Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #53

When the student becomes the teacher!
Countdown to an evacuation #53

Just as human spirits enter into our physical dimension of mass and matter knowing absolutely nothing but things consisting of instinct ( born with unconscious actions and reactions) very little in known in a conscious manner - and what is known in a conscious manner is lost so very quickly - given that a human new born lives their every passing moment in the now moments until such time or season as mom and dad begin to lead them down a path into time and space.

What this means is that every human new born requires in life the education that is required of every physical human being upon their incarnation in to this present world and reality.Everything in said reality needs to be learned becasue those who take on the responsibility of rearing a new born human child have inherited this understanding form those who brought them up in this present world as well. Little does the physical human know that nothing really needs to be learned but simply experienced.

Yes - everything needs only to be experienced by every human entering into this present world and then everything would simply take it's course if it were not for the process of human intervention of an unconscious manner as well.Now some would say not in such an unconscious manner as that of a small child - but they would be incorrect - given that the adult human being knows very little in comparison to a new born entering into your world at this day - let alone in days gone by.

Some would indeed say that they are uneducated compared to others on your world today - while others would come to state that they are levels above the average human being because of the education provided them from humans who have previously entered your world - so who is correct - or is either correct for that matter? It all boils down to the fact that physical humans becasue of separation from the collective consciousness come to live their lives according to individual or separated levels of consciousness - and what this means is that physical humans believe that whatever knowing they possess - such knowing is all they will ever possess up to the day they exit their physical world in death - simply becasue they believe what is known must be learned - and so they never consider the fact that all is known in higher places of the human mind - and all that truly needs done is for one to remember.

But how does one come to remember? We will get to that later on - but let us continue with our subject for the moment.

When a human being is born into the physical realm all that they take on as assumed knowledge or understanding in life is always based on what another who came before them tells them to be actual truth or adult understanding.Such as the fact that a young human child of adolescent years would not in most cases know that when certain animals are born that they have to be severed from the mothers umbilical cord so that they can cease from taking their vital life sustenance from within the mother and begin taking such things from the outer world where the mother is of a physical nature and has taken on another form the infant has never seen before.

Many things in physical life are simply assumed that they have to be taught - at least as far as the levels of understanding go with physical humans becasue they do not know that every human is placed on this world in a situation where he or she can choose either to accept what others have experienced in life as their truths or they can move forward when they are capable of their own doing - in experiencing and taking on their own beliefs and levels of knowing from what they alone have experienced and remembered in life. However those who came before them - who have a limited level of conscious knowing do not allow this becasue they accept the positions of acting as Gods for all other Gods who enter into the world of physicality accepting these same lower levels of human understanding.

Now - there is a new generation of human being born into your world - and yet they are not of your world.This new human comes with the understanding that everything having to do with the present world they have entered into is wrong and out of place - and so rather than accepting said world as it is offered to them they choose to do away with all previous education provided by previous generations and start from scratch.This generation of human knows they much start from scratch because they know that whatever fruit is represented by physical manifestation comes to represent that foundation and root which gave it it's beginning - and what is responsible for the beginning of a thing is responsible for all things which come afterward - with all things forms from the root are in the image of of said root.

With that said your world was fashioned by a masculine God that was in separation from His feminine - simply becasue it had to be this way in order to form your world and reality. Without your world and reality there could never have been other worlds - other realities - and there could not in fact have ever been the spiritual and Celestial realms. And so it goes that all realms of existence were formed and fashioned in the same moment.It all had to take place in a single now moment - and yet it is taking place presently - now - even as we speak - once again.

Yes - what was in the beginning is now - and what will come was in the beginning - as there is no separation from that which was created and that which is to become created - given that there is no actual creation but only duplication of that which has always been.Each of you therefore is a Creator Source that can duplicate anything you wish simply by knowing you have the ability and resources to do so.Still you can never receive this knowing from being provided an education from human beings in a world where knowing is so very limited becasue human kind still believes all things must be learned through the teachings of those who were infested with a virus to begin with.

We say human kind has been infected with a virus becasue that which is the natural state of human collective consciousness is not natural for the human who is not connected to the collective consciousness - and while the human is disconnected he or she is assumed to be healthy and normal when in fact he or she is the invading and unhealthy virus becasue one is not considered normal if one is different.Within the collective consciousness all are different and yet all are service as their part - use- or purpose toward the Collective One - the Whole Body of Self.

