Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Monday, December 31, 2012

The Oneness Society - Start creating anew!

The Oneness Society -   Start creating anew!

1)      You create a new soul group to descend into third dneisty reality to be born as a human child.

2)      When you descend into third dneisty reality (world stage or play) there are no set rules- no set laws – no set order- you are free to choose in life from the moment you are aware or conscious as a human soul.

3)      Because you are born in to third dneisty as an empty vessel you take on those beliefs and understandings and truths that are taught to you by those humans who surround you every moment and every day in your life.

4)      The reason you take on the beliefs- rules- laws- and understandings that you do is because you are taught to fear (apparent) pain; suffering; loss both mentally and physically; and the unknown in life. The humans who surround you in life help form those fears within your minds.

5)      And so if there are no set rules or laws in your life and world when you enter third dneisty reality no one has the inherent right to force any laws; rules; or beliefs on you from the moment of your birth. Parents however believe otherwise, as do your elders who have permission from your parents to teach and correct the human child whenever they deem it necessary (based on their beliefs alone) to do so.

6)      Because the human child cannot fend for himself or herself in life, given their size and knowledge base during childhood they have no choice but to submit at all times to their parents; elders; or guardians. This will forever be the case in third dneisty as the third dneisty human only knows and understands those things taught to them from past generations. Those in your world today who believe third dneisty will ever change when it comes to these little details are misinformed. The human child will always be submitted to the grown human beings in their life, as this is how third dneisty existence is designed even from the beginning, and it can be no other way.

7)      Every third dneisty human is the outer shell and life of every fifth dneisty ( sixth dneisty consciousness) human and can always draw their thoughts and affections in life from their higher self ( sixth dneisty consciousness or higher) simply by knowing they can do so in life. If however that third dneisty human has not yet awakened and come to remember who he or she is (God or the God Man) they cannot connect consciously to their higher self or consciousness, but can only connect to higher self unconsciously, in which case they cannot hold on to the knowledge they have recently received from higher self in life.

8)      Just because a third dneisty human has awakened and has come to remember he or she is (not a God but the one and only God) God does not mean he or she is a wonderful human soul living their life in unconditional love for all humans and souls. What it actually means is that he or she is now an awakened God and therefore remembers that he or she can create in life instantly and at will whenever he or she pleases, and can do so within the spectrums of both the heavens and the hells. In other words that soul comes to remember there never was and never will be again, any thing such as right or wrong; good or bad; positive or negative; light or dark, and so on in their new life and understanding. The only reason these things existed for the human (or God Man) in the first place is because that God Man created a living soul to represent himself or herself to descend into the lower third dneisty plane of life and existence so as to live the many different lessons and illusions that come along with the illusions of life and death for the lower human soul.

So you see every God Man is an evil and dark being known to many as Satan or the devil – and every God Man is a loving being of light known to most all humans as God; the Father; or the Lord. And of course the title of God is understood in your world by many different beliefs and religions, in which case there are many different terms or names used in your world for the higher beings they have come to know as God. Nonetheless every human soul or God Man past; present; or future is all things in life whether positive or negative (based on what the third dneisty human understands to be positive and negative; or of the light or the dark).

9)      Given that every human soul (every God Man) is both positive and negative – good and evil- of light and of the dark- is in conditional love or unconditional love for all other humans –is in service to self or in service to others - is all things and everything - just because every human soul and God Man is one of these or the other at one time or another in life does not give them any power or authority over any other human soul or God Man in life or death. No one has the right to come into your world (wherever and whenever that world is present) and go against the free will choices in life of any other human soul (or God Man). It does not mean he or she does not have the right either!

What it all means is that every human soul (or God Man) in reality is an androgynous being as their higher self (closest thing to their true self in the finite world and universe) and that they each therefore can choose to be in service to self and conditional love any time they please in life, or they can each choose to be in service to others and in unconditional love any time they please in life. They can also choose to be third the dneisty human any time they please in life or they can choose to be the fifth dneisty human any time they please in life.  For if an awakened fifth dneisty human soul (or God Man) wishes to enjoy the pleasures of physical sexual intercourse with another third dneisty human, that human soul (or God Man) must lower their vibration and again become the third dneisty human, as the third dneisty human cannot ever raise their vibration and have physical sexual intercourse as the fifth dneisty human (spiritual or light body).

