Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Absolute Truth and Data - Thirth fifth energetic transmission

Absolute Truth and Data – Thirty fifth energetic transmission Note: Everything that needs to be said can be said from our higher planes of existence because nothing needs to be done on our lower planes. Everything is meaningless yet it helps us pass the time of day. All things are permitted! Hello dear friends – brothers – and sisters – and all other selves on the physical plane as well as the aethric planes of our existence. We bring you yet another message toward your spiritual awakening at this time – or in our present now moment. As our human host sits and ponders on our message this day we remind him that it is always prepared ahead of time -and there is truly no need to ponder – as he need only to allow the spirit to move as it will. Many of you often sit and wonder what the number truly is that is awakening on your world today – basing your numbers on the chatter going across the air waves of your internet and television stations – and we tell you each that this has no bearing on the numbers awakening on your world as the numbers are within rather than without. For every human on your world today there is a number of souls awakened within their collective consciousness as well as a certain number not awakened as of yet – but are about to do so in their season if they are to move over to fifth and sixth density consciousness – and higher. Not all human souls will awaken in your present generation as there must be souls to maintain and continue to live and exist as your third density homes and counterparts – providing the human physical shell encasing the spiritual bodies and forms that are to move on and connect as well as become higher self. Third density must continue dear friends as third density has been in existence from eternity and will go on to continue to exist to eternity. The One many of you have come to call God is truly each and every one of you human beings and souls – and those human beings and souls need a material and physical form to serve as house and home for each and all of them to eternity – and these houses and homes are the third density human bodies and forms. The spirit cannot live or exist without the physical nor can the physical live and exist within the spirit or soul. You are each made up of lower levels of consciousness as well as higher levels of consciousness – and the two levels of consciousness continue to evolve to eternity – forever becoming more and more awakened to Absolute Truth and Data – or Universal truth’s. When each of you comes to move on to a higher level of third dneisty the lower levels will continue to exist in your other timelines and dimensions of your existence – always and forever being available for you to visit any time you wish when you are tried and tested with lower energies and experiences in life to eternity. Yes the experiences and lessons will go on forever – but they are easily surpassed and ignored by those who have seen or experienced them time and time again – in which case all things will eventually be seen and understood for those ruling lovers and affections they truly represent in your lives. As you each move to higher levels of your existence – within fifth and sixth densities and higher – as well as third density – you will no longer react toward those experiences and lessons in days of old but will move on to higher experiences and lessons in your third density lives. Within the higher densities of your existence each of you will then be one with the God man and the experiences and lessons will still continue according to your levels of consciousness and understanding – but they will be higher lessons – or those that are not physical or having to do with your many other selves – as those lessons are set aide for lower third density existence. Still you will each move on to higher planes of your existence while you will also remain and continue to experience third density on many higher levels as well. Because you will now be connected to higher self even while walking your world in a third density body and form – you will be waling your world in a fifth density body and form as well – and that body and form can never be seen by the lower third density human – whether awakened or not awakened. Again each of you who is awakened will know of and understand who is an awakened human soul because they will all now be a part of your being – and you will know they are a part of your being. So when you see others at a distant you are seeing their third density representation of your other selves – and close up they are nothing more than you talking and interacting with you at many other levels of your existence. In other words you will each know you are speaking and interacting with self as you now know that your world resides outside yourself as well as within. Those human beings and souls who are not awakened will always walk your world not knowing a single thing about their higher self until it is their season to do so. Because you will each move to a new world of third density as well as your higher densities housed within the fifth density bodies and forms – you will now reside on a world and plane of third density that is evolved to a level where every human being is walking around with a certain level of awakened souls within their being and conscious minds. Does this make good sense to you friends? Let us explain further ----- The world and planes of existence each of you is about to move to for your new life or existence as higher self or the God Man is a world and plane where all human beings are awakened – and all higher souls within each human being will know of the higher self and be very conscious of his and her existence as higher self and the God Man. Those lower human souls being housed within the collective consciousness of each new human being will therefore not be awakened as of yet – as they cannot awaken out of season. So each of you is sitting there in your chair today and you each have souls very conscious of the higher self – while you also possessed by lower souls that have no idea