So in your world to be different is abnormal while in our world to be different is normal and is not separation - nor does it ever require separation. In your world a virus is killed off while in our world it is brought into equilibrium where there is an agreement reached between the body and the one that did not wish to become a part of the body in days gone by.In your world human beings must conform to the rules and laws of the strongman or the ruling powers - while in our world all are in complete agreement to provide use and purpose in a way that perfect unity of the body is not only achieved but maintained as well.

In a world where separation exists rulers and slaves exist. In a world where sickness and disease are made possible and probable the invading virus is often covered up or hidden for the benefit of the ruling powers of your world. In our world there never has to be a virus because there is no separation of one form the other and all are welcome to be or become One with the Body.There is no sickness and disease in our world becasue everything is in it's space and place - and perfect unity of the body is maintained for the good and benefit of all.

Countdown to an evacuation #54

Can't mix old wine with new wine!

Countdown to an evacuation #54

We all pretty much know the world has "gone to hell in a hand basket," so to speak and that things need to change in a drastic way in order to have any positive hope for our children and grandchildren - and their futures as well. Still we have to ask ourselves - how long will we wait on the rest of the world to change in a manner we wish it to change when individual human words and actions do very little to change the collective overall representative principles we find to actually represent this present world today?

Your individual personal expressions and opinions may have some effect on the principles your own city or society comes to live on an every day basis but what do they really accomplish when it comes to changing the life and principles of those clear across the world- or in another state even? One well known universal principles - at least known by the awakened folks - which guides our changing world today is the principles that the inner human and consciousness changes the collective of the inner as well as the outer - but the outer physical expression of ourselves changes only the outer - and only according to those we come into contact with or interact with on one level or another.

The way it works is when one goes within where the collective consciousness truly exists and is not divided or separated in any way all levels of consciousness and all conscious minds which make up the outer collective world are in there living as One. Out here in the physical world those conscious minds do not all live together or even share consciousness as this is truly the plane where all things appear to be separated - a place where individual human consciousness is expressed separate from all other individual levels of human consciousness.

You see in the spiritual world all consciousness is lived as One consciousness and it is only given the appearance of separation when one moves into physical forms of mass and matter. The lower spiritual forms or societies believe based on their lower levels of consciousness they have privy to that they are human beings with individual levels of consciousness providing life to some human host - while the higher forms of the collective consciousness know they are not separated and do indeed share all things - all conscious thought patterns with every level of consciousness from within as well as without - even though those without do not have knowledge of this in their present levels of lower consciousness.

What this all means is that the inner higher levels of the collective consciousness can guide every human which is prepared to be guided to higher levels of consciousness which can allow them to make changes in their outer world - but those changes cannot be carried out in an outer physical and material fashion because the outer physical human lives their life in service to self and every choice they make in life is a choice which makes them feel good or achieve contentment of heart and mind - for the human individual. This is not the case for an awakened human who is now receiving their guidance in life from the inner collective Self.

Remember that all guidance coming from the inner human - whether of a masculine or a feminine nature is still guiding the lower human toward the collective consciousness even though in the beginning stages of one's awakening much of this guidance will still appear as if it were in the form of more service to self-guidance - but this is just graduating the human consciousness from one lower level of understanding to other lower levels of understanding - still higher than before - and still moving in a direction of service to others. The lower outer physical human cannot share in this collective understanding simply because he or she does not know from higher collective knowing what is best or more beneficial for the collective human population of their world.

This human host who writes these words here can most easily go out into the world and try and change something in a manner that will agree with his set of principles which he might believe to make the world a better place for all - but still he is basing this assumption on his set of life's principles and not those of any other human being according to their hearts and their set of life's principles. Even if to - three - or many more humans got together and went out into the world to make changes - and they had many riches to make their changes possible - still their changes would be based on the guiding and life principles of their collective group - and this would not include the principles of many other humans on your world who may have completely different principles in life as to how society and the world around them should reflect in everyone else's eyes throughout the world.

Now many folks could stand back and say "well we may not make the world perfect all at once but at least we would make it a little better for now." Still this statement would be based on what one individual or one collective group considered to be better for the whole world and still this would not include all opinions and all individual uses and purposes toward the overall outcome of these individualized changes. One of the greatest downfalls of our world today - as in worlds of long ago - is that human society has permitted the majority to make the laws and regulations for a whole collective society based on the opinions of those who do not even know or often consider the opinions of others not even included in the decision p[process.

