Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #45

Where did yesterday come from – where did today come from – and where will tomorrow come from ------ again will tomorrow come – am I here now – and was I there when yesterday occurred.
We come to you this season and hour to reflect on these things having to do your images of time – as well as space – and to provide a better insight as to why and how humans of your physical density experience time and space in such manner as is the case for you all at present on your world. Even as we provide influx for our human host he has no idea what he is about to write down on those pages which will be added to the grand Book of Life you are all about to add in this season and hour.

What is yesterday – and why do physical humans see and understand it in a manner in which they see and understand it - why has it been this way in all the many days gone by – and why will it be this way to eternity – never ending in its cycle – given there is nothing new under the sun?
(a)    The term yesterday is produced by the human condition because the human of physicality thinks he or she has gone somewhere – at some time – or in some place – all holding limits to the human understanding of all that really is truly now.
(b)    Physical humans have eternally believed that there is space – place – or time increments within the realm of true consciousness. You do not yet understand in your timelines and dimensions of boundless limits that you find your bodies and forms with you as you move to every illusory now moment. Yet there are no new now moments as there is always and forever only this now – and moments as well are an illusion.
(c)     You are conscious or consciousness – you have always been conscious or consciousness – and all and everything that you are or ever will be exists as that consciousness – which is why it appears your body and form are always conscious. Consciousness is actually all around you – it is everywhere – and it is filling you even now even though it is not within you whatsoever.
(d)    There is no yesterday for you or anyone else who thinks they are me – we – or us. You are someone else yesterday – you are someone else today and now – and you are someone else when tomorrow is registered within your conscious illusory state of mind.
(e)    Spirits are you – ruling loves and affections are you – likes and dislikes are you – and not one of them is someone else – because there exists nothing else but you from and to eternity.
(f)      You are the Alpha – the Omega – the beginning and the end – and it all starts and stops when you will it to appear to start or stop. Now let’s get real!  
(a) When you drive a moving vehicle you appear to experience the past – present – and future all in a single trip. You appear to be moving through time intervals as well as space or places of reference. Your body appears to move – the vehicle appears to move – and the outer scenery even appears to change according to your advanced space and time increments of change – or apparent change. Have you really gone anywhere however – and has time moved ahead or backward whatsoever – assuming you moved into reverse at any time? No! Consciousness does not move or change – as only the illusions formed within the conscious state appear to change – sometimes at will and other times not at will. You will because you know but you accept or submit because you doubt – even if it is in the slightest manner.
(b) You are not in a vehicle of travel – you are not moving – and time has not moved backwards or forwards within all the increments of unconsciousness you have experienced as continued consciousness.  You blink in and you blink out based on what you know and don’t know – and your human understanding will cause your reality – or supposed reality to blink in when you want to see something different and blink out for the same reason. Similar – very similar to when you flip the pages of a book and only notice the reality formed of those pages you can reflect on in continued succession.
(c) If you blink in you know reality based on limited consciousness and when you blink out you know nothing because you have reentered your Nothingness state. You go from being no one to being someone – simply because you do not yet remember that you are All things – and therefore you blink out to Nothingness. You cannot blink out to another reality of yourself because you are presently attached and attracted to your present reality - and you think you are there.
(d) Your whole existence is presently blinking in and out of different realities – and you latch on to the one that most resonates with your knowledge base. When you blink in you enter time and when you blink out time has lapsed based on the appearance of you moving or changing.
(e) In the spirit world this blinking happens much more frequently – and in the Celestial realm it happens at even greater intervals – in a way that much more is reflected upon in less numbers of thought patterns or changes of state of mind. In other words, in the spirit world we become someone else more frequently than when we are in the material and physical – but information is collected at a much more advanced pace or level of succession.
(f) Again let us reiterate – in the spirit world you do not change but rather you become – another form of your own Self. Still we cannot truly use the term become because you never change who and what you are from and to eternity. What does this all mean you may ask?
(g) Again you are All things and yet you are Nothing. When you become another representation of yourself you do not actually become because you cannot and will not ever change. You are! You never were! You never will be! Do you get it?
