Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #44

1.       There is an age old Principle which guides your world today – and if more humans knew of this principle and understood what it provides and allows for all humans - your world could be a better place for all to live in – together.
2.       The principle we speak of is twofold. It says that everything in your world is set and that the order of every human’s steps is predetermined. The other half of this principle states that nothing is set – nothing is predetermined – and it is up to every human being individually to choose unknowingly – which part of this set principle he or she is to fall under.
3.       Everything is set for each of you according to your Higher Selves in realms of existence where you know all and can be All.
4.       Everything is not set in that you can do your own creating any time you please – and in fact do so – in both times of free will choice – and in times against your free will choices.
5.       You see Higher worlds are created all the time by higher human spirits while lower worlds are created as well – by lower human spirits.
6.       Every moment of every day of your life you are creating other realities in which you in fact live in – and this is done or accomplished by those lower spirits who make up your conscious mind and thoughts – as they can only create like worlds and realities based on their own ruling loves and affections.
7.       Just as lower human spirits create lower realities so to do higher spirits or angels create realities that are correspondent to their own personal ruling loves and affections as well – and each individual higher angel or spirit has their part in the creation of said worlds based on the individual ruling loves and affections as well as the collective ruling loves and affections.
8.       Now when two lower spirits create from their own ruling love and affection they too sometimes create collectively or along with other lower spirits – but this does not happen nearly as frequently as in the higher realms because unity of spirits is rarely established on your world. Indeed, there are often similarities but there are usually more did- similarities with two different human beings or spirits. 
9.       Getting back to the principle that the human beings steps are ordered throughout their life we would tell you that a higher creation takes preference over a lower creation in that what is higher is to be lived out to its completion or end while that which is created lower is not lived out to its end within a single or individual reality. Within the lower realms therefore just as human beings or spirits are divided or separated according to their consciousness so too are their creations – in a way that every created lower imagination is always placed in the timeline or dimension of your lower existence in which it best fits – or is most similar to according to ruling loves and affections.
10.   Lower creations from lower humans – or spirits – are also shared with other humans or selves on your world within your timeline and dimension – always according to which humans ruling loves and affections are most similar to said created form or reality. Within the material and physical one cannot create for another self or human lest they do so by physical means. Even when it appears they create for another human or self because their creations from within are shared with other humans or selves-  and other timelines and dimensions – what is really taking place is that ruling loves and affections attract similar ruling loves and affections.
11.   Within the physical realm if the human spirit lives their life according to the set and predetermined ruling loves and affections their Circle of Life was designed to be lived then they are in correspondence with their higher Self – and therefore he or she will move forward in a more awakened state at such times or seasons. When the human or spirit makes choices in life that are not of their Higher Self – or in line with what has been predetermined for their life then they create other realities – and the more or longer they maintain such ruling loves or affections the farther off their allotted path or preselected course they veer.
12.   The human being can return to their preselected course any time or season they please simply by returning to their true ruling loves and affections in their everyday life – in which case they are back on track – and their evolution or awakening continues where it left off.
13.   When the lower human is in their creative state they are drawing from lower human principles and lower ruling loves and affections – and those lower ruling loves and affections do not allow them to connect to or draw from Higher principles – and they are in an unconscious state rather than an awakened state.
14.   So you see when the human host is in their lower conscious state their steps are not being ordered because they are choosing unconsciously to be Gods – rather than Self at a Higher level of conscious knowing and understanding. They are putting themselves in the place of Gods simply for the fact that they are living the life of lower human principles where they choose things like right and wrong – guilty or innocent – light or darkness – good and evil – under the laws of humankind or above the laws of human kind – and they live by many other lower principles which cause them to attract violence – thoughts toward causing or hoping for harm or loss towards others – visions of war and acts of murder – and so many other ruling loves and affections – or lower human principles which cause the human to place themselves as Gods on your present world.
15.   Let It be known for the record that every created reality or world must be worked out in every detail from start to end – from its beginning until the consummation of the Ages – and in every case that created world and reality is being fed from a single individual and original ruling love and affection – so that in Higher places every created world and reality is forever maintained from its original source.
16.   Another way of saying this is if one were a preacher and that preacher created his or her own reality – said reality would be the responsibility of that preacher from start to finish – and every choice or decision pertaining to said reality would be at the hands of that preacher. There could be no outside interference and no other opinions would be considered – as there is only one opinion – one choice – and one creation in its purest form.
17.   In the Higher or other realms of consciousness – within the Celestial realms in fact – when each reality is created it is created of – from – through – by – and for a single ruling love and affection – a single Celestial Society – made up of all those conscious beings who share one similarity – and that similarity is a single ruling love and affection – which is always the original purpose of said created reality – and the only guiding factor of all things pertaining to said reality. An equilibrium is established between all conscious Selves – and the Masculine and Feminine go to work and create said reality in a place of equilibrium or perfect agreement on all things considered.
18.   Everything we speak of here as appearing to be past experiences or actions are in fact happening now – and not in the past – nor in the future.
19.   Every organic human machine known by most all as human beings – is a machine that appears to exist and have life – when in fact there is no such thing as life and death in the Higher planes or realms of consciousness. Organic humans are machines that appear to possess consciousness – when in fact the guiding or leading factor in one’s physical existence is that consciousness that is you – and the body and form has no part of you whatsoever.
20.   The human form is created or duplicated of – from – through – for – by – and because of consciousness- the consciousness that is each of you individually as well as collectively.
21.   Your individual levels of consciousness are always based on those individual and collective spirits that give your human machine the appearance of life or consciousness – when in truth the only part of you that is real is your consciousness of You. You do not and never have possessed consciousness because you are consciousness. Your body and form – as well as all of the material and physical world around you is your consciousness – and is therefore You. 
22.   You do not know that your human form or machine is not real – is not pure – and is not original. You do not know that consciousness (You) allows for the many illusions of all your senses in life. You think your world around you possesses many objects that are both hard and soft – set in place or moving at different levels or intervals – apparently based on the density of an object or form. You see colors and you see in black and white – light and darkness. You even feel emotions of many kinds simply because you can express your many collective ruling loves and affections apparently from within. Yet we tell you that your consciousness is no more within than your physical world is without. 
23.   If you lose your sense of sight you see nothing of your supposed outer world – and were it not for your other senses you would have no idea what was inner and what was outer. Lose the sense of touch and you have now lost the ability to comprehend the inner from the outer as smell – taste – and hearing all depend on the sense of touch. Without these human mechanical senses therefore your world is no longer inner and outer but rather it is everywhere – and still nowhere. All that you have left is consciousness – and yet it is still possible to allude to the supposed idea that you are still alive through your conscious mind.
24.   Now with your conscious mind you can still dream – and not only can you dream but you can take on body and form – as well as witness many other forms in your dreams. Other than the haziness of your dreams from being in two different realities at once – your dreams appear to be pretty much real do they not?
25.   Would you not also admit to the fact that at one time or another you have experienced a dream where you did not know if you were asleep or awake? And have you not also come out of dreams where you will did not know if you were awake or not?  So we would ask you how do you know the difference in the everyday life you live now and the dreams you have when you sleep? Is it not for the simple fact that you come to live one certain reality while in appearance you only visit the other? And if it were not for your ability to remember would you know when you were asleep or when you were awake? Yes, some dreams are certainly more realistic than other – and usually this is dependent of how deep of a sleep state one is in. Yet that is no different than if you were in a daze in this reality – wherein things would not appear all that clear or real to you even then.
26.   What we speak of here is nothing more than levels of consciousness – or that blinking in blinking out state we spoke of in previous messages. For it is a truth that the more frequent one’s consciousness blinks into their present reality – timeline – or dimension – the clearer and more realistic said reality becomes. Again it is always based on the frequency and vibration one holds at any given time that allows for reality to appear less real or more real to the human subject.
27.   As the spiritual human being one comes to live life a bit differently – in that he or she does have access to a body and form – but body and form are not always required – always depending on the levels of consciousness for a said human spirit. The spiritual human is that representative self you each witness in your dreams – and you could even know that part of self today if you now realized that your body is not as real as you think it is. The spiritual human – who is at higher levels of consciousness simply because their societies are not weighed down by all the different spirits they attract in their life and spiritual society – can choose to take on body and form just as easily as they can choose not to – and yet this too always depends on the levels of consciousness of any individual spirit.
28.   Spirits think they are the human being in that they think your form is their form – and when their consciousness levels are low enough they don’t even have a clue that they are not human – and that they cannot exist or survive within a body or form. It is those spirits in the higher societies of the spiritual realms therefore which come to know they do not truly require a body and form to move about in the spiritual realms. That spirit world we speak of is your world friends – as all the knowledge as well as ignorance or illusion is available to every human spirit equally as it is to every human machine or body and form.