Again what it all means is that when you come into the world and reality of third dneisty all bets are off (a third dneisty term). There are no set rules that third dneisty man has to abide by, given that every third dneisty human child is born as an empty shell as far as his or her mind and consciousness is concerned. Each of you takes form third dneisty existence exactly what you came into it with. Your consciousness! You actually learn nothing but simply remember what things you have forgotten, and you only remember based on the level of evolution of your human soul. And then one day your four seasons of life will have been complete and you come to fully awaken and remember who you are and what your purpose in existence actually is. You are who you have always been, and you have simply forgotten this.

So if you are born into your present third dneisty world (and all others actually) as an empty shell as far as your knowledge and consciousness goes who is it that told you that you can force laws; rules; orders; traditions; or standards on any other human being in life, including your own children when you later have them?  Are you there to help with the evolution of mankind or are you there to help him de- evolve? Who or what is it in life that tells you what is right or wrong in your present world and system? Is it you? Is it some other human being? Or is it some other group of human beings? No dear ones, each of you third dneisty humans feel the law is within you based on what you believe to be right and proper in life, and you come to force those beliefs and laws (not knowing what things you are doing) on other human beings throughout every generation of man. A man sees in his heart what is right and correct, but in the end it is death.

10)   There are no set laws- there are no set rules or standards- there is no right or wrong in life – no good or bad- positive or negative – light or dark, and so on. Every single separate human being   ( separation only exists within third dneisty life) is a law- is a ruling love- is the light- is the dark- is the positive or the negative- is the forgiveness or the punishment- and is the one or its opposite within himself or herself in all of existence; consciousness; and life to eternity. As long as you live in a world and system that teaches you different, and you come to believe different, you are still learning your lessons in life. You began your existence as a God Man in equilibrium –half way so to speak between all that is your ruling love and all that represents those opposites of your ruling love in life and consciousness.

Since you were even then an androgynous being, you were half the time in the negative polarity as far as your ruling love was concerned, and you were half the time in the positive polarity. The Masculine side of you could be in the one or the other whenever He pleased in life (consciousness) and the Female could do the same, as the ones wishes were and always will be opposite those wishes in life of the other. Each of you dear ones will one day return to this state of mind; life; and consciousness, once your evolution of the soul has been completed. For in the higher realms of consciousness ( where you are this God Man we just spoke of) the one opposite never gets to live among or with the other opposite in life or consciousness as they are always separate, but in third dneisty life and reality this is very possible and always the case. Only in third dneisty existence can good and evil; light and dark; right and wrong; positive and negative; love and hate, all appear to live together in life. But they do not do this in peace and harmony dear ones as it is all a part of the evolution of the human soul, in which case the peace and harmony comes when the human soul awakens and moves into their fifth dneisty life and form (sixth dneisty consciousness or higher) where they become the God Man once again, but now with a human body and form of the spiritual and inner man.

11)   So if there are no set rules; laws; or proper order that is presently or previously required of you third dneisty humans, what is holding you all back form seeking your freedom and sovereignty at this day dear ones? We will tell you! If you have not yet awakened to who you are, and if you have not come to realize that you are the higher self and God Man then you are still bound to the third dneisty illusion of laws; order; rules; punishment; and slavery. If it is your time to awaken (as this will be the case for all of you so very soon) don’t get comfortable as the train into fifth dneisty (sixth dneisty consciousness) is set to take off with you on it. Your world has already begun its ascension and shift in consciousness quite some time ago, and those of you who are not yet aware of this are simply not yet aware because you have a few details left to work out in your third dneisty experience.

12)   Because there are truly no set rules; order of society; laws; or punishments for that matter, in your world - you each have the ability and right in life to now do; think; say; and act in accordance with your heart at this day, and no longer live their illusion. Because you have been taught that there is right and wrong; good and evil; law breakers and those who abide by their laws, you have come to do so in life. Those days are gone and we are here dear ones to wake you up a bit in the direction of your true selves. As each of you awaken to your fifth dneisty selves (sixth dneisty consciousness) you will still be living and residing in third dneisty according to their illusion (yours too when you wish it that way) in which case you can now mold and create your new third dneisty life and world as you would see it unfold through your new found (or remembered) spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Yes dear ones you can now help repair; reshape; and give a whole new look to your third dneisty world, even though those third dneisty humans not yet awakened will not know where your new found wisdom and knowledge is coming from .