(h) You don’t ever change – they do! Who is they? The one’s who do not yet remember that they are you. Who were they? The one’s who think or thought that they were not you! Who will they be? The one’s who do not yet get it!
(i) Will it ever change? No!

[C] (a) You still don’t get it because even our human host does not get it! Let’s move on!

(a) Everything our human – material and physical host presently knows and has shared with his other selves on your world is all wrapped up in a single thought within the celestial realms of himself and in only a few individual thoughts of our spiritual Self. That being the case it is of no surprise that you are still having trouble deciphering the knowledge being shared with you in this season and hour.
(b) Imagine a million blinks of an eye in a single moment or second – then imagine a hundred blinks in that moment or second – and now imagine a single thought in a single moment or second. Can one blink so rapidly you may ask? Certainly! Have you not alone separated increments of your seconds into one thousands or greater? Have your engineered mechanical devices for computing not gone even farther in separating the increments? So let’s now put that question to sleep.
(c) So within the Celestial realms of your (our) consciousness do you not believe that we as a single Entity can do it all in much greater increments of supposed time than you of your present reality – and do you not see that there are greater – or different realities of Self that can do it all – decipher it all – in a single moment known as Now?
(d) Something can be so instant as to comprehend All and Everything in a selection of time and space as to have no limitation to what can be conceived without any passing of time increments or increments of change that can be measured by any KNOWN Entity but you and you alone in your Highest state of collective consciousness.
(e) You are slow – and you are slow because you chose to take on densities or baggage that weigh’s you down in consciousness and knowing.
(a) Imagine knowing All and Everything Now – but you never have to put things in place – never have to sort out any of your knowing Self or the myriads of principles that make up Self – because All things are in place- and will forever remain in place – and in order for you to experience them individually rather than collectively all you have to do is Create Forgetfulness or individuality in order to experience ruling loves or affections without their being intermixed or blended in - one with the other. Every spirit or conscious extension of Self is connected with a human being --- not to mention all other bodies and forms that make up the material and physical realm of our existence.
(b) Again every spirit has a body – many bodies in fact – and every physical body or form is possessed by a minimum of two positive spirits and two negative spirits as this is the minimum level of consciousness required in order to manifest lower selves. Every form must be possessed by a masculine and a feminine spirit as well as positive and negative corresponding spirits.
(c) Now in the Celestial realms where consciousness is at its greatest levels Creation has its beginnings – and all things are manifested in their complete intention or form while in the spiritual realms all creation is understood in less detail in a way that all is not known of completed intention or Created realities – bodies and forms – or spheres of existence.
(d) In the material and physical all things are even less known or understood in a manner that the human must live out all experiences or lessons in order to end up at a final destination which corresponds to a well worked out intention or plan originating from the Celestial realms or spheres.
(e) Because the human does not know the true outcome of any experience - collective intention – or created reality he or she must live the illusion of time and space. Every reality is manifested by the Celestials and is then broken down within different timelines and dimensions – different densities of our existence as well – and separation is acquired in the meanwhile in a way that humans do not know or understand that they are an equal part of the big picture.
(f) Every physical human is a now – in the now – alluding to past – present – and future creations simply because he or she does not - and never will – come to understand reasons behind the many illusions of separation. Understanding does not come to us later in our existence but rather we become of sorts that understanding – that being – that form – that spirit or ruling love and affection – and all understanding connected to each is a given based on what form we take.
(g) You do not become another form however as you were always that form and you simply come to blink out and attract yourself to the ruling loves and affections which cause you to be that form instead of being any other form. You are All forms – all ruling loves and affections – all spirits – all angels – all devils – and all Gods or gods from and to eternity without cease or end.  If you know yourself to be one form, then you do not know you are all forms and therefore yourself and who or what you are is always and forever changing based on your levels of conscious knowing or understanding.
(h)  Again we stress that when you believe yourself to be one thing or person – or another then you appear to become others at any given time or season – but once you come to remember or know that you are all things you then know that you do not ever become something other than what you are (which is all things) and therefore you simply choose at any given time to represent one part of yourself rather than any other part or representative ruling love and affection.
