Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #95

Countdown to an evacuation #95
I will be as clear as I can possibly be as I offer you each and all this message of hope while still bringing you all some taste of our present reality. Yes indeed it is my reality but is it not a given understanding to those who are the seekers that we attract that which vibrates and resonates at the levels in which we each and all presently hold? This is why some of you move in one direction today while others move in a completely different direction always based on the tiny little source within where your own vortex's begin their process of duplication of all potential and possibilities on this present plane of life.
That source for each of you is in fact you - and it is all of you from every little microscopic representation of self on up to the myriads and multitudes of macrocosms which represent that same self in this duplicated plane of your existence - as each and every potential and possibility you individually imagine as your own ruling loves and affections fed from within and manifested without at the extremities of your illusory vortex known as life.
In this sense none of you are any different than myself in that we all have our own individual source of who we are when we come to compare that part of us which is different from all the rest. However we were never intended to use those differences in order to separate ourselves from one another in life - but rather we have been destined from the very beginnings of the reality we have collectively duplicate - to come together as One body - one form - one collective - and one equal purpose.
So it goes that just as we have come together as a collective to duplicate and manifest this miserable state of our existence which is presently being reflected in and on our lane of life so to is it up to us to fix it - and never will there come to be an outside source that will fix it for us. Indeed it is very possible that other outside forces will come to be joined to our collective work and human society but they will not be holding the tools in their possession to make this world into anything other than what is their original purpose in life as well.
No one can come here and change what already is because they are not the creators of this world - and would only become visitors who live in and on a world other than what we see with our eyes and understanding based on what our present collective body has created in life. But this is not plain speaking for those who are not yet at this present level of understanding - and considering the state of our world as this collective - there are many today who do not yer get the big picture. Therefore I will attempt to be more plain or clear with my words.
You as a human being are nothing more than a grand vortex of potential and possibility - and that vortex which you yourself maintain in life is constantly sucking in all bodies - forms - and realities that resonate and are similar in life to your own. You are therefore a grand magnet of potential and possibility - and all that comes to be attracted to you as well as that which continues to be separated or repelled from your reality and human existence always depends of similarities at every level of your existence.
All things are you in every detail and they reside within your human vortex at one place or another. Within this vortex therefore you are always at the center - even when you are not aware you are at the center - and it is other selves or representations of you that have been continuously duplicated by you from eternity that are placed accordingly in your existence somewhere within your human vortex of life and existence - and have become your Book of Life so to speak.
Within this Grand Book of Life is all of your past and future memories whether conscious or unconscious - and you will forever be free to draw on any and all of these conscious and unconscious memories within this vortex - because just as you are at the center or point of this vortex where all truly has it's beginnings with you - so too do all things forever get sucked toward this center - and remain a part of you to eternity - so that you can draw on or attract any reality - body - and form within this vortex on in to eternity - and at any given time.
So when another human being - mattering not if they are of this world or another - comes to be a part of your reality whether they offer that which is beneficial or non - beneficial - you either accept and attract them - or you reject and separate from them continuously in life. All in all it is still always you that is in control of all things in your life - and it is you that brings all and everything toward your center - or you repel it away from your center. You are a magnet of great extremes - but you are so much more involved than a simple magnet which has been introduced to our world stage.
As I have stated in previous message the magnet works in a manner in which the positive and negative poles come to attract one another - while those poles that are similar - whether positive or negative come to repel one another. That is how a magnet works on this material and physical plane of our existence - because we live our lives constantly taking ourselves out of equilibrium of life - and we choose to spend much of our time on a day to day basis maintaining our reality in this manner.
As I stated earlier that we all actually reside at dead center of our vortex - known as zero point or in our simplest body and form we are always and forever maintaining equilibrium between our two opposite natures - human condition - and principles of life - but as soon as we begin to interact with our outer life and existence through our material and physical forms - we take ourselves out of equilibrium and more to the outer edges of this human vortex I speak of. At the outer edges of you vortex you as the human are therefore either of a positive or a negative polarity and nature - depending on what you represent at dead center or zero point of your vortex.
In other words if you are of a positive nature at zero point then you will be of a negative polarity and nature at the outer extremities of your vortex - or should I say at a point or place where you come to manifest in the material and physical world because you are now reflecting on and are conscious of the material and physical world - and immediately begin to interact with the material and physical of your outer nature and polarity. Whatever you are originally (which is something that can never change at zero point or the place of your origin) you attract the complete opposite once or immediately upon your incarnation into the material and physical.