29.   The spirit world is that realm you give a place in your mind but you do not know where that place is. The spirit realm is the lower realms of higher thought – higher realms of higher thought – and The Celestial realms are pretty similar. The Celestial realms are those planes of consciousness where all fixed realities and universes come from through conscious intention – and within these realms Higher thinking is made possible because more spirits and angels come together in a collective – and share all of their similar ruling loves and affections as One. It would be like someone reading a book – and according to each individual page not much is known about that book – but put all those different pages together and the book is in perfect format – and all the information is there (shared freely) to recreate or duplicate that book in its entirety.
30.   Again the spiritual and Celestial realms are there with each and all of you – and us. They linger in your supposed Book of Life – and every page is available to each of you if you just knew how to come together with the right pages to the right book – put them in order – and then recreate that same book - no matter what the book might be about.
31.   Can physical mechanical human accomplish this task however – or is this possibility a long way off in the distance? If one human being knew the One ruling love and affection guiding this world and reality of ours – and shared that ruling love and affection it would be just like someone coming up with the first page of that book we need to duplicate – so as to collectively return to the true path predestined for us all – and we would then have the ability to begin putting the pages for the book together – so as to in fact collect all the pages to perform such a task.
32.   As long as human being of our world – our generation – continue to go off track – and create realities of a much lower level of consciousness – we will not come close to finding that One Ruling Love and Affection that represents our first page in this grand Book of Life we speak of here this day.
33.   To find that one ruling love the best place to start is to ask ourselves what is the one thing that the rulers of this present world do not want our people to know. What is the one thing the people of your world cannot possible have or live on your world at this day – because it is hindered by the strong man?
34.   We must remind each of you that with this one ruling love and affection that caused the beginning of this created reality you live in today – it’s opposite resides here as well – and just as equally provided – as this is how freedom of choice is expressed in every new created reality.
35.   And so we can tell you now that in the life of every human being and machine that populates your world today every human draws from this ruling love and affection or he or she draws from its exact opposite – as it can be no other way given that this is the root principle that has given every human being who has incarnated onto this present world – life- or the illusion that is life.
36.   Every human therefore holds a page to this book we speak of on your world today – and every human holds a page to the book which is its perfect opposite as well – one book is being put together at this day – and is almost completed in its duplication – the other is not.
37.   Again – you all have come from the same root system on your world and no one is different in that they each and all have their use and purpose toward the growth of that root system – just as you each hold a use and purpose to destroy said root system – and in the process you will once again come to destroy the “Tree of Life.” 
38.   What we are trying to tell each of you here – in some detail so as to provide you understanding as to why this ruling love and affection came to be our root system per say – is to show you how two opposites can come together in One World – One Reality – and still – in the end both come together for the benefit of the One.
39.   Within the many world you have each lived in and on to this day these two opposites have caused a separation of all of humanity – but in the days and seasons at hand they will come together as One. Do you know who they are?
40.   Is it not heard throughout your world – through the many writings and holy books - and have they not guided the people of your world not in knowledge of this thing but rather into a lifestyle that always reflects this mindset? That thing called good and evil?
41.   Do they not steer you to accept the teachings where one is not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?   What is this knowledge of good and evil? Surely you all know what good and evil represent by themselves but what of the knowledge thereof?
42.   You were created from good and evil – and from that root system separation began in its natural process – and your world and reality had it’s beginning – as well as it’s many ends – and in fact that reality will exist from and to eternity – as it is one of the many building blocks for the human condition and the evolution of the human spirit.
43.   Good and evil have destroyed human kind many times over as we have stated – but human kind has saved itself many times over as well – as the opposite of every creation is not only potential and possibility – but it is a part of every reality ever to exist from and to eternity.
44.   So you see human kind will come out of this Circle of Life – and they will save themselves collectively – because one generation of human will eat of the Tree while the next one will not. However, it is the generation that in fact eats of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that will save themselves while the other will move on and continue to experience the many illusions of life until their season come up once again.
45.   There are four ages friends – represented pretty much by those in your holy books – though the terms do not truly matter at this point – and yet for the sake of those who wish to know them we will share them. There is the Iron age – the Copper or Brass age – the Silver age – and the Golden Age. Corresponding to these ages are Seasons as well – those being Winter – Spring – Summer – and Fall. Again in the Circle of human life on your world there is also Childhood – Adolescence – Adulthood – and Old Age. In your day there is morning – noon – evening – and night.
46.   We tell you these things because every generation experiences seasons – every generation experiences ages as well – not only in years or hundreds and thousands of years – but in every now moment of your lives.  
47.   When you each wake up in the morning your beginning is at hand – and the Circle of life takes over and the virtual clock begins to tick. That clock is representative in every way of your lower human self – and has nothing to do with your Higher Self who resides out of time and out of space or place.
48.   Your morning is your winter – your childhood – your Iron Age. It goes like this in comparison and correspondence a) Winter is childhood – the Iron Age – and morning * b) spring is adolescence – Copper or Brass Age – and noon *c) summer is adulthood – the Silver Age – and evening *d) Fall is old age – the Golden Age – and night.
49.   The lower human does not know the things set up from above in the higher planes of our existence as this is only known of our Celestial Selves. The lower human does not therefore know the Age they are in until they reach the greater stages of their Golden Age where these things begin to be shared based on the Celestials and when one’s season comes to receive these things.
50.   Human beings and some spirits will forever continue to experience Ages and Seasons in their lives. Spirits who are with any given human at the season of their awakening and during the times higher things are shared through influx down from the Celestial realms will receive Higher Things as well – but will often take them with a grain of salt – based on their collective knowledge of their Higher Self.
51.   Again every human – no matter the levels of consciousness guiding them in life – will experience certain levels of experiences of their lower human selves – and will therefore continue to experience Ages and Seasons – though they will be aware of their illusory purpose for human kind and will not be the least affected by them.
52.   Higher Sources of your consciousness are never affected by lower sources of your consciousness unless one wishes to be or become affected through interaction with lower planes of one’s existence.
53.   The human being is not always guided in life from their Higher Selves – except in times when one is capable of becoming Higher Self through a knowing of just who one truly is throughout all of human existence. Therefore, an un - awakened human being knows not of Higher Self while an awakened human being does – and therefore can at any given time or season become Higher Self.
54.   Higher human beings (you may call them Gods or Creator Sources – whatever term you please) live throughout your world today – just as they have lived throughout your world from start to its completion – and lower human (or less conscious humans) do not even know of their presence on your world – and cannot share the same space or sphere as these Higher Humans – not because Higher Humans do not invite them to interact with them or be in their presence but rather because the lower humans do not wish it based on the lifestyles lived by these Higher Humans. Higher Humans enjoy living life just like the next human – but they are much more restrained from lower human principles and practices in life – and would not therefore be acceptable company for a human being of a lower level of consciousness.
55.   Yes, humans of lower consciousness have often been in the presence of Higher Human Beings – but the interaction usually does not last long – and the separation is caused not from the Higher Human but from the lower in fact. As it is in the material and physical realms so too is this the case in the spiritual realms where spirits often seek to visit the societies of angels whom you would term as Higher Consciousness beings. Often when spirits visit the societies of angels they become sickened in the abdomen or stomach after only a short interaction or visit and willingly – and sometimes aggressively seek to remove themselves from said societies only to return to their own spiritual societies.
56.   In and on your world Higher Humans (we will now begin to use a new term for these conscious beings – as we will call them Beings of a Fuller Consciousness) – Fuller Consciousness Beings – have what you might call more pieces to the whole puzzle. They are good and evil in terms you might us – they are wise and some are less wise – some like pain and some like pleasure or less pain in life.
57.   Some like riches and some like to possess as little as possible in life – only wishing to sustain their own lives and that of their loved ones.
58.   Some like war and some like peace – some like one kind of human and some like other kinds of humans. If you name it there is probably a Fuller Conscious Being on your world that likes or loves, it.
59.   So what is different about Fuller Consciousness Beings than the average human being who walks you world you might ask?
60.   First of all, life and death are not seen with the same eyes for this group as they are seen in the eyes of a lower conscious human being. They do not die in a manner you would understand – and they do not live in a manner you would yet understand as well.
61.   Fuller Consciousness Beings are indeed still human beings – just with a fuller basket full of life’s details so to speak. There is much of life and death lower conscious humans do not yet even know of – and when they do come to know of those things they to will be or start becoming Fuller Consciousness Beings.
62.   Fuller Conscious Beings live what they know rather than simply talk about it – for only among themselves can words be spoken of their levels of knowledge at this day. Our human host knows of these things only because he has read the writings and tapped into or attracted those Spiritual and Celestial Societies that offer Full Conscious Knowledge and guidance.
