Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation#87

Countdown to an evacuation # 87
In my previous transmission I and we spoke of the human form and human condition that is made up of universal principles found throughout creation and on all levels of our existence equally and in direct correspondence to one another. You will find that I have often been speaking of good and evil - light and dark - and one opposite as compared to the other as to their importance toward the continuance of the human condition.
For such a very long time now the present system we are accustomed to teaches us and guides us toward a society where we tend to kill off that which is different or opposite to our own nature in life - rather than absorbing and accepting all opposites as an important part - a necessary use and purpose toward our continued existence on all levels of life. Of course it is given by the rulers of our world and the ones holding offices of law and order to set the standards of our world becasue we allow them to constantly and continuously do so throughout society.
Whatever the mother is within a family unit they seek to destroy that mindset and trade it for one that tells us she is to submit to her husband while he continues to rule his own household. The child is to submit as well to the mother and the father - giving him or her very little chance in life to think out - speak out - or act out his and her own ruling loves and affections which are reflected every time a child comes to be him or her self in life - separate from the ruled guidance or forced guidance of their parents.
The human child is taught traditions of continued punishment throughout their daily lives and punishment it is for every time the child comes to go against traditional rules and regulations of one's present household. Because we are taught from such a young age to obey rules and that we will indeed be punished when we do not choose to do so we grow to young adulthood and adulthood believing these same principles are right and correct when they are followed throughout society - whether at home or out in the public arena.
Once we become adults of course then the real deal is revealed to us and we come to truly see what it is to have rules or laws and just how difficult one's life can become when he or she comes to break those rules and ;laws set up by those we think we voted into office - when in fact they were placed there by some preset condition or agreement. Therefore wherein the collective human population of a certain system or society comes to think they are voting on a ruler or King to rule their earthly kingdom what they are actually doing is assuming that those they placed their trust in are indeed trustworthy - and in many cases they are not.
If you can find deceit in one human being imagine the levels of deceit we could find in a group of humans whose main intent in life is to deceive the people and place in office those representatives who best provide their predescribed intentions. Imagine if you will how easily the people can all be misinformed and lead to believe those they trust to rule or guide them are just the ones who will also deceive them and cause them to submit to their every request and law they come to put into place once that trust is achieved or arrived at by the rulers of our world.
The point I am making here is that the world you think you live in is not actually the world you live in - as it is filled and permeated with liars and deceivers of the people - and just as one human can lead you astray in so very many ways imagine how far off of the truth one can be lead just by placing their trust in the one who does nothing but has the intentions of being that constant deceiver of the people.
Imagine the messages and levels of information provided to the people throughout the world today that breed fear and doubt - and cause the people to constantly believe they will one day become sick or diseased and finally could possible die at a moments notice - if in fact they did not receive what the deceivers have to offer them. Rather than guide the people of our world into a knowing and understanding that the human makeup or inner working systems are placed in such an order from within just for the select or set purpose of healing all sickness and disease one could ever imagine for the human body to contract or fall prey to in life.
Imagine if you will some of the most toxic substances known to human kind and reflect on the fact that there is a reason the human brain or mind possesses a wisdom that permits it to steer away from things with such toxicity and to not allow itself to ingest those things that it knows do not agree with ones own true ruling love's - affections - or tastes in life. We do not always know those things which will agree with our bodies makeup and sustenance of life however - and so we sometimes mistakenly ingest things - elements - or minerals that can make us sick or even put us on death's bed if we are not careful.
Do you really believe that you have never put poison in your body or that you have ingested such things which could easily extinguish the life of the human form if they were not counteracted by their equal and opposite element or atomic makeup that they were meant to present to your physical existence? Do you not in fact believe that there are those on your world who have intentionally placed in your food and drink such things as could easily end the life of those whose bodies did not in fact balance out their affects once ingested? And do you not believe many have lost their lives simply because they did not believe or know that their bodies are capable of doing just what I speak here?
