Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #80

Countdown to an evacuation #80
What is the one thing each of us can be assured of in life when it comes to all that we do not know compared to all that we do know? What is the one truth in your life that you can safely say is a truth that will stand the test of time and human evolution? Could it be that God is All and Everything? That we are God simply for the fact that if God is All and Everything then we must indeed be God or we could not be real - we could not be possible - and we could not be period?
In my mind however I would have to say that all of this is based on the belief - which could easily be another human illusion - that God is All and Everything - and even the idea that there is a God to begin with. As I have connected with my higher self in every instance that I chose to know of things not seen my higher self has always provided me with answers to my questions in the form of my knowing and not in the form of my asking.
Still there is the truth that we exist on many levels of consciousness and illusions formed of those many levels of consciousness - but if truth be told can we even be one hundred percent sure that consciousness can be understood to work in this manner - especially if we proceed in searching such areas of truth through the rational or logical human mind? What is truth and how can we ever be sure that there is a truth that even exists as potential and possibility without the realm of illusion - without the realm of conscious minds that see no farther than that which is finite - that which has both beginning and an end?
Could we not therefore say at one time or another that everything in life is meaningless - and that all of it comes to fall short at one time or another when seeking the true meaning and purpose of our Infinite or finite existence.
With all that is provided one of - from - through - and for their own Higher Self - how can we truly be sure that even our Higher Self is exact or perfect in his or her measurement of eternal human existence? Who is it in this realm or plane of life that we can trust to offer a proper foundation in order for one to draw truths and consistencies from - and move forward from that point on and add our own truths and reasonings to in order to make some sense of it all -- is there anyone? With all that has come to surface on our world today I think it is a safe bet to say that no third density human has the potential levels of reasoning to fashion such a scenario which would best fit and eventually benefit every human alive today and ever to have lived - and for me if there is an original Source - a Purest of pure being that has indeed provided all things for It's own purposes and pleasures it would most certainly have to be Infinite and It would most definitely have to be All knowing - All Powerful - and All Things - and in All Places.
Since we are probably in agreement that no third density human mind can even fathom an entity or being as such with any proper reasoning whatsoever I would have to assume - and even know when I get right down to it - that a higher source of consciousness is definitely needed in order to even consider such things - and I would even go as far to say that such a higher consciousness representative of our self would have to be of greater conscious levels the closer he or she moves ahead toward it's Source - or it's place of origin.
Now becasue I presently have questions I wish to have answered from even higher Sources of my conscious Self I will therefore attempt to not reach or connect - but become one of these higher Sources - and this attempt is about to be undertaken. I will now make this attempt and we shall see where it takes us. I will connect to even higher levels of my conscious Self in order to compare truths offered up by my present higher Self as apposed to those offered up from levels of conscious even higher. Let us see where this endeavor brings me in what is to come. With that said I will now move to levels of consciousness not before tapped into according to my present knowing self - and see what this may bring to the table of truth.
I will begin with stating the questions I now have for those who wish to know the subject matter about to be spoken of.
Assuming that God - Creator Source is All Knowing - All Powerful - All Things - and in All Places can we now also assume that God or Creator Source is indeed the Source of All Evil as well as All things Good? Can we now also assume that if God provided all potential and possible good things to remain to eternity given He is Eternal and everything about Him must also be eternal - would this not also mean that evil would remain eternal as well - and can never be done away with?
Of course we would also have to assume since everything is a potential and possibility given that nothing can be impossible - (unless one comes to reside within a realm of impossibilities) - we have to hold true that evil cannot be done away with by that which is evil becasue this would mean that the sources destroyed itself - and this cannot be the case in a world founded on human reasoning. So we can now agree according to lower human understanding that evil cannot destroy or do away with evil - which means there would have to be another reality which would provide such means to do away with evil - and such a reality would also be made up of humans who are not at a state of awareness or greater consciousness so that they would even choose to argue the fact that evil was never meant to be done away with to begin with - or from the very onset of creation. But let us stop here and give the floor over to my Higher Self so that these things can be better explained separate from a rational and logical human prospective and in greater detail from a higher or greater human prospective.