what higher self is – as their interests are merely for lower things – lower understanding – and lower ration thoughts still bound by the old ways of your past lives – in a system of buying and selling – owning and possessing – judgment and justice – law breakers and punishment for those who have broken your man made laws. Think about it friends – whenever a thought comes into your minds today – those of you still in the process of buying and selling – owning and possessing – judgment and justice – crime and punishment – knowing right and wrong – good and evil – still living your lives often out of equilibrium - and so on -------------------- can you not still connect to higher self in the twinkling of an eye and come to know many higher things within the same human brain or mind as well? If that is the case for you then you are an awakening God Man – and if it is not yet the case for you then you are still the awakening God Man - though in your very early stages of your awakening. For this generation is truly predestined for the awakening – and all will do so in their season – and it will all be visible and noticeable when the time is right for each of you – though it will not appear so visible to all at once – but each in his or her own season of life. Again if one were to reflect on the outer appearance of the people on your world today they would probably imagine that your world is far from being a group or collective in the process of their awakening – and many would indeed come to separate one from the other – actually believing one human is awakened while another is not even close. What if we were to tell you that for every awakened soul residing within the collective consciousness of our present human host Daniel there is an awakened human soul within the collective consciousness of every human being on your world today? The level at which our human host resides presently in achieving his own equilibrium in life – is the level at which all human beings on your world are to achieving their equilibrium as well. Still every human being on your world and ours will represent a different place within the collective consciousness of the God Man – and therefore some will represent the hells or lower societies on one side of equilibrium for the God Man and others will come to represent the upper societies (the heavens if you will) for the God Man. However as there is truly no such term as heaven and hell – given they are illusions or terms for the benefit of third density humans – we would simply say above and below equilibrium when speaking of these representative souls. Every human being on your world – every soul making up each human being on your world in fact – represents an individual ruling love and group of ruling affections within the God Man – and as each soul on your world – as a collective or individually – comes to awaken to their true ruling loves and affections in life they are each moving that much closer to their own equilibrium and their true places within the collective conscious existence of the God Man. When all things are truly in place – and complete equilibrium is truly established on yours and our world – the God Man will fully awaken – and all things will again become self evident and all knowing will be known and understood for all who will now come to live their lives as One – as the awakened God Man. You will not all find unconditional love and service to others in completing your awakening process as you will simply find your true ruling loves and affections that represent your own true heavens – true unity within the God Man – and true harmony as well. If we were all to become the same loving souls – the same service to others souls – there would be no one different within the makeup of the God Man – in which case equilibrium could never come to be established as there would be no possibility of moderation of life – where opposites come to live and exist together as One – with all opposites truly becoming responsible for self and no more warring or fighting about who is right and who is wring in life. Equilibrium must be established before the God Man can become awakened once again – as that is the purpose of third density in the first place – to teach all lower and uneducated souls to live in peace and harmony – to live in equilibrium and moderation of life – the one among the other. Many have not come to understand these principles in days past according to our teachings and guidance - as we have had to gradually lead up to this present level of teaching or guidance. It is according to Absolute Truth and Data – Universal Truth if you will – that all things must be permitted in the final days of your education on your present plane of existence. It must continue to be permitted to buy and sell – own and possess – seek treasures and abundance of life – to continue to judge according to manmade laws – to continue to think in a rational manner – to break the laws and then be punished even though you cannot teach a soul to be something other than what it is (which is the purpose for the need of force on your world and plane). Still all must be given free choice and will in life to become whom they truly are in a world that does not allow them to do so on a daily basis. The masks will not be removed according to old worldly principles but rather according to those souls awakening within the collective minds of every human being on your world today. For those who are willing to go against the grain higher understanding is provided them – and to those not willing to go against the grain lower understanding is still being provided them – as that is their true ruling love and affections which will soon come to make up the God Man collective consciousness. We realize many of you have fought and argued and attempted to persuade those still involved in the old ways of the world – those still apart of the present worldly systems of buying and selling – owning and possessing – judgment and justice, and finally punishment – and so on with good intentions according to your level of awakening – but it is now time to let them be as all things will indeed become as they are