(a) You or the Now that you represent is always and forever being broken up into increments of Now in a way that it would appear to less conscious and physical human beings to be increments of time – but time does not exist. Because time does not truly exist the past need not have any bearing on your present or your future. The present need not have any connections to your past or future – and your future need not have any connections or influence on your past or present. You dear humans can create anew any time or season in which you have a change of mind or heart. It is only you that hinders your selves in life simply because you see yourselves as limited beings – stuck in time and space – while limited all the time by this time and space as well.
(b) Because the Celestial spheres representing your self have a set plan and intended Created reality made up of all the many myriads of different bodies and forms which give said reality it’s solidity and form – you as the lesser consciousness representing self (lower case s) bring all things into being without even knowing you are doing it at any given time or season. You cannot make the wrong choices or decisions because you are the vehicle being used to carry out all Creation at a physical level.
(c) Because you only know parts of the overall plan or created reality you therefore see all things in increments of the whole or Now Created Reality. Time appears to move by faster or more rapidly when you are involved in an experience which brings you pleasure simply because the now moments need not be stretched out through the blink in blink out processes – as you are being guided or coerced through the spiritual or Celestial Self to move forward – and that lessons have been learned. Time appears to move by slower therefore when you are in the process of learning a lesson and you don’t quite get it so easily.
(d) Lessons are repeated when the human does not come to terms with what he or she is supposed to get out of it or them – and they are repeated by other spirits (ruling loves and affections) being added or taken away from your sphere of life which surrounds your being – in a way that no lesson is ever repeated in the same exact manner.
(e) You do not ever move forward in time any more than you can move backward in time – because it is not you who is there when the Now advances or changes for even a millisecond. Rather than moving forward in time as humans believe it to be the case one instead blinks out and is Now another part of Self – not self. In this way you become another Now (spirit or ruling love and affection representing Self - not self) which means you have not aged a single increment or moment based on time or the illusion thereof.
(f) You believe you will grow old and therefore you grow old – based on what you have been taught from childhood. You believe this so strongly that it is a knowing that is never let go of for as long as you represent the present physical human or organic machine which you represent in your present realm of lower consciousness.
(a) In the mind one does not ever age – it is a case where one’s understanding is connected to and based on one’s level of understanding about his or her organic human form. You have been taught that you will live a certain number of years – give or take a few. You have been taught that certain foods and drink are either good or bad for you – and these principles have been set as basic standards on your world for many generations. They change with the changing of generations or ages but limited understanding of your Creative abilities will always be there for so long as you attract the lower and organic human form.
(b) There are many Higher Forms in which we will all take on as the seasons continue to unfold according to human evolution – but in truth you as the One Self – the only Self – will forever continue to take on higher and higher forms – always based on the evolution of your human spirit and the fact that you are playing all the many roles of self-according to the predetermined outline and intentions of Self.
(c) The purpose for every different ruling love and affection – every different spirit – angel – devil – Satan – and God or god – is to achieve Oneness with the Collective Self. The Collective Self however is never whole – never complete- never perfect – never pure – never her or there – in or out – part or whole – and never limited or unlimited. The purpose of Self is to know Self – just as Self is known only by Self – and all parts of Self or apparent parts of Self know only self at present. The goal you each seek to reach unknowingly will never be reached to eternity because Self will never be whole or completed.
(d) As the parts appear to grow or expand in knowing so too does the One Self grow and expand – and yet this too is only an appearance or illusion held by the spiritual societies presently working these things out in their conscious endeavors – with the Celestial Self being not quite as confused about the matter. All in All Infinite Source or Self is unending and unlimited potential and possibilities. What you endeavor to carry out in your use and purpose toward Self-realization can never be achieved as you are finite in nature and Self is Infinite in Its ultimate state.
(e) You can each eventually know that All things potential and possible are truly potential and possible realities for You – and that all things work together for the good and benefit of You and You alone. You do not appear presently to possess all-knowing of Self – and yet You do. You see the only self you presently know is that organic human mind and machine that you each presently possess as house and home for the present world and reality you hold presently as your now existence. In other words, who knows your human self-better than you? As you continue to evolve not only in body and mind but conscious knowing as well – you will change in body – form – and mind accordingly – and in the meanwhile you will continue to know self completely – but not Self. You are your God and you are your child of God – you are the slave Master and you are the slave. You are the student and you are the teacher.