13)   Yes dear ones now it is you who can make the rules in your world based on what you see as right and wrong; good and bad; proper and improper. Just as was the case before however – if you cause loss or harm to other third dneisty humans these things will shape your outer world as well as your inner world, given that you will be bound by the laws of attraction, which by the way is a universal law of the human soul. If you therefore think you are stealing form another human or group of humans you will (equally) be stolen from as will in life. This will cause you to have to be your third dneisty self at the time, in which case you will feel the harm or loss as much as any other third dneisty human. If however you act as a mature and evolved human soul (or God Man) and you do not attempt to get involved in the life and choices of other human souls, the sky is the limit as to what you can create and experience in life, as your fifth dneisty self.

14)   So again where does this leave you all in your present third dneisty world today? You have those groups you blame for your shortcomings or losses in life known as the Cabal and Illuminati and you truly blame them for all the offenses they have committed toward you and those of your world. But you do not yet understand dear ones that what lessons one human is to learn in life is not your concern as you do not really know what things another human is still due to learn in life and what things they have already learned. This is part of the reason for our having to evolve as souls, so that we learn to mind our own business when we do not know or understand a thing in life. And now we will give an example form our service to self friends.

If a human uses a credit card and maxes it out all the time, and continues to use it getting deeper and deeper in debt he or she must learn this lesson about taking on debt that causes them to live life above their means and ability to pay by the system allowing them to go just as deep in debt as they choose to go.
If a human is always afraid they will get sick all the time and will not be able to afford a doctor or             hospital visit then they usually come to rely on health insurance or another human to pay their medical     bills, in which case they are always dependent on another part of the corrupt systems of your world.
Again if a certain human is use to a certain lifestyle and he or she cannot usually afford that lifestyle, the present systems of your world attempt to teach them that they should do whatever it takes in life to maintain that lifestyle they are use to. This causes them to go deep into debt- causes them to sometimes steal – to take on illegal practices (based on your world laws) and they will not stop until they get the things in life they seek and want. This is another lesson the human must endure and learn in life, simply because he or she is dependent on the system to provide them the things they want in life. Is it wrong to want things? No! It is the laws of your land and world which make up the rules that cause these things to appear wrong in the end. And so there is always more than a single lesson in every experience you are each to live in life every moment of every day. So who are you (or we) to interfere in the life and lessons of another human soul?
15)   So where are we going with this dear ones? We are explaining to each of you (on an individual basis) that you will not repair or change your third dneisty life; world; and system from within third dneisty consciousness or thinking. You cannot beat them at their own game, as they got where they are through force; rules; laws; created order; and the enslavement of your human population of your world. You need to fix your present world from within chaos - through no laws; rules; set order; principles; or system of slavery. You have just as much freedom to make the rules of the game as they do and as much as any single God ever to have existed from eternity. No God ever told you that you were ever lost or bound by any laws or rules except those Gods you gave your power and freedom over to freely in life. As we said the only true laws are those universal laws that teach each of you that your world is your world and you have no right as the One Creator God to go against the free will choosing in life of any other God ever to appear separate from yourself in life. And they only appear separate form you when they see themselves as the third dneisty human being.

If you want to lie – cheat- or steal in order to gain your freedom back then do so as long as you do not harm another single human or cause them any loss in the process.

If however you are afraid to act out in a manner we have just suggested we would then suggest to you that this is again third dneisty thinking, as you are again in fear of their laws. Just because we say to you to do as you wish to get your freedom back still we suggest you always act and think from your heart, and no longer your rational human consciousness and mind. You cannot act and think from your heart and cause loss or harm to another human soul, and so this is why we say to you that the sky is now the limit. The rules are gone and there is nothing stopping you any longer but you.

Remember that if you now at this day seek power or riches at the loss of another human being then you are in third dneisty consciousness and you will reap that which you sow in life. Would you kill; harm or cause loss of life or freedom to another human being in order to gain power or riches in your new life and world? If so then you are in service to self and third dneisty consciousness, in which case you will remain bound in third dneisty consciousness until you learn the lessons that go with such thinking. Get whatever you can or want in life as long as you do not use third dneisty thinking. And remember there are no longer any rules or laws as long as you remain one, and you do not affect the life and free will decisions of other third dneisty beings.

