Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #48

Countdown to an evacuation #48

Every human being has origins which take them back to their childhood - where DNA and family lineage have their inner seeds that provide a set and solid foundation for one's true ruling love for the duration of their life on this world. It matters not how long you live and how much you learn from day one on this planet - your ruling love will never change. Only circumstances and provided lessons in life will change from one day to the next - but that ruling love you each come to feed and nurture in life will never change - and for this reason no one can provide a single law - rule - or principle in society that will make you a different person or cause you ( any one of you) to become someone else according to their majority rules policies which strive to cause human beings to become obedient to what the world as a collective believes to be right or wrong - or even proper when it comes to living along side other human beings.

We are not born into this world to change others nor to cause them to submit or bow down to another individual or group who believes themselves to be better or superior to any one individual human who even appears to have lower morals - standards - or principles in life than one's own - or even when compared to those of some group. What we are my friends is a world collective made up of Gods and Goddesses who do not yet remember their total worth or abilities in human society - or a world made up of creator individuals or collective societies of human Gods.

When you force other individuals or groups to submit to your life's principles and laws you choose to force on others then you are doing nothing more than proving that you are a lower God - one who has not yet awakened to the reality that the masculine nature of your self is not yet prepared to return and reconnect to it's feminine nature - or that nature that is meant to be a part of self as well - -which causes human beings - Gods even - to remain neutral in the creations and life principles of other human Gods.

If you have to force your beliefs and principles on others - no matter how small or large the group or society - then you are being small minded and you have not yet awakened to your Higher Self (or God given principles) which is nothing more than one's self in places where there is no separation of individual or the collective - and all is indeed One. If your arm hurts you do not cut it off and you do not cause or force it to become the leg or spine - as these parts of the body each have their own use and purpose for the good or overall benefit of the collective body.

The human body has many parts and each part has it's purpose - and some parts have purposes that are indeed pleasing - while other parts provide purposes which are not so pleasing - but they are required - and they are so very important to the overall working and everyday life of our human organic machines. And so we say that wherein the human body cannot continue on without all it's working parts always continuing to provide their use or do their job - and that it is meaningless to change the use or job of any one of those working parts - what makes us think or believe that the microcosmic representative of this human form - known as the world we live in and on - should ever come to benefit when we choose to change the ruling love - use - or purpose a single human being provides to the world stage upon which we all live in and on?

No one part of the human form is the ruler or greater part - which all other parts are to submit to at any given time - and this includes the human brain and heart. Rather than submit to all parts should instead work in unison with one another - as is the case when the human being is living his or her life in equilibrium - or in one's natural state of ruling loves and affections in life. Just as when we leave equilibrium of life we become disoriented at times - or we become sad- angry - depressed - timid and shy - and even often feel out of place in our present surroundings - so too do our bodies become sick or diseased - because all of our parts are not presently working in unison or agreement.

If the mind wants one thing and the heart another - or the arm wants to lift a fork while the legs want to leave the table - then the body is not in full agreement - and equilibrium has been lost for a season or time. Yes the human brain or mind guides all the working parts as to what they should do - but it does not have to rule the human form any more than we have to rule other humans on our world we all share - very similar to the human body in fact.

Now some of you may come to us and say "but there are many humans on our world who cannot easily lead themselves in life - or that they cannot hold the responsibility for their own good - benefit - or sustenance in life" - and you would be correct in many cases. However do they need to be forced - do they need to submit - or do they even have to abide by the majority set rules - standards - and man made laws that different societies choose to place on the heads of these folks who are apparently of a lesser understanding of just what is best for them in life?

Those who require the help or aid of another human individual or group have the free will to ask for help or aid - while those who choose not to ask are in a category of their own indeed. Some who do not ask do not want while others who do not ask may simply be too proud or intimidated by those who would otherwise easily offer them help or aid - and yet this does not change the fact that there is truly a higher set of human principles which will always allow for human freedom - freedom of the Gods if you will - and all must be given the free will and opportunity to express this free will choosing in their lives - before a new day will dawn - and human kind will once again return to true equilibrium of life - and all humans can once again live among all other human beings in peace - harmony - and contentment of life as it was always meant to be.

The children who presently live on our world - those who cannot choose or do for themselves - they are here for a select and predetermined purpose - and we must each and all eventually come to an understanding of just what and why that is. We live on a collective world where people are just downright lazy - or they have little confidence in their abilities and reasoning skills in life - and so many of these choose to either submit or lean on those who can provide just those things in life these childlike minds believe they need or require in life.

