bound to individual human beings who are equally possessed by un – awakened souls as well (who are making the choices for them in life) – creating new temporary systems still controlled by money – leaders (instead of guides) and policy or law makers of the new system - then you must each find that equilibrium within yourselves so that the ruling service to self souls possessing each of you are no longer making the decisions in your life – and making those decisions for other human beings. Where do these service to other souls reside within the human consciousness that will make those decisions for self and self alone – being passive and non interruptive toward the decisions of other human beings? These souls are found within the heart – in which case you must change your world to the new world guided (not ruled) by the heart. When a new system rolls out in your world – and the decision makers of this new system put it in place for the people – by the people-------------- when a new government and money system is placed over certain groups of human beings – still it will be run by human beings – and the human soul is flawed and always capable of becoming corrupt once again because the corrupt and service to self souls are still masquerading within the collective rational minds of human beings as angels – or the good guys. This is not a bad thing for those in agreement with said systems – even if it is another representation of old systems as those who would agree to it are those who are still possessing ruling loves in life for the old. If you as an individual human being choose to enter into such agreements with those who paint a new picture of the same old systems however – you are once again bound in slavery and submission to their rules – regulations – and laws “governing the people of your world or society. To vote or sign a piece of paper entering into agreement with said groups will therefore bind each of you doing so into a new system of service to self. No one has the right when being born on your world to own or possess land – water – elements – people – or the laws of said land or societies. No one is born with the right to choose for another human being how their life will be lived or regulated from the moment of birth on into their old age and exit from such a world. Therefore when one human being ( or a group) goes to contract or makes an agreement with other human beings or groups of human beings - to make changes in that world or society – and have knowledge (or the intention) that these changes will or may affect anyone but those individuals in agreement - those human beings are still feeding third density principles and service to self – and will therefore not draw other humans or human souls to them in service to others (those who will make the system better or more beneficial to all of mankind) but rather those in service to self – who will continue creating a world and system that is only beneficial to self alone. Though many will see these things as service to others it is not as long as human beings are required to submit or be bound by said agreements. Until each individual human being changes their beliefs and ruling loves form within – their world without will not change no matter how many other human beings come along and attempt to change their world for them. That human being will simply be drawn to a timeline where his or her ruling loves in life are fed or created continuously – by those human souls who share the same ruling loves in life. Therefore your world will never change to a service to others world – reality – and system until each of you changes personally from within – responsible completely for self. If you join with others therefore to create a new system and society that is based on third density principles (those principles many of you are now aware of) that system – world – and society you have created around you from without must be changed completely by you and those you attract to yourself in life through those ruling loves and principles. So while you are standing around waiting for someone to come along and make it all better by adding new things and new opinions you are continuously attracting those souls who will feed said system and not change it. Why can you not attract many other service to others souls in unconditional love beneficial to the One and Whole? Because the ruling love of the society and system is service to self – and those service to self souls - are continuously ruling and regulating all decisions of said system and society. Very similar to how the ruling love of every human being is that ruling love which will lead or guide that human being in all decisions in life – for as long as the lower remains flooded over into the higher – within the human rational mind. In other words when the ruling love is greater in service to self – and equilibrium is not established for each human being individually – the higher mind becomes and remains the rational mind and therefore the human is not guided by heart but by mind (thought). To remove the rational from a human mind therefore the mind must first become passive and inactive as much as possible – and then the heart can begin to guide. Where will each of you go from this moment forward therefore - knowing (or reflecting on what is said here at this time)? Each of you will go in one direction or another – as no one has any choice as to which direction they will go in life (in service to self or in service to others) and every human being from this day forward will move to that timeline or dimension that best feeds or attracts similar affections and ruling loves. If you continue moving in the direction of other representations of the old system – no matter how slight – this is what you will draw or attract to “you” from this moment on. There are no middle grounds in this as long as a human being seeks third density ruling loves and systems in life until every individual soul comes to achieve equilibrium – and equilibrium is found within the heart and not the human rational mind. Third density will not become the new evolved representation of third density ( where the awakened human being is reconnected with higher self at will) until each individual human being ( in his or her season) comes to find equilibrium of life – where there is no longer a ruling love – but rather unconditional love for all. And now we end this transmission in unconditional love for each of you. We bring you this message through our human host Daniel and he too projects unconditional love to all who reads these words.