63.   Even though some Fuller Consciousness Beings can live moderate or decent lives - some can be very evil or gruesome when they want to be – and yet they get away with their practices and principles of life because they do not attempt to be the God of other human beings. If they did, they know that they would once again fall under the universal principles of Gods – those being lower human principals in fact.
64.   The fact that many humans who believe themselves to be awakening at this day are actually standing in a stagnant position in life presently – as they steal the words from books and pages of others – or they befriend those whose words seem wise to the human public – for a true awakening human usually comes to know in the beginning stages of their awakening that everyone gets back in life exactly what they put out. Yes, many continue to blame those they think have offended or betrayed them on the world stage. These are not principles of an awakened or awakening human being.
65.   As we were saying however – before we went off on another subject – Fuller Consciousness Beings Live their lives in self responsibility – not ruling the lives of others and not even providing guidance in the life of others in most cases – unless that is a part of their principles guiding their life. In other words, a life of constant practices of guiding others makes you the God of some whether you like it or not – if they choose to place you in a state of God Hood. Fuller Consciousness Beings cannot accept these situations because it places them constantly in lower consciousness as is the case for all who allow themselves to become someone’s God. Still as a Fuller Consciousness Being knows there are many situations you can find yourself in within lower human life that does not put you in harm’s way – and so guidance is sometimes offered and sometimes not – depending on the Fuller Consciousness Being.
66.   Fuller Consciousness Beings cannot rule your world – but only lower consciousness human can do this.
67.   Whatever a Fuller Consciousness Being creates as a Fuller Conscious Being – using Higher Principals that is – those creations were predestined – predetermined – and were set to take place in their season – for lower consciousness human beings – as guidance on their world. Yes, Fuller Conscious Beings can Create Higher things on your present world – but they will be seen by lower consciousness human beings as corresponding lower things or principles.
68.    Again Fuller Consciousness Beings can write books – do blogs on your internet – have their own web page – and even do seminars or have knowledge sessions with all different types of humans both lower and higher in consciousness – and still each human will only hear and see what corresponds to their levels of knowledge of Higher Principles.
69.   If a Fuller Consciousness were to kill another human being – whether they were fuller Consciousness Beings or lower consciousness human beings – they would become that persons God – would accept or take on the responsibility of that human’s complete spiritual society and soul group – not knowing what devils – demons -spirits – or angles came with the package – and this could be detrimental to the Fuller Consciousness Being – and so they do not kill.
70.   All in all, Fuller Consciousness Beings stay to themselves or among those who are very similar in life’s principles - never allowing the lower human public knowledge of their person.
71.   A Fuller Consciousness Being can offer up guidance to a lower consciousness human being which will bring them riches or power in many ways – but cannot directly cause harm or loss to any human. This is why the rulers of your world will not directly give to you or take from you in life – but will only set rules and standards where you are tricked into giving of your own free will out of fear and doubt of regulations you think are in place – regulations made to be written with so many pages that you often do not bother to read them – and then assume you are their slave or under their submission.
72.    Because of these principles and standards on your world it is the lower consciousness human beings who must play judge – jury – and police on your world as they do not know their destiny or the things they will reap in the end.
73.   And so the Fuller Consciousness Being can cause it to appear that there are laws set in place for human kind - while human kind assumes these laws are just and true – and therefore choose freely to submit to them – and live their lives as if to be the slaves of some Slave Master. Yes, ignorance and force are at play in all of this so as to help the rule of law to be believed and followed by unsuspecting human populations – but those lower consciousness human beings believe as well that they are doing what is right and proper – all along being misled by the same groups of human beings living their lives in complete ignorance of good and evil.
74.   The judge may know he or she is crooked or less than completely honest – and yet they live their lives as well by lower human principles – living life for the flesh and self.
75.   Those who hold the true power on your world hold that power in your minds – based on your lower human beliefs – while they have caused no one harm or loss because all things have been given for ages freely – and by each individual human beings choosing to do so themselves.
76.   If a man does not set himself up as your God – and you come to him and give him all your riches – freely and without coercion on his part – you are making the decision to do this – you are playing the part of your God – and it is, you who are causing yourself harm or loss simply because of your lack of Higher Human Principles. At a lower level if humans are going to go to contract with other humans they should at least read all of the contract. If you are going to submit to a contract you never signed, then it is your fault and responsibility that you have suffered harm or loss – and not that of any other.     
77.   Why would Fuller Consciousness Beings offer guidance to a group of lower consciousness human beings which would allow for the world citizens to be in such suffering at this day as well as in many days gone by?
78.   As we have said in our messages many times some Fuller Consciousness Beings are basically good and harmless – while others can be horrific and can cause much harm and loss to those who are ignorant in life of what is truly real and what is just an illusion or imagination of one’s beliefs based on error. Again some Fuller Consciousness Beings love riches – love power – love wars and violence – and love to see the harm or death of another or many other human beings.
79.   If one is a God – and said God chooses to live in a world where there is ramped misery – pain – and suffering, then he or she has the right and abilities to do so – and they can indeed live there – living as a God – so long as they do not truly or actually inflict pain – suffering – harm – loss – or death on other human beings. They are very careful in making sure they continue living their lives by these principles – while at the same time it is human beings of lower levels of consciousness who must evolve out of those present levels of lower human consciousness they presently continue to feed on in life.
80.   If humans did not wish for the type of life they presently live on your world, then they would not be here – and so they are all here for a reason. Each of you must individually come out of your lives of fear and doubt – violence and rumors of wars as well as actually wanting to fight in wars – no more wanting the death of another whether it be in justice or vengeance. You all live in a world that perfectly reflects what you hear on a daily basis through media and books – internet and television – and those faces you see are the faces that reflect some of the same faces you see every day in your own homes. If you want to change your world then have a change of heart – but do not blame those on your world who come to benefit from your ignorance or lack of self-responsibility in life – for everything they have you each play your part in giving it all to them freely.
81.   So with this being the case many of you may ask – so where are the benevolent Fuller Consciousness Beings on our world – and why have they not come to our rescue? Well it goes like this --- If a Fuller Consciousness Being who has good or positive principles in life were to seek to rescue your world – on a world where Fuller Consciousness are few in number – as opposed to the Celestial or Higher realms – he or she would not have a chance – not to mention they cannot and will not war with others or attempt to use any lower principals in order to take others out of places of power or rule – and so those who have offended you in life dear people must learn their own lessons just as you each must do at this day. We can sometimes come to the aid of one or a few – but that would only scratch the surface on your world – and your world needs nothing less or short of a grand awakening of the human population – and it is in the works as we speak.
82.   No one can come to your world and save you individually friends as it is only within your own power or abilities to save yourself. If we remove life lessons for any one of you, we cause a hindrance to your evolution or awakening – as lessons will have to be repeated again and again until there is no one there to help you but you.
83.   Again we tell you that your world is in its present condition because of the conditions of your collective hearts as well as your individual conditions of your hearts.  Get your hearts in the right condition and knowing will come – the knowing which will allow each of you to be empowered to fix everything that is broken in your individual and collective lives.

84.   In ending this message, we offer you these words --- Be gentle as a lamb and as sly as a snake. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #43

1.      Countdown to an evacuation #43

We come to you to speak on the topic of Creator Gods – some see themselves as such while others choose to submit to the abilities of the Gods they place above themselves – not knowing that they too can assume the position of being a God. You cannot however place yourself in the position of being another’s God because no one can force their powers and abilities on another lest the other choose freely (though often out of ignorance) to give their responsibility away – in trade for submission to other outer forces – and in the meanwhile inner forces as well.
2.       In the world you all live in and on this day (season) you each either choose to accept and represent the positions as God’s or you choose to waiver your opportunities and responsibilities and assume the position of slavery through submission to that which you falsely assume to be the higher authority.
3.       You each have a choice to live your lives while forcing your partial or complete will on and over others or you can live life doing your own thing – while leaving all to create and manifest their realities in a manner that is right or proper for each subject human on an individual basis. Within the physical plane you all surely know it is very possible to force your will on another because you have each been given certain organic mechanical tools (the collective human body and form) to overpower another and cause other humans to physically submit to your will.
4.       As it is true that one cannot hold a knowing or belief that he or she can always be the victor when it comes to the strong man (apparently stronger or more intelligent than self-based on your own illusions) intervening in your life’s choices – these beliefs have been ingrained into the minds of all human beings through an age old process of dumbing down the human condition – and there truly is a way to return to your own self responsibility and abilities so as to once again have complete control over your own creations and manifestations of that reality which pleases you each according to your own will – rather than the will of another.
5.       As it goes in today’s generation – and as it has been so very similar in past generations – laws have been put in place by humans so as to right off the bat (human slang) because societies made up of humans who are placed under these law – to be known as the guilty parties. In other words, if you break their laws you are guilty but if you do not break their laws then you do not fall under their laws.