Another issue here is that human beings have come into your world and have chosen to assume ownership and possession of the resources of your world - whether natural or made by the hands of humans - and have forced their beliefs and opinions as to how a world should be ruled or guided even - based on the limited principles and opinions held by those humans who possess such low human conditions and principles - and they get away with it every time simply because you have allowed this to go on for all so long. Granted human beings have not known how to get out of this Matrix they have been placed in by those who have forced their will on the weaker of the species - but that day is coming to it's end as new and higher guidance is now here for the taking.

Those who are prepared to receive this higher guidance will create new worlds for themselves - while those who do not are simply not yet prepared to move on - and they are still bound by present masculine forces giving continued abilities in your present world so as to carry out all the many actions of the strongman. In order for certain humans to move on at this day therefore these masculine forces can no longer be fed by their continued lower human energies and principles - and so new energies - new principles are here to take the place of old and outdated thinking.

You do not let go of one thing however because you are attracted to it and continue to be dependent on it because of other traditions and habits in life. Ruler ship and force breed more energies and spirits of same into one's consciousness that cause him or her to wish to take from others - to covet what is another's - and to maintain a constant process of gaining more and more in life over and above what others have in their possession. In order for one to maintain a constant collection of trinkets and treasures in life the masculine nature of these humans causes them to enact the ownership and possession state of mind and human principles - and they use these principles in life so as to continue what has provided their purpose - their ruling loves and affections throughout their lifetimes.

Now because now all masculine nature'd human beings wish to be seen for what they truly reflect on our world they also have another tool to cause it to sometimes appear that they do not wish to possess more than other unfairly or unjustly - and therefore the idea of exchange comes into play - so that ownership and possession is done in a lawful manner - which is supposed to be fair to all other humans in a world where all things are really done for the good and benefit of self. For those who do not play any part of King or Queen - President or ruling bodies of the governing powers forms of exchange allow all human being who are fortunate enough to gain access to necessary funds - they too can own and possess on your world - and without having to play those parts that cause them to be hated or mistrusted by the collective human societies that are under their powers of ruler ship.

You live in a world where separation allows for all things to come to those who are stronger or possess greater weapons for force - while those who do not possess these characters or tools in life are left to become poor - sick and diseased - homeless - uneducated - unlawful - or dying citizens. You live in a world where one who possesses some form of riches can be guilty of mankind's laws and still come to be judged as innocent - while the poor stand by and bare the brunt and are found guilty quite often because of lack of funds to bribe their witness or defender.

You live in a world where bad is often seen as good - when in fact it is all good for the benefactor and bad only for the one being oppressed. Children are not being conditioned to continue as evolving human minds but rather as mind erased slaves and organic worker bees. Because the average human being live's a life set in principles based on a system or set of systems that will only benefit in the end those who rule your world - and who hold the keys to their financial and political abundance human kind is doomed to repeat these systems for as long as they hold on to any one part of them that still seems pleasant to their life time principles of all that is good and true.

Now wherein all of this information we have provided you may appear to be bad or negative - it need not be seen in this manner for those who know everything is wrong with the present systems and principles of this world you live in today - and truly know that the solutions to all of human kinds problems today are found within the minds of each individual human being today - in which case you each hold the abilities to change it all by changing the system or systems of your present world. Keep in mind however that you cannot connect with the collective consciousness that can fix it all by forming groups or collectives of other physical human beings - but must rather go within where all things new are to be found.

This present world of yours is rotten - it is spoiled - and it's time is up - as it no longer can be used to provide use - purpose - or life giving sustenance for the present human collective body. Neither can any part of it be used to create anything new because it is all rotten - rotten to its core even - and we must begin all things new starting with a completely new root system - a new foundation if you will - in a manner that every human that is prepared to move forward must also be prepared for their world to be turned upside down. The only principles that will move forward with human kind are those principles that were there when you were a small baby coming into this world - and that is it.

So we say to you in this present moment - be prepared to become as a small child - and receive your life's principles as a small child - because the adults have all been poisoned so to speak - and anything they have to offer you in how to live your life from this day forward will be taken as if from old wine - while all things which will be received anew will be as if one has taken another drink of new wine. Do not add your new wine to the old wine - for the wine containers will burst and what you thought you all of a sudden possessed as higher knowing will become as nothing - and all will be lost. 