This is not the Daniel you know speaking here:
When weighing in on the subject of good and evil it is best to remember that the human condition can never exist or subsist without both of these levels of ruling loves and affections that truly represent what one loves in life no matter what level of life one comes to be in at any given time or now moment. Source wishes to explain in detail what a world would look like if it were fashioned through principles of good rather than it's evil opposite twin. Source also wishes to explain in detail what ones world would look like if it were fashioned through principles of one's opposite nature as well -that being evil of course.
Imagine if you will a plane of life where all of the human inhabitants of said world lived out their lives doing all and everything that is assumed to be good and perfect to each and all citizens of the greater and lesser human societies. First of all let Source say that what is seen to be good and perfect with one human collective consciousness is not seen as good and perfect to another - as is the case with all humans according to one subject or another in life's long journey.
This is our first and foremost dilemma - and we have not even scratched the surface yet - so bare with Source.
Now many of you would imagine that your God or Source is both good and perfect would you not - given that said Source is the determining factor of all things good and bad - right and wrong even - but in truth Source is all things good and all things bad - and it is each of you who provide SOurces many myriads of human forms that get to decide which good affections and which bad affections you come to call your own in life --------- why? Because each of you is like a drop of water in the grand ocean of conscious existence.
To be more plain Source would say that each of you is truly a separate ruling love and affection - a separate ruling hatred and affection - that makes up the Collective SOurce of All potential and possible ruling loves - hates - and affections that are the combined whole of Source. The difference with Source is that all ruling loves - hates - and affections are brought together as One Whole existing as a collective consciousness that is in full agreement on all things - on all that is duplicated in the finite having it's original Source or origin from that which is Infinite - or Source if you will. Everything comes together in perfect agreement known as equilibrium with Source and everything that is given the illusion of life or unconscious existence is given through Source - through you - and is therefore of - from - through - and for - Source as well as every illusory extension of Source - including the human being. Yes you are Source - and all that works toward your being is Source - representing one group of ruling loves and affections or another.
As Source was saying previously to live in a world where everyone was presented as good - loving - and of a peaceful nature and set of principles would simply be like saying Source is the same throughout It's essence and being - and that no difference in affections or ruling loves is ever to be found. It would be like saying that one who loves apples will always love one who loves grapes - with no exceptions - or that one who loves to trick people will always love the one who is completely honest at all times - with no exceptions either. But then you might say that those who trick people and play jokes on others in life is an evil person - and in your mind this might very well be the case - but not in the mind of others who hold these things as their ruling loves in life.
In such a world we would first have to draw limits and boundaries as to what is considered good and loving - peaceful and truly agreeable to all other humans on a single world - which would cause such a world to live life in perfect harmony and contentment - to provide a paradise so that all who resided in said world would also be in agreement that said world represented paradise. We could easily be speaking of a world made up of evil human beings as we could be speaking of one making up humans representative of good and loving affections. In truth how many of you out there truly know if your ruling loves and affections stem from an evil collective consciousness or one considered good and loving?
Does not an evil man often come to love his mother just as equally - if not more than someone who is considered as good and loving? Can a man not be of a truly evil nature and still come to love pets - flowers - growing crops on his land - and many other things attached to nature and human existence. Where one human may find another as evil another human may see this same person as good and loving - depending on the ruling loves and affections of both persons - and depending on what society has trained said humans to be good and loving - or proper for their present world system of life.
Again Source would ask you dear human - is it the one who is found to be good and loving by you who deserves to be considered as one who truly sprung from heaven - is it the one found to be good and loving by your neighbor - or is it one found to be good and loving by the majority of the people who make up your town - city - state- country - or world as a collective whole? Would you not have to say that in the end these decisions should be made by Source and Source alone - and would you not therefore come to agree that becasue you are in fact Source - that it is you in every case in life that decides what is good and loving - what is dark and evil - and what part of one or the other you are prepared to accept in life as becoming a part of your collective self and your sphere of life or comfort zone in life - which brings you often happiness and contentment of life day after day?
We now offer you something to ponder ---- In a world where everyone agreed that every person or human living on said world was good and loving could you easily find contentment of life? And if you found contentment of life and you wished for that world to remain as it were forever - or as long as you lived on said world - what would change? If you never slept - and you never changed bodies and forms so as to move to other words in your next lifetime - how would human kind come to evolve and learn new lessons in life for their future existence in a more perfect and pleasant world?