6.       Now because human kind’s laws could not so easily cause all human citizens of a society to fall under these supposed laws religion was put in place – in a way that brought into your world a term known as sin. Sin did not exist before the law was added – and those laws put in place for the public worked pretty well for those who often wandered out into public – but then they had to get the people involved who spent most of their time at home – and did not venture out into the public arena very often – and they therefore came to gather them in a place where their God (a false God) could set up new rules and regulations for those who did not often find themselves falling under those laws made by human hands.
7.       These places known as churches to many were dreamed up by a select group of humans and were used to teach human beings that there was and is such a thing as right and wrong – good and evil – righteousness and sin. Now because every human being is not only driven in life by negative ruling loves and affections – but positive ones as well – the Church had to come up with commandments and rules and regulations offered up by their God (soon to become the God of many others) so that all humans who accepted these rules and regulations (Commandments) as their own set of life guiding principles either came to see themselves as the sinner – or they saw themselves as righteous – and saved according to the laws set down by their supposed God.
8.       The problem with this set up created by the Church of their God – is that within – most all humans came to know that they were sinners deep inside – and the only way they could come to represent themselves as righteous and saved in the eyes of their worldly brothers and sisters – was to pretend to be the angel – the good one – and the one that accepted responsibility to go out and tell all others that they too need to give themselves to this God – and therefore come to one day be saved – by grace no doubt.
9.       Now many can come forward and claim to be right or righteous – and save according to the stipulations and Commandments handed down to human kind by their God – but when you compare one human to any other human not one of them (our lot included) ever was or ever will be saved by another. Not one of us or them will ever be given the opportunity to say he or she has the right and the abilities to call down to a single world or planet principles which are right and proper for a complete human civilization – because no human – no angel – no devil – and no              God will ever possess this right or ability.
10.   Within the world you each live in and on this day and season the laws have been handed down so that there is plenty to go around for everyone – and just as this select group of humans has taken upon themselves to be the ones to hand these laws down – whether through political means or religious means all the many limits have been placed on your population sufficiently – so that your world has been flooded with the most precious principles of hell. But let it be known friends – that it is not their hell as they have set the standards to indeed weigh in their favor – and for them they know no other place which they could call heaven – than the world you have all given and provided them so very freely – simply because you are the children of their God.
11.   Yes friends you have been misguided immensely – and it all began long ago in a world you knew nothing about – and it grew and grew from one generation to another until one day it ended up here on your world – ab d it is so very obvious at this day that your generation cannot help but to awaken to its presence – and come to know in vast numbers – that it is truly time for a cleansing of the human condition.
12.   When one human comes to you and tells you that you must submit to their rules and regulations – lest you come to be taken to the judge and sentenced for your crimes – you are witnessing one God who is asleep playing the strongman out of ignorance and causing another God – who is asleep as well to submit out of ignorance – and in the meanwhile one ends up playing the God to the other who becomes the child of said God – one becomes the Slave Master and the other the slave. You both in reality possess the same abilities but because one believes him or herself to possess greater abilities while the other submits to those abilities – the slave has been created. But remember slaves – if you can at any time find a way to free yourselves from this slavery – by all means do so as it says in your holy books.
13.   When you go out into the public arena you go out into the world of Gods – of many Gods – and when this takes place you are comparing your worldly knowledge with theirs – and we all know that in all human interaction the weakest – or supposed weakest mind and body lose the comparison or challenge.
14.   For instance, if you believe you are human – and only human – you compare your abilities – both mental and physical with those of others who also believe themselves to be only human. If, however you know yourself to be a God (a term we use lightly) then you presently know – or will very soon come to know – that you do not mix company with other humans who do not yet know themselves to be Gods – lest you fall willingly under their laws – their human regulations – their lower principles.
15.   Every human and God has an invisible bubble or sphere that surrounds their being – and it is their life’s sphere. This sphere or bubble not only allows in those things attracted by nature but also keeps out those things – (those bodies and forms also surrounded by their own sphere) in a way that we are protected from that which we do not will and do not attract to our being and self – whether out of ignorance – or from our actual knowing of the purpose of spheres.
16.   If you venture out into the world – into the public arena however – and you interact with other conscious human beings or Gods – you will always attract those who are most similar to your own being and self – based on inner ruling loves and affections in life – wherein sometimes it can be detrimental and at other times it can be a positive or attractive outcome.
17.   Many humans do not know of these higher principles simply because they have not yet awakened to these actual principles – even though many still believe themselves to be awakened at this day. Even though one may truly be awakened – still he or she will not be given those things he or she is not prepared to use in their everyday life at this season and hour. Some will come to know of spheres at this day – some the laws and principals of attraction – some of simple things like you reap what you sow – and some even simpler principles such as if you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.
18.   What we are saying here is that there are many myriads of levels of the human awakening – and as every human is at one level of human evolution or another – not all human spirits can accept the higher principles which others are more than prepared to receive in their everyday life. Now as we wish to make it clear just how important spheres of one’s life are – we will continue with our analogy.
19.   When one ventures out into the public arena every human is out there for one different reason or another – and almost always it is to retrieve or get something that he or she does not presently have at home. Because we humans seem to believe that we must venture out into the crazy world of all the many different Gods that make up this world of ours we therefore go out and seek those things in life in a worldly arena that plays the storehouse of mixed ruling loves and affections. And when you leave your own ruling loves and affections and intermix with those that are quite different from your own – it takes a single ruling love and affection – from within but well hidden – to attract those ruling loves and affections you do not so readily desire.
20.   This is why one can hear of the world around them being in disarray and constant talk of wars either happening or about to happen – and as long as one is at peace in his or her own home – war and violence will not and cannot enter his or her doorstep. For it is a truth that what ruling loves and affections one harbors in his or her own home and sphere of life – the exact ruling loves and affections – and life circumstances – will surround one in life – accordingly. If you speak of war and violence you will often hear of war and violence – and if you fuss and fight within your own home – similar violence will surround you and your sphere – and the farther you venture from home the greater the violence will become. At the same time the farther you venture from your home the greater the peace and talk of peace will come as well.  For where there is one – there is the other – and all one need to do is flip the page – and become your opposite self that has always been there at your disposal.
21.   When one goes out into the public arena one is always still an angel as well as a devil – as we take our complete self with us wherever we go in life. Therefore, you can venture away from your home and always find what you are looking for in ruling loves and affections – always based on your inner self and condition at any given time or season. Still a God (awakening human if you will) ventures from his or her home – he or she knows that you are a physical being traveling and forcefully making the human spirit – inner self – go where the traveling vehicle goes – into an arena of unknown origin.  You do not know the spirits lurking within until it is sometimes too late to change them – or draw on their ruling loves and affections so as to put you in a peaceful place or space. Remember that our minds – our thoughts – our ruling loves and affections can change at a moment’s notice.
22.   Do you not often find yourself out in public and you see another man or woman and you size them up – and immediately have thoughts as to their condition or appearance on their face? Can you not look across a crowd of people – see a person with a really mean look on their face – and immediately – without having time to think – draw from or attract those same spirits or feeling into your own being? That is all it takes to be drawn in by negative ruling loves and affections – and to put one in harm’s way. Because of this – and for reasons that the human machine or condition cannot be trusted at any time – an awakening human or God will come to often protect themselves from these situations simply by not going out into the public arena any more than required in life.
23.   Yes, we can come to learn to keep to ourselves more and more – but in many cases this takes practice – simply because not all humans are what you might call loners. Many enjoy the company of others – even once they have begun their awakening state. For that reason, we simply suggest to you all that while in your awakening state it is your responsibility now to guide your human machine to take you where you truly wish to go in life – and not into places that bring you harm and loss.
24.   You are each coming into a world and generation where the Gods will be known by the other Gods and lower unconscious human conditions are recognized much more often by those awakening – and we will come to know what to do in most every situation – while still allowing room in our present world for one God to create their world freely – and without interruption from you – so that exactly what you put out in life is what you will begin to receive – and continue to receive – from this point forward.
25.   You do not have the right to be the God of another – even when the other is weak or unknowing of yours and their abilities in life. You do not possess the power and abilities to create for another against their will – and still maintain higher principles in life - those principles which place your life’s sphere in a whole other dimension and timeline – always protected from the strongman – always directed and guided in a direction that places you in a world and reality where harm and loss need not ever again come to you against your will.
26.   The laws you create are nothing more than the principles that guide you in the direction and reality that you choose to call your true life and existence from this point forward. The contracts you create – the ones you sign and the ones you have signed by another or others are limits that have been placed on you and them – whether they have caused you to become their God or you allowed them to be called your God.
27.   What you place over the head of another comes to be placed over your own head in life. What things you come to expect from others in life will come to be expected of you as well from another.
