Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

You will never cease being a fleshly human.

The three days of darkness have lifted - part 7

You will never cease being a fleshly human being!

No spirit; soul; angel; demon – devil- or Satan; of finite or infinite consciousness will ever cease to exist to eternity without being connected to a fleshly human being, nor will it cease to have the consciousness of that human being as well. At the same time no fleshly human being will ever cease to be connected to these spirits; souls; angels; demons – devils- or Satan’s; of finite or infinite consciousness to eternity, as they could never exist without the presence of these entities. Why? Because all of these entities provide the consciousness and affections and in turn provide the illusion of life for every human being ever to experience the illusion of life from eternity, and on in to eternity.
Who is good and loving and who is bad or evil when all is said and done, or when you get right down to it? Those entities that provide all of these affections of consciousness to all humans, and not actually the humans themselves, are the ones who are good and evil.  They are the ones who either live their entire lives or existence in the heavens (according to their illusions that heaven is real), or in the hells (according to the illusion that the hells are real as well). You as a human will come to exist on every level of life and density of existence from the moment you begin to possess consciousness as a human being. Still it is these entities I have spoken of who provide all the illusions of life (good and evil – positive and negative) throughout the lives of every human being ever to come to exist through the illusions created by these beings or entities.
Yes, it is these entities that create the worlds. It is these entities who create the “Circles of life.” And it is these entities who create the illusions of life throughout all of creation and existence. You as a human being simply live out the illusion as if it were yours from the very beginning, and therefore come to believe it is you who must take all responsibility for the good as well as the bad, throughout every life you come to live as a human being, and this is the lessons you each come to learn through the illusions of life. So exactly who are all of these souls and entities who are creating all these different affections and scenarios that provide all the illusions for these lives you each come to live ( within illusion) from eternity and on in to eternity? They are all you, just as everything is you in the end.
So if you go off and ascend, and therefore come to move to your fifth density life and plane of existence, who stays behind and continues the illusions of life for you in third density? You as well, as I have stated all souls are you! You can be the human being living life in third density while possessing the consciousness of your third density self, and you can do the same on every other density or level of existence, but first you must come to remember that you can do all of this. How did you come to forget? By allowing yourself to descend lower and lower down into the densities of the illusion of life, and taking on more and more lower density thoughts; words; affections; ands forms. Each of you have come to exist as a first dimensional being; a second dimensional being; and a third dimensional being, with the third being the highest state of your existence as a human being as far as your body and form are concerned.
As far as your consciousness or mind are concerned these are densities, and densities can go as low as anyone wishes (as long as lower things continue to provide you pleasure in life) or as high as they are capable of taking themselves through their own evolution or maturity in life. Once you each reach third density as the human in its highest state of physical existence, then you begin your travel up in densities, based on the advancement or evolution of your minds or consciousness. As it is, all forms of life or existence tend toward becoming a third dimensional human. You can become a third dimensional human and still be in any density of life and existence as you please in life, as long as you have lived out your seasons of life, and have through your own free will choosing, chosen the things in life that apply to the level of life or density that you wish to exist within.
You can choose to be an angel or a devil all according to your own free will choices in life, and still be a human being. You can remain ignorant or you can become just as wise as you wish to be spiritually, all simply by your free will choices in life. But keep in mind that no soul can ever choose to be something other than what it truly is in life in the end (even though you may at times think different), even though it will live its life in ignorance and illusion (at times) that it can be something other than what it truly is while living life in the lower densities of consciousness.  You can be anything you wish to be in life, but in the end you will only wish to be those things you truly are, while thinking you chose to be what you are in life in the end. You cannot really choose to be someone you truly are not, as each of you exists within the All in All (the Infinite Source) as exactly who and what you are, and you can never change who and what you are, other than through the illusions you create for yourself from eternity and to eternity.
While you are your lower self you will know nothing other than that you are what you appear in life, while as your higher self you will come to realize that you have created many – many illusions that provide many different appearances of life for you within each and every “Circle of life” you have ever lived, and will ever come to live. So now because you are about to reconnect with your higher selves you will now remember all things about you and all of existence (reality and illusion) and will therefore now become a fully conscious human being. You will not put off the flesh as it will remain with you to eternity, in one form or shape, or another. You will forever continue to walk around with a body and form when you wish to reflect on it (Quantum physics) and you will never again be tied down to you human form  if you do not within that now moment wish to do so. But still it (your body and form) will be there (according to illusion) for those who wish it to be there, as they too possess the ability to create your physical appearance (body and form) through their memory of you.
Again, you will never put off your human physical body and form, other than changing its appearance and size to eternity. Your body and form will always be of the essence it is now, and will forever come to exist through your own personal choices and illusions that are created through those choices. You are the Infinite God and therefore you are most definitely the finite God in the least. You possess so much more than you will imagine at this day in time, but you will only retain those things in life that you wish to retain (through your own personal ruling loves in life) what “you” personally created through each and every illusion you have created for yourself from eternity ( and to eternity) as a human soul.
So when you become that fifth density human you have heard so much about as of late, you are probably wondering how it will all come together when all is said and done. We have third density humans walking around on this present planet earth (on third density earth) and still what many may not yet know is that we have fifth density and higher humans walking around on this planet earth as well, (only in different densities), within the same human bodies and forms, and not a single third density human can see a one of them. In other words I am walking around this planet as a third density human being, a fifth density human being; a sixth density human being; seventh; eighth; and on, and on, and on, all living within the same physical human body and form ( better known as consciousness).
For the body and form are not real as only the consciousness is real on every level of life (on this same planet, or on different ones for those of the higher consciousness’). So even the many different illusions of bodies and forms are still all an illusion, and only the many – many consciousnesses are actually real.   So if I am a fifth density human being I can walk around this whole planet earth and not be seen by a single third density human being on third density planet earth. For not only are the humans separated by the densities but the planets as well, and still it all fits together as a single planet in the end. Why? Because the spirit world overlaps itself time and time again, with no end or limit to the densities or worlds that can share the same space in all of creation. Remember that God does not exist within space, but He does fill all space.
So when I become my fifth density self in my human body and form, will I be able to see third density human beings? Yes! Will they be able to see me as my fifth density self, and them as their third density selves? No! The lower cannot see the higher vibrational being, but the higher vibrational being can in fact see the lower one. Can the higher vibrational (density) being interact or interfere with the life of a third density (vibrational) being? No! And the many reasons why have already been stated within my many different posts for those who are interested. So you see friends, when you leave here for your fifth density life, you will still see your friends; family; and acquaintances of this present third density world, even in the case of those who remain here in third density. They will not know you have ascended and entered into the new fifth density life that you would now represent and live in as they will still see your present third density body and form within their third density reality. One big difference however is that you will not possess the ability (while you are your fifth density self) to help them or interfere in the interactions and lessons having to do still, with their present third density lives. They must continue living out their lessons, and you cannot stop those lessons, all because of universal laws built into your being and density of life. And guess what friends! The third density human you still possess must finish living out their lessons of life as well, and you cannot interfere, unless asked by your third density human, and even then you can only provide spiritual wisdom and not lower wisdom have to do with the third density realm of existence.
So what are the benefits of your human that you possess being connected with your higher self? The fact that the human you possess knows you (or its higher self) and knows it can trust you to guide it in the right direction, even though in the end the lower human must decide for itself. So again, how would you know if a person has ascended or awakened to their ascension if you are not the third density human connected with that soul? Unless you are awakened to your higher self as well, you will not. And now, so that you can absorb all that I have given you this day, I will end for the time being.
With so much unconditional love and light, I bid you all good day. ---------Daniel --------Leo-------

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