Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #88

Countdown to an evacuation # 88
When you love something or someone it is forever. Love for anything or anyone was there from the very beginning of beginnings and it goes on as the end draws nigh and surpasses physical expressions of itself. One should be careful and hold to much wisdom when he or she speaks the word love to another therefore because it is not a term to be thrown around like we often do with our many words of anger.
When we have that love for someone or some thing we become drawn to it like an actual magnet becasue love is truly magnetic. As we live on in the many illusions of life and the many lives that come to follow we come to a place eventually where we truly know when we love a thing or a being that holds conscious expressions of love all the time - but often does not possess the higher knowing or collective understanding to realize that we love all things shaped in all bodies and all forms of conscious duplication of our many selves in this universal existence.
Not only do we love all things holding consciousness ( and indeed all and everything holds consciousness) but we hate all things holding consciousness as well - and the difference is that love comes with understanding and knowing of universal principles while have comes with the lack of knowing and a universal lack of understanding of universal principles. In short you love that which you hate and you hate that which you love and so to know that the one you come to hate is the one you must love in life first and foremost is to receive higher understanding of true universal principles and the all out meaning of that which we call life.
You cannot love that which you do not hate as well - for to do so is to live life with a false understanding of love or the love principle. If we were to repel or push our enemies away in life we would be pushing those we love away - in which case they must continuously return to our presence - our wonderful protective sphere of life we call our comfort zone - in order therefore that we should eventually come fully into our true understanding and knowing of that which we call Self.
We cannot run from Self to eternity as eternity is there in order to achieve fullness and wholeness of Self. Every enemy we cause to become our friend and loved one is just one more notch on the grand scale of weights and measurement that are found in equilibrium of life that are only achieved and maintained as one becomes whole and gradually comes to cease in pushing away other selves that are there to gain access to the One true being that places us in fullness and wholeness of life.
Many today of our present generation are still caught in the Matrix of separation - the illusion of love and hate - war and peace - right and wrong - righteousness and wickedness - and so on - becasue we continue to take from this present world those age old traditions engrafted and forced on us in days gone by which teach us all that one way of our existence is right and correct while the other is wrong and improper. Many of us do not yet receive that higher knowing that tells us with every grain of our being that all and everything is us - that One Creator Source of all things - and that to separate any part of Self is to make one's Self divided and less than whole in every instance or manner.
Yes many today cannot help but believe that we are not killers or murderers - thieves or deceivers to others - adulterers - child molesters - full of hatred and slander - that we are not prejudiced or hateful - and that we pretty much are no longer those things that no longer fit into the human condition which guides our lives from this day forth. Most of us want to and have to believe we are not - and have never been those things in life that offend each of us the most when we are in our own comfort zones in life or are of a state of mind that truly reflects on those things we love as well as those things we hate or do not love.
Why is it so hard for us to believe or even know for that matter that we are each all things - every thing in fact - and that those things which are seen as harmful to the body and form are there to maintain equilibrium of life and the body - and that it works this way with the material and physical body just as much as it is the grand set principles of the spirit and soul as well? To believe our existence can be anything other than what I am speaking here would be like saying that our human bodies were meant to have all good - positive - and single cells and parts which cause our human machines to function in the manner in which it functions from and to eternity.
Does not the human body require itself to have both red blood cells as well as white? Is the blood any good to us if it is not filtered time and time again by the oxygen that flows through our lungs? Can the bad or dirty blood ever remain bad or dirty and still allow the body to exist and not die?Can the good or clean blood remain good and clean while it continuously or constantly flows through an organic body that is permeated with bad - dirty- or non agreeable minerals and elements which are of a nature and substance that does not conform or agree with those dna cells that are meant to agree with said human form?
You have been a child in a classroom for so very long my friends and the time has come to take the graduate examination - and so I come to you this day to provide you with the guiding principles ( to give you the answers to the exam) so that all of you can graduate if you so choose. You must therefore know first and foremost that the microcosms of our collective conscious existence are no different than all the many myriads of macrocosms - and that what is found to sustain the individual cells of our universe is also what is found to sustain every individual cell found within every form as well - no matter how microscopic said form is found to be - and therefore once you come to understand the individual cell of life you will truly understand all human forms as well - and will then come to know how to sustain and maintain said forms from now to eternity - in peace and harmony - in equilibrium and moderation of life - and will therefore be found to be full - to be whole - once again.
For every good cell in your human bodies you require an equal and opposite bad or offsetting cell - not to fight it and kill it off however - but to achieve equilibrium to the body if you so choose equilibrium instead of war and violence within said human form. And when you have achieved that peace and equilibrium from within you will have achieved it from without as well - within the macrocosms of life expanse. It is however the case for many today - not in knowing however - that war and violence from within your human forms is played out according to correspondence within said form - and this is where sickness and disease come in - as sickness and disease is nothing more than the human form maintaining a life outside of equilibrium - maintaining a war where constant attempts are being made by everyone today on our world to fight those cells - elements - and minerals from within that tell each of us that something is out of sorts and we have left equilibrium and are immediately falling prey to the strongman or sickness - disease - war - violence - and a true hatred for all whom we actually love in life but do not truly understand.