Countdown to an evacuation #55

To know is to create!

Countdown to an evacuation #55

How we can create instantly when it is normally seen as creating in our season on our present plane of time and space.

Well the hard way to come to a knowing that it is indeed possible to create ( or re- duplicate) ones reality is to jump off of a mountain and know that you will not hit the ground - but will rather grow wings and fly safely to the ground. I say this is the hard way but it can work for anyone who has the nerve to put it to the test - and have enough faith or trust in one's self to possess a knowing equivalent to the knowing required in order to make this scenario a true possibility. My Higher Self does not however suggest we go about it in this manner.

Everything we intend in life is a reality duplicated in one timeline and dimension or another - and it is often not created or duplicated in your present timeline and dimension becasue you do not know it as a potential and possibility for your present timeline and dimension - your frequency and vibration one could also say.You see in order to know something to be truth you need first to become that truth - as one can manifest a whole range of realities that can cover one's scope of vision simply by becoming that reality in all of it's forms and details made up of all it's many forms.

You do not only duplicate single forms at the drop of a hat in your everyday life but you duplicate many forms making up many different scenes so to speak - as if they were making up a play according to your present intentions and will for if to become manifest. Again we state that there are many forms - many scenes to the play that one cannot manifest or duplicate in life simply because he or she does not know them to be potential or possible presently.

As one therefore begins to awaken according to the higher human consciousness new levels of knowing are provided of - from - through - for - and because of Higher Self - and that Higher Self is you because there is not a single reality your Higher Self cannot manifest within it's present reality within the spiritual and Celestial realms of consciousness - and all things intended or supposed by Higher Self are manifested in their forms according to the density of consciousness and the vibration and frequency that is in correspondence to said manifestations or duplication of realities.

What is duplicated above is duplicated below - and what is manifested within is manifested without. The fact that many things you have each come to imagine in life have not come to fruition thus far - or have not come to manifest in and on your present plane of physicality does not mean they were not created - duplicated- and manifested on one plane of your existence or another. What is created or duplicated from higher planes of consciousness in your human minds - being of greater vibrations or frequencies - is created - duplicated- and manifested in the vibrational frequency in which they belong according to their exact frequency and vibration.

It is easy for our host to imagine and even intend for a unicorn to manifest itself in the vibrational spectrum in which he resides - but this does not mean that the unicorn will materialize nonetheless. To believe a thing is possible is one thing but to know it is possible is altogether another anomaly we have not been privy to in our present lifetimes and reality. It is like this - when you as Higher Self come to a place in your consciousness and season that you know your lower self is ready and prepared to receive certain points or intentions as fact then the Higher Self will move forward in entering into the world of spirits so as to interact with it's lower self within a place of equilibrium - as this is the only place the higher can interact with it's lower.

How this process works is that the lower self moves into what is known as the nothingness while the Higher Self takes the place of the conscious mind of the human host - and immediately the human host becomes the Higher Self - for a time or season.and provides those higher principles sought out by the human host through lower self.However the lower self does not do this of his or her own doing in so much as the lower self actually becomes Higher Self before he or she even knows it has happened.

Whenever the lower human seeks higher understanding or higher knowing that he or she does not presently possess one must in fact become the Higher Self before any thing can be shared that is of a Higher nature or is representative of higher principles in life. And so it is that the lower human mind cannot duplicate higher things or realities but must in fact release the human host from lower thought patterns and allow permission for the Higher Self to possess the human host.

Therefore if the human host were to think of a unicorn - and proceed to manifest or duplicate the form and life functions of a unicorn he or she would first have to become the Higher Self in consciousness - that is unless unicorns are already a part of one;s present reality and world. So you see whenever something new is imagined or intended by a human being on your present world he or she must receive and possess higher levels of knowing than is presently available to the human host - in order to manifest certain forms or realities in a world where these things have never before existed.

Why you may ask?

Because you are creating or duplicating for you - and only you - and in order for new creations to become manifested in the collective world of human beings that make up your whole planet the unicorn we speak of would have to also be known by others to be a potential and possible thing to be duplicated in and on your world - before it can be manifested for all the population or any other human to see.The world that is manifest in front of you today is there becasue you have been conditioned to see that world and all the parts and details that come together to make up that world - and even then all the parts and pieces making up said world have to consistently be re- created or duplicated by you in order to continue to reflect the world you believe to be your own. Other's cannot create your world for you as they can only offer ideas and potentials and possibilities of what kind of world you or they can possibly create and duplicate - but in the end it is you that holds the different levels of knowing as to what can be duplicated by you - and within your present plane of reality.

