Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #41

You all ( those who submit to the system and it's many rules - regulations - and laws) get just enough in life to keep you quiet - you all are just close enough to the line never to be crossed that you will not attempt to cross that line whether it be because of your fears of not providing for your children and grandchildren's futures - selling their souls to greater slavery than what they are in now - or you just have too many doubts that if you stand up and say no more to the present system - not enough other folks will stand next to you that will help to move it all to the other side of the line or fence.

As George Carlin said -"It's a big club and you ain't in it." Still many of you believe you are in it - and that you are given in life what you deserve - based on how hard you work. You believe laws are legal and that authorities on our world have the right and responsibility to regulate the people of the planet. Who ever told you that you are not the most important person on the planet? Who said that anyone has the right to place laws over your head and expect you to abide by their laws - when at no time did you sign some contract saying you would submit and become subservient to their man made or human made laws?

Just as they do not have the right or the God given authority to force their rules - standards - and life principles on other human beings - neither do we have the right to go against them and place our rules - standards - and life principles on other human beings - and so a new set of laws - a new set of contracts - and new standards of what is right and what is wrong is no one's God given right or predetermined authority in life.

I hear many folks speak words like "If you receive welfare and are not prepared to work for a living then you most certainly deserve to starve." I hear folks say that if you do not pay your taxes that you cause a burden to be on the heads of those who do - and yet no one told you that you are required by law to pay taxes - and the one's who are aware of this choose to stand for their true human rights - and because of this stand many come to be punished - when they never agreed by contract to any of the rules and regulations of our present worldly systems to begin with.

I say if you feel or believe you should pay taxes and work five - six- or seven days a week to survive in this world and provide for the many trinkets and treasures you require for life's pleasures - then do so - and no one should ever fault you for it - because you are your own person - you are your own God - and you are the only one who should ever possess the responsibility of your own life.

Does this give you any right to be offended by those who seek a different direction in life than yourself? Do you possess the full responsibility of all other humans - or even a single other human in a way that you can dictate what principles are right and which are wrong in a world where your life is yours and their life is theirs? No!
No one has the right or was ever given the responsibility in life to take the opinions of a given number of citizens - even if it were the majority of a society or land - and bind all citizens to the set laws and principles of said society or contracts - remembering that only a few signed said contracts to begin with.

Do not go against your governments - do not break their laws - do not stop paying your taxes - do not stop voting for a new President or Slave master - and do not ever again forget to pay your bills - if these life principles are those principles you hold dear and believe to be right and truth - as well as your responsibility in life.I would also add that if these principles are not what rings true to some of you - do not fight these people and do not seek to place any blame on them for the things you have allowed in your life to place certain limits on your everyday lives - when the truth is it was always you that chose to accept the present worldly standards as your life's principles of today.

No one told you to submit that ever possessed any responsibility in life to coerce or cause you to submit in the first place - and it was your illusory belief's in life that caused you to believe the opinions of other humans today as well as in day's gone by - to a point where you became subservient to the many strong men of our world.

Authority is always forced on a people ( never God given) and it is never accepted by the people until each individual human being chooses to accept their own responsibility and choose to submit to an authoritative figure or group of humans who falsely believe they hold authority over other human beings.You are all offered many choices in life - and many of those choices will require that you use a higher level of discernment in deciding whether in each case you wish to be the God that creates your life and world - or you wish to submit to another human being or group of human beings - and therefore allow for your God to be someone or some group of collective humans who mistakenly think they hold some authority over any other human being or group of humans.

When it comes to the things they do in life ( your rulers) they honestly believe they are doing the right thing when it comes to the human population of this world - because they give the people choices and it is the people who according to their own illusions believe they must force or enforce what is to be right and wrong principles for our collective societies on our world - while the other group is the one that is bound ( according to illusion) by these rules - standards - and life principles.

The one's many of you see as your rulers say openly that the people of this world are not intelligent enough to discern what is right or wrong in their own lives - or what is right or wrong for their many human societies - and as much as it may hurt some feelings out there - they are correct. For many generations now human beings have placed their childlike rules- standards- laws- life principles - and fads and fashions into the minds of their children and grand children - and it is the human population of this world - the average citizen ( not holding ruler ship or abilities to set laws and standards over human society) that has time and time again chosen to accept their rules - standards - laws - and principles of everyday human life on this world.