It is not that we are to accept all things that are not in agreement with our present lives but we are to love all things nonetheless - accept them for what they represent in our full and true existence as a single or whole body and form of a macrocosmic proportion - and we allow them to carry out their use or purpose for the present moment while knowing that all will end with a positive note - as all will end in a beneficial way for the body and form.In every case that which appears to many to have come about or expressed itself in our life in a negative manner must be there to provide something negative - when in truth all things works together for the good and benefit of the whole when love and full acceptance are the affections carried out and acted out by every human who is of the present understanding or true universal - higher principles.
As you each come to understand death - rape - child molestation - and so forth you will gradually come to know of the true human condition and the reason every known or possible scenario must exist in our lives in order for the macrocosm to live or experience the same life in which the microcosm has chosen previously through the collective conscious Self. I am not condoning murder - rape - child molestation - or any other horrible act found on our world but I am saying every act or action always comes with many higher levels of the same acts or actions - and as we move higher in understanding lower understanding passes away.
Death is death becasue you manifest a world with death as a reality still - while it does not have to continue to be this way. Rape and child molestation as horrible as they are and as much as you all wish for them to be gone form our world - still do not realize that if they reside within your being they reside without every time as well. Let me put things another way -----
The illusion of death counteracts the illusions of life - the illusion or reality of rape counteracts passivity ( if you are the rapist your aggressive or controlling self is counteracting your passive self that you would usually act out in your every day life) - if you are a child molester your self is counteracting ( seeking equilibrium unconsciously) that part of self you live in your everyday life as one in innocence - as you are attacking or taking power and control over innocence.
In other words whatever one is living in life that causes him or her to feel they are lacking or not possessing which they wish to possess they will seek sometimes to provide a balance or equilibrium by doing or carrying out the opposite in secret - and sometimes right out in public. This is why my friends I have always said it is better to seek moderation of life - equilibrium of life as well - but living out of moderation and living at extremes will cause one to live at the other opposite extreme as well at times - where he or she will find themselves unconsciously seeking or achieving equilibrium of life by seeking that which is totally opposite to the natural self or true ruling loves and affections which guide self in life.
To live a happy and healthy life therefore one must achieve and maintain equilibrium of life while also achieving and maintaining moderation of life. To seek extremes or greater pleasures in one's life is therefore that which also causes one to attract to one's self many extremes which are found at the other end of the opposite spectrum of their life and ruling loves and affections in life. Your physical human form is duplicated in the same image as the human form found in the spiritual and Celestial realms and just as the good and the bad - the positive and the negative - the one opposite and the other opposite - are all required for perfect existence or equilibrium of one's life at all higher levels of one's existence - so too is this the case at every level within the material and physical spectrum or realm of our existence.
One becomes immune to certain bacteria or viruses in life when equilibrium is achieved within the human form or body simply becasue there can be no war or violence found within said body - becasue the mind ( guided by ones heart) will no longer allow negative energies or forms ( no matter how small) to affect their body or health of said body -AS ALL IS ACCEPTED AS A NECESSARY USE OR PURPOSE FOR THE COLLECTIVE EXISTENCE OF SAID BODY AND FORM.
Nothing you put into your body can harm you unless therefore you believe or know it can harm you becasue there is nothing outside of you that is not also inside of you every day of your life. Everything inside of you that you might come to believe would kill you or make you deathly sick is all in your own mind. Yes there are many things in your outside world that can kill you and make you deathly sick - if you provide the belief or knowing to your collective conscious self - that said things can indeed harm you.
It is a truth however that for every harmful atom or cell found within every human form said human form possesses within said form the same equal and opposite atom or cell to offset each of these harmful atoms or cells. Outside of the body or human host - on the outer planes of your form - the same holds true. Nothing exists or can exist that does not come with that equal and opposite self or soul ( cell mate) mate that provides equilibrium and a form in complete agreement of all things within as well as outside of said form or self.
Fear is not knowing and not believing - doubt is not knowing and not believing - and these two affections are your worse enemies in life becasue they allow one to constantly lose sight that all that you believe to be potential and possibility is actually potential and possibility if you make it so - and know how to make it so. In ending this transmission I would offer to you all my friends that when you find yourself without that inner peace you would wish to possess at all times in lfei and do not presently possess it - to go within and reflect on what it is you are experiencing that gives you discomfort - and then think - speak - or act - on it's opposite twin - and if you find that opposite you shall find equilibrium - you shall find that inner peace once again.

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