16)   Did you know that you whole third dneisty world is being changed presently simply by the collective consciousness of those outside of you – as they all reside within you as that same world. If you are thinking lower third dneisty thoughts you are presently creating your new third dneisty world. If you are thinking sixth dneisty thoughts you are presently creating your new fifth and sixth dneisty life and world. And all those souls who are doing the same are either Co- Creators with you as far as your third dneisty world is concerned, as well as your sixth dneisty world. Therefore the more human souls presently hoping for a world with no monetary system whatsoever the quicker and easier it is going to be for all of you (the collective consciousness) to create that world for yourselves. As far as your speaking and acting within your present third dneisty world, be careful what you teach and force on other young third dneisty souls (young and old in appearance) as they are your future.

17)   So will you kill to gain your freedom back? Will you kill to gain riches or power in your world? If so then this is third dneisty thinking and you will be kept in third dneisty for as long as it takes for you to learn the lessons that all go with your wanting to kill another living soul for your own benefit in life.  This would seriously go against that universal law of attraction and free will we spoke of earlier. If you were to kill and it was in order to regain your freedom, and your heart tells you that you are making the right choice then you are making the right choice. Do you follow dear ones? What third dneisty man sees as murder the higher self sees as third dneisty man gaining his freedom; and the higher self never takes murder lightly which is why the higher self does not know when a third dneisty human  kills for any reason. Remember dear ones that there are actually no rules in third dneisty any more than there are in fifth; sixth; or higher.

Would you steal in order to gain riches or power in your world? Again this is third dneisty thinking, and this makes you no better than the ones who did the same to you throughout your lives. If you took and it caused no one harm or loss then it would not however be stealing, given the fact that all things already belong to you. It is the belief that they do not already belong to you that causes you to use your third dneisty thinking dear ones, causing you to think you are therefore stealing.

Would you honor your father or mother of your third dneisty material world if he or she were causing you to do a thing in life that you knew was terribly wrong for you ( according to your heart), or went against the free will of another in life?  Well if you were an awakened human child you would not but would rather rebel against such orders every time. For the awakened child knows as well that the only set rules now in his or her life are his or her own set rules.

Would you lie in order to gain back your freedom – gain power and ruler ship- or gain riches? Again if you did so without causing loss or harm to another human soul then you are free to gain whatever you wish in life, but there is always a price to pay for wanting to rule over others in life, in which case you would only be able to rule from within third dneisty, as ruling is third dneisty thoughts; affections; and actions. The same would of course go for riches, as they too are thoughts; affections; and needs of the third dneisty human.

We would suggest to you dear ones that those of you who are in the habit of taking laws from your holy books ( such as the Ten Commandments of the holy bible) that you really rethink those laws, as they are each from the lower third dneisty thinking  alone.  God ( your higher self) never placed a single law on a single human soul that was to descend and make up your present world and system.

And now we leave you dear ones to ponder what we have told you this day.

We are the Oneness Society and we love to all unconditionally.

The Oneness Society - There are no more rules!

There are no more rules!  And the machines are prepared to take over!