If we were to simply grab out of the grand warehouse of ruling loves and affections (Source) certain ruling loves and affections to place into the minds of each human being who would populate such a world - how would these ruling loves and affections ever change from moment to moment - day to day - year to year - and lifetime to lifetime? If different people did not constantly come into and out of your everyday lives how would new lessons and new levels of understanding ever be placed into the continuous evolving human mind - in a world where everything is always the same? For there is no human population that has ever found true peace and happiness - and contentment of life while living among those who are so similar in nature to actually agree in life on so many different points - and still find all humans of said world to be in complete agreement and happiness of life while such limits are placed on such a world.
For this reason such worlds have truly been duplicated and given complete freedom to live out to it's end their existence living among one another from one generation to the next. Such a world and reality will forever be made available to human beings who continue to reason at said levels so that they too may in fact come to understand why these levels of human existence do not maintain - and will eventually come to it's end for those who will indeed wish to move forward in their human evolution of change.
Because many of you have lived your lives in and on a world where it would appear that everyone is completely different in nature and life's principles at a level that appears to many to have caused the extinction of your world and reality many times over - but the truth is human kind has move past those age old illusions and weaknesses - and has finally moved forward to a level of rational and logical thinking which allows them to know and understand that human kind now has available and within their hands the ability to destroy their world many times over - which would result in the end of human kind destroying themselves - and this is where the masculine nature and principles of every human being comes to draw the line.
You have now evolved beyond said levels of thinking and understanding friends - and you are presently moving to a place of responsibility - where each of you will come to truly know and respect the fact that you are responsible for the world you live in - and it is you who will move past old service to self obstacles - and come to achieve a world where good and evil can truly live life one among the other.
There is nothing which originates from SOurce that is not both good and evil - depending on thew human being who draws on or attracts said affections into their daily lives. There is nothing good that is not evil as well - always depending on the ruling loves and affections it has attached to itself in life when it comes to the collective ruling loves and affections making up one human beings conscious life or another's. It is not possible to do away with evil without truly doing away with self - becasue in the eyes and understanding of one human or another every human being is found to be evil by someone. Our human host can verify this truth simply becasue he has tried in life many times to represent what others saw as good ruling loves or affections - and often found those others saw him as evil or harmful - a person who could not be trusted- and a person who looks on others with much judgment. So you see there is not one who is good - and yet all are good when given the proper circumstances and put in the necessary plane of life and existence among those who truly share a similar ruling love and affection in life.
Source could not limit one human being without also limiting Itself - which is why every human being must come to know they are Source - and it is they who each come to limit and place boundaries around the spheres of life they do not wish to enter into their own spheres of life. The world you each live in is the exact manifestation of the world you have chosen to live in at this present time and season - and you make said choices every new day of your existence with new duplicated realities that are ever changing from one now moment to the next - and each of you simply needs to remember that you are in the drivers seat - and it is you that attract humans of many different ruling loves and affections from places as far as the other side of your planet - and these people are moving in your directions directly proportional to the level in which you are attracting them by your life's intentions - both inner and outer.
You will find that once you move into a world and reality that appears to be paradise in your eyes and understanding - and according to your ruling loves and affections - that said world will grow to become tiresome or disagreeable to your ever changing ruling loves and affections - and because change will forever remain a part of your being what once was good and loving - and most presentable to your loves in life will all of a sudden become disheartening and without much pleasure. You are changing - you will forever continue to change - and until such time as you assume responsibility for yourself and come to truly know your original and true ruling loves and affections in life - you will make many changes according to your present ever changing state of mind - and will duplicate so very many realities in which they could very possibly place you in worse levels of your hell's than you have ever imagined.
Play time is over - childlike manifestations must come to an end - and school is about to be let out. Stop pretending to be someone you are not on a daily basis - and stop allowing the world around you to dictate the choices you make on a daily basis just to fit in or to acquire the things in life your fleshly desires also dictate for you to provide the flesh. When life began for each of you long ago - before time even - you all lived in paradise - you all lived among those who were just like you - and they had all the same ruling loves and affections that you had - but you began your physical existence ads empty vessels - as little children to be exact - and therefore you each and all acted and lived as little children.
