Facebook chat ------ and The New World Society by Daniel ---

My other blog the Oneness Society

Message to those who are awakening!

Until we all as a collective of One ( smaller Oneness group or larger) come to think - speak - and act in contrast and equilibrium we are not going to achieve what we are looking for. There are still too many people who are either lashing out in fear or doubt as to what anothers position in this thing is and they are not yet prepared to accept contrast for what it is. In order to achieve we need that equilibrium and we are not going to get it by pushing away those in opposition to our message. I have already been to many Facebook chats and what not where the contrast and equilibrium is not permitted and the ones in opposition are continuously booted. That will not achieve our goal as this is not unconditional love but conditional love. If the opposition is going to reflect the conditional love we have to reflect the unconditional love and accept all opinions. Please pass this message along to all and everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Countdown to an evacuation #57

The more you let go of the more you will speed up ---
Countdown to an evacuation #57

In our last transmission we were speaking of timelines and dimensions - and why you are each in the present timeline and dimension you now reside in and on.

Just as every human has access to each and every potential and possible reality through the grand warehouse of somethings he or she has access to through their different levels of knowing and understanding of their true Selves - he and she also has access to all nothings - and without this access one could not live the many illusions in life of change - motion - and shades of grey found within the sphere of light and darkness. We realize many of you do not place much importance on the darkness at this day but we urge you all to reconsider that the darkness is just as important to you as is the light.

Have you ever truly wondered how the many illusions of change come about in your everyday life? Have you ever wondered how the illusion of motion came to be in a world where nothing truly moves - and nothing actually changes but the frequency of your many personal vibrations - including the vibrations of all forms which make up your present illusory world. Many of you have a good idea of how fast a minute can pass by - and many of you know how fast a second can pass by - and you can even narrow it down to certain levels in milliseconds. Still those frequencies of measuring time in and on your world are based on objects or forms that are moving in and out of time and not time so slow that what is understood and lived as a second to you is understood and lived as days even to those who reside in timelines with a vibration or frequency so fast that they could probably read a good book in the time it takes you to sneeze.

As we stated previously each of you is presently moving into a reality of somethings and out into another reality of nothings simultaneously so fast that your present human mind at it's present frequency or vibration cannot even grab on to other realities you enter into because they have come and gone in the time it takes you to think a single thought - and much less even.Therefore if one's vibration were to pick up - and one was able to vibrate at a much higher rate of change from something - ness to nothingness then many other somethings would be reflected upon by you that is otherwise seen as nothingness becasue your frequency of moving from one state of mind to another is limited by your low rate of vibration within your present timeline and dimension of life.

When one is more attached to the material world of somethings he or she is less attached to that realm of existence that represents the nothingness - or let us say somethings which vibrate at such great frequencies that they can only be seen or understood as nothing because one does not have sufficient levels of time increments in order to latch on to higher frequencies or vibration realities.

In other words there are realities out there that vibrate at much higher rates than your own because they do not attach themselves to those vibrations that slow their frequency down and place them in a plane of reality where their atoms or smaller parts are moving much slower - in a way that more now moments are spend reflecting on one's material and physical world and self than is spent on the things beneficial to the One or Whole Self - the collective Human in other words.

When one reflects on their physical self in other words rather than on their inner spiritual self - one is limited in life by lower thoughts and feelings - and their every day worries that go along with physical existence - and living life for the flesh and the ways of the world. Whatever you reflect on through your thoughts therefore this is where your vibration energies are spent - in a way that for every cycle or vibration one has in life it is focused on something - and leaves less room for those nothing moments where alternate worlds or planes of existence can be reflected upon by the rate of one's vibrations and their becoming more frequent.

We see our host is having a bit of difficulty in explaining this in simple terms so we will look at it in another way.

There is a rate of vibration or frequency that every human comes to move in their physical forms - as well as all the offshoots made up by their human conscious interaction with their outer world. Every human being vibrates at a speed or frequency correspondent to their level of attachment to the material and physical world they live in. Because of their levels of attachment to lower human principles some come to be greatly attached and truly love those things offered in their present physical world and reality based on how complete their ruling loves and affections are provided for in life - while others often feel they do not fit in such a world - and would like nothing else but to leave such a world one day.

Those who do not therefore love the principles of the present reality you all share today vibrate at a higher rate or frequency than those who actually love what is lived and offered by your present world. Those who do not love the things of your world choose other things in life to fill their time and in so doing they draw themselves to higher vibrational realities and forms which make up their present world which only appears to be the same world lived in by those of lower vibrations. The reason it appears this way often is becasue both groups of humans share more in common or similar than they do not.

Still it is a truth that the more one loves the life and principles this present world offers them on an every day basis the lower their vibration will slow while they continue to maintain all things that provide them happiness and pleasure in this present world - as they tend not to leave their present timeline and dimension of life as often. It is a constant action in the life of the human to vibrate in and vibrate out - moving form their present timelines and dimension of life to another timeline and dimension of life - with more time focused on the world and reality - or timeline and dimension - that best provides for their happiness and contentment of life at any given moment in life - and can last for as long as one chooses to hold a certain vibration or frequency similar or the same.

Because of this certain spans of one's consciousness are spent in the timeline and dimension they love most while less of their life or moments of life are spent in those timelines and dimension they do not know of or understand - or simply do not choose to remain in becasue they do not presently provide for one's true ruling loves and affections in life. In this way one always has the choice to connect with the light ( masculine principles) or the dark ( also masculine principles) and no matter which one chooses in life - in every new now moment - he or she is still being guided in life by masculine principles - and their vibration and frequency will not speed up much when choosing light over dark - but will remain basically the same with minor higher vibrations because one tends to move toward love when seeking the light.

Remember however that no matter if one is in love or in hatred in life one is still in separation from their corresponding counterpart - and therefore remains in the same timeline and dimension of life where separation of the two ( light and dark) remain as a life's lesson. Therefore as the mindset of separation is gradually put off one's vibrations and frequency raises and other timelines and dimensions of life are then explored.The vibration back and forth between all things something and all things nothing is a rate that changes very little for the human bound by the material and physical plane - but it does speed up as one takes on higher levels of understanding and knowing in life.

As it is one spends more time in a world of somethings based on their attachment to said reality and less time in their world of nothings based on their wished to try new things or to imagine greater potential and possibilities in life on an every day basis.

We will continue our subject in our next transmission as there is more to discuss on this present subject.

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