Now everything making up your present world will indeed remain until you recreate it to appear different - whether thorough outer lower physical means or the inner knowing that you can in fact manifest your world to appear differently at nay given time. Think of the human consciousness as a photographic consciousness - one that can perfectly reduplicate every reality you have ever seen - just as soon as you enter into the frequency and vibration that all things are held in perfect memory. Again all things will remain right up to a single blade of grass - until you come to reflect on that single blade of grass and choose to change it's appearance or get rid of it's presence all together.

Again - all creation - or what is better known as duplication - is done by each of you through the processes of knowing - and nothing else.You all hold every level of consciousness and you all have the ability to manifest and duplicate anything in life you wish - just as long as you know that you created forms and realities are true potentials and possibilities within your own mind and collective consciousness. It matters not if others do not believe in what you come to duplicate and create just as long as you know they are potentials and possibilities - and that you intend to manifest them as your present reality.

Therefore for the newly awakening human mind things will start off little so as to allow one to come to terms with their new found abilities - and as one comes to grow in consciousness - and Higher Self is visited more and more often - gradually the human host is made aware of all his or her abilities through trial and error - one new lesson after another. Throughout one's process of awakening therefore many intentions and manifestations will be sent off to other timelines and dimensions - until such time or season as the human host comes to trust Higher Self and it's abilities - at which time more and more knowing - and more and more manifestation will become possible for the human host.

Still we must remind each of you that in this process of your awakening you must often test the spirits and try out your new found abilities so as to gain more and more trust in Higher Self -as this is a new relationship - and is one that must be entered into with ease and with much responsibility in one's life.The knowing will come - but it must come freely and not forced - as one cannot force Higher Self to share anything that the lower human host is not prepared for in his or her season to receive in life.

You must come to let go of old practices and habits so as to take on new practices and principles - and never allow yourself to again take on habits in life - given that all things are to be done in moderation.Remember that you have to match frequencies and vibrations in order to manifest the new - and you cannot manifest new things through old principles.Old principles will continue to manifest old thought forms and realities that you have all witnessed for so very long - and the life and reality you are each about to move into is one of all things new - which again require all new frequencies and vibrations for the human host.

We once again remind you that you each come with your own original ruling loves and affections - and in life all frequencies and vibrations which are in line with your true ruling loves and affections are to be maintained and used over and over again - but first you mush each come to know Self - so that you truly know which frequencies and vibrations are your own - and not those provided you by a world gone mad in days gone by.Many principles of your present world are not your own - and have been received by you willingly throughout your human lives - and it is not time to shed yourself of those lower frequencies and vibrations - to clean house - and to return to your true selves - so that you can begin a new life of manifesting all things new - according to your new Self - even though you are an old spirit and soul.

And so we leave you with these things to reflect on in a time when much reflection is truly required.

Countdown to an evacuation #56

A child of God is nothing more than a slave of old!

A child of God is nothing more than a slave of old!

Countdown to an evacuation #56

The Higher Self can either Be a God on a Higher scale of consciousness or it can stand passive and inactive and allow each of us to play a God on a lower scale of consciousness. The Higher Self is indeed both masculine and feminine in nature and because of this the Higher Self can choose to rule it's Kingdom from within ( in agreement with it's feminine counterpart) or it can choose to leave a place of equilibrium with it's feminine counterpart and return to being that lower self that resides in the material and physical realms of flesh.

The Higher Self does not become a God on it's own but rather the lower selves who make up the collective society of Higher Self provide Higher Self the abilities and principles in order to play the God. In other words if you pray to your Higher Self - the one you do not see - hear - or truly know - then you give power to Higher Self over your lower self - and Higher Self becomes the God you seek in life.Higher Self cannot provide you those things in life you do not seek or attract - or those things you do not draw on in life becasue of your limited knowing and understanding of Higher Principles.