There are no more rules.
There are no more laws.
There is no set order to any one society.
You are no longer a slave to the system.
There are no more rulers; no more law makers; no more law enforcers; and no set order to your world any longer, as you are free now to think; do; say; and live as you wish in life as long as you no longer infringe on the free will choices of others in life.  As long as you do not give when you are not asked to give, as long as you do not act until you are asked to act, and even then use unconditional love as your guide then you will be just fine.
When everyone of your world receives the forthcoming gifts of prosperity funds who is it that will do the work in your world to provide all the goods; services; and resources mankind will still need or require once no one wishes to work any longer dear ones? We have known for some time now that this question has weighed on the many awakening minds of your present world when pondering what to do when your world got to that point in their evolutionary process. For it is a truth that mankind cannot simply move from a society dependent on a monetary system to a society that no longer depends of money whatsoever, if it is to continue to sustain the everyday  life and needs of every human on your world. There has to be a transition from third dneisty life and consciousness just as there has to be a transition from a monetary system to a non – monetary system in with every world and reality about to make the changeover in consciousness.
The truth of the matter is that when everyone gets the large sums of money in your present  world and system everyone will become who they have wanted to be all their life, as financial abundance allows everyone to be who they truly are. Some will still wish to continue going out to work their jobs when these monies are delivered to them so as to still provide services for their society, but many will not. Very soon after the monetary packages are delivered to the people however (though they will not be a blessing to all human beings of your world), no longer will man have to work a required job, as every service; every resource; and every need in life for the continuance of everyday human life will then be met and provided by the machines and many newly discovered technologies of your world. It has always been this way at the transition dear ones. Still, as we said before in our past messages to you money does not make life more simple or bearable for all humans.
Therefore things will be more difficult for some during the transition in consciousness, while not so difficult at all for others. It will all depend on the level of heightened consciousness of each human soul in your world, based on the evolution of their soul. For some will be partially awakened to higher things while others will be almost fully awakened, and will have been waiting on the shift in consciousness for quite some time now.  Therefore the people of your world will now begin to believe that providing for their neighbor is what will get them into heaven, as many will only be partially awakened and will not truly know what the heightened levels in their consciousness is about to bring about in their worlds. They will begin to spread love throughout your world dear ones but will not quite get it when it comes to understanding their new found principles that are soon to come, which will teach them that it is actually unconditional love they are each seeking in life, instead of the conditional love they have been taught in your world and system, and are indeed about to understand once again the difference, after a long time being in sleep and forgetfulness.
The people of your present world dear ones are all waking up now, and they are waking up so quickly at this time that we must get these messages out just as quickly as possible, as they are all beginning to ask the right questions. At this point if the human being is to give and provide for his or her neighbor they are now providing for the whole or self in the process. For they will each and all begin to understand that every human soul you look at in life with your eyes of understanding (as well as your physical eyes because of your heightened levels of consciousness) is you and dwells within you as your world. It is acceptable to help and provide for your neighbor’s at this day therefore dear ones simply because they do not know or understand yet that they are each soon to remember how to provide for themselves.
Until then however things are going to get very difficult for some third dneisty human beings and families as the rulers of your world are going to take back everything they have been and are presently providing to the citizens of your present world so as to cause them to bow the knee and have your brothers and sisters in your world beg for their provided services and resources needed in order to continue sustaining their lives in the hours and days ahead. Because many still are not awakened in your world and society dear ones they still feel they need many of the things that your world leaders or rulers are presently providing them, and they do not yet understand what they will do without this continued providence. At the same time many are in fear of what they will be able to do if these services and resources needed to sustain their lives were all of a sudden cut off from everyone
Do not be too concerned however dear ones as we are here to tell you that everything has been planned in advance and the Rulers of your present world will not succeed in those things they are presently planning behind the scenes. There will be two scenarios unfolding soon in your world dear ones – one will be that certain souls will already be fully awakened and will not need the monetary aid of the providers already put in place - while those who do need the assistance in order to make the transition more comfortably will be provided plenty of aid in order to easily make that transition at the scheduled time. In other words those who are not quite at the threshold of their awakening – who are still to go in the shift in consciousness right along with all the others of your world, will be provided for until they begin to understand what is coming.