No you did not have to fight them - you did not have to go to law against them or their policies - all you had to do was have a change of heart and instill better principles into the minds of your children who would one day become the everyday citizens who made up the many standards and principles governing our present world.

And so the rulers of your world say now - we will show you all - out in the open - what we are planning - what we are doing to your people - your children - and your grand children today - and they are blatantly telling you to either fight them and cause yourselves to create another future world just like the present one you live in - or find a better way - leave them to their worldly guidance of the children who are not yet prepared to choose for themselves - and move on to that place you call higher knowing - a world where you can each have all the hopes - dreams - and imagined peace so very many of you speak of at this day.

You will never get rid of them - (those folks many of you call the Illuminati - the Cabal - or whatever other term you wish to use) because it is them who possesses presently the higher knowing and understanding of truly guiding a world into further higher knowing and understanding - in a way that all of you can one day possess higher knowing and discernment in order to maintain and guide other worlds into a true peace and unity that will be maintained for ages to come.

All one can do that possesses higher understanding - higher principles of life and the created universe - is live their life in total self responsibility as an adult spiritual human being - while sharing - and many times just providing all the things in life for the children (average everyday human beings) to choose from - and allow those children to choose freely - whether individually or collectively - and share all things one has access to in life ( from the top down) - while allowing room for every human individual - collective - or family unit to decide for themselves how they will go about managing their life and providing for the future lives and world of their children and grand children.

When you continue to fight those higher up's as if it is them who destroyed or corrupted your world you unknowingly fight and find guilt in a system that was first created by you and the rest of human society. Yes your children and grandchildren made this world what it is today - and even though you all have the ability to change or fix it - many continue in the age old traditions - standards of life - and life principles that continue to maintain a world of war and violence - rich families and poor families - slavery and theft - as well as slaves and slave masters.

Yes we know that many folks are telling you that other human beings or off worlder's are coming to your rescue - but the truth is it is you who must rescue yourselves. No one can come to this world lest they be attracted by the collective ruling loves and affections - and levels of knowing and understanding possessed by the collective citizens of this world of ours.Who of you does not yet know and understand the Principle of attraction and separation - and not the laws of such as you have heard in days gone by?

As we do not wish to delve too deep into the principles of life spheres let us simply state that one sphere cannot enter into another sphere unless it is attracted by something that is held within said sphere.Greater minds or levels of higher knowing in other words would never come here to save your world simply because they are not of this world or sphere. If they hold the knowledge which could save this world of yours then they also possess the knowledge that they cannot interfere because they would place themselves in a position of playing God to a civilization ignorantly asking for their help - when they do not even know what they are asking for.

As a higher being ( possessing higher human principles) one knows they can offer choices and guidance all they want but they cannot act or interfere with the lives of other human individuals or collective groups - lest they become their God - and therefore accept all lower knowing and understanding that comes with a lower human civilization. In other words if one human (whether higher or lower) comes into contact with or is attracted to in any way - another human - the conditions and lessons offered up to one's everyday life is similar to those of both parties - or the collective life sphere of both.

That is why you will never know the one's you think rule this world of yours - nor will you ever come to meet them or arrest them for the guilt many of you think they hold for apparent offenses toward human kind as a collective. The one's who do come into contact with them - at higher levels of ruler ship on your world - are not told of the repercussions that will be experienced because of their many offenses they have committed toward the world citizens. They possess the illusory power and authority they require in order to place their limitations and laws upon the citizens of your world but they do not know it all comes with a price - and many do not care because of the riches and lavish lifestyles they have received for doing the bidding of the higher up's.

Again you have all been told many times over - at least those of you seeking today to remove yourself from this supposed Matrix of slavery - that your rulers or supposed rulers who harbor a love for wealth and power on your world - will all reap what they sow in life - just as every other human on your world and ours - but the one;s who presently offer them guidance have played their hand just right - and they know the things they sow - just as they know of the things they reap.

Is it wrong to provide examples of both good and evil in a world where both good and evil beings live out their lives reflecting life principles of both good and evil all the time in their everyday lives? Is it right to provide examples of good all the time in a world where evil resides just as equally - but is not kept at bay in one's life simply because evil principles of one's life are often those principles attracted to the people of your world today - and those who truly believe themselves to be good are not yet at a place in their human evolution to truly be given full knowledge of good and evil - and they do not possess such knowledge at this day simply because many still believe good to be right and evil to be wrong.