(f) When and where you appear to become another self in life (on the grounds that you do not yet truly know you are all selves on your world – all humans on your world – and all conscious minds on your world) --- you change from within but often do not change from without. Again you do not actually change within but rather the mixture and places of importance within (based on more important spirits and least important spirits guiding your human mind and self) change based on your present levels of conscious understanding of your surrounding and thoughts imagined.
(g) Again this word change is playing havoc on your human understanding at present in a way that we feel the term must be better explained. Nothing ever changes to eternity as all things are set according to ruling loves and affections that are the complete makeup of Self. There is an order that is set to eternity when it comes to Self and that order forever remains the same while at the same time it forever continues to change. The order is Infinite and real while the change is finite and is all an illusion.
(h) Think of your human minds and reflect on the fact that your mind appears to change all the time according to your thoughts and the spirits who provide those many different thoughts. The ruling loves and affections – even the thought forms represented by every spirit individually and collectively never changes at one level of higher consciousness while it changes at different intervals as one moves lower and lower down into the realms of lower or limited consciousness because Self becomes less connected to the Collective Self and more connected to the separated or divided self of fantasy and illusion.
(i) The lower you go or the more you take on limited consciousness the more frequent the blinking in blinking out process – and the reality or illusion of time and space become your reality based on your new incarnation as a fleshly human child. While you reside on that realm or reality of physicality your beliefs and levels of understanding of time and space become even more of a reality as you begin living it and believing all you are taught by lower human levels of understanding.
(a) Again you are taught that you age – you are taught that you get sickness and disease – you are taught that you are limited in strength and other physical abilities – you are taught that your mind can only understand and work out problems in life through logic or rationality – all based on the limits set forth from generations in days gone by – in the past – where all things which happened before no longer matter or have any bearing on what is created or lived in this present Now moment of self and Self.
(b) Every body and form making up physicality and the material world represents both good and evil – healthy or harmful – beneficial and non- beneficial for the human being as a collective as well as the individual. Everything you have been told in life to be harmful to your person need not be harmful – and it is you who continue to manifest the reality and knowing that indeed these truths must be your truths.  Becoming an awakened human being or mind does not protect you from these truths in life so long as you each continue to hold on to them in the least – because all beliefs or falsities not aligned with universal principles must be put off by the finite and physical human individual and must be lived as one’s true knowing through life’s processes and workings of the organic human machine we each possess as house and home.
(c) Every ruling love and affection is a spirit as well as an angel – devil – or Satan. Every ruling love and affection is a God or god even – and you each hold the powers or abilities to create based on your levels of knowing in life – not your levels of belief – partial understanding – faith – hope – fears or doubts. Still you are not a single ruling love and affection – you are not a single spirit – angel – devil – or Satan. You are not a single God or god – but you are many. You cannot create from singularity because the individual self is so very limited in knowing and understanding – and as a protection device Self would never allow you to manifest in life that which you cannot fix or repair all of your creations through thoughts – words- or actions carried out by the organic human machine.
(d) As the lower human evolves in knowing and understanding – through awakening processes or switches thrown from higher up – the lower human self is more and more included in the sharing process of higher understanding or knowing – and as the seasons advance for any one individual human – limitations are removed from not only physical abilities but mental manifestation as well. It is different for each human individual as the divisions or limitations you each presently experience in life is based on the collective ruling loves and affections of each spiritual society on your world – as indeed we are each a society as well as individual ruling loves and affections or spirits.
(e) One may ask why is Higher Self put in a place of being your God of sorts while you have to live life as a slave or child in a world where you are less and Higher Self is more? Well we could use an easy example simply by asking you why you do the same with your own children on your world – and that would probably be suffice for many – but we will not be so childish as to leave it at that. Higher Self is Self and self – both Higher and lower – and you each often become Higher Self without even knowing it. Still the human machine cannot allow its parts to harm the machine as a whole – though the body would never willing cut off any of its parts so as to save the whole. Rather in a perfect world – or a world where self is prepared to receive higher levels of understanding – the human is made to understand that the body heals all parts of itself when it is permitted to do so without inner or outer disruption or interaction.