The reason for this dear ones is because we need to remove the level of fear in your world that many human souls still possess at this day, so as to raise the vibrational frequency of your planet high enough so as to make the shift in consciousness – and to make it according to its scheduled time. There are still many things you do not presently understand dear ones about the human being and what is involved in the life and consciousness of a single human being, and therefore soon we will have educated many within your world on these things, as everything will be provided right on schedule.  If we were to allow every soul of your world ( we are simply you in a heightened state of consciousness) to awaken quickly then those third dneisty humans left in your present third dneisty world would suffer immensely, as they are not going to awaken to higher things, and they are the ones who have to be spoon fed (so to speak) so that they will suffer from the  many changes much less than it could have been – given the fact that they do not know that money and technology are no longer needed in order to sustain their lives from this day forward. So again they will be provided those things they need in life to help them in the experience and changeover to the great shift in consciousness that is at your doorstep even now dear ones.  They will still be third dneisty humans when each of you becomes fifth dneisty humans, and they will continue to share a body and form with each of you, as it is you who appears to leave your present world, though in fact no one goes any place, and each of you will know this at the time.
It is true that we have permitted the situation to get to a point in your world dear ones where it truly looks dire for everyone, and many of your world are surely thinking everything is about to completely collapse, and that they are all about to lose everything they have in life. This must be permitted however as each of you is going to get back to basics and put away all the things that hold your frequency or vibrations so low that the human you each possess cannot yet make the shift in consciousness. When the vibrations of your planet as well as the people of your planet has reached equilibrium, the shift will occur and the illusion of losing everything will then be over, and everyone will then see much more clearly as to what is about to take place in your world now.
You as a human soul are a society dear ones and because of this some within that society (your thoughts and consciousness) will awaken and some will not, but all will indeed be there in the end to make up the life and consciousness of the God Man or Macrocosm that is now almost finished the shift to fifth dneisty (sixth dneisty consciousness). Therefore when all is said and done the God Man who is the fifth dneisty human based on his ruling loves in life, will be made up of human souls from third dneisty – fourth dneisty – fifth dneisty -  sixth dneisty – seventh density- and every other density above to the heights of all the densities. Therefore those who are going to make up your third dneisty souls dear ones will still be there in your present third dneisty world and consciousness living life according to what is given them. They do not know the things controlling and ruling their lives, keeping it always bound to a certain level of consciousness or order.
You could all leave that world now dear ones and remain in your fifth dneisty level of consciousness or reality, but it is you that chose to remain for just a while longer so as to bless them with the things they still believe they need in life just to exist or survive. You each are the ones who must forgive them now that you know where forgiveness lies - for they know not what things they do, nor do they know even what things they need in life – considering they have been led astray and lied to for so long by the rulers of their world. Once you all return to your home of fifth dneisty all third dneisty humans will then know (though the bleed through of your consciousness) that those things they once thought they needed in life are no longer needed as all things needed in life will be provided them from that day forward, as well as many things they want in life based on their level of consciousness from higher self or the God Man.
It is like this dear ones – those human souls who are presently awakened know what is what now simply because their lower consciousness is now One with their higher consciousness through their recently awakening.
The same will go for every human being in your present world once each of them awakens as well ,and this is very soon about to take place, and is already in process as we bring this message to you . Until these other human beings of your world in fact awaken however we will provide them things to make the shift in consciousness just a little bit easier. For those who fight it however they will have just a bit more trouble letting go of their present third dneisty reality. The third dneisty world and reality that is to come will be a different one than the one they presently live in at this day dear ones, as it will soon become even their lower levels of consciousness in life. In other words what was once your third dneisty life and reality will now become a lower state of life; consciousness; and existence for each of you, and you will all make one step up in consciousness to another level of third dneisty, while your past third dneisty world will still exist as potentials and possibilities for all of you to experience whenever you wish in life. Very few however will ever wish to return to such low states or levels of consciousness, given they now possess a higher level of consciousness and understanding.
We will leave you now dear ones to ponder on these things we have given you this day and hour. We will return with other things very shortly as time is running out in your world and you are all about to experience no time.
We are the Oneness Society and we love you all unconditionally.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Oneness Society - Battle of lost souls!