meant to be. You have your ruling loves and they have theirs – and there is truly no more right or wrong when all things come to pan out for the makeup of the God Mans collective consciousness – and the One. It is what you each come to seek at this day in time and space which you will receive once you come to move out of time and space – and all are truly in the process of creating that world and reality to call their own. Let us all come to accept one another for whom we are in life – and let us come to do so not necessarily in unconditional love and service to others – but so that the societies above equilibrium come to achieve and maintain their part of equilibrium for the God Man while the ones below equilibrium continue to do their part. And now we will change subjects for a season and speak on other matters of great importance to the awakening of human souls at this day. Why do some souls – some human beings on your world from an individual standpoint come to believe they are either good and loving or bad and unloving – when truly we have all felt both levels of affections at one given point in our lives or another? Could it be that we all at one point or another base our lives on the present ruling loves we are momentarily experiencing instead of reflecting on who we are when we are alone in our homes – in a quiet place – truly in equilibrium of life and no longer being affected by outside sources of our present world? We would offer these words on the present subject ----- Every human being and soul from eternity is held in equilibrium of life from the moment of their awakening in the morning to the time they fall fast asleep in their beds at night. At the same time every human being and soul is forever and continuously being drawn from equilibrium of life as well and is always free to choose and act in life according to either equilibrium of life or not in equilibrium of life. Every human being and soul is a collective spiritual society – soul group – world- and universe all rolled up into one. We are each always representative of the microcosm as well as the macrocosm. When the human being is within its equilibrium of life souls are consistently added to his or her spiritual society and soul group in order to take them out of equilibrium of life – in which case experiences are added so as to provide the many lessons of third density life and existence. If souls were not continuously added from eternity to the consciousness of every human being and soul he and she would remain in equilibrium of life as nothing would be added so as to take them out of it – in which case all humans or souls would remain in their comfort zone continuously knowing all things from habit – and knowing how to deal with and act against certain souls in life that at one time were there to remove us from equilibrium of life. Nothing can be learned anew after a certain number of seasons of life for the human being and soul if nothing ever again changes – and nothing is ever again added to their spiritual society and soul group. With new things continuously being added – new souls who actually represent all energetic bodies and forms – all ruling loves and affections – and all that is created for the spiritual as well as unconscious education of the human soul - the continued evolution of the human soul is guaranteed to eternity. And so when a human being in life is out of his or her equilibrium of life new souls are added in order to bring him or her back into equilibrium. When that human soul is returned to equilibrium of life once again new souls are added to their spiritual society and soul group so as to once again take them out of equilibrium of life – and the “Circle of Life” goes round and round so to speak. When we become angry or vengeful in life new souls have added (that do not agree with our true ruling loves and affections in life) that have caused us to become angry and vengeful. To remove us from those feeling of anger and vengeance again new souls are added to our spiritual; society and soul group so as to return us to equilibrium of life – and not long afterwards new souls are added again to our spiritual society and soul group (our mind and thoughts) so as to once again take us out of equilibrium of life – and a new lesson begins. When a human being and soul comes to awaken they are still tested with the same souls that have plagued their minds and lives in the past – but now at a greater level – so as to cause the effect to become greater – and the pull out of equilibrium to be harder to fight off. For the awakening human soul is consistently tested with being removed from equilibrium of life so that when equilibrium is again established the human being or soul eventually comes to know his or her true ruling loves and affections – his or her true state of equilibrium by coming to know those souls that indeed bring him or her back to equilibrium of life. And so what we say to you here and now friends is just what has been said to many of you in days gone by – but in other terms such as “ When a spirit is forced from a mans house he and she goes through many trials and tribulations – and if and when the human being comes to allow those spirits back into their house ( spiritual society and soul group) they come with a vengeance – and seven times the spirits will then return to his or her house ( so as to remove them from equilibrium with greater force). Everyone is being tested dear friends as those tests are what allows the human being and soul to once again come to know his or her true ruling loves and affections in life – and come to stay home in their comfort zone more often than not – in a place where equilibrium is forever maintained – and lost – and maintained again – and lost again. And this process goes on to eternity until each human being and soul comes to know his or her ruling loves and affections in life – the need for equilibrium to be established and maintained – and how to do so when there is a consistent war being battled from both sides of equilibrium. So how can equilibrium come to be maintained when this war is forever going on in the spiritual societies and soul groups of