Dare I speak?
Again it is
I third dneisty Daniel who chooses the title of this message.
Who is it
that can speak from a third dneisty mouth of third dneisty man and provide a
third dneisty explanation for ascension and 2012 subjects of any kind, with any
kind of accuracy?
No one!
That’s right,
there is not a single third dneisty human being that knows what will take place
in the spiritual, and we are indeed about to go spiritual; all of us. On the
other hand there are those who have already gone spiritual according to their
evolution and life’s plan. They have lived out their four seasons of life and
human evolution within the lower densities of duality. These are the only ones
who can speak with any accuracy – that is until they begin giving dates, and
then they have returned and have reconnected with their third dneisty lower
consciousness and speak once again from ego.
Every day I
look on the internet these days I see something written about what will happen
on December 21, 2012. Everyone has an opinion and many believe their opinion to
be correct, based on what they believe to be their own truth. Are they wrong?
No! Every third dneisty human being has a truth, and every truth that exists
within the realms of creation is real and alive even as we speak. You cannot
speak as a human soul and not create something from intent, spirit, and finally
form (all forms beginning in the spiritual and then in the material and
physical). Yes there are spiritual forms and there are material and physical
forms, and one always corresponds with the other but is not identical to the other.
Therefore you have a form and a truth that is spiritual and you have a form and
a truth that is material and physical, and both are right and true while they
are each connected to a different consciousness of the same soul.
Can you as a
lower third dneisty human ever know what the spiritual side of you is up to in
life? Can you as a third density human possibly know when your higher self will
cause you to connect once again to itself based on your present knowledge of
spiritual things? How can you know what will happen on one particular day
within time and space if you are not the one who is initiating the change?
Well to
begin with each of you is either connected to your higher self on and off all
day and every day – or you are not. If you are not then it is simply that you
do not know you are and therefore would not even believe you have a higher
self. Still - everyone does - and everyone connects to their higher self all
day every day, on and off at different times. It may not be very much for some
third dneisty humans but you must always ascend and descend as a soul because
you must always experience change as a human and living soul. You cannot always
be good and never bad and you cannot always be bad and never good as a third
dneisty human. Try it and you will all see that I am correct in my statement.
The reason
for this is that your higher selves take you in and out of different levels of
consciousness in life so as to learn so many different lessons throughout your
day as a third dneisty human. It is your higher self which tells you whether
you will go to the mall today or stay home and play yahtzee with a friend or family
member. It is your higher self, who chooses whether you go swimming with a
friend or fishing with another, or you just stay home and sleep. Every
selection of experience or situation in your life was predetermined by you as
your higher self (actually a complete spiritual society and soul group) long
ago and it is you as the human soul who can and will choose either to draw from
your higher self or your lower self when choosing how to react during every one
of these different experiences or situations in your life.
It has
always been this way and it will always continue to be this way as this is the
only way a soul can be created anew and begin their existence within the lower densities
of third density duality. One soul evolves and moves on while the other takes
its place; walks in his or her shoes; and is provided the same lessons or experiences
so as to see how he or she will react based on the ruling loves and affections
of another expression of the Infinite Source. All of you are different expressions
of Infinite Source (you are Infinite Source) simply because something has been
removed from the life and consciousness of each of you to make you different in
the experience and illusion that is life and death. If nothing were taken away
from each of you (only according to illusion) then none of you would be
different but all would see that you are the same and are therefore whole or
Look at it
this way – Each of you is the Infinite God (Source) that is the Creator of all
things. You decide within your collective consciousness what to create and then
you create souls from within your consciousness so as to cause those souls to
experience loss of some kind so as to make all created souls different in one
way or another. The differences will be few between some souls while being so
very – very different or many between others, and all souls will come together
within your created world and universe according to the universal law of
attraction, which you as well created from the beginning of all creations. And
so you cause these souls to descend (lower their consciousness) based on their
level of sleep; ignorance; or illusion within their consciousness. And so to
descend simply means to lower your consciousness to a lower level than is
presently known as home to you.
Every human
being has a level of consciousness they return to at the end of every day (day
being any period of the illusion of time a soul chooses to cling to or create
for themselves, but not necessarily others). In other words if you are a sixth
density human soul who has a level of energy that can allow you to go on
creating for fifty hours then that can
be the length of your day ( or illusion of your day). For a sixth dneisty soul
still experiences the illusion of time but they now know it is an illusion and
they use it now for their benefit. Third density humans do not know time is an
illusion and it cannot be for or against their benefit, but they must take it
as it comes to them in life.
By this time
third dneisty Daniel has figured out (noticed) that he is speaking presently
from the sixth dneisty society Daniel. Therefore third dneisty Daniel now
yields the floor to them as he wishes for them to speak rather than lower self
on this matter or subject
Getting back
to what we were saying a moment ago (thank you Daniel) we were saying you are
the Creator God, each of you separately or individually, based on your level of
illusion or sleep or loss of consciousness. All of you are actually fully and
completely conscious of all things but each of you chose to take on an illusion
of certain levels so as to hinder or limit your consciousness of all things or
all truth. Your higher self knows this
and has always known it, but your lower self that each of you created (together
as a spiritual society) at another time in your past does not know this and
will not ever know it except when it is connected to higher self . This
connection can commence or happen at any time during a third dneisty human’s
life or day or it can happen all of a sudden during the universal awakening and
ascension of your created world. Therefore you have the personal ascension and
dissension and you have the universal ascension and dissension for every human
soul to eternity.
Each of you
will experience therefore the Golden Age (of enlightenment); the Silver Age;
the Copper or brass Age; and the Iron Age personally in your life every day and
every now moment from now to eternity. These ages do not come so very far apart
( in all instances) as some would figure it to be dear ones, but they are seen
at many different levels and spaced out so as to represent many – many different
periods of time; all depending on the human or soul and their illusion of
separation from the collective consciousness ( or whole). Therefore once again
dear ones you have the personal experience of the Ages and you have the universal
experiencing of the Ages. One is very short periods of the illusion that is
time and the other is very long periods of the illusion that is time. When you
each ascend to the higher sixth dneisty realms and above you will then know of
these illusions but they will still exist so as to use them now for your
benefit to create many new things you never knew possible to create in life.
Each of you
is experiencing these ages now and many of you who hear certain messages for
other ears accept these message as being put out there for you, when in fact some
of you are not yet prepared to hear certain messages, and they will either fall
on deaf ears or you will believe there is something to these words and hold on
to them until a later date, so as to see if there is anything to our words you
presently read here and in other places dear ones. Each of you is at a
different level of your awakening at this time in which case some of you will
understand our (your) words and others will not quite get it yet. But you all
soon will! For you each sent us here long ago to speak these words to you time
and time again until all of you understood and remembered and woke up once
again to the fullness of your consciousness that is truly you; each of you and
all of you.
As we stated
many presently believe themselves to be in the Golden Age (of enlightenment), that
cannot explain it in detain simply because they believe it when they hear that
they are in the Golden Age, and do not yet know it. And nothing you do not know
can be a reality for you as you must know it first and not afterwards.
Therefore who is truly in their Golden Age presently and who is not? Answer:
You are in your Golden Age as a spirit and soul if you are in your heavens
based on consciousness and not what you see in the material and physical; when
you are in unconditional love for all human souls; and when you are you and
there are no others. This does not mean you are awakened and ready to ascend
for and human or soul but simply means you are in that Golden Age (of
enlightenment) presently or in a certain now moment.
When are you
in the Silver Age? We will explain but first we wish to explain some details
that will help in our explanation of the Ages.