One cannot be tried and tested ( that which makes each of us the more evolved human) if he or she is not approached by those forces which are their equal and opposite nature or principle in life. So you see if for some odd reason you were to leave equilibrium and attract to yourself the same polarity once you re- entered into the material and physical realms you would remain all and everything you ever were - and nothing could ever be added from and to eternity - but put the two polarities together and there is no potential or possibility that cannot be achieved by any human spirit or soul from and to eternity - and so your possibilities become endless.
Just look at it like this - you are consciousness and unconsciousness ( yes both) from and to eternity - and throughout the great expanse of consciousness and unconsciousness there is no space or place - but only infinity - the never ending realm of all potential and possibility. You are not within that realm and you are not of that realm - but you are that realm and there is nothing that is present or available that is not you. Therefore separation of "You" can only come about through separation and the one place of limitation within that realm of potential and possibility - and that one limitation or separation is the process of consciously or unconsciously separating that which is Infinite from that which is finite.
One therefore consciously manifests of - from - through - and for itself points throughout itself which represent every potential and possible ruling love and affection that could ever actually become a potential or possibility - and in this process they all must exist as unconscious re- creation or duplication on in to eternity - without end. Every point therefore you come to represent as your beingness or essence is one ruling love and affection or another - and they are all your Self - they are you - and when you become the one you can be connected or separated from all others at any given point in your eternal existence.
To do this your unconsciousness must kick in and you must use it to provide the many illusions of nothingness or non - existence of one ruling love and affection or many myriads of ruling loves and affections. Throughout eternity there is always and ever nothing more or less than you - and all other "you's." You can only maintain one level of consciousness within the human host and form - even though what appears as one level of consciousness is many levels. Since there is only you when considering the conscious self this means that all other selves are illusions or unconscious separations provided by you in order to live the present reality you seek to live and represent.
With that being the case when others come to you and wish to create- manifest - or duplicate a certain reality for you or in your place ( maybe fix your world and what is wrong with it) this is not a possibility - as in the end it is always you who conform to other realities outside of equilibrium and separate from you at a place of zero point or dead center of your human vortex. When others come into contact or interaction with you it is because something within their vortex and yours is similar at zero point - according to your ruling loves in life or they are opposite in nature to yourself at a material and physical level - and are therefore attracted to you so as to provide another level of trials or lessons for you in life - and it is up to you to either know they are lessons and come to accept and come to a conclusion to the lesson provided - or you can choose to repel said person and what they bring to the proverbial table - in which case the lesson is not learned - and it will be repeated again and again ( by you) until such time as you are capable of moving on to the next level in your spiritual evolution.
When you come to accept other outer forces ( other human beings of this world or another) to fix or change your world what they offer may often appear to be beneficial to you and your world - but you have not considered everything they come to represent in many cases - and while inviting angels so to speak you have invited devils as well - and now what appeared to be so beneficial was just window dressing and sugar coating so as to hide their true intentions. If they were so far advanced as to be able to come into your world and fix everything why would they have to come to your world to begin with - when they can create their own world of peace - prosperity - and heavenly bliss?
You have to always consider the point of why would others wish to help you if they are of another world or reality - when the awakened and higher human condition knows that we are all creators of our own realities - and that no involvement on one civilization with another is required at a higher level of our existence - and at a lower level we have come to see what is offered up by our neighbors.
Take me for example -- I have been given higher understanding or knowing of the human condition and the Source of all things - as well as the destiny of all things and I do not wish or choose to go to another world where the beings there are of a different nature and vibrational frequency - because for one I do not know their frequency or nature for sure - and I could be putting self into harms way as well as those beings of some other world. I do not know the collective ruling loves and affections of those on other worlds - nor do I know the individual ruling loves and affections which make up the collective population of such a world - and for me to attempt to fix something for them I would have to know what things are broken and what things are normal and predescribed lessons for the occupants of said world.
Now given that one human being cannot know the original ruling loves and affections of any other human being or being on world or off - how is it one human can ever fix that which is broken for another human or world of humans if he or she does not know the individual or collective bodies of that world? So what would happen if I were to venture on to another world or planet and attempt to take over or even fix something that appears broken? Whatever my intentions were for those people they would be met with equal and opposite intentions - because I will have left my state of equilibrium in life and I would become bound by the frequency of their planetary reality rather than becoming a benefit to it.
