Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #62

To everything our season awaits.
Countdown to an evacuation #62

Humanity - the year is 2016 - and people all over the world are experiencing new levels of consciousness - new thought patterns not before witnessed by a generation who has long lived in a collective society of givers - a collective society of takers - and an overall world populace that has ever since time remembered lived an existence of separation in every way one could possibly imagine - and now time has chosen to stand still for a time - times - and half of time as a wise man once said.

Yes friends time is presently standing still for those who have taken on this new consciousness that is sweeping our world.They cannot move forward and they cannot go back - as they are stuck in a continuum on purpose - and they are placed there by those of old - indeed those to come - and will hold the many spaces for all of humanity so that each can catch up and begin the final countdown into a world and reality where time will once again stand still - for all eternity to be exact.

There will be no more yesterdays - no more tomorrows - and no one who is to make up this new populace of ours will ever again come to witness a separation which bound each of us in a continuum of human slavery for ages on end. The world is at a standstill at this day and yet to many it still appears to move forward in a clockwise direction - with the old and the new continuing the illusion - the many illusions in fact that what is old will dissipate - be done away with - while those of another group will be under the guise of all things new actually absorbing and taking to themselves all things old as well.

Some are returning to a sleep state while others are taking on a whole new expression of awakening - and awakening they will becasue there is no longer a purpose for dreams in a world where our dreams will now become our new realities.There will be those who return to basic necessities while there will also remain a group who chooses rather to retain all that they own and possess in life - and will take their changes with the unknown factor that they do not yet possess within their collective conscious dream states of lower illusion.

Yes it is the year 2016 - factor four to be exact - and this is the year that time will stand still for so very many humans - while only the illusion of time will remain for those who do not yet see the unseen. But it is not what many of you think - it is not an end to our world - rather it is a beginning - one where we are taken out of the loop of time travel - and into a loop of simultaneous passive - inactive revolution of our globe - our bodies and forms - our microcosms as well as our macrocosms.

Again some will return to basics and will begin living their lives in contentment no matter what their circumstances may be in life - while others see the new as a progressive or different version of the same old systems and societies of human kind where one either gets or one is gotten. All who are still bound to the old through their inner connection to the time loop will continue working their nine to five jobs - working long hours in their day so as to afford those comfortable lives they continue to believe to be the true meaning of life.

Wars will continue to be fought - currency wars as well throughout your world will still be the norm as human kind in it's continued sleep state will continue to own and possess - buy and sell - and never get satisfied with ones sustenance in life for as long as one has the breath to wake up and continue this age old tradition that has been ruling your world for ages upon ages.

Those who are not prepared to let go of their possessions in life will remain in submission to their possessions - while all the time - in a reality where no time exists any longer - we as an awakened collective society of human angels will not attempt to awaken these folks from their sleep and slumber - as we are well aware that this reality is still here - still going on simultaneously with the new one - keeping the sleepers all busy while we in the background put all things anew into their proper place and prospective - and then we will call on them in their season.

We have come to your world and reality many times before so as to prepare what is or what was to come - and we do so as a reminder to those about to awaken in their many individual seasons that it is they who will be the many saviors of human kind - and not some invisible God you have been told of in fairy tales in many days gone by. We have come here as well to guide many to their day of enlightenment - and in this process we have sacrificed much in order to take on lower human existence - suffering all the many trials - tests - and human sorrows that each of you have had to endure as well for so very long period of your existence.

We will not be needed here on your world for much longer as you are each about to come join us where and when we presently reside - which by the way is here and now. Many of your world are presently caught up in either the past or the future - and you do not yet understand that you need not move forward or backwards with your thoughts or human existence in time - but you need to move inward - where the past become the present and the future returns to your inner being as well and comes to meet the past within all present moments - and once again time stands still for each of you while you all stop to listen to that still small inner voice that will tell you - it is all okay.

We do not tell you to wait on it - and we do not tell you it will come one day soon - but rather we tell you it is here and now - and there is no further need to take from that which once was - nor that which will one day become - but instead you need to take what is at your doorstep - and when you see it for what it is - do not hesitate to believe - do not cease from knowing that you are what you have become - and you were what we once were as well - but beyond the limitations of time and space we are all the same - we are all One.

We are not your Gods therefore - nor do we call down angels from heaven to do our bidding - as we can only do and carry out those principles and intentions in our existence in complete correspondence to your own true ruling loves and affections in life - and so once again we tell you that we are here to fulfill all of your hopes and dreams - and indeed will will do just that when your seasons come for each of you - but we can only do these things when you friends come to awaken to a new set of principles and understanding that no matter how little you ever come to have at your disposal - and no matter how great universal providence rewards you through trinkets - treasures - and all the things dreams are made of - if you do not first and foremost find your contentment in life no matter what the circumstances we will not come to you - we cannot in fact come to you.

As long as human society - you to be exact - are living your life through conscious reflection in your every day life of things wanted - needed - or required in order for you to survive in this world - you cannot enter into the next. You do not exist in the next reality as you each presently are - and becasue you must become that which resides there in the realm of human consciousness that does not want - need - or lack a thing - you must each and all come to the conclusion that neither riches or poverty will be your savior - and peace and abundance cannot be yours until you accept every part of your being - every potential and possible reflection of your inner reality presented as the outer - and true contentment of life must be the new you before you immediately move to that timeline and dimension of your existence that tells you we are all One and the same - and there is no more separation.