When you seek another outer source in life to provide certain things for you in life you put someone or some thing on a pedestal making them your God - and the more you go to them for sustenance or to fix things in life for yourself the more they become your God. It has always been this way and it will never change no matter how high up you go on the spiritual evolutionary scale of life. There truly is no God above any of us in this world or any other world or sphere of existence - and the only thing you will ever find to be over and above yourself is your own Higher Self - and said Higher Self is there to provide you things in life that you seek based on your ruling loves and affections that originate within your being.

The fact that Higher Self provides you things in life however does not actually mean that Higher Self is truly over and above your lower self given the fact that you cannot receive anything form Higher Self until you actually become Higher Self. So in other words your Higher Self is there waiting on you to become Higher Self so that ti can share with you all things it possesses as far as knowing and understanding go - and in order to receive all higher knowing and understanding you need only become it.

Because this is truly the case Higher Self cannot provide to the lower self anything in life in all actuality but instead the lower self must return to the nothingness that is it's true origin while simultaneously becoming the Higher Self and living life in those moments as Higher Self - therefore reflecting higher human principles than one was reflecting or living previously. The lower can never actually become the higher becasue the human lives their life on every level of consciousness ever known to humanity and for one to reside in one density or level of life and consciousness one has to leave another - as the two - no two levels of consciousness can ever be lived simultaneously.

Every level of consciousness is a frequency in and on our world - wherein it is a higher frequency and vibration in the spiritual world or for the inner human.Therefore the frequency you each hold in life in the physical realms is the deciding factor as to what things will come your way in life - based on that frequency and vibrational levels of energetic patterns.As long as you hold a certain vibration therefore you cannot receive things from other vibrations or frequencies - and given that it would appear one vibration and frequency is either higher or lower than another - no two vibrations or frequencies can ever be lived simultaneously - and this therefore provides in life than no human can become Higher Self while he or she is living life as the lower self on one level of vibrations or another.

So within your world and plane of lower human existence when the human goes to some outer source to seek repair of their life in one manner or another what they really seek is to make another their God becasue they cannot figure out or understand how to fix their many problems in life - and they do this becasue they do not understand that they cannot have things of other frequencies or vibrations that they are not presently prepared to become.They do not yet understand that you cannot experience things of a certain vibration and frequency until they first become that vibration and frequency in their every day life - though it need be only for short periods of time in and on our present world.

You cannot be a Creator in other words unless you first come to know that you are the Creator.You cannot love someone lest you first become love - and do not forget that love is not judgmental or punishing - it is not offended - it is not jealous - it does not keep record of wrongs - and it does not worship anything higher tan itself - becasue it cares not for position.

One cannot live life in evil nor can one experience evil thoughts - words - deeds or evil actions of another unless one is living the vibration of evil him or her self. No matter how much one comes to believe he or she is not in evil affections or vibrations in life he or she is indeed holding evil affections and vibrations if anyone comes to witness a reality of evil happenings. So why do we look up into the sky and pray to some supposed God to release us from our evil experiences in life? Why do we depend on some outer invisible Source to take form our reality and presences those things that do not give us pleasure - or do not provide pleasure to the one's we like and love in life?

Do you not know that if you are in the presences of another human who is in evil or negative situations that you too are sharing those same evil and negative vibrations and frequencies - and you therefore will experience those same situations - whether you are the receiver or the witness to such situations in life. You are your God ( or Higher Self) in life and you are no one else's God or Higher Self unless they allow you to become their God or Higher Self through the decisions they make in life. You cannot force your God ship on another in life - you cannot coerce other to allow you to be their God - unless they submit to your thoughts - words- or actions and give in so as to allow you the opportunity each time to become their god or Higher Self.

As much as many humans do not wish to believe it - no one can force evil on another human - or any other negative vibrations and frequencies - unless first the other human enter into one's own vibrations and frequencies - and then all that is witnessed by the one can be witnessed by the other - and both parties can then choose to interact within said vibration and frequency accordingly. In order to never be caught up in one's lower level vibrations and frequencies all one truly need to do is choose not to accept or attract the same lower vibrations and frequencies another is residing in - and if they are not accepted by self the other can do no harm and cause no loss to you - just as long as you do not allow yourself to enter into the same or similar vibrations and frequencies of life.

Because we are the lower self more often that the Higher Self in life we trend to hold on to lower levels of understanding and knowing - even thought higher principles have been shared with us when we became Higher Self at one time or another in our every day life. Because of this situation we often find ourselves living in fear and doubt of those things we hold understanding to as no longer being those things we need to continue to fear and doubt.We continue in our everyday lives to fear the law - to fear punishments from the law - we fear other people who may hold grudges against us - we fear things form our past as well as things to come in our future.