mankind and the God Man to eternity? When a human being has had added to its spiritual society and soul group new souls who reside below equilibrium (or his and her hells) that take him or her out of equilibrium – the awakened or awakening human being will come to react better and better as the experiences and lessons continue to be offered and will no longer react according to their lower nature expressed when the higher self chooses to attempt to take them out of equilibrium – but will rather begin to not allow themselves to be affected any longer – and will remain idle – neutral – and totally responsible for self control – and their continuously being able to maintain equilibrium in any situation – experience – and lesson in life. Still these things must first be known – and they can only be known by the awakening human soul – as Absolute Truth and Data are never to be known or understood by the lower third density human being. All awakening human brings and souls will be and have been form eternity tested and tested again and again consistently throughout their lives until said time as the awakened human being and soul (God Man) comes to get better and better at maintaining equilibrium ion any experience – lesson – or situation. And so we shall move on to our next subject matter as the spirit is guiding us to continue on. Who is awakening - the world or the human being and soul? Because the human being and soul is your world from within as well as from without it is a truth that the world is awakening as each individual human being is awakening – and the world is awakening according to each individual human b4eing and soul. In other words the world and every human being and soul is moving toward equilibrium of life – and that equilibrium of life is different for every human being on your present planet and world. In other words what the world appears to be and look like in the eyes of one human being is not exactly what it is and looks like to any other human being – not exactly. The world looks very similar for two or more human beings on your plane of existence but never is each and every detail exactly the same as the world of every individual human being and soul is created and manifested by the individual ruling loves and affections of said subject in every case. How each human being sees his or her world from within is the true look and condition of his and her world from without – but the spiritual will not appear to look the same as the material and physical in any case which is why for the awakening human being spiritual eyes are required to see the spiritual in nature – as the material and physical world is always manifested according to corresponding ruling loves and affections of the spiritual. What is a flower in the spiritual world is not a flower in the material and physical. What is a table in the spiritual is not a table in the material and physical. Bodies and forms of a spiritual nature are the original manifestations of all ruling loves and affections being manifested within the material and physical world and plane of existence. An example would be that those affections a table represents to third density humans are no longer needed in the spiritual realms as a table represents a place for third density humans to eat on – and therefore is a foundation – meeting place – a place to partake of ones meals in life – a gathering of similar energies - and so on. No food is needed in the spiritual world as wisdom and knowledge – good and truth - are the food and drink there. And so a place to gather and partake of similar energies would be a good example of spiritual ruling loves and affections corresponding to the material and physical. Getting back to the human being awakening as well as the world within and without for all humans alike – we would say that you each create your own worlds and the differences each of your world come to present are your own individual creations alone – and those are the different ruling loves and affections you each possess that makes you different one from the other in life. And so all upon your world today are awakening at the same pace – but awakening to a different reality and different ruling loves and affections. Where many souls who populate your world today often speak of how your world is awakening – in truth your world is within each of you – and the world without is representative of all your different ruling loves coming to find their own equilibrium of life – and all the souls that are housed within each individual human form are those souls presently moving toward their equilibrium as well – so that all souls within each individual human being is returning to their proper place and home within the God Man. When equilibrium is eventually established for each individual human being on your world they have found their equilibrium and therefore the place they each hold within the God Man you represent will be within your spiritual societies and soul groups representing equilibrium. Those souls that do not find equilibrium – who possess each and every human being on your world will represent all the other places outside equilibrium within the God Man as well. And so there is a lot of souls upon your world who will awaken and take their place within equilibrium of the God Man and a lot of souls who will not awaken and will take their places outside of equilibrium within the God Man as well. Every human being is therefore presently awakening on your world today and achieving equilibrium – while not every soul possessing those human beings will come to awaken and achieve equilibrium as these souls will not know yet how to achieve and therefore maintain equilibrium in their new lives to come. We offer you this message through our human host Daniel – and we offer it in unconditional love for you all – equally. Love one another – whether conditionally or unconditionally – serve yourself or serve another – but serve as you will for the hour is short and your season is very close indeed.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The collective of the One!