28.   If you seek to become rich in the end you will become poor – as others will receive your riches in a way that becoming rich is nothing more than intending to take from someone else more than is truly needed or required in order to sustain your life. Becoming rich according to the principles of human society is to intend to have more than someone else – otherwise you would simply be content in not having the same as everyone else in life – but enough in life to sustain a moderate lifestyle – as moderation is the goal we all should be seeking at this day for our own selves.  
29.   The strongman takes and does not give – and to wish in life to have anything better or greater in value over another makes you the strongman – especially when you do not know yet that it is you who always sets the value of a thing. You are the one who decides what is better or more valuable to you in life – and if you know in your heart or believe that you possess greater treasures than another – and another comes to you when he or she feels they are in lack in life – it is you as the awakening or unawakening human being or God who must come to decide when to give and when not to give – and in the meanwhile your inner being – or Higher Self will always know your intentions – and in this process your future life’s lessons have already been ordered for you.
30.   Now allow us to tell you a little bit about who and what you each are in this season of your existence.
31.   To begin with we would tell you that you did not just pop up here on your world at this day and season of your actual infinite existence and begin a life of slavery or servitude. You are ageless by all means of the term. You are what we are – and even though you believe yourself to be a human being or human spirit divided or separated from the grand collective of all things existent – you are not. You are us and we are you – and where we reside presently is where you reside as it can be no other way to eternity.
32.   You did not at one time choose to be where you appear to be – when you appear to be there – but in fact you re- choose and decide to be when and where you are in this day and season of life simply because you know no different than the life’s principles you presently hold.
33.   Imagine if you will that you are this grand collective consciousness – knowing all things – loving all things – and are conscious of all things -- all of them which in fact represent Self – and so you are conscious and knowing of Self. Also imagine that separate from self-there is no other person – place – or thing.
34.   You are everywhere and yet you are no where – you are this and you are that – and yet you are nothing more and nothing less than All potential and possibility of what can be – what will be – and what is.
35.   But you have an infinite desire that no other can claim because there is no other but You – or Self.
36.   Remember that you are this Grand Collective Consciousness and as being such you possess all knowledge of Self – and therefore All knowledge of what is potential and possible for You – or Self. You cannot move and you cannot change however according to the pure and Infinite essence that is you or your Conscious Self. So given that you are All things Potential – All Things Possible – you are Everywhere – No where – possess All Abilities – All Power – you can do whatever you Will never being bound by time or place.
37.   Now at the same time because You Are All things – All knowing – and in All places in all time because there is no time or place that is not you – you therefore have the ability and the power to be All things opposite of every potential and possibility – and you even represent Nothings as well as all Somethings.
38.   Because this is the case there is not a single potential or possibility you are not already – not only representative of but you are in fact every potential and possibility as well as every opposite of all potential and possibility. This being the case you are not only no body – form – or sphere – you are also everybody – form – and sphere. Everything in fact that is something must be surrounded by its own personal sphere simply because everything that is Nothing is not surrounded or limited in any way. The opposite of no limits with the Nothingness that you are and represent would be to also be or represent All Somethings with limits.
39.   In hopes that we are not moving too fast here for some of our other selves “you” -  we will back up a bit.
40.   Everything that we speak of here we speak of you – just as easily and equally as we speak of our selves. For even though you do not truly know of these things presently – there will come a day or season when all things will be made known to each of you individually as well as collectively.
41.   To continue – you as the grand Source and origin that is the source and origin of all things nothing and something – as well as every potential and possibility and opposite potential and possibility ever to have been known to the One who knows all things ------ “YOU,” NEVER HAD A TRUE BEGINNING AND WILL NEVER TRULY HAVE AN END TO YOUR BEING – TO YOUR SELF.
42.   Yes, it is a truth that in your state of existence that is pure consciousness you cannot physically move to and from – from one point to another – for there are no points within your being to speak of. However, throughout your essence and being that physical humans would come to call the Nothingness – there exists what you would also call somethings – or things – which appear to consist of mass and matter – and all this mass and matter consists of – from – through – for – and by pure consciousness in the illusory form of mass and matter.
43.   Even though consciousness cannot physically move or change – it can in fact become any part of Itself that is wishes or wills – because it is conscious of Self as well as every reference or reflection of Self that makes up the collective nature and essence that is Self.
44.   Your collective consciousness in other words – your Self – can be any individual part of Itself – Yourself – simply be becoming Nothingness throughout Self while being and reflecting those potential parts of Self which represent those ruling loves and affections required in order to manifest any given reality or form of reality ever to be imagined by your mind or Higher Conscious Self.
45.   Again You in your most pure state of existence are both All Somethings as well as All Nothingness. So within any given now moment in which you wish to BE any something you might imagine in that now moment – you simply place you Nothingness whenever and wherever you do not wish for Somethings to be represented – reflected – or imagined.
46.   That is the place you all live in today – those are the places and times you have existed in from eternity. If we were to provide separation for the sake of your lower or lesser conscious understanding – we would tell you that your Higher Self coordinates and predetermines all things ever to be created or manifested as somethings – and because All and Everything already exists at every level – including all of their opposites – there is nothing new ever to come into existence – and because everything presently exists – and continues to exist and move forward to eternity – bodies and forms are required in order to make up all somethings from eternity to eternity. 
47.   As your levels of consciousness are never depleted in your most pure form or essence – all of your consciousness is readily available to every form or something ever to be created or duplicated to eternity – so that no one has less and no one has more – and all abilities you possess in purest form are accessible to every branch or extension of You or Self till forever in fact.
48.   Again we stated that in your purest form you cannot move or change – but you can hover over all of your creations – and know All that is You or Self – because there is no place or space you can hover over that is not You – and representative of All and Everything that is You or Self – without acceptation or division in any way.
49.   You have read in your holy books about your God – or supposed God – who hovered over the face of the deep – and in a sort of lower understanding of the process – this is indeed the case – and is always the case – in every Now Moment ever to be imagined by the lower conscious mind. And yet we tell you that there is no one higher than you just as there is no one lower than you – as all is made available to all of creation – given that he or she who appears to be created is also the One who has carried out all things Created – whether it is Something or it is Nothing. 
50.   How else could the Creation story have been shared with your generation as well as generations past – if it were not told in allegories – given that in order to have been literal – who of your human species would have believed any part of it in their present conscious state of mind?
51.   So here you are – there you hover within as well as without – and there is no place you can go – or appear to go – that is not You or Self. You can create nothing outside of Self for there is no inside or outside of Self – but only Self. Because this is the case All and Everything must be formed – must be Created – of – from – through – for – by – and because of Self – and Self alone.
52.   You Create – manifest – duplicate- or re- duplicate (which ever term you wish to use) worlds – realities – bodies – forms – spheres – and every other thing which reflects whatever reality perfectly corresponds with the ruling loves or affections that are applied to each and every created reality or form. They are always and forever manifested or duplicated of or from consciousness as well as unconsciousness (Nothing or Something) because consciousness corresponds to somethings while unconsciousness corresponds to nothings.
53.   So you each presently live in and on a virtual world that is manifested or duplicated – again and again of and from consciousness as well as unconsciousness – nothing as well as something. This is why your electron you speak of in science cannot ever be positioned in a single place or space – as it is there one second and gone the next – and the nothings and somethings change places and spaces just as frequently as they move in and out of time and space – blinking in and blinking out so frequently on the lesser or microscopic scale – but not so frequently on the greater or macroscopic scale.
54.   You each begin your existence as a point or simple – what you would presently understand as a small black dot – which at first has no dimensions – no movement – and no change of state – that is until you apply your own conscious intentions toward certain ruling loves and affections from Self – and then a grand universe has it’s beginning – as You – or Self.  
55.   Think of this simple as nothing more than a starting point – a point which is placed according to the ruling love or affection that gives its existence (that is You or Self fully) – Causing it to represent all of the somethings and nothings that manifest or duplicate a universe that can be experienced in physical form from start to completion – and that completion will in every case be for You or Self to return – through normal or predetermined principles guiding human and spiritual evolution  - in a way that you return to your most pure state of existence through complete free will choice in every case – every incarnation – and every new world you enter into  - until such time as the consummation of said Circle of Life has been achieved.  
56.   You do not however begin each new Circle of Life without taking with you access to all somethings positive as well as all somethings negative. For whatever things – whatever ruling loves and affections you come to add to your Circle of Life throughout its duration it’s opposite counterpart must go along as well. The reason for this is because many new and different ruling loves and affections cannot be formed later on down the line if it were not for You or Self to have access to all ruling loves and affections – both positive and negative – and must equally possess the ability to access any positive ruling love and affection or negative ruling love and affection any time you will it in life – based on the life you are living at any given time or season within this grand Circle of Life you have now created – manifested – and duplicated.