(f) All parts of the human body are equally important to the whole body – just as all parts of Self are equally important in use and purpose toward the One or Whole of Self. Because of this it is no different with the body and form as it is with the collective consciousness that provides all bodies and forms with the illusion or appearance of life. Higher Self is self and self is Higher Self – yet self does not know this while Self does. Therefore, the complete good and benefit of self must be dependent on what is intended and Created by Self – in order for the working system of total existence to be maintained as it was forever intended.
(g) Still it is a truth that Higher Self is not your God or god in that Higher Self is you – and It must do nothing which can ever be anything other than beneficial to you in all of your existence or wholeness. It is a truth that what you do not know will not hurt you – where on the other hand what you do know can most certainly hurt or harm you. Because of this all and everything the lower human self is made privy to in life or has been permitted to know for the reasons of creation – he or she has received for their benefit – and it is you the organic human who cause harm and loss to yourselves through the things you have come to know. You have used all things beneficial to harm self when the original intention of all knowledge shared by Higher Self was truly for your benefit – and it is you who misused certain knowledge out of ignorance or by your acting hastily and not waiting for all things to come about in their season. You limit yourselves through the tools of time and space – and impatience has often gotten the best of you all.
(h) There is a saying in one of your holy books that goes like this --- “All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.” This saying has been taken out of proportion and has been changed so as to reflect what your rulers wanted you to hear – as this is how it was originally written down for those who were to come ----- “All and everything thing works together for the good and benefit of those who love and come to know Self.”
(i) You can each choose to be a God or god or you can choose to be Self – wherein a God places him or herself over another or others while Self is over no one and is equal in all things when it comes to Self and the knowing that there is nothing above or below Self – and the One will forever remain the All. For Self to ever intend any harm or loss to any other creation or reflection of Self would therefore be to cause loss or harm to Self – and this is not and never can be possible. Why? Because Self is Infinite in nature and all things finite are Self as well – Infinite as well – and the only true limitation of that which is finite is Infinite Self – which is the complete makeup of all of Its parts – parts that cannot suffer harm or loss as this would cause Infinite Self harm or loss – which is not possible.
(a) Getting back to time and space and the fact that they are illusions – consciousness knows no time or space – as it cannot be limited – not even by time or space. We as physical humans are not within or without consciousness – but rather we are consciousness and we manifest all illusion of – from – through – for – and by our consciousness. Think of your term energy – and replace it with the term consciousness – and this will provide you each with a better understanding of where all things that are something come from. Consciousness for you is limited potential and possibility while the many somethings which come to be manifested as holographic images of a much greater form of reality are accomplished. Still it should be known that you are never truly limited by Self Consciousness but rather by your self-consciousness.
(b) Remember above when we spoke of you operating a vehicle of travel? Remember when we said you appear to be coming from somewhere – you appear to be going somewhere – and when at a stop you appear to be in the now or present – going nowhere – and yet your surrounding can change at any given time. It is not that you are traveling from one place or space to another – and it is not that your outer surroundings are changing from one moment to another – but rather your mind is drawing from many different spirits or ruling loves and affections in every new now moment and the outer world will always change based on your inner reflection of – or attraction to – different spirits or ruling loves and affections. Every ruling love and affection – every different spirit is a form of many things – depending on the density of your existence as well as your present timeline and dimension.
(c) Therefore when you attract certain different spirits into your collective rational human mind your outer world changes accordingly – and it is you that have created or manifested said reality or collective forms making us said reality. All along the whole supposed trip in your vehicle of travel scenery changes and many forms change – and time appears to be moving forward for you. You have not moved based on time and you have not changed places based on your human form – but your consciousness is providing all the many illusions manifested as your outer world so as to cause it to appear that you have moved – when in fact the you that truly exists in its most pure form is conscious Self – and within the realm of consciousness there is truly nowhere to go that you are not already there. You are everywhere and yet you are nowhere – just as the electrons circling your atom appear to be in one place until you attempt to measure it or find where it’s place is set outside of the nucleus.
