Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #53

When the student becomes the teacher!
Countdown to an evacuation #53

Just as human spirits enter into our physical dimension of mass and matter knowing absolutely nothing but things consisting of instinct ( born with unconscious actions and reactions) very little in known in a conscious manner - and what is known in a conscious manner is lost so very quickly - given that a human new born lives their every passing moment in the now moments until such time or season as mom and dad begin to lead them down a path into time and space.

What this means is that every human new born requires in life the education that is required of every physical human being upon their incarnation in to this present world and reality.Everything in said reality needs to be learned becasue those who take on the responsibility of rearing a new born human child have inherited this understanding form those who brought them up in this present world as well. Little does the physical human know that nothing really needs to be learned but simply experienced.

Yes - everything needs only to be experienced by every human entering into this present world and then everything would simply take it's course if it were not for the process of human intervention of an unconscious manner as well.Now some would say not in such an unconscious manner as that of a small child - but they would be incorrect - given that the adult human being knows very little in comparison to a new born entering into your world at this day - let alone in days gone by.

Some would indeed say that they are uneducated compared to others on your world today - while others would come to state that they are levels above the average human being because of the education provided them from humans who have previously entered your world - so who is correct - or is either correct for that matter? It all boils down to the fact that physical humans becasue of separation from the collective consciousness come to live their lives according to individual or separated levels of consciousness - and what this means is that physical humans believe that whatever knowing they possess - such knowing is all they will ever possess up to the day they exit their physical world in death - simply becasue they believe what is known must be learned - and so they never consider the fact that all is known in higher places of the human mind - and all that truly needs done is for one to remember.

But how does one come to remember? We will get to that later on - but let us continue with our subject for the moment.

When a human being is born into the physical realm all that they take on as assumed knowledge or understanding in life is always based on what another who came before them tells them to be actual truth or adult understanding.Such as the fact that a young human child of adolescent years would not in most cases know that when certain animals are born that they have to be severed from the mothers umbilical cord so that they can cease from taking their vital life sustenance from within the mother and begin taking such things from the outer world where the mother is of a physical nature and has taken on another form the infant has never seen before.

Many things in physical life are simply assumed that they have to be taught - at least as far as the levels of understanding go with physical humans becasue they do not know that every human is placed on this world in a situation where he or she can choose either to accept what others have experienced in life as their truths or they can move forward when they are capable of their own doing - in experiencing and taking on their own beliefs and levels of knowing from what they alone have experienced and remembered in life. However those who came before them - who have a limited level of conscious knowing do not allow this becasue they accept the positions of acting as Gods for all other Gods who enter into the world of physicality accepting these same lower levels of human understanding.

Now - there is a new generation of human being born into your world - and yet they are not of your world.This new human comes with the understanding that everything having to do with the present world they have entered into is wrong and out of place - and so rather than accepting said world as it is offered to them they choose to do away with all previous education provided by previous generations and start from scratch.This generation of human knows they much start from scratch because they know that whatever fruit is represented by physical manifestation comes to represent that foundation and root which gave it it's beginning - and what is responsible for the beginning of a thing is responsible for all things which come afterward - with all things forms from the root are in the image of of said root.

With that said your world was fashioned by a masculine God that was in separation from His feminine - simply becasue it had to be this way in order to form your world and reality. Without your world and reality there could never have been other worlds - other realities - and there could not in fact have ever been the spiritual and Celestial realms. And so it goes that all realms of existence were formed and fashioned in the same moment.It all had to take place in a single now moment - and yet it is taking place presently - now - even as we speak - once again.

Yes - what was in the beginning is now - and what will come was in the beginning - as there is no separation from that which was created and that which is to become created - given that there is no actual creation but only duplication of that which has always been.Each of you therefore is a Creator Source that can duplicate anything you wish simply by knowing you have the ability and resources to do so.Still you can never receive this knowing from being provided an education from human beings in a world where knowing is so very limited becasue human kind still believes all things must be learned through the teachings of those who were infested with a virus to begin with.

We say human kind has been infected with a virus becasue that which is the natural state of human collective consciousness is not natural for the human who is not connected to the collective consciousness - and while the human is disconnected he or she is assumed to be healthy and normal when in fact he or she is the invading and unhealthy virus becasue one is not considered normal if one is different.Within the collective consciousness all are different and yet all are service as their part - use- or purpose toward the Collective One - the Whole Body of Self.

So in your world to be different is abnormal while in our world to be different is normal and is not separation - nor does it ever require separation. In your world a virus is killed off while in our world it is brought into equilibrium where there is an agreement reached between the body and the one that did not wish to become a part of the body in days gone by.In your world human beings must conform to the rules and laws of the strongman or the ruling powers - while in our world all are in complete agreement to provide use and purpose in a way that perfect unity of the body is not only achieved but maintained as well.

In a world where separation exists rulers and slaves exist. In a world where sickness and disease are made possible and probable the invading virus is often covered up or hidden for the benefit of the ruling powers of your world. In our world there never has to be a virus because there is no separation of one form the other and all are welcome to be or become One with the Body.There is no sickness and disease in our world becasue everything is in it's space and place - and perfect unity of the body is maintained for the good and benefit of all.

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