The Oneness Society –  The battle of lost souls!

Hello dear ones we are the Oneness Society and we come to you once again in hopes of clarifying at this day what things are about to take place in your world. Of course because we who come to you on a most regular basis at this day are of the societies in service to others and cannot therefore tell you of worldly things will once again join efforts with our opposite society in the spiritual realms at this time – that being your brothers and sisters of days gone by (future selves) who are in service to self and do not shy away from admitting it at this day and hour. But why would they come to you at this time and divulge their secrets to the world you presently reside in if in fact they still have some sort of hold on the citizens of your present third dneisty realms of existence? The reason dear ones is because they will have their hold on you no matter what, given the fact that you are who you are in this day and age, and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do in their present life to change that. Therefore if the Cabal and illuminati have a hold on you at this present day chances are you are headed for that timeline we speak of in your reality known as number two.
Still dear ones that is a term you have created for your own benefit and understanding at this day, and we are simply revealing it to you as was originally predetermined. Others created this term “timeline number two” far into our future when we were in your positions dear ones and now we return to do the same for you as was the original plan. We are here therefore to tell you all that if you are predetermined to move into timeline number two that this is the timeline or dimension you shall all move to in the very near future, or should we say in our present reality?  There is not a thing that we can do or say to you in order to cause your awakening and ascension, therefore causing many of you to make the shift in consciousness that is coming up on your world this day. Still it is only fair that we remind you all that even though you might be one of the many who is about to move on into the next cycle of third dneisty that you should not be in fear of what is to come.
The rulers of your world who go by the names of the Cabal and Illuminati are higher beings or souls who are not only in service to self and conditional love but in service to others and in unconditional love as well, whenever they choose to be one or the other in life. We realize we have mentioned these things to you in the past dear ones but it is a matter than needs to be explained to the masses time and time again at this day, given the fact that the hour is late. Again we mention that these rulers of your present world are souls who have ascended in consciousness so as to now be sixth density (and in some cases seventh and higher) souls and therefore live a life now where there are no more right or wrong decisions in their lives given the fact that they no longer live the illusions of separation and duality. Neither do they live the illusion of darkness and light; conditional and unconditional love; service to self and service to others; and any other illusion you can think of that exists in your present world.
These ascended human beings known as God Men or angels (for those of you who still hold to the illusion of such beings) can now go and do as they please in life and are not bound by any rules or laws within their reality except those which are known as universal laws– and so they are limited to their own reality no longer capable of entering into your own third dneisty plane of existence as this would be too low of a vibration to carry their present levels of consciousness. These beings or souls are benevolent as well as malevolent in nature as they can change states of consciousness whenever they please now in life. As far as what every single human being of your world can see and interact with at this day, and during every other generation of third dneisty human, they can only interact with third dneisty humans. Neither can Sto beings or human souls of any higher density interact with or cause problems for any third dneisty human being ever as they would not ever wish to do so given what things they know at the present day.
Now a sixth dneisty (or higher) Service to self being or human soul can interact with and cause problems for a third dneisty human in that they can always lower their vibration to their natural state of consciousness in which case they can have contact with their fourth dneisty counterpart who is in a Service to self state of mind and consciousness as well. We will attempt to explain so as to make our analogy a bit clearer dear ones.
Lets say our host Daniel is an awakened sixth dneisty human being ( God Man) and he is in his service to self state of mind presently rather than his service to others state of mind ( given he can choose to be one or the other at any time). Now depending on the human body and form he presently possesses he can choose to do harm to or cause loss for the human population or those around his person during the time he is connected to service to self affections, or spirits and souls. He can do so by the fact that he is an awakened human being (God Man) and can therefore think; speak; and act from within his present human body and form her is possessing. This way he has contact with third dneisty humans but they cannot have nay contact with him as they do not know he is a higher consciousness being at the time.  And so what is seen to be a third dneisty human causing them loss or harm in life is actually a sixth dneisty ( or higher) service to self human soul that can do whatever he or she pleases in life based on the universal laws of the God Man.
Of course this God Man also knows that while acting out in third dneisty the God Man has to lower his or her vibration for a short moment or period of time, just long enough to connect with their third dneisty body and form. For you first (as this service to self God Man) have to connect with the consciousness of your present fourth dneisty human consciousness (within your third dneisty body and form) so as to receive the thoughts from the higher being or soul (God Man) and then lower your vibration and consciousness so as to then interact with your other selves or other third dneisty humans. And the God Man also knows that as long as he or she is in third dneisty form (fourth dneisty consciousness) that he or she is bound by third dneisty laws or attraction. Therefore what he or she as a God Man were to permit to happen to another because of the thoughts or corresponding actions of their higher service to self consciousness, he or she would receive the same corresponding  harm or loss he or she caused another In third dneisty.