57.   In short you can never have access to the one without the other – and one cannot simply be permitted to be an angel and not know what it is like to be the opposite devil or Satan as well. Let it be known however that we did not set up these principles in the beginning for you or anyone else without the complete consent of all who represent us – who represent Self – equally – fully – and completely. In other words, before it all began each of you helped to preplan and design every part of your created Circle of Life – before it was ever even put into action and form. This was of course accomplished in the blink of an eye to use one of your terms – as what is created or thought out in the Celestial realms is more like designing one of your cities in a thousandth of a second.
58.   As you well know the universe you presently live in and the planet you live on reflects many qualities and principles which cannot yet be explained by the lower conscious human mind or rationality. One example would be for you to attempt to place your thoughts in a single time - place or space within your world or universe – it cannot be done – because your thoughts do not exist in your world and universe.  With that said can you not personally think of a simple dot in your mind – and add size and structure to that dot – and then add movement and change to it as well. If you really think hard and concentrate – then you would see that this is very easy to accomplish.
59.   Still we would add that a grand collection of books on your world would not fill a single page in the conscious mind of your Celestial Higher Self – when it comes to calculating their thoughts against your own. Within the realms of the Celestials in fact a single universe can be ordered and maintained through conscious thoughts by your Individual Self – as your individual Self within the Celestial realms is actually made up of a collective society of your many myriads of other Selves.
60.   Within this grand mind which has no beginning or end you placed a beginning and an end (should we have said within it?) much like what you would call today a virtual reality. In truth this dot or point begins with no – size – shape – or dimensions – no change – and no time-lapse – and it became a grand universe of all potential and possibility – just as it will end - did end – or is ending as a point – simple – or little dot you might draw on a piece of paper in your world.  
61.   Again there is no actual inside of or within yourself to speak of when it comes to things real and true. Everything something – everything nothing that is created – manifested – or duplicated by you is made up of the purest essence that is you. Whatever you think of or intend that is what you become – right down to the smallest of details. To explain this process in its completion would take many thousands of your books – and so we offer only those details which are important to you levels of understanding in this present season.
62.   You are the energy which is spoken of so frequently on your world – and this energy we speak of is in its highest state a most pure energy known as consciousness. This consciousness is not only aware however but is the Creative Source of All things something which you come to manifest through your every potential and possibility emitted from or of this pure consciousness.
63.   If one knows how the atoms of your world are formed, then you will have an understanding of how all mass and matter is formed as a virtual reality – from consciousness alone.
64.   The proton provides the positive change to the atom – the neutron provides the neutral position of the atom and the electron provides the negative change to the atom.
65.   As the electron also provides movement and change to your world of physicality it is pulled toward the center of the nucleus – where the proton resides – and because of the attraction of certain ruling loves and affections mass and matter is formed in one basic form or another.
66.   All of this process is constantly being called for and guided into your present reality by the conscious mind that you are and represent in high places as well as the lower ones.
67.   Consider if you will that the proton represents the masculine and changing nature of your consciousness while the neutron represents the feminine nature – as she is always in a neutral position. The electron represents your conscious intent and is never found to be in one place at any given time because it moves in and out of consciousness and unconsciousness so frequently – as never to be measured by human eyes – or those mechanical devices you use to further your sight into the world of Nano machines or microcosms.
68.   All of these working parts however, within the walls or sphere of the atom never actually move – or change- and all is a simple illusion created of – from – through – for – and by You – Self – or Pure Consciousness.
69.   One simple or point represents the nucleus of the atom – another represents the proton – then another represents the neutron – and yet again the final point or simple represents the electron.
70.   Think of it in terms of levels of the finite. The first finite is the nucleus – the second finite is the proton – the third finite is the neutron – and the fourth finite is the electron. At the center of the atom where the nucleus is found the point or simple is representative of the beginning of all things something. Because the point – simple – or first finite has no mass or matter – no dimensions – and no movement or change – second – third – and fourth finites must be added to the conscious mixture of your world of finite somethings.
71.   The proton provides change – movement – and form to a world about to become three dimensional. The neutron provides a knowing and all levels of consciousness that gives life to a world that has no actual life. The electron provides all opposite things or somethings by its causing every atom to move in and out of time space always according to the use or purpose of every individual atom. The electron completes the circuit so to speak so as to energize the atom and place it in to motion - and that motion is known as the vortex. Every atom is a vortex and is only seen as a sphere because that is the form that is intended for all things which are to incarnate or arrive into your world from beginnings or points and simples.
72.   Because there are so many different forms which make up your world there are therefore many different types of atoms – but all atoms are formed from the four basic finites spoken of above. Again based on the atom the proton decides the physical form derived – the neutron decides the mental consciousness and levels of life that will be given to each form – and the electron holds it all together in its own illusory sphere and completes the Circle of Life that is created – manifested – and duplicated in every case.  
73.   Every one of these points or simples – each of these finites – have their beginnings with conscious intent – and that conscious intent is You – or Self – in every case. Your Higher Self does the bidding or comes up with the original plan – and it is you who continue to manifest all the different parts of this plan by your constant change of state and mind on a physical level of your existence. Still – what you are not aware of is that you cannot ever change the plan or Circle of Life because of the original and pre- destines order of said plan.
74.   In other words, your likes and dislikes – your ruling lovers and affections are always changing based on the original plan – in a way that options or choices are always changing so as to guide you in one direction or another – and because the lower self is a perfect reflection of the Higher Self – you will often make the final choice which corresponds with the ruling loves and affections of Higher Self. When you do not however – choices will be repeated again and again if need be – until such time or season as you make the right or correct choice.
75.   An example would be that many of you are not pleased with the conditions of your outer and physical world today – or at this season – and you therefore often make choices in life that reflect your wishes – hopes – dreams – ruling loves – and affections you hold in life.
76.   Those of you who do not enjoy or find pleasure in war and violence are gradually moving out of this age old mindset or set of human principles – and coming up with many new ideas as to how you can rid your world of these things we call war and violence – and yet many of you are still making the same old mistakes and are just painting them with a prettier picture based on your present understanding of those principles always being shared with you from Higher Self. Yes, all higher principals are being shared with each of you – but not as often as you might wish – simply because you may not believe they are potential principles of your life at this day and season – and so you look on and move forward with lower expressions and principles which you do believe to be potential or possible.
77.   Each of you however must eventually come to a place in your lives where you come to remember and realize that you always get back what you put out in life – and to use war – violence – anger – vengeance – or any other negative principles that are being used on your world today to bring about wars – rumors of wars – violence – punishment – or causing harm and loss to another will only return to you those things – whether you think you want them or not.
78.   It is easy to say to one’s self “I do not want to eat meat because it can only be provided to me if someone kills an animal that provides said meat.” Those someone’s who are killing animals for you to be able to buy and eat meat are you. Every human on your world is just another version of you. Remember when we told you that every atom ever created – manifested – or duplicated on your world is achieved every time by the conscious intent that you always – in every new moment of your life – intend for your world. Sometimes you intend different states of consciousness or realities through a conscious state and sometimes it is through an unconscious state (represented through all your other selves on your world).
79.   For those who have eaten meat all their lives it is often very hard to give it up – and much easier to blame other humans for killing the animals that provide said meat to your dinner tables. Again when we allow for these circumstance in life we are allowing another to become our God. There will eventually come a time or season when you are presented the opportunity and the tools in life to become self-responsible – in a manner where you personally will begin to provide all things in life for your self – and as you become more knowledgeable of these things or this knowledge – you will find it to be easier and easier to fulfill many of your true wishes and intentions in life. But not yet for many of you!
80.   As you each continue to awaken to a higher or different way in life – to sustain your own lives – you will come to gradually receive the tools in life to achieve this complete self-responsibility we presently speak of. Still we remind you that if you wish for or intend peace on your world then you must personally become peace in your own house – home – and sphere of life.
81.   If you wish anything that appears new to you in life at this day, then you will have to become it – and stop wishing for it as if it is not already within your grasp. Do not depend on another to do things for you when you have the abilities to completely sustain your own life – and in many cases simply do not possess the knowledge that the tools to accomplish all things are right at the tip of your fingers.
82.   Eating meat is not bad – killing is not bad – war – anger – punishment – violence – and many other things on your world known by todays human to be bad are seen as bad because of the levels of consciousness used to reflect on such things. To everything there is a season – and it is up to each of you individually to gradually – from this point on – to choose your seasons correctly. If you live in a world where killing is never required – where war – violence – punishment – revenge – adultery – rape – and so on are no longer a part of your new found reality, then the season for these things may never be within your timeline and dimension – but truly their season continues in worlds and realities where the human understanding and levels of conscious evolution are at some of their lowest levels. If these humans who hold these levels of consciousness were to share your world – could you now say that you could respect their life and levels of understanding – and stand back and allow all the room needed for them to live their lives – and learn their lessons – all in their own seasons – according to their own personal Circle of Life?