The collective of the One! Hello dear friends – brothers – sisters – and all other selves within all densities of our existence – we come to you with explanations pertaining to the collective consciousness that is the One – the Whole – and indeed the God Man. We sense and therefore acknowledge the required explanation of the collective human soul as well as the individual human soul – and how the two representative bodies and forms within a single bubble and sphere of existence can indeed be One – residing in Oneness known to many at this day as the God Man. Going back to our original existence we would tell you that we are each and all the Pure Passive Collective Consciousness known as Infinite Creator Source. As such – and in our original and natural state of existence there is no separation of consciousness – as there has been nothing added to the pure and natural state of Infinite Creator Source as of yet – or at this point in our existence. All is one great thought so to speak existing in the now – and Infinite Creator Source ( you) is free of course to experience nay part of the One or whole of this collective consciousness that Infinite Creator Source chooses to experience – and doing so within the most pure and passive representation of bodies and forms ever to exist. What we mean by most pure is completely without limits of any kind – what we mean by passive is non changing – not acting – not speaking – not creating – and being totally responsible for self and self alone – as in this present state of consciousness Infinite Creator Source is the All and Everything – and there is no other. The reason for passivity and not action and change when speaking of Infinite Creator Source is that there is no need for change of any level or kind as everything having to do with Infinite Creator Source is pure and original – and completely in its natural state of existence as the One and All. Therefore whatever ruling love and ruling affection Infinite Creator Source proceeds to take on within any single or individual now moment It takes on and truly becomes that ruling love and affection in and of Itself. When a single ruling love and affection is being reflected upon – experienced – and enjoyed within the collective consciousness of Infinite Creator Source it is also experienced by every other ruling love and affection that Is ( makes up the essence and being that is) Infinite Creator Source – as all things are shared within the essence and being of Infinite Creator Source. There is nothing – no ruling love – no affection within the essence and being that is Infinite Creator Source that is not felt and experienced by the One and Whole that is Infinite Creator Source. There is no separation – no duality – no opposites – no light – no dark – no right or wrong – no change – no actions (as all is pure consciousness) – and no past or future when reflecting upon the essence and being that is Infinite Creator Source. Nothing can be hidden when it comes to All and Everything that is the makeup of Infinite Creator Source – and there is no within or without to speak of as this would simply suggest limits or boundaries when considering the makeup of Infinite Creator Source. Pure Consciousness – Infinite Creator Source – permeates All and Everything in existence from and to eternity. Infinite Creator Source does not exist within time and space as Infinite Creator Source fills all time and space with Its Essence and Being of Pure Collective Consciousness. Now that we have explained a few details having to do with Infinite Creator Source – and the original origin of our existence - we wish to explain to you the need or requirement of separation and duality – the need for Creation -and the need for a Finite world and Universe. Where as the human being of third density truly believes – while in his and her un – awakened state of existence – that consciousness resides within the human body and form known as the mind or brain the truth of the matter is that all things (all bodies and forms) actually exist within consciousness. That level of consciousness is not however the pure collective consciousness that is Infinite Creator Source – but a limited representation of such – which is the reason for limitations on your world today. Getting back to the matter however of form residing within consciousness rather than the opposite of consciousness residing within bodies and forms – we would tell you each that all and everything outside of your bodies and forms – and all bodies and forms making up the completed World - Universe and collective material and physical manifestations reflected upon by each of you at this day – in days gone by – and in days to come ( on in to eternity) – is instantly being created by each of you and is created again and again within every new now moment from eternity ( now) to eternity ( now). You reflect upon a thing or reality with the conscious mind (or you may wish to say unconscious mind) being manifested instantly and it is manifested instantly right in front of your faces. If you reflect on or think of creations or realities to come those realities mean nothing in the now as all things are destined to change from one now moment to the next with new souls being added to the collective creative abilities of each of you - with every new and passing timeline and dimension of your conscious existence. In your natural state of existence there is no past or future as all is created with every new or passing now moment – given that true creation can only be achieved in the now according to those souls making up the collective consciousness of the human being presently within the now) in the process of creation with every new and passing now moment. Because many of you still – at this day – believe you are a single or individual soul – you believe at the same time that what you experience or reflect upon in life is only those things reflected upon and experienced by you and you alone. We speak of the human being and soul not yet awakened at this day in time and space – within yours and our third density incarnation. So as we were saying many of you not yet awakened to full consciousness believe you are a single individual soul living and experiencing the illusion of