If in fact every human being today knew that which is placed in and on our reality so as to counteract a thing we would completely do away with sickness and disease on our world today becasue everything is there that we need to do just that - but few are aware of the principles set in place before the world was even formed. Certainly when many people become sick they proceed to take a pill or some sort of medicine so as to relieve the pain or displeasure they are presently feeling - but how often do they seek to counteract or remove the pain and displeasure on their own simply by intending and allowing the human body to do its work for the good and benefit of the body - which has always been the grand purpose of human forms to begin with?
Whether it is within the human form - the human mind and consciousness - or out there in the grand universe there is absolutely nothing that is something that is not provided to the material and physical realms on all levels with it's equal and opposite twin - and they both hold the same appearance given that the one can indeed mimic the other - as it is the deceiver of the human condition. Whereas every form can take on the appearance of another form just by becoming a part of said form so too is this the case with the human from both within and without - which is why you have often heard that when a man and a woman live as a couple long enough they begin to share traits and appearance in a manner where others begin to see they start to look like one another in certain aspects.
All in all the world you live in is set up in a manner in which all and everything can change and become it's equal and opposite partner within the world of atoms or cells or that which is not seen in our world by the naked human eye. You often hear people speak of finding their soul mate in life and so they go out and they look all the time for someone who agrees with them on as many topics as is possible - when the truth is that your soul mate is that human who projects and lives their life as your complete opposite - becasue equilibrium is provided to two people living as a couple or mates according to all of their differences or opposite ruling loves and affections in life.
It is kind of like if you and your mate borth like the very same television shows and you like all the same hobbies and share all the same interests in almost everything you can think of - would this not put you both in one another's presence so very often that you would get bored with each other after some period or time? Can you imagine your heavens when they were made up of the one thing you love in flei and you were constantly in the process of thinking - speaking - or acting out said reality in life moment after moment - day in and day out - all year long?
So you see when taking on a mate who loves all the same things as you there is no different realities to experience - no moderation of life where you can try something new that is in fact something your mate would love to try as well. For those who believe love is all there is - and that heavenly bliss is the sought out reality everyone would love to live one day - imagine just that - and thing to yourself what it would be like to have at your hands all and everything that pleases you - and that in doing so you could never experience something different considering you are a being that lives from and to eternity.
Still not getting it are you? I realize that I have been a bit vague thus far and so I will attempt to provide some greater understanding to those prepared to receive it.
You are each a being that originates from the light and all and everything having to do with you and your ruling loves and affections have to do with the light and what it provides based on the light - or what you think is pure love and compassion for all possibly. But you are also a being of the dark - and everything having to do with that part of you that is not in fact separate from you or the light is total service to self no matter who or what you have to harm or cause loss to in life in order to achieve and maintain your own happiness and pleasures in life
Knowing now that you are both of these creatures or beings - and that the one cannot exist on it's own becasue they both are a part of the makeup of the greater creature or being that is the real - true - or purest reflection and representations of you - can you imagine all the possibilities and potentials available to you if you were to bring both of these natures that represent you together rather than pulling them apart and destroying the other or putting it completely out of your life? And can you now imagine that not only does the dark side wish to destroy the light side but the light side ( or those who think they are of the light side).wishes to destroy or place into oblivion the dark side as well?
The reason this is so is becasue while the human is living it's life and existence in the lower 3-d realms of existence and consciousness he or she is being ruled by their masculine nature or principle - and it therefore matters not if you are representing the light or you are representing the dark - as both are of the masculine principle and nature and both do not in fact ever seek that most necessary equilibrium of life required in order to achieve and maintain the proper order better known as chaos in the grand universe of human civilization.
As long as the two continue to seek separation from within as well as without the human form sickness - disease - war - and violence are constantly the processes going on for every human stuck in this human condition within the present. So one would say to him or her self why not get rid of the other - would this not then allow both sides to witness and live life according to their heavenly desires they often reflect on in life? Again I revert back to that which I spoke of earlier in this message - where I spoke of one being permitted to life in a reality and world where all and everything were available to someone all the time - but you come to choose one thing which gives you happiness and pleasure in life and you choose to live this one thing in your life day in and day out. Where is the change of life or state of mind when all one has to reflect on is the same old experience or acts and actions which come with the one reality you chose as providing heavenly bliss for you?