We did not come here to judge you - we did not come here to tell you that the life you are living is wrong - becasue it is not and never has been wrong. We simply came here to share with each of you all that we can present share - given the levels of Higher understanding you all have taken on through you present awakening - as the process has begun and time is slowing down with each passing moment.Again for man time has stopped - while for others it is still moving at a frequency capable of sustaining life in your world for each of you whose season is slowly but surely creeping beyond the limitations of your present sphere.

As we do not concern ourselves with the limitations of time and space the year 2016 means very little to us - while it means what it means to each of you based on your present levels of understanding of time and space - and the movement at this day toward dead center - or the true focal point of your true existence in the now. So why do we mention the year 2016 if time means very little to us - and we are no longer bound by it's many illusions?

We know how close you are as a generation that has come on to the physical and material scene being birthed from the same point or simple - or in other words your origin is the same in many more ways than one could even imagine.Because we know certain things we can tell you that your season - the awakening season for each of you is closer together for each of you than you might otherwise know - and even though we are not promising you that ships will come to your world on a certain day or year to rescue you all ( those who resonate with such tales) we can tell you that the human condition - the new human condition of your generation is so very similar in many ways - and the people of your world are about to achieve that most important equilibrium which will sling you into a sort of quantum leap into your collective awakening.

Because we stand outside of time and space one year to you is as a thousand years to us - and what you come to understand in that space of an illusory year we understand and receive a thousand times more in the pace of your one year as you call it.We do not experience time but we do in fact know the speed of processing information for the physical rational human being - and we base our comparisons accordingly.

Now as we have cautioned each of you to no longer get caught up in time increments or the many illusions your world lives becasue of the presence of time calculations - we tell you to let the past go and move closer to the now that you presently allude to - and we also tell you to release you thoughts on future events and to come back to your present collective thoughts for today - and in doing so you will have brought the past and the future back into the now moments of your existence - in a place separate from time - where we can meet with you in your many sub - seasons leading up to your final season living life within the limitations of separation.

The year 2016 is not the season for all humans on your world in that it is not required that all come to their season at this scheduled year on your world - but equilibrium will have been established for your collective world - and this is all which is required for the return to dead zero - to the nothingness that you each represent - a point out of time and space where all things begin anew - and we each get a fresh start to do it all over again with new found levels of knowing and human understanding that has been achieved in many days gone by through your evolution of the human spirit.

Go as you please - do as you please - and live your lives in a manner that provides each of you true happiness when you can - and seek to do these things in life as well even in times when it appears that you cannot go beyond the limitations and boundaries of those in and on your world who would have you do differently.For we tell you friends the individual awakening is not required in order to bring about the collective awakening - simply becasue there are those of your world who will come to represent the heavens of your new reality and there are those who will come to represent the hell's - and all will be welcome in this new world and reality that is to shortly come upon us all.

We remind you however that those who do not wish for a new world and reality but find happiness in your present world and the systems it offers do not seek and awakening - in which case they will still be welcomed by the collective group that is still One with them just as much as they are One with the awakened group.Those awakening will no longer repel or refuse those not awakening in that all who make up the human body or collective ( good and evil - right or wrong - positive or negative - and every other opposite to our nature) will be accepted by all without question. However friends - do not be confused or misdirected as to the group of humans who are to make up this awakened group or collective.

It is not those who are necessarily good and loving - nor is it those who are bad or evil necessarily who will make up this awakened group - but rather this group will be made up of those human beings who have found contentment of life - true peace - true abundance - and has come to accept all of life the way it is - without any further thoughts of separation in life - no matter what differences are found one awakened human between another awakened human - and this is how it must be in order for our generation to move forward and come to live together in eternity as One.

Does this mean that fifty percent of your world population must come to awaken in order to achieve equilibrium for your world so that it can in fact awaken to all things new? No! Your world will experience a split for sure - but it will be a three way split - with one third not awakened and representing those who are representative of good and truth - one third of those not to awaken who make up the group or collective who represents evil and falsities - and the last group will be the collective of those who come to find true contentment of life choosing not to imagine themselves as either good and truth - nor evil and falsities - but both in fact. Separation for this last group of course will no longer be their life's guiding principles - and these friends will come to awaken to a new reality of the New Human condition.

Because of these conditions on your world at this day and season all will go and do just as they have done for ages - and very little will have appeared to change - when in fact the real changes will go on behind the scenes for those who make up the awakening collective of your generation and true peace and abundance will be found within their spheres of life - and all who choose to share such life with them without separation - without mention of differences - and without any further denial in life that we are all One and the same - and we each prove a necessary use and purpose to the New Human that is to come.

A door will always be left open for all who wish to enter into our new collective gates of the new Human Society - but no one will be forced or coerced to enter against their own free will choosing. As this new form of human society continues on into etenrity therefore humans will come and humans will go - and all along the equilibrium of our new society will be maintained by the traffic in and out of one timeline and dimension after the other.

And so in moving forward we once again tell you that there will remain three typical groups of people on our new world - and those from both sides of equilibrium in life - whether they believe themselves to be good or they are seen as evil - will be welcome into the gates of a society of human beings where no fences or limitations will ever again be in place.

We stress to each of you that if you ever had an inclination to ask questions - now is the day or season to do so - as we are coming upon our day or season for our evacuation from your world - and whatever you wish to receive in knowing about the awakening in progress you should ask now.Our time grows short according to your instruments - and when the required numbers of our messages are completed we will leave you to choose your directions for yourselves as it has been planned from the very beginning.

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