life – and death – upon the plane of your third density experience and existence. However – when each of you as Infinite Creator Source chooses ( not chose as you will forever be in the now) to create a new thing or reality it cannot be created by an individual soul as an individual soul was given its finite existence within the created (supposed) reality ( body and form) known as Finite Creator Source – so as to experience existence separate from all other ruling loves and affections within Infinite Creator Source – in a realm of created realities where all things in deed were not to be shared – but experienced individually. This reality is consistently being created in every new now moment through – from – and for the good and benefit of Infinite Creator Source alone. Finite Creator Source is that manifestation of the collective consciousness that is limited within the realms of the Pure Collective Consciousness that is Infinite Creator Source. The original purpose and still the same purpose - within every new and passing now moment for Finite Creator Source – is to create a reality through the illusion of limits – along with the illusion of separation – the illusion of individuality of ruling loves and affections within a single or individual created soul – still residing with a body and form that is capable of collective consciousness, thought, life, creation, sharing of all things – and all the opposite ruling loves and affections to be lived or experienced within a reality formed and created through the process of conscious and unconscious illusion. Finite Creator Source is the closest “actual” creation of and from Infinite Creator Source that is still limited but identical to Infinite Creator Source in all other things or in all essence and being that is the Pure Collective Consciousness. In other words the only limit to Finite Creator Source that separates itself from Infinite Creator Source is the illusion of being finite – or having a beginning and an end to self. Finite Creator Source therefore in all actuality is neither finite nor Infinite – but is connected to both in its existence – essence and being – and level of consciousness to eternity. Finite Creator Source is Infinite as to all that it can access but finite according to the fact that the appearance of separation from Infinite Creator Source will forever be its one single limit in its existence. Every other soul ever to be created within the collective consciousness – essence and being – that is Finite Creator Source is limited in its existence as well to all bodies and forms of a greater consciousness level – and therefore being closest to actually being Finite Creator Source. As every human soul evolves to eternity they will each move closer and closer to once again becoming Finite Creator Source therefore. When a living soul is created within the collective consciousness of Finite Creator Source it is of a less pure level of consciousness – vibrating at lower energies – and being made up of less ruling loves and affections (souls) than that of Finite Creator Source. The purpose of this process is to create a reality for a newly created soul that is ignorant and unconscious of all things in life (its existence) in a world and reality of separation and duality – but the illusion of life cannot be experienced by a single individual soul who represents only certain ruling loves and ruling affections in life – and so when a singe or individual soul is to be created it is created through a collective consciousness of myriads of soul – made up of many individual ruling loves and affections within Finite Creator Source. Experiences are to be offered and lessons are to be learned for every newly created soul – and in order to provide all experiences and lessons in the life of a single or individual soul a spiritual society and soul group must be formed as the collective consciousness – whereas all things needed for each newly created reality are provided by the collective and not an individual soul as some would come to have believed in days gone by. Look at it this way – a single individual soul is a single individual ruling love and affection within the collective consciousness of the God Man – who is limited in its existence only to Finite Creator Source. A ruling love or single individual affection would be like a beautiful painting. What that painting represents with Finite Creator Source (as well as with a human being or soul) is a single ruling love or affection - but within the realms of the spiritual world it takes many myriads of individual ruling love or affections to create a single individual painting – as there are many different colors – shapes – thicknesses of the paint even – representative thoughts about the painting – sounds – smells – tastes – feelings or textures – and so on. Yes friends every smell has a sound – color – taste – feel – and so on; as is the case with all things in the Finite as well as the Infinite realms of existence. However that subject is for another day – another message. Within the spiritual world what is a single individual thought for a human soul in third dneisty is many myriads of different thoughts – ruling loves –and affections for the spirit – soul – spiritual society – or soul group. What is a single individual ruling love and affection (or thoughts) within third density is indeed many myriads of ruling loves and affections (or thoughts) within the spiritual realms. At the same time as you move higher up in densities within the aethers - more ruling loves and more affection are added to the makeup of a single individual ruling love or affection (or thought) reflected upon by the third density human being and soul. Just as you notice things (bodies and forms) become larger on your world when something is added the case is the same within the spiritual world. In other words as you each come to evolve to eternity you take on more spiritual understanding – more Absolute Truth and Data – more levels of consciousness – and therefore more souls must be added to your spiritual society and soul group – which in turn causes more ruling loves and affections to be added to your spiritual