If you were to live in in a world and reality where all thing good and beneficial were provided you every day so as to choose from those things at any given time that would be great would it not - as you could then choose from a whole sort or allotment of realities and experiences based on everything good available to you from the light right? But guess what - there is nothing provided from the light that does not come with it's dark counterpart. The two cannot truly ever be separated becasue this is how it has been from eternity - and eternity where only Creator Source possesses the required knowing and understanding to in fact guarantee that existence cannot be carried out to eternity unless the light and dark were in fact truly connected according to full agreement and equilibrium.And the closer each of us comes to zero point - which is moving closer in consciousness with Creator Source or ourselves - the more we will each come to understand all things predestined for the human condition.
Just as every shade expressed on our world is provided through the complete agreement of the light and dark coming together to provide their level of one or the other to create or duplicate any and all forms - so too is this the case for everything that holds form in and on our world. This is why you have access in life to that which is bad - worse - and the most very worse - and you have access to that which is good - that which is better - and that which is most wonderful in all of it's splendor. If you do away with the dark or those levels of self that provide everything opposite to your present nature then you have only half of the piece - half of the whole - and half of the human puzzle we call duplicated potential and possibility.
Look outside - see the light in your sky and all around you - and imagine a light twenty million times brighter. Without the dark you would never be capable of envisioning the light becasue you could not receive it's brilliance at the levels in which it is offered in it's purest of forms. Add the darkness however and you have every level of light you can imagine based on what your human form intends to receive or wishes to receive based on your present ruling loves and affections guiding your human mind and present levels of consciousness. As you continue to move higher into densities of your greater collective consciousness greater levels of light can be experienced as well as greater levels of darkness.
If you therefore remove all evil - all hatred - all levels of negativity you believe to be negative - dark - and evil on your world today - you place yourself into non - existence becasue you have uncreated yourself by levels of separation not ever meant for human kind to venture into. Because you are an eternal spirit and soul you can forever choose to destroy your body and your world but you can never destroy you or any part of you that causes you to be Creator Source. So now we speak on punishment -----
When you punish in life you not only punish the dark side of you but you punish the light side of you as well - and becasue you think you are separate from the one who represents your dark side you continue in punishing those on your world who represent that side of you not yet understood by your higher planes of knowing and understanding of Self. When you separate yourself from all those humans who represent things or ruling loves and affections on your world that do not agree with you or bring you any sort of pleasure and happiness what you are really doing is taking your own self out of equilibrium of life and into the boiling pit's of your hell's.
You can learn many lessons in life from those who represent things in your life you simply hate and cannot stand to allow into the presence of your every day existence - and yet you do not have to be them or be like them in any way if you so choose - but you are required through universal principles to absorb every new lesson in life that these persons bring to the proverbial table of your evolutionary existence. As long as you do not accept or receive these lessons brought forth to your attention in every moment of your daily lives they will return in other form or human experiences and interactions - until said lessons are learned and new potential and possible realities are added to your book of life's potentials and possibilities so to speak.
When you come to punish or play a part in the punishment of those human beings out there in your world today that break the laws of man or the laws you personally set in place for your own sphere of life - you punish yourself becasue what is found without is what resides within you as well. If you punish a murderer or you will or wish the punishment of a murderer you are saying that murderers should be punished - and you are a murderer on one level or another every day of your life - and the necessary punishment will indeed come your way so as to balance the scales of life every time.
There are many different forms of murder - many different forms of rape - adultery - child molestation - theft - deceit - and every horrendous word or action you could ever think of - and many of us overlook these things in life becasue we might be doing them on a smaller scale than is reflected on or noticed by the average or everyday human. As I said before those things that appear so horrific when they are done to a human being are not so noticeable by many of us when they are carried out toward lower beings of our world that are not human - and may not even appear to possess life or consciousness - but they all possess life - they all possess consciousness - even if it is a grain of sand on the beach.