The Silver age is the second of the ages.
The brass and copper is the third in line of the Ages-this is the order for an angel man!
The brass and copper is the third in line of the Ages-this is the order for an angel man!

The Iron Age is the last and final age.

The brass and copper Age is the second Age. This is the order of the devil man
The Silver
Age is the third Age.
The Golden Age is the last Age
man is a human soul who draws their thoughts; words; affections; or actions
from their lower spiritual societies.
· Devil Man is the human soul who draws his or her thoughts; words; actions; or affections from their higher spiritual societies.
· God Man --- Human – the soul who is in equilibrium and moderation of life.
Now we will provide some other details on the Ages dear ones.
Golden Age = newborn child = spring = daybreak
Silver Age = adolescence = summer = noon day
[Equilibrium or moderation of life] 4th density or World of
Copper or Brass Age = young adulthood = fall = afternoon

Now we will list the levels of the
human soul
Celestial Heavens
Spiritual Heavens
Natural Heavens
World of Spirits and fourth density (the
human third dneisty mind)
Upper Hells
Middle Hells
Lower Hells
Note that the upper Celestial heavens correspond to the lower
hells – the Spiritual heavens correspond to the middle hells – and the natural
heavens correspond to the lower hells.

When the sixth density human is drawing their thoughts; words; actions; and affections from the Spiritual heavens then the lower third dneisty human is drawing his or her thoughts; words; actions; and affections from the middle hells. Note : this is equilibrium and is the place a human is in moderation of life. This is where all human souls want to be if they are awakened and prepared to ascend to the next level up or next higher density.
When a sixth density human is drawing their thoughts; words; actions; and affections from the natural heavens their lower third dneisty human is drawing their thoughts; words; actions; and affections from the upper hells, and these are the most positive or beneficial hells for third dneisty man but the least beneficial for sixth dneisty man. If the human soul remains here therefore they are out of equilibrium and moderation of life, in which case the soul is in its natural state according to the higher self, and the soul is therefore being guided presently in life by the lower human (third dneisty) soul and self. Soul is no longer being guided by higher self until it returns to equilibrium or higher.
We will end here for the moment dear ones as far as the
details go as we do not wish to provide more than the spirit tells us to
provide presently.
We would speak again that each of you is not to seek out his
or her Golden Age in order to awaken and ascend as this is a natural process
for all human souls. We would simply tell you all at this time, no matter what
your consciousness level, to seek your own personal equilibrium in life, and
you will each be fine at the shift or ascension.
When is the shift or ascension? It is different for each of you
based on your level of consciousness presently and when it was that your soul
began its existence within separation and duality of third dneisty. We would tell you this however dear ones:
When the first soul that helped co –Create your present world
began their awakening, the ascension (universal Ascension) began for the whole
of your world. This means each of you has already ascended to an extent and you
are all simply finishing up your ascension process presently. When enough of
you have awakened and ascended your world will indeed shift in consciousness
and all human beings who presently reside in your world will be taken along for
the ride. Therefore everyone does not have to awaken in order to ascend in your
world as your ascension can come at a later date, and still you will share in
the wonderful things that are to come, which will be the initial creations of
the awakened ones. Each of you is a God and the God, and you have created a
reality that you wish all human beings to share in the happiness and abundance
of life. You are that God that you always wanted your God to represent as far
as His personality is concerned. If you are now that loving God then that God
is you. If you are not yet that loving God then you soon will be simply because
of the company you have chose to keep as of late.
Be happy all of you dear ones, for wonderful things are on
the horizon and no one can stop it as it is a natural occurrence of Creation.
We leave you now dear ones to ponder our words. We are the
society Daniel and we love you all unconditionally.
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