So what does this all mean dear ones?
Your world rulers known as the Cabal and Illuminati will not directly cause loss or harm to a single third dneisty human being. They will however provide riches and power to those third density -service to self human souls - so as to provide for them a way to rule the citizens of your present world without them actually getting involved in the affairs of a single third dneisty human being. In order for this to become possible these fourth dneisty human souls who are possessing these third dneisty human beings must be awakened souls so as to be in contact with their higher selves.  Have we not told you that there has always been God Men (or angels) walking around your world in all places of society. And these God Men are not always good - service to other – angels or God Men either.
So we state for the record dear ones that there are awakened human souls walking your world that are not responsible for the actions they carry out against the world population at this day as your war is never against flesh and blood. The war dear ones is against these angels (or God Men) of sixth dneisty spiritual societies (or higher) who are in fact the higher selves of those third dneisty human beings that are awakened within your world.  Because they are awakened dear ones, and also continue to provide offspring ( through royal bloodlines) in your world that can be educated toward their awakening or enlightenment as well ( through the process of them helping their children to remember  - as learning is the actual illusion) they need a world full of third dneisty human souls to be their slaves; workers; and providers for them in life while they hold on to the power and financial abundance of your present world and those worlds  in days gone by.
Because they are awakened or enlightened they know they are not to involve themselves in the lives of third dneisty human beings nor are they to interact with third dneisty humans as this would be detrimental at times to their health and well being in life.  They are to love unconditionally when they are in service to others and conditionally when they are in service to self. Either way they are safe in their practices in life as they are providing for the good of the one or whole in life by not interacting with third dneisty human beings ever.  Still we are not done dear ones, as there is more.
These awakened and enlightened - service to self - human souls connected to fourth dneisty consciousness (the mind of third dneisty human beings) knows they ( the fifth density human form possessing their third dneisty human form) can have no contact with third dneisty humans which is why they offer riches and power to other non – awakened third dneisty human beings who do not know the things of enlightenment, and do not care what things they have to do in life in order to gain riches and power over the citizens of the world. So these types of third dneisty un - awakened human beings always get the power and riches through the royal bloodlines they are in contact with through generation after generation of Cabal and Illuminati children or offspring.
 If these fifth dneisty God Men (enlightened human souls) were to offer power and riches to other third dneisty humans not awakened then these third dneisty humans would simply reap that which they sowed according to the laws of attraction. So these third dneisty human souls would simply learn their lessons in life like all other third dneisty souls and move on in ascension when their time comes in life. They are neither judged nor condemned for the wrongs they perpetrated against the human population of their world as third dneisty humans do not know who they truly are or what is truly right or wrong in life based on what things they have been taught throughout generation after generation of third dneisty man. Those sixth density God Men (enlightened and awakened human souls) would not suffer any consequences as there is no longer any right or wrong for them in life, and they did not have direct contact with third dneisty human beings.
Therefore dear ones third dneisty souls will move on to timeline two and live out their lives until their time of the awakening and enlightenment comes for each of them and the third dneisty enlightened and awakened human souls will go on to enter into the shift in consciousness, in which case they will each become sixth dneisty (or higher) God Men, and will therefore never be held or bound in a world of right or wrong, or opposites ever again. And we will all live together in harmony and unity of life to eternity, just as we have been doing since eternity.
Third density man will continue to live out their lives among sixth dneisty ( and higher)  enlightened God Men and the God Men will continue to either bless or curse third dneisty man, always depending on the state of life and consciousness of these God Men at any given time. But these God Men will never have direct contact with third dneisty man, nor can a higher sixth density ( and above) God Man ever cause loss or harm directly or indirectly to a third dneisty human being that has now come to his enlightenment and awakening, as he or she is now the enlightened God Man as well.  So who is your worst enemy when you are the un – awakened third dneisty human being dear ones? It is you alone! For what you reap in life is what you will sow and what things or affections you each come to attract toward yourself in life is the things you shall receive back to yourself every time. If you ar4e in good and loving affections in life then your vibration is too high to attract service to self human beings or souls that can harm you or cause loss to your being or self, and you are therefore safe every time. On the other hand if you are carrying low vibrations because of your thoughts; words; actions; or affections and ruling loves in life then you are leaving your sphere of protection completely open in fie, and allowing whatever chooses to come into your presence to come into your presence.
So we say to you dear ones to be careful in these last days, as the levels of energy are very high in your world and this causes evil to be ten times as bad, while at the same time it is causing good and loving affections to be ten times greater as well.  Each of you know what he or she represents now in your world and we say to you all dear ones that the days of decision are upon each of you – are you prepared?

We are the Oneness Society and we love you all unconditionally.