So my friends we are all here to learn and to share what we have learned - but we are not here to punish those whose standards and practices in life appear to be of a lower or more harmful nature than our own. We have all waged war and violence against those who possess innocens in life - we have all killed or murdered when we intend to act as the strongman toward another of life's creatures by forcing our ruling principles on them instead of allowing room for them to rule or guide their own life and everyday existence. To die in this world is to no longer have a physical affect on this world any longer - and at such times as we play the strongman and seek to rule over others - we take control of their world and leave nothing for them to rule or control on their own - which destroys many Gods who are a part of the collective makeup of this material and physical plane of life and existence.
When you take the power and creatine authority and abilities away from one God and place it within your own hands you have destroyed that God - and this makes you a murderer at said level of your conscious existence. When you harm the innocent of our world or you break the barricades to protect the innocence of another - you have molested a child - and you are a child molester. Yes you can look at it from another angle and provide some sort of defense in your favor - but when it comes to actual ruling loves and affections and all things which correspond to said ruling loves and affections the level at which one is punished becasue of your own true beliefs in life does no longer matter - as you have taken on the responsibility of playing the God of your world - and if you live by that sword you will come to die by it every time.
As far as money and riches are concerned on our world - within our present reality - the same principles hold true - in that you can use money and riches for the good and benefit of all - or you can connect them with the principles of laws and punishment - in which case you have simply used money in such a manner as to feed that God in you that kills other Gods and places them under your supposed rule or guidance in life - if in fact you have any control on how said beneficiary of your supposed monies or riches are spent once they receive your gift from your vast treasures in life.
Money as I said can be used as a positive tool or a negative tool in life - and depending on those ruling loves and affections attached to what one may share as a give from their riches the outcome will be according to the intended goal of the one possessing said riches or forms of money. You do not live in a world that can give to the whole population of the world financial abundance and place rules - laws- or set conditions on said gift - and expect that said world is going to transform according to that which you intend to achieve for the people of said world.
Peace cannot be established through the form of money or riches of any kind becasue peace lies within every human being individually - and though it may appear at first that the population has conformed to peace becasue of their rich inheritance - humans do not change becasue of that which another expects of them - as all humans are guided in life and will forever succumb to their own true ruling loves and affections held within. An evil man will not all of a sudden become peaceful and loving just becasue he was given a gift of large sums of money to provide for him for the rest of his life. He may pretend for a while but in time all forms return to the original form they held before incentive was provided or offered toward their change of life's principles.
Whether your world is sixty percent supposedly good or light beings ( those who appear to live life for the good and benefit of human kind) making up the human population or it is sixty percent dark beings ( or evil and hateful people) this makes no difference when it comes to changing our world to paradise or heaven on earth - as this is not brought about by the overall majority of the population becoming good or of the light - becasue this world we live in is still and will forever be ruled by the masculine principle. Every human is held responsible for his or her own self in life when it comes to achieving and maintaining equilibrium of life - and your world will change always according to you the individual human - and you will move to the corresponding timeline and dimension of your existence in the end - based on you and you alone.
The population of the world - as I said previously does not matter becasue it will forever remain outside of and out of equilibrium becasue this is how the makeup of the material and physical plane is designed. We are all living in a messed up world that is the seed bed and schoolhouse of human evolution - and in order to leave the schoolhouse and go off as adult human spirits or souls and begin duplicating the world and ralities you each seek - based on equilibrium and full agreement of life and Self - each human much achieve and maintain that equilibrium of lfie and maintain it so as to be capable of manifesting the timeline they seek - which is one not of this present world.
This world will continue to grow in darkness and evil - just as it will continue to grow in goodness and light - but the separation of the two will forever remain on this plane of our existence - as none of you were ever meant to achieve heaven on this earth or paradise through the tools presently provided to the people of this world. And now I leave you all to ponder these things.

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