Every human is a created being possessing consciousness of line in a way that they must possess consciousness of both good and evil - but as far as the understanding or knowing of this equal mixture of the two this comes to one's level of understanding when he or she comes to evolve to a place in their existence where each human know's also of true unity and Oneness. Everything must come together one day in every persons life in a way that everything is put back into it's proper place or position in the collective mind and understanding of just who Self or You are - and no one human being is a part of self truly - but is all Self - All things - All being.

The true rulers of your present world - the one's many of you think to be ruling your world - carry out their many intentions because each of you individually or collectively give them their powers and abilities on your world. Yes they intend the demise of humanity - but it is humanity as individuals and as a collective society that will either cause your demise or save you from it. One part of the collective world will choose to seek their judgment sand justice - and finally imprison many of them while others will come to know of a higher way of doing things - and will go off on their own and begin a whole new system - different and separate from the present systems of your world - and they will do so not off the backs of other humans but of their own doing - their own self responsibility - and their own higher knowing that many will come to receive because of their present ruling loves and affections in life.

Those who live by the sword will die by the sword - while those who put their swords down and go their own way in peace and full acceptance of a predetermined world and reality - will begin all things anew.

The old human truly does not possess the levels of knowing or understanding in life to cause their world to become a better place for all to live in - guided by principles of true unity and Oneness for all on your world. There will be two different realities - one will be old and the other will be new -- one will be made up of truly self responsible human beings while the other will continue to reflect the lives of those children not yet evolved to levels of life discernment which will truly bring world peace - unity - oneness - and contentment of life.

Everyone can live life truly free from limitations and coercion from any other human being when we all become responsible for our own selves - and allow all the space needed for every other human to do the same. But for those not yet prepared to live a life of self responsibility - they too shall have a place in our new world - our new system - and our new societies of Individuality based on a collective of higher principle.s

Those of a lower or more limited level of higher principles in life will indeed continue to share our world even if they do not conform to it's higher principles - because the only harm or loss ever again to come to them will be of their own doing. Free will will indeed remain an important principle of human society - just as it is today on your world - but a new group of humans have incarnated on your world today who will choose to move on - move up in consciousness and higher principles - and everyone on your world will be the better for it. We will take nothing from them and we will give them nothing they do not accept simply by our offering all things we possess in life - but a possession truly temporary - as there will no longer ever again be any need for ownership in life - no more permanent possession of a thing as all will be shared equally - throughout our collective world where true contentment will be our new way of life.

To many nothing will appear to have changed - while at the same time many will see a large change based on higher human principles of life.There will be a separation just as is presently on your world today - and yet that separation will continue to be caused by those who continue to maintain such separation. Many will continue to buy and sell - own and possess - fight wars and spread rumors of wars - people will continue to beg - borrow - and steal - your people will hold to their practices of organized religion or lower human standards and principles all the while believing themselves to be right and correct in their beliefs.

You timepieces will continue to play your God and cause many to live in stress - fear - and doubt - as to what will become of their friends - loved ones - or selves even - come tomorrow when their time pieces begin all over again - and their everyday live one again reflect the fears and doubts that limit a certain portion of human society to a world of wants - needs - and lack of all the things that truly provide their illusory contentment.of life.

For those of you who presently believe not much of anything has changed on your world today - and because of this you are beginning to see that many opinions and false understanding are being shared with the people of your world - we tell you to take these things as a sign - that this thing we call new - is not only close - but it has been here on your world for some time now - and it is only each of you that has either seen it or has not seen it - based on what you are each truly seeking in life today - at this hour - and at this season of human evolution.

Stop chasing and looking for your saviors in that world outside that reflects all of your shortcoming in days gone by - and begin anew - begin fresh - and become a new creature no longer of habit and tradition - but a creature who now recognizes the world around you is even now offering to you all - individually and collectively - every potential or possibility any one of you can just imagine this day and hour - and all you need do is to let go of those things that no longer work.

It is all being offered to you so take advantage of your possibilities and create a life anew - stop believing you are in want - need- or lack of life and start believing - no star knowing that the world is a grand stage - and you can play any and all parts simply by using your imagination and duplicating that reality and world you each truly seek based on the ruling loves and affections which condition your hearts at this very hour and day.


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