We tell you this becasue as long as you place your conscious mind in vibrations of fear and doubt all those things that previously provided the fear and doubt will continue to move into your sphere of life - and you will continue to witness harm and loss which comes from these sources - simply because you once again matched their frequencies and vibrations. There does not have to be some magical God in the sky to fix these things for you in life therefore as each of you possess the tools and the knowing in life to sort all of these things out on your own - and to put all things back into their proper place based on your true ruling loves and affections you originally brought into this present world of yours

Can you now see how and why each of you come to live a life and move into certain vibrations and frequencies - which choose the timeline or dimension of life you will presently hold - and when choosing a certain timeline or dimension - frequency or vibration - you either maintain old vibrations frequencies - timelines and dimensions - or you choose to move on to new ones.So let's say you choose freely to maintain old frequencies and vibrations and you therefore bring into your sphere of life those rulers and principalities and powers which presently reside in and on your world - within your vibrations and frequencies that satisfy you becasue they are still common to you?

If you previously lived in and on a reality where fear and anger - doubt and one offense after another has always been a part of your life - and you choose to remain angry at certain humans or groups of humans becasue of their previous offenses toward you or the collective world around you then you are simply re- duplicating the sane vibration and frequency that held your world in calamity and confusion before.You cannot remove offenses or negative actions carried out toward yourself and others in life by returning back toward said sources anger and hatred or nay kind - as you merely maintain the same vibration and frequency that they have maintained as well for such a long duration on your world.

The lower human does not and will not understand these things becasue he or she knows of no higher levels of understanding or principles which will allow themselves to move to higher vibrations and frequencies in order to move out of such a world and reality.The lower human knows only to fight against any force in their world that is causing harm or loss to themselves as well as others. This friends is why it has been the appearance for such a long collective of seasons for the human being to worship and pray to some God they do not know - see - or hear from - simply becasue they have known no other way to work out their own problems in life - and so we offer a way to those prepared to receive what is being said here this day and season.

In a world where the human is never protected from the strongman - never separated from a reality of fear and doubt - as well as constant punishment - the human has never found his or her way out of this world or Matrix of separation and slavery because he or she was not prepared for the time when all things would be revealed - and true relief could then be found in a world where human kind has had little hope for such a long duration in a place better known as hell.

You do not have to be a scientist to know of such things as vibration and frequency - you do not have to be a spiritual guru - and you do not even have to be an educated human being in order to receive these higher levels of understanding that all possess today even - for you need only stretch your rational minds beyond the limitations of all that is logical and transparent on your world - and know that all and everything is backwards which you have been taught - and what you are soon to receive need not be taught as it is yours for the taking - when you are prepared - and at a time or season when you truly know that something is really wrong with your world - and it can never be repaired as long as we continue to use tools - systems - and principles that have never worked for even thousands upon thousands of years on your world - and have only now been prepared for each of you in your season.

Countdown to an evacuation #57

The more you let go of the more you will speed up ---
Countdown to an evacuation #57

In our last transmission we were speaking of timelines and dimensions - and why you are each in the present timeline and dimension you now reside in and on.

Just as every human has access to each and every potential and possible reality through the grand warehouse of somethings he or she has access to through their different levels of knowing and understanding of their true Selves - he and she also has access to all nothings - and without this access one could not live the many illusions in life of change - motion - and shades of grey found within the sphere of light and darkness. We realize many of you do not place much importance on the darkness at this day but we urge you all to reconsider that the darkness is just as important to you as is the light.

Have you ever truly wondered how the many illusions of change come about in your everyday life? Have you ever wondered how the illusion of motion came to be in a world where nothing truly moves - and nothing actually changes but the frequency of your many personal vibrations - including the vibrations of all forms which make up your present illusory world. Many of you have a good idea of how fast a minute can pass by - and many of you know how fast a second can pass by - and you can even narrow it down to certain levels in milliseconds. Still those frequencies of measuring time in and on your world are based on objects or forms that are moving in and out of time and not time so slow that what is understood and lived as a second to you is understood and lived as days even to those who reside in timelines with a vibration or frequency so fast that they could probably read a good book in the time it takes you to sneeze.