83.   You each live in two different worlds and realities all the time – because of this thing we call blinking in and blinking out. One world you live in will continue to evolve to eternity – while the other will always depict or reflect on those lower levels of consciousness – those other selves that are you as well – as the children will forever continue to come into your life and world – and it is you who must gradually come to a place in your spiritual evolution where you can accept all things as different reflections of your self – at one level of your existence or another.
84.   You will always and forever have that quiet place you can go to and be completely at peace with yourself and your surroundings – but because you are an infinite being in truth All things must and will be forever presented to you and available to you – whenever you wish to experience or interact with them in life – no matter what level of consciousness you come to move to at any given season of your complete existence – on in to eternity.
85.   No – you do not ever get the opportunity to completely get rid of those things or people who are unwanted according to your ruling loves and affections taken on down the line in your spiritual evolution – but rather you must eventually come to terms with all things – all people – all other selves – and move forward knowing that you are It – you are all there is – and that will never change because just6 as your Higher Self has always existed in this state of existence – so too will each of you one day return to this state of existence.
86.   There is a representative part of you that has never had to evolve or come to live life in physicality and suffer all pains as well as enjoy all the pleasures – and that is your feminine counterpart. She exists in form – a most excellent form of consciousness – while the masculine on the other hand – exists as her many myriads of bodies and forms that give her existence all things she alone can never provide Self – because she is the life’s blood – and true origin of all things something. She is neutral – never moving – never changing – and never having to – and never being capable of - physically experiencing a world of pleasure and pain as we do.
87.   You never have to return to the feminine however because you never left her – as every bit of conscious knowing of Self with Her resides with and as each of you from and to eternity.
88.   The Feminine is All Somethings and Nothings based on consciousness – while the Masculine is All Somethings and Nothings based on unconsciousness.
89.   The world and reality you each reside in at this day and season in nothing more than a stepping stone along the path of evolution – and you each reside here based on the ruling loves and affections you represent in the spiritual realms as well as the Celestial realms. Some appear to you as higher while others appear to you as lower – which is why we often speak to you in these terms – while in all truth – according to all universal principles – there is no lower or higher – no inner or outer – no positive or negative – no sin or righteousness – no pleasure or pain – no light and no darn – and so on. All of these terms and conditions have been manifested – Created – duplicated – and re- duplicated again and again for the benefit of your spiritual evolution of the Masculine that makes up one part of two within you all.
90.   Your world is presently – and will forever be – made up of infants – children – adolescents – young adults – adults – and the elderly – from now to eternity. It must always be this way so the adults can continue to guide the children in life – while placing all the greater principles instilled in each of you – within the minds of those children. You each are guided by your lower principals in life – as well as your higher principles – and it is always up to each of you which set of principals you come to share with the little ones.
91.   Just as your Higher Selves choose higher principles to offer up to each of you in life so too must you all eventually evolve to this level of understanding – and cease in offering up to the little ones those principles in life that cause the children to continue to incarnate back into a world and reality where lower principles are still the norm – and many of life’s lessons which could have been avoided for your children were not – simply because of the past and present levels of your human condition in this day and season of your existence.
92.   You have not those things today that you require according to your original intentions – just as your children do not possess a knowing of higher principals because you did not share them when the opportunity was given each of you.  Because of those decisions you have come to bound your own selves in the limitations of time and space – and what could even now come to go by in the twinkling of an eye you have each caused to appear as a thousand years - and much more in many cases.
93.   As we have stated before many of you in this day and season continue to choose to put off or push away those who are dissimilar to yourselves in life – placing them in your prisons – ejecting them from your homes – evicting them from their own homes and homelands – simply for the prizes of war – for your own personal riches – pleasures – and power – while all along not even considering that there are many other solutions to finding happiness and contentment of life – while still sharing that happiness and contentment with those who are even seen as your enemies in life.
94.   You wrote the books –we wrote the books as well -  we set the lowest standard of principles we could get away with – while always putting our own fleshly desires before that of all others in life – and then we proceeded down a road to molding our children and grand children into becoming the devils we reflected on our world - simply because the flesh was so much more important than the human spirit and soul.
95.   We have moved on of course – but we do not forget the lessons we received throughout the many societies of our being – and so you too friends must experience those same lessons in life.
96.   Just as we wish for only the best for each of you so too must you truly come to provide the best principles and opportunities in life for your children and grandchildren. They are you and you are them – and what you instill in their minds as lifelong principles today they will instill into the minds of their little ones as well – if and when you guide them into becoming the best they can truly be based on human unity for a collective world made up of Self.
97.   Your punishments have never truly worked – and you have done nothing more than hinder the evolution of your own human spirits – and so to continue in these lifelong principles would be to hinder Self in the process. You do not move on while your children bring up the rears and fix things that you – and us included – have made a mess of. If we teach tradition rather than evolution – learning rather than knowing – and punishment rather than forgiveness, then they will do the same.
98.   Allow the children to make their mistakes while all along protecting them when you can – but do not punish them for not always thinking and choosing in a manner stipulated by you – because there are no set rules in life when it comes to the evolving human spirit. Yes, we say forgive – and we suggest not only forgiveness for the little children but for the aged children as well – for the lessons of life never end – but continue to be offered to us right up to the day we leave the physical plane. There are lessons in life and there are consequences for our many decisions – but consequences were never truly meant to be a form of punishment – as there are no wrong decisions in life – but only select options for all to choose from.
99.   You will each find that one day you can all live among one another no matter what your differences or ruling loves and affections – and the ones who will be leading the way and guiding all into a greater understanding of the many principles of human unity and Oneness were always there – and it just took us a little time – or a few seasons – to get it right. When you witness another representative self (another human) harming or causing loss to another representative self – just keep in mind that the one who is doing the damage is you – and it has simply been brought out into the light so that you personally can see the warring forces without that are a true reflection of the warring forces within you.

100.Your world is in constant change at this day and season – many minds are awakening to higher principles – including your self – but do not expect your other selves – other human beings – to advance or awaken at the same pace as yourself – for it has already been explained that they represent other representations of yourself. They each represent the same ruling love and affection as do you – but the difference is that they have each added different ruling loves and affections to their spiritual societies from within than you have – and this is why their many different understandings of things or principles in life are different from your own. You have been where they are now (or you will be where they are now) and you will one day be where we once were as well – as we will all endure and experience all of life’s lessons until such time or season as this grand Circle of Life we have created comes to its consummation or end.
101. Let us reflect on your world today and call to mind what the percentage of the human population of your present world reflects a collective group of humans who not only wish for peace and unity but are aggressively working at achieving this peace and unity for all equally on your world.
102. Now let us reflect on how they are going about achieving this peace and unity. If you were to be capable of calculating these numbers – what you would find is that the exact numbers of humans who are included in this collective group equal the collective spirits within your own being that have the same intentions and use the same principles and solutions for achieving this peace and unity throughout your world today.  
103. Again your outer reflected world is an exact replica of your true inner world and self. Therefore, if you do not agree with the solutions to your worldly problems or dilemmas on your outer world today then know that the ruling loves and levels of understanding in your outer world are the ruling loves truly guiding your present life – both inner and outer – and it is you – only you – who can change things to better work toward your most inner desires and intentions for changing things on your world today.
104. Yes you may wish for peace and unity – no war and no violence on your outer world – but have you achieved this in your own house and home? No! For if you had then you would have also achieved these things throughout the world around you. Do you have children at home – or innocent minds that look up to you or submit to your guidance in life – and do you order them around not allowing them to make their own choices in their everyday life? Do you punish them rather than allow them all the space they require in order to learn life’s lessons – while at the same time protecting them when or if they lean on you for their protection? Sometimes it is even proper to allow a small child minor pains and bruises so as to learn a greater or important lesson in life – while still looking out for their welfare – in case great harm or loss were about to come to them.
105. Do you believe in the death penalty or capital punishment? Do you practice these principles in any manner within your own house and home? Would you have an animal put down if it bit your child? Would you harm another animal if it bit your child? Yes there are moments of instant insanity – when we do not have time to think the situation out – and we may harm an animal or someone who is causing harm or loss to our children – but we speak of the inner human with each of you – who often does not get it at first – as the rational human mind usually is the first to react in such situations – and this is our lower human self – who is to be forgiven in life as well – for they know not the things they do in situations where they do not have proper reaction time.
106. What we speak of in this instance however is the inner human who has taken time to access a situation – and then make a judgment as to how to approach a situation in life. Would you then judge – react in violence or revenge – punish or have punished – the one who causes harm or loss to self or loved ones? Would you speak of war and violence toward your neighbors on the other side of your world or far off in the distance? These are things that must be considered at this day and season by each of you if you are ever to achieve world peace and unity – harmony and contentment of life for all equally.