Are we not all lazy at one time or another? Do we not all lean on others when we are at our weakest at any given time in our daily lives? When the human arm is weak or tired the collective brain allows it to rest does it not? Or if the arm or leg is tired most of the time - but still provides some use or purpose to the life or workings of the human body - does not the body accept that arm or leg whenever it is prepared to carry out a use or purpose for the body? And if the arm or leg chooses to die off or end it's use or purpose for the body who or what is truly responsible for choosing to remove or separate the arm or leg from the fully functioning body?

The body does not get rid of a useless arm or leg but rather it is quarantined in a natural process for the human body - and it is only humankind that often chooses to separate or eject the non working limb from one's body in our present world. However quarantine allows all parts of the body to remain part of the body for as long as they wish to remain - and it is the body part itself that in the end chooses to separate or die off in it's present state of sickness or disease. Whatever it is that any functional body part continues to require from the body that part continues to receive. When nothing is required any longer it is always up to the part of the human body as to when it is time to separate from the body.

If the body comes to reject the appendage however at any time then the body allows itself to be acceptable to the sick or diseased limb or body part causing it's sickness or disease to enter into the bloodstream of the body - where other parts of the body can become subject to such sickness or disease. When one's intention is to kill or destroy - or even separate from the body ( to cause harm or loss) then the body receives that which it intends to place on the other part or party. If any part of the body has intentions which are for happiness or pleasure - or the benefit of the body as a whole - and yet one's thoughts - words - or actions are seen as detrimental to the body based on worldly standards or beliefs - then the body must refrain from worldly beliefs and standards if it is carry out it's truly good intentions. For it is a truth that one can even drink what the world see's as poison and it will not harm the body unless the human mind or ruling love guiding the human mind chooses to fear or doubt that which enters into the body - or is put into it by one's own free will choosing.

It is a truth that one must know what is good for self or Self in order for it to be good or beneficial. If there is fear or doubt present at any level it is always possible for a negative or non - beneficial outcome of one's choices in life. It is one thing to believe - or to have faith and hope in a thing - but it is altogether another to know a thing. The world around us all that presently instills into the minds of human beings everywhere that this is right and that is wrong - this is good for you and that is not - or that he is a better choice to be our next leader rather than each of us simply leading and guiding our own actions in life is some of the worst poison the human condition can ingest today - just as in days gone by.

The body is sick my friends - and we are at a place in our human evolution ( both physical and spiritual) where this childlike mentality must dissipate from our minds - and we must move into a new future world ( not really new as we have been here before) and this cannot happen until each of us individually as well as collectively come to understand that nothing we have done so far has worked. We have fought with one another through endless numbers of wars - both at home and out in the world. We have put rulers in place who care nothing for human society as a whole - but only for self in almost every circumstance.

We have placed suggestions into the minds of our friends - family - and neighbors that benefited ourselves rather than humanity - and we have given it very little thought as to who is truly benefiting in the end. We live in a world in service to self - and every choice we make - every thought we have - seems to benefit others in many cases - and yet it is always our selves who we intend to please in the end - even if it is done to make us - our own self - feel better because of some prior decision we made or person we chose to help in life. How often do we actually endure harm or loss - or even physical pain for another - unless it had to come to dire circumstances first - where we have then been lead to come to instantly appreciate some friend - family member - child - or neighbor who is truly deserving of our charity in life?

This all has to end dear friends - and we have to turn it all around - with or without the help of the world leaders who simply appear to be there for your good. Yes what they offer to the body is beneficial - but each of us must first come to recognize just what it is that they have to offer to the body that is beneficial to the body. The body will continue to provide you with whatever it is in life that you ( a member or limb of the body) becasue the body presently recognizes you as self. It is you that must choose to leave the body simply because you no longer represent a part of self - or the world body that is so very sick today and diseased with so many different viruses and bacteria.

You must choose a new body - and yet you never cut yourself off from the body immediately - but always gradually - so as not to further harm the body in case it should one day come to heal itself and you might possibly choose to return to it - or it to you.

Consider our words friends - and come to an understanding of just how the body and every representative part of it - whether small or large - individual or group and society - should remain whole and not separated - until such time as the individual parts no longer serve a beneficial; purpose to the body - and then said individual should leave the body gradually - so as not to cause harm or loss to said body. Where will you go one might ask? Return to your original and true ruling loves my friends - and begin living your life based truly on those ruling loves - while still causing no harm or loss to the body you no longer fit.

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