As we stated previously each of you is presently moving into a reality of somethings and out into another reality of nothings simultaneously so fast that your present human mind at it's present frequency or vibration cannot even grab on to other realities you enter into because they have come and gone in the time it takes you to think a single thought - and much less even.Therefore if one's vibration were to pick up - and one was able to vibrate at a much higher rate of change from something - ness to nothingness then many other somethings would be reflected upon by you that is otherwise seen as nothingness becasue your frequency of moving from one state of mind to another is limited by your low rate of vibration within your present timeline and dimension of life.

When one is more attached to the material world of somethings he or she is less attached to that realm of existence that represents the nothingness - or let us say somethings which vibrate at such great frequencies that they can only be seen or understood as nothing because one does not have sufficient levels of time increments in order to latch on to higher frequencies or vibration realities.

In other words there are realities out there that vibrate at much higher rates than your own because they do not attach themselves to those vibrations that slow their frequency down and place them in a plane of reality where their atoms or smaller parts are moving much slower - in a way that more now moments are spend reflecting on one's material and physical world and self than is spent on the things beneficial to the One or Whole Self - the collective Human in other words.

When one reflects on their physical self in other words rather than on their inner spiritual self - one is limited in life by lower thoughts and feelings - and their every day worries that go along with physical existence - and living life for the flesh and the ways of the world. Whatever you reflect on through your thoughts therefore this is where your vibration energies are spent - in a way that for every cycle or vibration one has in life it is focused on something - and leaves less room for those nothing moments where alternate worlds or planes of existence can be reflected upon by the rate of one's vibrations and their becoming more frequent.

We see our host is having a bit of difficulty in explaining this in simple terms so we will look at it in another way.

There is a rate of vibration or frequency that every human comes to move in their physical forms - as well as all the offshoots made up by their human conscious interaction with their outer world. Every human being vibrates at a speed or frequency correspondent to their level of attachment to the material and physical world they live in. Because of their levels of attachment to lower human principles some come to be greatly attached and truly love those things offered in their present physical world and reality based on how complete their ruling loves and affections are provided for in life - while others often feel they do not fit in such a world - and would like nothing else but to leave such a world one day.

Those who do not therefore love the principles of the present reality you all share today vibrate at a higher rate or frequency than those who actually love what is lived and offered by your present world. Those who do not love the things of your world choose other things in life to fill their time and in so doing they draw themselves to higher vibrational realities and forms which make up their present world which only appears to be the same world lived in by those of lower vibrations. The reason it appears this way often is becasue both groups of humans share more in common or similar than they do not.

Still it is a truth that the more one loves the life and principles this present world offers them on an every day basis the lower their vibration will slow while they continue to maintain all things that provide them happiness and pleasure in this present world - as they tend not to leave their present timeline and dimension of life as often. It is a constant action in the life of the human to vibrate in and vibrate out - moving form their present timelines and dimension of life to another timeline and dimension of life - with more time focused on the world and reality - or timeline and dimension - that best provides for their happiness and contentment of life at any given moment in life - and can last for as long as one chooses to hold a certain vibration or frequency similar or the same.

Because of this certain spans of one's consciousness are spent in the timeline and dimension they love most while less of their life or moments of life are spent in those timelines and dimension they do not know of or understand - or simply do not choose to remain in becasue they do not presently provide for one's true ruling loves and affections in life. In this way one always has the choice to connect with the light ( masculine principles) or the dark ( also masculine principles) and no matter which one chooses in life - in every new now moment - he or she is still being guided in life by masculine principles - and their vibration and frequency will not speed up much when choosing light over dark - but will remain basically the same with minor higher vibrations because one tends to move toward love when seeking the light.

Remember however that no matter if one is in love or in hatred in life one is still in separation from their corresponding counterpart - and therefore remains in the same timeline and dimension of life where separation of the two ( light and dark) remain as a life's lesson. Therefore as the mindset of separation is gradually put off one's vibrations and frequency raises and other timelines and dimensions of life are then explored.The vibration back and forth between all things something and all things nothing is a rate that changes very little for the human bound by the material and physical plane - but it does speed up as one takes on higher levels of understanding and knowing in life.

As it is one spends more time in a world of somethings based on their attachment to said reality and less time in their world of nothings based on their wished to try new things or to imagine greater potential and possibilities in life on an every day basis.

We will continue our subject in our next transmission as there is more to discuss on this present subject.