Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #84

Countdown to an evacuation #84
How can we as a generation of humans who have lived in a world of an eye for an eye for so long come to close our eyes to those who carry out such horrific acts on our world today? How can one who has suffered murder - rape - or any other horrific offense in life first hand ever be expected to forgive those who have offended them so greatly? It may be easy for those who simply hear about those things being done to others - as this often allows us to understand forgiveness at a different level - one that does not hit home so much so as it does for those who have been offended first hand.
Imagine if you will however that there is a level of consciousness and understanding which allows one to know for a fact that the flesh does not live and therefore it cannot die - and that the soul or conscious self is all that resides within these human forms which goes on to exist and provide all and everything that is truly real or pure in the first place. Because we become attached and form a loving bond to the physical human forms that are nothing more than machines that succumb to the every whim or desire of our conscious selves in life most of the time we do not give proper attention to that which is truly real and conscious ( or alive).
In truth everything that is real resides within each of you - and the outer or material and physical world is nothing more than a schoolhouse to teach us that the physical form provides that separation of self in a manner which we often come to love the forms and not the spirits or souls which provide life to said forms. It is a given that as long as one is in the physical one will come to live and act like the physical and will therefore rationalize like the physical human being was forever meant to act and live his or her life in the physical.
Because we have chosen to live in and on a world where all the many separations of self are manifested in individual and separated forms - and becasue we still love those forms as if they were the real deal in life - we come to achieve and maintain a love for those separated forms of self. As long as we continue to live in a world where separation of self is made available in every manner we can possibly think of we will continue to live life according to the universal principles of said world and reality - and we cannot separate our feelings for said reality as long as our feelings are held for those forms or human hosts possessed by our true inner self
You have heard it said in your hold books that one cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven until he or she comes to hate their mother and father - their sister and brother - their aunt's - cousins - and all other relatives and friends in this world of total separation from self. Why would a book that is supposed to teach us greater human principles and wisdom in life come to speak of such things? Why would a book that is supposed to reflect wisdom to human kind come to tell us to hate anyone or anything in life?
It is becasue the flesh is your enemy in life and as long as the pleasures and desires of the flesh are at the top of ones daily list in their everyday life they will continue living their life and conscious existence in hell - or in a place that does not consider ones true ruling loves and affections in life. The flesh separates every time - as it separates the inner you in an outer manner and system. All understanding of the inner self is lost when one comes to live life according to those principles found only in separation and duality of our existence.
And so it goes - when the human form or any part of the human form that is considered one's loved ones or friends in life - is ever offended or receives harm or loss from another human being or form - the fleshly self kicks in and protects it's own - according to those in life we come to call our own - while we come to hate or separate in life from those who are not friends and loved ones. Often we choose to hide our being offended or drawn away from others through our many differences - but within we each know how the flesh works in this world - and we know that we are often found sizing people up - to see if we approve of them or not at first glance or when we first meet them.
So with of all of these friends and family members we sometimes share a love or friendship with in life - how do we come to accept all and everyone in life and forgive everyone their intended or mistakened offenses toward us in life - when we hold all these other human beings so dear to our hearts - and would lash out often in an instant if one were to offend them in any way?
To begin with have you heard of the fifth density human being - and have you heard me speak in days gone by that as the fifth density human there are no friends and loved ones when it comes to their outer expressions of themselves or our own self for that matter. Yes all of those humans out there in your physical world are your other selves - and in order to rid your life of slavery within the realms of the material and physical planes of third density all of these must be removed according to their material and physical manifested selves. Therefore when one now enters into the inner self or consciousness ( not the thinking mind or brain) within that reality there are no mothers - fathers- sisters - brothers- friends - neighbors - or any of the same.
Within the inner human mind of consciousness there is only you - and in this place understanding of all your other selves on the material and physical plane is so much easier to forgive and understand when you have first entered into your higher mind or consciousness for reflection on worldly matters. You come to know that what has been done cannot usually be reversed when it comes to the material and physical - and so those who offend - whether by mistake or on purpose in life - they can never take back what they have done to another - and punishment will never repair what has suffered loss or harm.
The inner or higher human knows that in every case there are basically two choices - either you forgive and move on - accepting all and everything as things which were meant to be or happen - or you take offense as many do - and you come to seek compensation in some form or manner for the loss you have felt for those you love who have been offended or violated in some way. If you lash out or seek the punishment of the one who was in violation or offended a friend or loved one - you will receive back what you have put out. It does not mean much to you at the time or in the moment - and so we often choose to suffer the outcome becasue we just cannot let go of what has been done - and so we proceed to seek punishment for those who were the offenders.
This my friends is a never ending battle as such situations or circumstances will constantly present themselves to you in life just as long as you continue to be offended and seek the punishment of others for their offenses - as you now become the offender even though you did not start this process to begin with - or so you believe. What comes to you and yours in life is a direct result of the life you live and the beliefs you each hold as you live your lives in this present world and reality. Think what you will and believe what you will believe - but in the end all the proof you will ever need is right there for each of us to witness.
When we kill another living or conscious creature - no matter what level of consciousness that creature represents in and on this world - we are murderers - and we therefore live a life and manifest a certain reality based on these principles and beliefs. Because many of us do not know of these principles in life the lessons are there to teach us - to allow us each to evolve spiritually according to how much or at what levels we truly wish to learn or evolve. When you seek the death penalty or you choose to be a part of a group of people who are responsible for one seeking the death penalty you are a murdered - as the principles of higher understanding do not allow one to go on believing that it is okay to kill a killer - as this is an eye for an eye - and it does not work in higher conscious human societies.
If you believe in war or you feed any system or belief that believes in or feeds actions of war then you are a murderer as well - and the circle of life will come back around to you every time - until you come to get it right - and see the errors of your ways. If you believe in money when it comes to buying and selling - owning and possessing something in life - you are a thief - becasue you take ownership of things in life which cannot be owned becasue everything does not belong to you it is you - and every human being - who is a part of you has equal right to everything that is something - and no ownership can be assigned to any part of self - causing further separation of self in life.
Because no one is guilty through their intentions in life if they do not know they have gone against universal principles - we are only responsible in life for our beliefs - or knowing - and our true intended purpose for all actions and words in life.We are forever held responsible for our true intentions according to our levels of belief or knowing -and according to our intentions of harm or loss carried out toward another self. Yes - you are responsible for what you know and how you apply in life that which you know.
Therefore I can tell you all anything I wish to tell you based on my truth - but if it does not ring true to you then you are not responsible for those truths or beliefs in what is real to you in life.As soon as understanding is provided you - and it all makes sense to you in the grand scheme of things - it is your choice whether or not you apply saids principles in your life or not - but you still hold responsibility for your knowing whether it is right or wrong. Then later comes levels of knowing that there is no such thing in life as right or wrong - as we create our own limitations based on our own levels of understanding.
It is not wrong to kill but according to the principles of attraction and separation if you kill you attract other forms who kill as well - at many different levels in fact - according to the lesson that is to be learned - and the extent to which you cause harm or loss to another in life. So every time you are offended in life or those friends or loved ones who suffer harm or loss and you choose to come to their rescue or seek recompense for their loss - you in turn will receive accordingly to your intentions.

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