Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #94

Countdown to an evacuation # 94
Why does it say throughout the Holy Bible to submit to one another? Not only does it say for wives to submit to their husbands but it says that all humans should submit to one another ( in love no less) and there is a reason why this frame of mind is being shared all over your present world.
It is scattered all over the internet these days messages of intended hope for so many who are in distress and sickness and disease to come to your spiritual healers and get your healing or join in on healing sessions - and the truth of the matter is that no one can heal you because it is you that heals you when a healing has been accomplished. Because so many humans today have fallen for the age old belief and permeated reality of our world that we are to submit to one another - not only do we seek to submit to the one we think can make it all better for us but we put our complete trust and faith in their creative abilities - giving no credence to our own creative abilities in the process.
No human being can offer you one iota of interaction or intervention into your life unless you make their reality yours - and unless that person believes in their abilities as much as you believe in your own nothing can be accomplished in the healing of the human condition and body. Therefore when one believes they can truly heal another all they are really doing is healing that part of self that is afflicted in some way - and the healing takes place only within for that person - while at the same time if the healing is directed at another self ( another human being) an outer healing of the other person only comes about if the other person themselves believes - actually knows - that the healing will be successful - and this is not an easy task for many - which is why in most cases a healing is not successful.
Everything goes according to universal principles and unless one knows those universal principles involved in any one part of a persons life and existence the principles do not work. Sure it is easy for one to state that they are a spiritual healer - and it is easy for others to feed into that believe and understanding - and therefore involve themselves with such healers - but in the end any healing which takes place does so because of the one who requires healing and not the one who does not know they too require an inner healing.
All of this mess stems from the simple belief that we are to submit to one another in life - giving the impression that by submitting we are no loner in aggression towards one another. At the same time there is another way of looking at this age old problem and coming to an even greater understanding of how universal principles work in this situation - and we can therefore apply such principles in place of the old and outdated childish principles provided us in days gone by - by those we chose to submit to and trust. This is also connected to messages from your holy books about submitting to rulers and powers who govern your present world and societies.
Rather than submit to one another - and rather than giving your power or universal abilities to another in life ( with them running or ruling your present life) - why not accept all others for who and what they bring to the proverbial table of life - and in the mean time be responsible for your own life and peace and happiness - as well as contentment - and move forward in duplicating or creating all of it of your own doing and abilities - abilities you once did not realize you possessed?
As long as you continue to believe or know that you do not possess the abilities to do the things in life you wish to do or require for sustainment of life you will give that responsibility to others and depend on or require other to do your creating or duplicating of life for you. Because they can manifest certain things or situations in life which you do not believe you can you often find yourself submitting to their creative abilities and governing of your life in many ways - and you therefore allow them to be your Gods so to speak. Is that not what a God is - someone you hold at a higher esteem than yourself in life - and put them at a higher order than yourself when it comes to manifesting certain things or situations in your life - for you?
Again you do not need to submit to anyone in life as submission is nothing more than slavery - and it is often achieved and maintained through processes of fear and doubt - or the unknown factors of one's life. I tell you do not submit but accept and move on with your own life and duplications of your own reality - and when or if you require aid or assistance of another in some area of your life know in your heart and inner being that you will provide - and it has been provided by you - another self ( another human being) that you have brought into your present reality for such a task - or for help or aid in some fashion.
By receiving another help or aid this does not make them your God or the Creator of your present reality or situation - but you remain the creator of said reality as long as you possess the knowing that such is the case. The understanding of this universal principle in a lower human form of understanding would be to say - if you know you are God then it is so. But do not misunderstand me - I do not wish for you to believe or know that being a God is a good or beneficial thing when it comes to your human conditioning and higher understanding.
To be a God is to say nothing more than that you are the ruler of your kingdom - and I do not condone the human being as a ruling power over anyone or any kingdom - as rulership is nothing more than a childlike understanding. You are to duplicate the reality you seek - and in the process you would do well to duplicate a reality in which no one submits to another and you do not intend that anyone should come to submit to another - but do all things in full acceptance of one another in life - and let every Creator Source (every human) create or duplicate his or her own reality according to his or her own present knowing and understanding they constantly draw from the collective consciousness of Creator Source (the collective).
Even if you are not yet at a place where you know who and what you are this day when you come to rely on others to create - manifest- or duplicate for you - do not give them your creative abilities but allow them the courtesy of guiding you according to the creative abilities they presently possess - and seek to learn from those guiding principles - and work toward duplicating the same when and as often as you can in life.

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