Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Monday, August 20, 2012

We are the Society Daniel!

We are the Society Daniel
We are the society Daniel and we speak to you who are citizens of our society as well as those of you outside our society who resonate with our words and would wish to become members of our society if even in a limited manner. You are welcome to come and share our community or society with us in any manner that pleases you, for as long as you wish, as long as you respect the free will of all others within our society.
We would not have you removed from our society ever as this is not how we do things in our world, but we would warn each of you that universal laws built into our society would not permit those who are outsiders to come into our society and disrupt the free will lifestyle of all its citizens as well as visitors. Therefore those universal laws would cause serious bodily discomfort to anyone who would not wish to continuously keep the peace within the walls and perimeters of our society. Once the person or souls were to leave our society in peace however all discomfort would immediately cease.
These simple rules which are few, are here put in place within our new world so as to provide peace and happiness to all citizens and visitors to our society, as that is what we wish in life for all, at all times. And so in hopes that those who read our words come to realize that our world is now being formed within the confines of your world, so as to cause it to be easily achieved and found by those of your world who are prepared to come join us at any time in your future lives, we will explain to each of you just how our world can be found.
We call our world The New World Society and we are not of the Cabal of your world as some would come to believe but we are the opposite of that organization, which is why the names or titles are so similar. We are those souls of your world who you have come to see as negative and corrupt to the core. With one difference however! All souls in life have their opposite and they all eventually come to meet that opposite and come to keep both opposite natures that make up their essence and being in check at the day of “The Consummation of the Ages.
In other words positive is good and negative is good, as the two can eventually learn to balance one another out in their lives. And this goes for every soul that has ever been created within every society that exists within Infinite Source (or Infinite Consciousness). So you see dear ones every human souls is good and every human souls is bad, but what you have not yet been taught is that good and bad ( as terms in your world) were created for your lower world and existence, and your lower world existence alone.
Once each of you has had the opportunity to awaken and remember just who you are, you will be reminded of those things by us and our allies, in which case you will immediately know we are telling you truth. Then life will begin anew for each of you in your own time frame, as each of you is truly different, and were each created as a human soul at different times. Therefore your evolution of your soul is completed at many different times within the illusion of time and space.
Getting back to the Cabal thing however we would like to tell each of you that the Cabal in your world is no more guilty of crimes toward humanity as any one soul in your world is presently as well as in your past. We have all at one time or anther been guilty of crimes toward humanity and have simply forgotten them so as to take on new lives in the transmigration of your human soul, in which case you were born and reborn again and again as a human child, learning one new set of lessons after the other within one new life after the other, always being bound within forgetfulness.
But the lessons were never for you as a human personally, given that the human is only the means in which to learn these lessons, but all the lessons learned from eternity to eternity by all humans were experienced so as to add (at the so called end of each human life) new wisdom to the spiritual society and soul group that is the real you.
We are now saying it is okay that the Cabal of your world has done the misdeeds that it has done dear ones; all we are saying to you is that you must each come to forgive them and see all that they have committed in your world as lessons to be learned, in order to realize that you too were once chosen to provide similar lessons to the spiritual society and soul group that is the real you. As their work is just about completed in your world and you could not have been told about such things until it had been just about completed, we can now tell each of you that it is time for you all to come together in unity within your world and reality, and see all things for what they truly are, which is all beneficial to the betterment of all mankind.
You had not known that there is a love none of you have ever been taught to live in life known as unconditional love. You have never known that free will has always been an illusion as you have had to be watched over by your higher selves in the spiritual planes of your existence, as it is your higher self that has always known what is best for you in life. And what was best for you was to create a reality, and put you in that reality to live and learn, never to interfere again until it was completed. This has been done and the reality is completed to your higher self’s satisfaction dear ones.
Therefore that organization you have all come to know as the Cabal is just the organizations of your world that will save you as well, which is why you should at this day not hold any ill will toward them but forgive them, and then sit back and watch just what the good guys can now do for you so as to make each of you so much more comfortable in the very near future, which is only days away according to your reality. No we cannot give you times of day nor an actual day in your world when all things will happen as there is so much about to happen in your world that you will now be too busy enjoying life that days and times will no longer matter in just a short while.
We realize there are still many things each of you does not understand about what things are to come, but we say to you dear ones there comes a time when all you can do is trust what you are being told, and then sit back and watch and see. So we tell you all to sit back and watch and see, as we promise you all that your lives are each about to change much more for the better. Changes are being made behind walls that have never been permitted to be penetrated by the public, and now the reason for this is plain. For as the public has not been permitted to enter the walls of true justice and freedom, neither will those who still seek to remove (and keep removed), justice and freedom further from your citizens of your world.
Your world is an upside down world that allows you to see many things in its opposite order, and therefore each of you from birth has been taught the opposite ways to go in life on purpose. But if this had not been permitted the lessons would not have been learned and each of you would be coming back to this present world of yours even once again. But this could not be permitted as your time of awakening and ascension is upon you now. As we said, some of you will awaken and ascend in the present now moments; tomorrow; the days and weeks following; and every moment of every day thereafter. But you will all ascend as this is your evolutional path.
How you will each awaken and ascend is exactly how you have been awakening and ascending from the moment you were each created as a human soul. The difference however is that instead of just parts of your reality being changed every moment of every day in a gradual and unrealized manner now your whole world will be changed to another completely different vibration and frequency at a much faster pace. In other words things are changing all around each of you very fast presently, but you do not fully recognize those changes because you are still caught up in the pleasures and failures if your present world. Still there are those around you dear ones who see those changes and these are the souls who are presently teaching and guiding each of you into your awakening and ascension at this day.
So what does each of you have to do in order to know that you will not keep your ascension from taking place? Nothing! Do what you wish and never question your decisions in life from this day forward, as there is absolutely nothing that will keep one of you from entering into and living your new life in one of the two timelines that are presently being formed in your world. You are who you are and no one can ever again pretend to be someone they are not in this wonderful new day in the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
We are the Society Daniel and we say to each of you come! We welcome you all into the New World Society that is about to manifest before your eyes dear ones in the days ahead.

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