(d) As fast and as frequent as the human eye can conceive change of place it can cause that object to be in another place before it is even had time to align with the human mind – as blink in and blink out cannot even be measured on your world – given that this process is not really of your world – but ours in fact.
(e) When the human mind comes to measure or reflect on time or it’s increments and changes the human mind has blinked in to your world of illusion – but when the human mind is not focusing on time it is in a blinked out state – a spiritual state – where time is still experienced in a limited manner but is well understood and truly known to be a simple illusion.
(f) Time is not there for the conscious self or any parts of the conscious self – but is only a part of universal principles which allow the machines to watch themselves rust while reflecting on and determining the rate at which each one comes to rust differently. Your world is eroding as fast and frequently as it is being created because what once was for you truly cannot be again – as the circle of life and it’s many seasons must continue to move forward to eternity.
(g) Time is a limit – just as space is a limit – and as long as you remain in a world of illusion and it’s many limits – you will always believe yourself to be a limited creature or being. If one could imagine him or herself to be nothing more than a conscious mind without limitation to potential or possibility could one not also imagine blinking into some reality – becoming some reality – where appearance from let’s say ten thousand years ago were to be the new representative reality?  If this were possible – and indeed we tell you it is – how much time would have gone by in that thought process? Why would time be important any longer if you can instantly become anything you wish to become in an instant? Would not instrument of time be a waste – and would they ever have to play a part in your life and existence any longer? Do you now see the use and purpose for the creation of the term and illusion of time and space – and why it will one day no longer be a limiting principle in your lives ever again?
(a) When you think you are a certain person based on the illusions of your world and it’s continued false teachings – rather than being many persons at once – and becoming many other persons at any given time – and at the twinkling of an eye – can you reflect on why you would even require the illusion of time if you are not even the same person you were moments ago? Yes, on your world you are often required by your slave masters to be at a certain space or place at a certain allotted time. If you do not get there when and where you are supposed to be accordingly – then you are punished or you often fear punishment by your slave master. Because of this age old tradition human beings must return back to the spheres of life they usually do not enjoy so much over and over again – and by doing this your worldly principles are constantly being created and re- created for those who represent slave masters not only in your outer world but your inner world and self as well.
(b) That’s right friends – You who do not know you are potential Gods (nothing to brag about) allow other representations of yourselves to play the role of being your Gods – because you do not yet understand that you can create at the drop of a hat – and you can create according to your perfect will any time you wish ( outside of the limits and boundaries of time) and yet you continue to live life based on their rules and regulations – their laws and contracts – and their limitations on you which you submit to constantly out of fear and doubt of your own abilities in life.
(c) Until the human subject comes to remove all its many limitations in life that have to do with time and the measuring of its advancing increments – one will continue to be bound by the illusion of time. If you have no where you have to go – nowhere you have to be – and no set time frame or period in which to get somewhere – what purpose in life is the existence or illusion of time or space and place for that matter.
(d) Imagine living out a life and existence where you go and do exactly what you wish all the time – from one season to the next without reflection of any kind on the matter of time – and you lose all the cares – fears – and doubts that caused you in the first place to be dependent on time as you were growing up as a human child? Imagine sleeping whenever you wished – never having to concern yourself with whether it is light or dark outside – or even that you must go to some place of work when you awaken? Imagine all the contracts and licenses your slave masters require you to have in your possession in life simply because you allow them to put requirements and limitations on you which you do not want and do not need for continued sustenance of life?
(e) All of the things that allow your present world to operate in a continued manner in which it has operated for ages on end are being continued and fed by you friends – because you have been doing it for so long that you cannot even imagine how you could get out of this grand sphere of total deception.