107. Would you judge those who have offended you or taken advantage of you in life – causing you harm or loss – causing your friends or loved one harm or loss – or would you be capable of forgiving them and leave them to their own life’s lessons while you move forward and no longer apply their age old laws and principles of life to your own – and still do not seek or intend to offend them in this process by your new found revelations you have taken ion in life?
108. In other words – it is a given that there will forever be rulers and slave masters on your world. There will always be rumors of wars – and actual wars waged by those who still hold these life’s principles according to their understanding they continue to bring with them as they continuously incarnate into your world as the children and innocent minds that help to make up the complete you or Self.
109. Let it be known however that if you do indeed continue to change your life’s principles to mirror the higher principles we have spoken of here – you will come to see that even though these kinds of mindsets and actions taken by the children of your world are forever continued – you will not fall under their rules – laws – regulations and limits in life – as you will truly be of another dimension and timeline of your true Self – and even though you will be in the world you will no longer be of that world ever again.  Whereas in the beginning stages of your awakening process it may appear that those holding old principles and ways of life can still cause harm and loss to your being – you will soon come to realize that this is no longer the case.
110. Again if you live by the sword you will indeed die by the sword – but if you are not of the sword then it can have no effect on your life and person. From time to time you will still slip – during this process of regeneration – but it will eventually and gradually become easier for you to maintain your present timeline and dimension of life – rather than returning to the law – or the old principles of the child you once reflected as Self.
111. Do not judge lest ye be judged – do not conform lest you slip and fall into the trap of the strongman. Do not give and do not take – but rather share and receive according to the higher principles of a life that is soon to come your way. If someone has something you wish to have – do not concern yourself with such things in life – for in a very short while – with a single moment notice – you will be a new creature – a new human – a new ruling love and affection representing the life of all things equally. Those things in life that you come to want at any time are already yours – but they are yours based on the fact that you are all beings on your present world – and you are presently sharing according to season – and all things you like or love – all things often hoped for – will come your way as well – when it is the season for them to do so.
112. So you see no one is taking from you in life – no one is punishing you in life – and no one is really offending you in life but yourself. Sometimes it is your season to be offended and sometimes it is your season to become the offender – while all the rest of the now moment of your life are yours to use freely – given that many lessons have been concluded – and you get to reap the benefits of what you have sown in life – until another season comes your way. If you can no longer be offended by another in life, then you will still sometimes be chosen to become the offender. For in the minds of certain children if you simply forgive and go on your way – or pay no mind to certain principles of another – still they may come to be offended by your actions or non- action – and these lessons are put in place for those who require such lessons in life. Yes, you can provide a lesson to another self even when it is your intention to remain idle or neutral in life – has not your Higher Self done the same for you many times over?
113.Let us speak now on the subject of wealth or money – as this subject seems to come up quite often on your world today. Money and riches are no different than trinkets or treasures – no different than one wanting a new musical instrument or a new vehicle of travel. Some possess these things for show – some possess them for the protection they believe they require in life – and some possess them so they can have more than their neighbors at times. 
114. If you however come to live your life according to sharing and according to seasons then you would eventually come to understand that you were never meant to be left out in this grand calculation of life’s sustenance. No one was ever destined to become rich or poor but we have each given in to these different lifestyles always according to the lessons required to be learned in a certain season of the evolution of the human spirit.
115. You have because others have not – and you want because other are not in want. This is always based on the scales of your world that are always kept in balance according to opposites – and the scales are always meant to come back around so that the opposite becomes the case for all persons who populate your present world. Because you each appear to be living in a realm ruled by time and space – you base your life’s sustenance of the many limitations that are included in this grand illusion.  
116. There is no time and there is no space – there is only the here – there is only the now. What you have in life here – and now is in direct proportion and correspondence to the one who is your complete opposite on this present world you live in and on. Just as seasons are experienced in many ways on your world so too are the season of life and life’s sustenance applied in this same manner.  If you are rich and you are afraid of becoming poor – you will become poor – and in many cases this is by no means based on that thing you call money. At the same time if you are poor in life – based on your preoccupation or illusions about money – and you are hoping to one day become rich according to these same principles about money - again you will eventually become rich – and yet it may have little or nothing to do with this thing you call money. Riches often provide one with many of life’s lessons – as does living in what you call poverty - but neither of these conditions in life rely on the fact that one receive greater or lesser wealth in order to achieve one status or the other.
117. Some can be rich or poor based on their knowledge of life itself or creation itself – some can be rich or poor based on the number of friends or loved ones they can call their own in life – and some can be considered rich or poor because of greater or lesser conditions of health throughout their lives. It matters not what you place value on in life – as long as you truly find value in life itself – and live that life in moderation.  Therefore, it matters not if you are rich or you are poor in life – based on the amount of exchange or cash you hold in your bank account – as long as you can find contentment of life with all that you have been provided at one time or another – according to your overall life’s sustenance.
118. Everything each of you has or possesses in life today you have or possess so as to guide each of you in the direction you were predestined by Self to go in life. At the same time based on your level of contentment of life for each individual human being – your life is ordered so that all lessons pre- determined for you in this lifetime are received – and in the meanwhile each of you will come to terms with those life’s lessons.
119. If therefore you find yourself rich based on your bank account then you are rich at that level for an exact reason. If you are poor according to what you worth is in dollars or other increments of exchange, then that condition of life was predetermined for you as well. While we share this truth with you however we tell you that by no means does one’s life have to remain in said condition – and it could change at any given time or season – if lessons meant to be learned have been learned.
120. Again one may come to remain poor for his or her complete life on your world or one could remain rich as well for a lifetime – always depending on why you each have incarnated into your present world to begin with. The closer each of you come however to being content with your own life which has been ordered – while becoming the self-responsible human being you were destined to be – the less the lessons of life will be required – and you will be on your way to moving forward to the next phase of your existence. The more the lessons you each come to require from your present world the more you will continue to remain attached and truly limited by said world and reality. Once this present world no longer provides you with the lessons which are cause for your human advancement or evolution of the human spirit – the more you will each come to recognize that you no longer belong to this realm of your existence – and you are in the process of moving on.
121. Again you will never leave the world you see in front of you today when it comes to your physicality – but you will conform and evolve to another level of human consciousness – so that many things required in order to sustain your new life will be provided by yourself now – and they will no longer depend on the providence of the old world and reality – the old system of things or principles which once provided your life’s lessons.
122. You see even today as we speak these words to you all – there are human beings of your world who do not conform to the lower level principles of your world – and therefore they are kept separated from the lower levels of the human population. Some you would see as good loving human beings while others you would come to call Satan’s or devils. However, it matters not as one continues to evolve whether he or she is seen in someone’s eyes as good or evil – righteous or sinner, as these principles have nothing to do with an evolved and awakened human spirit. The true meaning of awakening to higher principles is to become self-responsible – self-sufficient – and self-guiding and regulating your own life without any longer choosing to represent or become the God or ruler of another human being ever again. To live in and share a world with all other representative selves no matter what one’s differences might be in life.
123.  If you therefore continue to intend on changing another human being – whether child or adult – the reality of higher principles is not yet at your door. You are no one else’s property – no one else is your property – you own nothing and everything which you own or possess can so very easily be taken from you for the same reasons as you believe you can take from another. You are no one else’s judge and jury – no one else’s responsibility or ruling master – no one else’s boss – leader – ruler – spiritual instructor – preacher – or God. You are not their angel and you are not their devil – you are not good for them and you are not bad for them – as they each hold these responsivities for themselves in life.
124. If you wish to help – aid- or guide another on your world be certain first that they have asked for or sought your help – aid – or guidance – and even then be careful of the thoughts – words- and actions you put into providing these things. Remember that you can harm or cause loss to another in life even when your intentions are most pure and innocent. Use proper discernment in every new experience or situation therefore.
125. Forgive those who have offended you in any way and freely accept forgiveness whenever it is offered up to you. Lose your expectations of others while allowing room for those who have certain dependences on you in life. Seek to maintain a soft heart for those who continue to wish to rule over you – your friends – or loved ones – and do not return ruling loves – affections – or lower principles when another is still stuck in old lower human principles which you too once were caught up in at one point or another in your life.  Do not loan from the abundance of your treasures but give freely when asked of you from your abundance – and you will never do without.
126. Be all things to all people in a manner that when a friend comes to cry in your presence – share their tears in a manner that will lift their spirits up. When a friends or enemy laughs in your presence laugh with them and never at them. If a neighbor is in mourning mourn with them and provide them only with the affections required according to your understanding which will lift their spirits.
127. Never let it come to a place of an eye for an eye. Never seek vengeance or justice – and never join in when the guilt of another is being established by another.
128. Never look down on friends – neighbors – or enemies alike – for when you do you are heaping hot coals on your own head – and you become the one of low places.
129. Always lift up and never pull down – and in the meanwhile you will have made a new friend.