society and soul group – or the God Man. When you leave the plane or materialism and physicality many of you might come to believe that things just keep getting smaller and smaller to a point where - upon entering into the spiritual realms or aethers they continue to grow smaller and smaller with each new creation or body and form you each come to take on in your evolution of the soul. However what truly takes place is that all things move in the opposite direction – getting larger and larger – not in size however – but in levels of consciousness – size of your spiritual society and soul group – the levels of spiritual wisdom – collective knowhow – and the bubble or sphere surrounding your new spiritual societies and soul group throughout the process of you evolution to eternity. For as the spiritual society and soul group expands in wisdom or Absolute Truth and Data so too must your bubble or sphere have to expand so as to encompass all new things of a spiritual nature. For just as there is body and form for the material and physical human being so too is there a body and form for the spiritual being and soul – with the latter being of a spiritual nature – body – and form. Because there is no true time or space within the aethers or spiritual realms there is no actual size or shape with anything – but only the appearance of size and shape – and depending on the level of understanding or evolution of the human soul within the aethers or spiritual realms – he or she will come to know there is no true size or shape – and can still hold the illusions of such realities – and actually use them to their benefit and pleasures in life accordingly. To once again reflect on a few details we would again mention that it takes many – many souls to make up a single individual creation on your world – and in turn it takes up many myriads of other souls to make up a single or individual creation – body and form – ruling love – or affection in the life and reality of third dneisty humans. When you have a thought in your minds you do not have a single thought but the collective of many thoughts at any given time – and each of those thoughts are not a single or individual thought in the spiritual realms but many – many thoughts (better known as a spiritual society and soul group) as the spiritual or inner human soul thinks in much greater detail when reflecting on a single or individual subject in life. So when a thought is added to a created reality a new soul is added – and new souls are continuously added within every new now moment to eternity depending on the level or nature of the collective thoughts of a single individual human being – spiritual society – and soul group. Within the spiritual realms – once the human being and soul has come to awaken to full consciousness he or she comes to begin to live life as One being or soul known as the God Man – in which case all things that were once reflected upon as a world around you are now that same world living within you – and all your many other selves who reside within your third density reality and experience now reside within you as the God Man and collective consciousness – and all things are now shared completely – just as they once were – ( actually just as they still are) within the body and form known as Infinite Creator Source. Once each of you become the God Man every spirit – every soul – making up your existence or body and form exists now as One collective body and form – rather than all being separated and being given all different bodies and forms on a third density world and plane of existence where there is a separate human being representative of every ruling love and affection making up your life – your ruling loves –and your ruling affections. Just as every third density human feels an injury or cut throughout their body when one is experienced in life (the same goes with all pleasure) – where the whole body feels the pain and pleasure, or is conscious of it – so too is the case with the awakened human soul or God Man. The difference is that all things are known with the God Man and he or she lives their outer life in the same manner as the inner. The awakened God Man walks your third density world today not being known or recognized by third density humans as being the awakened God Man – as third density humans only see the outer human- whereas the inner human is the God Man and awakened human soul. The inner human soul or awakened God Man is only recognized by other inner human beings and awakened God Men according to the understanding of their spiritual wisdom and not by the naked eye of third density. In other words the awakened God Man is totally kept separate from all of its other selves while residing on a third density plane by still being housed or covered over by its third density shell or body and form. For another wakened God Man to come into interaction – contact – or conversation with another awakened God Man the only way the two would recognize one another is by their spiritual wisdom and levels of Absolute Truth and Data – in which case they would understand the one or the other to be an awakened God Man but would still see them as another third density human being in body and form. And so as the spirit has moved us to end this present transmission we say to each of you dear friends – use this wisdom (if you wish) to create whatever new realities you wish to create for your many new and present now moments to come – and keep in mind that all and everything is within each of you – just as it is all without as well - still separated and still in the process of buying and selling – owning and possessing – and those without do not yet know the things they do in life – so be patient with them – forgive them their many misdeeds and offenses in life – and accept all of your other outer selves as who and what they presently wish to be in life – as they are no more and no less than the perfect reflection of your inner and spiritual human being and soul on many different timelines – dimensions – densities – and levels of your present existence. With much unconditional love we offer you this message thorough our human host Daniel.