(f) Even the darkness and light intervals on your world are illusions that have been given their power of illusion by your many principles on your world that also feed the illusions of time and space. Do you not believe that one day you will be capable of causing darkness or light whenever you wish them – always according to your own personal will? Everything feeding the continued principles of your world this day is for your world and your world alone – and it is all based on the illusions of time and space.  Just imagine – if there were no time or space on your world – what things would or could you be limited from accomplishing? But imagine also that you can still experience the illusions of time and space whenever you wished while knowing they are no longer limits – but beneficial tools for your liking and continued evolution of the human spirit – this is how it will become for you friends.
(g) Imagine time and space where you can use these illusions any time you please but they also will no longer be limited according to mathematical calculations or numbers – and they will never again have to be measured whatsoever.
(h) Imagine if you will that you can use money in life at your own discrepancy – never having to worry about how much time it will take to replace the money you have or will spend. Imagine no longer measuring your worth in life by the amount of money you have at your disposal and never having to measure a single thing on your world again – simply because you can create in perfection – according to your selective will. Do not your mathematical figures and measurement limit your world to what one can and cannot do at any given time? Why do you require the measurement of a thing on your world – if not to place limits on something that would have otherwise been just fine built by the aid and guidance of the human eye?
(i) Do you need to continue to go high and wide with your structures or are these structures a part of the many problems on your world? Are they not built so as to continue limiting humans to the allotted timeframes they are constantly being bound by every day? Do they not house your slave masters rather than the slaves or children themselves? Who is most at home within these structures one might ask him or herself.
(j) Again the world you live in today friends is a grand factory put in place to continue the illusions of time and space – and all of their measuring devices put there to limit one to those many boundaries of time and space. Without them one never again needs to measure when or where he or she is at any given Now Moment in their lives – when will no longer be a concern – and where will now be decided again and again based on one’s true and perfect will whenever he or she says it is Now my season for change.
(a) There is no further need for one to reflect on ones past as it was never truly there. You simply imagined that it was there so as to experience the many lessons that go along with that part of you that represented when and where you were when you were someone else – and truly not the self or Self you are at present. Those who appeared to be there in that time – space – and place you call your past are the ones who are still with you – and you do not manifest them in form any longer because your Higher Self guides you in another direction – where you are taking on new spirits – new forms – and new ruling loves and affections that support your continue evolution of your human spirit.
(b) One cannot re- create what is past simply because that is not who you are in this now moment – therefore there is a created reality that is set by you – of you – for you – through you – and because of you that cannot be changed. One cannot de- evolve as Higher Self would surely cease to be as much as the lower self would also cease to be. The losses you appear to have suffered from and may still suffer from to this day cannot be helped as lower forms of ourselves are brought into our lives as lessons to help and guide us into a fuller memory and knowledge of who and what we truly are – and all the other selves as well as ruling love’s and affections and the forms they represented in our lives through times of suffering and loss are still with us at this day and hour – but we often do not recognize the new forms they have taken on simply because they have also taken on new spirits – new ruling love’s and affections – and it would not be fair for us to hold them back in their evolution as well – which is why that would never be a possibility.
(c) We do not move through time any more than we move through space or places -but rather we move through spiritual societies and all the many newly evolved forms which are collected together and created in physical form as the new product or model of the working human organic machines of tomorrow – if in fact tomorrow could remain there until we were all able to catch up with them. We cannot however catch up – and we can never fall behind – but we will only forever continue to become them – when it is our allotted season to represent another part of Self that truly represent that evolved form of our new human evolution and condition.
(d) We end this transmission by simply stating to you all --- lose the many limitations your created world around you has on you at present – and begin by removing the little ones – and as you move forward you will see that the big ones will gradually take care of themselves – for whenever you remove the roots from a tree – the tree is sure to die once enough roots have been cut out. Begin to remove these roots friends – for they continue to provide life to the two trees in the garden that have misguided you all for so long a season. The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You have eaten enough of their fruit – and now it is time to rid our garden of them both.

(e) You do not live (Tree of Life) and you do not die (Tree of knowledge of good and evil) for you are total existence (never created and never to be un – created). You have eaten so much of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil that your world has overflowed with its teachings – and is blanketed and flooded for sure by the branches it puts forth. You each know good and you each know evil – and now it is time to leave that garden – as it is the serpents home for sure. 

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