If some outside group or force is in fact stronger or more capable of warring against the rulers of our present world they would not be coming here to fight the rulers or to judge and punish them for their past offenses toward human kind - but their intentions would be of a more positive nature for all - and thoughts or intentions of any violence or aggression would be out of the question. Those who possess a higher knowing also know that violence cannot be met with violence - nor can a peaceful and loving race or group of humans involve themselves with a world that is opposite to their nature. That is why those who make the mess must be the ones to take on a change of heart and commence to cleaning it up themselves - as is the case for all beings throughout the known duplicated universe and beyond.
No one could possible come here and turn our world into a virtual heaven on earth and just leave and expect it to be maintained as heaven on earth once they had removed themselves form our world. Neither can they remove people from our world and take them to a place of peace and abundance on some other world as the people who would submit to this type of fix are still children at heart and they have not completed the lessons of life they were scheduled to receive and learn. All in all we can come up with so very many reasons why we must be the ones to make this world a better place for all to live in and on - but in the end it is you that must come to know and understand the reasoning behind the words we share.
We as a generation have been trained to believe we need some savior to fix what we have broken - and that in this process we need forgiveness and love to replace it all - but who is offering understanding of how someone else is going to change the heart condition of a single human being until he or she is prepared to do that themselves? No matter what is broke and what comes to be fixed or repaired it must forever be maintained - or all things come to return to what they once were - and history is destined to repeat itself on and on to eternity.
When the Grand and Universal design of human principles for all and every potential and possible reality was put into place it did not have a beginning point - time- or season - and so those beginnings had to and have to be manifested by the unconscious minds who continue to reside at lower levels of human consciousness from and to eternity.Another was never intended to come along and be a fix it all subject for another human spirit or being from time eternal - because those who fix what another has caused to be broken become their God - and it is not until we move beyond the understanding of Gods that we come to understand that the universe is an evolving essence and being that once it comes to a space and place where it can fix it's own problems it no longer has to depend or rely on the existence of another being to come to it's rescue - and all things return to equilibrium and complete agreement of things potential and possible in life - and there are no more thing getting broken.
We realize that many of you today are not prepared to repair the many mistakes of human kind on your world - and many do not even know that the mistakes are their own - and because they believe others have made them they also believe others can fix them - when the whole truth of the matter is that there is only you
You bring the bodies together in their time - season - and proper places so as to bring the puzzle together that has been completely separated and disconnected from all it's other pieces.
Every reality you have imagined as potential and possibility you have created or duplicate throughout your macrocosm of microcosms - for you - but in this process you did not know there were so very many other you's or selves - and so you lived life in service to self - and manifested life for all other in service to self who in turn attracted that which they did not want from what you created.Still it is all your doing and it is you who will fix it all - once you come to your season of awakening and putting all the puzzle pieces back together form a place where you have separated them all in a myriad of lifetimes as other representations of self.
We offer you an idea - starting today begin your everyday life no longer conforming to the outer forces of your life( other humans and their ideas and opinions) and begin living your life for the things of your hearts desires. As this is not an easy thing when one has been accustomed to doing the things in life that fit the reality they presently live in we suggest you begin small - and build up to becoming the person in life you truly wish to be - not fearing or doubting what others may think of you - or the negative consequences of your words and actions any longer.
As you grow and become accustomed to following your heart or gut feelings come to add new ideas to your life and actions - and keep in mind that all and everything ends in the benefit of human kind as a collective body - and what you may think is of a negative nature based on the present world system of today - know in your heart that it will have a positive outcome. When you are able to let go of old things and old ways of the present system do so - and try new things all the time that conform to your own hearts guidance in life.
Know in your heart that you are the only creator of your world - and know that things you wish for presently and hope to make up your many tomorrow's will come to you in their season - and not instantly - because one timeline must enlign itself with other timelines in order to bring things to you in your present timeline you are living in according to your present chosen life experiences. You have been bound to a life being lived outside of equilibrium - and as long as you remain outside of equilibrium of life you manifest those things others want you to manifest - and then they make them a part of their reality simply by duplicating them again and again - constantly.
So we say stop creating for them and create for you - and in the end the collective of the world around you will benefit by your actions and intentions. Why?Because you iwll have returned to equilibrium each and every time you draw from hearts center - and at hearts center or zero point all things are in agreement and what one manifests for self one manifests for all selves. As you grow in consciousness all of this will become more and more clear to you - and as your intentions grow so will your understanding.
And now we leave you to ponder these things ----

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