You were never satisfied - you easily became bored with sticking with one task and often therefore would constantly move to another. You were never satisfied with those things you had and so you would take form the other children in order to please your own fleshly desires. You had all of the same things in life and still you were not content with your life becasue you constantly sought to have more and better than your counterpart - your friends - your family - and your many neighbors. Gradually you moved yourself out of this place of paradise and moved into a world and reality where the law and sin would abound.
You coveted that which was your neighbors - you forced yourself on another mans mate - you chose many mates for yourself and you caused man to hold power and rule over woman. You even killed for woman even in times when it required you to go against your own brothers. With the many sins came one human being wanting to rule over another - and when force no longer got it done the laws of mankind were enacted. The individual Godhead or Creative abilities of every individual human being was eventually lost - and replaced with rulers over kingdoms - greater forces would topple lesser forces - the stronger and more powerful would always most definitely strongarm the weaker - and harm - loss - and eventually the murdering of our brothers and sisters became common place.
The laws put in place were not there however to protect the innocent but rather to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful. Even mankind's laws- rules - and regulations became corrupt as human kind gradually moved down into the great abyss - better known as one's hell's. Gods were created in the minds of the innocent - causing them to fear the rulers and causing the rulers who were now rich and powerful to bring about organized religion. With more laws came more recognized sins - and what was once an innocent world of similar human beings becasue a corrupt and sleeping children who were lost in their own illusions -
and yet those children were the one's who gave up their creative abilities willingly becasue a world where the human flesh is not kept under self control - through self human responsibility - such a world ends often in the same abyss of human slavery.
You all have been given another opportunity to make it all right - to return to self responsibility - to return to the age of enlightenment - but Source would warn you all that just as the age of enlightenment comes in the twinkling of an eye so too does it go away again - and we begin our existence all over through this same process.
In other words many of you are in your season to move forward into a world and reality where good and evil can truly live among one another in equilibrium of life - as it is with Source - but in doing so all childlike beliefs of the past much be let go of - and all mistakes of the past must be remembered and realized for what they once brought to the human condition ---------- your lessons must be learned and remembered.
No matter how wonderful your world may appear when it comes to contentment of life and your own true happiness - no matter how much it comes to appear as paradise - keep in mind that all of this matters not if it is not maintained by responsible human Creator Sources.Peace does not exist outside of the perimeters of Self. Abundance does not exist outside of the perimeters of Self. Paradise does not exist outside of Self - and contentment of life does not exist outside of Self.
It matter not if one is surrounded by same or similar human beings - nor does it matter if one is surrounded by those who are different - at many levels in life - until you each take on your God responsibility - your Creator Source responsibilities - the outer (physical human) does not become as the inner ( Source). When one human accepts another human - whether the other human represent one's opinion of good or evil - they will achieve equilibrium - and harm and loss will no longer come to either ------- but this is something each of you will have to come to remember and know through many tests and trials of the human condition which is in each of you.
If you can accept one human being becasue he or she is similar or shares similar likes and dislikes what is that? However when you can accept a whole world of other selves no matter what their likes and dislikes - then you have found your way to becoming the self responsible Creator Source - and greater things no man - or woman has ever known.Where there is law there is sin - where there is sin there is law - and in the end it is you who receive both harm and loss toward your human host. With Sin and laws come right and wrong - and when one God chooses to rule over or place limits on another God the destiny for both is the same - but with the tables turned friends.
What has been responsible for taking you each out of your proverbial Garden of Eden is exactly what will be responsible for your return to same. You are each a little older and a little wiser - you can continue on in your present path of fleshly desires or you can use greater human reasoning and come to realize what is best for the collective human body - the world around you if you will - and come to understand what things best benefit human kind as a whole - and therefore put childlike beliefs behind you.
You have access to all and everything - yet many of you have in days gone by chosen to take what you did not know you already had - becasue the thought of sharing with your many neighbors was never an option for the child who had everything. There was never meant to be ownership and possession becasue what was offered up for the collective body was meant to be freely shared by the collective body. Because the child did not choose to use his or her abilities in life long ago to truly come to know self - the child chose to take from others - to become their God - and in this process what the child thought he or she had in his or her possession - even that was taken from them in the end.

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